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The Equality For Men And Women Act (Act No. I Of 2003)

ACT No. I of 2003

AN ACT enacted by the Parliament of


AN ACT to promote equality for men and women.

A 1
Nag[ti l-kunsens tieg[i.
4 ta’ Frar, 2003
ATT Nru. I ta’ l-2003

ATT biex i;ib ’il quddiem l-ugwaljanza g[all-ir;iel u n-nisa

IL-PRESIDENT, bil-parir u l-kunsens tal-Kamra tad-Deputati, imlaqqg[a f’dan il-Parlament, u bl-awtorita ta’ l-istess, [are; b’li;i dan li ;ej>-
1. (1) It-titolu fil-qosor ta’ dan l-Att hu Att ta’ l-2003 dwar l- Ugwaljanza g[all-Ir;iel u n-Nisa.
(2) Dan l-Att jibda jse[[ f’dik id-data li l-Ministru responsabbli g[all-politika soçjali jista’ b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta jistabbilixxi, u dati differenti jistg[u ji;u hekk stabbiliti g[al disposizzjonijiet differenti jew g[al g[anijiet different ta’ dan l-Att.
2. (1) F’dan l-Att, kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma tkunx te[tie; xort’o[ra>-
“diskriminazzjoni” tfisser diskriminazzjoni bba]ata fuq is- sess, jew min[abba responsabbiltajiet li ;;ib il-familja u tinkludi t-trattament ta’ persuna b’mod anqas favorevoli mit-trattament mog[ti jew li jista jkun mog[ti lil persuna o[ra g[al ra;unijiet ta’ sess jew min[abba responsabbiltajiet li ;;ib il-familja u “jiddiskrimina” jew “tiddiskrimina” g[andha tiftiehem skond hekk<
“fastidju sesswali” tfisser l-attivitajiet ille;ittimi elenkati fis- subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 9<

Titolu fil-qosor u bidu fis-se[[.


199808 ATT Nru I - Ugwaljanza
A 2
“impieg” tfisser kull attivita bi qlig[ inklu] li l-persuna ta[dem g[al rasha u tinkludi l-promozzjoni u t-trasferiment g[al xi kariga o[ra, kif ukoll l-aççess g[al ta[ri; vokazzjonali jew professjonali, g[al kemm ]mien idum l-impieg jew l-esekuzzjoni jew it-terminazzjoni tieg[u<
“Kummissarju” tfisser il-Kummissarju g[all-promozzjoni ta’ l-ugwaljanza ma[tur jew ma[tura ta[t l-artikolu 11 ta’ dan l-Att, u Kummissjoni tfisser il-Kummissjoni mwaqqfa ta[t dak l-artikolu<
“Ministru” tfisser il-Ministru responsabbli g[all- ugwaljanza<
“ta[ri; vokazzjonali” tinkludi kull tip ta’ ta[ri; vokazzjonali u ta[ri; mill-;did.
(2) G[all-finijiet ta’ dan l-Att, kemm-il darba r-rabta tas- sens tat-test ma titlobx tifsira o[ra, l-kliem “ra;el” u “mara” jinkludu r;iel u nisa irrispettivament mill-età tag[hom.
(3) G[all-finijiet tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu jkun hemm diskriminazzjoni bba]ata fuq is-sess jew min[abba responsabbiltajiet li ;;ib il-familja meta>
(a) jing[ata trattament anqas favorevoli, direttament jew indirettament, lill-ir;iel u lin-nisa min[abba fis-sess jew min[abba responsabbiltajiet li ;;ib il-familja tag[hom<
(b) mara ti;i ttrattata b’mod anqas favorevoli min[abba fi tqala li tkun te]isti jew li tista’ sse[[ jew it-twellid ta’ tarbija<
(ç) l-ir;iel u n-nisa ji;u ttrattati b’mod anqas favorevoli min[abba f’li jkunu ;enituri, r-responsabbiltajiet li ;;ib il-familja jew g[al xi ra;uni o[ra li jkollha x’taqsam mas-sess<
(d) trattament ibba]at fuq provvediment, kriterju jew prattika li tqieg[ed fi ]vanta;; proporzjon sostanzjalment og[la ta’ membri ta’ sess wie[ed kemm-il darba dak il-provvediment, kriterju jew dik il-prattika ma jkunux xierqa u me[tie;a u jkunu jistg[u ji;u ;;ustifikati permezz ta’ fatturi o;;ettivi li ma jkollhomx x’jaqsmu mas-sess.
(4) Ebda [a;a fis-subartikolu (2) ta’ dan l-artikolu m’g[andha titqies b[ala li tikkostitwixxi diskriminazzjoni sakemm dak it-trattament -
(a) jing[ata sabiex in-nisa jkollhom protezzjoni speçjali matul it-twellid jew it-tqala tag[hom<
(b) ikun jikkostitwixxi mi]uri ta’ azzjoni po]ittiva bil-g[an li tinkiseb ugwaljanza g[all-ir;iel u n-nisa.
(5) Dwar l-aççess g[all-impieg, trattament anqas favorevoli li jkun ibbazat fuq xi karatteristika li jkollha x’taqsam mas-sess m’g[andux jikkostitwixxi diskriminazzjoni meta min[abba fl-attivitajiet okkupazzjonali partikolari involuti, jew fil-kuntest li fih dawn jitwettqu, dik il-karatteristika tkun tikkostitwixxi [tie;a okkupazzjonali ;enwina u meta dak it-trattament jibqa’ fil-limiti ta’ dak li jkun adatt u me[tie; fiç-çirkostanzi>
I]da l-pi] tal-prova g[andu jkun fuq min jallega li hemm
[tie;a okkupazzjonali ;enwina.
3. Ebda [a;a f’dan l-Att m’g[andha tiftiehem b[ala li tolqot xi regola dwar il-prattika reli;ju]a, l-aççess g[as-saçerdozju jew is-s[ubija f’xi ordni reli;ju] jew komunitajiet reli;ju]i o[ra.
4. (1) Prini/ipali ma jistg[ux jiddiskriminaw, direttament jew indirettament, kontra persuna fl-arran;amenti li jsiru biex ji;i stabbilit jew meta jkun qed ji;i stabbilit min g[andu ji;i offrut impieg jew fil- pattijiet u l-kondizzjonijiet li l-impieg ji;i offrut abba]i tag[hom jew fid-deçi]joni dwar min g[andu jkun mkeççi mix-xog[ol.
(2) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-provvedimenti ta’ l-artikolu
26 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Impiegi u r-Relazzjonijiet Industrijali, prin/ipali jitqiesu wkoll li jkunu ddiskriminaw kontra persuna jekk dawk il- prinçipali –
(a) imexxu x-xog[ol, jag[tu promozzjonijiet, iqassmu l- [idma, joffru opportunitajiet ta’ ta[ri; jew xort’o[ra jirran;aw il- kondizzjonijiet tax-xog[ol hekk li impjegati ji;u assenjati status inqas favorevoli minn o[rajn min[abba fis-sess jew min[abba responsabbiltajiet li ;;ib il-familja< jew
(b) jibdlu l-kondizzjonijiet tax-xog[ol, jew il-pattijiet ta’ impieg ta’ impjegati g[ad-detriment ta’ dawk l-impjegati wara li dawk l-impjegati jkunu invokaw xi dritt mog[ti lilhom ta[t dan l- Att jew ikunu talbu it-twettiq favur tag[hom ta’ xi obbligazzjoni jew dmir ta[t dan l-Att< jew
(ç) jonqsu mill-obbligazzjoni li g[andhom li jissopprimu l- fastidju sesswali kif provdut ta[t is-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 9 ta’ dan l-Att.
A 3

Skop ta’

dan l-Att.

