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Maltese Laws |
A BILL introduced by the Honourable Censu Galea, M.P., Minister for Competitiveness and Communication, and read for the First time at the Sitting of the
16th October, 2006.
AN ACT to regulate the Enforcement of
Intellectual Property Rights.
Skrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati
Clerk of the House of Representatives
C 1085
IL-PRESIDENT, bil-parir u l-kunsens tal-Kamra tad- Deputati, imlaqqg[a f’dan il-Parlament, u bl-awtorità ta’ l-istess, [are;
b’li;i dan li ;ej>-
1. It-titolu fil-qosor ta’ dan l-Att hu Att ta’ l-2006 li jirregola l- Infurzar ta’ Drittijiet ta’ Proprjetà Intellettwali.
2. F’dan l-Att, kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma tkunx te[tie;
xort’o[ra –
“qorti kompetenti” u “Qorti”, kemm-il darba ma ji;ix ordnat xort’o[ra permezz ta’ regolamenti mag[mulin ta[t dan l-Att,
Titolu fil-qosor.
Tifsir. Kap. 415. Kap. 416. Kap. 417.
C 1086
Persuni b’jedd li jag[mlu u]u mill- mi]uri,
pro/eduri u rimedji provduti b’dan l- Att.
Pre]unzjoni li persuna tkun l- awtur jew is-sid.
dik il-Qorti li tkun kompetenti li tisma’ ka] skond ir-regoli stabbiliti fil-Kodi/i ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Pro/edura ?ivili<
“drittijiet ta’ proprjetà intellettwali” tfisser dawk id-drittijiet li ji;u mog[tijin ta[t l-Att dwar id-Drittijiet ta’ l-Awtur,
l-Att dwar it-Trademarks u l-Att dwar il-Privattivi Industrijali u d-Disinni, jew kull li;i o[ra li tista minn ]mien g[al ]mien tid[ol minflokhom u “li;ijiet
rilevanti” g[andha titfisser bl-istess mod<
“il-Ministru” tfisser il-Ministru responsabbli g[all-proprjetà intellettwali.
3. Dawn il-persuni g[andu jkollhom, b’]jieda ma’ kull mezz ie[or provdut bil-li;i g[all-infurzar tad-drittijiet tag[hom ta’
proprjetà intellettwali, il-jedd li jag[mlu u]u mill-mi]uri, pro/eduri u rimedji provduti b’dan l-Att>-
(a) kull min skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ kull li;i li tkun tapplika tkun id-detentur ta’ dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali<
(b) kull min ikun awtorizzat ju]a dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali u, b’mod partikolari, kull min ikun detentur ta’ liçenza
ta’ dritt b[al dak<
(/) collecting societies rikonoxxuti< u
(d) so/jetajiet professjonali ta’ difi]a li huma regolarment rikonoxxuti b[ala li g[andhom dritt jirrappre]entaw lil detenturi
ta’ drittijiet ta’ proprjetà intellettwali.
4. (1) Kull min ismu jidher fuq xi xog[ol litterarju jew artistiku b’tali mod li soltu persuna ti;i indikata b[ala l-awtur
tax-xog[ol g[andu, sakemm ma jkunx hemm prova kuntrarja, ji;i kkunsidrat b[ala l-awtur ta’ dak ix-xog[ol u jkollu jedd jag[mel
u]u mill-mi]uri, pro/eduri u rimedji provduti b’dan l-Att.
(2) Id-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu g[andhom japplikaw’mutatis mutandis g[ad-detentur ta’ drittijiet li g[andhom x’jaqsmu mad-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur g[ar-rigward tal-materja koperta tag[hom.
5. (1) Kull min ikollu jedd jag[mel u]u mid-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att jista’ jippre]enta rikors fil-Qorti kompetenti
fejn jitlob il- [ru; ta’ ordni tal-Qorti li tkun tiddikjara li dawk il-provi li jkunu qeg[din jin]ammu minn parti li topponi ji;u
ppre]entati fil-Qorti mill-parti li topponi, bla [sara g[all-protezzjoni ta’ informazzjoni kunfidenzjali>
I]da biex persuna jkollha jedd tag[mel u]u mid-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu hija g[andha, flimkien mar-rikors, tippre]enta
provi li jkunu ra;onevolment disponibbli u li jkunu suffi/jenti biex isostnu t- talbiet tag[ha. G[al dan l-iskop, kampjun ra;onevoli
ta’ g[add sostanzjali ta’ kopji ta’ xi xog[ol jew xi o;;ett protett ie[or g[andu ji;i kkunsidrat b[ala li jikkostitwixxi provi
(2) Fil-ka] ta’ ksur ta’ drittijiet ta’ proprjetà intellettwali li jsir fuq skala kummer/jali, il-Qorti tista’, ta[t
l-istess kundizzjonijiet stipulati fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu, tordna li ji;u komunikati lir-rikorrent dawk id-dokumenti
bankarji, finanzjarji jew kummer/jali li jkunu ta[t il-kontroll tal-parti li topponi, bla [sara g[all-protezzjoni ta’ kull informazzjoni
6. (1) Il-Qorti kompetenti tista’, anke qabel ma jinbdew il-pro/ edimenti fuq il-merti tal-ka], wara li jsir rikors minn persuna
li tkun ippre]entat provi li jkunu ra;onevolment disponibbli biex isostnu l- pretensjoni tag[ha li d-dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali
li jkollha, ikun
;ie miksur jew ikun ser ji;i miksur, tordna li jittie[du dawk il-mi]uri provi]orji immedjati u effettivi skond ma ji;u kkunsidrati
li jkunu adatti
sabiex ji;u preservati provi rilevanti fir-rigward tal-ksur allegat, bla [sara g[all-protezzjoni ta’ informazzjoni kunfidenzjali.
