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The Various Laws (Amendment) Act (Act No. Ix Of 2003)

ACT No. IX of 2003

AN ACT enacted by the Parliament of


AN ACT to amend various laws.

A 567
Nag[ti l-kunsens tieg[i.
2 ta’ Settembru, 2003
ATT Nru. IX ta’ l-2003

ATT biex jemenda diversi li;ijiet

IL-PRESIDENT, bil-parir u l-kunsens tal-Kamra tad-Deputati, imlaqqg[a f’dan il-Parlament, u bl-awtorità ta’ l-istess, [are; b’li;i dan li ;ej>-
Taqsima I
1. (1) It-titolu fil-qosor ta’ dan l-Att hu Att ta’ l-2003 biex
Jemenda Diversi Li;ijiet.
(2) Id-disposizzjonijiet tad-diversi Taqsimiet ta’ l-Att, minbarra din it-Taqsima, g[andhom jibdew ise[[u f’dawk id-dati skond ma hemm provdut fihom.
Taqsima II
2. (1) Din it-Taqsima ta’ l-Att temenda, u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da, mal-Kodi/i tal-Kummer/ hawn i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it-Taqsima msejja[ “il-Kodi/i”.
(2) Din it-Taqsima ta’ dan l-Att g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l-Ministru responsabbli g[all-kummer/ jista’ jistabbilixxi b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta.

Titolu fil-qosor u bidu fis-se[[.

Emenda tal-Kodi/i tal-Kummer/, Kap


A 568

Sostituzzjoni tas- Sub-Titolu IV

tat-Titolu IV tat- Taqsima I


3. Minflok is-Sub-Titolu IV ta’ Titolu IV f’Taqsima I tal-Kodiçi g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“Sub-titolu IV

Kif tapplika din it- Taqsima.

70. (1) Ir-relazzjonijiet bejn a;enti tal-kummer/ u l- prin/ipali tag[hom u l-attivitajiet ta’ a;enti tal-kummer/ f’Malta huma regolati bid-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan is-sub- titolu.
(2) Dan is-sub-titolu ma g[andux ikun japplika
(a) a;enti tal-kummer/ li l-attivitajiet tag[hom ma jkunux rimunerati<
(b) a;enti tal-kummer/ meta dawn joperaw fuq skambji ta’ kommoditajiet jew fis-suq tal-kommoditajiet< u
(/) persuni li l-attivitajiet tag[hom b[ala a;enti kummer/jali huma sekondarji.
(3) Id-disposizzjonijiet tat-Taqsima I ta’ l-Iskeda li tinsab ma’ dan il-Kodi/i g[andha tkun tapplika sabiex ji;i stabbilit min huma dawk il-persuni li l-attivitajiet tag[hom b[ala a;enti kummer/jali g[andhom jitqiesu b[ala sekondarji g[all-finijiet tal-paragrafu (/) tas-subartikolu (2).

Tifsir ta’ a;ent tal-kummer/, e//.

70A. F’dan is-sub-titolu>
“a;ent tal-kummer/” tfisser persuna li ma jkunx impjegat mal-prin/ipal, li jkollu awtorità kontinwa li jinnegozja l-bejg[ jew ix-xiri ta’ o;;etti jew servizzi g[an-nom ta’ xi persuna o[ra (il-prin/ipal), jew li jinnegozja u jikkonkludi l-bejg[ jew ix-xiri ta’ o;;etti jew servizzi b[al dawk g[al u f’isem dak il- prin/ipal, imma ma tinkludix>
(i) persuna li, fil-kapa/ità tag[ha b[ala uffi/jal ta’ kumpannija jew asso/jazzjoni, jkollha s-setg[a tag[mel rabtiet li jkunu jorbtu lil dik il-kumpannija jew assoçjazzjoni<

Li/enza b[ala a;ent tal- kummer/.

(ii) so/ju li jkun b’mod le;ittimu awtorizzat jag[mel rabtiet li jkunu jorbtu lis-so/ji tieg[u<
(iii) persuna li ta;ixxi b[ala prattikant fl-insolvenza f’Malta jew f’posizzjoni ekwivalenti f’xi ;urisdizzjoni o[ra<
“awtorità regolatorja” tfisser il-Kunsill tal-Kamra tal- Kummer/<
“klaw]ola ta’ restrizzjoni ta’ kummer/” tfisser ftehim jew klawsola fi ftehim li jkunu jirrestrin;u l-attivitajiet ta’ negozju ta’ a;ent tal-kummer/ wara t-terminazzjoni tal- kuntratt ta’ a;enzija<
“kummissjoni” tfisser xi taqsima mir-rimunerazzjoni ta’ a;ent tal-kummer/ li tkun tvarja skond l-g[add jew il-valur ta’ transazzjonijiet kummer/jali<
“Ministru” tfisser il-Ministru responsabbli g[all- kummer/.
71. (1) {add ma jista’ jag[milha ta’ a;ent tal- kummer/, kemm wa[du kemm f’so/jetà ma’ o[rajn, ming[ajr li/enza tal-Awtorità regolatorja.
(2) Dik il-li/enza ma ti;ix mog[tija [lief meta -
(a) issir talba bil-miktub lill-Awtorità regolatorja hawn fuq imsemmija f’dik il-forma li l-awtorità regolatorja tistabbilixxi, illi jkun fiha l-isem s[i[ u l- kunjom, l-età, l-indirizz privat u kummer/jali ta’ min japplika u dawk il-partikolaritajiet l-o[ra dwar il- kummer/ jew okkupazzjoni tieg[u, li l-awtorità regolatorja tista’ titlob. Fil-ka] ta’ persuna li titlob liçenza biex tag[milha ta’ a;ent tal-kummer/ f’so/jetà ma’ o[rajn, fit-talba g[andha ssir riferenza g[ad- dikjarazzjoni pubblikata fil-Gazzetta skond l-Att dwar il-Kumpanniji, li turi d-data tar-re;istrazzjoni tas-so/jeta u d-data li fiha jkun in[are; i/-/ertifikat tar-re;istrazzjoni relattiv<
(b) min japplika jkun jissodisfa lill-awtorità regolatorja, b’riferenzi bankarji, kummer/jali jew b’riferenzi o[ra, li huwa persuna kapa/i u tajba biex jag[milha ta’ a;ent tal-kummer/ u li g[andu konoxxenza
A 569
A 570
bi]]ejjed tal-li;ijiet u kull u]u kummer/jali dwar il- funzjonijiet, jeddijiet u dmirijiet ta’ l-a;enti tal-kummerç<
(/) min japplika i;ib lill-awtorità regolatorja imsemmija /ertifikat ta’ kondotta tajba ming[and il- Pulizija li jkun jaqa’ ta[t il-;urisdizzjoni tag[hom.
(3) Ebda li/enza ta[t dan l-artikolu ma ting[ata lil persuna li hija fl-impieg tal-Gvern ta’ Malta jew ta’ xi istituzzjoni finanzjarja, jew lil xi persuna li g[andha warrant biex te]er/ita professjoni f’Malta u li attwalment tkun qeg[da te]er/itaha, jew lil stockbrokers jew lil lil xi persuna li jew f’Malta jew barra mill-pajji] ikun insab [ati ta’ falliment frawdolenti.
(4) Jista’ jsir appell, b’rikors, lill-Qorti ta’ l-Appell fil- kompetenza tag[ha inferjuri kontra kull rifjut li tin[are; liçenza ta[t dan l-artikolu.
(5) Il-li/enzi kollha mog[tijin ta[t dan l-artikolu g[andhom ji;u av]ati fil-Gazzetta. Fix-xahar ta’ Jannar ta’ kull sena, lista s[i[a tal-li/enzi li jkunu jse[[u g[andha wkoll ti;i ma[ru;a fil-Gazzetta.
(6) Kull li/enza ma[ru;a ta[t dan l-artikolu tista’ ti;i m[assra jew sospi]a mill-Qorti ta’ l-Appell fil-kompetenza tag[ha inferjufi fuq rikors ta’ l-Avukat :enerali, jekk il- pussessur tal-li/enza -
(a) ji;i misjub [ati ta’ delitt kontra l-proprjetà< (b) ji;i dikjarat fallut<
(/) ja//etta impieg ta[t il-Gvern ta’ Malta, jew f’xi istituzzjoni finanzjarja, jew ji;i mog[ti warrant biex je]er/ita professjoni, u fil-fatt je]er/ita dik il-professjoni jew isir stockbroker<
(d) ji;i ippruvat, b’sodisfazzjon tal-qorti, li mhux persuna kapa/i u tajba biex tkun a;ent tal-kummer/.
(7) Dak it-t[assir jew sospensjoni ta’ li/enza g[andhom ji;u av]ati fil-Gazzetta.
(8) Kull pro/ediment ta[t dan l-artikolu jista’ jsir fil- qorti bil-mag[luq, jekk il-qorti hekk tordna.

Setg[a tal- Ministru li jistabbilixxi d-dritt g[al- li/enzi.


Ma ting[atax jew ti;;eddidx liçenza qabel

ma tit[allas il- multa.

Dmirijiet ta’ a;ent tal- kummer/ lejn il- prinçipal tieg[u.

72. Il-Ministru wara li jikkonsulta lill-awtorità regolatorja jista’, b’regolamenti, jistabbilixxi d-dritt li g[andu jit[allas lill-Awtorità regolatorja g[all-[ru; ta’ li/enza ta’ a;ent tal-kummer/ ta[t id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-a[[ar artikolu qabel dan. B’dawk ir-regolamenti jista’ ji;i stabbilit li barra d-dritt g[all-[ru; tal-li/enza g[andu jit[allas dritt ie[or ta’ kull sena u jista’ ji;i provdut li fin-nuqqas tal-[las ta’ dak id- dritt l-ie[or ta’ kull sena, il-li/enza ma tibqax isse[[.
73. Kull min, ming[ajr li/enza li tkun isse[[ f’dak i]-
]mien, juri ru[u li hu, jew jag[milha jew jintrabat li jag[milha ta’ a;ent tal-kummer/, jista’ je[el>-
(a) meta jinsab [ati g[all-ewwel darba multa ta’
mhux i]jed minn elf lira<
(b) u fil-ka] ta’ re/idiva, il-piena ta’ pri;unerija ta’ mhux i]jed minn tliet xhur jew multa ta’ mhux i]jed minn elfejn lira, jew il-pri;unerija u l-multa flimkien.
73A. Meta qorti tkun wa[[let multa ta[t dan is- subtitolu, u dik il-multa ma tkunx t[allset, l-awtorità regolatorja ma g[andhiex to[ro; jew i;;edded ebda li/enza meta din tiskadi sakemm tit[allas dik il-multa.
74. (1) Fit-twettiq ta’ l-attivitajiet tieg[u, a;ent tal- kummer/ g[andu j[ares l-interessi tal-prin/ipal tieg[u u ja;ixxi b’lealtà u bonafidi.
(2) B’mod partikolari, a;ent tal-kummer/
A 571
g[andu -
(a) jag[mel kull sforz kif imiss biex jinnegozja u, meta jkun adatt, jikkonkludi dawk it-transazzjonijiet li jitqabbad jie[u [sieb tag[hom<
(b) iwassal lill-prin/ipal tieg[u kull informazzjoni me[tie;a u li tkun disponibbli g[andu<
(/) jimxi skond l-istruzzjonijiet ra;onevoli li jing[atawlu mill-prin/ipal tieg[u.
A 572

Dmirijiet ta’ prinçipal lejn l-a;ent tal- kummer/ tieg[u.

Projbizzjoni fuq deroga mill-artikoli

74 u 75 u l- konsegwenzi ta’ xi ksur.

Forma u ammont ta’

75. (1) Fir-relazzjonijiet tieg[u ma’ l-a;ent tal- kummer/ tieg[u prin/ipal g[andu ja;ixxi b’lealtà u bonafidi.
(2) B’mod partikolari, prin/ipal g[andu -
(a) jipprovdi lill-a;ent tal-kummer/ tieg[u b’kull dokumentazzjoni me[tie;a li tkun tirrigwarda l-o;;etti inkwisjoni<
(b) jikseb g[all-a;ent tal-kummer/ tieg[u kull informazzjoni me[tie;a g[at-twettiq tal-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija, u b’mod partikolari jav]a lill-a;ent tal- kummer/ tieg[u fi ]mien ra;onevoli ;aladarba huwa janti/ipa li l-volum ta’ transazzjonijiet kummer/jali ikun iktar baxx b’mod sinifikanti minn dak li l-a;ent tal- kummer/ seta’ jistenna li jkun b’mod normali.
(3) Prin/ipal g[andu, i]jed minn hekk, jinforma lill- a;ent tal-kummer/ tieg[u fi ]mien ra;onevoli li jkun qed jaççetta jew jirrofta xi transazzjoni kummer/jali, u jekk jonqos milli jwettaq l-e]ekuzzjoni tag[ha, li l-a;ent tal-kummer/ ikun ipprokuralu.
76. (1) il-partijiet jistg[u ma jidderogawx mill-artikoli
74 u 75 ta’ dan l-Att.
(2) Il-li;i applikabbli g[all-kuntratt g[andha tirregola l-konsegwenzi ta’ ksur tad-drittijiet u l-obbligazzjonijiet ta[t l-artikoli 74 u 75 ta’ dan l-Att.
77. (1) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-applikazzjoni ta’

rimunerazzjoni xi li;i jew regola tal-li;i li tkun tirrigwarda l-livell ta’

fin-nuqqas ta’ ftehim .

rimunerazzjoni ta’ a;enti tal-kummer/, fin-nuqqas ta’ ftehim dwar ir-rimunerazzjoni bejn il-partijiet, a;ent tal-kummer/ ikollu dritt g[al dik ir-rimunerazzjoni li a;enti tal-kummer/ li jin[atru g[all-o;;etti ttrattati fil-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija tieg[u soltu jing[ataw fil-lokal fejn huwa jkun qed iwettaq l- attivitajiet tieg[u u, jekk ma jkun hemm ebda prattika konswetudinarja b[al dik, a;ent tal-kummer/ g[andu jkollu jedd g[al rimunerazzjoni ra;onevoli filwaqt li jitqiesu l-aspetti kollha tat-transazzjoni li tkun se tu;i miftiehma bejn il-partijiet jew fin-nuqqas mill-qorti.
(2) Meta r-rimunerazzjoni ta’ a;ent tal-kummer/ ma tkunx stabbilita g[alkollox jew biss f’parti b[ala kummissjoni,

Dritt g[al kummissjoni dwar

id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikoli 77A sa 77F ma jkunux japplikaw.
77A. (1) A;ent tal-kummer/ g[andu jkollu dritt g[al kummissjoni fuq transazzjonijiet kummer/jali li jsiru matul
A 573

transazzjonijiet il-perjodu kopert bil-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija -

li jsiru matul

kuntratt ta’


Dritt g[al kummissjoni fuq transazzjo- nijiet li

jsiru wara li kuntratt ta’ a;enzija jkun intemm.

Taqsim tal- kummissjoni bejn a;enti tal-kummer/

(a) meta t-transazzjoni tkun saret b[ala ri]ultat ta’
l-intervent dirett jew indirett tieg[u< jew
(b) meta t-transazzjoni tkun saret ma’ terza persuna li qabel kellu b[ala klijent g[al it-transazzjonijiet ta’ l- istess xorta.
(2) A;ent tal-kummer/ ikollu wkoll id-dritt g[al kummissjoni fuq dawk it-transazzjonijiet li jsiru matul il- perjodu kopert bil-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija meta huwa jkollu dritt esklu]iv g[al xi area ;eografika spe/ifika jew g[al xi assoçjazzjoni ta’ klijenti spe/ifika u meta t-transazzjoni tkun saret ma’ klijent li jappartjeni g[al dik l-area jew asso/jazzjoni.
77B. Bla [sara g[all-artikolu 77?, a;ent tal-kummer/ g[andu jkollu jedd g[al kummissjoni fuq transazzjonijiet kummer/jali li jsiru wara li jkun intemm il-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija jekk -
(a) it-transazzjoni tkun prin/ipalment attribb- wibbli g[all-isforzi tieg[u matul il-perjodu kopert bil- kuntratt ta’ a;enzija u jekk it-transazzjoni tkun saret fi
]mien ra;onevoli wara li dak il-kuntratt ikun intemm<
(b) skond il-kondizzjonijiet imsemmija fl-artikolu
77A, l-ordni tat-terza parti tkun waslet g[and il-prinçipal jew g[and l-a;ent tal-kummer/ qabel ma jkun intemm il-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija.
77?. (1) A;ent tal-kummer/ ma jkollux jedd g[all- kummissjoni imsemmija fl-artikolu 77A jekk dik il-
kummissjoni tit[allas, bis-sa[[a ta’ l-artikolu 77B, lill-a;ent

;odda u dawk tal-kummer/ pre/edenti, sakemm din ma tkunx ekwa

min[abba fi/-/irkostanzi li l-kummissjoni g[andha tinqasam bejn l-a;enti tal-kummer/.
(2) Il-prin/ipal g[andu jkun responsabbli li jag[ti kull ammont dovut ta[t is-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu
A 574

Meta tkun dovuta l- kummissjoni u d-data

g[all-[las tag[ha.


tad-dritt g[al kummissjoni.

lill-persuna li jkollha dritt g[alih skond dak il-paragrafu, u kull somma li l-a;ent tal-kummer/ l-ie[or jir/ievi u li ma jkollux jedd g[aliha g[andha tit[allas lura lill-prin/ipal.
77D. (1) Il-kummissjoni g[andha ssir dovuta hekk kif, u sal-limitu li, ti;ri xi wa[da minn dawn i/-/irkostanzi li
(a) il-prin/ipal ikun e]egwixxa t-transazzjoni< jew
(b) il-prin/ipal kien imissu, skond il-ftehim tieg[u mat-terza parti, e]egwixxa t-transazzjoni< jew
(/) it-terza parti tkun e]egwiet it-transazzjoni. (2) Il-kummissjoni ssir dovuta l-iktar tard meta
t-terza parti tkun e]egwiet is-sehem tag[ha tat-transazzjoni
jew kien imissa g[amlet hekk li kieku l-prin/ipal kien e]egwixxa s-sehem tieg[u tat-transazzjoni, kif kien imissu g[amel.
(3) Il-kummissjoni g[andha tit[allas mhux iktar tard mill-a[[ar ;urnata tax-xahar li ji;i wara t-tliet xhur meta kienet dovuta, u, g[all-finijiet ta’ dan is-sub-titolu, kemm-il darba ma ji;ix miftiehem xort’o[ra bejn il-partijiet, l-ewwel perjodu ta’ tliet xhur g[andu jibda g[addej mid-data li jibda jse[[ il-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija, u perjodi li ji;u wara g[andhom jibdew g[addejin minn dik id-data fit-tielet xahar li ji;i wara.
(4) Kull ftehim biex issir deroga mis-subartikoli (2) u (3) ta’ dan l-artikolu g[ad-detriment ta’ l-a;ent tal- kummer/, ikun null.
77E. (1) Id-dritt g[al kummissjoni jista’ ji;i estint biss jekk u daqskemm ji;i stabbiliti li l-kuntratt bejn it-terza parti u l-prin/ipal ma jkunx se ji;i e]egwit g[al xi ra;uni li g[aliha l-prin/ipal ma jkollux [tija.
(2) Kummissjoni li l-a;ent tal-kummer/ ikun di;à rçieva g[andha tit[allas lura jekk id-dritt g[aliha ikun estint.
(3) Ftehim g[al deroga mid-disposizzjonijiet tas- subartikolu (1) g[ad-detriment ta’ l-a;ent tal-kummer/ ikun null.

G[oti ta’ informazzjoni perjodika

dwar il- kummissjoni dovuta u d- dritt ta’ spezzjon tal- kotba tal- prinçipal.

Dritt g[al dikjarazzjoni ffirmata bil- miktub

dwar il- pattijiet ta’ kuntratt ta’ a;enzija.

Konver]joni ta’ kuntratt ta’ a;enzija

wara l- iskadenza ta’ perjodu fiss.

L-inqas perjodi ta’ avvi] g[at- terminazzjoni ta’ kuntratt ta’ a;enzija.

77F. (1) Il-prin/ipal g[andu jipprovdi lill-a;ent tal- kummer/ tieg[u dikjarazzjoni dwar il-kummissjoni dovuta, mhux aktar tard mill-a[[ar ;urnata tax-xahar li ji;i minnufih wara it-tliet xhur meta tkun saret dovuta l-kummissjoni, u dik id-dikjarazzjoni g[andu jkun fiha l-ba]i u]ata fil-kalkolu ta’ l-ammont tal-kummissjoni.
(2) A;ent tal-kummer/ g[andu jkollu dritt jitlob li ji;i pprovdut bl-informazzjoni kollha (u b’mod partikolari b’estratt mill-kotba) li l-prin/ipal tieg[u jkollu disponibbli u li l-a;ent jista’ jkollu b]onn sabiex jivverifika l-ammont tal- kummissjoni lilu dovuta.
(3) Ftehim ta’ deroga mis-subartikoli (1) u (2) ta’
dan l-artikolu ikun null.
(4) Ebda [a;a f’dan l-artikolu ma g[andha tne[[i jew tirrestrin;i l-effett ta’, jew tipprevjeni l-konformità ma’ xi li;i jew regola ta’ li;i li tkun tirrikonoxxi d-dritt li jkollu a;ent li jispezzjona l-kotba ta’ prin/ipal.
78. (1) L-a;ent tal-kummer/ u l-prin/ipal g[andhom ilkoll id-dritt li jir/ievu ming[and xulxin, fuq talba li jag[mlu g[aldaqshekk, dokument bil-miktub u ffirmat li jkun jag[ti l- pattijiet tal-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija inklu]i dawk il-pattijiet li ji;u miftiehma sussegwentement.
(2) Kull rinunzja bi skop tad-dritt imsemmi fis- subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu tkun nulla.
78A. Kuntratt ta’ a;enzija g[al perjodu fiss li jibqa’ ji;i mwettaq mi]-]ew; partijiet wara li jkun skada dak il- perjodu g[andu jitqies li ji;i konvertit f’kuntratt ta’ a;enzija g[al perjodu indefinit.
78B. (1) Meta kuntratt ta’ a;enzija jsir g[al perjodu indefinit kull parti tista’ ttemmu b’avvi].
(2) Il-perjodu ta’ l-avvi] g[andu jkun -
(a) xahar g[all-ewwel sena tal-kuntratt<
(b) xahrejn g[at-tieni sena mibdija imma qabel ma tibda t-tielet sena<
A 575
A 576

Riservi dwar terminazzjoni immedjata.

Dritt li a;ent tal-kummer/ ikollu g[all- indennizz jew

kumpens meta jtemm kuntratt ta’ a;enzija.

(/) tliet xhur wara li tkun bdiet it-tielet sena<
u l-partijiet jistg[u ma jaqblux fuq perjodi aqsar ta’ avvi]. (3) Il-partijiet jaqblu fuq perjodi itwal minn dawk
stipulati fis-subartikolu (2), sakemm il-perjodu ta’ avvi] li g[andu jing[ata mill-prin/ipal ma g[andux ikun wie[ed iqsar minn dak li g[andu jing[ata mill-a;ent tal-kummer/.
(4) Kemm-il darba ma ji;ix miftiehem xort’o[ra bejn il-partijiet, tmiem il-perjodu ta’ avvi] g[andu jkun ja[bat ma’ tmiem ix-xahar kalendarju.
(5) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu g[andhom ukoll japplikaw dwar kuntratt ta’ a;enzija g[al perjodu fiss meta dan ji;i kkonvertit ta[t l-artikolu 78A f’kuntratt ta’ a;enzija g[al perjodu indefinit u g[all-finijiet li ji;i kkalkulat il-perjodu ta’ avvi] i]-]mien tal-kuntratt g[al perjodu fiss g[andu jitqies b[ala parti mill kuntratt ta’ a;enzija g[al perjodu indefinit.
78?. Dan is-sub-titolu ma g[andux jolqot l- applikazzjoni ta’ xi li;i jew regola ta’ li;i li jipprovdu g[at- terminazzjoni immedjata tal-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija -
(a) min[abba fin-nuqqas ta’ xi parti wa[da li twettaq l-obbligazzjonijiet kollha tag[ha jew xi parti minnhom ta[t dak il-kuntratt< jew
(b) meta jkun hemm /irkostanzi e//ezzjonali.
78D. (1) Bla [sara g[as-subartikolu (7) u g[all- artikolu 78E, l-a;ent tal-kummer/ g[andu jkollu dritt g[al indennizz jekk u sa fejn -
(a) ikun kiseb g[all-prin/ipal klijenti ;odda jew ikun b’mod sinifikanti ]ied il-volum ta’ negozju ma’ klijenti ezistenti u l-prin/ipal ikompli jikseb benefi//ji sostanzjali min-negozju ma dawk il-klijenti< u
(b) il-[las ta’ dan l-indennizz ikun wie[ed ekwu fil qies ta/-/irkostanzi u, b’mod partikolari, il- kummissjoni li l-a;ent tal-kummer/ ikun tilef fuq in- negozju transatt ma’ dawk il-klijenti.
(2) L-ammont ta’ l-indennizz ma g[andux ikun je/edi figura ekwivalenti g[al indennizz g[al xi sena wa[da kkalkulat skond ir-rimunerazzjoni medja annwali ta’ a;ent tal-kummer/ fuq il-[ames snin pre/edenti u jekk il-kuntratt ikun imur lura g[al inqas minn [ames snin l-indennizz g[andu ji;i kkalkulat fuq il-medja g[all-perjodu inkwistjoni.
(3) L-g[oti ta’ indennizz kif imsemmi hawn qabel ma jipprevjenix a;ent tal-kummer/ milli jfittex g[ad-danni.
(4) Bla [sara g[as-subartikolu (7) ta’ dan l- artikolu u g[all-artikolu 78E, l-a;ent tal-kummer/ g[andu jkun intitolat g[al kumpens g[ad-danni li huwa jbati b[ala ri]ultat tat-terminazzjoni tar-relazzjonijiet tieg[u mal- prinçipal tieg[u.
(5) G[all-fini ta’ dan is-sub-titolu dawk id-danni g[andhom jitqiesu li ji;ru partikolarment meta t-terminazzjoni ti;ri f’xi /irkostanza wa[da jew it-tnejn li huma minn dawn li ;ejjin, ji;ifieri /irkostanzi li -
(a) j/a[[du lill-a;ent tal-kummer/ mill- kummissjoni li t-twettiq adatt tal-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija kien kieku jipprokuralu filwaqt li jipprovdi lill-prin/ipal tieg[u b’benefi//ji sostanzjali marbutin ma’ l-attivitajiet tal-a;ent tal-kummer/< jew
(b) ma jkunux irrendew lill-a;ent tal-kummer/ kapa/i jammortizza l-ispejje] u l-infieq li jkun g[amel fit-twettiq tal-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija bil-parir tal-prin/ipal tieg[u.
(6) Id-dritt g[all-indennizz jew kumpens g[ad-danni kif provdut dwaru ta[t is-subartikoli (1) sa (5) g[andu wkoll jori;ina meta l-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija jintemm b[ala ri]ultat tal-mewt ta’ l-a;ent tal-kummer/.
(7) L-a;ent tal-kummer/ jitlef kull dritt li jkollu g[all- indennizz jew kumpens g[ad-danni fil-ka]ijiet skond ma hemm provdut dwarhom fis-subartikoli ta’ qabel jekk fi ]mien sena mit-terminazzjoni tal-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija li jkollu, ma jkunx av]a lill-prin/ipal tieg[u li jkun bi [siebu jfittex g[ad- dritt li jkollu.
A 577
A 578

Ra;unijiet g[all-

78E. L-indennizz jew il-kumpens imsemmi fl-artikolu

esklu]joni ta’ 78D ma g[andux jit[allas lill-a;ent tal-kummer/ meta -

[las ta’


jew ta’ kumpens ta[t l-artikolu


(a) il-prin/ipal ikun ttemm il-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija
min[abba f’nuqqas attribwibbli lill-a;ent tal-kummer/ li jkun ji;;ustifika t-terminazzjoni immedjata tal-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija konformi ma’ l-artikolu 78C< jew
(b) l-a;ent tal-kummer/ ikun hu nnifsu ttermina l-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija, kemm-il darba dik it- terminazzjoni tkun ;ustifikata -
(i) bi/-/irkostanzi attribwibbli lill-prin/ipal,
(ii) min[abba fl-età, inkapa/ità jew mard ta’ l-a;ent tal-kummer/ li min[abba fihom ma jistax ikun ra;onevolment me[tie; ikompli bl-attivitajiet tieg[u< jew
(/) l-a;ent tal-kummer/, bi ftehim mal-prin/ipal tieg[u, jassenja d-drittijiet u d-dmirijiet tieg[u ta[t il-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija lil xi persuna o[ra.

Projbizzjoni ta’ deroga mill-artikoli

78D u 78E.

Klaw]oli ta’ restrizzjoni ta’ kummerç.

78F. Il-partijiet ma jistg[ux qabel ma jiskadi l-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija, jidderogaw mill-artikoli 78D u 78E g[ad- detriment ta’ l-a;ent tal-kummer/.
78G. (1) Klaw]ola ta’ restrizzjoni ta’ kummer/
g[andha tkun valida biss jekk u sakemm din - (a) issir bil-miktub< u
(b) tkun tirrigwarda l-area ;eografika jew l- assoçjazzjoni ta’ klijenti u l-area -;eografika li taqa’ ta[t l-a;ent tal-kummer/ u x-xorta ta’ o;;etti koperti mill- a;enzija tieg[u ta[t il-kuntratt.
(2) Klaw]ola ta’ restrizzjoni ta’ kummer/ g[andha tkun valida g[al mhux i]jed minn sentejn wara t- terminazzjoni tal-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija.
(3) Ebda [a;a f’dan l-artikolu ma g[andha tolqot lil xi li;i jew regola ta’ li;i li jkunu jimponu restrizzjonijiet o[ra fuq il-validità jew l-e]egwibilità ta’ klaw]oli ta’ restrizzjoni ta’ kummer/ jew li tkun tag[ti setg[a lil xi qorti

}velar ta’


Servizz ta’

avvi] eçç.

Kuntratti li jkunu saru qabel id-d[ul fis-se[[ ta’ dan is-sub- titolu.

li tnaqqas l-obbligazzjonijiet fuq il-partijiet li jirri]ultaw minn klaw]oli b[al dawk.
78H. Ebda [a;a f’dan is-sub-titolu ma tesi;i li ting[ata informazzjoni meta ]velar b[al dak ikun kuntrarju g[ar- regolament pubbliku.
78I. (1) Avvi], dikjarazzjoni jew xi dokument ie[or li g[andu jing[ata jew ji;i provdut lil xi a;ent tal-kummer/ jew li g[andu jing[ata jew ji;i provdut lil xi prin/ipal ta[t dan is-sub-titolu jistg[u ji;u hekk mog[tija jew provduti>
(a) billi ji;u kkunsinnati lilu<
(b) billi jit[allew fl-indirizz proprju tieg[u hekk lilu indirizzati b’ismu<
(/) billi jintbag[tulu bil-posta jew fl-indirizz re;istrat tieg[u jew fl-indirizz ta’ l-uffi//ju re;istrat jew prin/ipali tieg[u< jew b’kull mezz ie[or skond ma jkun hemm provdut fil-kuntratt ta’ a;enzija.
(2) Kull avvi], dikjarazzjoni jew dokument b[al dawk jistg[u -
(a) fil-ka] ta’ korp mag[qud, jing[ataw jew ji;u notifikati lis-segretarju jew lill-iskrivan ta’ dak il-korp<
(b) fil-ka] ta’ so/jetà, jing[ataw jew ji;u notifikati lil xi so/ju jew lil xi persuna li jkollha l-kontroll jew it- tmexxija tan-negozju bi s[ab.
78J. (1) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan is-sub-titlu g[andhom ukoll japplikaw g[al kuntratt ta’ a;enzija mag[mulin qabel id-data tad-d[ul fis-se[[ ta’ dan is-subtitolu>
I]da ebda [a;a fihom ma g[andha tolqot xi dritt jew responsabbiltà inkorsi qabel dik id-data.”.
A 579
4. (1) It-Taqsimiet I, II u III ta’ l-Iskeda li tinsab mal-Kodi/i g[andhom ji;u enumerati mill-;did b[ala t-Taqsimiet II, III u IV rispettivament.
(2) Minnufih qabel it-Taqsima II ta’ l-Iskeda kif enumerata mill-;did u li tinsab mal-li;i prin/ipali g[andu ji]died dan li ;ej>-

Emenda ta’ l-Iskeda li tinsab mal- Kodiçi.

A 580
“TAQSIMA I (Artikolu 70 (3))
1. L-attivitajiet ta’ persuna b[ala a;ent tal-kummer/ huma sekondarji meta jkun jista’ ra;onevolment jiftiehem li l-g[an ewlieni ta’ l-arran;ament mal-prin/ipal ikun differenti minn dak stipulat fil-paragrafu 2 hawn aktar ’l isfel.
2. Arran;ament ikun jinkwadra fl-ambitu ta’ dan il- paragrafu jekk -
(a) in-negozju tal-prin/ipal ikun il-bejg[, jew skond il-ka], ix-xiri ta’ o;;etti ta’ xi xorta partikolari< u
li -
(b) l-o;;etti jew servizzi inkwisjoni huma tali
(i) t-transazzjonijiet huma normalment individwalment negozjati u mag[mula fuq ba]i kummer/jali, u
(ii) l-ipprokurar ta’ transazzjoni f’xi okka]joni wa[da x’aktarx li jwassal g[al aktar transazzjonijiet f’dawk l-o;;etti jew servizzi ma’ dak il-klijent f’okka]jonijiet futuri, jew g[al transazzjonijiet f’dawk l-o;;etti jew servizzi ma’ klijenti o[ra fl-istess area ;eografia jew fost l-istess asso/jazzjoni ta’ klijenti u li skond hekk, ikun f’kull interess kummer/jali tal-prin/ipal li ji;i ]viluppat il-kummer/ f’dawk l-o;;etti li ja[tar rappre]entant g[al dawk il-klijenti bl-g[an li r-rappre]entant jiddedika kull sforz u [ila u jag[mel in-nefqa mir- risorsi tieg[u nnifsu g[al dak l-g[an.
3. Dawn li ;ejjin huma indikazzjonijiet li arran;ament ikun jinkwadra fil-paragrafu 2 hawn qabel, u n- nuqqas ta’ xi wie[ed minnhim hu indikazzjoni kuntrarja -
(a) il-prin/ipal ikun il-manifattur, l-importatur jew id-distributur ta’ l-o;;etti<
(b) l-o;;etti jkunu spe/ifikatament identifikati mal-prin/ipal fis-suq inkwistjoni aktar milli, jew fi grad aktar minn, xi persuna o[ra<
(/) l-a;ent sostanzjalment jiddedika i]-]mien kollu tieg[u g[al attivitajiet rappre]entattivi (sew g[al xi prin/ipal wie[ed jew g[al g[add ta’ prin/ipali li ma jkollhomx interessi konfli;;enti)<
(d) l-o;;etti ma jkunux normalment disponibbli fis-suq inkwistjoni [lief permezz ta’ l-a;ent<
(e) l-arran;ament ikun deskritt b[ala wie[ed ta’
a;enzija kummer/jali.
4. Dawn li ;ejjin huma indikazzjonijiet li arran;ament ma jkunx jinkwadra f’paragrafu 2 hawn qabel -
(a) ji;i pprovdut materjal promozzjonali direttament lil klijenti potenzjali<
(b) persuni jing[ataw a;enziji ming[ajr ma ssir referenza g[al a;enti ezistenti f’area partikolari jew g[ar- rigward ta’ xi asso/jazzjoni partikolari<
(/) huma l-klijenti li normalment jag[]lu l-o;;etti g[alihom infushom u sempli/ement jag[mlu l-ordnijiet tag[hom permezz ta’ l-a;ent.
5. L-attivitajiet ta’ dawn il-kategoriji ta’ persuni li ;ejjin jitqiesu, kemm-il darba ma ji;ix stabbilit il-kuntrarju, li ma jinkwadrawx fil-paragrafu 2 hawn qabel -
• A;enti ta’ katalogu ta’ ordnijiet bil-posta g[al o;;etti g[all-konsumatur.
• A;enti ta’ kreditu g[all-konsumatur.”.
Taqsima III
5. (1) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Ordinanza dwar il-{addiema d-Deheb u l-{addiema l-Fidda (Ar;entiera), hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it-Taqsima imsejj[a “l- Ordinanza”.
A 581

Emenda Ordinanza dwar il-{addiema

d-Deheb u l-

{addiema l-Fidda

(Ar;entiera), Cap. 46.

A 582

Sostituzzjonji tat- Titolu twil u t- Titolu

qasir ta’ l- Ordinanza.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu

1 ta’ l-Ordinanza.

Sostituzzjoni ta’ l- artikoli

2 sa 20 ta’ l- Ordinanza.

(2) Dan l-Att g[andu jibda jse[[ f’dik id-data li l-Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi b’avvi] fil-gazzetta jistabbilixxi u jistg[u ji;u stabbiliti dati differenti g[al disposizzjonijiet differenti u g[al g[anijiet differenti ta’ dan l-Att.
6. Minflok it-titolu twil ta’ l-Ordinanza g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej> “Att biex jirregola l-{addiema d-Deheb u l-{addiema l-Fidda (Ar;entiera)”< u minflok it-titolu l-qasir ta’ l-Ordinanza, g[andhom jid[lu dawn il-kliem li ;ejjin> “Att dwar il-{addiema d-Deheb u l-
{addiema l-Fidda (Ar;entiera)”.
7. Minflok il-kliem “Ordinanza dwar il-{addiema d-Deheb u l-
{addiema l-Fidda (Ar;entiera)” fl-artikolu 1 ta’ l-Ordinanza, g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “Att dwar il-{addiema d-Deheb u l-{addiema l-Fidda (Ar;entiera)”.
8. Minflok l-artikoli 2 sa 20 ta’ l-Ordinanza, g[andhom jid[lu dawn l-artikoli 2 sa 18 ;odda li ;ejjin>


2. F’dan l-Att, u fir-regolamenti kollha li jsiru ta[tu –
“awtorizzat”, kemm-il darba ma jkunx xort’o[ra awtorizzat, tfisser mog[tija b’setg[a tal-Ministru jew persuna ekwivalenti g[alih fi Stat Membru jew permezz ta’ xi A;enzija ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea jew minn xi persuna li tkun ma[tura minn dawk hawn qabel imsemmija skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att<
“boll ta’ garanzija ta’ manifattur” tfisser boll li manifattur ikun awtorizzat li jag[mel fuq o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] li jkun mag[mul mill-marka ta’ manifattur kif ukoll marka standard<
“boll ta’ garanzija ta’ patrun ” tfisser boll li patrun ikun awtorizzat japplika fuq o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] li jkun jinkludi l-marka tal-patrun u l-marka standard<
“boll ta’ garanzija ta’ l-uffi//ju” tfisser boll fuq o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] applikat minn korp awtorizzat li jag[ti l-boll ta’ garanzija li jkun mill-inqas fih marka standard<
“Konslu” tfisser il-Konslu g[all-{addiema d- Deheb u l-{addiema l-Fidda (Ar;entiera) u tinkludi lil kull uffi/jal pubbliku li l-Ministru jista’ minn ]mien g[al
]mien jawtorizza sabiex iwettaq id-dmirijiet ta’ Konslu<
“korp awtorizzat li jag[ti l-boll ta’ garanzija” tfisser persuna li tkun indipendenti mill-manifattur jew patrun ta’ o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju], li jkun awtorizzat jimbolla marka ta’ l-uffi//ju fuq dak l-o;;ett<
“kummer/jant” tfisser persuna li tinnegozja f’o;;etti ta’ metall prezzju] jew [a;ar prezzju]<
“Malta” g[andha l-istess tifsira kif mog[tija lilha fl-artikolu 124 tal-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta<
“manifattur” tfisser persuna li jag[mel o;;etti ta’
metall prezzju]<
“marka ta’ finezza” hija marka li ssir b’numri g[arbin fuq o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] li tkun turi l- istandard ta’ finezza ta’ l-o;;ett prezzju] u li tindika t- tip ta’ metall prezzju] u]at fit-ta[lita ta’ dan l-o;;ett<
“marka ta’ manifattur” tfisser il-marka ta’ identifikazzjoni fuq o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] li manifattur ikun awtorizzat jimbolla fuq l-o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] li huwa jkun jimmanifattura<
“marka tal-patrun” tfisser il-marka ta’ identifikazzjoni li patrun ikun awtorizzat jimbolla fuq o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju]<
“marka standard” tfisser marka mbullata fuq it- ta[lita ta’ metall prezzju] ta’ o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] li tkun tirrappre]enta l-istandard tat-ta[lita u t-tip ta’ metall prezzju] fiha<
“metall prezzju]” tfisser deheb, platinu, palladju u fidda kemm fl-istat pur tag[hom kemm fit-ta[lit tag[hom<
“Ministru” tfisser il-Ministru responsabbli g[all- finanzi<
“mqieg[ed fis-suq” tfisser l-ewwel darba li o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] ikun b’xi mod disponibbli fis-suq g[al distribuzzjoni fit-territorju ta’ Malta jew dak it-territorju ie[or li jista’ ji;i ordnat<
“o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju]” tfisser kull o;;ett ta’
;ojjellerija, kompletament manifatturat, mag[mul minn
[addiem id-deheb jew [addiem il-fidda, jew minn
A 583
A 584



Imbollar ta’


ta’ metall prezzju].

arlu;;ar, u kull o;;ett ie[or komplut mag[mul g[al kollox jew f’parti minnu minn metall prezzju]<
“ordnat” tfisser kif ordnat b’regolamenti ta[t l-Att< “patrun” tfisser persuna li tid[ol g[all-istess
responsabbiltajiet daqs manifattur<
standard” tfisser il-kontenut frazzjonali skond il- pi] ta’ metall prezzju] pur f’ta[lita ta’ metall prezzju]<
standard ta’ finezza” ikun dak in-numru li jirrappre]enta g[add ta’ partijiet bil-pi] ta’ metall prezzju] pur f’elf parti bil-pi] ta’ ta[lita ta’ metall prezzju] (millesims)<
“Stat Membru” tfisser stat li jkun membru ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea<
“ta[lita ta’ metall prezzju]” hija soluzzjoni solida ta’ metall prezzju] u xi metall wie[ed jew aktar<
“it-Trattat” g[andha l-istess tifsira kif mog[ti lilha fl-Att ta’ l-2003 dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea<
“Unjoni Ewropea” tfisser l-Unjoni Ewropea msemmija fit-Trattat.
3. L-istandards nominali g[al o;;etti ta’ metall prezzju] g[andhom ikunu dawk li jistg[u ji;u ordnati.
4. Ma g[andu ji;i mqieg[ed fis-suq ebda o;;ett ta’
metall prezzju] jekk -
(i) salv skond ma jista’ ji;i ordnat, dak l-o;;ett ma jkunx imbollat b’marka standard li tkun superjuri g[all-istandard attwali tal-metall prezzju]<
(ii) dak l-o;;ett ikollu ]ew; marki standard jew iktar [lief fil-ka]ijiet fejn dan ikun fih komponenti mag[mulin minn diversi metalli prezzju]i<
(iii) dak l-o;;ett ma jkunx fih jew (a) boll ta’ garanzija ta’ l-uffi//ju jew (b) boll ta’ garanzija ta’ manifattur jew ta’ patrun<




(iv) il-marki msemmija fis-subartikolu (iii) ta’ dan l-artikolu ma jkunx fihoma dawk il-karrateristi/i l-o[ra ulterjuri skond ma jistg[u jkunu ordnati<
(v) f’ka] li l-o;;ett ikun mag[mul minn diversi metalli prezzju]i dan ma jkunx immarkat skond is- subartikoli (iii) u (iv) ta’ dan l-artikolu g[all-partijiet diversi ta’ metall prezzju].
5. Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 4 ta’ dan l-Att ma g[andhomx ikunu japplikaw g[al -
(a) xi o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] li ma jkunx jifla[ g[all-pressjoni tal-boll ming[ajr ma jinkiser jew jitlef is-solidità jew li fuqu ikun teknikament diffi/li li ji;u imbollati l-marki me[tie;a<
(b) kull o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] li jkollu valur ta’ anitikità<
(c) o;;etti ta’ metall prezzju] g[al u]u xjentifiku, tekniku, mu]ikali jew mediku<
(d) muniti mag[mulin minn metall prezzju] u muniti f’kollezzjonijiet u midalji ma[ru;in minn jew bl- awtorità ta’ xi Stat<
(e) ingotti jew granuli ta’ metall prezzju] biex jintu]aw fil-banek<
(f) o;;etti ]g[ar li ji]nu inqas minn gramma wa[da fil-ka] ta’ deheb u platinu u tliet grammi fil-ka] ta’ fidda u palladju jew kull pi] ie[or skond ma jista’ ji;i ordnat<
(;) o;;etti ta’ metall prezzju] semi-manifatturati< ([) o;;etti li mhumiex mag[mulin minn metall
prezzju] i]da jkunu indurati b’metall prezzju] jew ikunu
xort’o[ra laminati jew miksijin b’folja rqieqa ta’ metall prezzju].
6. L-istandards tas-saldatura li g[andhom jintu]aw sabiex jitg[aqqdu l-partijiet komponenti ta’ o;;etti ta’ metall prezzju] g[andhom ikunu tali skond ma jista’ ji;i ordnat.
A 585
A 586

Ittikettjar ta’


tal-metall prezzju].