Diskriminazzjoni fl-impieg.

Att XXII ta’ l-2002.

A 4

Rapport fuq il- proçeduri ta’ impieg.

Banek u istituzzjonijiet finanzjarji.

Parteçipazzjoni ta’ konju;i fl- attivitajiet

ta’ sie[eb minnhom b[ala persuna li

tkun ta[dem g[al rasha.

Edukazzjoni u

gwida vokazzjonali.

5. (1) Ikun id-dmir ta’ prinçipali fuq talba ta’ persuna li tallega li jkun sar fastidju sesswali jew diskriminazzjoni kontriha, jew fuq talba li ssirilhom mill-Kummissarju li ja;ixxu min[abba f’xi lment jew xort’o[ra, li jipprovdu lil dik il-persuna jew lill-Kummissarju, skond il-ka] u fi ]mien g[axart ijiem tax-xog[ol minn meta ssir dik it-talba, rapport fuq l-allegazzjoni li tkun saret jew il-proçeduri u]ati mill- prinçipali fil-kwistjoni allegata li tikkostitwixxi fastidju sesswali jew diskriminazzjoni b[al dik.
(2) Il-prinçipali ikollhom jedd g[ar-rifu]joni ta’ dawk l- ispejje] ra;onevoli li jsiru minnhom biex jabbozza u jag[mel ir-rapport ming[and il-persuna li titlob dak ir-rapport<
I]da dawk l-ispejje] jistg[u jintalbu ming[and il-persuna responsabbli g[al fastidju sesswali jew diskriminazzjoni jekk jirri]ulta li dak il-fastidju sesswali jew diskriminazzjoni fil-fatt ikun se[[.
6. (1) Ebda bank jew istituzzjoni finanzjarja jew kumpannija ta’ l-assigurazzjoni m’g[andhom jiddiskriminaw kontra xi persuna fl- g[oti ta’ xi façilità dwar it-twaqqif, it-tag[mir jew l-inawgurazzjoni jew l-estensjoni ta’ xi negozju jew l-inawgurazzjoni jew l-estensjoni ta’ xi g[amla ta’ impieg ta’ persuna g[al rasha jew ta’ l-assigurazzjoni ta’ dak in-negozju jew ta’ dik il-persuna.
(2) Ebda [a;a fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu m’g[andha titqies li tikkostitwixxi diskriminazzjoni sakemm il- kondizzjonijiet li ta[thom ti;i offruta jew mi]muma l-façilità jew l- assigurazzjoni jkunu jirriflettu konsiderazzjonijiet ;enwini bba]ati fuq ir-riskju finanzjarju fl-g[oti ta’ dawk il-façilitajiet jew ta’ dik l- assigurazzjoni.
7. (1) Il-konju;i ta’ [addiema li ja[dmu g[al rashom li ma jkunux impjegati tag[hom jew s[ab mag[hom, u li jipparteçipaw fl- attivitajiet tal-[addiema li ja[dmu g[al rashom u li jwettqu l-istess [idmiet jew [idmiet ançillari b[al konju;i tag[hom, ikollhom jedd jirçievu ming[and il-konju;i tag[hom kumpens xieraq g[all-attività tag[hom li jkun daqsinsew il-valur tal-kontribuzzjoni li huma jag[mlu.
(2) Id-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu ma japplikawx meta tkun tissussisti bejn il-konju;i sistema ta’ Komunjoni ta’ l-Akkwisti jew ta’ Komunjoni tar-Residwi ta[t amministrazzjoni separata.
8. (1) Ebda stabbiliment edukattiv jew stabbiliment ie[or li jag[ti ta[ri; jew gwida vokazzjonali ma jista’ jiddiskrimina kontra xi [add -
jew jew
A 5 (a) fl-attendenza g[al xi kors, ta[ri; jew gwida vokazzjonali<
(b) fl-g[oti ta’ appo;; edukattiv g[al studenti jew trainees<
(ç) fl-g[a]la u fl-implimentazzjoni tal-kurrikula< jew
(d) fil-valutazzjoni ta’ kull [ila jew konoxxenza ta’ l-
istudenti jew trainees.
(2) Jekk il-persuni responsabbli g[al tali stabbilimenti u entijiet jonqsu milli jwettqu l-obbligu li jkollhom li jissopprimu l-fastidju sesswali kif provdut ta[t is-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 9 ta’ dan l-Att, tali nuqqas ikun g[all-finijiet tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu jikkostitwixxi diskriminazzjoni.
(3) Ikun id-dmir ta’ stabbilimenti u entijiet edukattivi li jipprovdu ta[ri; vokazzjonali, fil-parametri tal-kompetenza tag[hom li ji]guraw li l-kurrikula u l-kotba skolastiçi ma jkunux jippropagaw ebda diskriminazzjoni.
9. (1) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-provvedimenti ta’ l-artikolu
29 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Impiegi u r-Relazzjonijiet Industrijali, persuni ma jistg[ux jag[tu fastidju sesswali lil xi persuni o[ra, ji;ifieri>
(a) li jasso;;ettaw lil persuni o[ra jag[mlu xi att ta’ intimità fi]ika< jew
(b) li jitolbu favuri sesswali ming[and persuni o[ra< jew
(ç) li jasso;;ettaw lil persuni o[ra g[all-g[emil ta’ xi att jew it-twettieq ta’ xi m;ieba li jkollhom konnotazzjonijiet sesswali, inklu]i kliem mitkellma, mossi jew l-g[emil, il-wiri jew iç- çirkolazzjoni ta’ kliem miktuba, stampi jew xi materjal ie[or, meta l-att, il-kliem jew l-im;ieba ma jkunux jog[;bu lill-persuni li jkunu indirizzati lejhom u jkunu jistg[u ra;onevolment jitqiesu b[ala li huma offensivi, umiljanti jew intimidatorji fir-rigward tal-persuni li jkunu diretti lejhom, jew
(d) meta l-persuni hekk asso;;ettati jew mitluba ji;u ttrattati b’mod anqas favorevoli min[abba f’li g[ax dawk il-persuni jkunu ça[du jew çedew g[al dak l-asso;;ettament jew talba, jista’ jkun ra;onevolment antiçipat li dawk il-persuni jkunu se ji;u ttrattati b’dak il-mod.
(2) (a) Persuni responsabbli g[al xi post tax-xog[ol, stabbiliment jew enti edukattivi li jipprovdi ta[ri; jew gwida

Fastidju sesswali. Att XXII ta’ l-2002.

A 6

Riklam diskriminatorju.