Dawk il-mi]uri jistg[u jinkludu deskrizzjoni dettaljata, bit-te[id jew ming[ajr it-te[id ta’ kampjuni jew il-qbid fi]iku ta’
l-o;;etti involuti fil-ksur u, f’ka]ijiet adatti, tal-materjal u tag[mir li ji;u u]ati fil-produzzjoni u, jew id- distribuzzjoni
ta’ dawn l-o;;etti u tad-dokumenti li jkollhom x’jaqsmu mag[hom. Il-Qorti kompetenti tista’ wkoll, jekk tqis li jkun hekk adatt,
tordna li dawk il-mi]uri g[andhom jittie[du ming[ajr ma tkun instemg[et il-parti l-o[ra, b’mod partikolari meta jkun hemm dewmien
li x’aktarx jikka;una [sara li ma tissewwiex lid-detenturi tad-dritt jew fejn il-Qorti tikkunsidra li jkun hemm riskju evidenti
li l-provi jkunu qeg[din ji;u meqruda.
(2) Meta ji;u adottati mi]uri sabiex ji;u preservati l-provi ming[ajr ma tkun instemg[et il-parti l-o[ra, il-partijiet affettwati
g[andhom ji;u notifikati ming[ajr ebda dewmien wara l-e]ekuzzjoni tal-mi]uri. Tista’ ssir revi]joni, li tkun tinkludi d-dritt
ta’ smig[ mill-
C 1087
Mi]uri li jippreservaw il- provi.
C 1088
Dritt li ting[ata jew tinkiseb informazzjoni.
Qorti, wara li ssir talba permezz ta’ rikors minn xi wa[da mill-partijiet affettwati, bil-g[an li ji;i de/i], fi ]mien ra;onevoli
wara n-notifika tal-mi]uri, jekk il-mi]uri g[andhomx ji;u modifikati, revokati jew konfermati.
(3) Bi tkomplija tat-talba tieg[u g[al mi]uri biex jippreserva l-provi, ir-rikorrent g[andu jippre]enta fil-Qorti dik il-malleverija
jew assikurazzjoni li tkun inti]a biex ti]gura li jing[ata kumpens g[al kull pre;udizzju li jista’ ji;i m;arrab mill-parti l-o[ra,
kif provdut fis- subartikolu (5) ta’ dan l-artikolu, skond ma tista’ tordna l-Qorti.
(4) Il-mi]uri biex ji;u preservati l-provi g[andhom ji;u revokati mill-Qorti wara li ssir talba permezz ta’ rikors mill-persuna
li dawk il-mi]uri jkunu ttie[du kontriha, ming[ajr ebda pre;udizzju g[al dawk id-danni li jistg[u jintalbu, jekk ir-rikorrent li
dawk il-mi]uri jkunu ttie[du fuq talba tieg[u, jonqos, fi ]mien wie[ed u tletin ;urnata mill- [ru; ta’ dawk il-mi]uri, milli jibda
pro/edimenti li jkunu jwasslu g[al de/i]joni fuq il-merti tal-ka] quddiem il-Qorti kompetenti.
(5) Jekk il-mi]uri biex il-provi ji;u preservati ji;u revokati, jew meta dawn jiskadu min[abba f’xi att jew ommissjoni tar-rikorrent
jew meta sussegwentement jirri]ulta li ma kien hemm ebda ksur jew theddida ta’ ksur ta’ xi dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali,
il-Qorti kompetenti tista’ tordna lir-rikorrent, fuq talba tal-persuna li dawk il-mi]uri jkunu indirizzati kontriha, biex tipprovdi
lil dik il-persuna kumpens adatt g[ad- danni li jkunu ;ew ka;unati b’dawk il-mi]uri skond ma dawn jistg[u ji;u likwidati mill-Qorti.
(6) Meta tkun qeg[da tikkunsidra ka]ijiet u rikorsi mag[mulin skond dan l-Att, il-Qorti kompetenti tista’ wkoll tie[u dawk
il-mi]uri li tista’ tqis li jkunu adatti g[all-iskop li ti;i protetta l-identità tax-xhieda, bla [sara g[all-fatt li ji;i rispettat
id-dritt g[al pro/edimenti xierqa.
(7) Filwaqt li jkunu qeg[din isiru pro/edimenti li jkunu jinvolvu l-g[emil ta’ rikors biex ji;u provduti mi]uri li jkunu
jippreservaw il-provi, il-Qorti g[andha tie[u dawk il-mi]uri kollha li hija tqis li jkunu me[tie;a biex tipprote;i l-identità tax-xhieda.