Responsabbiltà tal-


Responsabbiltà tal-patrun.

Il-marka ta’ l- Uffi//ju tal- Konslu.

7. Ma g[andu ji;i mqieg[ed fis-suq ebda o;;ett ta’
metall prezzju] kemm-il darba> -
(i) dan ma jkollux tikketta li tkun tindika t-tip ta’ metall prezzju] u]at fil-manifattura tieg[u u l-istandard ta’ finezza tieg[u<
(ii) meta o;;ett ikun fih xi parti li ma tkunx mag[mula minn metall prezzju] u li ma tkunx ting[araf b’mod /ar, dak l-o;;ett ma jkollux tikketta jew ma jkollux mehmu] mieg[u dokument li jkun jidentifika b’mod /ar liema tkun dik il-parti<
(iii) dak l-o;;ett li jaqa’ ta[t id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 5 ta’ dan l-Att ma jkollux mehmu] mieg[u dokument jew /ertifikat skond ma jista’ jkun ordnat.
8. (1) Il-manifatturi ma jistg[ux ju]aw il-marki jew bolli ta’ garanzija ta’ xi manifattur jew patrun ie[or u jistg[u biss jimbollaw il-marka jew boll ta’ garanzija ta’ manifattur fuq o;;etti ta’ metall prezzju] li huma stess jimmanifatturaw.
(2) Il-manifattur ikun responsabbli g[all-e]attezza tal-marka standard fil-boll ta’ garanzija tal-manifattur.
9. (1) Il-patruni ma jistg[ux ju]aw il-marki jew il- bolli ta’ garanzija ta’ patruni jew manifatturi o[ra u jistg[u biss jimbollaw il-marka tal-patrun jew boll ta’ garanzija tag[hom fuq o;;etti ta’ metall prezzju] li huma jkunu patruni tag[hom.
(2) Il-patrun ikun responsabbli g[all-e]attezza tal- marka standard fil-boll ta’ garanzija ta’ patrun.
10. (1) Il-Konslu g[andu jkun korp indipendenti awtorizzat li jag[ti l-boll ta’ garanzija.
(2) Il-Konslu jista’ jimbolla l-boll ta’ garanzija ta’ l-uffi//ju skond ir-regolamenti li jsiru, minn ]mien g[al
]mien, mill-Ministru.
(3) Il-boll ta’ garanzija ta’ l-uffi//ju li ji;i imbollat mill-Konslu g[andu jkun dak li ji;i ordnat.
(4) Jista’ jintalab [las g[all-imbollar ta’ boll ta’
garanzija ta’ l-uffi//ju skond ma ji;i ordnat.
A 587

Dikjarazzjoni ta’ omo;eneità.

Awtorizzaz- zjoni tal- marki tal- manifatturi u tal-patruni.

11. (1) Kull min b’mod mhux korrett jiddikjara li xi o;;ett prezzju] jew parti minnu ippre]entat lill-Konslu g[all- imbollar bil-boll ta’ garanzija ta’ l-uffi//ju tal-Konslu jew g[aç-çertifikazzjoni huwa wie[ed ta’ sustanza omo;enea jew li ma jkunx ja[bi xi sustanzi estranji, jista’ je[el il-pieni li hemm fil-Kodi/i Kriminali dwar il-kontravvenzjonijiet.
(2) Kull min b’mod frawdolenti jiddikjara li o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] jew parti minnu ippre]entat lill-Konslu g[all- imbollar bil-boll ta’ garanzija ta’ l-uffi//ju tal-Konslu jew g[aç-çertifikazzjoni ikun ta’ sustanza omo;enea jew ma jkunx ja[bi sustanzi estranji, jista’, meta jinsab [ati, je[el pri;unerija g[al ]mien mhux i]jed minn tmintax-il xahar.
(3) Jekk permezz ta’ xi dikjarazzjoni frawdolenti b[al dik persuna tipprokura l-imbollar jew çertifikazzjoni ta’ o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] li jkun ja[bi xi sustanzi estranji, jew inkella ma jkunx ta’ sustanza omo;enea, jew jekk xi persuna tibdel xi parti wa[da jew aktar minn o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] imbollat, jew ta[bi fih xi sustanzi estranji, dik il-persuna tista’, meta tinsab [atja, te[el pri;unerija g[al ]mien mhux i]jed minn sentejn.
(4) Ma g[andhom jittie[du ebda pro/edimenti kontra xi persuna li tkun g[amlet dikjarazzjoni mhux korretta jew frawdolenti li o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju] jew parti minnu ippre]entat lill-Konslu g[all-imbollar bil-boll ta’ garanzija ta’ l-uffi//ju tal-Konslu jew g[aç-çertifikazzjoni ikun ta’ sustanza omo;enea, qabel ma jiskadu tmint ijiem minn meta jing[atalha avvi] li jkun jg[id dan mill-Konslu< u f’dak i]-
]mien dik il-persuna tista’ titlob li l-o;;ett ta’ metall prezzju]
jew parti minnu hekk ippre]entat ji;i mdewweb u li l-Konslu jag[mel e]ami mill-;did tas-sustanza li to[ro; minn dak it- tidwib.
12. (1) Il-Konslu g[andu jawtorizza l-marki u l-bolli ta’ garanzija ta’ manifatturi u patruni skond regolamenti li g[andhom, minn ]mien g[al ]mien, isiru mill-Ministru.
(2) L-awtorizzazzjoni ta’ marka tal-patrun jew boll ta’ garanzija g[andhom jing[ataw ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-obbligazzjoni tal-patrun li jwettaq kull [tie;a sabiex jikkonforma ru[u mal-li;ijiet tal-privattiva sew lokali sew internazzjonali.
A 588

Spezzjonijiet mill-Konslu.




(3) Dik l-awtorizzazzjoni tista’ tkun so;;etta g[all-[las ta’ dritt skond ma jkun ordnat.
13. (1) Il-Konslu g[andu f’kull ]mien, jispezzjona kull fond jew lokalità fejn tkun qed issir il-manifattura ta’ o;;etti ta’ metall prezzju] jew fejn dawk l-o;;etti jkunu qeg[din ji;u imbollati sabiex ji;i a//ertat li d-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att, jew ta’ xi regolamenti li jsiru ta[tu jkunu qeg[din ji;u m[arsa u biex ji;bor kwalunkwe kampjuni jew o;;etti g[al dak il-g[an.
(2) Il-pro/edura li g[andha ti;i segwita fil-;bir ta’ kampjuni jew o;;etti skond is-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l- artikolu g[andha tkun skond ma ji;i ordnat.
(3) Kull o;;ett jew kampjun li jin;abar skond is- subartikoli (1) u (2) ta’ dan l-artikolu ma jkun so;;ett g[al ebda kumpens.
(4) Kull o;;ett jew kampjun mi;bur skond is- subartikoli (1) u (2) ta’ dan l-artikolu u li jkunu jirri]ultaw lill-Konslu li ma jkunux skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l- Att, g[andhom jing[ataw lill-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija.
14. (1) Il-Ministru g[andu b’avvi] jippubblika fil- Gazzetta l-prezzijiet uffi/jali ta’ metalli prezzju]i bba]ata fuq il-prezzijiet li jkunu fis-se[[ fis-swieq internazzjonali skond ma ji;i ordnat.
(2) Il-Konslu jkun l-istimatur uffi/jali g[al o;;etti prezzju]i tal-metall u g[andu jibba]a l-istima tieg[u fuq il- prezz uffi/jali tal-metalli prezzju]i, liema stima g[andha tkun so;;etta g[al [las skond ma ji;i ordnat.
15. (1) Manifattur, patrun, kummer/jant jew kummer/jant ie[or ma jkunx jista’ skond il-li;i jixtri xi o;;etti ta’ metall prezzju] jew [a;ar prezzju], ming[and xi persuna li ma jkunux jafuha qabel ma l-ewwel juru dawk l-o;;etti jew [a;ar prezzju] lill-Konslu.
(2) Il-Konslu li lilu ji;u ppre]entati dawk l-o;;etti jew [a;ar prezzju] g[andu jirre;istrahom g[al dak l-g[an, fejn jispe/ifika l-pi], il-kwalità u l-valur tag[hom, il-;urnata meta dawn ikunu ;ew ippre]entati lilu, u l-partikolaritajiet tal-persuna li jkunu ;ew hekk ippre]entati minnha.

Pieni g[al reati.

Setg[a ta’

g[emil ta’ regolamenti.

(3) Id-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu ma g[andhomx japplikaw meta x-xiri isir f’bejg[ b’irkant bil-qorti jew f’bejg[ ta’ o;;etti mirhunin fil-Monti.
16. (1) Il-Konslu jista’, f’kull ]mien b’avvi] bil- miktub, je[tie; lil xi persuna li tinnegozja f’o;;etti tal-metall prezzju] jew [a;ar prezzju] tag[mel prospett fejn tag[ti dawk id-dettalji murija fl-avvi] dwar kwantitajiet ta’ o;;etti jew [a;ar prezzju] b[al dawk li tali persuna jkollha g[andha f’xi data spe/ifikata fl-avvi] qabel ma tifta[ g[an-negozju, li tkun jew id-data ta’ meta jasal l-avvi] jew data li ti;i wara.
(2) L-avvi] imsemmi fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu g[andu jag[ti ]-]mien, li f’ebda ka] ma g[andu jkun inqas minn sitt ijiem minn meta jasal dak l-avvi], sa meta jkollu jintbag[at dak il-prospett lill-imsemmi Konslu.
17. Salvi d-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 11 ta’ l-Att u l-artikoli 19 u 543 tal-Kodi/i Kriminali, Qorti tal-Ma;istrati, li tkun qeg[da toqg[od b[ala qorti ta’ ;udikatura kriminali, tista’ tapplika g[al kull reat kontra dan l-Att, jew kontra regolamenti mag[mulin ta[tu, xi wa[da mill-pieni stabbiliti f’dak il-Kodi/i g[all-kontravenzjonijiet jew xi ]ew; pieni jew aktar flimkien skond i/-/irkostanzi.
18. Il-Ministru jista’ jag[mel regolamenti b’mod
;enerali g[at-twettiq a[jar tad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att u jista’ b’mod partikolari permezz ta’ dawk ir-regolamenti jag[mel regoli li jkunu jirregolaw l-g[arfien ta’ awtorizzazzjonijiet ta’ korpi awtorizzati li jag[mlu bolli ta’ garanzija u fejn jordna dak kollu li jkun jew li jista’ jkun ordnat skond dan l-Att.”.
A 589

Prospetti dwar kwantitajiet mi]muma.

9. O;;ett regolat billi jkun ;ie imbollat b’marka jew b’marki skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-Ordinanza kif kienu fis-se[[ qabel il- bidu fis-se[[ ta’ din it-Taqsima g[andhom jitqiesu b[ala li jkunu ;ew imbollati kif imiss b’mod konformi ma’ l-Ordinanza kif emendata b’din it-Taqsima.

Disposizzjonijiet transitorji.

A 590

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar il-Provvisti u s-Servizzi, Kap


Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 2 ta’

l-Att prin/ipali.

Kap. 379.

Kap. 378.

Taqsima IV
10. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar il-Provvisti u s-Servizzi, hawn i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ “l-Att prin/ipali”.
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tid[ol fis-se[[ f’dik id-data li l-Ministru responsabbli g[all-kummer/ jista’ b’avvi] jistabbilixxi fil- Gazzetta.
11. L-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej> (a) is-subartikolu (2) tieg[u g[andu jit[assar u s-subartikolu
(1) pre]enti g[andu ji;i enumerat mill-;did b[ala d-disposizzjoni
(b) fis-subartikolu (1) kif enumerat mill-;did b[ala l-artikolu s[i[>-
(i) it-tifsiriet “o;;etti essenzjali”, “rekwi]izzjoni” u
“bejg[” g[andhom jit[assru<
(ii) minnufih qabel it-tifsira “intrapri]a” g[andha tid[ol din it-tifsira li ;ejja>
“ “Direttur” g[andha l-istess tifsira mog[tija lilha fl-Att dwar il-Kompetizzjoni<”<
(iii) minflok it-tifsira “intrapri]a” g[andhom jid[lu dawn it-tifsiriet li ;ejjin>
“ “intrapri]a” tfisser kull intrapri]a kummerçjali, intrapri]a ta’ kummerç jew negozju, kemm ta’ xorta privata jew pubblika, li tkun involuta fil-manifattura, bejg[ jew distribuzzjoni ta’ o;;etti jew servizzi fil- kuntest tat-tifsir mog[ti f’dan l-Att<
“Ministru” tfisser il-Ministru responsabbli g[all-kummer/<
“o;;etti”, “servizzi” u “kummerçjanti” g[andhom l-istess tifsir mog[ti lilhom bl-Att dwar l-Affarijiet tal- Konsumatur<
(iv) minflok it-tifsira “ “stabbilit” jew “speçifikat” ”
g[andhom jid[lu dawn it-tifsiriet li ;ejjin>
“prezz” tfisser il-prezz finali ta’ xiri bi [las fil-pront inklu]i l-ispejje] kollha<
“stabbilit” tfisser ordnat b’regolamenti ta[t dan l- Att.”.
12. Minflok l-artikoli 3 sa 11 (inklu]i) ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andhom jid[lu dawn l-artikoli 3 sa 8 li ;ejjin>
A 591

Sostituzzjoni ta’ l- artikoli

3 sa 11 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

“Drittijiet tal- konsumaturi.

3. (1) Il-konsumaturi g[andhom id-dritt ikunu f’po]izzjoni li jixtru kwantitajiet adegwati u ra;onevoli ta’ l- o;;etti jew is-servizzi kollha li jkun hemm disponibbli fis- suq sabiex jissodisfaw il-[ti;iet normali tag[hom.
(2) Id-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (1) ma g[andhomx ikunu direttament enforzabbli f’xi qorti jew tribunal, i]da g[andhom ji;u segwiti fit-tifsir mog[ti lil dan l-Att u fl-implimentazzjoni tieg[u u ta’ kull regolamenti mag[mulin ta[tu.
4. (1) Meta l-Ministru jkun sodisfatt li min[abba f’fatturi estranji jkun hemm sitwazzjoni anormali jew eççezzjonali f’xi settur partikolari ta’ attività ekonomika b’impatt so/jali rilevanti, jew ikun sodisfatt li l-kompetizzjoni ma tistax tiffunzjona jew ma tkunx qed tiffunzjona b’mod ra;onevolment effettiv f’dak is-settur, huwa jista’ wara li jikkonsulta lid-Direttur b’regolamenti jo[ro; ordni temporanju dwar xi prezz skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu biex jikkontrolla l-prezz ta’ xi o;;ett jew servizz li jkun jaqa’ ta[t dak is-settur.
(2) Ordni li jsir skond is-subartikolu (1) jista’ jispe/ ifika li xi o;;etti jew servizzi partikolari, jew xi klassi jew kategorija partikolari minnhom, tkun so;;etta g[al prezz massimu, jew senjalazzjoni ta’ prezz massimu jew per/entwali ta’ profitt massimu skond ma jista’ ji;i spe/ifikat f’dak l- ordni.
(3) Kull ordni b[al dak g[andu jin[are; g[al ]mien mhux i]jed minn sitt xhur, u g[andu jispe/ifika d-data meta jibda jse[[. Ordni jista’ jittawwal g[al perjodu jew perjodi addizzjonali ta’ mhux i]jed minn sitt xhur kull wie[ed.
(4) Ma jistax ordni jkollu effett retrospettiv.

Ordnijiet temporanji dwar prezzijiet.

A 592

Setg[a li jsiru regolamenti.

(5) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu huma ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[ad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-Att dwar il- Kompetizzjoni.
(6) Il-ksur ta’ ordni ma[ru; ta[t dan l-artikolu jikkostitwixxi reat ta[t dan l-Att.
(7) Ordni temporanju dwar xi prezz u kull estensjoni g[alih g[andhom ji;u pubblikati fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern.
5. (1) Il-Ministru jista’ jag[mel regolamenti g[all- a[jar implimentazzjoni ta’ dan l-Att u jista’ b’dawk ir- regolamenti jordna kull [a;a li tkun jew li tista’ ti;i ordnata.
(2) Regolamenti li jsiru ta[t is-subartikolu minnufih pre/edenti jistg[u jimponu obbligazzjonijiet fuq kummer/janti u jistg[u jistabbilixxu kontrolli u [ti;iet o[ra g[ar-rigward>
(a) tal-prezzijiet li bihom xi o;;etti jew servizzi li l-Ministru jqis li jkunu essenzjali g[all-[ajja jew il- benesseri tal-komunità jkunu jistg[u ji;u provvisti jew mibjug[a, u r-regolament tal-provvista, produzzjoni, []in, distribuzzjoni, xiri u bejg[ ta’ dawk l-o;;etti jew servizzi, skond ma jista’ jkun me[tie; sabiex ti;i ]gurata d-disponibilità ta’ provvisti ta’ dawk l-o;;etti fis-suq<
(b) tal-fatturi u provi o[ra tal-kalkolu ta’ prezzijiet ta’ dawk l-o;;etti u servizzi offruti lill-konsumaturi u xerrejja o[ra.
(3) B’mod konformi ma’ u g[all-finijiet tas- subartikoli minnufih pre/edenti, il-Ministru g[andu, minn
]mien g[al ]mien, b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta, jsemmi l-kategoriji ta’ o;;etti u servizzi li jqis li jkunu essenzjali g[all-[ajja jew il-benesseri tal-komunità.
(4) Il-Ministru wkoll jag[mel regolamenti li jkunu je[tie;u lill-kummer/janti b’mod ;enerali jew xi klassi jew kategorija tag[hom, li j]ommu dawk il-kotba, kontijiet u dokumenti o[ra u li jibg[atu dawk il-prospetti skond ma jistg[u ji;u ordnati jag[mlu.
(5) Regolamenti mag[mulin ta[t xi wa[da mid- disposizzjonijiet pre/edenti ta’ dan l-artikolu jistg[u jassenjaw

Rekwi]izzjonar ta’ o;;etti u intrapri]i.


dawk il-funzjonijiet u responsabbiltajiet lid-Direttur skond ma l-Ministru jista’ jqis li jkunu adatti g[all-implimentazzjoni a[jar tad-disposizzjonijiet u l-g[anijiet ta’ dan l-Att u regolamenti mag[mulin ta[tu.
6. (1) Il-Ministru jista’ b’ordni bil-miktub jipprovdi dwar ir-rekwi]izzjonar u t-te[id ta’ pussess u kontroll ta’ o;;etti li dwarhom ikun hemm fis-se[[ ordni ta’ prezz skond l-artikolu 4 ta’ dan l-Att, b’dawk il-kondizzjonijiet li jistg[u ji;u ordnati. Meta ji;u rekwi]izzjonati xi o;;etti kif hawn qabel imsemmi, uffi/jal li jkun awtorizzat g[al dan l-g[an mill-Ministru jista’ ju]a jew jag[mel minn dawk l-o;;etti g[al dawk il-finijiet u b’dak il-mod skond ma dak l-uffi/jal jista’ jqis li jkun me[tie; jew spedjenti u jista’ j]omm, ja[]en jew bl-awtorizzazzjoni spe/ifikat bil-miktub tal-Ministru ibieg[ jew xort’o[ra jiddisponi mill-o;;etti b[allikieku kien is-sid tag[hom.
(2) F’/irkostanzi ta’ xorta eççezzjonali meta huwa jqis li jkun me[tie; g[all-protezzjoni tal-konsumaturi u fl- interess pubbliku ;enerali li hekk jag[mel, il-Ministru jista’ jawtorizza bil-miktub lid-Direttur li jie[u f’idejh il-;estjoni u l-mani;;ar ta’ xi intrapri]a kollha kemm hi jew ta’ xi parti minnha li tkun tipprodu/i jew tipprovdi o;;etti jew servizzi li g[ar-rigward tag[hom ikun hemm ordni ta’ prezzijiet fis- se[[ skond ma hemm fl-artikolu 4 ta’ dan l-Att.
(3) Meta u g[all-fini li ji;u e]er/itati l-funzjonijet u s-setg[at assenjati lilu b’dan l-Att, il-Ministru jista’ jitlob l- g[ajnuna tal-Pulizija g[all-fini li jid[ol u jfittex ;ewwa xi bini u sabiex jikseb aççess fi u jie[u kontroll fuq bini u o;;etti.
(4) Fl-e]er/izzju ta’ xi wa[da mill-funzjonijiet lilu assenjati jew delegati ta[t dan l-Att, id-Direttur jista’ je]erçita kull jew xi poter minn dawk lilu assenjati ta[t l-artikolu 12 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Kompetizzjoni.
7. (1) Kull min jikser jew jonqos milli j[ares xi disposizzjoni ta’ dan l-Att, (inklu]i dawk tas-subartikolu (5) ta’ dan l-artikolu) jew ta’ xi regolament mag[mul ta[thom, ikun [ati ta’ reat kontra dan l-Att.
(2) Pro/edimenti dwar xi reat kontra dan l-Att jew regolamenti mag[mulin ta[thom jistg[u jinbdew fi ]mien sena minn meta jsir ir-reat.
A 593
A 594

Responsabbiltà ta’ kummerçjanti.

(3) Min ikun [ati ta’ reat kontra dan l-Att jista’ meta jinsab [ati je[el>
pri;unerija g[al ]mien mhux i]jed minn sentejn jew multa ta’ mhux i]jed minn Lm2,000 jew dik il-multa u pri;unerija flimkien< jew
flimkien ma’ jew ming[ajr multa addizzjonali ta’ mhux i]jed minn [ames darbiet il-profitt mag[mul kaw]a tar-reat<
Il-qorti tista’ iktar minn hekk tordna>
is-sospensjoni jew it-t[assir ta’ xi li/enza jew awtorizzazzjoni o[ra ma[ru;a mid-Direttur jew xi liçenza ma[ru;a skond l-Att dwar il-Li/enzi tal- Kummer/ f’isem il-persuna li tkun hekk instabet [atja u tista’ iktar minn hekk tordna l-pubblikazzjoni ta’ kull sentenza, jew dikjarazzjoni tag[ha, li tkun tat relattivament g[all-[ati.
(4) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-Att dwar il-Probation
ma g[andhomx ikunu japplikaw g[al reat kontra dan l-Att.
(5) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 23 tal-Kodi/i Kriminali g[andhom japplikaw g[ar-rigward ta’ o;;etti li r- reat ikun sar dwarhom.
8. (1) Kull kummer/jant g[andu jara li ji]gura konformità s[i[a mad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att u ta’ regolamenti mag[mulin ta[tu, u g[andu je]er/ita dili;enza kif imiss biex ji]gura li d-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att ma jkunux miksura minn xi persuna ta[t l-awtorità, kontroll jew responsabbiltà tieg[u.
(2) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[ad-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu minnufih pre/edenti, meta reat kontra dawn ir-regolamenti isir minn, jew xi att jew ommissjoni li tammonta g[al reat tista’ ti;i attribwita lil individwu li jkun qed ja;ixxi f’isem, jew fl-interess ta’ kumpannija jew xi forma o[ra ta’ s[ubija jew asso/jazzjoni jew xi korp jew grupp ie[or ta’ persuni jew meta tittie[ed azzjoni kontra individwu bis- sa[[a tar-responsabbiltà li jkollu b[ala direttur, manager, segretarju jew xi uffi/jal simili ie[or ta’ dak il-korp, assoçjazzjoni jew grupp u jirri]ulta li jkun ;ara xi att jew ommissjoni li jammontaw g[al reat kontra r-regolamenti, id-
disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 8 dwar is-sospensjoni jew it- t[assir ta’ xi li/enza mi]muma mill-[ati jew minn persuna o[ra kif qabel imsemmija g[andhom ukoll japplikaw g[al kull li/enza mi]muma minn jew f’isem, jew g[al jew fl- interess tal-kumpannija, s[ubija, asso/jazzjoni jew korp ie[or jew grupp ta’ persuni li tag[hom il-[ati jew persuna o[ra kif hawn qabel imsemmija jkunu direttur, manager, segretarju jew uffi/jal ie[or jew li f’ismu jew fl-interess tieg[u jew g[alih dik il-persuna kienet qed ta;ixxi, u dik il-li/enza g[andha bl- istess mod tkun sospi]a jew im[assra skond dan.”.
13. (1) Regolamenti mag[mulin ta[t id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l- Att prin/ipali kif kien fis-se[[ qabel il-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ din it-Taqsima g[andhom jitqiesu li saru ta[t id-disposizzjonijiet korrispondenti ta’ l- Att prin/ipali kif emendat b’din it-Taqsima u jistg[u ji;u emendati, revokati jew sostitwiti skond dan.
(2) Minkejja d-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artkolu, kull ordni ta’ prezzijiet mag[mul ta[t l-Att prin/ipali qabel id-d[ul fis-se[[ ta’ din it-Taqsima huwa b’dan im[assar.
Taqsima V
14. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq l-Income, hawn i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it- Taqsima msejja[ “l-Att prinçipali”.
(2) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ din it-Taqsima dwar dan l-Att g[andhom jibdew ise[[u f’dik id-data li l-Ministru responsabbli g[all- finanzi jista’ b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta jistabbilixxi.
A 595

Disposizzjoni transitorja.

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq l- Income, Kap. 123.

15. L-artikolu 9B ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif

Emenda ta’ artikolu

9B ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

(a) fis-subartikolu (1) tieg[u>
(i) minnufih qabel it-tifsira “assi kwalifikattivi”
g[andhom jid[lu dawn it-tifsiriet li ;ejjin>
“ “assi eli;ibbli barranin” tfisser dawk l-assi barranin li jistg[u ji;u preskritti ta[t l-Att dwar Transazzjonijiet Esterni<
“assi eli;ibbli lokali” tfisser dawk l-assi barranin li jistg[u ji;u preskritti ta[t l-Att dwar Transazzjonijiet Esterni<”< u
A 596
(ii) fit-tifsira “assi kwalifikattivi” minflok il-kliem “ta[t l-artikolu 39 ta’ l-Att dwar il-Kontroll fuq il-Kambju”, g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “ta[t l-Att dwar Transazzjonijiet Esterni”.
(b) fis-subartikolu (2) tieg[u>
(i) fil-paragrafu (a) tieg[u minflok il-kliem “assi kwalifikattiv” kull fejn dawn jinsabu g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “assi kwalifikattiv li ma jkunx assi eli;ibbli lokali”<
(ii) minflok il-paragrafu (b) tieg[u, g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“(b) income, inklu] qlig[ kapitali, sal-limitu li assi kwalifikattiv ikun jirrappre]enta dak l-income jew parti mhux dikjarata ta’ dak l-income jew akkumulazzjoni tieg[u>
(i) g[ar-rigward ta’ assi eli;ibbli barrani, li jkun income miksub minn xi persuna matul is-sena minnufih preçedenti xi sena ta’ stima li dwarha dik il-persuna tkun ipprovdiet prospett ta’ l-income tag[ha lill-Kummissarju qabel l-1 ta’ Settembru, 2001, jew matul is-sena li minnufih tippreçedi xi sena ta’ stima li tibda fi jew qabel l-1 ta’ Jannar, 2001, li dwarha dik il-persuna ma kienetx me[tie;a tibg[at prospett dwar l-income tag[ha<
(ii) g[ar-rigward ta’ assi eli;ibbli lokali, li jkun income miksub minn persuna matul is-sena minnufih preçedenti s-sena ta’ stima 2002 jew xi sena ta’ stima preçedenti li dwarha dik il-persuna tkun bag[tet prospett dwar l-income tag[ha lill- Kummissarju qabel il-31 ta’ Marzu, 2003, jew matul is-sena minnufih preçedenti xi sena ta’ stima li tibda fi jew qabel l-1 ta’ Jannar, 2002 li dwarha dik il-persuna ma kienetx me[tie;a tibg[at prospett dwar l-income tag[ha<”< u
(ç) fis-subartikolu (3) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “qabel l-1 ta’ Settembru, 2001” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “qabel l-1 ta’ Settembru, 2001 g[ar-rigward ta’ assi eli;ibbli barrani u l-31 ta’ Marzu, 2003 g[ar-rigward ta’ assi eli;ibbli lokali”, u minflok il- kliem “qabel id-data msemmija” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “qabel l-1 ta’ Settembru, 2001 (g[ar-rigward ta’ assi eli;ibbli barrani) u l-31 ta’ Marzu, 2003 (g[ar-rigward ta’ assi eli;ibbli lokali)”.
16. Ebda [a;a fl-artikolu 15 ta’ dan l-Att ma g[andha titqies b[ala li tippre;udika xi e]enzjoni mog[tija ta[t l-artikolu 9B ta’ l-Att prinçipali kif kien fis-se[[ qabel id-d[ul fis-se[[ ta’ l-imsemmi artikolu
Taqsima VI
17. Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar il-Liberazzjoni u t-Trasport ta’ Merkanzija, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it-Taqsima imsejja[ “l-Att prinçipali”.
18. L-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu ji;i enumerat mill-
;did kif ;ej>
(a) fit-tifsira “burdnar”>
(i) minflok il-kliem minn “ “burdnar” ”sa tmiem il- paragrafu (a) tieg[u g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“ “burdnar” tfisser kull min ikun id-detentur ta’
permess ma[ru; mid-Dwana u li xog[lu jkun>
(a) li jag[mel id-dikjarazzjonijiet tad-Dwana u li jg[addi mid-Dipartiment tad-Dwana dokumenti li g[andhom x’jaqsmu mal-merkanzija< u”< u
(ii) fil-paragrafu (b) tieg[u minflok il-kliem “ta’
konsenja<” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “ ta’ konsenja< u”< (b) it-tifsira “detentur ta’ liçenza” g[andha tit[assar< u
(ç) minnufih qabel it-tifsira “Kontrullur”, g[andha tid[ol din it-tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>
“ “detentur ta’ permess mid-Dwana” tfisser persuna awtorizzata kif imiss ta[t dan l-Att biex tag[milha ta’ burdnar<”.
19. Fl-Att prinçipali, minflok il-kliem “liçenza”, “ikollu liçenza” u “detentur ta’ liçenza” kull fejn dawn jinsabu inklu]a kull nota mar;inali ma’ xi artikolu, g;andhom rispettivament jid[lu l-kliem “permess tad- Dwana”, “awtorizzat” u “detentur ta’ permess mid-Dwana”.
20. Minnufih wara subartikolu (3) ta’ l-artikolu 3 ta’ l-Att prinçipali, g[andu ji]died dan is-subartikolu li ;ej>-
A 597


Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar il-Liberazzjoni u t-Trasport ta’ Merkanzija, Kap.


Emenda ta’ l- artikolu

2 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ;enerali ta’

l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ta’

artikolu 3 ta’

l-Att prinçipali.

A 598

T[assir ta’ l-artikolu

9 ta’ l-Att prinçipali u enumerazzjoni mill-;did sussegwenti tad- disposizzjonijiet l- o[ra.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 9 (qabel 10) ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu

10 (qabel 11) ta’

l-Att prinçipali.

}jieda ta’ l-artikolu

11 ;did ma’ l-Att prinçipali.

“(4) Id-detentur ta’ permess mid-Dwana g[andu f’kull waqt ikollu fil-pussess tieg[u permess ta’ operatur ma[ru; mill-Awtorità ta’ Malta dwar it-Trasport.”.
21. L-artikolu 9 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andha tit[assar u l-artikoli
10 u 11 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andhom ji;u enumerati mill-;did b[ala l- artikoli 9 u 10 tieg[u.
22. Fl-artikolu 9 ta’ l-Att prinçipali kif enumerat mill-;did, minflok il-kliem “jippre]enta personalment dokumenti tad-Dwana” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “jag[mel id-dikjarazzjonijiet tad-Dwana”.
23. Is-subartikolu 10 (1) ta’ l-Att prinçipali kif enumerat mill-
;did, g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>
(a) minflok in-numri “3, 7, 9 jew 10” g[andhom jid[lu n- numri “3, 7 jew 9”< u
(b) minflok il-kliem “mitejn lira” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem
“elf lira”.
24. Minnufih wara l-artikolu 10, kif enumerat mill-;did, ta’ l- Att prinçipali g[andu ji]died dan l-artikolu 11 ;did li ;ej>

“Relazzjoni ma’ l-Att dwar id- Dazji

ta’ Importazzjoni, Kap. 337.

11. Xejn f’dan l-Att ma g[andu jidderoga minn ebda disposizzjoni ta’ l-Att dwar id-Dazji ta’ Importazzjoni.”.
Taqsima VII

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar l-Avjazzjoni

?ivili, Kap. 232.

25. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda l-Att dwar l-Avjazzjoni ?ivili u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem b[ala [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar l- Avjazzjoni ?ivili, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it-Taqsima imsejj[a “l-Att prin/ipali”.
(2) Dan l-Att g[andu jibda jse[[ f’dik id-data li l-Ministru responsabbli g[all-avjazzjoni /ivili jista’ b’avvi] fil-gazzetta jistabbilixxi u jistg[u ji;u stabbiliti dati differenti g[al disposizzjonijiet differenti u g[al g[anijiet differenti ta’ dan l-Att.
26. L-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>- (a) id-disposizzjoni pre]enti g[andha ti;i enumerata mill-
;did b[ala l-artikolu (1) tieg[u<
(b) fis-subartikolu (1) tieg[u kif enumerat mill-;did>
(i) minnufih qabel it-tifsira “Gazzetta” g[andhom jid[lu dawn it-tifsiriet li ;ejjin>
A 599

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 2 ta’

l-Att prin/ipali.

Kap. 218.

“ “/ertifikat ta’ operatur ta’ l-ajru” tfisser /ertifikat mog[ti ta[t l-artikolu 4 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Avjazzjoni ?ivili (?ertifikati ta’ Operaturi ta’ l-Ajru)<
“Direttur” tfisser id-Direttur ta’ l-Avjazzjoni
(ii) minnufih wara t-tifsira “Gazzetta” g[andhom jid[lu dawn it-tifsiriet ;odda li ;ejjin>
“ “impri]a tat-trasport bl-ajru” tfisser impri]a li l- kummer/ tag[ha jinkludi l-;arr bl-ajru ta’ passi;;ieri jew ta’ merkanzija b’kiri jew bi [las<
“kontroll effettiv” tfisser relazzjoni kostitwita bi drittijiet, kuntratti jew b’kull mezz ie[or li, jew separatament jew kon;untement u fil-qies tal- konsiderazzjonijiet ta’ fatt jew li;i involuti, jag[tu l- possibilità ta’ l-e]er/izzju dirett jew indirett ta’ influwenza de/i]iva fuq impri]a, b’mod partikolari>
(a) bid-dritt li jintu]a l-attiv kollu ta’ l- impri]a, jew parti minnu<
(b) bid-drittijiet jew kuntratti li jag[tu influwenza de/i]iva fuq il-kompo]izzjoni, l-ivvutar jew de/i]jonijiet tal-korpi ta’ impri]a jew xort’o[ra jag[tu influwenza de/i]iva fuq il-;estjoni tal- kummer/ ta’ l-impri]a<”<
(iii) fejn hemm it-tifsira ta’ “tariffa” -
(a) minnufih qabel dik it-tifsira g[andha tid[ol din it-tifsira li ;ejja>
“ “Stat Membru” tfisser stat li jkun membru ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea<”< u
A 600

Sostituzzjoni ta’


7 u 8 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

(b) minnufih wara dik it-tifsira g[andha tid[ol din it-tifsira li ;ejja>
“ “it-Trattat” g[andha l-istess tifsira kif inhu mog[ti lilha bl-Att ta’ l-2003 dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea<”< u
(iv) minnufih wara t-tifsira “telf jew [sara” g[andha ti]died din it-tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>
“ “Unjoni Ewropea” tfisser l-Unjoni Ewropea msemmija fit-Trattat.”< u
(/) minnufih wara s-subartikolu (1) tieg[u, kif enumerat mill-;did, g[andu ji]died dan is-subartikolu (2) ;did li ;ej>
“(2) Il-Ministru jista’ b’ordni minn ]mien g[al ]mien jestendi t-tifsira ta’ Stat Membru g[al xi Stat li jkun asso/jat ma’ l-Unjoni Ewropea fi [dan l-Area Ekonomika Ewropea jew kull asso/jazzjoni b[al dik ma’ l-Unjoni Ewropea u jista’ b’ordni sussegwenti jemenda, jirrevoka jew jissostitwixxi kull ordni b[al dak.”.
27. Minflok l-artikoli 7 u 8 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>


g[as-servizzi ta’ l-ajru.

7. (1) Is-setg[a li ting[at li/enza g[al servizz bl-ajru, ji;ifieri li/enza g[al kull servizz ta’ trasport bl-ajru jew g[al skop ie[or spe/ifikat fil-li/enza, ikun vestit fid-Direttur li g[andu jag[ti lil impri]a tat-trasport bl-ajru dik il-li/enza meta huwa jkun sodisfatt li l-impri]a tat-trasport bl-ajru tkun konformi mal-[ti;iet ta’ dan l-Att u dawk il-[ti;iet l-o[ra li jistg[u ji;u ordnati.
(2) Li/enza g[al servizz bl-ajru tista’ ting[ata ta[t dawk il-kondizzjonijiet inklu]i d-drittijiet ta’ a//ess g[al rotot spe/ifi/i jew swieq li jistg[u jkunu spe/ifikati fil-li/enza.
(3) Applikazzjoni lid-Direttur g[all-g[oti ta’ li/enza g[al servizz bl-ajru g[andu jkun fiha dawk il-partikolaritajiet u jkollha mag[ha dawk id-drittijiet li jistg[u ji;u ordnati.

Revoka, sospensjoni

u varjazzjoni ta’ li/enzi.

