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The Disposal Of Government Land (Amendment) Act, 2004 (Bill No.34)

A BILL introduced by the Honourable Tonio Borg, M.P., Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Justice and Home Affairs, and read the First time at the Sitting of the

18th October, 2004.

AN ACT to amend the Disposal of

Government Land Act, Cap.



Skrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati


Clerk of the House of Representatives

C 789



Att biex jemenda l-Att dwar it-Trasferiment ta’ Artijiet tal-Gvern, Kap. 268.

IL-PRESIDENT bil-parir u l-kunsens tal-Kamra tad-Deputati, imlaqqg[a f’dan il-Parlament, u bl-awtorità ta’ l-istess, [are; b’li;i dan li ;ej>-
1. It-titolu fil-qosor ta’ dan l-Att hu Att ta’ l-2004 li jemenda l- Att dwar it-Trasferiment ta’ Artijiet tal-Gvern, u g[andu jinqara u jiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar it-Trasferiment ta’ Artijiet tal- Gvern, hawnhekk i]jed ‘il quddiem imsejja[’ “l-Att prinçipali”.
2. L-artiklu 3 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>- (a) fis-sub-artiklu (1) tieg[u, il-paragrafi (b), (ç), (d), u (e)
g[andhom ji;u enumerati mill-;did b[ala l-paragrafi (ç), (d), (e) u
(f) rispettivament<
(b) minnufih wara paragrafu (a) tas-sub-artiklu (1) tieg[u, g[andu jid[ol dan il-paragrafu ;did li ;ej>
“ (b) wara avvi] ta’ bejg[ b’irkant skond ma ji;i pubblikat fil-Gazzetta g[ar-rigward tal-proprjeta’ li tkun ser ti;i trasferita>
I]da l-Ministru responsabbli g[all-artijiet jista’ b’regolamenti jistabbilixxi l-mod u l-proçedura kif g[andu jsir bejg[ bl-irkant b[al dak<”<



Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 3 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

C 790

}jieda ta’ Skeda.

(ç) minflok is-subartiklu (c) kif mibdul, g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“ (c) skond il-“policy” applikabbli g[all-art li jkun hemm il-[sieb li tigi trasferita, kif muri fl-iskeda ma’ dan l- Att li tista’ tinbidel b’rizoluzzjoni tal-Kamra tad-Deputati.”
(d) is-sub-artiklu (2) tieg[u jigi sostitwit b’dan li ;ej>
“ (2) Ri]oluzzjoni tal-Kamra tad-Deputati li tg[addi g[all-iskopijiet tal-paragarfi (d) u (e) tas-subartiklu (1) tibqa’ fis-se[[ g[al ]mien sena mill-;urnata li fiha tg[addi, i]da kull ri]oluzzjoni b[al dik tista’ ti;;edded b‘ri]oluzzjoni jew ri]oluzzjonijiet o[ra li jsiru wara g[al perijodu ie[or ta’ sena.”
(e) fis-sub-artiklu (4) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “fil-paragrafu
(ç)” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “fil-paragrafu (d)”.
3. Minnufih wara l-artiklu 5 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andha ti]died l-Iskeda il-;dida li ;ejja>
(Artiklu 3)
C 791