7. (1) Matul il-pro/edimenti li jirrigwardaw il-ksur ta’ dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali, il-Qorti tista’ tordna,
fuq talba li ssir minn persuna li tag[mel rikors g[aldaqstant u li dik il-Qorti tqis li tkun wa[da
;ustifikata u proporzjonata, li xi informazzjoni fuq l-ori;ini u n-nis;iet ta’ distribuzzjoni ta’ l-o;;etti jew tas-servizzi li
jkunu jiksru d-dritt ta’
proprjetà intellettwali, g[andha tin;ieb quddiemha minn min ikun qieg[ed jikkommetti l-ksur u, jew minn kull persuna o[ra li>
(a) jirri]ulta li kellha pussess ta’ l-o;;etti involuti fil- ksur fuq skala kummer/jali <
(b) jirri]ulta li kienet qeg[da tu]a s-servizzi involuti fi ksur fuq skala kummer/jali<
(/) jirri]ulta li kienet qeg[da tipprovdi fuq skala kummer/jali servizzi li ji;u u]ati f’attivitajiet ta’ ksur< jew
(d) tkun ;iet indikata minn xi wa[da mill-persuni msemmijin fil-paragrafu (a), (b) u (/) ta’ dan is-subartikolu b[ala li huma
involuti fil-produzzjoni, manufattura jew distribuzzjoni ta’ o;;etti jew l-g[oti ta’ servizzi.
(2) L-informazzjoni mitluba msemmijin fis-subartikolu ta’
qabel g[andu, skond ma jkun adatt li jsir, jkun fiha>
(a) l-ismijiet u l-indirizzi tal-produtturi, manufatturi, distributuri, fornituri u detenturi o[rajn pre/edenti ta’ l-o;;etti
jew tas-servizzi kif ukoll tal-bejjieg[a bl-ingrossa u tal- bejjieg[a bl-imnut li x-xog[ol ikun ma[sub li jg[addi g[al g[andhom<
(b) informazzjoni fuq il-kwantitajiet prodotti, manufatturati, kunsinnati, ri/evuti jew ordnati, kif ukoll il- prezz li jinkiseb
g[al o;;etti jew servizzi in kwistjoni.
(3) Is-subartikoli pre/edenti g[andhom japplikaw ming[ajr ebda pre;udizzju g[al provvedimenti o[ra statutorji li>
(a) jag[tu lid-detentur ta’ drittijiet il-jedd li jir/ievi informazzjoni aktar kompleta<
(b) jirregolaw l-u]u, fi pro/edimenti /ivili jew kriminali, ta’ l-informazzjoni li tkun ;iet komunikata b’mod konformi ma’
dan l-artikolu<
(/) jirregolaw ir-responsabbiltà g[al kull u]u [a]in li jsir mid-dritt ta’ informazzjoni< jew
(d) jag[tu l-opportunità li ma tit[alliex li ti;i provduta informazzjoni li tkun i;;ieg[el lill-persuna msemmija fis- subartikolu
(1) ta’ dan l-artikolu tammetti l-parte/ipazzjoni tieg[u jew tag[ha jew dik ta’ qraba fil-vi/in bi ksur ta’ xi dritt ta’
proprjetà intellettwali< jew
C 1089
C 1090
Mi]uri li g[andhom jittie[du mill-Qorti.
(e) jirregolaw il-protezzjoni ta’ kunfidenzjalità ta’
g[ejjun ta’ informazzjoni jew l-ippro/essar ta’’data personali.
8. (1) Kull persuna msemmija fl-artikolu 3 ta’ dan l-Att tista’
permezz ta’ rikors titlob lill-Qorti>
(a) to[ro; kontra min ikun qieg[ed allegatament jikkommetti l-ksur ta’ dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali, digriet li jkun
inti] biex jipprevjeni kull ksur imminenti ta’ dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali b[al dak, jew li jipprojbixxi, fuq ba]i provi]orja
u, fejn ikun adatt, bla [sara g[al [las ta’ penali li jista’ jsir g[al diversi drabi fejn ikun hemm provdut dwar dan skond il-li;i,
milli jitkompla jse[[ kull tali ksur allegat ta’ dak id-dritt, jew li tag[mel dik it-tkomplija so;;etta g[al garanziji li jkunu
inti]i biex ji]guraw li jing[ata kumpens lid- detentur tad-dritt. Tista’ wkoll tin[are; projbizzjoni interlokutorja, ta[t l-istess
kundizzjonijiet, kontra kull intermedjarju li jkollu s-servizzi tieg[u qeg[din ji;u u]ati minn terzi hekk li dawn ikunu jiksru
dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali<
(b) jordna l-qbid jew il-kunsinna ta’ l-o;;etti li jkunu suspettati li qeg[din jiksru d-dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali.
(2) Meta ksur ta’ dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali jkun sar fuq dik li l-Qorti tqis li tkun skala kummer/jali hija tista’
tordna, jekk l- attur juri li jkun hemm /irkostanzi li x’aktarx jipperikolaw l-irkupru tal-[las g[ad-danni, l-qbid kawtelatorju
tal-proprjetà mobbli u immobbli ta’ min ikun qieg[ed allegatament jikkommetti l-ksur, inklu] is- sekwestru tal-kontijiet tal-bank
u ta’ kull attiv ie[or ta’ l-istess persuna li tkun qeg[da tikkommetti dak il-ksur. Iktar minn hekk, il-Qorti g[andu jkollha
s-setg[a tordna li ji;u komunikati d-dokumenti bankarji, finanzjarji jew kummer/jali, jew inkella titlob li ting[ata a//ess xieraq
g[al informazzjoni rilevanti, skond ma jidhrilha li jkun adatt.