(4) Impri]a tat-trasport bl-ajru li tipprovdi servizz tat- trasport bl-ajru ma g[andhiex ting[ata li/enza g[al servizz bl-ajru kemm-il darba ma ji;ix muri g[as-sodisfazzjon tad- Direttur, kull meta jkun me[tie; minnu li hekk isir, li>-
(a) il-post ta’ negozju prin/ipali tag[ha u, jekk ikollha, l-uffiççju re;istrat tag[ha jkunu jinsabu f’Malta, u
(b) il-[idma prin/ipali tag[ha hu t-trasport bl-ajru g[alih wa[du jew mg[aqqad ma’ xi operazzjoni kummer/jali ta’ in;enji ta’ l-ajru jew it-tiswija u l- manutenzjoni ta’ in;enji ta’ l-ajru, u
(/) is-sidien tag[ha huma u hekk ikunu se jkomplu direttament jew permezz ta’ proprjetà ma;;oritarja minn Stati Membri jew /ittadini ta’ Stati Membri, li f’kull waqt g[andu jkollhom kontroll effettiv ta’ l-impri]a tat- trasport bl-ajru.
(5) Id-Direttur g[andu biss jag[ti li/enza g[al servizz bl-ajru lil applikant jekk dak applikant ikollu Certifikat ta’ operatur ta’ l-ajru validu li jkun jispe/ifika l-attivitajiet li jkollhom ji;u koperti fil-li/enza g[al servizz bl-ajru.
(6) Il-li/enza g[al servizz bl-ajru g[andha tibqa’ valida g[al daqs kemm l-impri]a tat-trasport bl-ajru tibqa’ tkun konformi mal-[ti;iet g[all-[ru; tag[ha. Id-detentur tal-liçenza g[andu kull meta hekk jintalab jag[mel mid-Direttur jipprovdilu kull informazzjoni pertinenti li d-Direttur jista’ je[tie; sabiex ikun f’po]izzjoni li ja//erta ru[u li l-li/enza tkun g[adha wa[da valida.
(7) Kemm jista’ jkun prattikament malajr wara l-g[oti ta’ xi li/enza ta[t dan l-artikolu, id-Direttur g[andu jara li jing[ata avvi] dwarha fil-Gazzetta.
8. (1) Jekk, fil-ka] ta’ xi persuna li tkun detentur ta’
li/enza dwar servizz bl-ajru, id-Direttur ma jibqax aktar f’xi
]mien sodisfatt li dik il-persuna>
(a) tkun konformi mal-kondizzjonijiet f’dan l-Att u ta[tu g[all-[ru; u t-ti]mim ta’ li/enza g[al servizz bl- ajru< jew
A 601
A 602

Emenda ta’ artikolu

9 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar

il-Kontroll fuq il- Kambju,

Kap. 233.

Sostituzzjoni tat-titolu

twil u t-titolu qasir ta’

l-Att prin/ipali.

(b) tkun kompetenti u persuna adatta u idonea sabiex topera in;enji ta’ l-ajru g[all-finijiet awtorizzati bil-li/enza,
id-Direttur g[andu, skond ma jidhirlu li jkun xieraq fi/- çirkostanzi, jirrevoka, jissospendi jew jibdel dik il-li/enza.
(2) Jekk, b[ala ri]ultat ta’ pro/eduri ta’ insolvenza jew pro/eduri b[al dawk kontra d-detenturi ta’ li/enza g[al servizz bl-ajru, id-Direttur ikun sodisfatt li ma jkun hemm ebda prospett realistiku ta’ rikostruzzjoni finanzjarja sodisfa/enti tad-detentur fi ]mien ra;onevoli, huwa g[andu jirrevoka l- li/enza.”.
28. Fl-artikolu 9 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali, minnufih wara l-kliem “li ta[thom il-permess ikun ing[ata” g[andhom ji]diedu l-kliem li ;ejjin> “kemm-il darba dak l-in;enji ta’ l-ajru ma jkunx qieg[ed jintu]a fl- e]erçizzju ta’ drittijiet tat-traffiku li jirrigwardaw l-a//ess ta’ impri]i tat-trasport bl-ajru ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea fuq rotot ta’ l-ajru fit-territorju ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea”.
Taqsima VIII
29. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar il-Kontroll fuq il-Kambju, hawn i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it-Taqsima msejja[ “l-Att prin/ipali”.
(2) Dan l-Att g[andu jibda jse[[ f’dik id-data li l-Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi b’avvi] fil-gazzetta jistabbilixxi u jistg[u ji;u stabbiliti dati differenti g[al disposizzjonijiet differenti u g[al g[anijiet differenti ta’ dan l-Att.
30. (1) Minflok it-titolu t-twil li g[andu l-Att prin/ipali g[andu jid[ol dan it-titolu li ;ej>
“Att biex jistabbilixxi qafas g[al-liberalizzazzjoni ta’ transazzjonijiet esterni u biex jipprovdi dwar il-kollezzjoni ta’ informazzjoni li g[andha x’taqsam ma’ dan.”.
(2) Minflok it-titolu qasir li g[andu l-Att prin/ipali g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“Att dwar it-Transazzjonijiet Esterni”.
31. It-Taqsim ta’ l-Att li jidher qabel l-Att prin/ipali, g[andu jit[assar.
32. Fl-artikolu 1 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali minflok il-kliem “Att dwar il-Kontroll fuq il-Kambju” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “Att dwar it- Transazzjonijiet Esterni”.
33. Minflok l-artikoli 2 sa 38 u l-artikoli 40 sa 45 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andhom jid[lu dawn l-artikoli 2 sa 10>
A 603

T[assir tat-Taqsim ta’ l-Att.

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 1 ta’

l-Att prin/ipali.

Sostituzzjoni ta’ l-artikoli

2 sa 38 u 40 sa 45 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.


Kap. 204.

2. (1) F’dan l-Att kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma tkunx te[tie; xort’o[ra –
“assi eli;ibbli” tfisser depo]iti kif imfissra fl-Att dwar il-Kummer/ Bankarju, titoli inklu]i ishma u stock fil-kapital ta’ kumpannija, debentures, /ertifikati ta’ depo]itu, bonds, noti u kull istrument ie[or li juri li hemm xi forma ta’ debitu, unitajiet fi skema ta’ investiment kollettiv, poloz ta’ l-assigurazzjoni fuq il-[ajja u annuity g[al ]mien twil kemm jekk dawn ikunu index-linked kemm jekk ma jkunux, metalli prezzju]i, ingotti, warrants, opzjonijiet, futures u derivattivi o[ra kif ukoll kull strument ie[or finanzjarju li jsir g[al finijiet ta’ investiment, kif ukoll tinkludi kull assi o[rajn skond ma jista’ ji;i stabbilit minn ]mien g[al ]mien mill-Ministru b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta<
“il-Bank ?entrali” tfisser il-Bank ?entrali ta’ Malta imwaqqaf ta[t l-Att dwar il-Bank ?entrali ta’ Malta<
“[las” tfisser –
(a) avveniment li, g[al kollox jew biss f’parti, jaqta’ d-debitu ta’ ammont ta’ flus bejn persuna residenti u persuna mhux residenti f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ transazzjoni esterna<
(b) kull trasferiment ta’ fondi, sew b’kontijiet jew bi flus likwidi, bejn Malta u pajji] barrani li jsir minn persuna residenti li tittrasferixxi fondi lejn jew i;;ib lura fondi mill-kont tieg[u li jkollu barra l-pajji]<
(/) kull trasferiment ta’ fondi f’xi kont jew
A 604
bi flus likwidi bejn Malta u pajji] barrani li fih kemm il-prin/ipal kemm il-benefi/jarju jkunu t- tnejn li huma persuni residenti<
(d) kull trasferiment ta’ fondi f’munita barranija li jsir f’Malta bejn persuni residenti<
“Ministru” tfisser il-Ministru responsabbli g[all- finanzi<
“munita barranija” tfisser kull nota, munita, çekk, draft, travellers’ cheque, ittra ta’ kreditu, nota promissorja, kambjala, voucher, karta ta’ kreditu jew ta’ debitu jew kull card jew mezz ie[or fejn jidda[[al valur permezz ta’ metodi elettroniçi jew manjetiçi u li kull persuna mhux speçifikata tkun tista’ tu]a biex t[allas bihom minflok muniti, jew xi mezz ie[or ta’ [las kif espress fil-munita ta’ xi pajji] li ma jkollux valuta legali f’Malta u riferenzi f’dan l-att g[al munita barranija jinkludu riferenzi g[al kull dritt li ti;i riçevuta meta hekk tintalab munita barranija g[ar-rigward ta’ kull kreditu jew bilanç f’kull istituzzjoni ta’ kreditu tkun fejn tkun<
“persuna mhux residenti” tfisser persuna, korp mag[qud jew entità o[ra li ma tkunx persuna residenti<
“persuna residenti” tfisser>
(a) persuna naturali minkejja ta’ liema nazzjonalità tkun, li tkun ordinarjament toqg[od f’Malta jew li kienet toqg[od f’Malta jew ikollha l-[sieb li toqg[od f’Malta jew fi Stat Membru g[al
]mien kontinwu ta’ sena<
(b) korp mag[qud inkorporat fi jew ta[t il- li;ijiet ta’ Malta jew ta’ Stat Membru, jew entità li topera minn jew li tkun xort’o[ra re;istrata f’Malta<
(ç) persuna naturali minkejja ta’ liema nazzjonalità tkun, li tkun ordinarjament toqg[od fi Stat Membru jew li kienet toqg[od jew ikollha l- [sieb li toqg[od fi Stat Membru g[al ]mien kontinwu ta’ sena<
(d) korp mag[qud inkorporat fi jew ta[t il- li;ijiet ta’ Stat Membru, jew entità li topera minn
jew li tkun xort’o[ra re;istrata fi Stat Membru< “Stat Membru” tfisser stat li jkun membru ta’ l-
Unjoni Ewropea<
“transazzjonijiet esterni” tinkludi kemm il-kapital kemm transazzjonijiet korrenti li jkunu jinvolvu operazzjonijiet bejn persuni residenti u persuni mhux residenti jew entitajiet o[rajn, sew f’Malta sew barra minn Malta, u jistg[u wkoll jinkludu operazzjonijiet li jkunu jinvolvu munita barranija minn xi residenti jew bejn residenti<
“transazzjonijiet kapitali” tfisser transazzjonijiet esterni li jori;inaw mit-trasferiment jew il-moviment ta’ kapital u tinkludi>
(a) trasferimenti ta’ proprjetà immobbli< (b) investimenti diretti<
(/) il-[ru;, bejg[ jew ix-xiri ta’ titoli inklu]i ishma u stock fil-kapital ta’ kumpannija, debentures, /ertifikati ta’ depo]itu u kull istrument ie[or simili li jkun juri li hemm xi debitu<
(d) il-[ru;, bejg[ jew ix-xiri ta’ unitajiet fi skema ta’ investiment kollettiv, poloz ta’ l- assigurazzjoni fuq il-[ajja u annuity g[al ]mien twil kemm jekk dawn ikunu index-linked kemm jekk ma jkunux<
(e) is-self, tislif u l-[las jew li ti;i ri/evuta amortizzazzjoni fuq is-self<
(f) l-g[oti ta’ garanziji jew xi g[amla o[ra ta’ titolu biex isir il-[las<
(g) warrants, opzjonijiet, futures u derivattivi o[ra kif ukoll kull strument ie[or li jsir g[al finijiet ta’ investiment<
(h) depo]iti li jsiru f’istituzzjonijiet ta’
(i) g[otjiet u gratifikazzjonijiet< u
A 605
A 606

Kap. 422.

(j) kull tip ie[or ta’ transazzjoni li l-Ministru jista’, wara konsultazzjoni mal-Bank ?entrali, jistabbilixxi b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta<
“transazzjonijiet korrenti” tfisser transazzjonijiet esterni li jori;inaw minn tmexxija korrenti u tinkludi>
(a) il-kummer/ esteru ta’ o;;etti u servizzi inklu]i [lasijiet ta’ mg[ax, dividendi, royalties, qlig[ investit mill-;did u profitti mqassma<
(b) [lasijiet o[ra kummer/jali korrenti li jori;inaw minn servizzi, kummer/ bankarju fuq medda ta’ ]mien qasira u fa/ilitajiet ta’ kreditu< u
(/) [lasijiet lura g[all-ispejje] tal-g[ajxien tal-familja<
“it-Trattat” g[andha l-istess tifsira mog[ti lilha mill- Att ta’ l-2003 dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea<
“Uffi//ju Nazzjonali ta’ l-Istatistika” tfisser l- Uffiççju Nazzjonali ta’ l-Istatistika mwaqqaf ta[t l-Att dwar l-Awtorità ta’ l-Istatistika ta’ Malta<
“Unjoni Ewropea” tfisser l-Unjoni Ewropea msemmija fit-Trattat.
(2) Il-Ministru jista’ ja[tar lill-Bank ?entrali biex jag[milha ta’ a;ent g[all-istess Ministru g[al xi skop wie[ed jew aktar ta’ dan l-Att, i]da [atra b[al dik g[andha tkun ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-e]er/izzju ta’ kull poter b[al dak mill-Ministru.
(3) G[al dak i]-]mien sakemm il-Bank ?entrali ji;i ma[tur a;ent tal-Ministru ta[t is-subartikolu (2), kull riferenza f’dan l-Att g[all-Ministru g[andha, fil-qies u bla [sara g[all-pattijiet u l-kondizzjonijiet ta’ dik il-[atra, titqies b[ala li tinkludi riferenzi g[all-Bank ?entrali. G[andu ji;i pubblikat avvi] ta’ kull [atra b[al dik, u ta’ kull revoka tal- pattijiet u l-kondizzjonijiet fihom ta’ dik il-[atra jew bidla fihom, fil-Gazzetta.
A 607


Restrizzjonijiet f’çirkostanzi eççezzjonali.

Sanzjonijiet. Kap. 365.

3. Kemm-il darba ma ji;ix xort’o[ra spe/ifikat permezz ta’ regolamenti jew ordnijiet ma[ru;a mill-Ministru ta[t l-artikoli 4 u 5 it-transazzjonijiet esterni kollha u [lasijiet relatati jistg[u jsiru ming[ajr ebda restrizzjoni.
4. (1) Meta jkun hemm /irkostanzi e//ezzjonali, il- Ministru jista’, bir-rakkomandazzjoni tal-Bank ?entrali, jag[mel regolamenti li jkunu jimponu dawk ir-restrizzjonijiet fuq transazzjonijiet kapitali u [lasijiet relatati, sew ta’ xorta spe/ifika jew ;enerika, skond ma jistg[u jitqiesu me[tie;a>
I]da dawk ir-restrizzjonijiet ma g[andhomx ikunu imposti g[ar-rigward ta’ Stat Membru.
(2) G[all-finijiet tas-subartikolu (1), g[andhom jitqiesu li jkun hemm /irkostanzi e//ezzjonali meta l-Ministru li ja;ixxi bir-rakkomandazzjoni tal-Bank ?entrali, jiddikjara li>
(a) jkun hemm xi kri]i immedjata fil-bilan/ tal- pagamenti ta’ Malta< jew
(b) movimenti ta’ kapital lejn jew minn Malta ikunu qed jikka;unaw jew jheddu li jikka;unaw diffikultajiet serji g[all-istabbilità tas-sistema finanzjarja.
(3) Regolamenti mag[mulin ta[t is-subartikolu (1) g[andhom ji;u revokati mill-Ministru ming[ajr ebda dewmien hekk kif ir-ra;unijiet li jkunu taw lok g[al dawk ir- restrizzjonijiet itemmu milli jibqg[u je]istu u, f’kull ka], ma g[andhomx jibqg[u fis-se[[ g[al perjodu li je//edi s-sitt xhur.
5. Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikoli 4 u 5 huma ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[as-setg[at mog[tijin mill-Att dwar Poteri li jsiru Regolamenti fl-interess Nazzjonali, li ji;u imposti kontrolli jew restrizzjonijiet fuq kapital jew transazzjonijiet o[ra jew [lasijiet relatati g[ar-rigward ta’ xi stat, persuna jew grupp ta’ persuni sew jekk dan ikun jori;ina mill-obbligi internazzjonali ta’ Malta ta[t i/-Charter tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti, mit-Trattat jew xort’o[ra unilateralment sabiex jit[arsu l-interessi nazzjonali ta’ Malta.
A 608

Talba g[al informazzjoni.

Dikjarazzjoni ta’


g[all-importazzjoni u l-esportazzjoni.

Informazzjoni statistika.

Ma g[andhiex tixxerred informazzjoni.

6. Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[al kull disposizzjoni o[ra ta’ dan l- Att, il-Ministru jista’ je[tie; lil kull persuna f’Malta tipprovdi dik il- kjarifika u, jew informazzjoni skond ma l-Ministru jista’ jqis li tkun me[tie;a g[all-fini li ti;i ]gurata konformità ma’ regolamenti mag[mulin ta[t Taqsima II ta’ dan l-Att.
7. Il-Ministru jista’ b’regolamenti je[tie; lil kull persuna tiddikjara lill-kontrullur tad-Dwana dwar l-importazzjoni jew l- esportazzjoni minn tali persuna ta’ flus tal-karti u muniti denominati f’Liri Maltija u, jew f’munita barranija, u, jew metalli prezzju]i li jid[lu f’Malta jew jo[or;u minnha f’dawk l-ammonti skond ma jistg[u jkunu spe/ifikati f’dawk ir-regolamenti u li ji]velaw kull informazzjoni o[ra li tista’ ti;i preskritta f’dawk ir-regolamenti g[ar-rigward ta’ dik l- importazzjoni jew esportazzjoni.
8. Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[ad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ qabel ta’ dan l-Att, il-Ministru jista’ wara konsultazzjoni mal-Bank ?entrali u l- Uffiççju Nazzjonali ta’ l-Istatistika b’regolamenti li jkunu je[tie;u lil xi persuna f’dak i]-]mien u b’dak il-mod skond ma jista’ ji;i ordnat li jag[ti lill-Ministru, jag[ti dik l-informazzjoni, prospett jew dettall ie[or li jkollu x’jaqsam ma’ transazzjonijiet esterni skond ma jista’ jin[tie; li ji;bor, jikkompila u jxerred informazzjoni statistika dwar transazzjonijiet esterni.
9. (1) {lief g[all-fini ta’ xi prosekuzzjoni g[al xi reat kontra l- Att bil-kunsens miktub ta’ l-individwu jew tar-rappre]entant tieg[u, ebda informazzjoni li tista’ tkun relatata ma’ persuna identifikabbli u li tinkiseb ta[t dan l-Att ma g[andha tixxerred, tintwera jew titwassal lil xi persuna jew korp.
(2) Minkejja d-disposizzjoni tas-subartikolu (1), il-Ministru jista’ ji]vela kull informazzjoni li ti;i pprovduta jew miksuba ta[t dan l-Att, ukoll meta din ikollha x’taqsam ma’ persuna identifikabbli, xi korp jew awtorità f’Malta responsabbli g[all-;bir ta’ xi taxxa, u jista’ jag[mel l-istess, abba]i ta’ ftehim ma’ stati o[ra li jipprovdi dwar l- iskambju reçiproku ta’ dik l-informazzjoni, ji]vela informazzjoni lil korpi jew awtoritajiet b[al dawk fl-istati>
(a) il-korpi u l-awtoritajiet li lilhom ti;i ]velata l- informazzjoni huma so;;etti g[al obbligi ta’ segretezza li

Reati u pieni.

huma ekwivalenti g[al dawk li japplikaw ta[t il-li;ijiet ta’ Malta< u
(b) tinkiseb obbligazzjoni minn dawk il-korpi u awtoritajiet li l-informazzjoni pprovduta tintu]a biss g[all- finijiet li tkun intalbet dwarhom u li tkun se tin]amm kunfidenzjali u ma tkunx se titwassal lil [add jekk dan ma jkunx impjegat mill-awtoritajiet u li ma jkunx so;;ett g[al xi dmir ta’ segretezza b[al dak dwar dik l-informazzjoni.
10. (1) Regolamenti ta[t dan l-Att li jimponu restrizzjonijiet fuq transazzjonijiet, jew xi obbligu li jsir xi rapport, ti;i pprovduta statistika jew informazzjoni o[ra jistg[u wkoll jipprovdu li kull min jikser xi disposizzjoni tag[hom ikun [ati ta’ reat u jista’ je[el meta jinsab [ati dik il-piena li ma tkunx i]jed minn multa ta’ mhux i]jed minn g[oxrin elf lira, u dawk ir-regolamenti jistg[u iktar minn hekk jipprovdu dwar pieni amministrattivi li jistg[u jing[ataw minflok ma jsiru pro/eduri kriminali, il-pro/eduri li ji;u adottati g[aldaqstant kif ukoll dwar l-appelli minn de/ i]jonijiet li jkollhom x’jaqsmu ma’ dan g[al quddiem it- Tribunal dwar Servizzi Finanzjarji mwaqqaf ta[t l-artikolu
21 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Awtorità g[as-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta
jew dak il-korp ie[or li jista’ ji;i ordnat.
(2) Ma jistg[u jinbdew ebda pro/eduri kriminali g[al xi reat ta[t dawk ir-regolamenti ming[ajr il-kunsens ta’ l- Avukat :enerali.”.
A 609
34. L-artikolu 39 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu ji;i enumerat mill-
;did b[ala l-artikolu 11 u g[andu ji;i emendat iktar kif ;ej>–
(a) is-subartikoli (2), (3) u (4) tieg[u g[andhom ji;u enumerati mill-;did b[ala s-subartikoli (1), (2) u (3) rispettivament<
(b) fis-subartikolu (1) kif enumerat mill-;did, minflok il- kliem “ta[t is-subartikolu (1), g[andha ti;i meqjusa b[allikieku ma tkun g[amlet ebda reat ta[t dan l-artikolu” g[andhom jid[lu l- kliem “ta[t is-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 39 ta’ l-Att dwar il- Kontroll fuq il-Kambju kif dan kien fis-se[[ fl-1 ta’ Lulju, 2003, jew kull li;i o[ra li l-Ministru jista’ jordna, g[andha ti;i meqjusa b[allikieku ma tkun g[amlet ebda reat ta[t dak l-artikolu 39 jew xi li;i o[ra skond ma jkun ordnat”<
(ç) fis-subartikolu (2) kif enumerat mill-;did –

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 39 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

A 610

Disposizzjoni transitorja.

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar l-Akkwist ta’ Proprjetà

Immobbli minn Persuni mhux Residenti, Kap. 246.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

(i) minflok il-kliem “tas-subartikolu (2)” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “tas-subartikolu (1)”< u
(ii) minflok il-kliem “ming[ajr il-[tie;a ta’ ebda permess ta[t dan l-Att” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “ming[ajr il-[tie;a li jinkisbu dawk il-permessi jew li jit[arsu dawk il- [ti;iet ta[t din il-li;i jew xi li;i o[ra skond ma jista’ ji;i ordnat”< u
(d) fis-subartikolu (3) kif enumerat mill-;did minflok il- kliem “is-subartikolu (3)” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “is-subartikolu (2)”.
35. Il-Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi jista’ fl-avvi] mag[mul ta[t is-subartikolu 29(2) jipprovdi li kull restrizzjoni jew obbligazzjoni li tkun te]isti ta[t l-Att prinçipali kif kien fis-se[[ qabel il-[ru; ta’ dak l-avvi] g[andha tibqa’ sse[[ dwar kull [a;a indefinittivament jew g[al dak i]-]mien skond ma jista’ ji;i dikjarat fl-avvi] u d-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-Att prinçipali kif kien fis-se[[ qabel il-[ru; ta’ dak l-avvi] g[andhom jibqg[u japplikaw g[ar-rigward ta’ dik ir-restrizzjoni jew obbligazzjoni.
Taqsima IX
36. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar l-Akkwist ta’ Proprjetà Immobbli minn Persuni mhux Residenti, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it-Taqsima msejja[ “l-Att prin/ipali”.
(2) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ din it-Taqsima jibdew ise[[u f’dik id-data li il-Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi jista’ b’avvi] fil- Gazzetta jistabbilixxi, u jistg[u ji;u hekk stabbiliti dati differenti g[al disposizzjonijiet differenti u g[al g[anijiet differenti ta’ din it-Taqsima.
37. L-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>- (a) minnufih qabel it-tifsira “Gvern” g[andhom jid[lu dawn
it-tifsiriet ;odda li ;ejjin>
“ “area msemmija spe/jali” tfisser ]ona deskritta fl- Ewwel Skeda u kull ]ona o[ra li l-Ministru jista’ minn ]mien g[al ]mien b’ordni fil-Gazzetta j]id ma’ dik l-iskeda<
“bini” tinkludi bi//a art g[all-iskopijiet ta’ l-artikolu 6 u n-nefqa pro;ettata g[all-i]vilupp relattiv<
“finijiet ta’ residenza sekondarja” tfisser finijiet li ma jkunux dawk ta’ post ta’ residenza ewlieni jew g[al xi wie[ed mill-finijiet elenkati fl-artikolu 3(2)(b) jew (3)<”<
(b) minflok it-tifsiriet “Ministru”, “persuna mhux residenti”, u “persuna residenti ta’ Malta” g[andhom jid[lu dawn it-tifsiriet li ;ejjin>
“ “Ministru” tfisser il-ministru responsabbli g[all- finanzi, u minbarra g[all-finijiet ta’ ordni li jsir skond l- artikolu 6(1) jew regolamenti li jsiru bis-sa[[a ta’ l-artikolu
8, tinkludi meta jkun delegat bil-miktub mill-Ministru, kull uffi/jal pubbliku fil-Ministeru tal-Finanzi li jkun ;ie hekk delegat mill-Ministru<
“perjodu kontinwu” g[andu ji;i kalkulat billi ma jing[atax ka] ta’ kull perjodu li jammonta g[al anqas minn disg[in ;urnata f’xi sena kalendarja li matulhom individwu ma jkunx qieg[ed f’Malta i]da dawk il-perjodi ma g[andhomx je//edu d-disg[in ;urnata f’xi sena kalendarja li tkun<
“permess g[al residenza” tfisser permess g[al residenza ma[ru; skond l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni<
“persuna mhux residenti” tfisser u tinkludi>
(a) individwu li ma jkunx /ittadin ta’ Malta jew ta’ Stat Membru ie[or< jew
(b) /ittadin ta’ Malta jew ta’ Stat Membru ie[or, anke, f’kull wie[ed mi]-]ew; ka]i jekk ikollu permess validu g[al residenza, li ma kienx residenti f’Malta g[al
]mien minimu kontinwu ta’ [ames snin f’kull waqt li
ji;i qabel id-data ta’ l-akkwist< jew
(/) kull korp jew asso/jazzjoni o[ra ta’ persuni, u kull awtorità, istituzzjoni, organizzazzjoni, fond, trust, ditta u kull enti o[ra li tkun, kemm korporata kemm mhix, jekk dawn>
(i) ikunu kostitwiti, iffurmati, stabbiliti, inkorporati jew re;istrati fi, jew ta[t il-li;ijiet ta’ stat li ma jkunx Malta jew Stat Membru ie[or< jew
(ii) ikollhom l-indirizz re;istrat tag[hom,
A 611
A 612

Enumerazzjoni mill-

;did ta’ l-artikoli 3 sa 7 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

}ieda ta’ l-artikolu

3 ;did ma’ l-Att prin/ipali.

post prin/ipali ta’ residenza jew ta’ negozju tag[hom fi stat li ma jkunx Malta jew Stat Membru ie[or< jew
(iii) ikollhom [amsa u g[oxrin fil-mija jew iktar mis-sehem tag[hom jew kapital ie[or li tkun proprjetarja tieg[u persuna mhux residenti jew li jkun re;istrat f’isem kumpannija li jkollha li/enza biex ta;ixxi b[ala kumpanija nominee< jew
(iv) ikunu b’xi mod u kemm direttament kemm indirettament ikkontrollati minn xi persuna wa[da jew aktar li ma jkunux residenti<
“persuna residenti ta’ Malta” tfisser individwu li jkun> (a) /ittadin ta’ Malta jew Stat Membru ie[or li
kien persuna residenti ta’ Malta g[al ]mien minimu kontinwu ta’ [ames snin li ji;i qabel id-data ta’ akkwist<
(b) il-konju;i, ra;el jew mara, ta’ liema nazzjonalità jkunu u jkunu fejn ikunu residenti, ta’ çittadin ta’ Malta jew Stat Membru meta dawk il-konju;i jkunu qed jakkwistaw flimkien bl-istess kuntratt<
“post ta’ residenza ewlieni” tfisser id-dar ta’ abitazzjoni fejn individwu jkun abitwalment joqg[od, jew ikollu l-[sieb li abitwalment joqg[od, b[ala l-post ta’ abitazzjoni prin/ipali tieg[u, kemm f’Malta jew band’o[ra<”< u
(ç) minnufih wara t-tifsira “proprjetà immobbli” g[andhom jid[lu dawn it-tifsiriet ;odda li ;ejjin>
“ “Stat Membru” tfisser stat li jkun membru ta’ l-Unjoni
“it-Trattat” g[andha l-istess tifsira b[al dik mog[tija lilha fl-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att ta’ l-2003 dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea<
“Unjoni Ewropea” tfisser l-Unjoni Ewropea msemmija fit-Trattat.”.
38. L-artikoli 3 sa 7 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andhom ji;u enumerati mill-;did b[ala l-artikolu 4 sa 8 rispettivament.
39. Minnufih wara l-artikolu 2 g[andu ji;i mi]jud ma’ l-Att prinçipali dan l-artikolu 3 ;did li ;ej>–

“Persuni li jistg[u jakkwistaw proprjetà immobbli ming[ajr permess.

3. (1) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[ad-disposizzjonijiet l- o[ra ta’ dan l-Att>
(a) persuna residenti ta’ Malta tista’ takkwista b’att inter vivos proprjetà immobbli f’Malta b’kull jew ta[t kull titlu ming[ajr il-[tie;a li jinkiseb permess ta[t dan l-Att<
(b) /ittadin ta’ Malta u çittadin ta’ Stat Membru li ma jkunx f’kull wie[ed mi]-]ew; ka]i persuna residenti ta’ Malta ma jistax, ming[ajr il-[tie;a li jikseb permess ta[t dan l-Att, jakkwista proprjetà immobbli g[al finijiet ta’ residenza sekondarja b’att inter vivos f’Malta.
(2) G[all finijiet ta’ dan l-Att “proprjetà immobbli g[al finijiet ta’ residenza sekondarja” teskludi>-
(a) kull proprjetà immobbli li g[andha sservi b[ala r-residenza ewlenija g[all-persuna li tkun qed takkwista l-proprjetà immobbli< jew
(b) dik il-proprjetà immobbli li l-akkwist tag[ha jkun me[tie; g[at-twettiq ta’ l-attivitajiet kummer/jali ta’ persuna b[al dik jew g[all-provvista ta’ servizzi minn persuna b[al dik.
(3) Persuna, li ma tkunx persuna fi]ika jew persuna mhux residenti, tista’ takkwista b’att inter vivos proprjetà immobbli f’Malta ming[ajr il-[tie;a li tikseb permess ta[t dan l-Att meta dik il-proprjetà immobbli tkun me[tie;a g[all- fini tat-twettiq ta’ l-attività li tkun twaqqfet g[aliha.”.
A 613
40. Minflok l-artikoli 5 u 7 kif enumerati mill-;did ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andhom jid[lu l-artikoli 5 u 7 li ;ejjin>

Sostituzzjoni ta’ l- artikoli 5 u 7 ta’ l- Att prin/ipali.

“E//ezzjoni f’xi ka]ijiet.

5. (1) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 4 ma g[andhomx japplikaw dwar>
(a) proprjetà immobbli li tkun qed tg[addi g[al g[and xi persuna causa mortis, tkun fejn tkun residenti, sakemm il-persuna li l-proprjetà immobbli tkun g[addiet minn g[andha tkun akkwistat dik il-proprjetà immobbli, meta dan ikun japplika, skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att< jew<
A 614
(b) l-akkwist ta’ proprjetà immobli minn xi persuna, tkun fejn tkun residenti, f’xi area msemmija spe/jali< jew
(/) l-akkwist ta’ kull sehem ie[or divi] jew indivi] fi proprjetà immobbli minn xi persuna, tkun fejn tkun residenti, meta dik il-persuna tkun qabel akkwistat sehem f’dik il-proprjetà immobbli skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att< jew
(d) it-trasferiment ta’ proprjetà immobbli f’eredità bejn werrieta flimkien< jew
(e) il-partizzjoni ta’ proprjetà immobbli bejn werrieta flimkien< jew
(f) l-akkwist ta’ proprjetà immobbli minn kumpannija jew so/jetà kummer/jali o[ra, li ma tkunx persuna mhux residenti, minn xi membru wie[ed jew aktar tag[ha li jkollha i]jed minn [amsin fil-mija interess fil-kapital azzjonarju, jew mill-kapital azzjonarju tieg[u< jew
(g) id-donazzjoni ta’ proprjetà immobbli lil konju;i, dixxendent jew axxendent fid-linja diretta tag[hom u lill-konju;i relattivi tag[hom, jew fin-nuqqas ta’ dixxendenti lil xi [u jew o[t u lid-dixxendenti tag[hom, sakemm dik il-proprjetà immobbli tkun ;iet akkwistata skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att, meta dan ikun japplika.
(2) Il-parti li tkun qed takkwista l-proprjetà immobbli jew li lilha ti;i assenjata l-proprjetà immobbli b’qasma jew li tg[addi g[al g[andha skond xi wa[da jew iktar mill-e//ezzjonijiet elenkati ta[t is-subartikolu (1) g[andha tiddikjara fil-kuntratt li dak it-trasferiment ikun ;ie hekk kopert, u n-nutar li jkun qed jippubblika dak il-kuntratt g[andu jav]a lil dik il-persuna bl-importanza tal-verità ta’ dik id-dikjarazzjoni u jinkludi dik id-dikjarazzjoni f’dak il- kuntratt.
(3) Nutar li jir/ievi xi att li ma jkunx fih dikjarazzjoni b[alma tkun me[tie;a ta[t id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu, jew li jonqos milli jav]a lill-partijiet partikolarment dwar l-importanza li ting[ad il-verità f’dik id- dikjarazzjoni jew milli jirre;istra fl-att li huwa jkun ikkonforma ru[u ma’ dik il-[tie;a, ikun [ati ta’ reat ta[t dan l-Att, u meta jinsab [ati jista’ je[el multa ta’ mhux inqas minn elf lira u mhux i]jed minn g[axart elef lira.

Il-proprjetà immobbli tintu]a biss g[all-g[an indikat.

7. (1) Ebda persuna ma tista’, ming[ajr il-kunsens bil-miktub tal-Ministru, tu]a, jew t[alli li tintu]a, xi proprjetà immobbli akkwistata bis-sa[[a ta’ kunsens mog[ti ta[t l- artikolu 6, b’xi mod jew g[al xi g[an li ma jkunx dak muri fl- applikazzjoni g[al kunsens b[al dak.
(2) Persuna awtorizzata takkwista proprjetà immobbli f’Malta skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 3 g[andha, fil-kuntratt li jittrasferixxi t-titlu, tiddikjara li hija tkun tikkwalifika biex takkwista dik il-proprjetà u g[andha iktar minn hekk tiddikjara r-ra;unijiet g[al dik il-kwalifika kif ukoll, meta tkun hekk me[tie;a tag[mel b’dan l-Att, il- fini ta’ dak l-akkwist, u n-nutar li jkun qed jippubblika l- kuntratt g[andu jav]a lil dik il-persuna kemm ikun importanti li dik id-dikjarazzjoni tkun wa[da vera u g[andu wkoll ini]]el dik id-dikjarazzjoni f’dak il-kuntratt.
(3) Nutar li jir/ievi kuntratt li ma jkunx fih dikjarazzjoni skond ma hemm me[tie; ta[t id- disposi]]jonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu, jew li jonqos milli jav]a lill-partijiet partikolarment dwar kemm ikun importanti li ting[ad il-verità f’dik id-dikjarazzjoni jew li jirre;istra fil- kuntratt li jkun [ares dik il-[tie;a, ikun [ati ta’ reat ta[t dan l-Att, u meta jinsab [ati jista’ je[el multa ta’ mhux anqas minn elf lira u mhux i]jed minn g[axart elef lira.
(4) Jekk issir jew tonqos milli ssir xi [a;a bi ksur ta’ xi wa[da mid-disposizzjoni tas-subartikoli (1) jew (2) jew ta’ xi kondizzjoni, restrizzjoni, limitazzjoni jew kwalifika li tkun tinsab f’xi kunsens jew sensja mog[tija ta[t dan l-Att, il-persuna li lilha jkunu l-a[[ar ing[ataw il-kunsens jew is- sensja u kull persuna o[ra li tkun qed tag[mel jew tonqos milli tag[mel jew li tkun qed tippermetti li ssir jew tonqos milli ssir dik il-[a;a kif hawn qabel imsemmi, tkun [atja ta’ reat ta[t dan l-Att u tista’ te[el, meta tinsab [atja, multa ta’ mhux i]jed minn g[axart elef lira (Lm10,000) jew id-doppju tal-prezz tas-suq tal-proprjetà immobbli hekk akkwistata, skond liema jkun l-og[la ammont, u, fil-ka] ta’ reat kontinwat, multa o[ra ta’ mhux anqas minn mitt lira u mhux i]jed minn elf lira (Lm1,000) g[al kull ;urnata, esklu]i l-ewwel mija u tmenin ;urnata, li matulhom ikompli r-reat>
I]da ma g[andhom ji;u mibdija ebda pro/edimenti kontra tali persuna matul mija u tmenin ;urnata mid-data ta’ akkwist, u ma g[andhom isiru ebda pro/edimenti jekk, matul dak i]-]mien ta’ mija u tmenin ;urnata, dik il-persuna tkun
A 615
A 616

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 6 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

irrimedjat il-ksur u tkun [arset id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l- Att jew tkun xort’o[ra b’mod legali ttrasferiet l-proprjetà>
I]da wkoll jekk ikunu me[tie;a xi kunsens jew sensja sabiex tit[ares il-li;i u dak il-kunsens jew dik is-sensja jkunu rifjutati, ma g[andhom isiru ebda pro/edimenti kontra dik il- persuna, u dawk li jkunu di;à nbdew g[andhom ji;u irtirati, jekk dik il-persuna tittrasferixxi l-proprjetà immobbli matul mija u tmenin ;urnata mid-data ta’ dak ir-rifjut.
(5) Salvi d-disposizzjonijiet tal-provisos mas- subartikolu (4), ebda [a;a f’dak is-subartikolu ma g[andha tiftiehem b[ala li tkun qed tikkonvalida xi [a;a li ma tkunx qed issir b’mod konformi ma’ xi kondizzjoni, restrizzjoni, limitazzjoni jew kwalifika li jkun hemm f’kunsens jew sensja mog[tijin ta[t dan l-Att.”.
41. L-artikolu 6 ta’ l-Att prinçipali, kif enumerat mill-;did, g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>
(a) fis-subartikolu (l) tieg[u>
(i) minflok il-kliem “jag[ti permess” g[and[om jid[lu l-kliem “jag[ti kunsens”<
(ii) minflok il-kliem “fil-permess” g[andhom jid[lu l- kliem “fil-kunsens”<
(iii) minflok il-kliem “dak il-permess” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “dak il-kunsens”<
(iv) fit-test Ingli], minflok il-kliem “by a non-resident”
g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “by a non-resident person”<
(v) minflok il-kliem “f’dik il-forma u b’dak il-mod, jekk ikun hemm, kif ji;u preskritti u jing[ata b’dak it-tag[rif li jista’ ji;i preskritt jew li l-Ministru jista’ je[tie;,” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “skond dawk il-policies, dik il-forma u b’dak il-mod, jekk ikun il-ka], skond ma jistg[u ji;u stabbiliti b’regolamenti mag[mulin ta[t dan l-Att, u tkun ing[atat dik l-informazzjoni li tista’ tkun ordnata permezz ta’ regolamenti,”<
(vi) fil-paragrafu (a) tal-proviso g[alih il-kliem “fil- ka] ta’ kull persuna msemmija fil-paragrafu (b) tat-tifsira ta’
persuna mhux residenti fl-artikolu 2 ta’ dan l-Att” g[andhom jit[assru<
(vii) fil-paragrafu (b) tal-proviso g[alih minflok il- kliem “(jew dik is-somma l-o[ra li l-Ministru jista’ jistabbilixxi minn ]mien g[al ]mien b’ordni fil-Gazzetta tal- Gvern)” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “(liema ammont g[andu jkun appuntat konformament ma’ indiçi ta' prezzijiet tal- proprjetà immobbli li g[andu ji;i ppubblikat ta’ kull sena fil- Gazzetta mill-Uffiççju Nazzjonali ta’ l-Istatistika)”<
(viii) minflok il-kliem “xi proprjetà immobbli o[ra f’Malta” fil-paragrafu (b) tal-proviso g[alih, g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “xi proprjetà immobbli o[ra f’Malta barra minn xi proprjetà immobbli li l-akkwist tag[ha jkun e]entat ta[t l- artikolu 4(2) jew 5”<
(ix) minnufih wara l-paragrafu (b) tal-proviso g[alih, g[andu jid[ol il-paragrafu (ç) ;did li gej>
“(ç) il-proprjetà immobbli tkun jew>
(i) garage li jinsab f’medda ta’ [ames mitt metru mir-residenza li l-applikant ikun akkwista qabel< jew
(ii) biçça art jew bini adjaçenti inklu]a b[ala estensjoni g[al, u biex tkun integrata mar-residenza li l-applikant ikun akkwista qabel<”<
(x) minflok il-kliem “il-Ministru jista’ j]omm milli jag[ti l-permess tieg[u” fil-proviso l-ie[or g[alih, g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “il-Ministru jista’ j]omm milli jag[ti kunsens”<
(b) fis-subartikolu (2) minflok il-kelma “testment” kull fejn tinstab, g[andha tid[ol il-kelma “suççessjoni”<
A 617
(ç) minflok is-subartikolu (3) tieg[u g[andu jid[ol dan li
“(3) Il-kundizzjonijiet, restrizzjonijiet, limitazzjonijiet u kwalifiki li ta[thom jing[ata l-kunsens imsemmi f’dan l- artikolu jkunu dawk elenkati fit-Tieni Skeda.”< u
(d) minflok il-kelma “permess” fis-subartikoli (4) u (5), g[andha tid[ol f’kull ka] il-kelma “kunsens”, u minflok il-kliem
A 618

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 8 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

}ieda ta’ artikolu 9

;did ma’ l-Att prinçipali.