Policy dwar it-Trasferiment ta‘ Art tal-Gvern

1. F’dan id-dokument il-kliem‘art’ u‘trasferiment’ g[andhom l-istess tifsira mog[tija lilhom mill-Att ta’ l-1976 dwar it-trasferiment ta’ Artijiet tal-Gvern< u kull riferenza g[al ‘art tal-gvern’ jew ‘bini tal-gvern’ tinkludi riferenza g[al art jew bini amministrat mill-Gvern.
2. Il-ka]i li fihom l-art tal-Gvern tista’ ti;i ttrasferita skond il-policy mi;bura f’dan id-dokument huma b’]ieda mal-kazi li fihom art tal-Gvern tista’ tigi ttrasferita skond il-paragrafi (a), (ç), (d) u (e) tas-subartiklu (1) ta’ l-Artiklu 3 ta’ l-imsemmi Att.
Trasferiment b’titolu ta’ bejg[ jew fidi
3. Art tal-Gvern tkun tista’ tinbieg[ jew id-dirett dominju perpetwu jew temporanju gravanti fuqha jkun jista’ jinfeda jekk dik l-art tikkonsisti fi flats jew djar li ji;u offruti permezz ta’ avviz pubbliku biex jinxtraw jew jinfdew minn min joqg[od fihom ta[t il-kundizzjonijiet li ji;u murija f’dak l-avvi].
Trasferiment b’titolu ta’ enfitewsi
4. Art tal-gvern tkun tista’ ti;i ttrasferita b’titolu ta’ enfitewsi>-
(a) jekk tikkonsisti f’art li ti;i offruta biex ti;i ]viluppata ta[t xi ‘Home Ownership Scheme’ permezz ta’ avvi] pubbliku li jkun fih il-kundizzjonijiet ta’ l-g[oti u l-mod kif issir l-g[a]la ta’ min joffri<
(b) jekk tikkonsisti f’art li ti;i mog[tija g[all-pro;ett industrijali wara li l- applikant ikun issodisfa lill-Gvern dwar il-benefiççju li l-pro;ett jag[ti lil- ekonomija tal-pajji] u li n-numru ta’ impjiegi li jo[loq huwa adegwat<
(ç) jekk tikkonsisti f’art li ti;i mog[tija g[al [amsa u g[oxrin (25) sena g[all-bini ta’ kjosks skond pjanti approvati mill-Awtorità ta’ l-Ippjanar, lil dawk il-persuni li fl-1996 kienu fil-pussess ta’ permess validu mid-Dipartiment ta’ l- Artijiet biex joperaw kjosk f’din l-istess lokalità.
5. Konçessjonijiet enfitewtiçi mg[otija ta[t ‘Home Ownership Schemes’ fl- img[oddi g[al ]mien stabbilit, jistg[u jinbidlu g[al enfitewsi perpetwa.
Trasferiment b’titolu ta’ kiri
6. Art tal-Gvern tkun tista’ ting[ata b’kiri>-
C 792
(a) jekk tikkonsisti f’bini gdid (li ma jkunx bini g[all-u]u kummerçjali) li
jing[ata fuq sistema ta’ punti wara avvi] pubbliku li jindika, g[all-anqas b’mod
;enerali, il-kriterji li fuqhom issir l-allokazzjoni tal-punti<
(b) jekk tikkonsisti f’bini qadim (li ma jkunx g[all-u]u kummerçjali) li jing[ata skond il-mertu tal-ka] lil min ikun fuq il-kotba tad-Dipartiment tal-Gvern responsabbli g[al hekk<
(ç) jekk tikkonsisti f’fabbrika li ting[ata g[all-pro;ett industrijali wara li l-applikant ikun issodisfa lill-Gvern dwar il-benefiççji li l-pro;ett jag[ti lil- ekonomija tal-pajji] u li n-numru ta’ impjiegi li jo[loq huwa adegwat<
(d) jekk tikkonsisti f’art agrikola li ting[ata bi qbiela lil min ikun qed ja[dimha, ukoll jekk ma jkollux titolu g[aliha<
(e) jekk tikkonsisti f’art li ti;i allokata direttament> (i) lil riçevitur tal-lottu<
(ii) lill-persuna li tkun [ar;et minn darha jew minn post ie[or okkupat minnha g[an-negozju jew g[al xi u]u iehor ikun x’ikun, u jew tkun ;iet im;ieg[la to[ro; mill-Gvern g[al xi skop pubbliku jew tkun [ar;et g[ax il- post ikun perikolu]<
(f) jekk tikkonsisti f’bini (kompri]a art aççessorji g[alih) li jing[ata prinçipalment g[al u]u kummercjali speçifiku li jista’ jsir biss ta[t liçenzja ma[ru;a mill-Gvern g[al dak l-u]u ta[t li;i speçjali<
(g) jekk tikkonsisti f’fond kummerçjali li ti;i allokata direttament mill- Gvern b’kiri ;did lil dawk l-ulied jew ulied l-ulied, illi favur tag[hom ikun irrinunzja l-inkwilin preçedenti (u biss jekk dan ikun g[alaq l-eta ta’ wie[ed u sittin sena). Il-kera tal-fond tkun iffissata fuq ba]i tal-kera tal-kirja preçedenti mi]juda b’g[axra fil-mija g[al kull perjodu ta’ g[axar snin u#jew parti minnhom li jkunu g[addew minn meta l-a[[ar ;iet stabbilita l-kera tal-kirja preçedenti.
(h) jekk tikkonsisti f’fond kummerçjali mikri minn sena g[al sena, li fil- passat kien mog[ti b’titlu ta’ kera g[al perjodu determinat ta’ aktar minn sena, lill-istess inkwilin. Il-Kirja tal-fond ting[ata lill-istess inkwilin, ta[t il- kundizzjonijiet tat-titlu ori;inali, [lief g[al kera li ti;i stabbilita mill-;did, b’dan i]da li l-ebda kirja ma tkun g[al perjodu ta’ aktar minn [mistax (15) -il sena.