Att XXII ta’ l-2002.



g[all-Promozzjoni ta’ l-Ugwaljanza g[all-Ir;iel

u n-Nisa.

vokazzjonali jew g[al xi stabbiliment fejn ji;u offruti o;;etti, servizzi jew façilitajiet ta’ akkomodazzjoni lill-pubbliku, m’g[andhomx jippermettu lil persuni o[ra li jkollhom jedd ikunu pre]enti fi, jew li jag[mlu u]u minn xi façilità, o;;ett jew servizz ipprovdut f’dak il-post, li j;arrbu fastidju sesswali f’dak il-post.
(b) Persuni li jkunu responsabbli kif hawn qabel imsemmi jistg[u jiddefendu ru[hom dwar dak li jkunu g[amlu billi j;ibu prova li huma jkunu [adu dawk il-passi li jistg[u jkunu ra;onevolment prattikabbli biex jipprevjenu dak il-fastidju sesswali.
(3) Persuni li jag[tu fastidju sesswali lil xi [add ie[or ikunu [atja ta’ reat kontra dan l-artikolu u jistg[u, ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[al kull responsabbiltà ulterjuri ta[t kull li;i o[ra, meta jinsabu [atja je[lu multa ta’ mhux i]jed minn elf lira jew pri;unerija g[al mhux i]jed minn sitt xhur jew dik il-multa u pri;unerija flimkien.
10. (1) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-provvedimenti ta’ l-artikolu
26 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Impiegi u r-Relazzjonijiet Industrijali, persuni ma jistg[ux jippubblikaw, jew jesponu jew i;ieg[lu li ji;i pubblikat jew espost xi riklam, jew, xort’o[ra li jirreklamaw post battal g[al xi impieg li jkun jiddiskrimina bejn min ikun qed ifittex ix-xog[ol jew jitlob ming[and min ikun qed ifittex ix-xog[ol informazzjoni li tkun tirrigwarda l-[ajja privata tag[hom jew il-pjanijiet li jkollhom dwar it- tkabbir tal-familja tag[hom>
I]da d-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan is-subartikolu m’g[andhomx japplikaw f’dawk il-ka]ijiet fejn il-prinçipali j;ibu prova li x-xog[ol li jkollu x’jaqsam ma’ dak li jkun ;ie reklamat ikun jista’ biss isir minn persuna ta’ xi sess speçifiku.
(2) Persuni ma jistg[ux jippubblikaw jew jesponu jew i;ieg[lu li ji;i ppubblikat jew espost xi riklam li jkun jippromwovi d- diskriminazzjoni jew li jkun xort’o[ra jiddiskrimina.
(3) Persuni li jiksru s-subartikolu (1) jew (2) ta’ dan l- artikolu jkunu [atja ta’ reat kontra dan l-artikolu u jistg[u, meta jinsabu [atja, je[lu l-pieni li hemm g[all-kontravvenzjonijiet.
(4) G[all-finijiet tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu, reklamar tinkludi t-tixrid ta’ informazzjoni dwar il-post battal bil-fomm minn persuna g[all-o[ra.
11. (1) Il-Prim Ministru g[andu bil-parir tal-Ministru ja[tar Kummissjoni li tkun mag[rufa b[ala l-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali g[all- Promozzjoni ta’ l-Ugwaljanza g[all-Ir;iel u n-Nisa (hawn i]jed ’il quddiem imsejj[a “il-Kummissjoni”) komposta minn president li
jissejja[ jew tissejja[ il-Kummissarju g[all-Promozzjoni ta’ l- Ugwaljanza (hawn i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ “il-Kummissarju”) u sitt membri o[ra, li mill-anqas tlieta minnhom ikunu nisa.
(2) Il-membri kollha tal-Kummissjoni jin[atru mill-Prim Ministru minn fost dawk il-persuni li jkun jidhirlu li jkunu l-aktar adatti li jittrattaw kwistjonijiet ta’ ugwaljanza g[all-ir;iel u nisa, u, jew, kwistjonijiet amministrattivi li jkollhom x’jaqsmu ma’ dan.
(3) Il-membri tal-Kummissjoni g[andhom jibqg[u fil-kariga g[al ]mien sentejn u jistg[u jer;g[u ji;u ma[tura fi tmiem i]-]mien tal-kariga.
(4) Il-Prim Ministru jista’ jtemm il-[atra ta’ membri tal- Kummissjoni jekk ikun sodisfatt illi persuni>
(a) ming[ajr il-kunsens tal-Kummissjoni jkunu naqsu milli jattendu g[al laqg[at tal-Kummissjoni matul perjodu kontinwu ta’ sitt xhur<
(b) jkunu ;ew dikjarati falluti jew ikunu g[amlu arran;ament mal-kredituri tag[hom, jew ikunu insolventi jew ikunu instabu [atja ta’ delitt volontarju kontra l-persuna< jew
(ç) ma jkunux kapaçi jwettqu dmirijiethom.
(5) Il-quorum tal-Kummissjoni jkun ta’ erba’ membri, li persuna minnhom tkun il-Kummissarju.
(6) Il-validità tal-proçedimenti tal-Kummissjoni ma jintlaqtux b’xi vakanza fost il-membri tal-Kummissjoni jew b’xi difett fil-[atra ta’ xi membru.
(7) Deçi]jonijiet tal-Kummissjoni g[andhom jittie[du bil- ma;;oranza tal-voti tal-membri pre]enti. Il-Kummissarju jkollu jew ikollha wkoll vot deçi]iv.
(8) Bla [sara g[ad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att u tar- regolamenti mag[mulin ta[tu, il-Kummissjoni tista’ ta[tar sotto-kumitati u, b’mod ;enerali, g[andha tirregola l-proçeduri tag[ha.
12. (1) Dawn il-funzjonijiet li ;ejjin jappartjenu lill- Kummissarju, bl-g[ajnuna tal-Kummissjoni, ji;ifieri>
A 7

Funzjonijiet u status tal-Kummissarju

u tal-Kummissjoni.