(3) Fir-rigward tal-mi]uri msemmija fis-subartikoli (1) u (2) ta’ dan l-artikolu, il-Qorti g[andu jkollha l-awtorità te[tie;
lir- rikorrent jipprovdi kull prova li tkun ra;onevolment disponibbli biex tkun ra;onevolment sodisfatta li r-rikorrent ikun id-detentur
ta’ drittijiet u li d-dritt tieg[u jew ikun qieg[ed ji;i miksur jew ikun f’periklu imminenti li ji;i miksur.
(4) F’ka]ijiet adatti, u partikolarment meta tqis li kull dewmien ikun ser jikka;una [sara lid-detentur tad-dritt li ma tissewwiex,
il-Qorti g[andha tie[u dawk il-mi]uri li hemm imsemmija fis-subartikoli (1) u (2) ta’ dan l-artikolu ming[ajr il-[tie;a li qabel
tisma’ lill-konvenut. F’ka] b[al dak, il-partijiet g[andhom ji;u mg[arrfa b’dan ming[ajr ebda dewmien u f’kull ka] mhux
i]jed tard minnufih wara li jkunu ;ew e]egwiti dawk il-mi]uri>
I]da l-konvenut ikollu d-dritt jitlob lill-Qorti permezz ta’ rikors li din tirrevedi l-mi]uri hawn qabel imsemmija bil-g[an li ji;i
de/i], fi
]mien ra;onevoli wara n-notifika ta’ dawk il-mi]uri, jekk dawk il-mi]uri
g[andhomx ji;u modifikati, revokati jew konfermati.
(5) Jekk ir-rikorrent fi ]mien wie[ed u tletin ;urnata kalendarja ma jibdiex pro/edimenti li jwasslu g[al de/i]joni fuq il-merti
tal-ka] quddiem il-Qorti kompetenti, il-Qorti g[andha fuq talba li ssir mill-konvenut tg[addi biex tirrevoka l-mi]uri provi]orji
msemmija fis- subartikoli ta’ qabel dan.
(6) Il-Qorti tista’, meta tkun qeg[da tilqa’ l-mi]uri provi]orji msemmija hawn qabel, te[tie; lir-rikorrent jiddepo]ita garanzija
adegwata jew assikurazzjoni ekwivalenti li tkun inti]a biex ti]gura kumpens g[al kull pre;udizzju m;arrab mill-konvenut skond ma
hemm provdut dwaru fis-subartikolu (7) ta’ dan l-artikolu.
(7) Meta l-mi]uri provi]orji msemmija hawn qabel ji;u revokati mill-Qorti, jew meta dawn jiskadu min[abba f’xi att jew ommissjoni
tar-rikorrent, jew meta l-Qorti sussegwentement tidde/iedi li ma kien hemm ebda ksur jew theddida ta’ ksur ta’ dritt ta’ proprjetà
intellettwali, il-Qorti g[andu jkollha s-setg[a tordna lir-rikorrent, fuq talba li ssirilha permezz ta’ rikors tal-konvenut, biex
jag[ti lill-istess konvenut kumpens adatt g[al kull [sara li huwa seta’ ;arrab min[abba f’dawk il-mi]uri.
9. (1) Fuq talba tar-rikorrent u ming[ajr ebda pre;udizzju g[al danni dovuti lid-detentur ta’ drittijiet min[abba f’xi ksur
ta’ dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali, il-Qorti tista’ tordna it-te[id ta’ kull mi]ura li tista’ tqis li tkun adatta g[ar-rigward
ta o;;etti li jinsabu li jkunu bi ksur ta’ dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali kif ukoll g[ar-rigward ta’ kull materjal u tag[mir
li ji;i u]at fil-produzzjoni jew il-manufattura ta’ dawk l-o;;etti. Dawk il-mi]uri g[andhom ikunu jinkludu>
C 1091
Mi]uri korrettivi.
C 1092
Mi]uri alternattivi.
(a) li l-o;;etti jissej[u lura mi/-/irkolazzjoni fis- sistemi e]istenti tal-kummer/<
(b) li l-o;;etti jitne[[ew definittivament mi/- çirkolazzjoni fis-sistemi e]istenti tal-kummer/< jew
(/) li l-o;;etti ji;u meqrudin.
(2) Il-Qorti g[andha tordna li dawk il-mi]uri jitwettqu g[as- spejje] ta’ min ikun qieg[ed jikkommetti l-ksur, kemm-il darba
ma ji;ux invokati ra;unijiet partikulari biex dan ma jsirx.
(3) Meta tkun qeg[da tikkunsidra talba g[al mi]uri korrettivi, il-Qorti g[andha tara li jkun hemm bilan/ ta’ proporzjonalità
bejn il-gravità tal-ksur u r-rimedji li ji;u ordnati filwaqt li jkun qieg[ed ji;i tenut kont ta’ l-interessi ta’ terzi.