Servitujiet, encroachments u permessi o[ra
7. Ikunu jistg[u jin[olqu servitujiet u drittijiet o[ra simili fuq art tal-Gvern kull meta dawn id-drittijiet ikunu me[tie;a g[all-u]u xieraq ta’ xi art o[ra minn [addie[or, u ma jkunx il-ka] li d-dritt jing[ata b’ encroachment. F’kull ka] ie[or dawn id-drittijiet jistg[u u g[andhom jing[ataw b’encroachment.
8 Jistg[u wkoll jing[ataw b’encroachment>
(i) biççiet mill-ixtajta b[ala ‘beach concessions’<
C 793
(ii) art [dejn [wienet tal-kafe’ u stabilimenti simili biex jitqieg[du mwejjed u si;;ijiet< u
(iii) konçessjonijiet o[ra simili.
9 Ikunu jistg[u wkoll jing[ataw permessi g[all-u]u temporanju jew speçifiku ta’ art tal-Gvern.
Dritt ta’ l-ewwel rifjut
10. Offerti g[al trasferiment ta’ art tal-Gvern jistg[u jsiru so;;etti g[al dritt mag[ruf b[ala dritt ta’ l-ewwel rifjut (‘right of first refusal’) f’kull ka] li l-Gvern jidhirlu xieraq li g[andu jing[ata dak id-dritt lil xi persuna.
Sullokazzjoni f’ kirja
11. Ikun jista’ jing[ata permess g[as-sullokazzjoni ta’ parti minn bini akbar g[al u]u kummerçjali konness ma’ jew aççessorji jew ançillari g[all-u]u mill-Gvern tal-bini li minnu hija parti.
Trasferiment ta’ art f’xatt il-ba[ar
12. Art tal-Gvern f’xatt il-ba[ar li fuqha nbniet xi kamra jew bini ie[or jew li qed isservi biex fuqha titqieg[ed “caravan” tista’ ti;i ttrasferita b’titolu ta’ kiri g[al mhux i]jed minn g[axar snin b’kera skond stima tal-Kummissarju ta’ l-Artijiet u li fl- ebda ka] ma tkun inqas minn Lm40 fis-sena<
B’dan i]da illi l-bini bil-benefikati kollha fuqu, [lief dak kollu li hu mobbli, jaqa’
f’idejn il-Gvern f’g[eluq il-kirja ming[ajr l-ebda dritt ta’ kumpens.
G[otja ta’ art bi tpartit
13 Art tal-Gvern tkun tista’ ting[ata bi tpartit ma’ o[ra li tkun ddikjarata me[tie;a g[al skop pubbliku ta[t l-Ordinanza XL ta’ l-1935, lis-sid l-art hekk iddikjarata. I]da fejn te]isti differenza fil-valur bejn i]-]ew; artijiet mog[tija bi tpartit, dik id-differenza ti;i ekwiprata bl-g[otja wkoll ta’ ]ieda fi flus. B’dan i]da, illi t-tpartit ma jistax isir jekk il-valur ta’ l-art tal-Gvern li tkun ser ting[ata taqbe] it-tletin fil-mija tal-valur ta’ l-art esproprijata. Id-danni sofferti kaw]a ta’ l-esproprjazzjoni ta’ l-art huma parti mill-valur ta’ l-istess art.
C 794
Trasferiment tale quale g[al-kumpens relattiv
14. L-artijiet komprizi f’dawk l-Arei g[all-i]vilupp tal-Bini, inklu]i anke dawk l-artijiet f’Arei g[all-I]vilupp tal-Bini li ;ew revokati, u li ma gewx utilizzati u#jew ma jidhirx li g[alihom hemm xi u]u ghal skop pubbliku, jistg[u ji;u ttrasferiti b’titolu ta’ tpartit lis-sidien tal-jeddijiet g[all-kumpens relattivi g[al kull biçça art li ti;i hekk ttrasferita u li jkunu applikaw g[aliha, bil-korrispettiv g[al kull biçça art, tal-jeddijiet g[all-kumpens relattivi g[all-istess art, u fejn il-persuna li lilha tkun ser ti;i ttrasferita l-art ma kenitx is-sid assolut ta’ l-art qabel ma ttiehdet mill-Gvern, bil-korrispettiv ukoll ta’ somma ekwivalenti g[al kull jedd g[al kumpens iehor li jkollu x’jaqsam ma’ dik l-art, libri u franki minn kull pi], ipoteka jew privilegg, kif ukoll kull dritt g[al interessi jew danni o[ra li jistg[u jkunu dovuti.
Il-persuna li favur tag[ha ti;i ttrasferita l-art hija obbligata li fuq l-istess kuntratt ta’ trasferiment ter;a tikkostitwixxi fuq l-art lilha ttrasferita kull ipoteka, privile;;, servitù, u]ufrutt, u]u jew kull dritt reali ie[or li kienu je]istu fuq l-istess art qabel din
;iet ddikjarata b[ala Area g[all-Izvilupp tal-Bini skond l-Att numru wie[ed tal-1983 u
li pre]entament huma nkombenti fuq il-jeddijiet ta’ kumpens, dana sakemm dawk id- drittijiet ma jkunux t[assru bi ftehim bejn il-partijiet qabel it-trasferiment lura< il-persuna li favur tag[ha ti;i ttrasferita l-istess art tkun marbuta ukoll li fuq l-istess kuntratt tobbliga ru[ha li ter;a’ tirrikonoxxi kull dritt ta’ qbiela u kull dritt ie[or li kien inkombenti fuq l-art qabel din ;iet ddikjarata b[al Area g[all-I]vilupp tal-Bini skond l-istess att numru wie[ed ta’ l-1983.
L-ispejje] tal-kuntratt tat-trasferiment jit[allsu mill-Gvern ta’ Malta.