“artikolu 3” kull fejn jidhru fis-subartikolu (4) g[andhom jid[lu l- kliem “artikolu 4”.
42. L-artikolu 8, kif enumerat mill-;did, ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>
(a) is-subartikoli (2) u (3) tieg[u g[andhom ji;u m[assra, u s-subartikolu (1) g[andu ji;i enumerat mill-;did b[ala l-artikolu
8 kollu kemm hu<
(b) minflok il-kelma “permess” kull fejn din tinsab, g[andha tid[ol il-kelma “kunsens”<
(/) il-paragrafi (b) sa (d) g[andhom ji;u enumerati mill-
;did b[ala l-paragrafi (/) sa (e) rispettivament, u minnufih wara l- paragrafu (a) g[andu jid[ol dan il-paragrafu (b) ;did li ;ej>
“(b) jemenda, j[assar jew jissostitwixxi kull wa[da mill-Iskedi li tinsab ma’ dan l-Att<”<
(d) minflok il-kelma “5” fil-paragrafu (/) g[andha tid[ol il-kelma “6”<
(e) fil-paragrafu (d) minflok il-kliem “elf lira u mhux aktar minn [amsin lira”, g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “g[axart elef lira jew id-doppju tal-prezz tas-suq tal-proprjetà immobbli akkwistata u mhux aktar minn elf lira”<
(f) fil-paragrafu (e) il-kliem “mhux residenti” g[andhom jit[assru.
43. Minnufih wara l-artikolu 8, kif enumerat mill-;did, ta’ l-Att prinçipali, g[andu jid[ol l-artikolu 9 ;did li ;ej>–

“Transazzjo- nijiet


9. Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att g[andhom japplikaw ukoll fejn persuna takkwista ishma jew interess ta’ ekwità ie[or f’soçjetà kummerçjali biex iddur madwar u tevadi l-[tie;a ta’ kunsens ta[t dan l-Att, u fejn xi persuna hekk takkwista dawk l-ishma jew interess ta’ ekwità g[al dak l- iskop ming[ajr ma qabel tottjeni kunsens, id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att, inklu]i, ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-;eneralità ta’ dan, id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikoli 4 u 7 tieg[u, g[andhom japplikaw g[all-akkwist ta’ dawk l-ishma jew interess ta’ ekwità daqs li kieku l-akkwist kien tal-proprjetà immobbli li jkollha dik is-soçjetà.”.
44. Minnufih wara l-artikolu 8, kif enumerat mill-;did, ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andhom ji;u mi]juda dawn l-Iskedi li ;ejjin>
List ta’ ]oni skedati skond l-artikolu 2
Il-Forti Chambray fil-limiti ta’ G[ajnsielem fil-G]ira ta’ G[awdex, kif tidher delineata bl-a[mar fi pjan markat b[ala Dokument X iskritt fl-atti tan-Nutar Pubbliku fid-Dipartiment ta’ l-Art Dott. Vin/ent Mi/eli bil-Kuntratt Nru. 121 datat it-13 ta’ April, 1993.
L-I]vilupp ta’ Portomaso li jinsab fuq bi//a art ;ewwa Spinola, San :iljan, Malta, li jidhru delineati bl-ik[al fi pjan markat b[ala Dokument B anness ma’ kuntratt fl-atti ta’ l-Assistent Nutar tal-Gvern, Dottor Anthony Attard, bil-Kuntratt Nru. 83 datat id-
19 ta’ Mejju, 1964.
L-I]vilupp ta’ Cottonera li jikkonsisti fil-proprjetà immobbli, skond il-Pjanijiet LD 23#99, LD 23A#99< LD 23B#99< LD 24#99< LD 24A#99< LD 24B#99 u LD 24C#99 markati b[ala Dokumenti “X”, “Y”, “F”, W”, “P”, “O” u “K” rispettivament annessi mal- kuntratt fl-atti tan-Nutar Duttur tal-Li;i Vin/ent Mi/eli bil-Kuntratt Nru. 100 tat-2 ta’ :unju, 1999.
Manoel Island#Ponta ta’ Tignè fil-limiti tal-G]ira u Tas-Sliema fil-G]ira ta’ Malta, skond il-pjanijiet Skizz tal-Proprjetà numru erbg[a u [amsin ]barra elfejn (PD 54#2000) u Skizz tal-Proprjetà numru [amsa u [amsin ]barra elfejn (PD 55#2000) dwar artijiet f’Manoel Island#Ponta ta’ TignË rispettivament markati “X” u “Y” rispettivament iskritti fl-atti tan-Nutar Pubbliku fid-Dipartiment ta’ l-Artijiet Vin/ent Mi/eli tat-3 ta’ Marzu, tas-sena elfejn (2000).”.
A 619

}ieda ta’ Skedi ma’

l-Att prin/ipali.

A 620
Kondizzjonijiet, restrizzjonijiet, limitazzjonijiet u kwalifiki g[all- g[oti ta’ permess ta[t l-artikolu 6
1. Persuna mhux residenti li tkun trid takkwista proprjetà immobbli skond l-artikolu 6 ta’ l-Att g[andu jippre]enta formola kif muri fl-Anness A jew B ma’ din l-Iskeda mimlija kif imiss u li jkun fiha dawk il-partikolaritajiet u jintehm]u mag[ha dawk id- dokumenti, skond ma jkunu indikati f’dik il-formola.
2. Il-Ministru jista’ jirrifjuta li jo[ro; permess lil persuna mhux ta’ m;ieba tajba.
3. Meta jkun qed jo[ro; permess skond l-artikolu 6 ta’ l- Att, il-Ministru g[andu jimponi dawn il-kondizzjonijiet li ;ejjin>
A. Fil-ka] ta’ dar ta’ abitazzjoni>
(i) li l-proprjetà immobbli tintu]a biss b[ala residenza mill-applikant u l-familja tieg[u u g[al ebda ra;uni o[ra<
(ii) li l-akkwist g[andu jsir fi ]mien sitt xhur mid- data tal-[ru; tal-permess, salv li tista’ ting[ata estensjoni skond ma jintalab<
(iii) li fi ]mien tliet xhur mill-pubblikazzjoni tal- kuntratt ta’ l-akkwist, g[andha tintbag[at kopja awtentikata ta’ dak il-kuntratt g[andha tasal fl-uffi//ju tal-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi Interni (Dipartiment tal- Capital Transfer Duty)< u
(iv) li l-proprjetà immobbli ma tistax tinbieg[ biss f’parti minnha, jew ti;i xort’o[ra konvertita f’iktar minn dar wa[da ta’ abitazzjoni.
B. Fil-ka] ta’ garage jew proprjetà immobbli o[ra kon;unta>
(i) li l-proprjetà immobbli tintu]a biss b[ala garage mill-applikant u l-familja tieg[u jew b[ala estensjoni li tkun se ti;i integrata ma’ l-abitazzjoni e]istenti ta’ l-applikant<
(ii) li l-akkwist g[andu jsir fi ]mien sitt xhur mid- data tal-[ru; tal-permess, salv li tista’ ting[ata estensjoni skond ma jintalab<
(iii) li fi ]mien tliet xhur mill-pubblikazzjoni tal- kuntratt ta’ l-akkwist, g[andha tintbag[at kopja awtentikata ta’ dak il-kuntratt fl-uffi//ju tal- Kummissarju tat-Taxxi Interni (Dipartiment tal-Capital Transfer Duty)< u
(iv) li l-proprjetà immobbli msemmija f’dan il- permess ma tkunx tista’ tinbieg[ jew ti;i xort’o[ra mne[[ija separatament imma biss flimkien mad-dar ta’ abitazzjoni ori;inali ta’ l-applikant.
C. Fil-ka] ta’ bi//a art>
(i) li l-applikant g[andu ji]viluppa dik l-art f’residenza wa[da singola u kompleta li tkun lesta biex ti;i okkupata fi ]mien sentejn mid-data tal-[ru; ta’ dan il-permess<
(ii) li l-proprjetà immobbli g[andha eventwalment tintu]a biss b[ala residenza mill-applikant u l-familja tieg[u u g[al ebda ra;uni o[ra<
(iii) li l-akkwist g[andu jsir fi ]mien sitt xhur mid- data tal-[ru; tal-permess, salv li tista’ ting[ata estensjoni skond ma jintalab< u
(iv) li fi ]mien tliet xhur mill-pubblikazzjoni tal- kuntratt ta’ l-akkwist, g[andha tintbag[at kopja awtentikata ta’ dak il-kuntratt fl-uffi//ju tal- Kummissarju tat-Taxxi Interni (Dipartiment tal-Capital Transfer Duty).
4. Id-drittijiet li g[andhom jit[allsu jkunu ta’ Lm100 g[al kull permess, jew dawk id-drittijiet li jistg[u, minn ]mien g[al ]mien, ji;u ordnati b’Ordni tal-Ministru.
A 621
A 622
A. Partikolaritajiet dwar l-applikant li jaqa’ ta[t paragrafu (/) tat-tifsira “persuna mhux residenti” fl-artikolu
2 ta’ l-Att dwar l-Akkwist ta’ Proprjetà Immobbli minn Persuni mhux Residenti, Kap. 246 (hawn i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ l-Att).
1. Isem tal-korp, asso/jazzjoni, awtorità e//. jew entità o[ra li tkun qed tapplika>
2. Jekk dawn humiex korporati jew le>
3. Fejn jew ta[t liema li;ijiet u ta’ liema pajji] dawn jinsabu kostitwiti, iffurmati, stabbiliti, inkorporati jew re;istrati> (g[andha tintehme] kopja awtentikata ta’ kull kuntratt ta’ kostituzzjoni jew inkorporazzjoni rilevanti)
4. Jekk ikollhomx il-post prin/ipali ta’ residenza jew kummer/ tag[hom barra minn Malta>
5. (a) Lista ta’ l-azzjonisti kollha li tkun turi l-g[add ta’ ishma li jin]ammu minn kull wie[ed, i/-/ittadinanza ta’ kull azzjonist u l-post ta’ residenza< u
(b) Meta l-azzjonist ikun korp, asso/jazzjoni, awtorità e//., il-partikolaritajiet kollha relattivi g[alihom skond (a) hawn qabel>
(Tista’ tintehme] lista separata ma’ l-applikazzjoni li tkun iffirmata mill-applikant u ;;ib id-data kif imiss, u nota li tkun tg[id dan u li ssir fl-ispazju ta’ hawn fuq).
6. Jekk dawn ikunux b’xi mod sew direttament sew indirettament kontrollati minn xi persuna mhux residenti wa[da jew i]jed kif imfisser fl-Att>
(G[andhom jing[ataw il-partikolaritajiet kollha kif ikun me[tie;)
B. Partikolaritajiet dwar il-proprjetà immobbli li tkun se ti;i akkwistata minn persuni mhux residenti.
1. Deskrizzjoni dettaljata ta’ proprjetà immobbli inklu] it-tip ta’ proprjetà, il-lokalità u partikolaritajiet o[ra me[tiega sabiex din ti;i identifikata u l-area tal-proprjetà f’metri kwadri>
2. Il-prezz jew korrispettiv ie[or li jkun qed jit[allas>
3. Jekk ikun se jsir xi ]vilupp, dettalji ta’ l-ispejje] tax- xog[lijiet u ]-]mien kalkolat sabiex jil[aq isir dak ix-xog[ol>
4. Ta[t liema titlu tkun se ti;i akkwistata l-proprjetà immobbli>
(L-applikant g[andu jippre]enta kopja tal-konvenju u ta’ dokumenti o[ra relatati li jkollhom x’jaqsmu ma’ l-akkwist tal-proprjetà).
5. Skop g[aliex tkun se ti;i akkwistata l-proprjetà immobbli>
A 623
A 624
6. Mnejn ikunu ;ejjin il-flus g[all-akkwist tal-proprjetà immobbli>
7. Partikolaritajiet o[ra>
C. Partikolaritajiet tal-persuna li tkun qeg[da ti;i akkwistata l-proprjetà immobbli ming[andha.
1. Isem> ..........................................................................
2. Indirizz>......................................................................
D. Dettalji ta’ kull proprjetà immobbli f’Malta li l- applikant di;à jkollu pussess tag[ha jew ikun proprjetarju tag[ha b’xi jew ta[t liema titlu jkun>
Jiena qieg[ed hawn niddikjara li l-partikolaritajiet hawn qabel mog[tija huma veri u korretti u li hu ma[sub li l- proprjetà immobbli tintu]a g[all-iskop hawn qabel imsemmi.
Data .................................
Firma ta’ l-Applikant ...................................
NOTA> L-applikant jinsab mg[arraf li l-informazzjoni mog[tija fl-applikazzjoni ta’ importanza g[ar-rigward ta’ l- g[oti ta’ permess mill-Ministru, li tkun skorretta jew qarrieqa, tirrendi fost affarijiet o[ra kontemplati fl-Att kuntratt jew att relattiv null u bla effett.
TAQSIMA II G[all-u]u ta’ l-uffi//ju biss.
A. Partikolaritajiet ta’ l-applikant>
1. Isem u kunjom> ..............................................................
2. Post u data tat-twelid> ....................................................
3. Ismijiet tal-;enituri inklu] kunjom xbubit l-omm>
4. Professjoni jew seng[a>..................................................
5. ?ittadinanza> ..................................................................
6. Post ta’ residenza> (indirizz s[i[) ...................................
7. Indirizz postali tar-residenza jekk differenti minn dak ta’ hawn qabel>
}ew; ritratti tat-tip li jintu]aw fuq passaport ta’ l- applikant u fotokopja tal-passaport ta’ l-applikant fejn jintwerew id-dettalji, g[andha ti;i mehmu]a flimkien ma’ din l-applikazzjoni
A 625
A 626
B. Partikolaritajiet tal-proprjetà immobbli li g[andha ti;i akkwistata minn persuna mhux residenti
1. Deskrizzjoni dettaljata ta’ proprjetà immobbli (i) tip ta’ proprjetà, lokalità, irjie[at (meta dan ikun me[tie;) u partikolaritajiet o[ra li jkunu me[tie;a biex jidentifikawha u (ii) daqs tal-proprjetà fejn ting[ata l-area s[i[a f’metri kwadri, dettalji tal-bini, u kull [a;a o[ra relattiva g[al dan kollu, (iii) sew jekk il-proprjetà tkun jew ma tkunx ta’ importanza storika jew tkun tinsab f’area storika>
2. Il-prezz jew korrispettiv ie[or li jkun qed jit[allas>.......................
3. Jekk din tkun g[all-i]vilupp, dettalji ta’ l-ispi]a tax- xog[lijiet u ]-]mien li x’aktarx jittie[ed biex isir kollu>
4. Ta[t liema titlu il-proprjetà immobbli tkun se ti;i akkwistata>
(L-applikant g[andu jippre]enta kopja tal-konvenju u ta’ kull dokument li jkollu x’jaqsam ma’ l-akkwist tal- proprjetà).
5. Skop li g[alih tkun se ti;i akkwistata il-proprjetà immobbli>
6. Mnejn ikun ;ejjin il-flus g[all-akkwist tal-proprjetà immobbli>
7. Xi partikolaritajiet o[ra> .................................................
C. Partikolaritajiet tal-persuna jew korp ta’ persuni li ming[andhom tkun qieg[da ti;i akkwistata il-proprjetà immobbli>
1. Isem> ...............................................................................
2. Indirizz> ..........................................................................
3. ?ittadinanza jew fil-ka] ta’ korp ta’ persuni, jekk hux
“residenti” skond l-Att
D. Partikolaritajiet ta’ proprjetà immobbli li tkun di;à mi]muma minn sid jew li tkun tinsab fil-pussess tieg[u>
1. Dettalji ta’ kull proprjetà immobbli f’Malta li tkun di;à mi]muma minn sid jew li tkun tinsab g[andu ta[t liema titlu jkun mill-applikant> ........................................................
2. Dettali ta’ kull proprjetà immobbli f’Malta li tkun di;à mi]muma bi proprjetà jew li tkun tinsab g[andhom ta[t liema titlu jkun mill-familja ta’ l-applikant>
3. Dettalji ta’ kull proprjetà immobbli f’Malta mne[[ija mill-applikant jew minn xi membru tal-familja tieg[u matul l-a[[ar 10 snin> ...........................................................................
Qieg[ed b’dan niddikjara li l-partikolaritajiet huma veri u korretti.
Firma ta’ l-Applikant#Mandatarju#Prokuratur
A 627
A 628

Disposizzjoni transitorja.

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar

l-Interpretazzjoni, Kap. 249.

}ieda ta’ l-artikolu

16 ;did ma’ l-Att prinçipali.

NOTA> L-applikant jinsab mg[arraf li l-informazzjoni mog[tija fl-applikazzjoni ta’ importanza g[ar-rigward ta’ l- g[oti ta’ permess mill-Ministru, li tkun skorretta jew qarrieqa, tirrendi fost affarijiet o[ra kontemplati fl-Att kuntratt jew att relattiv null u bla effett.
TAQSIMA II G[all-u]u ta’ l-uffiççju biss.”.
45. Sakemm ji;i ppubblikat l-a;;ustament imsemmi f’artikolu
6 ta’ l-Att prinçipali, mill-Uffiççju Nazzjonali ta’ l-Istatistika, il-valuri stabbiliti fl-avvi] legali 98 ta’ l-1999 g[andhom ikomplu japplikaw.
Taqsima X
46. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l- Att dwar l-Interpretazzjoni, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ “l- Att prinçipali”.
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l- Prim Ministru jista’ jistabbilixxi b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta.
47. Minnufih wara l-artikolu 15 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu ji]died dan l-artikolu ;did li ;ej>

“Pubblikazzjoni elettronika.

16. Meta xi att jew dokument ikun me[tie; li ji;i ppubblikat fil-Gazzetta, ikun bi]]ejjed li dak l-att jew dokument ji;i pubblikat f’format elettroniku fuq CD Rom jew li jintg[amel disponibbli fuq website li tkun pubblikament aççessibbli fuq l-internet u li ji;i pubblikat avvi] fil-Gazzetta dwar dik il-pubblikazzjoni f’format elettroniku fuq CD Rom jew li d-dokument ikun disponibbli fuq website>
I]da meta att jew dokument Ji;i hekk pubblikat f’format elettroniku fuq CD Rom jew jintg[amel hekk disponibbli fuq website li tkun pubblikament aççessibbli fuq l-internet, g[andu jkun hemm kopja ta’ dak id-dokument li tkun disponibbli g[all-ispezzjon pubbliku matul il-[inijiet normali tax-xog[ol f’dipartiment jew uffiççju tal-Gvern u g[andu ji;i wkoll pubblikat avvi] dwar dik id-disponibbilt· fil-Gazzetta.”.
Taqsima XI
48. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar l-Estradizzjoni, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ “l-Att prin/ipali”.
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l- Ministru tal-:ustizzja jista’ b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta jistabbilixxi.
49. L-artikolu 7 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej> (a) fis-subartikolu (1) tieg[u, minnufih wara l-kliem “kull
pajji] li mieg[u jkun hemm jew ikun sar arran;ament” g[andhom
ji]diedu l-kliem “inklu]i kull arran;ament, de/i]joni, ordni jew att ie[or ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea mag[mulin ta[t jew skond it- Trattat”< u
(b) minnufih wara s-subartikolu (4) tieg[u g[andu ji]died is-subartikolu li ;ej>
“(5) G[all-finijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu “it-Trattat” g[andha l-istess tifsira mog[tija lilha fl-Att ta’ l-2003 dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea.”.
Taqsima XII
50. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar il-Kontroll tat-Tipjip tat-Tabakk, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ “l-Att prin/ipali”.
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l- Ministru tas-Sa[[a Pubblika jista’ b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta jistabbilixxi.
51. Is-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i m[assar u s-subartikolu (1) tieg[u g[andu ji;i numerat mill-;did b[ala d-disposizzjoni s[i[a ta’ dak l-artikolu, u l-artikolu kif numerat mill-;did g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>
(a) minnufih wara t-tifsira ta’ “preskritt” g[andha tid[ol din it-tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>
“ “prodott tat-tabakk” tfisser prodotti g[all-finijiet ta’ tipjip mag[mulin kollha kemm huma jew f’parti minnhom mit-tabakk<”<
A 629

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar l- Estradizzjoni.

Kap. 276.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 7 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar il-Kontroll tat- Tipjip tat-Tabakk. Kap. 315.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

A 630

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 4 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

(b) minnufih wara t-tifsira ta’ “prodott tat-tabakk” g[andha tid[ol din it-tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>
“ “reklamar” tfisser kull g[amla ta’ komunikazzjoni kummer/jali li jkollha l-iskop li tippromwovi, b’mod dirett jew mhux dirett, prodotti tat-tabakk<”<
(/) minnufih wara t-tifsira ta’ “rekwi]iti g[at-tipjip”
g[andha tid[ol din it-tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>
“ “servizzi ta’ so/jetá ta’ informazzjoni” tfisser servizzi fil-kuntest tat-tifsira ta’ l-Artikolu 1(2) tad-Direttiva 98#34#EC tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill tat-22 ta’ :unju ta’ l-
1998 li tistipula pro/edura g[all-g[oti ta’ informazzjoni fil-
qasam ta’ standards u regolamenti tekni/i u ta’ regoli dwar Servizzi ta’ So/jetá ta’ Informazzjoni kif emendati bid- Direttiva 98#48 EC (pubblikata fil-:urnal Uffi/jali ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea ta[t ir-riferenza OJ L 204, 21.7.1998 1937 u OJ L 217, 5.8.1998, rispettivament)<”<
(d) minnufih wara t-tifsira ta’ “sigarrett” g[andha tid[ol din it-tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>
“ “sponsorjar” tfisser kull g[amla ta’ kontribuzzjoni pubblika jew privata g[al xi avveniment, attivitá jew individwu bil-g[an jew effett dirett jew mhux dirett li ssir il- promozzjoni ta’ prodott tat-tabakk<”<
(e) fit-tifsira “tabakk” minflok il-kliem “g[at-tabakk” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “g[at-tabakk, u tinkludi kull prodott tat- tabakk”< u
(f) minnufih wara t-tifsira ;dida ta’ “reklamar” g[andha tid[ol din it-tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>
“ “uffi/jal awtorizzat” tinkludi lil kull persuna assenjata fid-Dipartiment tas-Sa[[a awtorizzata kif imiss mis- Suprintendent biex te]er/ita kull setg[a tas-Suprintendent skond dan l-Att, u tinkludi wkoll uffi/jali tal-pulizija<”.
52. L-artikolu 4 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>– (a) l-artikolu 4 s[i[ kif inhu b[alissa g[andu ji;i enumerat
mill-;did b[ala s-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 4< u
(b) minnufih wara s-subartikolu (1) kif enumerat mill-;did, g[andhom ji]diedu dawn is-subartikoli (2), (3) u (4) ;odda li
“(2) Ir-radju, it-televi]joni u programmi o[ra mxandra b’mezzi o[ra ma g[andhomx ikunu sponsorjati minn impri]i li l-attività prin/ipali tag[hom tkun il-manifattura jew il-bejg[ ta’ prodotti tat-tabakk.
(3) Ebda prodott tat-tabakk ma g[andu j;ib l-isem tad- ditta, trade mark, emblema jew fattizz distintiv ie[or ta’ xi prodott jew servizz ie[or, kemm-il darba dak il-prodott tat- tabakk ma jkunx qabel ;ie kkummer/jat ta[t dak l-isem tad- ditta, trade mark, emblema jew fattizz distintiv ie[or qabel dak il-pro;ett l-ie[or.
(4) L-isem tad-ditta, trade mark, emblema u kull fattizz distintiv ie[or ta’ prodott jew servizz g[andhom ikunu ppre]entati b’mod g[alkollox distint minn dak u]at g[all- prodott tat-tabakk.”.
53. L-artikolu 5 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i enumerat mill-
;did b[ala l-artikolu 7 ta’ dak l-Att.
54. Minflok l-artikolu 6 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andhom jid[lu l- artikoli 6 u 6A li ;ejjin>
A 631

Enumerazzjoni mill-

;did ta’ l-artikolu 5 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Sostituzzjoni ta’ l- artikolu 6 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

“Projbizzjoni ta’ tqassim b’xejn jew xi metodu ie[or ta’ promozzjoni.


6. (1) Kull reklamar fl-istampa u f’pubblikazzjonijiet o[ra stampati g[andu jkun limitat g[al pubblikazzjonijiet esklu]ivament inti]i g[all-professjonisti li jkunu ja[dmu fin- negozju tat-tabakk u g[al pubblikazzjonijiet li jkunu stampati u ppubblikati f’pajji]i o[ra, meta dawk il-pubblikazzjonijiet ma jkunux prin/ipalment inti]i g[as-suq lokali.
(2) Ikun ipprojbit kull reklamar ie[or fl-istampa u f’pubblikazzjonijiet stampati o[ra.
(3) Reklamar li ma jkun la permess fl-istampa u lanqas f’pubblikazzjonijiet stampati o[ra ma g[andux ikun permess f’servizzi ta’ so/jetà ta’ informazzjoni.
6A. (1) G[andu jkun projbit l-isponsorjar ta’ avvenimenti jew attivitajiet li jkunu jinvolvu lil diversi Stati Membri ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea jew li xort’o[ra jkollhom effett transkonfini.
A 632

Enumerazzjoni mill-

;did ta’ l-artikolu 7 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Sostituzzjoni ta’ l- artikoli 8 u 9 ta’ l- Att prin/ipali.

(2) Kull tqassim b’xejn ta’ prodotti tat-tabakk fil- kuntest ta’ l-isponsorjar ta’ avvenimenti kif imsemmi fis- subartikolu (1), li jkollu l-iskop jew l-effett dirett jew mhux dirett li jippromwovi dawk il-prodotti, g[andu jkun projbit.”.
55. L-artikolu 7 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i enumerat mill-
;did b[ala l-artikolu 5 ta’ dak l-Att.
56. Minflok l-artikoli 8 u 9 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andhom jid[lu dawn li ;ejjin>

“Avvi]i dwar is- sa[[a.


8. (1) Kull pakkett tas-sigarretti u kull prodott tat- tabakk ie[or importat, mibjug[, imqassam jew fornut, sew jekk jing[ata jew ma jing[atax kumpens, g[andu jkollu fuqu dik l-informazzjoni, inklu]a informazzjoni dwar l-ingredjenti u l-kwantititajiet tag[hom.
(2) G[all fini tas-subartikolu (1) u g[al kull fini ie[or ta’ dan l-Att, is-Suprintendent jista’ jitlob lill-manifatturi u lill-importaturi tas-sigarretti u prodotti tat-tabakk jissottomettu lista ta’ l-ingredjenti kollha u tal-kwantitajiet relattivi li jintu]aw fil-manifattura ta’ tali prodotti tas-sigarretti jew tat-tabakk.
9. Il-Ministru jista’ jag[mel regolamenti g[all-a[jar twettiq tad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att u sabiex inaqqas il- [sara li tirri]ulta mill-konsum tat-tabakk jew prodotti tat- tabakk, u b’mod partikolari u ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-
;eneralit· ta’ dik is-setg[a, jista’ jag[mel regolamenti g[al kull wie[ed jew xi wie[ed minn dawn l-iskopijiet li ;ejjin>
(a) biex jippreskrivi li l-avvi]i dwar is-sa[[a skond dawk imsemmija fl-artikolu 10 g[andhom jitwa[[lu f’po]izzjonijiet prominenti f’postijiet pubbliçi u fuq vetturi li jkollhom li/enza jew li jintu]aw g[at- trasport pubbliku, u li d-detentur tal-li/enza u s-sewwieq ikollhom id-dmir, skond il-ka], li j[arsu dak ir- regolament<
(b) biex jippreskrivi l-inqas kontenut permissibbli ta’ qatran, nikotina u kontenut ie[or li jista’ jkun fihom is-sigarretti jew g[amliet o[ra ta’ tabakk jew prodotti tat-tabakk, u l-og[la ri]ultat ta’ dawk is-sustanzi li jistg[u jinkisbu minnhom<
(/) biex jippreskrivi il-kondizzjonijiet li ta[thom il-bejg[ jew it-tqassim ta’ sigarretti, sigarri jew prodotti o[ra tat-tabakk g[andhom ikunu projbiti jew ristretti<
(d) biex jipprojbixxi jew jikkontrolla kull reklam li jkun b’mod dirett jew mhux dirett konness mat-tabakk jew mat-tipjip tat-tabakk<
(e) biex jikkontrolla n-numru ta’ sigarretti li jistg[u ji;u offerti g[all-bejg[ b[ala pakkett wie[ed bl- imnut, u sabiex jipprojbixxi l-bejg[ ta’ sigarretti sfu]i>
I]da l-Ministru ma g[andux jag[mel regolamenti li jipprojbixxu l-bejg[ ta’ pakketti ta’ sigarretti li jkun fihom dak in-numru ta’ sigarretti b[all-pakketti tas- sigarretti li jkun hemm g[all-bejg[ fil-jum tal-bidu fis- se[[ ta’ dan il-paragrafu<
(f) biex jikkontrrolla l-mod kif ji;u ppre]entati s-sigarretti, sigarri u prodotti o[ra tat-tabakk<
(g) biex jipprojbixxi jew jikkontrolla t-tipjip f’xi post jew parti minnu< u
(h) biex jippreskrivi kull [a;a o[ra li tista’ jew li tkun me[tie;a li ti;i preskritta b’dan l-Att.”.
57. Fl-artikolu 10 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali, il-kliem “il-lingwa,”
g[andhom jit[assru.
58. Fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 11 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali, minflok il-kliem “dikjarazzjoni korretta ta’ l-ammont ta’ qatran u ta’ nikotina f’kull sigarrett” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “dik l-informazzjoni li s-Suprintendent jista’ minn ]mien g[al ]mien je[tie; b’regolamenti li jag[mel”.
59. L-artikolu 12 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i enumerat mill-
;did b[ala s-subartikolu (1) tieg[u, u minnufih wara s-subartikolu (1)
kif enumerat mill-;did, g[andu ji]died dan is-subartikolu ;did li ;ej>
“(2) {add ma jista’ jbieg[ jew jawtorizza l-bejg[ ta’ prodotti tat-tabakk fi jew minn -
(a) l-imkejjen ta’ sptarijiet, klini/i, spi]eriji jew stabbilimenti tal-kura tas-sa[[a o[ra<
A 633

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 10 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 11 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 12 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

A 634

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 13 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 14 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 18 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

(b) l-imkejjen ta’ skejjel, kulle;;i, jew xi istituzzjoni edukattiva o[ra<
(/) fa/ilitajiet sportivi jew atleti/i.”.
60. L-artikolu 13 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej> (a) fis-subartikolu (1) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “is-sittax-il
sena” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “it-tmintax-il sena”<
(b) fis-subartikolu (2) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem minn “fir- ristoranti” sa “fejn il-bejg[ minn dawn il-makni jista’ jkun kontrollat” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “fejn dawn il-makni jistg[u jkunu kontrollati”< u
(/) fis-subartikolu (3) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “is-sittax-il sena” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “it-tmintax-il sena”.
61. L-artikolu 14 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej> (a) fis-subartikolu (1) tieg[u, minnufih wara l-kliem “jew
jekk ikun re;istrat<” g[andhom ji]diedu l-kliem “jew f’xi post jew
stabbiliment ie[or jew parti minnu skond ma l-Ministru jista’ minn
]mien g[al ]mien jipprovdi permezz ta’ regolamenti li jag[mel ta[t dan l-Att<”, u minflok il-kliem “sittax-il sena” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “tmintax-il sena”<
(b) is-subartikolu (2) tieg[u g[andu jit[assar< u
(/) is-subartikolu (3) tieg[u g[andu ji;i numerat mill-;did b[ala s-subartikolu (2) tieg[u.
62. Minflok is-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 18 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“(2) Kull min jinsab [ati ta’ reat kontra dan l-Att jew kontra regolamenti mag[mulin ta[t dan l-Att jista’, ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[al kull responsabbiltà li jkollu ta[t kull li;i o[ra, je[el, meta jinsab [ati g[all-ewwel darba, multa ta’ mhux inqas minn mitt lira u mhux i]jed minn [ames mitt lira, u meta l-att jew l-ommissjoni li jkunu jag[mlu r-reat jibqg[u g[addejin g[al iktar minn ;urnata, il-Qorti g[andha iktar minn hekk timponi multa ta’ mhux inqas minn g[axar liri u mhux i]jed minn [amsin lira g[al kull ;urnata li matulha dak l-att jew ommissjoni jibqa’ g[addej, u meta jkun hemm sejbien ta’ [tija g[at-tieni jew aktar drabi, b’]ieda ma’ dawk il-pieni, u, fuq talba tal-prosekuzzjoni, g[al pri;unerija g[al ]mien
mhux i]jed minn tliet xhur, u g[as-sospensjoni tal-li/enza ta’ xi fond jew mezz tat-trasport pubbliku fejn ikun sar ir-reat, g[al perjodu ta’ mhux inqas minn ;img[a u mhux i]jed minn xahar.”.
63. Is-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 19 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>
(a) fil-paragrafu (a) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “b[ala Chairman” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “b[ala Chairman, jew ir- rappre]entant tieg[u”<
(b) minflok il-paragrafu (d) tieg[u, g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej> “(d) id-Direttur tal-Promozzjoni tas-Sa[[a, jew ir-
rappre]entant tieg[u<”< u
(/) minflok is-subparagrafi (i) u (ii) tal-paragrafu (e) g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“(i) uffi/jal inkarigat mill-promozzjoni tas-sa[[a mid- Dipartiment tas-Sa[[a<
(ii) membru wie[ed ta’ Asso/jazzjoni tal- Konsumaturi<”.
Taqsima XIII
64. Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar l-Eurocontrol, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ “l-Att prin/ipali”.
65. L-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej> (a) id-disposizzjoni pre]enti g[andha ti;i enumerata mill-
;did b[ala l-artikolu (1) tieg[u<
(b) fis-subartikolu (1) tieg[u kif enumerat mill-;did>
(i) fit-tifsira ta’ “Agency” il-kliem “Air Traffic

Services” g[andhom jit[assru<

(ii) minflok it-tifsira “Ordni dwar in-Navigazzjoni ta’ l-Ajru” u l-kliem “A.L. 10 ta’ l-1963 fin-nota mar;inali g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
A 635

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 19 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar l-Eurocontrol,

Kap. 333.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

A 636

“A.L. 176 ta’


“Ordni dwar in-Navigazzjoni ta’ l-Ajru” tfisser The Air Navigation Order, 1990, jew kull Ordni o[ra li tissostitwiha<”<
(iii) it-tifsiriet ta’ “Commission”, “Stat Kontraenti”, “Multilateral Agreement”, “State addressed” u “State of Origin” g[andhom ji;u m[assra<
(iv) minnufih wara titfsira ta’ “Ordni dwar in- Navigazzjoni ta’ l-Ajru “ g[andhom jid[lu dawn it- tifsiriet li ;ejjin>
“ “Parti Kontraenti” tfisser Stat li jkun jew li jsir parti fil-Konvenzjoni<
“Parti Kontraenti indikata” g[ar-rigward ta’ deçi]joni tfisser il-Parti Kontraenti li fiha tintalab li d-de/i]joni ti;i infurzata<
“Parti Kontraenti ta’ Ori;ini” g[ar-rigward ta’ deçi]joni tfisser il-Parti Kontraenti li fiha tkun ing[atat id-de/i]joni<”<
(v) minflok it-tifsira ta’ “Konvenzjoni” g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“ “Konvenzjoni” tfisser il-Konvenzjoni dwar il-Koperazzjoni g[as-Sigurtà tan-Navigazzjoni bl- Ajru (Eurocontrol) iffirmata fi Brussel fit-13 ta’ Diçembru, 1960, kif emendata bil-Protokoll Addizzjonali li hemm mag[ha ffirmat fi Brussel fis-6 ta’ Lulju 1970, kif imbag[ad emendata bl- emenda g[all-Protokoll Addizzjonali ffirmat fi Brussel fil-21 ta’ Novembru, 1978, u kif emendata bil-Protokolli li jemendaw il-Konvenzjoni iffirmati fi Brussel fit-12 ta’ Frar, 1981 u s-27 ta’ :unju
1997, liema Konvenzjoni u Protokolli jinsabu depo]itati fl-Arkivji tar-Renju tal-Bel;ju< test konsolidat tal-Konvenzjoni u l-Protokolli qieg[ed fl-Iskeda li tinsab ma dan l-Att<”<
(vi) fit-tifsira ta’ “Eurocontrol” minflok il-kliem minn “Permanent Commission” sal-kliem “l- Organization”, g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “il-General Assembly, Council u Agency kompri]i f’dik l- Organization”<
(vii) fit-tifsira ta’ “manager” minflok il-kliem minn “l-artikolu 61” sal-kliem “Att dwar l-Avjazzjoni
?ivili”, g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “l-artikolu 69 ta’ l- Ordni dwar in-Navigazzjoni ta’ l-Ajru, jew id- disposizzjoni korrispondenti ta’ xi ordni li tissostitwiha<”< u
(viii) fit-tifsira “autorità rilevanti” minflok il- kliem “Stat Kontraenti” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “Parti Kontraenti”< u
(/) minnufih wara s-subartikolu (1) tieg[u kif enumerat mill-
;did, g[andu ji]died dan is-subartikolu (2) li ;ej>
“(2) Fil-ka] ta’ inkonsistenza bejn it-test tal- Konvenzjoni kif riprodott fl-Iskeda li tinsab ma’ dan l-Att u t-test tal-Konvenzjoni depo]itata fl-Arkivji tar-Renju tal- Bel;ju, dan l-a[[ar test g[andu jipprevali.”.
66. Fl-artikolu 3 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali, il-kliem “jew fil-Multilateral
Agreement” g[andhom jit[assru.
67. In-nota mar;inali “A.L.10 ta’ l-1963” ma;enb l-artikolu 6(5)
ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andha tit[assar.
68. Fl-artikolu 7 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali, il-kliem “jew il-Multilateral
Agreement” g[andhom jit[assru.
69. Fis-subartikolu (3) ta’ l-artikolu 10 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali, minflok il-kliem “l-Artikolu 22” kull fejn dawn jidhru, g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “l-Artikolu 25”.
70. Minflok il-kliem “l-Artikolu 13 tal-Multilateral Agreement” fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 11 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “l-Artikolu 8 ta’ l-Anness IV mal-Konvenzjoni”, u l-kliem “jew tal-Multilateral Agreement” fis-subartikolu (3) ta’ l-imsemmi artikolu
11 tal-li;i prin/ipali g[andhom jit[assru.
71. L-artikolu 12 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej> (a) fis-subartikolu (1) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “fi Stat
Kontraenti” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “f’Parti Kontraenti”<
(b) fis-subartikolu (3) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “fl-Artikolu
15 tal-Multilateral Agreement” u minflok il-kliem “l-Artikolu 16 ta’ l-imsemmi Multilateral Agreement” g[andhom rispettivament
A 637

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 3 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 6 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 7 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 10 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 11 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 12 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

A 638

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 14 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 15 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Sostituzzjoni ta’ l- Iskedi ma’ l-Att prin/ipali.