A 8
(a) l-identifikazzjoni, li ti;i stabbilita u a;;ornata kull politika li direttament jew indirettament ikollha x’taqsam ma’ kwistjonijiet ta’ ugwaljanza g[all-ir;iel u n-nisa<
(b) l-identifikazzjoni tal-[ti;iet ta’ persuni li huma
]vanta;;ati min[abba fis-sess tag[hom u li jittie[du dawk il-passi fis-setg[a tal-Kummissarju u ji;u proposti mi]uri adatti biex ji;u indirizzati dawk il-[ti;iet bl-iktar mod estensiv possibbli<
(ç) is-sorveljanza ta’ l-implimentazzjoni ta’ kull politika nazzjonali dwar il-promozzjoni ta’ l-ugwaljanza g[all-ir;iel u n- nisa<
(d) il-koordinazzjoni bejn, u li ti;i ]gurata l-koordinazzjoni me[tie;a bejn, dipartimenti tal-gvern u a;enziji o[ra fl- implimentazzjoni ta’ mi]uri, servizzi jew inizjattivi proposti mill- Gvern jew mill-Kummissjoni minn ]mien g[al ]mien<
(e) li jin]amm kuntatt dirett u kontinwu ma’ korpi lokali u esteri li ja[dmu fil-kamp ta’ kwistjonijiet ta’ ugwaljanza, u ma’ gruppi, a;enziji jew individwi o[ra skond il-[tie;a<
(f) li ssir [idma biex tinkiseb l-eliminazzjoni tad- diskriminazzjoni bejn l-ir;iel u n-nisa<
(;) li jsiru investigazzjonijiet ;enerali bil-g[an li ji;i stabbilit jekk id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att ikunux qeg[din ji;u m[arsa<
([) li ji;u investigati lmenti ta’ xorta iktar partikolari jew individwali sabiex ikun jista’ ji;i stabbilit jekk id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att ikunux qeg[din jinkisru fil-konfront ta’ min ikun qed jag[mel l-ilment u, meta hekk jitqies adatt, li jag[milha jew tag[milha ta’ medjatur dwar dawk l-ilmenti<
(i) l-inda;ni u l-g[oti ta’ pariri jew li jintla[qu konklu]jonijiet dwar kull [a;a li jkollha x’taqsam ma’ l-ugwaljanza bejn l-ir;iel u n-nisa hekk kif jistg[u ji;u riferiti mill-Ministru<
(j) li ting[ata assistenza, meta u skond ma jkun adatt, lil persuni li jkunu qeg[din ibatu minn xi diskriminazzjoni meta dawn ji;u biex jiksbu d-drittijiet tag[hom ta[t dan l-Att<
(k) is-sorveljanza tat-twettiq ta’ dan l-Att, u meta jkun hekk me[tie;, fuq talba tal-Ministru jew xort’o[ra, li ji;u ppre]entati proposti biex l-Att ji;i emendat jew sostitwit<
(l) it-twettiq ta’ kull funzjoni o[ra li tista’ ti;i assenjata b’dan l-Att jew b’kull Att ie[or jew dawk il-funzjonijiet l-o[ra li jistg[u ji;u assenjati mill-Ministru.
(2) Mal-[atra li ssir mill-Prim Ministru ta’ l-ewwel membri, il-Kummissjoni jkollha personalità ;uridika separata minn dik tal-Gvern u r-rappre]entanza ;uridika tag[ha tkun tvesti fil-Kummissarju>
I]da l-Kummissjoni tista’ ta[tar lil xi membru tag[ha wie[ed jew aktar minn wie[ed jew lil xi persuna o[ra, biex jidhru f’isimha u g[an- nom tag[ha fi proçedimenti ;udizzjarji, u fuq kull att, kuntratt, ftehim jew dokument li jkun.
13. (1) Il-Kummissjoni tkun amministrata minn Direttur E]ekuttiv li ja;ixxi jew ta;ixxi skond il-politika stabbilita mill- Kummissjoni u skond dawk l-istruzzjonijiet li jistg[u jing[ataw mill- Kummissarju.
(2) Id-Direttur E]ekuttiv jibqa’ jew tibqa’ fil-kariga ta[t dawk il-pattijiet u kondizzjonijiet li l-Kummissarju, bi ftehim mal- Ministru, jista’ jew tista’ tistabbilixxi. Meta d-Direttur E]ekuttiv ikun uffiçjal pubbliku issekondat mill-Gvern, ikollu jew ikollha d-dritt mat- tmiem li jibqa’ jew tibqa’ tkun issekondata li jer;a’ jew ter;a’ lura g[all-kariga ta’ qabel ming[ajr ebda telf ta’ grad jew senjorità.
(3) Il-Kummissjoni tista’, wara konsultazzjonijiet mal- Ministru u bla [sara g[all-approvazzjoni ta’ dak il-Ministru dwar l- g[add, ir-rimunerazzjoni u l-pattijiet u l-kondizzjonijiet tag[hom ta’ servizz, ja[tar lil dawk l-uffiçjali li tqis li jkunu adatti.
(4) Il-Prim Ministru jista’, fuq talba tal-Kummissjoni, minn
]mien g[al ]mien jordna li uffiçjali pubbli/i ji;u assenjati sabiex jaqdu dmirijiethom mal-Kummissjoni f’dik il-kapaçità u b’se[[ minn dik id- data li tista’ ti;i speçifikata fl-ordni.
(5) Il-perjodu li matulu ordni b[alma hemm imsemmi qabel g[andu jkun japplika g[al xi uffiçjali speçifikati fih, g[andu kemm-il darba l-uffiçjali ma jirtirawx mis-servizz pubbliku, jew xort’o[ra jtemmu milli jkunu uffiçjali pubbliçi f’data li ti;i qabel, u fid-data speçifikata fl-ordni jew meta ti;ri xi ;rajja minn dawn li ;ejjin, ji;ifieri -
(a) l-aççettazzjoni minn dawk l-uffiçjali pubbliçi ta’ offerta ta’ impieg permanenti mal-Kummissjoni< jew
(b) ir-revoka mill-Prim Ministru ta’ xi ordni minnu mag[mula ta[t dan l-artikolu dwar dawk l-uffiçjali.
A 9



Assenjament ta’

uffiçjali pubbliçi.

A 10

Kap. 93. Kap. 58.

Finanzjar tal- Kummissjoni.

(6) Meta uffiçjali pubbliçi ji;u assenjati biex jaqdu dmirijiethom mal-Kummissjoni ta[t dan l-artikolu, dawk l-uffiçjali g[andhom, filwaqt ta’ dak i]-]mien li matulu dik l-ordni tkun isse[[ fir-rigward tag[hom, ikunu ta[t l-awtorità amministrattiva u l-kontroll tal-Kummissjoni, i]da g[andhom g[al kull fini u ra;uni o[ra jibqg[u jitqiesu li jkunu u ji;u ttrattati b[ala uffiçjali pubbli/i u ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-;eneralità ta’ dak hawn qabel imsemmi dawk l- uffiçjali pubbliçi>
(a) m’g[andhomx fil-perijodu li matulu kienu hekk assenjati-
(i) ikunu preklu]i milli japplikaw g[al trasferiment f’xi dipartiment tal-Gvern skond il-pattijiet u l-kondizzjonijiet tas- servizz mehmu]a mal-[atra ta[t il-Gvern li huma kellhom fid-data meta huma jkunu hekk ;ew assenjati f’dik il-kariga< jew
(ii) ikunu impjegati b’mod li r-rimunerazzjoni u l- kondizzjonijiet ta’ servizz tag[hom jkunu inqas favorevoli minn dawk li jkunu mehmu]a mal-[atra ta[t il-Gvern li huma kellhom fid-data meta jkunu ;ew hekk assenjati jew li setg[u intehm]u matul dak il-perijodu li kieku dawk l-uffiçjali ma jkunux ;ew hekk assenjati< u
(b) ikollhom jedd li s-servizz tag[hom mal-Kummissjoni jitqiesu b[ala servizz mal-Gvern g[all-fini ta’ kull pensjoni, gratwità jew benefiççju ta[t l-Ordinanza dwar il-Pensjonijiet u l- Att dwar il-Pensjonijiet lil Nisa Romol u Tfal Iltiema < u
(ç) kull applikazzjoni li ssir ta[t subparagrafu (i) ta’ paragrafu (a) ta’ dan is-subartikolu, g[andha titqies bl-istess mod b[allikieku l-applikanti ma jkunux ;ew hekk assenjati.
(7) Il-Kummissjoni g[andha t[allas lill-Gvern dawk il- kontribuzzjonijiet li jistg[u minn ]mien g[al ]mien ji;u stabbiliti mill- Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi g[ar-rigward tan-nefqa ta’ pensjonijiet u gratwitajiet li uffiçjali assenjati biex jaqdu dmirijiethom mal-Kummissjoni jaqilg[u, matul il-perijodu li fih huma jkunu ;ew hekk assenjati.
14. (1) Il-finanzjament tal-Kummissjoni g[andu jsir minn flejjes allokati lilha mill-Ministru minn flus ivvotati mill-Parlament g[al attivitajiet ta[t il-Ministeru relattiv jew minn flus li jistg[u jing[atawlha jew ji;u allokati lilha minn sorsi o[ra f’Malta jew barra minn Malta.
(2) Mill-inqas xahrejn qabel tmiem is-sena finanzjarja tag[ha l-Kummissjoni g[andha tippre]enta lill-Ministru, pjan ta’ [idma (inklu] pjan finanzjarju) li jkun ikopri l-attivitajiet proposti tal- Kummissjoni matul is-sena finanzjarja li jkun imiss matul is-sena finanzjarja li ti;i minnufih wara. Meta ji;i approvat mill-Ministru u mill-Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi, dak il-pjan ta’ attivita, jkun l- estimi approvat tal-Kummissjoni.
(3) Il-Kummissjoni g[andha ]]omm kontijiet kif imiss tad- d[ul u l-[ru; tag[ha u g[andha tipprepara u tibg[at lill-Ministru dikjarazzjonijiet ta’ kontijiet dwar kull wa[da mis-snin finanzjarji tag[ha.
(4) Il-kontijiet tal-Kummissjoni g[andhom ji;u verifikati minn awditur jew awdituri ma[tura minnha bl-approvazzjoni tal- Ministru>
I]da l-Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi jista’ je[tie; li l-kotba u r-records tal-Kummissjoni ji;u verifikati jew e]aminati mill-Awditur Generali li jkollu g[al dak l-g[an is-setg[a li jag[mel verifika fi]ika jew kull verifika o[ra, u jista’ jitlob u jikseb dik l-informazzjoni, skond ma tista’ ten[tie;.
(5) Is-sena finanzjarja tal-Kummissjoni tibda fl-1 ta’ Jannar u tintemm fil-31 ta’ Diçembru ta’ kull sena>
I]da l-ewwel sena finanzjarja tal-Kummissjoni tibda mal-bidu fis- se[[ ta’ dan l-Att u ttemm fil-31 ta’ Diçembru tas-sena li ti;i minnufih wara.
15. (1) Kemm jista’ jkun prattikament malajr wara tmiem kull sena kalendarja, imma f’kull ka] mhux aktar tard mill-31 ta’ Marzu tas-sena li ti;i minnufih wara, l-Kummissjoni tista’ tippre]enta lill- Ministru rapport ta’ l-attivitajiet tag[ha matul is-sena (liema rapport hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem f’dan l-artikolu jissejja[ b[ala “r-Rapport Annwali”).
(2) Kull Rapport Annwali g[andu jinkludi fih rapport
;enerali ta’ l-i]viluppi matul il-perjodu li jkun jirrigwarda g[al dawk li huma kwistjonijiet li jinkwadraw fil-funzjonijiet tal-Kummissjoni u g[andhom ukoll jinkludu rapport fuq l-attivitajiet, inizjattivi, investigazzjonijet u inizjattivi me[udin biex jissopprimu d- diskriminazzjoni u jippromwovu l-ugwaljanza bejn l-ir;iel u n-nisa.
(3) Il-Ministru g[andu, kemm jista’ jkun prattikament malajr i]da f’kull ka] mhux iktar tard minn xahrejn wara li dan ji;i
A 11