10. (1) Meta l-Qorti jirri]ultalha li jkun hemm xi ksur ta’ dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali, din tista’ fuq rikors
li jsir mill-attur to[ro; projbizzjoni kontra min ikun qieg[ed jikkommetti l-ksur bil-g[an li ti;i projbita t-tkomplija ta’ dak
il-ksur. Jekk persuna tonqos milli tottempera ru[ha ma’ dik il-projbizzjoni, dan ikun jikkostitwixxi disprezz tal-Qorti.
(2) Ir-rikors imsemmi fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l- artikolu jista’ wkoll isir fir-rigward ta’ intermedjarji li jkollhom
is- servizzi tag[hom u]ati minn terzi biex jiksru dritt ta’ proprjetà intellettwali, ming[ajr ebda pre;udizzju g[all-artikolu
42 ta’ l-Att dwar id-Drittijiet ta’ l-Awtur.
11. F’ka]ijiet fejn ikunu jistg[u ji;u applikati l-mi]uri stipulati fit-Taqsima V ta’ dan l-Att, ikun fid-diskrezzjoni
tal-Qorti, wara li jsir rikors mill-persuna li dwarha jistg[u jittie[du dawk il-mi]uri, li ]]omm lura milli tapplika dawk il-mi]uri
u minflok tordna li jsir il- [las ta’ kumpens ta’ flus lill-parti li tkun ;arrbet il-[sara jekk hija tkun tal-fehma li min ikun
qieg[ed jikkommetti l-ksur in kwistjoni jkun a;ixxa bla ma kellu ebda intenzjoni u ming[ajr ebda negli;enza, jekk l- e]ekuzzjoni
tal-mi]uri in kwistjoni tikka;una [sara sproporzjonata lil min ikun qieg[ed jikkommetti l-ksur u jekk l-g[oti ta’ kumpens ta’
flus lill-parti li tkun ;arrbet il-[sara jidher li jkun ra;onevolment sodisfaçenti.
12. (1) Il-Qorti g[andha wara li jsirilha rikors mill-parti li tkun ;arrbet il-[sara, tordna lil min ikun qieg[ed jikkommetti
l-ksur u li jkun, sew xjentement jew g[ax ikun ra;onevolment mistenni li jaf, wettaq xi attività li tinvolvi ksur, i[allas lid-detentur
ta’’drittijiet danni daqsinsew mal-pre;udizzju attwali m;arrab minn dak id-detentur tad- dritt b[ala ri]ultat tal-ksur.
(2) Meta tkun qeg[da tistabbilixxi l-ammont ta’ danni dovuti, g[andu ji;i tenut kont mill-Qorti ta’ kull aspett rilevanti,
inklu]i l-konsegwenzi ekonomi/i negattivi kollha li setg[u ;ew im;arrba mill- parti li tkun ;arrbet il-[sara inklu] kull telf ta’
profitti, kif ukoll profitt in;ust li jkun sar minn min ikun qieg[ed jikkommetti l-ksur u, skond ma tqis li jkun adatt, elementi
o[ra, b[alma huma l-pre;udizzju morali, ka;unati lid-detentur ta’ drittijiet b’dak il-ksur>
I]da minflok il-metodu ta’ stima ta’ danni hawn qabel imsemmi, il-Qorti tista’, meta tqis li jkun hekk adatt, tag[]el li tapplika
metodu ta’ stima alternattiv li jkun jinvolvi l-g[oti ta’ somma globali ta’ danni li g[andhom jit[allsu u li tkun tinkludi
elementi b[alma huma, mill-inqas, l-ammont ta’ royalties jew [lasijiet li kienu jkunu dovuti kieku l-persuna li tkun qeg[da tikkommetti l-ksur kienet talbet li ti;i awtorizzata tu]a d-dritt
intellettwali in kwistjoni.
(3) Meta l-Qorti tkun tal-fehma li min ikun qieg[ed jikkommetti l-ksur ma kienx qieg[ed iwettaq dik l-attività ta’ ksur xjentement,
hija tista’ tordna l-irkupru ta’ profitti jew il-[las ta’ danni, skond ma dawn jistg[u ji;u stabbiliti bil-quddiem b’regolamenti
mag[mulin ta[t il-li;ijiet rilevanti.
13. F’azzjoni ;udizzjarja li tkun konformi ma’ xi disposizzjoni ta’ dan l-Att, il-Qorti g[andha b[ala regola ;enerali tordna
li l-ispejje] legali u l-ispejje] l-o[ra kollha li tkun g[amlet il-parti rebbie[a g[andhom ji;u m;arrba mill-parti telliefa
kemm-il darba ma tikkunsidrax li l-ekwità tkun te[tie; xort’o[ra.
14. Il-Qorti tista’, fuq talba tar-rikorrent u g[as-spejje] ta’ min ikun qieg[ed jikkommetti l-ksur, tordna li jittie[du
mi]uri adatti g[at-tixrid ta’ l-informazzjoni li tirrigwarda d-de/i]joni tag[ha, inklu]
C 1093
Spejje] legali.