G[anijiet u Ra;unijiet

L-g[an ta’ dan l-Abbozz hu biex jiffaçilita t-trasferiment b’irkant ta’ artijiet tal- gvern sabiex ji;u ]gurati l-a[jar profitti li jistg[u jsiru u li jinkorpora il-policy kurrenti dwar it-trasferiment ta’ art tal-Gvern b[ala skeda fil-li;i prin/ipali.
C 795




AN ACT to amend the Disposal of Government Land Act, Cap

BE IT ENACTED by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows>-
1. The short title of this Act is the Disposal of Government Land (Amendment) Act, 2004, and it shall be read and construed as one with the Disposal of Government Land Act, hereinafter referred to as “the principal Act”.
2. Article 3 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows>- (a) in sub-article (1) thereof, paragraphs (b), (c), (d) and (e)
shall be renumbered as paragraphs (c), (d), (e) and (f) respectively<
(b) immediately after paragraph (a) of sub-article (1) thereof, there shall be inserted the following new paragraph>
“ (b) after an announcement of an auction as published in the Gazette in respect of the property to be disposed of>
Provided that the Minister responsible for land may by regulations establish the manner and procedure for the holding of any such auction< ”<
(c) instead of sub-article (c) as amended, there shall be inserted the following>

Short title.