Rapport annwali.

A 12

E]en]joni mit- Taxxa

fuq l-Income, Kap. 123.

Ilmenti u investigazzjoni.

Azzjoni li l- Kummissarju jie[u wara investigazzjoni.

ppre]entat lilu mill-Kummissjoni, jara li kopja tar-Rapport Annwali flimkien ma’ kopja tal-pjan korrenti ta’ attività u finanzjarju tal- Kummissjoni jitqieg[ed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra.
16. Il-Kummissjoni tkun e]enti minn kull obbligu ta’ [las ta’
taxxa, dwar l-income tag[ha, ta[t l-Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq l-Income.
17. (1) Il-Kummissarju jista’ jibda investigazzjonijiet minn jeddu dwar kull [a;a li tinvolvi xi att jew ommissjoni li jkunu allegatament ille;ittimi ta[t id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att.
(2) Il-Kummissarju jista’ wkoll jibda investigazzjonijiet malli jirçievi lment bil-miktub minn persuni li jallegaw li jkunu l-vittma ta’ xi att jew ommissjoni kontra d-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att.
(3) Jekk ikun jidher lill-Kummissarju li persuni li jkunu jixtiequ jag[mlu xi lment ta[t l-artikolu (2) ta’ dan l-artikolu jkollhom b]onn l-g[ajnuna biex jifformulaw l-ilment, g[andhom jittie[du jew ji;u ordnati li jittie[du mill-Kummissarju dawk il-passi ra;onevoli li jistg[u jkunu me[tie;a biex jassistu lil dawk il-persuni jag[mlu l-ilment tag[hom.
18. (1) Wara li jag[mel jew tag[mel l-investigazzjoni l- Kummissarju jista’ jew tista’ -
(a) jiç[ad jew tiç[ad l-ilment, jew
(b) jiddeçiedi jew tiddeçiedi li l-ilment ikun ;ie ppruvat u g[aldaqshekk huwa g[andu>
(i) meta l-azzjoni li jkun sar ilment dwarha tkun tikkostitwixxi reat, g[andu jsir rapport lill-Kummissarju tal- Pulizija biex imexxi min-na[a tieg[u< jew
(ii) meta l-azzjoni li jkun sar ilment dwarha ma tkunx tikkostitwixxi reat, g[andha ti;i interpellata l-persuna li kontriha jkun sar l-ilment sabiex ti;i rimedjata s-sitwazzjoni, u tag[milha ta’ medjatur bejn min jilmenta u dik il-persuna bil-g[an li ti;i risolta l-kwistjoni<
(2) Ir-ri]ultanzi tal-Kummissarju ta[t is-subartikolu (1) ma jkunux vinkolanti fuq min jilmenta u l-persuna li kontriha jkun indirizzat l-ilment kemm-il darba dawn ma jiddikjarawx b’mod espress u bil- miktub li huma hekk marbutin.
(3) Fir-rigward ta’ investigazzjonijiet ;enerali jew investigazzjonijiet li jsiru fuq ilmenti mill-Kummissarju, il-Ministru jista’ jippreskrivi>-
(a) l-proçedura li biha l-Kummissarju jista’ jitlob lil xi persuna tipprovdi dik l-informazzjoni li tista’ tkun me[tie;a g[all- investigazzjoni, kif ukoll i]-]mien sa meta u l-mod kif dik l- informazzjoni g[andha ti;i pprovduta<
(b) il-proçeduri li g[andhom ji;u segwiti meta persuna tonqos milli tipprovdi dik l-informazzjoni ç-çirkostanzi, li fihom wara investigazzjoni kif hawn qabel imsemmi, l-Kummissjoni tista’ hi nnifisha tie[u azzjoni legali.
(4) Regolamenti ta[t is-subartikolu (3) jistg[u jipprovdu, fil-ka] ta’ diskriminazzjoni allegata minn xi persuna kontra l-o[ra, l- arran;amenti li bihom il-Kummissjoni tista’ hi nnifisha tirreferi l- kwistjoni lill-qorti çivili kompetenti jew lit-Tribunal Industrijali g[al rimedju>
I]da ebda [a;a f’dan is-subartikolu m’g[andha tipprevjeni lil xi persuna li jkollha interess legali milli hi nnifisha tibda xi azzjoni g[al rimedju jew meta xi azzjoni tkun ittie[det mill-Kummissjoni, milli tintervjeni u ssir parti fil-kaw]a.
(5) Il-Kummissarju u kull membru ie[or tal-Kummissjoni jew xi membru tal-[addiema tal-Kummissjoni g[andhom jittrattaw kull [a;a li jsiru jafu biha matul xi investigazzjoni b[ala konfidenzjali u m’g[andhomx ji]velawha kemm-il darba dak l-i]velar ma jkunx me[tie; matul xi prosekuzzjoni jew azzjoni g[al rimedju ta[t dan l-Att.
19. (1) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-provvedimenti ta’ l-artikolu
30 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Impiegi u r-Relazzjonjiet Industrijali, kull min jallega li persuna tkun g[amlet xi att fil-konfront tieg[u jew tag[ha, li ta[t xi wa[da mid-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att ikun kontra l-li;i, jkollu jew ikollha dritt ta’ azzjoni quddiem il-qorti kompetenti ta’ ;urisdizzjoni çivili fejn jitlob jew titlob lill-qorti tordna lill-konvenut jidde]isti mill- attijiet tieg[u jew tag[ha kontra l-li;i u, meta dan ikun japplika, tordna li jsir il-[las ta’ kumpens g[al dik il-[sara li jkun ;arrab jew tkun ;arrbet min[abba f’dak l-att kontra l-li;i.
(2) Fi proçedimenti ta[t is-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu ikun bi]]ejjed li l-attur i;ib jew i;;ib prova ta’ trattament b’mod anqas favorevoli min[abba fis-sess tieg[u jew tag[ha jew min[abba responsabbiltajiet li ;;ib il-familja u l-oneru jkun fuq il-konvenut li
A 13

