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Maltese Laws |
(Facilities for Enforcement) ORDINANCE*
To facilitate the enforcement in Malta of Maintenance Orders made in England or Northern Ireland or in other parts of Her Majesty’s Dominions and vice versa. †
(8th April, 1921)‡
Enacted by ORDINANCE V of 1921 as amended by Emergency Ordinance XV of 1958; Ordinances: XXI of 1960 and XXV of 1962; Legal Notice 46 of 1965; Act LVIII of 1974; Legal Notice 148 of 1975; Act XXIV of 1995; and Legal Notice 181 of 2006.
(Facilities for Enforcement) Ordinance.
(a) the expression "certified copy" in relation to an order of a court means a copy of the order certified by the proper
officer of the court to be a true copy;
(b) the expression "dependants" means such persons as that person is, according to the law in force in the part of
Her Majesty’s Dominions in which the maintenance order was made, liable to maintain;
(c) the expression "maintenance order" means any judgment or order for the periodical payment of sums of money
towards the maintenance of the wife or other dependants of the person against whom the order is made;
(d) the expression "prescribed" means prescribed by rules of court.
Short title. Interpretation.
*By article 18 of the Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act, Cap. 242, this Ordinance was repealed. That article, however, was to come into force on a date or dates to be fixed by notice in the Gazette. By three separate notices (L.N. 48 of
1975, L.N. 153 of 1977, and L.N. 44 of 1978) the said article 18 was brought into force but only with respect to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, the Commonwealth of Australia and Gibraltar. The Ordinance is therefore still in force with respect to Bermuda.
Although, therefore, the Ordinance has been reproduced in its original form, as
amended, and still includes references to England, Northern Ireland and other parts of
H.M’s Dominions, these refere nces are now to be construed as limited only to
Berm uda. Moreover, the Ordinance as a whole must be read in the light of the
†See Order-in-Council of the 27th of June, 1921 published in Malta by Government
Notice No. 199 of the 22nd of July, 1921
‡See Proclamation No. II of 1921.
Enforcement in Malta of maintenance orders made in England or Northern Ireland or in other parts of Her Majesty’s Dominions. Amended by: L.N.46 of 1965; LVIII.1974.68;
L.N. 148 of 1975; XXIV.1995.360.
Transmission of maintenance orders made in Malta. Amended by:
L.N. 46 of 1965; LVIII. 1974.68.
Power to make provisional orders of maintenance against persons resident in England or Northern Ireland or in other parts of Her Majesty’s Dominions. Amended by:
L.N. 46 of 1965; LVIII. 1974.68;
L.N. 181 of 2006.
(2) The evidence of any witness who is examined on any such application shall be put into writing, and such deposition shall be
read over to and signed by him, o r, if he cann o t si gn , by t h e Registrar of the Court.
(3) Where such an order is made, the court shall send to the President of Malta for transmission to the Secretary of State or to
the Governor of such other part of Her Majesty’s Dominions, as the case may be, the depositions so taken and a certified copy of
the order, t oget h er with a statement of the grounds on which the making of the order might have been opposed if the person against
whom t h e order is made had be en duly served wi th a sw orn applica tion and had appeared at the hearing, a nd such other information
as the court possesses for facilitating the identification of that person, and ascertaining his whereabouts.
(4) Where any such provisional order has come before a court i n Engl an d or No rth e rn Irelan d or in any o t her part of Her
M a jest y’s D o m i n i o n s to wh ic h thi s O r d i n a nc e ex ten d s fo r
confirmation, and the order has by that court been remitted to the court which made t h e order for the purpose of taking furth e
r evidence, that court shall, a fter giving the prescribed notice to applicant, proceed to take the evidence in like manner and subject
t o li ke co nd it io ns as th e ev id en ce in su pp or t of th e o r ig in al application. If, upon the hearing of such evidence,
it appears to the court that the order ought not to have been made, the court may rescind the order, but in any other case the depositions
shall be sent t o t h e Presi d en t o f Malt a an d d e alt with in li ke man n er as the original depositions.
(5) The confirmation of an order made under this article shall not affect the power of the court to vary or rescind that order:
Provided that on the making of a varying or rescinding order the court shall send a certified copy thereof to the President
of Malta f o r tran sm ission to the Secretary of S t ate or to the Governor of such other part of Her Majesty’s Dominions, as
the case may be, and that, in the case of an order varying the original order, the order shall not have any effect unless and until
confirmed in like manner as the original order.
(6) The applicant may appeal against a refusal to make a provisional order by an application filed in the Court of Appeal
within ten days from su ch refusal and the provisions of t h is Ordinance shall apply to that court for the purposes of such appeal.
(2) A sworn application so issued may be served in Malta in the same manner as if it has been originally issued by a court having
jurisdiction in the place where the person happens to be.