Amendment of article 3 of the principle Act.

C 796

Addition of Schedule to the principal act.

“ (c) according to the policy applicable to the land being transferred, as shown in schedule attached to this Act, which schedule can only be changed by virtue of a Resolution of the House of Representatives.”
(d) sub-article (2) thereof, shall be substituted with the following>
“ (2) A Resolution of the House of Representatives approved in terms of paragraphs (d) and (e) of subarticle (1) will remain valid for a year from the date of approval, but such Resolution can be extended by virtue of another Resolution or other Resolutions proposed after another period of one year.”
(e) In sub-article (4) thereof, the words “in paragraph (c)”
shall be changed to “in paragraph (d)”
3. Immediately after article 5 of the principal Act there shall be added the following Schedule>
C 797
(Article 3)
Policy relating to the Transfers of Government Land
1. In this document the words ‘land’ and ‘transfer’ shall have the same meaning as is given to them by the Disposal of Government Land Act,1976< and any reference to ‘government land’ or ‘government building’ includes a reference to any land or building administered by Government.
2. The cases in which government land may be transferred according to policy as contained in this document are additional to the cases in which government land may be transferred according to paragraphs (a), (c), (d) and (e) of sub-article (1) of Article 3 of the said Act.
Transfer by title of sale or redemption
3. Government land may be sold or the perpetual or temporary dominium directum burden thereon may be redeemed if such land consists of flats or houses which are offered by means of a public notice to be bought or redeemed by a person who resides therein under such conditions as are shown in that notice.
Transfer by title of emphyteusis
4. Government land may be transferred by title of emphyteusis>-
(a) if it consists in land which is offered for development under a ‘Home Ownership Scheme’ by means of a public notice containing the conditions of the transfer and the manner of choice of the person who is making an offer<
(b) if it consists in land which is offered for an industrial project after applicant would have satisfied Government about the benefit which the project would render to the country’s economy and that it would create an adequate number of jobs<
(c) if it consists in land which is offered for twenty-five (25) years for the building of kiosks according to plans approved by the Planning Authority, to such persons who in 1996 had a valid permit issued by the Department of Lands to operate a kiosk in such same locality.
5. Emphyteutical grants given previously under the ‘Home Ownership Schemes’
for a definitive period, may be converted into perpetual emphyteusis.
C 798
Transfer by title of lease
6. Government land may be given by lease>-
(a) if it consists in a new building (not being a building for commercial use) which is offered on a points system after the issue of a public notice indicating, at least in a general manner, the criteria on which the allocation of points will be made<
(b) if it consists in an old building (not being for commercial use) which is offered according to the merits of the case to whosoever is listed on the registers of the government department which is responsible for such matters<
(c) if it consists in a factory which is offered for an industrial project after applicant would have satisfied Government about the benefits which the project would render to the country’s economy and that it would create an adequate number of jobs<
(d) if it consists in agricultural land which is offered on agricultural lease to whosoever would be cultivating it, although such person may not have any title thereto<
(e) if it consists in land which is directly allocated> (i) to a lotto receiver<
(ii) to a person who has relinquished his place of residence or any other premises occupied by him for commercial purposes or for any other use, and would either have been evicted by Government for any public purpose or would have relinquished such premises due to its dangerous state<
(f) if it consists in a building (comprising land accessory thereto) which is mainly offered for a specific commercial use which may be only carried out under a licence issued by the Government for such use under a special law<
(g) if it consists in commercial premises which are directly allocated by Government on a new lease to such children or grand-children as the preceding tenant would have renounced in their favour (and then only if such tenant would have reached the age of sixty-one years). The rent of the premises shall be fixed on the basis of the previous lease increased by ten per cent for each period of ten years and#or part thereof which would have passed from the date of the last fixing of the rent of the preceding lease.
(h) if it consists in commercial premises leased on a yearly basis, which was in the past given by title of lease for an established period exceeding one year, to the same tenant. The lease of the premises is given to the same tenant, under the conditions of the original title, other than for the rent which is fixed again, sohowever that no lease may exceed a period of fifteen (15) years.
Servitudes, encroachments and other permits
C 799
7. Servitudes and other similar rights may be created on government land whenever such rights are required for the proper use of any other land by any other person, and it would not be the case that such right is given on encroachment terms. In any other case such rights may and shall be given on encroachment terms.
8. Encroachment terms are also allowed as regards>
(i) stretches of shore land as ‘beach concessions’<
(ii) land adjacent to coffee-shops and similar establishments for the placing of tables and chairs< and
(iii) other similar concessions.
9. Permits may also be granted for the temporary or specific use of government
Right of first refusal
10. Offers for the transfer of government land may be made subject to the right known as the right of first refusal in any instance where Government deems it appropriate that such right should be conceded to any person.
Sub-lease in a lease agreement
11. Permission may be granted for the sub-lease of part of a larger building for commercial use connected with or accessory or ancillary to use made by the Government of the building of which the leased premises form part.
Transfer of land on the sea shore
12. Government land situated on the sea shore on which a room or any other building has been built or which is being used for the siting of a caravan thereon may be transferred by title of lease for not more than ten years at a rent fixed according to a valuation made by the Commissioner of Lands and which may in no case be less than Lm40 annually<
Sohowever that the building together with all improvements made thereon, other than existing movables, shall revert to Government on the expiration of the lease without any right of compensation.
Land given by exchange
13. Government land may be given by exchange with any other land which is declared as required for a public purpose under Ordinance XL of 1935, to the owner of
C 800
the land which has been so declared. Provided that when a difference exists in the value of the two plots of land given by exchange, such difference shall be balanced with also giving an additional sum of money. Sohowever that the exchange may not be effected if the value of the government land to be given exceeds thirty per cent of the value of the expropriated land. Any damages sustained due to the expropriation of such land shall form part of the value of the same land.