jid[lu l-kliem “fl-Artikolu 11 ta’ l-Anness IV mal-Konvenzjoni”
u l-kliem “l-Artikolu 12 ta’ l-Anness IV mal-Konvenzjoni”<
(/) fis-subartikolu (4) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “l-Artikolu
13 tal-Multilateral Agreement” u minflok il-kliem “fl-Artikolu 18 tal-Multilateral Agreement” g[andhom rispettivament jid[lu l- kliem “l-Artikolu 8 ta’ l-Anness IV mal-Konvenzjoni” u l-kliem “fl-Artikolu 14 ta’ l-Anness IV mal-Konvenzjoni”< u
(d) fis-subartikolu (8) tieg[u, minnufih wara l-kliem “tal- Kodi/i ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Pro/edura ?ivili” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “jew ta’ xi li;i o[ra li jkollha x’taqsam mar-rikonoxximent u l-infurzar ta’ sentenzi barranin”.
72. Fl-artikolu 14 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali, u fin-nota mar;inali ma;enbu, il-kliem “u g[all-Multilateral Agreement” kull fejn dawn jinsabu, g[andhom jit[assru.
73. Fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 15 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali, minflok il-kliem “L-Iskedi li jinsabu ma’ dan l-Att g[andhom ikunu” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “L-Iskeda li tinsab ma’ dan l-Att g[andha tkun”.
74. Minflok l-iskedi ma’ l-Att prin/ipali, g[andha tid[ol din l- Iskeda ;dida li ;ejja>
(Articles 2 and 14)
A 639
OF 27 JUNE 1997
Article 1
1. In order to achieve harmonisation and integration with the aim of establishing a uniform European air traffic management system, the Contracting Parties agree to strengthen their co-operation and to develop their joint activities in the field of air navigation, making due allowance for defence needs and providing maximum freedom for all airspace users consistent with the required level of safety in the provision of cost-effective air traffic services, and taking into account the need to minimise, where this is feasible, inter alia, in operational, technical and economic terms, any adverse environmental impact.
The pursuit of these objectives shall not prejudice the principle that every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory nor the capacity of every State to exercise its prerogatives with regard to security and defence in its national airspace.
To this end, they agree>
(a) to determine a European policy in the air traffic management field, involving the definition of strategies and programmes whose objective is to develop the capacity needed to meet the requirements of all civil and military users in a cost-effective manner while maintaining the required level of safety<
(b) to commit themselves to the establishment of specific targets regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of air traffic management operations in the Flight Information Regions listed in Annex II to this Convention in which States, pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, have agreed to provide air traffic services without prejudice to the principles of free movement in airspace not subject to the sovereignty of the States which result from conventions, international agreements, and the rules or principles of customary public international law<
(c) to introduce an air traffic management performance review and target setting system<
A 640
(d) to implement a common convergence and implementation plan for air
navigation services and facilities in Europe<
(e) to adopt and apply common standards and specifications< (f) to harmonise air traffic services regulations<
(g) to develop the available capacity to meet the air traffic demand and to ensure its most effective utilisation through the joint establishment, operation and development of a common European air traffic flow management system, in the framework of the introduction of a uniform European air traffic management system<
(h) to encourage common procurement of air traffic systems and facilities< (i) to implement a common policy for the establishment and calculation of
charges levied on users of en route air navigation facilities and services, hereinafter
called “route charges”<
(j) to implement a mechanism, separate from service provision, for the multilateral development and harmonisation of a safety regulatory regime in the field of air traffic management within a total aviation safety system approach<
(k) to participate in the design, the implementation and the monitoring of a global navigation satellite system<
(l) to identify new possibilities for common actions in the field of design, implementation, monitoring or operation of systems and services in air navigation<
(m) in the context of a “gate-to-gate” concept, to develop an overall policy and an appropriate, efficient and effective process for the strategic design and planning of routes and airspace.
2. For this purpose they hereby establish a “European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL)”, hereinafter called “the Organisation”, which shall act in co-operation with the national civil and military authorities and the user organisations. The Organisation shall comprise three organs>
(a) a General Assembly, which shall constitute the organ responsible for the formulation and approval of the Organisation’s general policy, including>
(i) the common policy for route charges and the Organisation’s other charges activities<
(ii) the performance review and assessment functions of the
A 641
(iii) the setting of objectives for the Organisation, including those of standardisation, planning, performance and safety regulation<
(iv) the technical and financial selection of major framework programmes for co-operation<
(v) external relations with States and organisations and applications for accession to this Convention<
(b) a Council, which shall constitute the organ tasked with implementing the General Assembly’s decisions and, subject to the powers conferred upon the latter, ruling on all measures which are addressed to and binding on the Contracting Parties, and supervising the Agency’s work<
(c) an Agency, whose Statute is contained in Annex I to this Convention, which shall be the organ entrusted to undertake the Organisation’s tasks, in accordance with the provisions of the following articles of this Convention and the tasks assigned to it by the General Assembly or the Council, to initiate relevant proposals and to deploy the technical, financial and staff resources to achieve the objectives laid down.
3. The headquarters of the Organisation shall be in Brussels.
Article 2
1. The Organisation shall undertake the following tasks>
(a) to develop and endorse detailed plans for the harmonisation and integration of the air traffic services and systems of the Contracting Parties, in particular the ground and airborne air navigation systems, with a view to the establishment of a uniform European air traffic management system<
(b) to coordinate the implementation plans of the Contracting Parties so as to secure convergence towards a uniform European air traffic management system<
(c) to examine and coordinate on behalf of the Contracting Parties matters in the field of air navigation studied by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and other international organisations concerned with civil aviation and to coordinate and submit amendments or proposals to these bodies<
(d) to define, design, develop, validate and organise the implementation of a uniform European air traffic management system<
A 642
(e) to develop and operate a common European air traffic flow management
system at a common international centre in the framework of (d) above<
(f) to develop, adopt, and keep under review common standards, specifications and practices for air traffic management systems and services<
(g) to develop and endorse procedures towards a strategy for the common procurement of air traffic systems and facilities<
(h) to coordinate the Contracting Parties’ research and development programmes relating to new techniques in the field of air navigation, to collect and distribute their results and to promote and conduct common studies, tests and applied research as well as technical developments in this field<
(i) establish an independent performance review system that will address all aspects of air traffic management, including policy and planning, safety management at and around airports and in the airspace, as well as financial and economic aspects of services rendered, and set targets that will address all these aspects<
(j) to study and promote measures for improving cost-effectiveness and efficiency in the field of air navigation<
(k) to develop and endorse common criteria, procedures and methods to ensure the highest efficiency and quality of air traffic management systems and air traffic services<
(l) to develop proposals for the harmonisation of European air traffic services regulations<
(m) to support the improvement of efficiency and flexibility in the use of airspace between civil and military users<
(n) to develop and endorse coordinated or common policies to improve air traffic management at and around airports<
(o) to develop and endorse common criteria for the selection, and common policies for the training, licensing, and proficiency checking of air traffic services staff<
(p) to develop, establish and operate the future common European system elements entrusted to it by the Contracting Parties<
(q) to establish, bill and collect the route charges on behalf of the Contracting Parties participating in the common route charges system as provided for in Annex IV<
A 643
(r) to establish and implement a mechanism for the multilateral development and harmonisation of safety regulation in the air traffic management field<
(s) to perform any other task relating to the principles and objectives of this Convention.
2. At the request of one or more Contracting Parties and on the basis of a special agreement or agreements between the Organisation and the Contracting Parties concerned, the Organisation may>
(a) assist such Contracting Parties in the planning, specification and setting up of air traffic systems and services<
(b) provide and operate, wholly or in part, air traffic facilities and services on behalf of such Contracting Parties<
(c) assist such Contracting Parties in the establishment, billing and collection of charges which are levied by them on users of air navigation services and which are not covered by Annex IV to this Convention.
3. The Organisation may>
(a) conclude special agreements with non-Contracting Parties interested in participating in the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1<
(b) at the request of non-Contracting Parties or other international organisations, perform on their behalf any other tasks pursuant to this Article, on the basis of special agreements between the Organisation and the Parties concerned.
4. The Organisation shall, as far as is practicable, ensure that its service provision functions, in particular those provided for in Articles 2.1 (e), 2.1 (g), 2.1 (p), 2.1 (q),
2.2 and 2.3 (b), are exercised independently of its regulatory functions.
5. In order to facilitate the execution of its tasks, the Organisation may, by decision of the General Assembly, create undertakings governed by specific articles of association governed either by public international law or by the national law of a Contracting Party, or acquire majority shareholdings in such undertakings.
Article 3
1. This Convention shall apply to en route air navigation services and related approach and aerodrome services for air traffic in the Flight Information Regions listed in Annex II.
A 644
2. (a) Any amendment which a Contracting Party wishes to make to the list of its Flight Information Regions in Annex II shall be decided upon by the General Assembly by unanimity of the votes cast if it would result in a change in the overall limits of the airspace covered by this Convention.
(b) Any amendment which does not result in such a change shall nevertheless be notified to the Organisation by the Contracting Party concerned.
3. For the purposes of this Convention the expression “air traffic” shall comprise civil aircraft and those military, customs and police aircraft which conform to the procedures of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
On the basis of a special agreement, as provided for in Article 2.2(b), a Contracting Party may request that the expression “air traffic” shall apply to other air traffic operating within its territory.
Article 4
The Organisation shall have legal personality. In the territory of the Contracting Parties it shall have the fullest legal capacity to which corporate bodies are entitled under national law< it shall inter alia have the right to acquire or transfer movable or immovable property and to go to law. Except as otherwise provided in this Convention or the Statute at Annex I, it shall be represented by the Agency, which shall act in its name. The Agency shall administer the property of the Organisation.
Article 5
1. The General Assembly shall be composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties at Ministerial level. Each Contracting Party may appoint several delegates in order, in particular, to allow the interests of both civil aviation and national defence to be represented, but shall have only a single voting right.
2. The Council shall be composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties at the level of the Directors General for Civil Aviation. Each Contracting Party may appoint several delegates in order, in particular, to allow the interests of both civil aviation and national defence to be represented, but shall have only a single voting right.
3. On matters relating to the common route charges system, the General Assembly and the Council shall be made up of representatives of the Contracting Parties participating in the common route charges system under the conditions stipulated in Annex IV.
4. The representatives of international organisations which can contribute to the work of the Organisation shall, where appropriate, be invited by the General Assembly, or the Council, to participate as observers, in bodies of the Organisation.
Article 6
A 645
1. The General Assembly shall take decisions with regard to the Contracting
Parties, the Council and the Agency, in particular in the cases referred to in Article
In addition, the General Assembly shall>
(a) appoint the Director General of the Agency, on the Council’s recommendation<
(b) authorise recourse on behalf of the Organisation to the Permanent Court of Arbitration of The Hague in the cases referred to in Article 34<
(c) establish the principles applied for the operation of the common
European air traffic flow management system provided for in Article 2.1(e)<
(d) approve amendments to Annex I in conformity with the voting conditions provided for in Article 8.1<
(e) approve amendments to Annexes II and IV in conformity with the voting conditions provided for in Article 8.3<
(f) periodically review the tasks of the Organisation.
2. To formulate the common policy for route charges, the General Assembly shall, inter alia>
(a) establish the principles governing the assessment of the costs chargeable by the Contracting Parties and the Organisation to the users in respect of the en- route air navigation facilities and services provided to them<
(b) determine the formula to be applied in calculating route charges<
(c) determine the principles governing exemption from the route charges and may further decide that for certain categories of flights thus exempted from the payment of route charges governed by Annex IV, the costs incurred in respect of en-route air navigation facilities and services may be recovered directly by the Contracting Parties<
(d) approve reports by the Council relating to route charges.
3. The General Assembly may>
(a) refer to the Council for examination any matter falling within its competence<
A 646
(b) delegate to the Council, where necessary, the power to take decisions
in the matters falling within its general competence, referred to in Article 1.2(a)< (c) establish other subsidiary bodies as it may consider to be necessary.
Article 7
1. The Council, pursuant to the powers conferred on it by this Convention, may take decisions with regard to the Contracting Parties, in the tasks referred to in Article
2. The Council, pursuant to its supervisory powers as conferred on it in regard to the Agency by this Convention>
(a) shall approve, after having consulted representative organisations of airspace users recognised by the Council, the Agency’s five-year and annual work programmes submitted to it by the Agency for the accomplishment of the tasks referred to in Article 2, together with the five-year financial plan and the budget, including the financial obligations, the Agency’s activity report and the reports submitted pursuant to Articles 2.2 (c), 10.3 and 11.1 of the Statute of the Agency<
(b) shall approve the principles governing the general structure of the
(c) shall supervise the activities of the Agency in the field of air navigation charges<
(d) shall determine, after having consulted the representative organisations of airspace users and airports recognised by the Council, the general conditions for the operation of the common European air traffic flow management system provided for in Article 2.1 (e), taking due account of the prerogatives exercised by the States in regard to management of their airspace. These general conditions shall specify, inter alia, the rules applicable as well as the procedures for recording non-compliance with these rules<
(e) shall issue directives to the Agency on the basis of regular reports from the latter or whenever it deems it to be necessary for the accomplishment of the tasks assigned to the Agency, and shall approve arrangements for co-operation between the Agency and national organisations concerned to enable the Agency to initiate the appropriate proposals<
(f) shall appoint, on a proposal by the Director General, the firm of consultant auditors to assist the Audit Board in the examination of the accounts of all receipts and expenditure<
A 647
(g) may require that the Agency’s services be the subject of administrative and technical inspections<
(h) shall give the Director General discharge in respect of his#her administration of the budget<
(i) shall approve the appointment by the Director General of the Directors of the Agency<
(j) shall approve the Statute of the Director General, the Staff Regulations, the Financial Regulations and the Contract Regulations<
(k) may authorise the opening by the Agency of negotiations related to the special agreements referred to in Article 2, adopt the agreements negotiated before submitting them for approval by the General Assembly or conclude such agreements where the Council has been delegated powers pursuant to the provisions of Article 13.3<
(l) shall approve a Regulation on data protection<
(m) in the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(f), shall determine the rules and procedures applicable to standards, specifications and practices for air traffic management systems and services.
3. The Council shall establish a Performance Review Commission and a Safety Regulation Commission. These Commissions will initiate relevant proposals to the Council and receive administrative support and assistance from the Agency services which have the necessary degree of independence to exercise their functions.
4. The Council shall establish a Civil#Military Interface Standing Committee.
5. The Council shall establish an Audit Board to which it may delegate duties and, under specific terms of reference, delegate powers.
6. The Council may be assisted by other committees in other fields of activity of the Organisation.
7. The Council may delegate duties and, under specific terms of reference, delegate powers to the Civil#Military Interface Standing Committee and any Committee created after the entry into force of this Convention. Such delegations of duties or powers shall not prevent the Council from being able to raise matters at any time as part of its task of general supervision.
A 648
Article 11
1. The weighting referred to in Article 8 shall be determined according to the following table>
The weighting referred to in Article 8 shall be determined according to the following table>
Annual Contribution of a Contracting Party as a percentage of the total annual contributions of all the Contracting Parties
Number of votes
Less than 1% .............................................................................. 1
From 1 to less than 2% ............................................................... 2
From 2 to less than 3% ............................................................... 3
From 3 to less than 41# % ............................................................ 4
From 41#
to less than 6% ............................................................ 5
From 6 to less than 71# % ............................................................ 6
From 71#
to less than 9% ............................................................ 7
From 9 to less than 11% ............................................................. 8
From 11 to less than 13% ........................................................... 9
From 13 to less than 15% ........................................................... 10
From 15 to less than 18% ........................................................... 11
From 18 to less than 21% ........................................................... 12
From 21 to less than 24% ........................................................... 13
From 24 to less than 27% ........................................................... 14
From 27 to less than 30% ........................................................... 15
30% ............................................................................................ 16
A 649
2. The number of votes shall be initially established with effect from the date of entry into force of the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997 by reference to the above table and in accordance with the rule in Article 10 above for determining the annual contributions of the Contracting Parties to the Organisation’s budget.
3. In the event of the accession of a State, the numbers of votes of the Contracting
Parties shall be re-established in accordance with the same procedure.
4. The numbers of votes shall be re-established each year in accordance with the foregoing provisions.
Article 12
The General Assembly and the Council shall establish their rules of procedure, including rules governing the election of a President and Vice-President, and the rules of application of the voting procedures and the quorum.
Article 13
1. The Organisation shall maintain with the appropriate States and other international organisations the necessary relations for the realisation of its aims.
2. The General Assembly shall, without prejudice to the provisions of Article
7.2(k), of paragraph 3 of this article and of Article 15, be alone empowered to conclude on behalf of the Organisation the special agreements which are necessary for the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.
3. The General Assembly may, on a proposal from the Council, delegate to the latter the decision to conclude the special agreements which are necessary for the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.
Article 14
The special agreements referred to in Article 2 shall stipulate the respective tasks, rights and obligations of the Parties to the agreements, together with the financial arrangements, and shall establish the measures to be taken. Such agreements may be negotiated by the Agency in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.2(k).
Article 15
Within the scope of the directives given by the Council, those relations which are essential for the co-ordination of air traffic and for the operation of the services of the Agency may be established by the Agency with the appropriate technical services, public or private, of the Contracting Parties, of non-Contracting Parties or of international organisations. For that purpose, contracts of a purely administrative,
A 650
technical or commercial nature, in so far as they are required for the operation of the Agency, may be entered into by the Agency, in the name of the Organisation, on condition that the Agency so informs the Council.
Article 16
1. The character of public interest shall, where necessary, be recognised, in accordance with national law and with the consequences which result from the provisions of that law relating to expropriation in the public interest, as regards the acquisition of immovable property necessary for the siting of the Organisation’s installations, subject to the agreement of the Government concerned. The procedure of expropriation for reasons of public interest may be set in motion by the competent authorities of the State concerned, in accordance with its national law, for the purpose of acquiring such property failing amicable agreement.
2. In the territory of the Contracting Parties where the procedure referred to in the preceding paragraph is not in existence, the Organisation may have the benefit of those procedures for compulsory purchase which can be used for the benefit of civil aviation and telecommunications.
3. The Contracting Parties recognise the right of the Organisation to benefit, in respect of any installations and services established on its behalf in their respective territories, from the application of national law as to those restrictions on the rights of owners of immovable property which may exist in the public interest for the benefit of national services for the same purpose and in particular as to easements in the public interest.
4. The Organisation shall bear the expenses consequent upon the application of the provisions of this Article, including the compensation payable in accordance with the law of the State in the territory of which the property is situated.
Article 17
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.2(b), the Agency shall apply the regulations in force in the territories of the Contracting Parties and in the airspace in respect of which the provision of air traffic services is entrusted to them under international agreements to which they are Parties.
Article 18
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.2(b), the Agency shall, within the limits of the powers conferred on the air traffic services, give all the necessary instructions to aircraft commanders. The aircraft commanders shall be bound to comply with those instructions, except in the cases of force majeure provided for in the regulations referred to in the preceding article.
Article 19
A 651
1. In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e), the Organisation shall determine, in accordance with the general conditions provided for in Article 7.2(d), the necessary regulatory measures, and shall communicate them to aircraft operators and to the appropriate air traffic services. The Contracting Parties shall ensure that aircraft operators, aircraft commanders and the appropriate air traffic services comply therewith, unless prevented by compelling reasons of safety.
2. Compliance by a Contracting Party’s air traffic services with the general conditions and the regulatory measures referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be the sole responsibility of the said Contracting Party.
3. In the event of non-compliance by an aircraft operator or an aircraft commander with the general conditions or the regulatory measures referred to in paragraph 1 above, proceedings may be instituted against the offender at the Organisation’s request>
(a) by the Contracting Party where non-compliance was recorded, in its own territory<
(b) by the Organisation in accordance with the grounds of jurisdiction set out in Article 35, if the Contracting Party, where the proceedings are to be instituted, agrees.
4. The Contracting Parties shall incorporate into their national legislation provisions which ensure the observance of the general conditions provided for in Article
Article 20
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e) and, where appropriate, Article 2.2(b), infringements of the air navigation regulations committed in the airspace in which the Agency performs these tasks shall be recorded in reports by officers specifically authorised by the Agency for that purpose, without prejudice to the right under national law of officers of the Contracting Parties to report infringements of the same nature. The reports referred to above shall have the same effect in national courts as those drawn up by national officers qualified to report infringements of the same nature.
Article 21
1. The circulation of publications and other information material sent by or to the Organisation in connection with its official activities shall not be restricted in any way.
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2. For its official communications and the transfer of all its documents, the Organisation shall enjoy treatment no less favourable than that accorded by each Contracting Party to comparable international organisations.
Article 22
1. The Organisation shall be exonerated in the territories of the Contracting Parties from all duties, taxes and charges in respect of its creation, dissolution or liquidation.
2. It shall be exonerated from any duties, taxes and charges entailed by the acquisition of the immovable property required for the accomplishment of its task.
3. It shall be exonerated from all direct taxes applicable to it, as well as its property, assets and income.
4. It shall be exonerated from any indirect fiscal charges consequential on the issue of loans and incident upon the Organisation.
5. It shall be exonerated from any taxation of an exceptional or discriminating nature.
6. The exonerations provided for in this article shall not apply to taxes and charges collected as payment for general utilities.
Article 23
1. The Organisation shall be exonerated from all customs duties and taxes or charges of equivalent effect, other than charges in respect of services rendered, and shall be exempt from any import or export prohibition or restriction in respect of materials, equipment, supplies and other articles imported for the official use of the Organisation and destined for the buildings and installations of the Organisation or for its functioning.
2. The goods so imported may not be sold, loaned or transferred, either without payment or against payment, in the territory of the Contracting Party into which they have been introduced, except under the conditions fixed by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned.
3. Any control measures deemed to be expedient may be taken to ensure that the materials, equipment, supplies and other articles referred to in paragraph 1 and imported for consignment to the Organisation have been effectively delivered to that Organisation and are effectively used for its official buildings and installations or for its functioning.
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4. The Organisation shall be exonerated from all customs duties and exempt from any import or export prohibition or restriction in respect of the publications falling within the scope of Article 13 of the Statute annexed hereto.
Article 24
1. The Organisation may hold any currency and have accounts in any currency in so far as is necessary for the execution of the transactions required for its purpose.
2. The Contracting Parties undertake to give the Organisation the necessary authorisations for all the transfers of funds, in accordance with the conditions prescribed under national regulations and international agreements as applicable, entailed by the establishment and activity of the Organisation, including the issue and service of loans when the issue of those loans has been authorised by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned.
Article 25
1. The Agency may call upon the services of qualified persons who are nationals of the Contracting Parties.
2. The staff of the Organisation and members of their families forming part of their households, shall enjoy the exemption from measures restricting immigration and governing aliens’ registration generally accorded to staff members of comparable international organisations.
3. (a) The Contracting Parties, in time of international crisis, shall accord to the staff of the Organisation, and the members of their families forming part of their households, the same repatriation facilities as the staff of other international organisations.
(b) The provisions of (a) above shall not affect the staff’s obligations to the Organisation.
4. No exception may be made to the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article except for reasons of public policy, public safety or public health.
5. The staff of the Organisation>
(a) shall be granted exemption from customs duties and charges, other than those in respect of services rendered, in the case of the importation of their personal effects, movable property and other household effects which are not new, which they bring from abroad on first taking up residence in the territory in question, and in the case of the re-exportation of those same effects and movable property, when they relinquish their duties<
A 654
(b) may, on taking up their duties in the territory of any one of the
Contracting Parties, import their personal motor car temporarily with exemption from duty, and subsequently, but not later than on termination of their period of service, re-export that vehicle with exemption from duty, subject, however, in either event, to any conditions deemed to be necessary in each individual case by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned<
(c) shall enjoy inviolability for all their official papers and documents.
6. The Contracting Parties shall not be obliged to grant to their own nationals the facilities provided for in paragraph 5 (a) and (b) above.
7. In addition to the privileges, exemptions and facilities granted to the staff of the Organisation, the Director General of the Agency shall enjoy immunity from jurisdiction in respect of acts, including words spoken and written, done by him#her in the exercise of his#her functions< this immunity shall not apply in the case of a motor traffic offence or in the case of damage caused by a motor vehicle belonging to or driven by him#her.
8. The Governments concerned shall take all the necessary measures to ensure the unrestricted transfer of net salaries.
Article 26
Representatives of the Contracting Parties shall, while exercising their functions and in the course of their journeys to and from the place of meeting, enjoy inviolability for all their official papers and documents.
Article 27
By reason of its own social security scheme, the Organisation, the Director General and personnel of the Organisation, shall be exempt from all compulsory contributions to national social security bodies, without prejudice to arrangements between the Organisation and Contracting Parties existing at the entry into force of the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997.
Article 28
1. The contractual liability of the Organisation shall be governed by the law applicable to the contract concerned.
2. With regard to non-contractual liability, the Organisation shall make reparation for damage caused by the negligence of its organs, or of its servants in the scope of their employment, in so far as that damage can be attributed to them. The foregoing provision shall not preclude the right to other compensation under the national law of the Contracting Parties.
Article 29
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1. (a) The installations of the Organisation shall be inviolable. The property and assets of the Organisation shall be exempt from any measure of requisition, expropriation or confiscation.
(b) The archives of the Organisation and all official papers and documents belonging to it shall be inviolable, wherever located.
2. The property and assets of the Organisation may not be seized, nor may execution be levied upon them, except by a judicial decision. Such judicial decision shall not be made unless the Organisation has been given reasonable notice of the proceedings in question and has had an adequate opportunity to oppose the making of the decision. The installations of the Organisation shall not, however, be seized nor shall execution be levied upon them.
3. Nevertheless, in order to enable judicial inquiries to be carried out and to ensure the execution of judicial decisions in their respective territories, the competent authorities of the State in which the Organisation has its headquarters and of other States in which installations and archives of the Organisation are located shall, after having informed the Director General of the Agency, have access to such installations and archives.
Article 30
1. The Organisation shall collaborate at all times with the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties in order to facilitate the good administration of justice, to ensure the observance of police regulations and to prevent any abuse to which the privileges, immunities, exemptions or facilities specified in this Convention could give rise.
2. The Organisation shall facilitate, as far as possible, the execution of public works inside or in the vicinity of any immovable property allocated for its use in the territories of the Contracting Parties.
Article 31
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e) and, where appropriate, Article 2.2(b), international agreements and national regulations relating to the admission to, flight over and security of, the territory of the Contracting Parties concerned shall be binding on the Agency, which shall take all necessary measures to ensure the application of such agreements and regulations.
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Article 32
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e) and, where appropriate, Article 2.2(b), the Agency shall give to those Contracting Parties which so request all necessary information relating to the aircraft of which it has cognisance in the exercise of its functions related to the airspace of the Contracting Party concerned, in order that the Contracting Parties concerned may be able to verify that international agreements and national regulations are being applied.
Article 33
The Contracting Parties recognise that it is necessary for the Agency to achieve financial equilibrium and undertake to make available to it the appropriate financial resources, within the limits and conditions defined in the present Convention and the Statute of the Agency at Annex I.
Article 34
1. Any dispute arising between two or more Contracting Parties or between one or more Contracting Parties and the Organisation relating to the interpretation, application or performance of this Convention, including its existence, validity or termination, which cannot be settled within a period of six months by direct negotiation or by any other means, shall be referred to arbitration of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague in accordance with the Optional Rules for Arbitration of the said Court.
2. The number of arbitrators shall be three.
3. The place of arbitration shall be The Hague. The International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration shall serve as Registrar, and shall provide such administrative services as the Permanent Court of Arbitration shall direct.
4. The decisions of the Permanent Court of Arbitration shall be binding on the
Parties to the dispute.
Article 35
1. Without prejudice to the application of the provisions of Annex IV for the enforced recovery of route charges, the courts of the Contracting Parties shall have sole jurisdiction to hear disputes arising between the Organisation, represented by the Director General, and any natural person or corporate body, in connection with the application of acts of the Organisation.
2. Without prejudice to the application of the provisions of Annex IV for the enforced recovery of route charges, proceedings shall be instituted in the Contracting Party>
A 657 (a) where the defendant has his#her residence or registered office<
(b) where the defendant has a place of business, if neither his#her residence nor his#her registered office is situated in the territory of a Contracting Party<
(c) in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub-paragraphs
(a) and (b) above, where the defendant has assets<
(d) in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub-paragraphs
(a) to (c) above, where EUROCONTROL has its headquarters.
Article 36
1. The amendments made in conformity with the conditions prescribed in this Convention, to the Statute of the Agency set out in Annex I, and to Articles 16 et seq. of the provisions relating to the common route charges system set out in Annex IV, shall be valid and have effect in the territory of the Contracting Parties.
2. The tax provisions set out in Annex III and Articles 1 to 15 of the provisions relating to the common route charges system set out in Annex IV shall not be subject to amendment by the General Assembly.
3. Each Contracting Party shall be bound by Annex IV for a period of five years from the date on which this Convention enters into force. The five-year period shall be extended automatically for further five-year periods. A Contracting Party which has notified the General Assembly in writing, not less than two years before the expiry of the five-year period, that it does not consent to the extension of the period, shall cease to be bound by Annex IV at the expiry of this five-year period.
4. The rights and obligations of the withdrawing Contracting Party may be determined if necessary in a special agreement concluded between it and the Organisation.
This agreement will require to be approved by unanimity of the votes cast by the
General Assembly, with the withdrawing Contracting Party taking no part in the vote.
5. The Contracting Party which is no longer bound by Annex IV may at any time request the General Assembly in writing to be bound once more by Annex IV. The Contracting Party in question shall again be bound by Annex IV six months after the day on which the General Assembly accepts the said request by unanimity of the votes cast by the Contracting Parties participating in the common system. The Contracting Party concerned shall be bound by Annex IV for a period of five years from the day on which it became bound. This period shall be extended automatically subject to the same conditions as those set out in paragraph 3 above.
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Article 37
The Contracting Parties undertake to ensure to the Agency the application of current statutory provisions designed to safeguard the continuity of those general utilities required for the proper running of operational services.
Article 38
1. The Convention, as amended by the Protocol of 12 February 1981 and subsequently by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997, shall be extended for an indefinite period.
2. Once the Convention as thus extended has been in force for twenty years, any Contracting Party may terminate application, as far as it is concerned, of the Convention by giving written notification to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, which shall inform the Governments of the other Contracting States of such notification.
The decision to withdraw shall take effect at the end of the year following the year in which notification of withdrawal is given, provided that the special agreement provided for in paragraph 3 below has been concluded by that date. Failing this, the decision to withdraw shall take effect on the date laid down in the said special agreement.
3. The rights and obligations, in particular of a financial nature, of the withdrawing Contracting Party shall be determined in a special agreement concluded between it and the Organisation.
This agreement shall require to be approved by unanimity of the votes cast by the
General Assembly with the withdrawing Contracting Party taking no part in the vote.
4. The Organisation may be dissolved if the number of Contracting Parties is reduced to less than 50% of the Parties signatories to the aforesaid 1997 Protocol, subject to a decision of the General Assembly carried by unanimity of the votes cast.
5. If, in application of the above, the Organisation is dissolved, its legal personality and capacity, within the meaning of Article 4, shall continue to exist for the purposes of winding up the Organisation.
Article 39
1. The accession to the Convention, as amended by the Protocol of 12 February
1981 and by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997, of any State not signatory to the latter Protocol shall be subject to the agreement of the General Assembly expressed by unanimity of the votes cast.
A 659
2. The President of the General Assembly shall notify the non-signatory State of the decision to accept the accession.
3. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium which shall notify the Governments of the other signatory and acceding States.
4. Accession shall take effect from the first day of the second month following the deposit of the instrument of accession.
Article 40
1. The accession to the Convention, as amended by the Protocol of 12 February
1981 and by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997, shall be open to regional economic integration organisations on terms and conditions to be agreed between the Contracting Parties and those organisations, of which one or more signatory States are members, these terms and conditions to be contained in an additional Protocol to the Convention.
2. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Government of the
Kingdom of Belgium which shall notify the other Parties.
3. Accession of a regional economic integration organisation shall take effect from the first day of the second month following the deposit of the instrument of accession, provided that the additional Protocol referred to in paragraph 1 above has entered into force.
The present consolidated text of the enacting terms of the Convention and its Annexes are drawn up in the German, English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Spanish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Czech and Turkish languages. In accordance with the final provision of the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, the final provision of the Protocol of 12 February 1981 amending the aforesaid Convention as well as the final provision of the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997 consolidating the aforesaid Convention, as variously amended, the text in the French language shall prevail, in the event of any inconsistency between the texts.
1. The Agency shall be the organ responsible for achieving the objectives and performing the tasks laid down in the Convention or set by the General Assembly or
A 660
by the Council and their subsidiary bodies. It shall initiate and submit proposals to the relevant bodies related to the exercise of the various functions and the performance of the various tasks of these bodies as well as to other tasks delegated to the Organisation. It shall also provide support to the General Assembly and the Council and their subsidiary bodies in the execution of their supervisory functions.
2. In the performance of its tasks, the Agency may be assisted, where necessary, by civil and military experts appointed by States or by the service providers’ organisations concerned.
3. The Agency shall act as the focal point for intergovernmental co-operation and coordination in the field of air navigation. It shall submit proposals and provide the necessary support with a view to convergence towards, and implementation of, a uniform European air traffic management system.
4. In particular, it shall provide regulatory, information, support and advisory services to the Contracting Parties, and, on the basis of agreements pursuant to Article
2 of the Convention, to recognised international organisations and to non Contracting
5. In particular, the Agency shall>
(a) coordinate the implementation plans of the Contracting Parties to ensure convergence towards a uniform European air traffic management system<
(b) examine matters in the field of air navigation under study by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and other international organisations concerned with civil aviation and coordinate and submit amendments to ICAO documents<
(c) develop proposals for detailed planning for the harmonisation and integration of the air traffic services and systems, in particular the ground and airborne components of air navigation systems of the Contracting Parties, with a view to the establishment of a uniform European air traffic management system<
(d) develop proposals concerning the arrangements for the strategic planning and design of routes and supporting airspace structures, in coordination with civil and military experts appointed by States<
(e) develop proposals for the harmonisation of air traffic services regulations, develop coordinated or common policies to improve air traffic management at and around airports and support the improvement of efficiency and flexibility in the use of airspace between civil and military users<
(f) make proposals or play an advisory role in all aspects of policy and planning. Its scope is not limited to en-route air traffic management but enlarged
A 661
to cater for an integrated “gate-to-gate” approach to air traffic management. It is assisted by national experts in preparing these proposals<
(g) study and promote measures for improving cost-effectiveness and efficiency in the field of air navigation<
(h) develop common criteria, procedures and methods to ensure the highest efficiency and quality of air traffic management systems and air traffic services<
(i) coordinate Research, Development, Trials and Evaluation (RDTE) programmes of national air traffic management organisations, including the collection and dissemination of results<
(j) conduct common studies, tests and applied research as well as other technical developments<
(k) define, design, develop, validate and organise the implementation of a uniform system for European air traffic management under the aegis of the Council.
6. When the Agency provides air navigation services, its aim shall be> (a) to prevent collisions between aircraft<
(b) to ensure the orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic<
(c) to provide advice and information conducive to the safe and efficient conduct of flights<
(d) to notify appropriate organisations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organisations as required.
7. The Agency shall work in close collaboration with the users’ organisations in order to meet as efficiently and economically as possible the requirements of civil aviation. It shall work in close collaboration with the military authorities to meet, under the same conditions, the special requirements of military aviation.
8. For the accomplishment of its task, the Agency may, among other things, construct and operate the buildings and installations it requires. However, it shall call upon national technical services and make use of existing national installations whenever this is technically and economically justified, in order to avoid any duplication.
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Article 2
1. Subject to the powers conferred upon the General Assembly and the Council, the Agency shall be managed by a Director General who shall enjoy wide management independence with regard to the implementation, utilisation and efficient operation of the technical, financial and personnel resources placed at his disposal. To this end, he#she shall take the measures which he#she deems necessary in order to fulfil his#her obligations.
2. Nevertheless, the Director General shall, with a view to submission for approval by the Council in accordance with the provisions of the Convention>
(a) elaborate annual and five-year work programmes stating the impact on the trends in the costs and unit rates<
(b) draw up the five-year financial plan and the budget including the financial obligations, and, as provided for in Annex IV, the unit rates and tariffs<
(c) present an annual report to the Council on the activities and financial position of the Organisation<
(d) present the principles governing the general structure of the Agency, the details of this structure being the sole responsibility of the Director General.
3. Furthermore, the Director General shall>
(a) submit reports at regular intervals and seek instructions from the Council whenever there is a risk of the objectives not being achieved, of the deadlines or financial ceilings being exceeded, or in the event of major changes to programmes<
(b) negotiate the agreements referred to in Article 2 of the Convention, within the framework of the directives issued by the Council.
Article 3
The Director General shall draw up and submit for the Council’s approval, the
Contract Regulations relating to>
(a) the letting of contracts for the supply of goods and services to the
(b) the supply of goods and services by the Organisation< (c) the sale or disposal of surplus assets.
Article 4
A 663
The Director General shall draw up, and submit for the Council’s approval, the Financial Regulations, which shall determine, in particular, the conditions governing payment of national contributions, as well as the terms on which loans may be raised by the Agency, and will ensure proper financial management, including internal audit.
Article 5
1. Without prejudice to the right of the Contracting Parties to submit proposals, the Director General shall draw up and submit for the Council’s approval, the Agency’s Staff Regulations>
(a) they shall include, in particular, provisions relating to the nationality of personnel, selection and recruitment procedures and principles, salary scales, pensions, internal tax, disqualification for office, professional secrecy and continuity of the service<
(b) the Agency’s staff shall be recruited from among nationals of the Contracting Parties. Personnel from non-Contracting States may be employed pursuant to the agreements provided for in Article 2.3 of the Convention, or in exceptional cases by duly substantiated decision of the Director General.
2. The Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation shall have sole jurisdiction in disputes between the Organisation and the personnel of the Agency, to the exclusion of the jurisdiction of all other courts and tribunals, national or international.
Article 6
1. The Director General shall be appointed for a term of office of five years by the General Assembly by a majority of the votes cast, on condition that the said majority attains three-quarters of the weighted votes cast according to the weighting provided for in Article 11 of the Convention and at least three-quarters of the Contracting Parties casting a vote. His#her term of office may be renewed once in the same manner. The Statute of the Director General shall be approved by the Council.
2. The Director General shall represent the Organisation in legal proceedings and for all civil purposes.
3. Furthermore, in conformity with the policies adopted by the General Assembly and the Council, the Director General>
(a) may appoint the staff and may terminate their services in accordance with the Staff Regulations< appointments to Grade A1 and A2 functions for a
A 664
term of office of five years normally, renewable once, shall be subject to approval by the Council<
(b) may borrow money in accordance with the Financial Regulations and within the limits determined for that purpose by the Council<
(c) may enter into contracts in accordance with the Contract Regulations referred to in Article 3 and within the limits determined for that purpose by the Council<
(d) shall draw up and submit for the Council’s approval the Regulation on data protection provided for in Article 7.2(l) of the Convention<
(e) shall draw up and submit for the Council’s approval the rules and procedures applicable to standards, specifications and practices for air traffic management systems and services.
4. The Director General may discharge the aforesaid functions without prior reference to the Council, but he#she shall keep the Council informed of all measures taken in the exercise of the aforesaid powers.
5. The Council shall determine the conditions under which a substitute for the
Director General may be appointed should he#she be unable to perform his#her duties.
Article 7
1. The Budget shall be balanced as between receipts and expenditure. Estimates of all receipts and expenditure of the Agency shall be prepared for
each financial year.
2. The financial year shall begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.
3. The draft budget and draft five-year financial plan shall be submitted by the Director General for the approval of the Council not later than 31 October of the preceding year.
Article 8
1. The Organisation may borrow on the international financial markets in order to obtain the necessary resources for the accomplishment of its tasks.
2. The Organisation may issue loans on the financial markets of a Contracting Party in accordance with national law relating to internal loans, or, in the absence of such law, with the agreement of the Contracting Party.
A 665
3. The Financial Regulations shall determine the procedures by which the
Organisation raises and repays loans.
4. Each budget and each five-year financial plan shall specify the maximum amount which the Organisation may borrow during the years covered by that budget and the five-year financial plan.
5. In matters falling within the scope of this article, the Organisation shall act in agreement with the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties or with their banks of issue.
Article 9
The budget and the five-year financial plan may be revised during the financial year, if circumstances so require, in accordance with the requirements prescribed for their preparation and approval.
Article 10
1. The accounts of all the Agency budgetary receipts and expenditure, and the
Agency’s financial management, shall be audited annually by an Audit Board.
2. The Audit Board shall be assisted in its work by external consultant auditors. The outside firm of consultant auditors shall be appointed by the Council for a three- year term in accordance with Article 7.2(f) of the Convention.
3. The purpose of the audit carried out by the Audit Board, with the assistance of external consultant auditors, shall be to establish the regular nature of receipts and expenditure and to ensure sound financial management. The Audit Board shall submit to the Council at the close of each financial year a report incorporating the Agency’s comments. The Council may direct the Agency to take any appropriate measures recommended in the audit report, in pursuance of Article 7.2(a) of the Convention.
4. The Audit Board shall ensure that an appropriate internal control mechanism is put in place within the Agency, which is in line with sound corporate practice and management.
5. The Audit Board may review other financial issues relating to the Agency in line with its Terms of Reference.
Article 11
1. Administrative or technical inspections of the services of the Agency may be carried out, if so required by the Council, acting either on its own initiative or at the request of the Director General.
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2. Such inspections shall be made by officers of the administrations of the Contracting Parties, with external assistance if required. Each inspection committee shall consist of at least two persons of different nationalities and should include as far as possible a person who has taken part in a previous inspection.
Article 12
The Council shall determine the working languages of the Agency.
Article 13
The Agency shall issue the publications necessary for its operation.
Article 14
All draft amendments of the Statute shall be submitted for the approval of the
General Assembly pursuant to the provisions of Article 6.1(d) of the Convention.
FLIGHT INFORMATION REGIONS Federal Republic of Germany
Berlin Upper Flight Information Region Hannover Upper Flight Information Region Rhein Upper Flight Information Region Bremen Flight Information Region Düsseldorf Flight Information Region Frankfurt Flight Information Region München Flight Information Region
Berlin Flight Information Region

Republic of Austria

Wien Flight Information Region

Kingdom of Belgium - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Bruxelles Upper Flight Information Region
Bruxelles Flight Information Region

Republic of Bulgaria

Sofia Flight Information Region
Varna Flight Information Region
A 667

Republic of Cyprus

Nicosia Flight Information Region

Republic of Croatia

Zagreb Flight Information Region

Kingdom of Denmark

København Flight Information Region

Kingdom of Spain

Madrid Upper Flight Information Region Madrid Flight Information Region Barcelona Upper Flight Information Region Barcelona Flight Information Region
Islas Canarias Upper Flight Information Region
Islas Canarias Flight Information Region
A 668

French Republic - Principality of Monaco (*) France Upper Flight Information Region Paris Flight Information Region

Brest Flight Information Region Bordeaux Flight Information Region Marseille Flight Information Region (*) Reims Flight Information Region

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Scottish Upper Flight Information Region Scottish Flight Information Region London Upper Flight Information Region
London Flight Information Region

Hellenic Republic

Athinai Upper Flight Information Region
Athinai Flight Information Region

Republic of Hungary

Budapest Flight Information Region


Shannon Upper Flight Information Region
Shannon Flight Information Region
Shannon Oceanic Transition Area enclosed by the following co ordinates> 51° North 15° West, 51° North 8° West, 48° 30' North 8° West, 49° North 15° West, 51° North 15° West at and above FL55

Italian Republic

Milano Upper Flight Information Region Roma Upper Flight Information Region Brindisi Upper Flight Information Region Milano Flight Information Region
Roma Flight Information Region
Brindisi Flight Information Region
A 669

Republic of Malta

Malta Flight Information Region

Kingdom of Norway

Oslo Upper Flight Information Region Stavanger Upper Flight Information Region Trondheim Upper Flight Information Region Bodø Upper Flight Information Region
Oslo Flight Information Region Stavanger Flight Information Region Trondheim Flight Information Region Bodø Flight Information Region
Bodø Oceanic Flight Information Region

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Amsterdam Flight Information Region
A 670

Portuguese Republic

Lisboa Upper Flight Information Region
Lisboa Flight Information Region
Santa Maria Flight Information Region


Bucuresti Flight Information Region

Slovak Republic

Bratislava Flight Information Region

Republic of Slovenia

Ljubljana Flight Information Region

Kingdom of Sweden

Malmö Upper Flight Information Region Stockholm Upper Flight Information Region Sundsvall Upper Flight Information Region Malmö Flight Information Region
Stockholm Flight Information Region
Sundsvall Flight Information Region

Swiss Confederation

Switzerland Upper Flight Information Region
Switzerland Flight Information Region