Proçedimenti çivili. Att XXII ta’ l-2002.

A 14

Setg[a ta’ g[emil ta’ regolamenti.

j;ib jew i;;ib prova li dak it-trattament anqas favorevoli kien ;ustifikat skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att.
20. (1) Il-Ministru jista’ jag[mel regolamenti b’mod ;enerali sabiex jag[ti se[[ lid-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att, u l-infurzar tieg[u, u b’mod partikolari, imma ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-;eneralità ta’ dak hawn qabel imsemmi>-
(a) biex ji;i pprovdut dwar kull kwistjoni li tkun me[tie;a jew awtorizzata bl-Att li ti;i preskritta< u
(b) biex jipprovdi g[al kull [a;a relatata mal-ugwaljanza g[all-ir;iel u n-nisa< u
(ç) g[all-e]enzjoni ta’ xi persuna, jew klassi ta’ persuni jew korp, mill-[ti;iet ta’ l-artikolu 4 (1) ta’ dan l-Att sakemm dan ikun jirrigwarda l-artikolu 4 (1) paragrafu (a) u (b), l-artikolu 5 u l- artikolu 10 ta’ dan l-Att skond ma jista’ ji;i speçifikat fir- regolamenti hawn qabel imsemmija< i]da xi e]enzjoni b[al dik tista’ biss ti;i preskritta mill-Ministru wara konsultazzjoni mal- Kummissjoni u sakemm dik l-ezenzjoni tkun g[al perjodu ta’ ]mien speçifikat li jista’ ji;;edded mill-Ministru wara konsultazzjoni mal- Kummissjoni.
Mg[oddi mill-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Nru. 858 tas-27 ta’ Jannar, 2003.



Skrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati

A 15
I assent.
4th February, 2003
ACT No. I of 2003

AN ACT to promote equality for men and women

BE IT ENACTED by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows>-
1. (1) The short title of this Act is the Equality for Men and
Women Act, 2003.
(2) This Act shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for social policy may by notice in the Gazette appoint and different dates may be so appointed for different purposes or provisions of the Act.
2. (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires> “Commissioner” means the Commissioner for the promotion
of equality appointed under article 11 of this Act, and Commission
means the Commission established under the said article<
“discrimination” means discrimination based on sex or because of family responsibilities and includes the treatment of a person in a less favourable manner than other person has been or would be treated on the grounds of sex or because of family responsibilities and “discriminate” shall be construed accordingly<
“employment” means any gainful activity including self- employment and includes promotion and transfer to another post, as well as access to vocational or professional training, the duration of the employment or its extension or termination<

Short title and commencement.


A 16
“Minister” means the Minister responsible for equality< “sexual harassment” means the unlawful activities listed in
subarticle (1) of article 9<
“vocational training” includes all forms of vocational training and retraining.
(2) For the purposes of this Act, and unless the context otherwise requires, the terms “man” and “woman” include males and females irrespective of their age.
(3) For the purposes of subarticle (1) of this article discrimination based on sex or because of family responsibilities is>
(a) the giving of less favourable treatment, directly or indirectly, to men and women on the basis of their sex or because of family responsibilities<
(b) treating a woman less favourably for reasons of actual or potential pregnancy or childbirth<
(c) treating men and women less favourably on the basis of parenthood, family responsibility or for some other reason related to sex<
(d) any treatment based on a provision, criterion or practice which disadvantages a substantially higher proportion of members of one sex unless that provision, criterion or practice is appropriate and necessary and can be justified by objective factors unrelated to sex.
(4) Nothing in subarticle (2) of this article shall be deemed to constitute discrimination in so far as such treatment -
(a) is given to grant special protection to women during childbirth or pregnancy<
(b) constitutes measures of positive action for the purpose of achieving substantive equality for men and women.
(5) In relation to access to employment, a less favourable treatment which is based on a characteristic related to sex shall not constitute discrimination where by reason of the particular occupational activities concerned, or of the context in which they are carried out,
such a characteristic constitutes a genuine occupational requirement and where such treatment remains within the limits of what is appropriate and necessary in the circumstances>
Provided that the burden of proof shall lie on the person who alleges that there is a genuine occupational requirement.
3. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting any rule relating to religious practice, access to priesthood or membership in any religious order or other religious communities.

Scope of this Act.

A 17
4. (1) It shall be unlawful for employers to discriminate, directly or indirectly, against a person in the arrangements made to determine or in determining who should be offered employment or in the terms and conditions on which the employment is offered or in the determination of who should be dismissed from employment.
(2) Without prejudice to the provsions of article 26 of the Employment and Industrial Relations Act, employers shall also be deemed to have discriminated against a person if such employers –
(a) manage the work, give promotions, distribute tasks, offer training opportunities or otherwise arrange the working conditions in a manner that employees are assigned a less favourable status than others on the basis of sex or because of family responsibilities< or
(b) alter the working conditions, or the terms of employment of employees to the detriment of such employees after such employees have invoked any right accorded to him under this Act or claimed the performance in his favour of any obligation or duty under this Act< or
(c) neglect their obligation to suppress sexual harassment as provided under subarticle (2) of article 9 of this Act.
5. (1) It shall be the duty of employers upon the request of any person claiming to have been sexually harassed or discriminated against, or upon a request made by the Commissioner acting upon a complaint or otherwise, to provide such person or the Commissioner, as the case may be, within ten working days of such a request with a report on the allegation made or the procedures used by the employers in the matter alleged to constitute such sexual harasment or discrimination.
(2) The employers shall be entitled to claim from the person requesting the report, reimbursement of such reasonable expenses incurred in drawing up and making the report>

Discrimination in employment.

Act XXII of 2002.

Report on employment procedures.

A 18

Banks and financial institutions.

Participation of spouses in the activities of a self employed partner.

Educatjon and vocational guidance.