Pubblikazzjoni ta’
C 1094
Setg[a ta’ g[emil ta’ regolamenti.
il-wiri tad-de/i]joni u l-pubblikazzjoni tag[ha kollha kemm hi jew parti minnha. Il-Qorti tista’ wkoll tipprovdi g[al mi]uri
ta’ pubbli/ità addizzjonali o[rajn li hija tqis li jkunu adatti g[al dawk i/-/irkostanzi partikulari tal-ka], inklu] ir-reklamar
b’mod prominenti.
15. Il-Ministru jista’ jag[mel regolamenti g[all- implimentazzjoni a[jar tad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att u, ming[ajr pre;udizzju
g[all-;eneralità ta’ dak hawn qabel imsemmi, huwa jista’ b’dawk ir-regolamenti>
(a) jordna dak kollu li jista’ ji;i ordnat b’dan l-Att< (b) jestendi l-kategoriji ta’ persuni li jkollhom jedd
japprofittaw ru[hom mill-mi]uri, pro/eduri u rimedji provduti b’dan l-Att<
(/) jordna xi jkunu t-termini g[all-e]er/izzju ta’ xi azzjoni ta[t dan l-Att<
(d) jiddetermina metodi biex ji;u stmati d-danni dovuti ta[t dan l-Att<
(e) jistabbilixxi regoli spe/ifi/i ta’ pro/edura jew ta’
provi g[ar-rigward ta’ azzjonijiet ta[t dan l-Att<
(f) jiddetermina liema Qorti jew Qrati jkollhom jittrattaw azzjonijiet ta[t dan l-Att<
(g) jordna mi]uri bil-g[an li jkun hemm konformità ma’ kull obbligazzjoni internazzjonali li Malta jista’ jkollha jew ma’
kull obbligazzjoni ta’ Malta b[ala Stat Membru ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea dwar affarijiet li jkollhom x’jaqsmu ma’ dan l-Att.
G[anijiet u Ra;unijiet
L-g[an ta’ dan l-Abbozz hu biex jittrasponi fil-li;i ta’ Malta id-disposizzjonijiet tad-Direttiva 2004#48#KE tal-Parlament Ewropew
u tal-Kunsill tad-29 ta’ April, 2004 fuq l-infurzar ta’ drittijiet ta’ proprjetà intellettwali.
C 1095
AN ACT to regulate the enforcement of intellectual property
BE IT ENACTED BY THE President, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives, in the present Parliament assembled
and by the authority of the same, as follows>-
1. The short title of this Act is the Enforcement of Intellectual
Property Rights (Regulation) Act, 2006.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires -
‘competent court’ and’‘Court’, unless otherwise prescribed by regulations made under this Act mean the Court that is competent
to take cognizance of a case according to the rules established in the Code of Organization and Civil Procedure<
‘ intellectual property rights’ means those rights accorded under the Copyright Act, the Trademarks Act and the Patents and Designs
Act, or any other law which may from time to time substitute the said Acts and ‘relevant legislation’ shall be interpreted accordingly<
Short title.
Definitions Cap. 415. Cap. 416. Cap. 417.
C 1096
Persons entitled to avail themselves of the measures, procedures and remedies provided by this Act.
Presumption of authorship or ownership.
‘the Minister’ means the Minister responsible for intellectual property.
3. The following persons shall, in addition to all other means provided by law for the enforcement of their intellectual property
rights, be entitled to avail themselves of the measures, procedures and remedies provided by this Act>-
(a) any person who in accordance with the provisions of any applicable law is the holder of an intellectual property right<
(b) any person who is authorised to use an intellectual property right and, in particular, any person who is a licensee of such
(c) recognised collecting societies< and
(d) professional defence bodies which are regularly recognised as having a right to represent holders of intellectual property
4. (1) Any person whose name appears on a literary or artistic work in a manner that is usual for indicating a person as
the author of the work shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be considered as the author thereof and such person shall
be entitled to avail himself of the measures, procedures and remedies provided by this Act.
(2) The provisions of sub-article (1) hereof shall apply mutatis mutandis to the holder of rights related to copyright with regard to their protected subject matter.
5. (1) Any person who is entitled to avail himself of the provisions of this Act may file an application in the competent
Court requesting a Court order to the effect that evidence which is in the control of an opposing party be presented in Court by
the opposing party, subject to the protection of confidential information>
Provided that for a person to be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of this article he shall, together with the application,
file reasonably available evidence sufficient to support his claims. For this
purpose a reasonable sample of a substantial number of copies of a work or any other protected object shall be considered to constitute
reasonable evidence.
(2) In the case of an infringement of intellectual property rights committed on a commercial scale, the Court may, under the
same conditions stipulated in sub-article (1) hereof, order the communication to the applicant of banking, financial or commercial
documents under the control of the opposing party, subject to the protection of confidential information.
6. (1) The competent Court may, even before the commencement of proceedings on the merits of the case, upon an application
by a person who has filed reasonably available evidence to support his claim that his intellectual property right has been infringed
or is about to be infringed, order such prompt and effective provisional measures as it considers appropriate to preserve relevant
evidence in respect of the alleged infringement, subject to the protection of confidential information. Such measures may include
the detailed description, with or without the taking of samples or the physical seizure of the infringing goods and, in appropriate
cases, the materials and implements used in the production and, or distribution of the said goods and the documents relating thereto.
