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The Members Of Parliament (Public Employment) Act, 2004 (Bill No. 29)

A BILL introduced by the Honourable Tonio Borg, M.P., Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Justice and Home Affairs and read the First time at the Sitting of the

12th July, 2004.

MEMBERS of Parliament (Public

Employment) Act.


Skrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati


Clerk of the House of Representatives

C 453



Att dwar il-Membri Parlamentari u l-Impjieg Pubbliku

IL-PRESIDENT, bil-parir u l-kunsens tal-Kamra tad-Deputati, imlaqqg[a f’dan il-Parlament, u bl-awtorità ta’ l-istess, [are; b’li;i dan li ;ej>-
1. It-titolu fil-qosor ta’ dan l-Att hu Att ta’ l-2004 dwar il-Membri
Parlamentari u l-Impjieg Pubbliku.
2. F’dan l-Att kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma tkunx te[tie;
(a) “Kamra” tfisser il-Kamra tad-Deputati<
(b) “kariga pubblika”, “uffiçjal pubbliku” u “is-servizz pubbliku” g[andhom l-istess tifsira b[al dik mog[tija lilhom bl- artikolu 124 tal-Kostituzzjoni<
(ç) “korp dixxiplinat” g[andha l-istess tifsira b[al dik mog[tija lilha bis-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 47 tal-Kostituzzjoni<
(d) “Kostituzzjoni” tfisser il-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta.
3. (1) Bla [sara g[ad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 4 ta’ dan l-Att, g[all-finijiet tal-paragrafu (b) tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 54 tal-Kostituzzjoni, qieg[ed b’dan ji;i provdut li uffiçjal pubbliku, li l-

Titolu fil-qosor.


Kif uffiçjali pubbliçi jikkwalifikaw biex ji;u eletti

membri tal-Kamra.

C 454

Membri ta’ Korp


kariga tieg[u, sostantiva jew xort’o[ra, fis-servizz pubbliku ma tkunx qeg[da fuq skala ta’ salarju li tkun og[la mill-iskala ta’ salarju 6, jew xi skala ta’ salarju o[ra li l-Kamra tista’ minn ]mien g[al ]mien tistabbilixxi, ikun jikkwalifika biex ji;i elett membru tal-Kamra.
(2) Bla [sara g[ad-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (3) uffiçjal pubbliku li jkun elett membru tal-Kamra jgawdi dawk id- drittijiet, u jkun so;;ett g[al dawk l-obbligazzjonijiet u kondizzjonijiet, b[al kull uffiçjal pubbliku ie[or fl-istess grad jew po]izzjoni< b’dan illi dak il-membru g[andu jit[alla jaqdi dmirijietu fil-Kamra.
(3) Meta l-Prim Ministru jkun jidhirlu li jkun hekk me[tie; fl-interess pubbliku, huwa jista’ b’Ordni pubblikat fil-Gazzetta jag[mel regoli speçjali ta[t dan l-Att li bihom jimpedixxi uffiçjali pubbliçi li ji;u eletti fil-Kamra milli jaqdu dmirijiethom f’xi dipartimenti jew uffiççji partikolari jew milli jwettqu xi dmirijiet partikolari, u dawk l- uffiçjali pubbliçi g[andhom ji;u assenjati mill-;did band’o[ra jew inkella ji;u e]onerati minn dawk id-dmirijiet skond ma jkun speçifikat b’dak l-Ordni.
4. Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att ma g[andhom japplikaw g[al ebda membru ta’ korp dixxiplinat.

G[anijiet u Ra;unijiet

L-g[an ta’ dan l-Abbozz hu sabiex membri tal-parlament li jkollhom kariga pubblika sa çerti gradi, ikunu jistg[u jibqg[u inga;;ati u jaqdu dmirijiethom fis-servizz pubbliku.
C 455



Members of Parliament (Public Employment) Act

BE IT ENACTED by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows>-
1. This Act may be cited as the Members of Parliament (Public
Employment) Act, 2004.
2. In this Act unless the context otherwise requires>-
(a) “Constitution” means the Constitution of Malta<
(b) “disciplined force” has the same meaning as is assigned to it by sub-article (1) of article 47 of the Constitution<
(c) “House” means the House of Representatives<
(d) “public office”, “public officer” and “public service” shall have the same meaning as is assigned to them by article 124 of the Constitution.
3. (1) Subject to the provisions of article 4 of this Act, for the purposes of paragraph (b) of sub-article (1) of article 54 of the Constitution, it is hereby provided that a public officer, whose office, substantive or otherwise, in the Public Service is not on a salary scale

Short title.


Qualification of Public officers to be elected as members of the House.

C 456

Members of a

Disciplined Force.

which is higher than salary scale 6, or such other salary scale as the House may from time to time determine, shall be qualified to be elected as a member of the House.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-article (3) a public officer who is elected as member of the House shall enjoy such rights, and be subject to such obligations and conditions, as any other public officer in the same grade or position< so however that such member shall be allowed to attend to his duties in the House.
(3) Where it appears to the Prime Minister to be necessary in the public interest, he may by Order published in the Gazette make special rules under this Act barring public officers who are elected to the House from serving in particular departments or offices or from performing particular duties, and such public officers shall be reassigned elsewhere or excused from those duties as specified by that Order.
4. The provisions of this Act shall not apply to any member of a disciplined force.

Objects and Reasons

The purpose of this Bill is to allow members of parliament who hold public office within certain grades, to remain engaged and serve in the public service.

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