Provided that such expenses may be recovered from the person responsible for such sexual harassment or discrimination if it is found that such sexual harassment or discrimination did in fact take place.
6. (1) No bank or financial institution or insurance company shall discriminate against any person in the grant of any facility in respect of the establishment, equipment or in the launching or extension of any business or the launching or extension of any form of self employment or the insurance of that business or the person in self employment.
(2) Nothing in subarticle (1) of this article shall be deemed to constitute discrimination in so far as the conditions under which the facility or the insurance cover is offered or withheld reflect genuine considerations based on the financial risk in the grant of such facilities or of such insurance cover.
7. (1) Spouses of self employed workers not being employees or partners, who participate in the activities of the self employed workers and perform the same or ancillary tasks as their spouse shall be entitled to receive from their spouse a fair compensation for their activity commensurate to the value of their contribution.
(2) The provisions of subarticle (1) of this article shall not apply where the system of Community of Acquests or Community of the Residue under separate administration subsists between the spouses.
8. (1) It shall be unlawful for any educational establishment or for any other entity providing vocational training or guidance to discriminate against any person in -
(a) the access to any course, vocational training or guidance<
(b) the award of educational support for students or trainees<
(c) in the selection and implementation of the curricula< or
(d) in the assessment of the skills or knowledge of the students or trainees.
(2) Failure by the persons responsible for such establishments and entities to fulfil their obligation to suppress sexual harassment as provided under subarticle (2) of article 9 of this Act shall for the purposes of subarticle (1) of this article constitute discrimination.
(3) It shall be the duty of educational establishments and entities providing vocational training, within the limits of their competence to ensure that curricula and textbooks do not propagate discrimination.
9. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of article 29 of the Employment and Industrial Relations Act, it shall be unlawful for any person to sexually harass other persons, that is to say>
(a) to subject other persons to an act of physical intimacy< or
(b) to request sexual favours from other persons< or
(c) to subject other persons to any act or conduct with sexual connotations, including spoken words, gestures or the production, display or circulation of any written words, pictures or other material, where the act, words or conduct is unwelcome to the persons to whom they are directed and could reasonably be regarded as offensive, humiliating or intimidating to the persons to whom they are directed< or
(d) the persons so subjected or requested are treated less favourably by reason of such persons’ rejection of or submission to such subjection or request, it could reasonably be anticipated that such persons would be so treated.
(2) (a) Persons responsible for any work place, educational establishment or entity providing vocational training or guidance or for any establishment at which goods, services or accommodation facilities are offered to the public, shall not permit other persons who have a right to be present in, or to avail themselves of any facility, goods or service provided at that place, to suffer sexual harassment at that place.
(b) It shall be a defence for persons responsible as aforesaid to prove that they took such steps as are reasonably practicable to prevent such sexual harassment.
(3) Persons who sexually harass other persons shall be guilty of an offence against this article and shall, without prejudice to any greater liability under any other law, be liable on conviction to a fine (multa) of not more than one thousand liri or to imprisonment of not more than six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
10. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of article 26 of the
A 19

Sexual harassment.

Act XXII of 2002.

Discriminatory advertisement.

Employment and Industrial Relations Act, it shall be unlawful for Act XXII of 2002.
persons to publish or display or cause to be published or displayed any
advertisement, or, otherwise to advertise a vacancy for employment which discriminates between job seekers or to request from job seekers information concerning their private life or family plans>
A 20



for the Promotion of

Equality for Men and Women.

Provided that the provisions of this subarticle shall not apply in such cases where employers prove that the work in connection with the situation advertised can only be performed by a person of a specific sex.
(2) It shall not be lawful for persons to publish or display or cause to be published or displayed any advertisement which promotes discrimination or which otherwise discriminate.
(3) Persons who act in breach of subarticle (1) or (2) of this article shall be guilty of an offence against this article and shall, on conviction, be liable to the penalties established for contraventions.
(4) For the purposes of subarticle (1) of this article, advertising includes disseminating information about the vacancy by word of mouth from person to person.
11. (1) The Prime Minister shall upon the advice of the Minister appoint a Commission to be called the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality for Men and Women (hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”) composed of a chairperson who shall be called the Commissioner for the Promotion of Equality (hereinafter referred to as “the Commissioner”) and six other members, at least three of whom shall be women.
(2) All the members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Prime Minister from among such persons appearing to him to be best suited to deal with issues of equality for men and women, and, or, administrative issues connected therewith.
(3) Every member of the Commission shall hold office for a term of two years and may be reappointed at the end of their term of office.
(4) The Prime Minister may terminate the appointment of members of the Commission if he is satisfied that>
(a) without the consent of the Commission the members failed to attend the meetings of the Commission during a continuous period of six months<
(b) the members are undischarged bankrupt persons, or have made an arrangement with their creditors, or are insolvent or have been found guilty of any voluntary crime against the person< or
(c) the members are incapable of carrying out their duties.
(5) The quorum of the Commission shall be of four members, one of whom shall be the Commissioner.
(6) The validity of any proceedings of the Commission shall not be affected by any vacancy among the members of the Commission or by any defect in the appointment of any member.
(7) Decisions of the Commission shall be taken by the majority of the votes of the members present. The Commissioner shall also have a casting vote.
(8) Subject to the provisions of this Act and of any regulation made thereunder, the Commission may appoint sub-committees and, in general, shall regulate its own proceedings.
12. (1) The Commissioner, with the assistance of the
Commission, shall have the following functions, that is to say>
(a) to identify, establish and update all policies directly or indirectly related to issues of equality for men and women<
(b) to identify the needs of persons who are disadvantaged by reasons of their sex and to take such steps within its power and to propose appropriate measures in order to cater for such needs in the widest manner possible<
(c) to monitor the implementation of national policies with respect to the promotion of equality for men and women<
(d) to liaise between, and ensure the necessary co-ordination between, government departments and other agencies in the implementation of measures, services or initiatives proposed by Government or the Commission from time to time<
(e) to keep direct and continuous contact with local and foreign bodies working in the field of equality issues, and with other groups, agencies or individuals as the need arises<
(f) to work towards the elimination of discrimination between men and women<
(g) to carry out general investigations with a view to determine whether the provisions of this Act are being complied with<
A 21

Functions and status of Commissioner and of Commission.

A 22

Personnel of

the Commission.