The competent Court may also, if it considers it necessary, order that such measures be taken without the other party having been
heard, in particular where any delay is likely to cause irreparable harm to the rightholders or where the Court considers that there
is an evident risk of the evidence being destroyed.
(2) When measures to preserve evidence are adopted without the other party having been heard, the parties affected shall be
given notice without delay after the execution of the measures. A review, including a right to be heard by the Court, shall take
place upon request by application of any of the parties affected with a view to deciding, within a reasonable period after the notification
of the measures, whether the measures shall be modified, revoked or confirmed.
(3) In pursuing his demand for measures to preserve evidence, the applicant shall lodge in Court such security or assurance
intended to ensure compensation for any prejudice suffered by the other party, as provided in sub-article (5) hereof, as the Court
may order.
(4) Measures to preserve evidence shall be revoked by the Court upon the request made by application of the person against whom
such measures were taken, without prejudice to the damages which may be claimed, if the applicant at whose instance such measures
were taken fails, within thirty-one days from the issuing of such measures, to institute proceedings leading to a decision on the
merits of the case before the competent Court.
C 1097
Measures preserving evidence.
C 1098
Right of information.
(5) Where the measures to preserve evidence are revoked, or where they lapse due to any act or omission by the applicant or where
it is subsequently found that there has been no infringement or threat of infringement of an intellectual property right, the competent
Court may order the applicant, upon the request of the person against whom such measures are directed, to provide such person with
appropriate compensation for the damages caused by those measures as may be liquidated by the Court.
(6) In considering cases and applications made in terms of this Act, the competent Court may also take such measures as it may
consider appropriate for the purpose of protecting the identity of witnesses, subject to respect for the right to a fair trial.
(7) In the course of proceedings involving an application for measures to preserve evidence, the Court shall take any measures
that it deems necessary to protect the identity of witnesses.
7. (1) During proceedings concerning an infringement of an intellectual property right the Court may order, on a request
by the claimant to this effect made by application which the said Court deems to be justified and proportionate, that information
on the origin and distribution networks of the goods or services which infringe an intellectual property right be produced before
it by the infringer and, or any other person who>
(a) has been found in possession of the infringing goods on a commercial scale<
(b) has been found to be using the infringing services on a commercial scale<
(c) has been found to be providing on a commercial scale services used in infringing activities< or
(d) has been indicated by any of the persons referred to in paragraph (a), (b) and (c) hereof as being involved in the production,
manufacture or distribution of the goods or the provision of the services.
(2) The requested information referred to in the preceding sub-article shall, wherever appropriate, comprise>
(a) the names and addresses of the producers, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and other previous holders of the goods or
services as well as the intended wholesalers and retailers<
(b) information on the quantities produced, manufactured, delivered, received or ordered, as well as the price obtained for the
goods or services in question.
(3) The preceding sub-articles shall apply without prejudice to any other statutory provisions which>
(a) grant the rightholder rights to receive fuller information<
(b) govern the use in civil or criminal proceedings of the information communicated pursuant to this article<
(c) govern responsibility for misuse of the right of information< or
(d) afford an opportunity for refusing to provide information which would force the person referred to in sub-article (1) hereof
to admit to his or her own participation or to that of close relatives in an infringement of an intellectual property right< or
(e) govern the protection of confidentiality of information sources or the processing of personal data.
8. (1) Any person referred to in article 3 of this Act may by application request the Court to>
(a) issue against the alleged infringer of an intellectual property right a decree intended to prevent any imminent infringement
of such intellectual property right, or to forbid, on a provisional basis and subject, where appropriate, to a recurring penalty
payment where provided for by law, the continuation of the alleged infringements of that right, or to make such continuation subject
to the lodging of guarantees intended to ensure the compensation of the rightholder. An interlocutory injunction may also be issued,
under the same conditions, against an intermediary whose services are being used by a third party to infringe an intellectual property
C 1099
Measures to be taken by the Court.
C 1100
(b) order the seizure or delivery up of the goods suspected of infringing an intellectual property right.
(2) Where an infringement of an intellectual property right has been committed on what is deemed by the Court to be a commercial
scale it may, if the plaintiff demonstrates the existence of circumstances likely to endanger the recovery of damages, order the
precautionary seizure of the movable and immovable property of the alleged infringer, including the blocking of the same infringer’s
bank accounts and other assets. Moreover, the Court shall have the power to order the communication of bank, financial or commercial
documents, or demand appropriate access to the relevant information, as it deems fit.
(3) In respect of the measures referred to in sub-articles (1) and (2) hereof, the Court shall have the authority to require
the applicant to provide any reasonably available evidence so as to be reasonably satisfied that the applicant is the rightholder
and that his right is either being infringed or is in imminent danger of being infringed.
(4) In appropriate cases, and particularly where it deems that any delay would cause irreparable harm to the rightholder, the
Court shall take the measures mentioned in sub-articles (1) and (2) hereof without first hearing the defendant. In such an event,
the parties shall be so informed without delay and in any case not later than immediately after the measures have been executed>
Provided that the defendant shall have the right to request the Court by application to review the measures above referred to with
a view to deciding, within a reasonable time after notification of the measures, whether such measures should be modified, revoked
or confirmed.