Czech Republic

Praha Flight Information Region
A 671

Republic of Turkey

Ankara Flight Information Region
Istanbul Flight Information Region
1. Without prejudice to the exonerations provided for in Articles 22 and 23 of the Convention, when the Organisation in the exercise of its official activities makes substantial acquisitions of property or employs services of substantial value in respect of which indirect duties, taxes or charges (including such duties, taxes or charges levied on importation other than those referred to in Article 23.1 of the Convention) have been paid or are payable, the Governments of the Member States shall, whenever possible, take appropriate action to offset the effect on the Organisation of such duties, taxes or charges by means of an adjustment of the financial contributions to the Organisation or by means of remission or of reimbursement to the Organisation of the amount of the duties, taxes or charges.
2. With regard to payments by the Organisation to Member States in respect of capital investments made by those States, in so far as the cost thereof is to be refunded by the Organisation, the said States shall ensure that their statements of the amounts in question submitted to the Organisation do not include duties, taxes or charges from which the Organisation would have been exempt or which would be refunded to it or which would be the subject of an adjustment of the financial contributions to the Organisation if the Organisation had made those investments itself.
3. The provisions of this Article shall not apply in respect of duties, taxes or charges collected as payment for public utility services.
Article 2
Property acquired by the Organisation to which Article 1.1 applies may not be sold or otherwise disposed of except in accordance with conditions laid down by the Governments of the States concerned.
A 672
Article 3
1. The Director General of the Agency and the Staff members of the Organisation shall be subject to a tax for the benefit of the Organisation on salaries and emoluments paid by the Organisation in accordance with the rules and conditions determined by the General Assembly. Such salaries and emoluments shall be exempt from national income tax.
The Member States may, however, take into account salaries and emoluments exempted from national income tax when assessing the amount of the tax payable on other income of those in receipt of the said salaries and emoluments.
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to pensions and annuities paid by the Organisation.
3. The names, titles, addresses as well as remunerations and where appropriate pensions of employees and former employees to whom the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of the present article are applicable shall be communicated periodically to the Member States.
Article 4
For the purpose of this Annex, the Organisation shall act in concert with the relevant authorities of the Member States concerned.
Article 5
1. This Annex shall replace the Additional Protocol to the Convention signed at Brussels on 6 July 1970, as amended by the Protocol signed at Brussels on 21
November 1978, both in turn amended by Article XXXVIII of the Protocol signed at
Brussels on 12 February 1981 amending the Convention.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 above, obligations under Article 3 of the Additional Protocol of 6 July 1970 shall remain binding until the relevant claims and commitments have been fully discharged.
Article 1
The Contracting Parties agree to continue to administer a joint system for the establishment, billing and collection of route charges as a single charge per flight and to use for this purpose the services of EUROCONTROL.
Article 2
A 673
The Organisation shall establish, bill and collect the route charges levied on users of en route air navigation services on a proposal from the Contracting Parties participating in the common route charges system.
Article 3
In matters relating to route charges, the Council shall be the body responsible for determining the arrangements for giving effect to the General Assembly’s decisions in route charge matters and supervising the Agency’s tasks in this field.
The Council shall inter alia>
(a) prepare decisions for the General Assembly in route charge policy matters<
(b) determine the unit of account in which route charges are expressed< (c) determine, in accordance with decisions taken on the basis of Article
6.2 of the Convention, the conditions of application of the system, including the
conditions of payment, as well as the unit rates and tariffs and the period during which they are to apply<
(d) approve reports relating to EUROCONTROL route charges activities< (e) adopt the Financial Regulations applicable to the Route Charges System<
(f) approve the budgetary annexes relating to EUROCONTROL route charges activities.
Article 4
The route charges indicated on the bill issued by the Organisation shall constitute a single charge due in respect of each flight, which shall constitute a single claim by EUROCONTROL, payable at its Headquarters.
Article 5
1. The charge shall be payable by the person who was the operator of the aircraft at the time when the flight was performed. The charge shall attach as a lien to the aircraft which incurred the charge, irrespective of in whose hands it may be, if the law of the Contracting Party concerned so permits.
2. Where an ICAO designator or any other recognised designator is used in identification of the flight, EUROCONTROL may deem the operator to be the aircraft
A 674
operating agency to whom the ICAO designator was allocated or was in the process of allocation at the time of the flight or identified in the filed flight plan or identified by use of that ICAO or other recognised designator in communication with air traffic control or by any other means.
3. If the identity of the operator is not known, the owner of the aircraft shall be regarded as the operator unless he#she proves which other person was the operator.
4. The operator and the owner of the aircraft shall be jointly and severally liable to pay the charge, if the law of the Contracting Party concerned so permits.
Article 6
1. Where the amount due has not been paid, measures may be taken to enforce recovery, including detention and sale of aircraft, if the law of the Contracting Party where the aircraft has landed so permits.
2. Measures may also include, at EUROCONTROL’s request, the review by a Contracting Party or any competent body of the administrative authorisation connected with air transport or air traffic management issued to a person liable to pay the charge, if the relevant legislation so provides.
Article 7
1. Proceedings for recovery of the amount due shall be instituted either by EUROCONTROL or, at EUROCONTROL’s request, by a Contracting Party, or by any body authorised for that purpose by a Contracting Party.
2. Recovery shall be effected by judicial or administrative procedure.
3. Each Contracting Party shall inform EUROCONTROL of the procedures applied in that State and of the competent courts, tribunals or administrative authorities.
Article 8
Recovery proceedings shall be instituted in the territory of the Contracting Party> (a) where the debtor has his#her residence or registered office<
(b) where the debtor has a place of business, if neither his#her residence nor his#her registered office is situated in the territory of a Contracting Party<
(c) where, in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub- paragraphs (a) and (b) above, the debtor has assets<
A 675
(d) where EUROCONTROL has its headquarters, in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) above.
Article 9
1. The provisions of Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall not prevent any Contracting Party, or any body authorised by a Contracting Party, acting at the request of EUROCONTROL, from proceeding with the recovery of the amount due by the detention and sale of aircraft in accordance with the administrative or judicial procedure of the relevant Contracting Party.
2. The power so to detain and sell shall extend to the equipment, spare parts, fuel, stores and documents of the aircraft detained or sold.
3. The validity and effect of detention and sale shall be determined by the law of the Contracting Party where the detention has been effected.
Article 10
EUROCONTROL shall have the capacity to institute proceedings before the competent courts, tribunals and administrative authorities of States not parties to the Convention.
Article 11
The following decisions taken in a Contracting Party shall be recognised and enforced in the other Contracting Parties>
(a) final decisions of a court or tribunal<
(b) decisions of an administrative authority which have been subject to review by a court or tribunal, but are no longer so, either because the court or tribunal has dismissed the appeal by a final decision, or because the appeal has been withdrawn, or because the time for lodging the appeal has expired.
Article 12
The decisions referred to in Article 11 shall not be recognised or enforced in the following cases>
(a) if the court, tribunal or administrative authority of the Contracting Party of origin was not competent in accordance with Article 8<
(b) if the decision is contrary to public policy of the Contracting Party addressed<
A 676
(c) if the debtor did not receive notice of the decision of the administrative
authority or of the institution of the proceedings in sufficient time to enable him#her to defend the case or to appeal to a court or a tribunal<
(d) if proceedings relating to the same route charges have been previously instituted and are still pending before a court, tribunal or an administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed<
(e) if the decision is incompatible with a decision relating to the same route charges given in the Contracting Party addressed<
(f) if the court, tribunal or administrative authority of the Contracting Party of origin, in order to arrive at its decision, has decided a preliminary question concerning the status or legal capacity of natural persons, rights in property arising out of a matrimonial relationship, wills or succession in a way that conflicts with a rule of the private international law of the Contracting Party addressed, unless the same result would have been obtained by the application of the rules of private international law of that Contracting Party.
Article 13
The decisions referred to in Article 11, if enforceable in the Contracting Party of origin, shall be enforced in accordance with the law of the Contracting Party addressed. If necessary, an order of enforcement shall on request be issued by a court, tribunal or an administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed.
Article 14
1. The request shall be accompanied by> (a) a certified copy of the decision<
(b) in the case of a decision of a court or tribunal rendered by default, the original or a certified copy of a document establishing that notice of the institution of the proceedings was duly served on the debtor<
(c) in the case of an administrative decision, a document establishing that the requirements of Article 11 have been met<
(d) a document establishing that the decision is enforceable in the Contracting Party of origin and that the debtor has received notice of the decision in due time.
2. A duly certified translation of the documents shall be supplied if the court, tribunal or administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed so requires. No legalisation or similar formality shall be required.
Article 15
A 677
1. The request can be rejected only for one of the reasons set forth in Article 12. In no case may the decision be reviewed on its merits in the Contracting Party addressed.
2. The procedure for the recognition and enforcement of the decision shall be governed by the law of the Contracting Party addressed insofar as the Convention does not otherwise provide.
Article 16
The amount collected by EUROCONTROL shall be paid to the Contracting Parties in accordance with the decisions of the Council.
Article 17
Where the claim is recovered by a Contracting Party, the amount collected shall be paid without delay to EUROCONTROL, which shall proceed in accordance with Article 16. The recovery costs incurred by that Contracting Party shall be charged to EUROCONTROL.
Article 18
The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall co-operate with
EUROCONTROL in the establishment and collection of route charges.
Article 19
If the Council decides unanimously to abandon recovery of a charge, the Contracting Parties concerned may take whatever action they deem fit. In such a case, the provisions of the Convention relating to recovery and to recognition and enforcement of decisions shall cease to apply.
A 678

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar il-Kummer/ Bankarju, Kap. 371.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 7A ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar Dazju tas-Sisa, Kap. 382.

Taqsima XIV
75. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar il-Kummer/ Bankarju, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ “l-Att prin/ipali”.
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l- Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi jista’ b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta jistabbilixxi u dati differenti jistg[u ji;u hekk stabbiliti g[al disposizzjonijiet differenti u g[al g[anijiet differenti.
76. Fl-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali t-tifsira ta’ “flus elettroni/i”
g[andha ti;i sostitwita b’dan li ;ej>
“ “flus elettroni/i” tfisser il-valur monetarju kif rappre]entat minn talba fuq min jo[ro; dawk il-flus li jkunu>
(i) ma[]una fuq mezz elettroniku< u
(ii) ma[ru;a mar-ri/eviment ta’ fondi f’ammont li ma jkunx inqas fil-valur mill-valur monetarju ma[ru;< u
(iii) aççettati b[ala mezz ta’ [las minn impri]i li ma jkunux min jo[ro; il-flus<”.
77. L-artikolu 7A ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej> (a) fis-subartikolu (1) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “istituzzjoni
ta’ flus elettroni/i biex tifdi”, g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “min jo[ro;
il-flus biex jifdi”< u
(b) fis-subartikolu (2) tieg[u minflok il-kliem “L-istituzzjoni ta’ flus elettroni/i li to[ro;hom g[andha turi” g[andhom jid[lu l- kliem “Min jo[ro; il-flus g[andu jiddikjara”, u minflok il-kliem “g[all-fidi u” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “g[all-fidi fil-kuntratt bejn min jo[ro; il-flus u d-detentur, u”.
Taqsima XV
78. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar Dazju tas-Sisa, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ “l-Att prin/ipali”.
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l- Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi u servizzi ekonomi/i jista’ b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta jistabbilixxi.
79. L-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej> (a) minnufih wara t-tifsira ta’ “uffi/jal inkarigat” g[andha
tid[ol it-tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>
“ “uffi/jal tas-sisa” tfisser kull uffi/jal li jkollu awtorità legittima li jwettaq xi dmir jew xi funzjoni ta[t dan l-Att< ”< u
(b) it-tifsira ta’ “uffi/jal inkarigat” g[andha tit[assar.
80. Fl-Att prin/ipali u f’ kull regolament mag[mul ta[tu, minflok il-kliem “uffi/jal”, “uffi/jal tad-Dwana” jew “uffi/jal inkarigat” g[andhom jid[lu f’kull ka] il-kliem “uffi/jal tas-sisa” u minflok il-kliem “uffi/jali”, “uffi/jali tad-Dwana” jew “uffi/jali inkarigati” g[andhom jid[lu f’ kull ka] il-kliem “uffi/jali tas-sisa”.
81. L-artikoli 19 sa 21 ta’ Att prin/ipali g[andhom ji;u enumerati mill-;did b[ala l-artikoli 36 sa 38 rispettivament, u kull referenza g[al xi wie[ed mill-artikoli 19 sa 21 imsemmija jew g[al xi subartikolu tag[hom fl-Att prin/ipali jew f’kull li;i o[ra g[andha ti;i sostitwita bir-referenza g[all-istess artikolu jew subartikolu kif enumerat mill-;did b’dan l- artikolu.
82. Minflok l-artikolu 18 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andhom jid[lu l- artikoli ;odda 18 sa 35 li ;ejjin>
A 679

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ;enerali ta’

l-Att prin/ipali.

Enumerazzjoni mill-

;did ta’ l-artikoli

19 sa 21 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Sostituzzjoni ta’ l- artikolu 18 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali bl-artikoli

;odda 18 sa 35.

“Setg[at ta’ uffi/jali tas- sisa.

18. (1) Uffi/jal tas-sisa g[andu d-dritt li jwettaq spezzjonijiet, f’[inijiet ra;onevoli, f’kull ma[]en tas-sisa jew post fejn jin]ammu jew hemm suspett li jin]ammu o;;etti dazjabbli.
(2) Il-persuna li f’isimha l-ma[]en tas-sisa jkun re;istrat g[andha tag[ti lill-uffi/jali tas-sisa kull g[ajnuna neçessarja g[at-twettiq ta’ dmirijiethom.
(3) Persuna, li ma tkunx persuna li f’isimha l- ma[]en tas-sisa jkun re;istrat, li jkollha fil-pussess tag[ha kotba, dokumenti inklu]i materjal li jinqara biss bil-makni jew records o[ra jkollha bl-istess mod id-dmir li tipprodu/i dawk il-[wejje; lill-Kontrollur jew lil uffi/jal tas-sisa.
A 680

{ru; ta’ mandat ta’ tfittxija.

Setg[a li jitwaqqfu vetturi.

(4) Kull persuna li xjentement jew b’qerq tonqos milli tag[ti l-g[ajnuna tag[ha, jew xjentement tostakola, timpedixxi jew ittellef lil xi uffiçjal tas-sisa fit-twettiq tad- dmirijiet jew setg[at tieg[u ta[t dan l-Att jew ta’ regolamenti mag[mulin bis-sa[[a tieg[u, tkun [atja ta’ reat ta[t dan l- artikolu u tista’, meta tinstab [atja, te[el multa ta’ mhux i]jed minn [amest elef lira.
19. (1) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[ad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu ta’ qabel dan, l-Avukat :enerali jew ma;istrat jista’, jekk ikun sodisfatt permezz ta’ informazzjoni ma[lufa minn uffiçjal tas-sisa li hemm ra;unijiet xierqa biex wie[ed jissuspetta li –
(a) xi [wejje; li jistg[u ji;u konfiskati ta[t din il-li;i jew xi li;i o[ra li g[andha x’taqsam mas-sisa, jew
(b) xi records li g[andhom x’jaqsmu ma’ operazzjonijiet bi ksur ta’ din il-li;i jew xi li;i o[ra li g[andha x’taqsam ma’ dazju tas-sisa,
ikunu qed jin]ammu jew huma mo[bija fuq jew f’xi mkien, post jew vettura, jo[ro; mandat ta’ tfittxija.
(2) Mandat ta’ tfittxija ma[ru; ta[t dan l-artikolu jkun awtorità bi]]ejjed biex l-uffi/jal tas-sisa hemm imsemmi, wa[du jew akkompanjat minn uffi/jali tas-sisa o[ra jew dawk il-persuni l-o[ra li l-uffi/jal tas-sisa jqis me[tie;a, f’kull [in jew [inijiet fi ]mien xahar mill-[ru; tal-mandat, jid[ol (jekk ikun me[tie; bil-forza) fl-imkien jew post ie[or jew vettura imsemmija jew speçifikati fil-mandat biex ifittxu ;ewwa dak l-imkien jew post ie[or jew vettura, biex je]amina kull [a;a li tin]amm hemmhekk, biex jispezzjona kull record li jinstab hemm ;ew jew hemmhekk u, jekk hemm ra;unijiet xierqa biex wie[ed jissuspetta li xi o;;ett hemm misjub jista’ ji;i konfiskat ta[t dan l-Att jew xi li;i o[ra li g[andha x’taqsam ma’ dazju tas-sisa, jew li xi record misjub hemm jista’ jkun me[tie; b[ala xiehda f’xi pro/edimenti ta[t dan l-Att jew dik il-li;i l-o[ra, biex i]omm jew jaqbad l-o;;ett li jista’ ji;i konfiskat jew, fil-ka] ta’ record, li j]ommu g[al dak i]-]mien li jkun ra;onevolment me[tie; g[al dak il-g[an.
20. (1) Uffi/jal tas-sisa bl-uniformi jista’ jwaqqaf kull vettura biex -
(a) dak l-uffi/jal tas-sisa, jew xi uffi/jal tas-sisa li jakkompanja dak l-uffi/jal tas-sisa, jista’ je]er/ita xi setg[a mog[tija lilhom bl-artikolu 19 rigward o;;etti dazjabbli jew xi o;;etti o[ra li fuqhom jit[allas dazju

Setg[a li je]amina u jfittex

;ewwa vetturi u li ji;bor kampjuni.

tas-sisa ta[t xi li;i o[ra, fejn ikun hemm ra;unijiet xierqa biex wie[ed ja[seb li o;;etti b[al dawn qed ji;u trasportati fi jew fuq dik il-vettura, jew
(b) biex je]amina u jie[u kampjuni ta’ ]ejt minerali skond l-artikolu 21(1)(/).
(2) Kull persuna li jkollha ta[t il-kontroll tag[ha vettura miexja g[andha, fuq talba ta’ uffi/jal tas-sisa bl-uniformi jew uffi/jal tal-Pulizija, twaqqaf dik il-vettura.
(3) Kull persuna li tkun qed tie[u [sieb vettura g[andha, sew jekk dik il-vettura tkun twaqqfet minn uffiçjal tas-sisa ta[t dan l-artikolu jew l-artikolu 20(1), sew jekk tkun di;à wieqfa, fuq talba ta’ uffiçjal tas-sisa –
(a) i]]omm dik il-vettura wieqfa g[al dak i]-]mien li jista’ jkun ra;onevolment me[tie; biex uffiçjal tas-sisa jkun jista’ je]erçita xi setg[a mog[tija lil dak l-uffiçjal tas-sisa bl-artikolu 20(1), jew
(b) meta dik il-vettura tkun, fil-fehma ta’ dak l- uffiçjal tas-sisa, tinsab f’xi post li ma jkunx adatt g[all- e]erçizzju ta’ xi setg[a mog[tija lil dak l-uffiçjal bl-artikolu
20(1), tie[u dik il-vettura jew tara li din tittie[ed f’dak il- post fejn dak l-ufficjal jista’ jqis li jkun adatt g[all- e]erçizzju ta’ dik is-setg[a.
21. (1) Uffiçjal tas-sisa, wara li juri l-awtorizzazzjoni tieg[u b[ala tali uffiçjal, jekk huwa hekk jintalab jag[mel minn xi persuna interessata, jew kull uffiçjal li jkun qieg[ed ma’ dak l-uffiçjal, jista’ –
(a) je]amina l-vettura,
(b) iwettaq dik it-tfittxija fil-vettura li l-uffiçjal tas-sisa jidhirlu li tkun ne/essarja biex ji;i stabbilit jekk

(i) xi o;;ett fuq jew fil-vettura jew b’xi mod imwa[[al mal-vettura jista’ ji;i kkonfiskat ta[t dan l-Att jew xi li;i o[ra li g[andha x’taqsam mad-dazju tas-sisa, jew
(ii) xi o;;etti dazjabbli li jkunu qed ji;u trasportati fi jew fuq, jew b’xi mod ie[or huma
A 681
A 682
mwa[[la ma’, il-vettura jikkorrispondu f’kull partikolari materjali mad-deskrizzjoni ta’ xi o;;etti b[al dawn f’dokument imsemmi fil-paragrafu (d) (iii),
(/) jie[u kampjuni, ming[ajr ebda [las, ta’ kull o;;ett dazjabbli li jkun fi jew fuq, jew b’kull mod ie[or imwa[[al ma’, il-vettura, u
(d) jag[mel mistoqsijiet lill-persuna li jkollha l- kontroll tal-vettura rigward il-vettura jew kull [a;a fuq, jew b’xi mod ie[or imwa[[la ma’, il-vettura, u ;;ieg[el lil dik il-persuna -
(i) tag[ti, fi ]mien dak il-perjodu u f’dik il- forma u b’dak il-mod kif jistg[u ji;u spe/ifikati mill- uffi/jal tas-sisa, dik l-informazzjoni kollha rigward il-vettura li tista’ tkun ra;onevolment me[tie;a mill- uffi/jal tas-sisa u li tkun fil-pussess ta’ jew tista’ tinkiseb minn dik il-persuna,
(ii) fi ]mien dak il-perjodu u f’dik il-forma u b’dak il-mod kif jistg[u ji;u spe/ifikati mill-uffiçjal tas-sisa, biex tipprodu/i u tippermetti l-ispezzjon ta’, u li jittie[du kopji ta’, jew estratti minn, dawk ir- records kollha li g[andhom x’jaqsmu mal-vettura u kull o;;ett li qed ji;i trasportat, li jistg[u jkunu ra;onevolment me[tie;a minn dak l-uffi/jal tas-sisa u li jkunu fil-pussess jew jistg[u jinkisbu mill- persuna, u
(iii) tipprodu/i lill-uffi/jal tas-sisa kull dokument an/illari, dokument dwar id-dazju jew çertifikat ta’ e]enzjoni li huma relatati ma’ xi o;;ett so;;ett g[ad-dazju tas-sisa li jkunu qed ji;u trasportati fi jew fuq, jew b’xi mod ie[or imwa[[al ma’, il-vettura.
(2) Uffi/jal tas-sisa, meta jipprodu/i l-awtorizzazzjoni tieg[u, jekk ikun hekk mitlub jag[mel mill-persuna interessata, jista’ –
(a) je]amina u jie[u kampjuni ta’ kull ]ejt minerali f’kull tank ta]-]ejt jew b’mod ie[or pre]enti fuq jew f’xi vettura, jew f’xi [a;a mwa[[la ma’ xi vettura, biex jintu]a jew li jista’ jintu]a g[all-

D[ul u tfittxija f’imkien.

kombustjoni fil-makna tal-vettura, kemm jekk ikun hemm xi [add mal-vettura kemm jekk ma jkunx hemm,
(b) je]amina jew jispezzjona kull vettura jew kull [a;a mw[[ala ma’ kull vettura g[all-g[anijiet tal- paragrafu (a),
(c) jag[mel mistoqsijiet lil - (i) sid il-vettura,
(ii) kull persuna li f’dak il-[in tkun re;istrata b[ala sid il-vettura,
(iii) kull direttur, manager jew uffi/jal prinçipali ta’ dak is-sid fejn is-sid re;istrat mhux individwu wie[ed jew aktar, jew
(iv) il-persuna li jkollha l-kontroll ta’ xi vettura,
dwar dak i]-]ejt minerali, u je[tie; dak is-sid, dik il- persuna, dak id-direttur, manager jew uffi/jal prin/ipali ie[or biex jag[tu lil dak l-uffiçjal tas-sisa kull informazzjoni rigward dak i]-]ejt minerali li tista’ tkun ra;onevolment me[tie;a u li tkun fil-pussess ta’ jew tista’ tinkiseb minn dak is-sid, dik il-persuna, dak id-direttur, manager jew uffi/jal prin/ipali, kif ikun il-ka].
22. (1) Kull uffi/jal tas-sisa jista’, f’kull [in ra;onevoli, wara li juri l-awtorizzazzjoni tieg[u, jekk hekk mitlub mill-persuna interessata, jid[ol f’kull imkien jew post ie[or (barra minn dar ta’ abitazzjoni) li fihom ikunu –
(a) qed jitwettqu jew l-uffi/jal tas-sisa ra;onevolment ja[seb li qed jitwettqu l-produzzjoni, l- ippro/essar, i]-]amma, il-[a]na, l-importazzjoni, ix-xiri, l-ippakkjar, l-offerta g[all-bejg[, il-bejg[ jew disponiment ta’ o;;etti dazjabbli,
(b) qed jitwettqu jew l-uffi/jal tas-sisa ra;onevolment ja[seb li qed jitwettqu l-manifattura, id- distribuzzjoni, il-[a]na, it-tiswija, il-modifika, l- importazzjoni, in-negozjar jew id-disponiment ta’ vetturi bi propulsjoni mekkanika, jew
A 683
A 684
(/) qed jin]ammu jew l-uffi/jal tas-sisa ra;onevolment ja[seb li qed jin]ammu xi records li g[andhom x’jaqsmu ma’, jew li l-uffi/jal tas-sisa ra;onevolment ja[seb li g[andhom x’jaqsmu ma’ l- o;;etti jew l-attivitajiet imsemmija fil-paragrafi (a) u (b).
(2) Uffi/jal tas-sisa jista’, wara li juri l- awtorizzazzjoni tieg[u, jekk hekk mitlub mill-persuna interessata –
(a) jid[ol fi u jispezzjona kull imkien jew post ie[or (barra minn dar ta’ abitazzjoni) g[all-g[anijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu u j;ib f’dawk l-imkien kull vettura li tkun qed tintu]a fil-qadi tad-dmirijiet tieg[u jew tag[ha,
(b) jag[mel dik it-tfittxija jew investigazzjoni f’dawk l-imkien jew f’dak il-post kif dak l-uffi/jal tas- sisa jidhirlu li jkun xieraq.
(3) Uffi/jal tas-sisa li jkun fi jew fuq xi mkien jew post skond is-subartikolu (1) jista’ hemmhekk -
(a) jag[mel dik it-tfittxija jew investigazzjoni kif dak l-uffi/jal tas-sisa jidhirlu li jkun xieraq,
(b) iqis, u ming[ajr [las, jie[u kampjuni ta’ kull o;;ett dazjabbli u ta’ kull materjal, ingredjenti u sustanzi u]ati jew li x’aktarx jintu]aw fil-manifattura ta’ dak l- o;;ett,
(/) rigward xi records imsemmija fis-subartikolu
(1)(/) -
(i) ifittex g[al, jispezzjona u jie[u kopji ta’ jew estratti minn dawk ir-records (inklu]i, fil-ka] ta’ informazzjoni li ma tistax tinqara, kopja ta’, jew estratt minn, dik l-informazzjoni b’mod li tkun tista’ tinqara u tkun permanenti),
(ii) jie[u mieg[u u j]omm dawk ir-records g[al dak i]-]mien li jista’ jkun ra;onevolment me[tie; biex ji;u aktar e]aminati, u
(iii) je[tie; lil kull persuna tipprodu/i dawk ir-records li jkunu fil-pussess jew fil-kustodja ta’, jew jistg[u jinkisbu minn, dik il-persuna u fil-ka] ta’ informazzjoni li ma tistax tinqara, biex tipproduçiha f’forma li tista’ tinqara jew tikkonvertiha g[al forma li tista’ tinqara u tkun permanenti,
(d) jag[mel mistoqsijiet lil kull persuna pre]enti dwar –
A 685
(i) kull o;;ett imsemmi fis-subartikolu (1)(a) jew kull materjal, ingredjenti jew sustanzi o[ra u]ati jew li huma ma[suba biex jintu]aw fil-manifattura ta’ dak l-o;;ett,
(ii) kull vettura,
(iii) kull record imsemmi fis-subartikolu (1)(/), li jing[ata jew jinstab fi jew fuq dak l-imkien jew post, u dik il-persuna g[andha tag[ti lil dak l- uffiçjal tas-sisa kull informazzjoni me[tie;a minnha, liema informazzjoni tkun fil-pussess jew fil-kustodja ta’, jew tista’ ti;i miksuba minn, dik il-persuna.
(4) Uffi/jal tas-sisa fi jew fuq kull imkien jew post skond l-artikolu 21, jew kull persuna li takkompanja uffiçjal tas-sisa skond l-artikolu 20, jistg[u je[tie;u li kull persuna pre]enti tag[ti lill-uffi/jal tas-sisa jew lil dik il-persuna l-o[ra isimha u l-indirizz tag[ha.

Obbligu li ting[ata twe;iba g[al xi mistoqsijiet.

Setg[a li tin]amm persuna.

23. Uffiçjal tas-sisa jista’ jitlob lil xi persuna li dak l- uffiçjal ikollu tassew g[aliex ja[seb li tkun [atja ta’ reat ta[t is- subartikolu 16(1) jew l-artikolu 17 ta’ l-Att, li tag[ti lil dak l- uffiçjal –
(a) ismu jew isimha, indirizz u data tat-twelid,
(b) kull informazzjoni b[al dik dwar l-o;;etti dazjabbli in kwistjoni skond ma jista’ jkun ra;onevolment me[tie; minn dak l-uffiçjal tas-sisa li jkunu fil-pussess ta’ dik il-persuna jew miksubin minnha.
24. Meta uffiçjal tas-sisa jkollu ra;uni xierqa biex jissuspetta li persuna tkun qed tikkommetti reat skond l-artikolu
16(1) jew l-artikolu 17, allura dak l-uffi/jal jista’ j]omm dik il-
persuna ming[ajr mandat u kemm jista’ jkun prattikament possibli minnufih wara, u f’kull ka] mhux aktar tard minn sag[tejn wara dik i]-]amma, iqieg[ed dik il-persuna fil-kustodja ta’ uffi/jal tal-Puli]ija, f’liema ka] l-uffi/jal tal-Pulizija g[andu jew jirrilaxxa lil dik il-persuna jew iressaqha quddiem qorti u d-disposizzjonijiet tal-Kodi/i Kriminali dwar arrest g[andhom mutatis mutandis jg[oddu g[all-uffi/jal tas-sisa u g[all- uffiçjal tal-Pulizija.
A 686

}amma ta’ o;;etti u vetturi.

Qbid ta’ o;;etti jew vetturi.

Avvi] dwar qbid.

25. (1) Meta uffi/jal tas-sisa jew uffi/jal tal-Pulizija jkollu suspett ra;onevoli li xi o;;etti, li huma su;;etti g[al dazju tas-sisa jew xi o;;etti o[ra, jistg[u ji;u konfiskati skond dan l-Att, allura –
(a) dawk l-o;;etti dazjabbli kollha jew dawk l- o;;etti l-o[ra,
(b) kull [a;a o[ra li qed tintu]a fil-;arr ta’ dawk l- o;;etti jew o;;etti o[ra, u
(/) kull vettura li jinstabu dawk l-o;;etti jew o;;etti o[ra fiha jew fuqha jew imwa[[la mag[ha,
jistg[u jin]ammu minn dak l-uffi/jal tas-sisa jew minn dak l- uffi/jal tal-Pulizija sakemm isiru dawk l-e]amijiet, mistoqsijiet jew investigazzjonijiet li jistg[u jitqiesu ra;onevolment me[tie;a minn dak l-uffi/jal tas-sisa, jew minn uffi/jal tas- sisa ie[or jew mill-uffi/jal tal-Pulizija, sabiex ji;i stabbilit jekk dawk l-o;;etti, o;;etti o[ra, [a;a jew vettura jistg[ux ji;u konfiskati jew le.
(2) Meta tittie[ed de/i]joni kif imsemmi fis- subartikolu (1) dwar kull o;;ett, o;;et ie[or, [a;a jew vettura jew meta jg[addu tletin jum minn meta dawk l-o;;etti, o;;etti o[ra, [a;a jew vettura kienu ;ew mi]muma skond dak is- subartikolu, liema minnhom jkun l-aktar kmieni, dawk l-o;;etti, o;;etti o[ra, [a;a jew vettura g[andhom jinqabdu b[ala li jistg[u ji;u konfiskati ta[t dan l-Att, jew ji;u rilaxxati.
26. (1) Kull o;;ett jew vettura li jistg[u ji;u konfiskati ta[t dan l-Att jistg[u jinqabdu minn uffi/jal tas-sisa.
(2) Kull uffi/jal tal-Pulizija li jkun ]amm xi o;;etti jew vetturi li jistg[u ji;u konfiskati ta[t dan l-Att g[andu jikkonsenja dawk l-o;;etti jew vetturi lil uffi/jal tas-sisa kemm jista’ jkun malajr u f’kull ka] mhux aktar tard minn tmienja u erbg[in sieg[a wara dik i]-]amma.
27. (1) Bla [sara g[as-subartikolu (2), uffi/jal tas-sisa g[andu jag[ti avvi] dwar kull qbid u r-ra;unijiet dwaru lil kull persuna li, skond il-fehma ta’ l-uffi/jal, kienet fi]-]mien li sar il-qbid is-sid jew wie[ed mis-sidien ta’ l-o;;ett maqbud.
(2) Ma hemmx b]onn li jing[ata avvi] skond is- subartikolu (1) lil xi persuna jekk l-o;;etti jkunu n]ammu

Avvi] dwar rikors.

fil-pre]enza ta’ dik il-persuna, tal-persuna li tkun suspettata li kkommettiet r-reat li ta lok g[all-qbid jew fil-ka] ta’ o;;ett maqbud minn xi bastiment jew in;enji ta’ l-ajru, fil-pre]enza tal-kaptan ta’ dak il-bastiment jew kmandant ta’ dak l-in;enji ta’ l-ajru.
(3) L-avvi] skond is-subartikolu (1) g[andu jing[ata bil-miktub u l-avvi] g[andu jkollu mieg[u kopja ta’ l- artikolu 28 u jitqies li jkun ;ie debitament mog[ti lill-persuna interessata –
(a) jekk ji;i konsenjat lil dik il-persuna personalment, jew
(b) jekk ji;i indirizzat lil dik il-persuna u jit[alla jew jintbag[at bil-posta re;istrata lil dik il-persuna fl- indirizz ta’ l-abitazzjoni tag[ha jew dak l-a[[ar mag[ruf, jew l-indirizz tal-post tan-negozju ta’ dik il-persuna, jew fil-ka] ta’ korp mag[qud fl-uffiççju re;istrat jew uffiççju prin/ipali ta’ dak il-korp, jew
(/) jekk dik il-persuna ma jkollhiex indirizz mag[ruf f’Malta jew f’G[awdex, billi l-avvi] dwar dak il-qbid ji;i pubblikat fil-Gazzetta.
28. (1) Kull min jippretendi li xi o;;ett maqbud ma kellux ji;i maqbud (din il-persuna hi hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem f’dan l-artikolu u fl-artikolu 29 imsej[a “ir-rikorrent”) g[andu, fi ]mien tletin jum mid-data ta’ l-avvi] tal-qbid jew, fejn ma jkunx ing[ata avvi] lir-rikorrent, fi ]mien [amsa u tletin jum mid-data li fiha l-o;;ett kien mi]mum g[all-ewwel darba, jag[ti avvi] bil-miktub dwar dik it-talba lill-Kontrollur.
(2) Ir-rikorrent g[andu, fi ]mien tletin jum mid- data li fiha jkun ing[ata l-avvi], jibda pro/edimenti fil-qorti çivili kompetenti biex ji;i dikjarat li dawk l-o;;etti ma kellhomx jinqabdu, u fin-nuqqas ji;i meqjus li t-talba tkun
;iet de]erta.
(3) Avvi] skond is-subartikolu (1) g[andu jispeçifika l-isem u l-indirizz tar-rikorrent u, fil-ka] ta’ rikorrent li jkun barra minn Malta jew G[awdex, l-isem u l- indirizz ta’ persuna f’Malta li ;iet awtorizzata minnu biex ta;ixxi b[ala l-prokuratutr tieg[u u biex taççetta kull dokument li hu me[tie; li jintbag[at lir-rikorrent, u biex ta;ixxi f’isem ir-rikorrent.
A 687
A 688

Setg[a dwar x’g[andu jsir mill-o;;etti maqbuda.

29. (1) Il-Kontrollur jista’, fid-diskrezzjoni tieg[u, u jekk hekk ordnat bil-miktub mill-Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi g[andu, jrodd lura kull o;;ett maqbud ta[t l- Att.
(2) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[as-subartikolu (1), meta jkun debitament ing[ata avvi] dwar rikors rigward o;;ett maqbud skond l-artikolu 28, il-Kontrollur jista’ kif jidhirlu xieraq u minkejja li jkunu g[adhom g[addejja l-pro/edimenti li fihom qed ji;i kontestat dak il-qbid -
(a) jikkonsenja l-o;;ett lir-rikorrent wara li tit[allas lill-Kontrollur dik is-somma li l-Kontrollur jidhirlu xieraq, li tkun somma li ma tkunx i]jed mill- ammont li fl-opinjoni tal-Kontrollur jirrappre]enta l- valur ta’ l-o;;ett, inklu] kull dazju jew taxxa li jit[allsu fuq dak l-o;;ett u li ma jkunux g[adhom t[allsu, jew
(b) jekk l-o;;ett maqbud hu, fl-opinjoni tal- Kontrollur, tax-xorta ta’ o;;etti li jit[assru, ibig[ jew jeqred dak l-o;;ett.
(3) Jekk, meta xi [a;a ti;i konsenjata, mibjug[a jew meqruda skond dan l-artikolu, jinstab minn qorti fi proçedimenti ta[t l-artikolu 28 li l-o;;ett ma setax ji;i konfiskat fi]-]mien meta nqabad, il-Kontrollur g[andu, fuq talba, jag[ti lil dak ir-rikorrent -
(a) somma ugwali g[al kull ammont im[allas mir- rikorrent skond is-subartikolu (2),
(b) jekk ikun bieg[ l-o;;ett, somma ugwali g[ar- rikavat mill-bejg[, jew
(/) jekk ikun qered l-o;;ett, somma ugwali g[all- valur fis-suq ta’ l-o;;ett fi]-]mien meta kien ;ie maqbud, flimkien ma’ l-ispejje] ra;onevoli ta’ kull pro/ediment fil-qorti biex wie[ed jikkontesta l-qbid meta l-Kontrollur ikun ta’ l-opinjoni li t-talba kienet ;ustifikata.
(4) Jekk ir-rikorrent jaççetta dak l-ammont offert skond is-subartikolu (3), dak ir-rikorrent ma jkollux dritt g[al proçedimenti f’xi qorti dwar l-qbid, i]-]amma, il-bejg[ jew il-qerda ta’ l-o;;ett in kwistjoni.

Appelli lill- Kontrollur.

(5) L-o;;etti kollha maqbuda minn uffi/jal tas- sisa jew minn uffi/jal tal-Pulizija b[ala li jistg[u ji;u konfiskati g[andhom, wara li dak il-qbid isir finali jew g[ax ikun g[adda ]-]mien biex ji;i kontestat il-qbid jew g[ax il- kontestazzjoni kienet meg[luba, jew jinqerdu, jew jinbieg[u jew inkella xort’o[ra jitne[[ew skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 38.
(6) Minkejja kull disposizzjoni o[ra ta’ dan l-Att li g[andha x’taqsam ma’ o;;etti maqbuda b[ala li jistg[u ji;u konfiskati, kull uffi/jal tas-sisa li jaqbad, b[ala li jistg[u ji;u konfiskati, xi spirti jew xi lambiki, ;arar, tag[mir, xg[ir jew kull materjal ie[or g[all-manifattura, distillar jew preparazzjoni ta’ spirti jista’ fid-diskrezzjoni tieg[u jxerred, jkisser jew jeqred kull wie[ed minn dawk l-o;;etti.
30. (1) Kull persuna li, fl-opinjoni tal-Kontrollur, g[andha t[allas dazju tas-sisa u ti;i mitluba mill-Kontrollur biex t[allas dak id-dazju, tista’ tappella kontra d-de/i]joni tal- Kontrollur.
(2) Kull persuna li jidhrilha li hi intitolata g[al rifu]joni ta’ xi da]ju tas-sisa m[allas minnha tista’ tappella minn kull de/i]joni tal-Kontrollur li ti/[adlu dik ir-rifu]joni.
(3) Kull persuna li -
(a) ma ;ietx approvata mill-Kontrollur b[ala kustodju ta’ ma[]en awtorizzat skond ir-regolament 4 tar- Regolamenti dwar O;;etti Dazjabbli jew li ma ing[atatx l-approvazzjoni biex xi mkien jintu]a b[ala ma[]en tas- sisa skond l-artikolu 9, jew
(b) kellha dik l-approvazzjoni revokata, skond l- artikolu 11,
tista’ tappella lill-Kontrollur.
(4) Appell ta[t is-subartikoli (1), (2) jew (3) isir bil-miktub u g[andu jispe/ifika fid-dettal ir-ra;unijiet g[all- appell.
(5) G[andu ji;i ppre]entat appell mill-persuna interessata mal-Kontrollur fi ]mien xahrejn mid-data ta’ –
(a) il-[las tad-dazju tas-sisa,
A 689
A 690
(b) in-notifika mill-Kontrollur g[all-[las ta’
somma b[ala dazju tas-sisa,
(/) kull rifu]joni parzjali ta’ dazju tas-sisa,
(d) in-notifika mill-Kontrollur dwar rifjut ta’
rifu]joni ta’ dazju tas-sisa, jew
(e) in-notifika mill-Kontrollur dwar kull de/i]joni msemmija fis-subartikolu (3),
jew fi ]mien dak il-perjodu itwal kif il-Kontrollur jista’, f’ka]ijiet eççezzjonali, jippermetti.
(6) Appell ji;i de/i], su;;ett g[as-subartikolu (12), mill-Kontrollur fi ]mien tletin jum minn meta ji;i depo]itat g[and il-Kontrollur.
(7) Il-Kontrollur jista’ ja[tar uffi/jal tas-sisa wie[ed jew aktar minn wie[ed g[all-g[anijiet tat-twettiq tal- funzjonijiet tieg[u ta[t dan l-artikolu, i]da ma jistax hekk jin[atar xi uffi/jal biex jag[ti de/i]joni fuq appell dwar xi materja li dwarha l-uffi/jal tas-sisa stess ikun ta d-de/i]joni tieg[u.
(8) Il-Kontrollur g[andu bil-miktub jinnotifika lir- rikorrent bid-de/i]joni ta’ l-appell u r-ra;unijiet g[al dik id- de/i]joni.
(9) Meta l-Kontrollur fl-appell jidde/iedi li g[andha ting[ata rifu]joni, hu g[andu j[allas l-ammont, li kien t[allas
]ejjed, lir-rikorrent.
(10) Meta l-Kontrollur fl-appell jidde/iedi li jkun dovut dazju tas-sisa, dak ir-rikorrent g[andu j[allas is-somma hekk dovuta.
(11) G[all-g[anijiet li ting[ata de/i]joni f’appell, kull o;;ett jew vettura li g[andhom x’jaqsmu ma’ l-appell g[andhom jin;iebu g[all-ispezzjon tal-Kontrollur, jekk ikun hekk me[tie;.
(12) Meta appell ma ji;ix de/i] mill-Kontrollur fi]-
]mien imsemmi fis-subartikolu (6) il-Kontrollur jitqies li jkun
/a[ad l-appell.

Appell lill- Bord ta’ Appelli dwar Dazju tas- Sisa.