(h) to investigate complaints of a more particular or individual character to determine whether the provisions of this Act are being contravened with respect to the complainant and, where deemed appropriate, to mediate with regard to such complaints<
(i) to inquire into and advise or make determinations on any matter relating to equality between men and women as may be referred to it by the Minister<
(j) to provide assistance, where and as appropriate, to persons suffering from discrimination in enforcing their rights under this Act<
(k) to keep under review the working of this Act, and where deemed required, at the request of the Minister or otherwise, submit proposals for its amendment or substitution<
(l) to perform such other function as may be assigned by this or any other Act or such other functions as may be assigned by the Minister.
(2) On the appointment by the Prime Minister of the first members, the Commission shall have a legal personality separate from that of the Government and its judicial representation shall vest in the Commissioner>
Provided that the Commission may appoint any one or more of its members or any other person, to appear in its name and on its behalf in any judicial proceedings, and on any act, contract, agreement or document whatsoever.
13. (1) The Commission shall be administered by an Executive Director who shall act in accordance with such policies established by the Commission and such instructions as may be given to him by the Commissioner.
(2) The Executive Director shall hold office under such terms and conditions as the Commissioner, with the concurrence of the Minister, may establish. Where the Executive Director is a public officer seconded from the Government, such person shall have the right on the termination of the secondment to revert to the former post without loss of rank or seniority.
(3) The Commission may, after consultations with the Minister and subject to the approval of such Minister as to their number, remuneration and terms and conditions of service, appoint such officers as it deems fit.
(4) The Prime Minister may, at the request of the Commission, from time to time direct that any public officers shall be detailed for duty with the Commission in such capacity and with effect from such date as may be specified in the direction.
(5) The period during which a direction as aforesaid shall apply to any officers specified therein, shall unless the officers retire from the public service, or otherwise cease to be public officers at an earlier date, and on the date specified in the direction or on the happening of any of the following events, that is to say -
(a) the acceptance by such public officers of an offer of permanent employment with the Commission< or
(b) the revocation by the Prime Minister of any direction made by him under this section in relation to such officers.
(6) Where a public officer is detailed for duty with the Commission under this article, such officer shall, during the time the direction has effect in relation to him, be under the administrative authority and control of the Commission, but shall for all other intents and purposes remain and be considered and treated as a public officer and without prejudice to the generality of the aforesaid such public officer>
(a) shall not during the time while he was so detailed -
(i) be precluded from applying for transfer to a department of the Government in accordance with the terms and conditions of service attached to the appointment under the Government held by the officer at the date on which such officer was detailed for duty< or
(ii) be so employed that his remuneration and conditions of service are less favourable than those which are attached to the appointment under the Government held by such officer at the date the officer was so detailed or which would have become attached during the said period had such officer not been so detailed< and
(b) shall be entitled to have the service with the Commission considered as service with the Government for the purpose of any pension, gratuity or benefit under the Pensions Ordinance and the Widows and Orphans’ Pension Act < and
A 23

Detailing of public officers.

Cap. 93. Cap. 58.

A 24

Funding of the




Annual report.

(c) any application made under subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) above, shall be given the same consideration as if the applicant had not been so detailed.
(7) The Commission shall pay to the Government such contributions as may from time to time be determined by the Minister responsible for finance in respect of the cost of pensions and gratuities earned by an officer detailed for duty with the Commission during the period in which the officer was so detailed.
14. (1) The Commission shall be funded out of funds allocated to it by the Minister out of funds voted by Parliament for activities under the Ministry or out of funds that may be donated or allocated to it from other sources in Malta or abroad.
(2) At least two months prior to the end of its financial year the Commission shall submit to the Minster, a business plan (including a financial plan) covering the proposed activities of the Commission during the following financial year. When approved by the Minister and by the Minister responsible for finance, such business plan, shall be the approved budget of the Commission.
(3) The Commission shall keep proper accounts of its income and expenditure and shall prepare and send to the Minister statements of accounts in relation to each of its financial years.
(4) The accounts of the Commission shall be audited by an auditor or auditors appointed by it with the approval of the Minister>
Provided that the Minister responsible for finance may require the books and records of the Commission to be audited or examined by the Auditor General who for the purpose shall have power to carry out such physical checking or other verifications, and may demand and acquire such information, as may be necessary.
(5) The financial year of the Commission shall commence on the 1st January and shall end on the 31st December of each year>
Provided that the first financial year of the Commission shall begin on the coming into force of this Act and end on the 31st December of the next following year.
15. (1) As soon as practicable after the end of every calendar year, but in any case not later than the 31st day of March of the following year, the Commission may submit to the Minister a report of its activities during the year (such report hereinafter in this section referred to as an “Annual Report”).
(2) Each Annual Report shall include a general report of developments during the period to which it relates in respect of matters falling within the functions of the Commission and shall also include a report on the activities, initiatives, investigations and initiatives undertaken to suppress discrimination and to promote equality for men and women.
(3) The Minister shall, as soon as practicable but in any case not later than two months after its submission to him by the Commission, cause a copy of the Annual Report together with a copy of the then current business and financial plan of the Commission to be laid on the Table of the House.
16. The Commission shall be exempt from any liability to pay tax, in respect of its income, under the Income Tax Act.
17. (1) The Commissioner may initiate investigations on any matter involving an act or omission that is allegedly unlawful under the provisions of this Act.
(2) The Commissioner may also initiate investigations on the receipt of a complaint in writing by persons who claim to be the victims of an act or omission contrary to the provisions of this Act.
(3) If it appears to the Commissioner that persons who wish to make a complaint under subarticle (2) of this article require assistance to formulate the complaint, the Commissioner shall take or order the taking of such reasonable steps as may be necessary to assist such persons in making the complaint.
18. (1) After carrying out an investigation the Commissioner may -
(a) dismiss the complaint, or
(b) find that the complaint is proved and thereupon, shall>
(i) where the action complained of constitutes an offence, make a report to the Commissioner of Police for action on his part< or
(ii) where the action complained of does not constitute an offence, call upon the person against whom the complaint is directed to redress the situation, and mediate between the complainant and such person to settle the matter<
A 25

Exemption for Income Tax, Cap 123.

Complaints and investigation.

Action by the Commissioner following an investigation.

A 26

Civil proceedings.

Act XXII of 2002.

(2) The findings of the Commissioner under subarticle (1) shall not be binding on the complainant and the person against whom the complaint is directed unless they expressly declare in writing to be so bound.
(3) In respect of general investigations or of investigations upon complaints by the Commissioner, the Minister may prescribe>-
(a) the procedure whereby the Commissioner may require any person to furnish such information as may be necessary for the investigation, as well as the time within which and the manner in which such information is to be furnished<
(b) the procedures to be followed where a person fails to supply such information the circumstances, in which following an investigation as aforesaid, the Commission may itself take legal action.
(4) Regulations under subarticle (3) may provide, in the case of an alleged discrimination by one person against another, the arrangements whereby the Commission may itself refer the matter to the competent civil court or to the Industrial Tribunal for redress>
Provided that nothing in this subarticle shall prevent any person having a legal interest from himself taking action for redress or where action has been taken by the Commission, from joining in and becoming a party to the suit.
(5) The Commissioner and every other member of the Commission or any member of the staff of the Commission shall treat any matter coming to their knowledge in the course of an investigation as confidential and shall not disclose the same unless such disclosure is necessary in the course of a prosecution or an action for redress under this Act.
19. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of article 30 of the Employment and Industrial Relations Act, a person who alleges that any other person has committed in his or her regard any act which under any of the provisions of this Act is unlawful, shall have a right of action before the competent court of civil jurisdiction requesting the court to order the defendant to desist from such lunlawful acts and, where applicable, to order the payment of compensation for such damage suffered through such unlawful act.
(2) In any proceedings under subarticle (1) of this article it shall be sufficient for the plaintiff to prove that he or she has been treated less favourably on the basis of sex or because of family responsibilities
and it shall be incumbent on the defendant to prove that such less favourable treatment was justified in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
20. (1) The Minister may make regulations generally for giving effect to the provisions of this act, and the enforcement thereof, and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing>-
(a) for providing for any matter which is required or authorised by the Act to be prescribed< and
(b) for providing for any matter relating to equality between men and women< and
(c) for the exemption of any person, or class of persons or body, from the requirements of article 4 (1) of this Act in so far as it relates to article 4 (1) paragraphs (a) and (b), article 5 and article
10 of this Act as may be specified in the aforesaid regulations<
provided that any such exemption shall only be prescribed by the Minister after consultation with the Commission and provided that such exemption shall be for a specified period of time which can be renewed by the Minister after consultation with the Commission.
A 27

Power to make regulations.

Passed by the House of Representatives at Sitting No. 858 of the 27th January,



Clerk to the House of Representatives

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