Tale quale transfer for relative compensation

14. Any plots of land comprised in such Building Development Areas, also including such plots of land in Building Development Areas which have been revoked, and which have not been utilized and#or there is apparently no use for them for a public purpose, may be transferred by title of exchange to the owners of the rights for relative compensation for each plot of land which is so transferred and for which an application has been submitted, with money’s worth for each plot of land, of the rights for compensation regarding the same land, and when the person to whom the land shall be transferred was not the absolute owner of such land prior to its expropriation by Government, with money’s worth also of an equivalent amount for each right of any other compensation relating to such land, free and exempt from any burden, hypothec or privilege, and also every right for any other interests or damages which may be due.
The person in whose favour the land is transferred is bound, on the same deed of transfer, to reconstitute on the land so transferred to such person any hypotech, privilege, easement, usufruct, use or any other real right which had existed on the same land prior to such land being declared a Building Development Area according to Act I of
1983 and which are presently incumbent on the compensation rights, until such time as such rights have not been erased by agreement between the parties prior to the
reverse transfer< the person to whom such land is transferred shall also be obligated to bind itself on the same deed to recognize any right ta’ rural lease and any other right which was incumbent on such land prior to such land being declared a Building Development Area in terms of the said Act I of 1983.
The expenses relating to the deed of transfer shall be paid by the Government of

Objects and Reasons

The object of this Bill is to facilitate the disposal by auction of government property so as to ascertain the best financial returns and to incorporate the current policy on disposal of government land by adding a schedule to the principal Act.
C 801

Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment ta’ l-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta

Mitbug[ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern — Printed at the Government Printing Press

Prezz 32ç – Price 32c

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