31. (1) Ming[ajr [sara g[al dak li hemm provdut g[alih fl-artikolu 32, jista’ jsir appell minn de/i]joni tal- Kontrollur ta[t l-artikolu 30 lill-Bord ta’ Appelli dwar Dazju tas-Sisa.
(2) Persuna li bi [siebha tappella skond dan l-artikolu kontra de/i]joni tal-Kontrollur g[andha -
(a) fi ]mien tletin jum min-notifika ta’ dik id- deçi]joni, jew
(b) fi ]mien tletin jum minn meta jiskadi t-terminu g[al dik id-de/i]joni,
skond liema minnhom ikun l-aktar kmieni, tag[tih avvi] dwar l-intenzjoni tag[ha.
(3) (a) Bla [sara g[all-paragrafu (/), meta avvi] jew xi dokument ie[or li hu me[tie; jew awtorizzat biex ji;i notifikat skond dan l-artikolu g[andu ji;i notifikat lil korp mag[qud, dak l-avvi] g[andu ji;i notifikat lis-segretarju jew uffi/jal ie[or tal-korp mag[qud.
(b) Avvi] jew dokument ie[or li hu me[tie; jew awtorizzat b’dan l-artikolu –
(i) li ji;i notifikat mill-Kontrollur jew mill-appellant jista’ jintbag[at bil-posta, u
(ii) fil-ka] ta’ avvi] jew dokument ie[or indirizzat lill-Kontrollur, dan g[andu ji;i indirizzat u mibg[ut lill- Kontrollur tad-Dwana, id-Dwana, il-Belt Valletta CMR
02, jew kull indirizz ie[or li jista’ ji;i stabbilit minn
]mien g[al ]mien mill-Ministru b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta.
(ç) Kull avvi] jew dokument ie[or li hu me[tie; jew awtorizzat li ji;i notifikat mill-Kontrollur lil appellant skond dan l-artikolu jista’ jintbag[at lill-avukat, uditur jew a;ent ie[or ta’ l-appellant u kull avvi] notifikat b’dan il-mod jitqies li ;ie notifikat lill-appellant sakemm l-appellant ma jippruvax g[as- sodisfazzjon tal-Bord, li hu jew hi kienu, qabel ma ;ie notifikat l-avvi] jew id-dokument, irtiraw l-awtorizzazzjoni ta’ dak l- avukat, uditur jew a;ent ie[or biex ja;ixxi f’isimhom.
(4) Xiehda prima facie ta’ kull avvi] mog[ti ta[t dan l-artikolu mill-Kontrollur jew minn uffi/jal tal-Kontrollur
A 691
A 692

Bord ta’ Appelli dwar Dazju tas- Sisa.

tista’ ting[ata f’kull pro/ediment billi uffi/jal tal-Kontrollur jipprodu/i dokument li jidher li hu kopja ta’ l-avvi] u ma jkunx me[tie; li ti;i ppruvata l-kariga uffi/jali tal-persuna li jidher li tkun [ar;et l-avvi] jew, jekk ikun iffirmat, tal-firma, jew li l-persuna li ffirmat u [ar;et l-avvi] kienet awtorizzata biex tag[mel hekk.
32. (1) G[andu jkun hemm Bord li jkun mag[ruf b[ala “il-Bord ta’ Appelli dwar Dazju tas-Sisa”, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ il-Bord, li jkun mag[mul minn tliet membri. Il-president ikun persuna b’esperjenza fil-qasam legali, ma[tur mill-Ministru, u mi]-]ew; membri l-o[ra tal- Bord wie[ed ikun persuna li, fl-opinjoni tal-Ministru, tista’ tirrappre]enta l-interessi tal-Gvern u l-ie[or persuna li fl- opinjoni tal-Ministru tista’ tirrappre]enta l-interessi ta’ l- importaturi, ma[tura mill-Ministru wara konsultazzjoni mar- rappre]entanti tan-negozju.
(2) Jekk xi wie[ed mill-membri tal-Bord ikollu interess personali dirett f’xi kwistjoni hu g[andu jiddikjara dan l-interess u g[andu jastjeni milli jittratta dwar dik il- kwistjoni, u dawk il-membri jistg[u ji;u riku]ati skond hekk.
(3) Il-Ministru jista’ ja[tar ukoll membri sostituti
(4) Il-Bord g[andu jag[ti attenzjoni xierqa minnufih g[al kull kwistjoni li g[andha x’taqsam mas-sisa li ti;i riferita lilu mill-Kontrollur skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 30(12).
(5) Il-Bord g[andu jirregola l-pro/edura tieg[u
(6) Ma jista’ jsir ebda appell lill-Bord meta s- somma in kwistjoni ma teççedix mija u [amsin lira.
(7) Wara li jikkonsidra l-kwistjoni riferita lilu, u kull sottomissjoni li tista’ tkun saret mill-Kontrollur u mill- appellant, il-Bord g[andu jidde/iedi jekk il-prin/ipji stabbiliti fl-artikolu 30 ;ewx segwiti mill-Kontrollur fl-istima mag[mula minnu.
(8) Meta l-Bord jidde/iedi li l-prin/ipji msemmija fis-subartikolu (7) ;ew segwiti, id-de/i]joni mog[tija mill- Kontrollur skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 30(6) g[andha ti;i konfermata< meta l-Bord jidde/iedi li l-prin/ipji msemmija ma ;ewx segwiti, il-Bord g[andu jirrakkomanda lill-Ministru biex jordna lill-Kontrollur biex jag[ti de/i]joni
;dida, liema rakkomandazzjoni g[andu jkun hemm fiha l- prinçipji li fl-opinjoni tal-Bord ma ;ewx osservati mill-
Kontrollur. Il-Ministru g[andu wara dan jirriferixxi l- kwistjoni lill-Kontrollur g[al de/i]joni ;dida, li mbag[ad tkun finali.
A 693
(9) Avvi] dwar id-de/i]joni u r-ra;unijiet g[aliha g[andu jing[ata bil-miktub lill-appellant, li g[andu wkoll ji;i informat dwar id-drittijiet tieg[u g[al appell ulterjuri.
(10) Xejn f’dan l-artikolu ma g[andu jitqies li jolqot xi dritt ta’ l-appellant li jikkontesta de/i]joni tal-Bord quddiem xi qorti kompetenti.

Garanzija g[al dazju kontestat.

Ma jistax jsir appell meta jkun hemm pro/edimenti kriminali pendenti.

Uffi/jali tas- sisa jistg[u jing[ataw setg[at tal- Pulizija E]ekuttiva.

33. Sakemm il-Bord ma jidde/idix mod ie[or g[ax l- g[oti tad-depo]itu jew l-g[oti ta’ dik il-garanzija jista’ jippre;udika d-dritt ta’ appell tar-rikorrent, meta appell li jkun sar skond l-artikolu 30 jew 32 dwar ammont ta’ dazju li persuna tintalab mill-Kontrollur biex t[allas, dak l-appell ma ji;ix de/i] mill-Kontrollur jew mill-Bord, kif ikun il-ka], sakemm l-ammont ta’ dazju ma ji;ix depo]itat g[and il- Kontrollur jew ma ting[atax garanzija adegwata floku fil- forma ta’ garanzija bankarja.
34. Meta jkun hemm pendenti pro/eduri kriminali kontra persuna dwar reat ta[t dan l-Att, li f’konnessjoni ma’ dak ir-reat ikun sar xi qbid ta[t dan l-Att, jew meta persuna ti;i informata li jkunu qeg[din ji;u kkontemplati pro/edimenti b[al dawk, allura ma jista’ jsir ebda appell ta[t l-artikoli 30 sa 32 sakemm ma tintemx il-prosekuzzjoni kriminali jew dik il-persuna ti;i informata li ma tkun se tinbeda ebda prosekuzzjoni kontra tag[ha, u t-termini msemmija f’dawk l- artikoli g[all-appell g[andhom ji;u sospi]i skond hekk.
35. (1) Il-President ta’ Malta jista’, b’avvi] pubblikat fil-Gazzetta, jawtorizza kull uffi/jal tas-sisa jew kull uffi/jal tad-dwana biex je]er/ita, f’dawk il-limiti li ji;u ordnati mill- President ta’ Malta f’avvi] pubblikat kif hawn qabel imsemmi,
A 694

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar il-Kumpanniji, Kap. 386.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 84 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

dawk il-funzjonijiet li huma b’xi li;i jew b’xi regolamenti mag[mulin ta[tha, vestiti fl-uffi/jali tal-Pulizija E]ekuttiva.
(2) Qabel ma uffi/jal b[al dan jew persuna b[al din je]er/itaw xi wa[da mill-funzjonijiet imsemmija fis- subartikolu (1), dak l-uffi/jal jew dik il-persuna g[andhom jie[du l-;uramenti li ;ejjin>
“Jien .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. na[lef#niddikjara solennement li nkun fidil u li n;ib tassew lealtà lill-poplu u lir-Repubblika ta’ Malta u lill-Kostituzzjoni tag[ha. (Hekk Alla jg[ini).”
“Jien .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. na[lef#niddikjara solennement li fi]-]mien li nkun fil-kariga (hawn da[[al l-isem tal-kariga) naqdi mill-a[jar li nista’ u li naf id- dmirijiet tal-Pulizija E]ekuttiva bil-fedeltà u skond il- li;i. (Hekk Alla jg[ini).”.”.
Taqsima XVI
83. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda l-Att dwar il-Kumpanniji, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it-Taqsima msejja[ “l-Att prinçipali”.
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att prinçipali, u g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l-Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi u affarijiet ekonomiçi jista’ b’avvi] fil- Gazzetta jistabbilixxi, u jistg[u ji;u stabbiliti dati differenti g[al disposizzjonijiet differenti u g[anijiet differenti ta’ din it-Taqsima.
84. L-artikolu 84 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>– (a) minflok il-paragrafu (b) tas-subartikolu (2) g[andu jid[ol
dan li ;ej>
“(b) barra minn hekk, il-memorandum tal-kumpannija g[andu jillimita l-g[an tal-kumpannija g[al xi wie[ed minn dawn li ;ejjin –
(i) l-investiment kollettiv tal-fondi tag[ha f’sigurtajiet u beni o[ra mobbli u immobbli, jew f’xi w[ud minnhom, bil-g[an li jinfirex ir-riskju ta’ investiment< u l-g[oti lill-azzjonisti tal-kumpannija l- benefiççju tar-ri]ultati ta’ l-amministrazzjoni tal-fondi tag[ha, u fit-twettiq ta’ dak l-g[an, g[andu jkollha d- dritt li tag[mel kull att li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ dan jew li hu ançillari g[alih< jew
(ii) li ta;ixxi u topera b[ala Fond g[al min Jirtira skond kif imfisser fl-artikoli 2 u 4 ta’ l-Att li jirregola Fondi Speçjali< u”< u
(b) minnufih wara s-subartikolu (10) tieg[u, g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“(11) Il-Ministru, f’konsultazzjoni mal-Ministru responsabbli ta[t l-Att li Jirregola Fondi Speçjali, filwaqt li ja;ixxi fuq il-parir ta’ l-Awtorità g[as-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta, jista’ jag[mel regolamenti biex mutatis mutandis japplika u jestendi d-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu g[al kumpanniji ta’ investiment b’kapital azzjonarju varjabbli stabbiliti bil-g[an li ja;ixxu u joperaw b[ala Fond g[al Min Jirtira skond kif imfisser fl-artikoli 2 u 4 ta’ l-Att li jirregola Fondi Speçjali< u bla [sara g[all-;eneralità ta’ dak hawn qabel imsemmi jista’, b’dawk ir-regolamenti jipprovdi dwar kull [a;a msemmija fis-subartikolu li ji;i minnufih qabel dan.”.
85. Minflok il-paragrafu (a) tas-subartikolu (6) ta’ l-artikolu 194 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“(a) in-negozju tal-kumpannija jikkonsisti jew –
(i) fl-investiment tal-fondi tag[ha prinçipalment f’sigurtajiet bil-g[an li jinxtered ir-riskju ta’ investiment u li jing[ata lill-membri tal-kumpannija l-benefiççju tar-ri]ultati ta’ l-amministrazzjoni tal-fondi tag[ha< jew
(ii) filli ta;ixxi u topera b[ala Fond g[al Min Jirtira skond kif imfisser fl-artikoli 2 u 4 ta’ l-Att li jirregola Fondi Speçjali<”.
A 695

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 194 ta’ l- Att prinçipali.

A 696

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 218 ta’ l- Att prinçipali.

Emendi fl-Att biex Jirregola

t-Telekomunikaz- zjoni, Kap. 399.

Tismija mill-;did tat-Taqsima 5 ta’ l- Att prin/ipali.

I]id l-artikolu 32A

;did ma’ l-Att prinçipali.

86. Fil-proviso mas-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 218 ta’ l-Att prinçipali minflok il-kliem “rikors skond il-paragrafu (a)” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “rikors skond il-paragrafi (b) jew (ç)”.
Taqsima XVII
87. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att biex Jirregola t-Telekomunikazzjoni, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ “l-Att prin/ipali”.
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l- Ministru responsabbli g[at-telekomunikazzjoni jista’ jistabbilixxi b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta.
88. Minflok it-titolu tat-Taqsima 5 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali, g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“5. Protezzjoni ta’ Servizzi ta’ Aççess Kondizzjonali u Iktar
Funzjonijiet ta’ l-Awtorità”.
89. Minnufih wara l-artikolu 32 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali, g[andu ji]died dan l-artikolu 32A ;did li ;ej>-

“{arsien legali ta’ servizzi bba]ati fuq aççess kondizzjonali jew li jikkonsistu fih.

32A. (1) F’dan l-artikolu>-
“aççess kondizzjonali” tfisser mi]uri jew arran;amenti tekniki/i li jkunu jippermettu li jsir aççess f’forma intelli;;ibbli, u so;;ett g[al awtorizzazzjoni individwali bil-quddiem, g[al xi wie[ed mis-servizzi li jikkostitwixxi servizz protett<
“apparat ta’ aççess kondizzjonali” tfisser kull tag[mir, software jew arran;ament iddisnjat jew adattat sabiex jag[ti a//ess f’forma intelli;;ibbli lil xi wie[ed mis-servizzi li jikkostitwixxu servizz protett<
“apparat mhux le/itu” tfisser kull tag[mir, software
jew arran;ament iddisinjat jew adattat sabiex jag[ti

Attijiet ta’ kontravvenzjoni li jikkostitwixxu reat


aççess f’forma intelli;;ibbli lil xi wie[ed mis-servizzi li jikkostitwixxu servizz protett ming[ajr l- awtorizzazzjoni tal provditur tas-servizz<
“servizz fi programm” tfisser dak kollu fil-kuntest ta’ servizz wie[ed ipprovdut minn xandar partikolari<
“servizz protett” tfisser xi jew kull wie[ed minn dawn is-servizzi li ;ejjin meta dan ji;i pprovdut bi [las u abba]i ta’ a//ess kondizzjonali>
(i) Servizzi ta’ programmi televi]ivi<
(ii) Servizzi ta’ xandir bir-radju inklu]i programmi tar-radju inti]i li jaslu g[and il-pubbliku, li ji;u trasmessi bil-fil jew ming[ajr fili, inklu]i dawk bis-satellita<
(iii) Servizzi ta’ so/jetà ta’ informazzjoni offruti b’mezzi elettroni/i, mill-bog[od u fuq talba individwali ta’ min jir/ievi s-servizzi
jew l-g[oti ta’ a//ess kondizzjonali g[as-servizzi ta’
hawn qabel li jitqies b[ala servizz fih innifsu<
“xandar” tfisser il-persuna naturali jew ;uridika li jkollha responsabbiltà editorjali g[all-komposizzjoni ta’ servizzi fi programm televi]iv li jaslu g[and il-pubbliku in ;enerali u li xxandarhom, jew tara li ji;u mxandra, s[a[ kif ikunu u mhux mittifsa, minn terzi.
(2) Kull min>
(a) jimmanifattura jew jipprodu/i apparat mhux le/itu g[al finijiet kummer/jali< jew
(b) jimporta apparat mhux le/itu ;ewwa Malta g[al finijiet kummer/jali< jew
(/) iqassam apparat mhux le/itu ;ewwa Malta jew minn Malta g[al finijiet kummer/jali< jew
A 697
A 698

Qirda ta’ apparat mhux le/itu.



(d) ibig[ jew jikri apparat mhux le/itu g[al finijiet kummer/jali< jew
(e) ikollu apparat mhux le/itu g[al finijiet kummer/jali< jew
(f) jinstalla, jag[mel manutenzjoni fuq, jew jirrimpjazza apparat mhux le/itu g[al finijiet kummerçjali< jew
(;) kummer/jalment jippromwovi, iqieg[ed fis- suq jew jirreklama apparat mhux le/itu,
jista’, meta jinsab [ati, je[el pri;unerija g[al ]mien mhux i]jed minn sena jew multa ta’ g[axart elef lira, jew dik il- multa u pri;unerija flimkien.
(3) Fi pro/edimenti li jkunu qeg[din isiru ta[t is- subartikolu (2) ta’ dan l-artikolu, il-Qorti g[andha tordna lill- Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jeqred o;;etti li ji;u stabbiliti b[ala apparat mhux le/itu ming[ajr ma jing[ata kumpens ta’ ebda xorta lil [add u, meta persuna tinsab [atja li tkun kisret id- disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (2) ta’ dan l-artikolu g[ar- rigward ta’ dawk l-o;;etti, g[as-spejje] ta’ dik il-persuna.
(4) Il-provditur ta’ servizz protett li jkollu l-interessi tieg[u milqutin minn xi att imsemmi fis-subartikolu (2) (a) sa (;) jkollu jedd kontra min jag[mel dak l-att u g[ar-rigward ta’ dak l-att>
(a) jibda azzjoni /ivili g[ad-danni, u
(b) jitlob il-[ru; ta’ mandat ta’ inibizzjoni sabiex jikseb protezzjoni provvi]orja ta’ l-interessi tieg[u, u
(/) jitlob li tin[are; ordni mill-Qorti kompetenti g[all-qirda jew, jekk ikun adatt, it-tne[[ija ta’ apparat mhux le/itu ’il barra minn kanali kummer/jali.”.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 40 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

90. Fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 40 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali, minflok il-kliem “ta[t l-artikolu 39(1)(d)” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “ta[t l-artikoli 32A u 39(1)(d)”.
Taqsima XVIII
91. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar id-Drittijiet ta’ l-Awtur, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it-Taqsima msejja[ “l-Att prin/ipali” .
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l- Ministru responsabbli g[all-protezzjoni tal-proprjetà intellettwali jista’ jistabbilixxi b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta u dati differenti jistg[u ji;u hekk stabbiliti g[al disposizzjonijiet differenti u g[anijiet differenti ta’ l- Att.
92. L-artiklu 2 ta’ l-Att prinipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>- (a) minnufih wara t-tifsira “topografija ta’ prodott minn
semikonduttur” ” g[andha tid[ol it-tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>-
“ “Unjoni Ewropea” tfisser l-Unjoni Ewropea msemmija fit-Trattat<” <
(b) minnufih wara t-tifsira “self” g[andha tid[ol it-tifsira
;dida li ;ejja>-
“ “Stat Membru” tfisser stat li hu membru ta’ l-Unjoni
Ewropea<” <
(/) minnufih wara t-tifsira “fissazzjoni” g[andhom ji]diedu t-tifsiriet li ;ejjin>-
“ “informazzjoni ta’ amministrazzjoni ta’ drittijiet” tfisser kull informazzjoni mog[tija minn detenturi ta’ drittijiet li tidentifika x-xog[ol u kull su;;ett ie[or imsemmi f’dan l- Att, l-awtur jew kull detentur ta’ drittijiet o[ra, jew informazzjoni dwar il-pattijiet u l-kondizzjonijiet kif g[andu jintu]a x-xog[ol jew su;;ett ie[or, u kull numru jew kodi/i li jirrappre]entaw informazzjoni<”
“it-Trattat” g[andha l-istess tifsir mog[ti lilha bl-Att ta’
l-2003 dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea<” < u
(d) minnufih wara t-tifsira “Ministru” g[andha ti]died din it-tifsira li ;ejja>
“ “mi]uri teknolo;i/i” tfisser kull teknolo;ija, apparat jew komponenti li, fil-kors normali tal-[idma tag[hom, tkun
A 699

Emendi ta’ l-Att dwar id-Drittijiet ta’ l-Awtur, Kap. 415.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 2 ta’l-Att prin/ipali.

A 700
iddisinjata biex tipprevjeni jew tirrestrin;i atti, dwar xog[lijiet jew su;;etti o[ra, li mhumiex awtorizzati minn detentur ta’ drittijiet ta’ l-awtur jew dritt vi/in jew drittijiet sui generis skond ma hemm provdut dwarhom b’dan l-Att. Mi]uri teknolo;i/i g[andhom jitqiesu b[ala “effettivi” meta l-u]u ta’ xog[ol protett jew su;;ett ie[or ikun ikkontrollat mid- detenturi ta’ drittijiet permezz ta’ l-applikazzjoni ta’ kontroll ta’ a//ess jew pro/ess ta’ protezzjoni, dawk l-encryption, scrambling jew trasformazzjoni o[ra tax-xog[ol jew su;;ett ie[or jew kopja ta’ mekkani]mu ta’ kontroll, li jiksbu l-objettiv ta’ protezzjoni<”.

Sostituzzjoni ta’ l- artikolu 7 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

93. Minflok l-artikolu 7 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu jid[ol dan li

“Xorta ta’ drittijiet ta’ l- awtur f’xog[ol awdjovi]iv, database, xog[ol litterarju, mu]ikali u artistiku.

7. (1) Id-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur f’xog[ol awdjovi]iv, database, xog[ol litterarju, mu]ikali jew artistiku jkunu d- dritt esklu]iv li jawtorizza jew jipprojbixxi l-g[emil f’Malta dwar il-materjal protett fit-totalità tieg[u jew f’parti sostanzjali minnu, sew fl-g[amla ori;inali tieg[u sew f’xi forma miksuba b’mod li jing[araf sew mill-ori;inali ta’ xi wie[ed minn dawn li ;ejjin>
(a) ir-riproduzzjoni diretta jew indiretta, temporanja jew permanenti b’kull mezz u f’kull g[amla, g[al kollox jew f’parti minnu<
(b) il-[las g[all-kiri u s-self< (/) id-distribuzzjoni<
(d) it-traduzzjoni f’ilsna o[ra inklu]i ilsna differenti li jintu]aw fil-computer<
(e) l-adattament, l-arran;ament u kull tibdil ie[or u r-riproduzzjoni, distribuzzjoni, komunikazzjoni, wiri jew esekuzzjoni quddiem il-pubbliku tar-ri]ultati ta’ dan<
(f) ix-xandir jew ix-xandir mill-;did jew il- komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku jew it-trasmissjoni mill-
;did bil-fil<
(;) il-wiri jew l-esekuzzjoni quddiem il-pubbliku> I]da wkoll il-jedd li ti;i awtorizzata jew projbita t-
trasmissjoni mill-;did bil-fil ta’ xandira televi]iva jista’ ji;i biss e]er/itat permezz ta’ collecting society.
(2) Id-dritt li ti;i awtorizzata jew projbita t- trasmissjoni mill-;did ma g[andux japplika meta t- trasmissjoni ssir f’Malta>
(a) jekk it-trasmissjoni mill-;did tkun skond u konformi ma’ [tie;a ta’ xandira li g[andha tabilfors issir skond l-artikolu 40 ta’ l-Att dwar ix-Xandir< u
(b) jekk u sal-limitu li t-trasmissjoni issir g[al riçezzjoni fl-area fejn it-trasmissjoni mill-;did bil-fil tista’ ti;i ri/evuta.
(3) Id-dritt ta’ awtorizzazzjoni jew projbizzjoni tat- trasmissjoni mill-;did bil-cable ta’ xandira televi]iva jkun biss e]erçitabbli permezz ta’ collecting society.”.
(4) Meta ji;ri dak li hemm provdut dwaru fis- subartikolu (2) meta d-detentur ta’ drittijiet ma jkunx ittrasferixxa t-tmexxija tad-drittijiet tieg[u lil collecting society, il-collecting society li tkun tmexxi d-drittijiet ta’ l- istess kategorija g[andha titqies li jkollha mandat li tmexxi d-drittijiet tag[ha. Dak id-detentur ta’ drittijiet g[andu jkollu l-istess drittijiet u obbligazzjonijiet li jirri]ultaw mill-ftehim bejn l-operatur bil-fil u l-collecting society li hekk titqies b[ala li g[andha mandat biex tmexxi d-drittijiet tieg[u b[ad- detenturi ta’ drittijiet li jkunu taw mandat lil dik il-collecting society u jistg[u jitolbu dawk id-drittijiet fi ]mien tliet snin mid-data tat-trasmissjoni mill-;did bil-fil li tinkludi x-xog[ol tieg[u jew xi su;;ett ie[or protett.
(5) Meta ma jsir ebda ftehim dwar l-awtorizzazzjoni tat-trasmissjoni mill-;did bil-fil ta’ xandira, kull parti tista’ titlob g[all-g[ajnuna ta’ xi medjatur wie[ed jew aktar ma[tura miç-chairman taç-?entru ta’ l-Arbitra;; g[al Malta kemm- il darba ma jkunx hemm ftehim xort’ o[ra mill-partijiet kollha. Il-[idma tal-medjaturi tkun li ti;i pprovduta g[ajnuna permezz ta’ negozjati. Huma jistg[u wkoll jag[mlu proposti lill- partijiet. Jitqies li l-partijiet kollha jkunu jaççettaw proposta kif imsemmi f’dan is-subartikolu jekk [add minnhom ma jesprimi ebda oppo]izzjoni fi ]mien tliet xhur. Avvi] tal- proposta u ta’ kull oppo]izzjoni g[aliha g[andu ji;i notifikat lill-partijiet konçernati b’att ;udizzjarju kemm-il darba l- partijiet ma jiftehmux xort’ o[ra. Il-medjaturi g[andhom ikunu hekk mag[]ulin li ma jkun hemm ebda dubju ra;onevoli kemm dwar l-indipendenza kemm l-imparzjalità tag[hom.”.
A 701

Kap. 350.

A 702

Sostituzjoni ta’ l- artikolu 8 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali

94. Minflok l-artikolu 8 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu jid[ol dan li

“Meta jintemmu d-drittijiet

ta’ distribuz- zjoni.

8. (1) L-ewwel bejg[ jew trasferiment ie[or ta’ proprjetà fis-suq tax-xog[ol ori;inali li jgawdi d-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur jew kopji tieg[u, meta dak il-bejg[ isir minn jew bil- kunsens tas-sid tad-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur innifsu, g[andu jtemm id-dritt ta’ distribuzzjoni esklu]iva dwar dak ix-xog[ol jew il-kopja tieg[u.
(2) G[all-finijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu “Suq” tfisser is- suq f’Malta u mill-1 ta’ Mejju 2004 l-Unjoni Ewropea.” .

Sostituzzjoni ta’ l- artikolu 9 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

95. Minflok l-artikolu 9 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali g[andu jid[ol dan li

“Restrizzjoni dwar

/erti xog[lijiet.

9. (1) Id-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur f’xog[ol awdjovi]iv, database, xog[ol letterarju [lief fil-ka] ta’ program tal- computer, xog[ol mu]ikali jew artistiku ma g[andux jinkludi d-dritt ta’ awtorizzazjoni jew projbizzjoni>-
(a) ta’ g[emejjel temporanji ta’ riproduzzjoni li jkunu transjenti jew in/identali li jiffurmaw parti /entrali u essenzjali ta’ pro/ess teknolo;iku u li l-g[an ewlieni tieg[u jkun li jiffa/ilita>
(i) trasmissjoni f’network bejn terzi minn intermedjarju, jew
(ii) u]u le;ittimu ie[or
li jsir xog[ol jew su;;ett ie[or, u li ma jkollhom ebda sinifikat ekonomiku indipendenti<
(b) ir-riproduzzjonijiet fuq il-karta jew xi mezz b[al dak, li jsiru billi tintu]a kull xorta ta’ teknika fotografika jew xi proçess ie[or li jkollu effetti simili, [lief g[al mu]ika fuq il-karta, sakemm id-detenturi ta’ drittijiet jirçievu kumpens xieraq<
(/) ir-riproduzzjonijiet fuq xi mezz li ssir minn persuna naturali g[all-u]u privat u g[al finijiet li la huma direttament u lanqas in-direttament kummerçjali, bil- kondizzjoni li d-detenturi ta’ drittijiet jirçievu kumpens xieraq li jqis l-applikazzjoni jew nuqqas ta’ applikazzjoni ta’ mi]uri teknolo;içi msemmija fis-subartikoli 42 (3) u (4) g[ax-xog[ol jew g[as-su;;ett inkwistjoni<
(d) attijiet speçifiçi tar-riproduzzjoni mag[mulin minn libreriji, stabbilimenti edukattivi jew mu]ewijiet aççessibbli pubblikament, jew minn arkivji, li ma je]istux g[al xi vanta;; ekonomiku jew kummerçjali dirett jew indirett<
(e) re;istrazzjonijiet qosra [afna ta’ xog[lijiet mag[mulin minn organizzazzjonijiet tax-xandir permezz tal-façilitajiet tag[hom infushom u g[ax-xandiriet tag[hom stess>
I]da wkoll ir-riproduzzjoni ta’ xog[ol mag[mul ta[t dan il-paragrafu jista’, jekk ikollu xorta ta’ dokumentarju eççezzjonali, jin]amm sigur fl-arkivji uffiçjali<
(f) ir-riproduzzjonijiet ta’ xandiriet li jsiru minn istituzzjonijiet uffiçjali li jkunu qed jitmexxew skond finijiet mhux kummerçjali, b[alma huma sptarijiet jew [absijiet, sakemm id-detenturi ta’ drittijiet jirçievu kumpens xieraq<
(;) it-twettiq, daqq jew wiri ta’ xog[ol f’post fejn ma jit[allas ebda dritt ta’ d[ul g[al dan l-att minn xi club li l-iskop tieg[u ma jkunx li jag[mel qlig[<
([) ir-riproduzzjoni, traduzzjoni, distribuzzjoni jew komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku ta’ xog[ol g[all-g[an ewlieni li ssir illustrazzjoni biss g[al tag[lim jew riçerka xjentifika sal-limitu ;ustifikat biex jintla[aq l-iskop mhux kummerçjali, u sakemm l-ori;ini, iklu] l-isem ta’ l-awtur ikun indikat, sakemm dan ma jkunx impossibli<
(i) ir-riproduzzjoni, traduzzjoni, distribuzzjoni jew komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku ta’ xog[ol g[all- benefiççju ta’ nies b’di]abilità, li jkun relatat direttament mad-di]abilità u ta’ natura mhux kummerçjali, sal-limitu me[tie; bid-di]abilità speçifika<
(j) ir-riproduzzjoni mill-istampa, traduzzjoni, distribuzzjoni, komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku ta’ artikoli pubblikati fuq topiçi ekonomiçi, politiçi jew reli;ju]i kurrenti jew su;;ett ie[or ta’ l-istess xorta, f’ka]ijiet fejn dak l-u]u ma jkunx espressament ri]ervat, u sakemm l- ori;ini, mag[dud l-isem ta’ l-awtur, ikun indikat jew u]u ta’ xog[lijiet jew su;;ett ie[or dwar ir-rappurta;; ta’
;rajjiet kurrenti, sal-limitu ;ustifikat bl-iskop ta’
A 703
A 704
informazzjoni u sakemm l-ori;ini, mag[dud l-isem ta’
l-awtur ikun indikat, sakemm dan ma jkunx impossibli<
(k) ir-riproduzzjoni, traduzzjoni, distribuzzjoni jew komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku ta’ kwotazzjonijiet g[al skopijiet b[al kritika jew rivista, sakemm jirreferu g[al xog[ol jew su;;ett li jkun di;a tqeg[id g[ad- dispo]izzjoni tal-pubbliku b’mod le;ittimu, sakemm, ma jkunx impossibli, l-ori;ini, mag[dud l-isem ta’ l-awtur, ikun indikat u li l-u]u tag[hom ikun skond prattika xierqa, u sal-limitu me[tie; bl-g[anijiet speçifiçi<
(l) ir-riproduzzjoni, traduzzjoni, distribuzzjoni jew komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku ta’ xog[ol g[all-finijiet ta’ sigurtà pubblika jew sabiex ji;i ]gurat il- funzjonament jew rappurta;; xieraq ta’ proçedimenti amministrattivi, parlamentari jew ;udizzjarji<
(m) ir-riproduzzjoni, traduzzjoni, distribuzzjoni jew komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku ta’ ta[didiet politiçi kif ukoll ta’ estratti ta’ lectures pubbliçi jew ta’ xog[lijiet jew su;;etti b[al dawk sal-limitu ;ustifikat b’g[anijiet ta’ informazzjoni u sakemm l-ori;ini, inklu] isem l- awtur, ikun indikat, sakemm ma jkunx responsabbli<
(n) ir-riproduzzjoni, traduzzjoni, distribuzzjoni jew komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku ta’ xi xog[ol g[all- u]u waqt çelebrazzjonijiet reli;ju]i jew çelebrazzjonijiet uffiçjali organizzati minn xi awtorità pubblika<
(o) il-qari jew reçitazzjoni fil-pubbliku minn persuna ta’ xi estratt ra;onevoli minn xog[ol letterarju pubblikat jekk ikollu mieg[u rikonoxximent bi]]ejjed<
(p) l-inklu]joni f’komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku, ir-riproduzzjoni grafika, it-te[id ta’ ritratt jew film ta’ xog[ol ta’ arkitettura jew skultura jew xog[lijiet simili mag[mula biex ikunu lokalizzati b’mod permanenti f’post pubbliku<
(q) l-inklu]joni inçidentali ta’ xog[ol jew su;;ett ie[or b’materjal ie[or<
(r) ir-riproduzzjoni, distribuzzjoni jew komunikazzjoni pubblika ta’ xi xog[ol g[all-fini ta’ reklamar, esibizzjoni pubblika jew il-bejg[ ta’ xog[lijiet
artistiçi, sal-limitu me[tie; biex i;ib ’il quddiem il-;rajja, esklu] kull u]u kummerçjali ie[or<
(s) ir-riproduzzjoni jew kommunikazzjoni lill- pubbliku ta’ xi xog[ol b[ala karikatura, pastiche jew parodija<
(t) ir-riproduzzjoni, traduzzjoni, distribuzzjoni jew komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku ta’ xi xog[ol li jkollu x’jaqsam mal-wiri jew it-tiswija ta’ tag[mir<
(u) ir-riproduzzjoni, distribuzzjoni jew il- komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku ta’ xog[ol artistiku fl- g[amla ta’ xi bini jew tpin;ija jew pjanta ta’ bini g[all- finijiet li dak il-bini jer;a’ jinbena mill-;did<
(v) il-komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku, g[all-fini ta’ riçerka jew ta’ studju privat, lill-membri individwali tal- pubbliku permezz ta’ terminali dedikati fil-fond ta’ stabbilimenti msemmija fis-subartikolu (d) hawn qabel ta’ xog[lijiet u su;;etti o[ra, li ma jkunux so;;etti g[al patti ta’ xiri jew ta’ liçenzar, li jkunu jinsabu fil- kollezzjonijiet tag[hom<
(w) fil-ka] ta’ database, l-g[emil ta’ dawk l-atti li normalment ikunu me[tie;a sabiex min ikun qed ju]ah bil-liçenza jikseb aççess g[all-kontenut tad-database u l-u]u normali tag[ha, dwar id-database kollha jew parti minnha li minn ju]aha jkolli l-liçnza biex ju]a< u kull dispo]izzjoni kuntrattwali li tmur kontra dak li hu preskitt f’dan il-paragrafu jkunu nulli u bla effett.
(2) Id-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur dwar programm tal- computer ma g[andux jinkludi d-dritt ta’ l-awtorizzazzjoni jew projbizzjoni dwar>
(a) l-osservazzjoni, l-istadju jew l-ittestjar tal- funzjonament tal-programm mill-utent li jkollu liçenza sabiex jistabbilixxi l-ideat u l-prinçipji li jkun l-ba]i ta’ kull element tal-programm jekk dan isir fil-waqt li jkunu qeg[din jitwettqu xi attijiet ta’ loading, wiri, t[addim, trasmissjoni jew []in tal-programm li jkollu jedd jag[mel<
(b) ir-riproduzzjoni mill-utent li jkollu liçenza g[al dak l-iskop tal-code u tat-traduzzjoni tal-forma meta
A 705
A 706
din hija tieg[u li jkunu indispensabbli biex jinkiseb it- tag[rif me[tie; biex tintla[aq l-interoperabilità ta’ programm g[all-computer li jkun ;ie ori;inat indipendentement ma’ programmi o[ra, sakemm dawn l-attijiet jin]ammu biss g[all-partijiet tal-programm ori;inali li huma me[tie;a biex tinkiseb l-interoperabilità u t-tag[rif me[tie; biex tinkiseb l-interoperabilità ma kienx qabel disponibbli bla ebda xkiel lill-utent li jkollu liçenza g[al dak l-iskop>
I]da kull tag[rif li jinkiseb mir-riproduzzjoni tal- code u t-traduzzjoni tal-forma ta’ programm g[all- computer li jsir ta[t dan il-paragrafu ma g[andhomx>
(i) jintu]aw g[al skopijiet li ma jkunux dawk li tinkiseb l-interoperabilità tal-programm g[all- computer li jkun ;ie ori;inat indipendement<
(ii) jing[ataw lil persuni o[ra [lief meta dan ikun me[tie; g[all-interoperabilità tal-programm g[all- computer li jkun ;ie ori;inat indipendentement<
(iii) jintu]aw g[all-i]vilupp, produzzjoni jew marketing ta’ programm g[all-computer li jkun sostanzjalment simili fl-espressjoni tieg[u g[all- programm ori;inali, jew g[al kull att ie[or li jkun jikser id-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur<
(ç) l-g[emil ta’ xi kopja jew ta’ back-up copy, it- traduzzjoni, adattament, arran;ament u kull alterazzjoni o[ra ta’ programm g[all-computer u r-riproduzzjoni tar- ri]ultati ta’ dan, sakemm dan ikun me[tie; g[all-utent li jkollu liçenza g[al dak l-iskop tieg[u inti], inklu]a t- tiswija ta’ ]balji, u d-dritt ta’ l-utent li jkollu liçenza g[al dak l-iskop li jag[mel back-up copy ta’ programm g[all- computer ma jistax ikun ristrett jew esklu] permezz ta’ kuntratt sakemm dan ikun me[tie; g[all-u]u ta’ dak il- programm g[all-computer.
(3) L-eççezzjonijiet u l-limitazzjonijiet li hemm provdut dwarhom f’dan l-artikolu g[andhom ji;u biss applikati f’dawk il-ka]ijiet partikolari li ma jmorrux kuntrarju ma’ l-esplojtazzjoni normali tax-xog[ol jew su;;ett ie[or u li ma jippre;udikawx b’mod mhux ra;onevoli l-interessi le;ittimi tad-detentur ta’ drittijiet.”.
96. Minflok l-artikolu 20 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu jid[ol dan li
A 707

Sostituzzjoni ta’

l-artikolu 20 ta’

l-Att prinçipali.

“Meta jintemmu d- drittijiet



20. (1) Id-dritt ta’ distribuzzjoni g[ar-rigward ta’ kif ji;u ffissati l-wirjiet, re;istrazzjonijiet bil-[oss, l-ori;inali u l-kopji ta’ xog[lijiet awdjovi]iv u kif ji;u ffissati x-xandiriet mog[tija bl-artikoli preçedenti ta’ dan l-Att lil esekuturi, produtturi ta’ re;istrazzjonijiet bil-[oss, produtturi ta’ l-ewwel produzzjonijiet ta’ xog[lijiet awdjovi]ivi u organizzazzjonijiet tax-xandir rispettivament g[andhom jintemmu bl-ewwel bejg[ jew trasferiment tal-proprjetà fis-suq ta’ l-ori;inali jew kopji ta’ dawk ix-xog[lijiet g[ar-rigward ta’ dak l-ori;inali jew kopja ori;inali, meta dak il-bejg[ isir mill-proprjetarju tad-dritt viçin jew bil-kunsens tieg[u.
(2) G[all-finijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu “suq” tfisser is-suq f’Malta u mill-1 ta’ Mejju 2004 is-suq f’kull Stat Membru ie[or.” .
97. Minflok l-artikolu 21 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu jid[ol dan li

Sostituzzjoni ta’

l-artikolu 21

ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

“E//ezzjonijiet g[al drittijiet

21. Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 9 g[andhom


mutatis mutandis japplikaw skond ma japplikaw g[ad-drittijiet

viçini mog[tija b’dan l-Att b’dak il-mod b[alma japplikaw g[al drittijiet ta’ l-awtur f’xog[ol litterarju, mu]ikali jew artistiku jew awdjovi]iv, jew database.”.
98. Minflok l-artikolu 42 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu jid[ol dan li

Sostituzzjoni ta’ l- artikolu

42 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

“Attijiet li

jikkontra- vjenu.