(3) At the hearing it shall be open to the person on whom the sworn application was served to raise any defence which he might
have raised in the original proceedings had he been a party thereto, but no other defence, and the certificate from the court which
made the provisional order stating the grounds on which the making of the order might have been opposed if the person against whom
the order was made had been a party to the proceedings, shall be co ncl u si ve ev idence that those grounds are gro unds on whi
c h objection may be taken.
Power of Civil Court, First Hall, to confirm maintenance orders made outside Malta.
Amended by: L.N. 46 of 1965; LVIII. 1974.68; L.N. 148 of 1975; XXIV. 1995.360; L.N. 181 of 2006.
(4) If at the hearing the person served with the sworn application does not appear, or, on appearing, fails to
satisfy the co urt that th e order o ugh t no t t o be confirm e d, th e court may confirm the order either without any modification
or with such modifications as to the court, after hearing the evidence, may seem just.
(5) If the person against whom the sworn application was issued appears at the hearing and satisfies the court that, for
the purpose of any defence, it is necessary to remit the case to the court whic h made th e provisional orde r for the taking of
any further evidence, the c o urt may so re mit the cas e and adjourn the proceedings for the purpose.
(6) Where a provisional order has been confirmed under this article, it may be varied and rescinded in like manner as if it had
originally been made by the confirming court, and where, on an application for rescission or variation, the court is satisfied that
it is necessary to remit the case to the court which made the order for the purpose of taking any further evidence, the court may
so remit the case and adjourn the proceedings for the purpose.
(7) Where an order has been so confirmed, the person bound thereby shall have the right to appeal against the confirmation of the
order by an application to be filed within ten days from the date of such confirmation, to the Court of Appeal, and the provisions
of this Ordinance shall apply to that court for the purposes of such appeal.
Power of the President of Malta to make regulations facilitating communications between courts. Amended by:
XV. 1958.44; XXV. 1962.4;
L.N. 46 of 1965; LVIII.1974.68.
Manner of enforcing orders.
Cap. 12.
(2) Every such order shall be enforceable in like manner and with the same means as if the order were one of the executive titles mentioned in article 253 (a) of the Code of Organization and Civil Procedure.
Application of the provisions of the Code of Organization and Civil Procedure. Cap. 12.
9. Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance the provisions of the Code of Org a nization and Civil Procedure shall apply to p r ocee di ng s u nd er t hi s Ordi na nce an d th e po wer to m ak e ru le s under article 29 of that Code shall
include the power to make rules
regulating the procedure of the court under this Ordinance*.
*See Government Notice No. 422 of the 28th of October, 1927.
(2) The President of Malta may by proclamation extend this Ordinance to any British Protectorate, and when so extended this Ordinance shall apply as if any such Protectorate was a part of Her Majesty’s Dominions to which this Ordinance extends.
Proof of documents signed by officers of court.
Depositions to be evidence.
Extent of Ordinance. Amended by: XV.1958.44; XXV.1962.4; L.N. 46 of 1965; LVIII.1974.68.
(a) name a person in lieu of himself as the person by whom maintenance orders may be transmitted to, and to whom maintenance
orders may be transmitted by, the Governor of any part of Her Majesty’s Dominions outside England and Northern Ireland named
in the order (or, where there is in force an order under this article naming a person in lieu of the Governor of that part of
Her Majesty’s Dominions as aforesaid, that person); and
(b) name a person, in lieu of the Governor of any part of Her Majesty’s Dominions outside England and Northern Ireland
named in the order, as the person to whom maintenance orders may be transmitted by, and by whom maintenance orders may be transmitted
to, the President of Malta (or, where there is in force in respect of that part of Her Majesty’s Dominions as aforesaid
an order under paragraph (a) of this subarticle, the officer named in that order).
(2) An order under subarticle (1) may name a person by reference to the public office which he holds and such an order
sh all be deem ed to name all persons successively holding that o f fice wh il e the o r der remain s in force and shall be of
for c e accordingly.
(3) Any person purporting to act in any office by reference to wh ich a person is named in an or der under this arti cle shall
be presumed duly to hold that office until the contrary is proved.
Provision for transmission of maintenance orders.
Added by: XXI.1960.2. Amended by: L.N.46 of 1965; LVIII. 1974.68.
(4) (a) Any maintenance order transmitted by or to a person named in an order under article (1)(a ) shall for the purposes of this Ordinance be deemed to have been transmitted to or by the President of Malta, and
(b) any maintenance order transmitted by or to a person named in an order under article (1)(b ) shall for the purposes of this Ordinance be deemed to have been transmitted to or by the Governor of that part of Her Majesty’s
Dominions outside England and Northern Ireland named in that order.
(5) In this article the term "maintenance order" includes a provisional maintenance order.
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URL: http://www.worldlii.org/mt/legis/laws/mofeo48c587