(5) If the applicant does not within thirty-one calendar days institute proceedings leading to a decision on the merits of the case
before the competent Court, the Court shall upon a request by the defendant proceed to revoke the provisional measures mentioned
in the preceding sub-articles.
(6) The Court may, on according the provisional measures mentioned above, require the applicant to lodge adequate security or an
equivalent assurance intended to ensure compensation for any prejudice suffered by the defendant as provided for in sub-article (7)
(7) Where the provisional measures mentioned above are revoked by the Court, or where they lapse due to any act or omission of the
applicant, or where the Court subsequently concludes that there has
been no infringement or threat of infringement of an intellectual property right, the Court shall have the power to order the applicant,
upon a request by application of the defendant, to provide the same defendant with appropriate compensation for any injury that he
may have suffered on account of such measures.
9. (1) At the request of the applicant and without prejudice to any damages due to the rightholder by reason of an infringement
of an intellectual property right, the Court may order the taking of any measures it shall deem appropriate with regard to goods
that are found to be infringing an intellectual property right and also with regard to any materials and implements used in the creation
or manufacture of such goods. Such measures shall include>
(a) recall from circulation within the channels of commerce<
(b) definitive removal from circulation within the channels of commerce< or
(c) destruction of the items.
(2) The Court shall order that such measures be carried out at the expense of the infringer, unless particular reasons are invoked
for not doing so.
(3) In considering a request for corrective measures, the Court shall seek to strike a balance of proportionality between the
seriousness of the infringement and the remedies ordered whilst taking into account the interests of third parties.
10. (1) Where the Court finds that an infringement of an intellectual property right has occurred, it may on an application
by the plaintiff issue an injunction against the infringer aimed at prohibiting the continuation of the infringement. Failure to
abide by the injunction shall constitute contempt of Court.
(2) The application referred to in the subarticle (1)
hereof may also be made in respect of intermediaries whose services
C 1101
Corrective measures.
C 1102
Alternative measures.
are used by a third party to infringe an intellectual property right, without prejudice to article 42 of the Copyright Act.
11. In cases where the measures laid down in Part V of this Act may be applied, it shall be within the discretion of the Court,
on an application by the person liable to such measures, to refrain from applying the said measures and order instead the payment
of pecuniary compensation to the injured party if it is of the opinion that the infringer involved has acted unintentionally and
without negligence, if execution of the measures in question would cause the infringer disproportionate harm and if pecuniary compensation
to the injured party appears reasonably satisfactory.
12. (1) The Court shall on an application filed by the injured party, order any infringer who has, either knowingly or being
reasonably expected to know, engaged in an infringing activity, to pay the rightholder damages commensurate with the actual prejudice
suffered by the said rightholder as a result of the infringement.
(2) In setting the amount of damages due, the Court shall take into account all relevant aspects, including all the negative
economic consequences that may have been suffered by the injured party including lost profits, as well as any unfair profits made
by the infringer and, where it deems appropriate, other elements such as the moral prejudice caused to the rightholder by the infringement>
Provided that instead of the above method of calculation of damages, the Court may, where it so considers appropriate, choose to apply
an alternative method of calculation involving the setting of a lump sum of damages payable which shall include elements such as
at least the amount of royalties or fees which would have been due had the infringer requested authorisation to use the intellectual
right in question.
(3) Where the Court is of the opinion that the infringer did not knowingly engage in infringing activity, it may order the recovery
of profits or the payment of damages, as may be pre-established in regulations made under the relevant legislation.
13. In an action pursuant to any provision of this Act, the Court shall as a general rule decree that the judicial costs and other
expenses incurred by the successful party be borne by the unsuccessful party unless it considers that equity otherwise requires.
14. The Court may, at the request of the applicant and at the expense of the infringer, order appropriate measures for the dissemination
of the information concerning the decision, including displaying the decision and publishing it in full or in part. The Court may
also provide for other additional publicity measures which it considers appropriate to the particular circumstances, including
prominent advertising.
15. The Minister may make regulations for the better implementation of the provisions of this Act and, without prejudice
to the generality of the foregoing, may by such regulations>
C 1103
Legal costs.
Publication of judicial decisions.
Power to make regulations
(a) Prescribe anything that may be prescribed under this
(b) Extend the categories of persons entitled to avail themselves of the measures, procedures and remedies provided by this
(c) Prescribe time limits for the exercise of any action under this Act<
(d) Determine methods for the evaluation of damages due under this Act<
(e) Establish specific rules of procedure or of evidence in respect of actions under this Act<
(f) Determine the Court or Courts which are to take cognizance of actions under this Act<
(g) Prescribe measures for the purpose of complying with any international obligations of Malta or with any obligations of Malta
as a Member State of the European Union on matters related to this Act.
C 1104
The object of this Bill is the transposition into Maltese law of the provisions of
Directive 2004#48#EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 29th April,
2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights.
C 1105
C 1106
Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment ta’ l-Informazzjoni (doi.gov.mt) — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information (doi.gov.mt) — Valletta
Mitbug[ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern — Printed at the Government Printing Press
Prezz 48ç – Price 48c
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URL: http://www.worldlii.org/mt/legis/laws/teoipra2006n83669