42. (1) Ikun hemm kontravvenzjoni ta’ drittijiet ta’
l-awtur, drittijiet viçini u drittijiet sui generis meta>
(a) persuna tag[mel jew i;;ieg[el lil xi persuna o[ra tag[mel, ming[ajr liçenza ming[and il-proprjetarju jew id-detentur tag[ha, xi att li l-g[emil tieg[u huwa kkontrollat bid-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur, drittijiet viçin jew drittijiet sui generis<
(b) persuna li, ming[ajr ma jkollha l-liçenza tal- proprjetarju tad-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur jew ta’ detentur ta’ dritt, jimporta ;ewwa Malta xort’o[ra milli g[al xi u]u privat u domestiku, jew jiddistribwixxi f’Malta b’mod kummerçjali, ta’ kiri jew xort’o[ra jew permezz ta’ esibiti kummerçjali fil-pubbliku jew ikollu fil-pussess tieg[u jew jimmanifattura filwaqt li jkun qed jikkummerça jew
A 708
joffri jew jesponi g[all-bejg’jew jikri xi artikolu li dwaru jkun hemm kontravvenzjoni ta’ drittijiet ta’ l-awtur, drittijiet viçini jew sui generis ta[t il-paragrafu preçedenti<
(/) persuna li, ming[ajr il-liçenza tal-proprjetaru tad-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur jew tad-detentur ta’ drittijiet tag[mel xi [a;a li tqarraq b’mi]uri teknolo;içi effettivi, li l-persuna inkwistjoni tag[mel xjentement, jew ikun hemm tassew g[aliex jidher li tkun xjenti, li hija tkun qed tfittex li tikseb dak l-g[an<
(d) persuna li, ming[ajr il-liçenza tal-proprjetaru tad-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur jew tad-detentur ta’ drittijiet timmanifattura, timporta, tiddistribwixxi, tbieg[, tikri, tirreklama g[all-bejg[ jew g[all-kiri, jew ikollha g[al g[anijiet kummerçjali, apparat, prodotti jew komponenti li>
(i) jkollhom il-fini ta’ ingann, jew
(ii) jkollhom biss fini jew u]u sinifikattiv kummerçjalment limitat li ma jkunx dak ta’ ingann, jew
(iii) ikunu primarjament ddisinjati, prodotti, adatti jew esegwiti bil-g[an li jkun jista’ jsir jew ji;i façilitat l-ingann,
ta’ xi mi]uri teknolo;içi effettivi<
(e) persuna li, ming[ajr ma jkollha l-liçenza ta’ proprjetarju ta’ drittijiet ta’ l-awtur jew ta’ detentur ta’ drittijiet tipprovdi, tippromwovi, tirreklama jew toffri fis-suq xi servizz li jkollu l-fini ta’ ingann f’mi]uri teknolo;içi effettivi<
(f) persuna li, ming[ajr il-liçenza tal-proprjetarju tad-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur jew ta’ detentur ta’ dritt, xjentement jag[mel xi att minn dawn li ;ejjin>
(i) it-tne[[ija jew it-tibdil ta’ xi informazzjoni elettronika ta’ amministrazzjoni ta’ drittijiet<
(ii) id-distribuzzjoni, l-importazzjoni g[ad- distribuzzjoni, ix-xandir, komunikazzjoni jew li jintg[amlu disponibbli g[all-pubbliku xog[lijiet jew su;;etti o[ra protetti ta[t dan l-Att li minnhom tkun tne[[iet jew inbidlet ming[ajr ebda awtorità informazzjoni elettronika ta’ amministrazzjoni ta’ drittijiet,
jekk dik il-persuna tkun taf, jew ikollha tassew g[aliex tkun taf, li b’dak l-g[emil ikun qed i;ieg[el, jag[ti s- setg[a, jiffaçilita jew ja[bi xi kontravvenzjoni ta’ drittijiet ta’ l-awtur jew xi dritt vi/in, jew tad-drittijiet sui generis provduti b’dan l-Att>
I]da kull o;;ett minn dawk ta’ informazzjoni ta’
amministrazzjoni ta’ drittijiet elettronika g[andu jkun>
(i) assoçjat ma’ kopja ta’ xog[ol bi drittijiet ta’ l-awtur ta[t il-pattijiet ta’ dan l-Att, jew
(ii) jidher f’konnessjoni mal- komunikazzjoni lill-pubbliku ta’ xog[ol bi drittijiet ta’ l-awtur ta[t il-pattijiet ta’ dan l-Att, jew
(iii) kopert bi dritt sui generis ta[t il-pattijiet ta’ dan l-Att.
(2) (a) Minkejja d-disposizzjonijiet ta’ paragrafi (ç), (d) u (e) tas-subartikolu (1), meta l-applikazzjoni ta’ xi mi]ura teknolo;ika effettiva g[al xog[ol bi drittijiet ta’ l-awtur jipprevjeni lil xi benefiçjarju ta’ xi eççezzjoni li hemm provdut dwarha fil-paragrafi (b), (ç), (d), (e), (f), (i), (l) jew (ç) tas- subartikolu 9(1) jibbenifikaw minn dik l-eççezzjoni, id- detentur ta’ drittijiet g[andu jag[mel disponibbli lill- benefiççjarju il-mezzi ta’ kif ikun jista’ jibbenefika minn dik l-eççezzjoni, daqstant kemm ikun me[tie; li jibbenefika minn dik l-eççezzjoni jew limitazzjoni>
I]da wkoll il-benefiçjarju g[andu jkollu aççess legali g[ax-xog[ol protett jew g[as-su;;ett inkwistjoni>
I]da wkoll meta ma jkun hemm ebda mi]ura volontarja li tittie[ed mid-detentur ta’ drittijiet jew persuna esklu]iva li jkollha li/enza jew ftehim bejn id-detentur ta’ drittijiet u l- parti l-o[ra inkwistjoni, bil-fini relattiva li l-benefiçjarju (jew il-persuni ta’ xi klassi li l-benefiçjarju jkun jappartjeni g[aliha)
A 709
A 710

T[assir ta’

l-artikoli 53 sa 58 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Sostituzzjoni ta’

l-artikolu 59

ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

jkun jista’ jibbenefika mill-eççezzjonijiet speçifikati fis- subparagrafu ta’ hawn qabel.
(b) Id-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (2) (a) ma japplikawx g[al xog[lijiet bi drittijiet ta’ l-awtur mag[mulin disponibbli ill-pubbliku fuq pattijiet kontrattwali miftiehma b’tali mod li membri tal-pubbliku jistg[u jkollhom aççess g[alihom minn post u f’[in li kull wie[ed jag[]el individwalment g[alih.”.
99. L-artikoli 53 sa 58 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andhom jit[assru.
100. Minflok l-artikolu 59 ta’ l-Att prinçipali, g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>

“Setg[a li jsiru regolamenti.

59. Il-Ministru jista’ jag[mel regolamenti g[all-a[jar implimentazzjoni tad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att u, ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-;eneralità ta’ dawk hawn qabel imsemmi, jista’ b’dawk ir-regolamenti>
(a) jordna kull [a;a li tista’ ti;i ordnata ta[t dan l-Att<
(b) jintroduçi bidliet sabiex jestendi l-protezzjoni mog[tija b’dan l-Att lil kull forma o[ra ta’ proprjetà intellettwali li ma tkunx xort’o[ra protetta b’dan l-Att skond ma jista’ ji;i provdut b’istrument internazzjonali li jkun jobbliga lil Malta<
(ç) jibdel u jer;a’ jda[[al fis-se[[ i]-]mien tal- protezzjoni skond ma jista’ ji;i provdut f’istrument internazzjonali li jkun jobbliga lil Malta<
(d) jibdel id-drittijiet u limitazzjonijiet tag[hom skond ma jista’ ji;i provdut f’istrument internazzjonali li jkun jobbliga lil Malta<
(e) jippreskrivi x’ikunu l-funzjonijiet tal-Bord dwar id-Drittijiet ta’ l-Awtur<
(f) jipprovdi dwar affarijiet li jkollhom x’jaqsmu ma’ collecting societies, partikolarment dwar it-twaqqif tag[hom, [idmiet, mod ta’ operazzjoni, g[emil u approvazzjoni ta’ drittijiet u s-supervi]joni tag[hom.” .
Taqsima XIX
101. Din it-Taqsima ta’ dan l-Att temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar it-Trademarks, hawn i]jed ’il quddiem imsejja[ “l-Att prin/ipali.”
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l- Ministru responsabbli g[all-protezzjoni tal-proprjetà intelletwali jista’ jistabbilixxi b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta.
102. L-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>- (a) minnufih wara t-tifsira ta’ “trattat” g[andha tid[ol it-
tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>-
“ “Unjoni Ewropea” tfisser l-Unjoni Ewropea msemmija fit-Trattat<” <
(b) minnufih wara t-tifsira “re;istru” g[andha tid[ol it- tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>-
“ “Stat Membru” tfisser stat li jkun membru ta’ l-Unjoni
Ewropea<” < u
(ç) minnufih wara t-tifsira ta’ “trademark” g[andha tid[ol it-tifsira ;dida li ;ejja>-
“ “it-Trattat” g[andha l-istess tifsir mog[ti lilha bl-Att ta’ l-2003 dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea<” .
103. Minflok l-artikolu 12 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>-
A 711

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar it-Trademarks, Kap. 416.

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 2

ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 12

ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

“Il- proprjetarju ma jistax jipprojbixxi l-u]u.

12. (1) Trademark ma tag[ti ebda jedd lill- proprjetarju li jipprojbixxi l-u]u g[ar-rigward ta’ o;;etti li jkun fihom dik it-trademark li jkunu tqeg[du fis-suq mill- proprjetarju jew bil-kunsens tieg[u.
(2) Id-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu ma g[andhomx japplikaw meta jkun hemm ra;unijiet le;ittimi g[aliex il-proprjetarju g[andu jopponi iktar kummerçjalizzazzjoni ta’ l-o;;etti partikolarment meta l- kondizzjoni ta’ l-o;;etti tinbidel jew tittiefes wara li dawn ikunu tqeg[du fis-suq.
A 712

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar il-Privattivi Industrijali,

Kap. 417.

Sostituzzjoni tat-titli ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 1

ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

(3) G[all-finijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu “suq” tfisser “is-suq f’Malta u mill-1 ta’ Mejju 2004, is-suq f’kull Stat Membru.”.
Taqsima XX
104. (1) Din it-Taqsima ta’ dan l-Att temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar il-Privattivi Industrijali, hawn i]jed’il quddiem imsejja[ “l-Att prinçipali” .
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l- Ministru responsabbli g[all-protezzjoni ta’ proprjetà intelletwali jista’ jistabbilixxi b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta u jistg[u ji;u hekk stabbiliti dati differenti g[al disposizzjonijiet differenti u g[anijiet differenti tag[ha.
105. Minflok it-titolu fit-tul ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej “Att biex jipprovdi g[ar-re;istrazzjoni u regolamentazzjoni ta’ Privattivi Industrijali u Disinni” u minflok it-titolu fil-qosor g[andu jid[ol it-titolu “Att dwar il-Privattivi Industrijali u d-Disinni”.
106. (1) Fl-artikolu 1 ta’ l-Att prinçipali, minflok il-kliem “l- Att dwar il-Privattivi Industrijali” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “l-Att dwar il-Privattivi Industrijali u Disinni” u kull referenza f’xi li;i g[all-Att dwar Privattivi Industrijali g[andha titqies li hi riferenza g[al taqsimiet II sa XVII ta’ l-Att issa imsejja[ l-Att dwar il-Privattivi u Disinni.
(2) Kull riferenza fl-Att dwar il-Privattivi Industrijali g[al “dan l-Att” g[andha titqies li hi riferenza g[al taqsimiet II sa XVII ta’ l-Att issa msejja[ l-Att dwar il-Privattivi u Disinni.

Sostituzzjoni ta’

l-artikolu 2

ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

107. Minflok l-artikolu 2 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu jid[ol dan li


2. (1) F’dan l-Att, kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma tkunx te[tie; xort’o[ra>
“il-Kontrollur” tfisser il-Kontrollur tal-Proprjetà Industrijali u tinkludi lil kull persuna o[ra li ting[ata delega mill-Kontrollur jew ti;i appuntata mill-Ministru sabiex te]er/ita setg[a jew kull setg[a u twettaq xi dmir jew kull dmir tal-Kontrollur<
“materjal bijolo;iku” tfisser kull materjal li ji;bor fih informazzjoni ;enetika u li g[andu l-kapaçità li
jirriproduçi lilu nnifsu jew li ji;i riprodott f’sistema bijolo;ika<
“Ministru” tfisser il-Ministru responsabbli g[all- protezzjoni tal-Proprjetà Industrijali u “Ministeru” g[andha tiftiehem skond hekk<
“ordnat” tfisser ordnat b’dan l-Att<
“privattiva” tfisser id-dritt esklu]iv mog[ti mill- Kontrollur skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’dan l-Att<
“proçess bijolo;iku essenzjali g[all-produzzjoni ta’pjanti u annimali” tfisser kull proçess li jikkonsisti g[al kollox f’fenomeni naturali bhalma huma t-ta[lit jew is-selezzjoni<
“proçess mikrobijolo;iku” tfisser kull proçess li jinvolvi, jew li jsir fuq, jew li jirri]ulta, f’mikromaterjal bijolo;iku<
“re;istru” tfisser ir-re;istru ta’ privattivi li jin]amm ta[t dan l-Att u tinkludi r-re;istru ta’ Privattivi li jin]amm ta[t l-Ordinanza dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Proprjetà Industrijali, li hi f’parti minnha m[assra b’dan l-Att<
“Stat Membru” tfisser stat li jkun membru ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea<
“it-Trattat” g[andha l-istess tifsir kif mog[ti lilha bl-Att ta’ l-2003 dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea” <
“Trattat ta’ Budapest” tfisser “It-Trattat g[ar- Rikonoxximent Internazzjonali tad-Depo]itu ta’ Mikro- organi]mi g[all-Fini ta’ Proçedura dwar Privattivi” mag[mul f’Budapest fit-28 ta’ April 1977<
“Unjoni Ewropea” tfisser l-Unjoni Ewropea msemmija fit-Trattat<
“varjetà” tfisser aggruppar ta’pjanti fi grupp tassonomiku botaniku uniku ta’ l-inqas grad mag[ruf, liema aggruppar, irrispettivament jekk il-kondizzjonijiet biex jing[ata dritt g[al varjetà ta’pjanta jew privattiva jintla[qux g[al kollox, jista’ jkun>
A 713
A 714

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 4

ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

– definit bl-espressjoni tal-karatteristiçi li jirri]ultaw minn ;enotip speçifiku jew minn kombinazzjoni ta’ ;enotipi,
– distint minn kull aggruppar ta’pjanti ie[or bl-espressjoni ta’ mill-inqas xi wie[ed mill- karatteristiçi msemmija, u
– kkunsidrat b[ala unità singola fir-rigward ta’ kemm hu adatt biex ji;i propagat ming[ajr ebda bidla,
meta l-aggruppar ta’pjanti jikkonsisti f’pjanti s[a[ jew partijiet minn pjanti sakemm dawk il-partijiet ikunu jistg[u jipproduçu pjanti s[a[<
“varjetajiet ta’ pjanti” tirreferi g[all-;enera u speçi kollha botaniçi, li jinkludu, fost l-o[rajn, ibridi bejn ;enera jew speçi.” .
108. L-artikolu 4 ta’l-Att prinçipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>
(a) minflok is-subartikolu (1) tieg[u g[andu jid[ol dan li
“(1) Invenzjonijiet li jkunu ;odda, jinvolvu pass inventiv u jkunu suxxettibbli g[al applikazzjonijiet industrijali, jistg[u jing[ataw privattiva>
I]da dawk l-invenzjonijiet jistg[u ukoll jing[ataw privattiva ankè jekk ikunu jirrigwardaw prodott li jkun jikkonsisti minn jew ikun fih materjal jew proçess biolo;iku li permezz tieg[u ji;i prodott, ipproçessat jew u]at materjal bijolo;iku>
I]da wkoll, materjal bijolo;iku li jkun maqtug[ mill- ambjent naturali tieg[u jew prodott permezz ta’ proçess tekniku jista’ jifforma s-su;;ett ta’ invenzjoni jekk qabel kien je]isti fin-natura.”<
(b) fis-subartikolu (5) tieg[u>-
(i) minflok il-paragrafu (b) tas-subartikolu (5) tieg[u g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“(b) il-;isem uman, fl-istadji diversi tal- formazzjoni u l-i]vilupp tieg[u, u s-sempliçi skoperta ta’ xi wie[ed mill-elementi tieg[u, inklu]a s-sekwenza jew sekwenza parzjali ta’ ;ene>
I]da element i]olat mill-;isem uman jew li ji;i xort’o[ra prodott permezz ta’ proçess tekniku, inklu]a s-sekwenza jew is-sekwenza parzjali ta’ ;ene, jista’ itqies b[ala invenzjoni li ting[ata privattiva, anke jekk l- istruttura ta’ dak l-element tkun identika ma’ dak ta’ element naturali<”< u
(ii) minflok il-paragrafu (e) tieg[u g[andhom jid[lu il-paragrafi li ;ejjin>-
“(e) varjetajiet ta’ pjanti u annimali>
I]da ma jing[atawx privattivi g[al varjetajiet ta’ pjanti biss wara li tkun ;iet introdotta forma ;dida ta’ protezzjoni ta’ varjetà ta’pjanta f’dik il-forma li tista’ ti;i ordnata>
I]da wkoll, tista’ xorta ting[ata privattiva skond dawk l-applikazzjonijiet g[al privattiva g[al varjetà ta’pjanta li jkunu g[adhom pendenti f’dik id-data li fiha ti;i ordnata l-forma l-;dida ta’ protezzjoni permezz ta’ privattiva<
(f) proçess essenzjalment bijolo;iku g[all- produzzjoni ta’ pjanti jew annimali>
I]da dan ikun bla pre;udizzju dwar kemm jistg[u jing[ataw privattiva dawk l-invenzjonijiet li jirrigwardaw proçess mikrobijolo;iku jew xi proçess tekniku ie[or jew prodott li jkun [are; minn xi proçess b[al dak<
(g) sekwenza ta’ DNA ming[ajr informazzjoni teknika u partikolarment ming[ajr indikazzjoni ta’ funzjoni<”< u
(ç) is-subartikolu (6) tieg[u g[andu ji;i enumerat mill-;did b[ala s-subartikolu (7), u minnufih wara s-subartikolu (5) tieg[u g[andu jid[ol dan is-subartikolu ;did li ;ej>
“(6) Invenzjonijiet li jirrigwardaw pjanti jew annimali jistg[u jing[ataw privattiva jekk l-adattabilità teknika ta’ l- invenzjoni ma tkunx ristretta biss g[al xi varjetà partikolari ta’ pjanta jew annimal.”.
A 715
A 716

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 13

ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 15 ta’

l-Att prin/ipali.

109. Fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 13 ta’ l-Att prinçipali, il- kelma “f’duplikat” g[andha tit[assar.
110. Minflok is-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 15 ta’l-Att prinçipali g[andhom jid[lu s-subartikoli (2) sa (9) li ;ejjin>–
“(2) (a) Meta applikazzjoni tkun tirreferi g[al element i]olat mill-;isem uman jew li ji;i xort’o[ra prodott permezz ta’ proçess tekniku inklu]a s-sekwenza jew is-sekwenza parzjali ta’
;ene, g[andha ti;i ]velata l-applikazzjoni industrijali ta’ sekwenza jew sekwenza parzjali ta’ ;ene fuq l-applikazzjoni g[all-privattiva.
(b) Meta l-applikazzjoni tikkonçerna sekwenza jew sekwenzi parzjali ta’ ;ene li tintu]a biex ti;i prodotta proteina jew parti minn proteina, g[andha ti;i speçifikata liema proteina jew parti minn proteina hija prodotta jew inkella g[andu ji;i speçifikat il-funzjoni tal-;ene jew sekwenza tal-;ene.
(3) Meta invenzjoni tkun tinvolvi l-u]u jew tkun tirrigwarda xi materjal bijolo;iku mhux disponibbli g[all-pubbliku li ma jkunux jistg[u ji;u deskritti fuq l-applikazzjoni g[al privattiva hekk li dik l- invenzjoni tkun tista’ ti;i riprodotta minn persuna li tkun tas-seng[a f’dik ix-xjenza, id-deskrizzjoni tkun meqjusa b[ala mhux adegwata g[all-g[an ta’ dan l-Att kemm-il darba>
(a) ma tkunx supplimentata billi dak il-materjal ji;i depo]itat f’istituzzjoni depo]itarja hekk kif jista’ ji;i ordnat< u
(b) l-applikazzjoni ma jkunx fiha dik l-informazzjoni rilevanti li tkun disponibbli g[all-applikant dwar il- karatteristiçi tal-materjal bijolo;iku depo]itat.
(4) G[andu jing[ata aççess g[all-materjal bijolo;iku depo]itat permezz ta’ l-g[oti ta’ kampjun>
(a) sa l-ewwel pubblikazzjoni tal-applikazzjoni g[al privattiva, lil dawk il-persuni biss li jkunu awtorizzati ta[t dan l-Att<
(b) bejn l-ewwel pubblikazzjoni ta’ l-applikazzjoni u ta’ l-g[oti tal-privattiva, lil kull min jitolbu, jew, jekk l- applikant hekk jitlob, biss lil espert indipendenti<
(/) wara li l-privattiva tkun ing[atat, u minkejja revoka jew thassir tal-privattiva, lil kull min jitlobha.
(5) Il-kampjun jing[ata biss jekk il-persuna li, tkun qeg[da titolbu, tobbliga ru[ha, li g[a]-]mien li fih il-privattiva tkun fis- se[[>
(a) ma tag[milx dak il-materjal jew kull materjal li jinkiseb minnu disponibbli lil terzi< u
(b) ma tu]ax dak il-materjal jew materjal li jitnissel minnu [lief g[al g[anijiet sperimentali, kemm-il darba l- applikant jew il-proprjetarju tal-privattiva, skond ma japplika, ma jwarrabx b’mod espress dan l-obbligu.
(6) Meta applikazzjoni tkun miççuda jew ti;i irtirata, g[aldaqshekk fuq talba ta’ l-applikant, l-aççess g[all-materjal depo]itat ikun limitat g[al espert indipendenti g[al g[oxrin sena mid-data meta l-applikazzjoni g[all-privattiva tkun ;iet ippre]entata, u f’dak il-ka], ikun japplika s-subartikolu (5).
(7) It-talbiet ta’ l-applikant imsemmija il-paragrafu (b) tas- subartikolu (4) u fis-subartikolu (6) jistg[u jsiru biss sad-data li fiha l-preparazzjonijiet tekniçi g[all-publikazzjoni ta’ l- applikazzjoni tal-privattiva jitqiesu li jkunu ntemmu.
(8) Jekk il-materjal bijolo;iku depo]itat skond dan l-artikolu ma jibqax disponibbli mill-istituzzjoni depo]itarja rikonoxxuta, g[andu jit[alla jsir depo]itu ;did tal-materjal skond l-istess pattijiet b[al dawk stipulati fit-Trattat ta’ Budapest.
(9) Kull depo]itu g[andu jkun akkumpanjat minn dikjarazzjoni ffirmata mid-depo]itant li tkun tiççertifika li l- materjal biolo;iku depo]itat mill-;did ikun l-istess b[al dak depo]itat ori;inarjament.”.
111. Minflok is-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 26 ta’ l-Att prinçipali, g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>-
“(2) Il-manutenzjoni ta’ privattiva tkun bla [sara g[all-[las tad-dritt preskritt hawn isfel u msejja[ id-dritt g[all-manutenzjoni. Dak id-dritt g[all-manutenzjoni jkun dovut g[ar-rigward tal-[ames sena u ta’ kull sena li ti;i warajha li tibda g[addejja mid-data tal- pre]entata ta’ l-applikazzjoni u g[andu jit[allas fid-data dovuta preskritta jew qabilha.” .
112. Minflok is-subartikoli (3) u (4) ta’ l-artikolu 27 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andhom jid[lu dawn is-subartikoli (3) sa (10) li ;ejjin>–
A 717

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 26 ta’ l-Att prin/ipali.

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 27 ta’

l-Att prinçipali.

A 718
“(3) Il-protezzjoni li ting[ata permezz ta’ privattiva lil materjal bijolo;iku li jkollu karatteristiçi speçifiçi b[ala ri]ultat ta’ l-invenzjoni g[andha testendi g[al kull materjal bijolo;iku li jinkiseb minn dak il-materjal bijolo;iku permezz tal-propagazzjoni jew it-tkattir f’forma identika jew diver;enti u li jkollu dawk l- istess karatteristiçi.
(4) Il-protezzjoni li ting[ata permezz ta’ privattiva fuq proçess li bih materjal bijolo;iku ikun jista’ ji;i prodott bil- karatteristiçi speçifiçi tieg[u b[ala ri]ultat ta’ l-invenzjoni, g[andha testendi g[al materjal bijolo;iku li jinkiseb direttament b’dak il- proçess u g[al kull materjal bijolo;iku ie[or li jinkiseb mill-materjal bijolo;iku miksub direttament permezz tal-propagazzjoni jew it- tkattir f’forma identika jew diver;enti u b’dawk l-istess karatteristiçi.
(5) {lief kif provdut fl-artikolu 4(5)(b), il-protezzjoni li ting[ata permezz ta’ privattiva fuq prodott li jkollu fih jew ikun mag[mul minn informazzjoni ;enetika g[andha tkun testendi g[all- materjal kollu, li fih ikun inkorporat il-prodott u li fih ikollu l- informazzjoni ;enetika u jkun iwettaq il-funzjoni tieg[u.
(6) Minkejja is-subartikoli (1) u (2) ta’ dan l-artikolu, il- proprjetarju ta’ privattiva ma g[andu jkollu ebda dritt li jipprevjeni lil terzi milli jwettqu l-attijiet imsemmija fis-subartikoli (1) u (2) (b) f’dawn iç-çirkostanzi li ;ejjin>
(a) meta l-att isir privatament u g[al g[anijiet mhux kummerçjali, sakemm dak l-att ma jkunx jippre;udika b’mod sinifikattiv l-interessi ekonomiçi tal-proprjetarju tal-privattiva<
(b) meta l-att ikun jikkonsisti fl-g[emil jew fl-u]u ta’ dak il-prodott g[al g[anijiet purament sperimentali jew g[al riçerka xjentifika<
(ç) meta l-att ikun jikkonsisti fit-t[ejjija improvvi]ata g[al ka]ijiet individwali, ;o xi spi]erija jew minn tabib jew veterinarju, ta’ xi mediçina skond riçetta medika jew ta’ attijiet li jkunu jirrigwardjaw il-mediçina hekk im[ejjija<
(d) meta l-att isir unikament g[al u]ijiet ra;onevolment relatati ma’ l-i]vilupp u l-g[oti ta’ informazzjoni me[tie;a ta[t xi li;i ta’ Malta jew ta’ xi stat ie[or li mhux Malta li tirregola l-manifattura, il-kostruzzjoni, l-u]u jew il-bejg[ ta’ prodotti mediçinali jew fitofarmaçewtiçi<
(e) meta l-u]u jkun abbord bastimenti tal-pajji]i ta’ l- Unjoni ta’ Pari;i g[all-Protezzjoni tal-Proprjetà Industrijali ta’ l-invenzjoni li jkollha privattiva, fil-buq tal-bastiment, fil- makkinarju, fil-[bula, tag[mir u aççessorji o[ra, meta dawk il-bastimenti jid[lu fl-ib[ra ta’ Malta temporanjament jew aççidentalment, sakemm dik l-invenzjoni hekk tintu]a esklu]ivament g[all-b]onnijiet tal-bastiment<
(f) meta l-u]u ta’ l-invenzjoni li jkollha privattiva jkun fil-kostruzzjoni jew fit-t[addim ta’ l-in;enji ta’ l-ajru jew f’vetturi ta’ l-art ta’ pajji]i ta’ l-Unjoni ta’ Pari;i g[all- Protezzjoni tal-Proprjetà Industrijali jew ta’ aççessorji g[al dawk l-in;enji ta’ l-ajru jew vetturi ta’ l-art, meta dawk l- in;enji ta’ l-ajru jew vetturi temporanjament jew aççidentalment jid[lu fit-territorju ta’ Malta.
(7) B’deroga mis-subartikoli (3), (4) u (5) ta’ dan l-artikolu> (a) il-bejg[ jew xi forma o[ra ta’ kummerçjalizzazzjoni
tal- materjal ta’ propagazzjoni tal-pjanti lil bidwi mis-sid tal-
privattiva jew bil-kunsens tieg[u g[all-u]u agrikolu jimplika l-awtorizzazzjoni li bidwi jkollu li ju]a l-prodott tal-[sad tieg[u g[al propagazzjoni jew tkattir minnu fir-razzett tieg[u stess<
(b) il-bejg[ jew xi forma o[ra ta’ kummerçjalizzazzjoni ta’ bhejjem g[at-trobbija jew xi materjal riproduttiv ie[or ta’ l-annimali lil xi bidwi mis-sid tal-privattiva jew bil-kunsens tieg[u, jimplika awtorizzazzjoni li l-bidwi jkun jista’ ju]a l- bhejjem protetti g[al g[an agrikolu. Dak l-u]u jinkludi li l- annimal jew materjal riproduttiv ie[or ta’ l-annimali jkunu disponibbli g[all-g[anijiet li titkompla l-attività agrikola tieg[u imma mhux g[all-bejg[ fil-parametri jew g[all-fini ta’ attività riproduttiva kummerçjali.
(8) (a) Bla [sara g[all-paragrafu (b) ta’ dan is-subartikolu, privattiva g[andha tag[ti wkoll lill-proprjetarju tag[ha d-dritt li j]omm terzi milli jag[tu jew joffru lil xi persuna, li ma tkunx dik intitolata li tesplojta l-invenzjoni li jkollha privattiva, b’mezzi, li jkollhom x’jaqsmu ma’ element ta’ dik l-invenzjoni, essenzjali biex isse[[ l-invenzjoni, meta t-terza parti tkun taf, jew g[andha fiç- çirkostanzi tkun taf, li dawk il-mezzi huma tajbin u ma[subin biex isse[[ dik l- invenzjoni. Id-disposizzjoni ta’ dan il-paragrafu ma g[andhiex tapplika meta dawk il-mezzi huma prodotti kummerçjali ta’ [tie;a ewlenija u /-/irkostanzi tal-forniment ta’ dawk il-prodotti ma jikkostitwux t[ajjir g[all-ksur tal-privattiva.
A 719
A 720

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 39

ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

(b) Persuni li jwettqu xi atti msemmija f’paragrafi (a), (b), (ç), (d), (e), (f) u (g) tas-subartikolu (6) m’g[andhomx ikunu meqjusa b[ala partijiet li jkollhom dritt li jesplojtaw l-invenzjoni skond it-tifsira tal-paragrafu ta’ qabel dan.
(9) (i) Il-proprjetarju ta’ privattiva m’g[andu jkollu ebda dritt li jipprevjeni lil terzi milli jwettqu l-attijiet imsemmija fis- subartikolu (1) (b) u (2) (b) meta l-att ikun jirrigwarda l-prodott li jkun tqieg[ed fis-suq mill-proprjetarju ta’ privattiva, jew bil- kunsens espress tieg[u sakemm dak l-att jitwettaq wara li dak il- prodott ikun tqieg[ed fis-suq.
(ii) Il-protezzjoni msemmija fis-subartikoli (3), (4) u (5) ta’ dan l-artikolu ma g[andhiex tkun testendi g[al materjal bijolo;iku li jinkiseb mill-propagazzjoni jew mit-tkattir ta’ materjal bijolo;iku mqieg[ed fis-suq mid-detentur ta’ privattiva bil-kunsens tieg[u meta t-tkattir jew il-propagazzjoni neçessarjament jirri]ultaw mill-applikazzjoni li g[aliha l-materjal bijolo;iku jkun ;ie mqieg[ed fis-suq>
I]da l-materjal miksub ma ji;ix aktar tard u]at g[al propagazzjoni o[ra jew tkattir ie[or.
(iii) G[all-finijiet ta’ dan is-subartikolu “suq” tfisser is-suq f’Malta u mill-1 ta’ Mejju 2004, l-Unjoni Ewropea.
(10) Il-Ministru jista’ jag[mel regolamenti biex jag[ti effett g[al kull ftehim, jew obbligi internazzjonali ta’ Malta fir-rigward tad-drittijiet u limitazzjonijiet li jo[or;u minn dan l-artikolu biex jirriflettu d-disposizzjonijiet ta’ kull ftehim jew obbligu b[al dan.”.
113. Minflok is-subartikolu (8) ta’ l-artikolu 39 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andhom jid[lu dawn is-subartikoli (8) sa (12) li ;ejjin>
“(8) Il-Qorti ?ivili, Prim Awla, tista’ f’çitazzjoni ppre]entata mis-sid tal-privattiva (it-tieni privattiva) li ma tistax ti;i esplojtata ming[ajr ksur tal-privattiva prijuri (l-ewwel privattiva), tordna lill-Kontrollur jikkonçedi liçenza mhux esklusiva u mhux volontarja sakemm>
(i) l-invenzjoni preti]a fit-tieni privattiva tkun tinvolvi avvanz tekniku importanti b’sinifikat ekonomiku konsiderevoli fil-konfront ta’ l-invenzjoni preti]a fl-ewwel privattiva<
(ii) is-sid ta’ l-ewwel privattiva g[andu jkun intitolat g[al liçenza trasversali b’pattijiet ra;onevoli biex ju]a l- invenzjoni preti]a fit-tieni privattiva< u
(iii) l-u]u awtorizzat g[ar-rigward ta’ l-ewwel privattiva m’g[andux ikun assenjabbli jekk mhux flimkien ma’ l-assenjament tat-tieni privattiva.
(9) Meta min irabbi ma jkunx jista’ jikseb protezzjoni ta’ varjetà ta’pjanta jew jesplojta dritt ta’ varjetà ta’pjanta bla ma jikser privattiva prijuri, huwa jista’ japplika lill-Qorti ?ivili, Prim’Awla g[al liçenza obbligatorja g[al u]u mhux esklu]iv ta’ l-invenzjoni protetta mill-privattiva daqs kemm tkun me[tie;a l-li/enza g[all- esplojtazzjoni tal-varjetà ta’pjanta li g[andha ti;i protetta, bla [sara g[all-[las ta’ royalty adatta. Meta ting[ata liçenza b[al dik, is-sid tal-privattiva jkun intitolat g[al liçenza trasversali b’dawk il- pattijiet ra;onevoli biex ju]a l-varjetà protetta>
I]da applikant g[al liçenza msemmija hawn fuq g[andu juri> (a) li hu jkun applika bla suççess g[and is-sid ta’ l-
ewwel privattiva biex jikseb liçenza kuntrattwali<
(b) il-varjetà tal-pjanta tikkostitwixxi progress tekniku sinjifikanti ta’ interess ekonomiku konsiderevoli mqabbel ma’ l-invenzjoni preti]a mal-privattiva ori;inali.
(10) Meta sid il-privattiva li tkun tirrigwarda invenzjoni bioteknolo;ika ma jkunx jista’ jesplojtaha bla ma jikser dritt prijuri ta’ varjetà ta’pjanta, jista’ japplika g[al liçenza obligatorja g[al u]u esklu]iv tal-varjetà ta’pjanta protetta b’dak id-dritt, bla [sara ta’ [las ta’ royalty adatt. Meta ting[ata liçenza b[al dik, sid id- dritt tal-varjetà ikollu dritt g[al liçenza trasversali b’pattijiet ragonevoli biex ju]a l-invenzjoni protetta>
I]da applikant g[al liçenza msemmija hawn fuq g[andu juri - (a) li hu jkun applika bla suççess g[and is-sid ta’ l-
ewwel privattiva g[ad-dritt tal-varjetà ta’pjanta biex jikseb
liçenza kuntrattwali<
(b) l-invenzjoni tikkostitwixxu progress tekniku sinjifikanti ta’ interess ekonomiku konsiderevoli mqabbel mal-varjetà tal-pjanta protetta bil-privattiva ori;inali.
A 721
A 722

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 61 ta’

l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ta’

l-artikolu 62

ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

}ieda ta’ Taqsimiet


;odda ma’

l-Att prinçipali.

(11) G[ar-rigward ta’ protezzjoni ta’ varjetà ta’pjanta, is- subartikoli (9) u (10) ta’ dan l-artikolu g[andhom biss ji;u fis- se[[ meta l-forma rilevanti ta’ protezzjoni ta’ varjetà ta’pjanta ti;i fis-se[[ kif provdut fl-artikolu 4 (5)(e).” .
114. Minflok is-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 61 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>-
“(2) Meta applikant ma jkollux ir-residenza ordinarja jew il-post prinçipali ta’ negozju tieg[u f’Malta, huwa g[andu jawtorizza bil-mod preskritt lil a;ent li jkollu r-residenza ordinarja jew il-post prinçipali ta’ negozju tieg[u f’Malta, biex jirrappre]entah>
I]da dan is-subartikolu ma jibqax japplika mill-1 ta’ Mejju
2004 dwar applikant li jkollu r-residenza ordinarja jew il-post prinçipali ta’ negozju tieg[u f’xi Stat Membru.”.
115. Minnufih fi tmiem is-subartikolu (5) ta’ l-artikolu 62 ta’ l- Att prinçipali g[andhom ji]diedu dan il-proviso li ;ej>-
“I]da wkoll, fil-ka] ta’ privattiva li tkun skadiet u li tkun ing[atat ta[t l-Ordinanza dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Proprjetà Industrjali>
(i) dik il-privattiva jekk ting[ata lura tkun tista’, bla [sara g[all-[las tad-drittijiet ta’ manutenzjoni, tgawdi ]-]mien tal-protezzjoni stipulat f’dan l-Att mid-data tal-pre]entata ta’ l-applikazzjoni g[all-privattiva< u
(ii) g[andhom japplikaw id-disposizzjonijiet li hemm fl-artikolu 46 ta’ dan l-Att meta ssir talba biex din ting[ata lura.”.
116. Minnufih wara l-artikolu 62 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andhom ji]diedu t-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ;odda li ;ejjin li jkun fihom l- artikoli ;odda 63 sa 133 kif ;ej>–
“Taqsima XVIII Tifsir


63. (1) Fit-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l-Att, kemm-il darba r-rabta tal-kliem ma te[tie;x xort’o[ra –
“disinn” tfisser il-parenza ta’ prodott s[i[ jew ta’ xi parti minnu skond ma jirri]ulta mill-fattizzi tal-prodott innifsu, partikolarment, il-linji, kontorni, kuluri, forma, nis;a u, jew materjal tal-prodott innifsu u, jew ta’ l- ornamentazzjoni tieg[u<
“disponibbli g[all-pubbliku” tfisser li jkun disponibbli g[all-pubbliku minn sid id-disinn jew minn xi parti o[ra<
“Klassifikazzjoni skond Locarno” tfisser il- klassifikazzjoni li hemm fil-Ftehim ta’ Locarno li jwaqqaf Klassifikazzjoni Internazzjonali g[al Disinni Industrijali, kif riveduta jew emendata minn ]mien g[al
“Kontrollur” tfisser il-Kontrollur ta’ Proprjetà Industrijali u tinkludi lil kull persuna o[ra ma[tura jew imqabbda mill-Kontrollur biex te]erçita s-setg[at kollha jew xi setg[a u li taqdi d-dmirijiet kollha jew xi dmir tal-Kontrollur<
“Konvenzjoni ta’ Pari;i” tfisser il-Konvenzjoni ta’ Pari;i dwar il-Protezzjoni ta’ Proprjetà Industrijali ta’ l-
20 ta’ Marzu 1883, kif riveduta jew emendata minn
]mien g[al ]mien<
“Ministru” tfisser il-Ministru responsabbli g[all- protezzjoni ta’ proprjetà industrijali<
“proçedimenti dwar xi ksur” f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ xi disinn re;istrat ;iet tinkludi proçedimenti ta[t l-artikolu 115<
“prodott” tfisser o;;ett industrijali jew arti;janali, li ma jkunx programm ta’ computer, inklu]i fost l-o[rajn partijiet mag[mulin biex ji;u immuntati fi prodott kompless, ippakkettjar, get-up, simboli grafiçi u karattri tipografiçi<
“prodott kompless” tfisser prodott mag[mul minn g[add ta’ komponenti sostituttivi hekk li l-prodott jkun jista’ jin[att u jer;a’ ji;i immuntat<
A 723
A 724

Kap. 29.

Dritt ta’


{ti;iet g[all- protezzjoni.

“re;istru” tfisser ir-re;istru ta’ disinni mi]mum ta[t dan l-Att u tinkludi ir-re;istru ta’ disinni mi]mum ta[t l-Ordinanza dwar il-Protezzjoni ta’ Proprjetà Industrijali<
“stipulat” tfisser stipulat b’dan l-Att jew b’kull regolamenti mag[mulin ta[tu<
“tippubblika” tfisser li tag[mel disponibbli g[all- pubbliku u riferenzi g[al-pubblikazzjoni dwar re;istrazzjoni, huma riferenzi g[al-pubblikazzjoni ta[t l-artikoli 95(4)<
“Stat Membru” tfisser stat li jkun membru ta’ l- Unjoni Ewropea<
“it-Trattat” g[andha l-istess tifsira kif mog[ti lilha bl-Att ta’ l-2003 dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea<
“Uffiççju” tfisser l-uffiççju responsabbli g[ar- re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinni f’Malta ta[t id-dispo]izzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att<
“Unjoni Ewropea” tfisser l-Unjoni Ewropea mssemija fit-Trattat.
(2) Id-disposizzjonijiet tat-Taqsimiet II sa XVII ta’ dan l-Att ma japplikawx g[al disinni li huma regolati bit-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l-Att esklu]ivament.
Taqsima XIX
Kemm Jista’ Ji;i Re;istrat
64. Disinn re;istrat hu dritt ta’ proprjetà li jinkiseb mir- re;istrazzjoni tad-disinn ta[t dan l-Att. Il-proprjetarju ta’ disinn re;istrat ikollu d-drittijiet u r-rimedji pprovduti b’dan l-Att.
65. (1) Id-disinni jkunu protetti bir-re;istrazzjoni, u g[andhom jing[ataw drittijiet esklu]ivi lid-detenturi tag[hom skond id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-Att.
(2) Disinn ikun protett bi dritt ta’ disinn sakemm dan ikun ]did u jkollu xorta individwali.



Xorta individwali.


(3) Disinn applikat ma’ jew inkorporat fi prodott li jikkostitwixxi parti komponenti bi prodott kompless g[andu biss jitqies b[ala wie[ed ]did u li g[andu xorta individwali>
(a) kemm-il darba l-parti komponenti, ;aladarba din tkun ;iet inkorporata fil-prodott kompless, tibqa’ tidher matul l-u]u normali tal-prodott kompless, u
(b) kemm-il darba dawk il-fattizzi li jidhru tal- parti komponenti jkunu fihom infushom iwettqu l-[ti;iet li jirrigwardaw affarijiet ;odda u ta’ xorta individwali.
(4) Il-fra]i “u]u normali” fil-kuntest tat-tifsir tas- subartikolu (3)(a) tfisser l-u]u li jsir minn utent finali, esklu] kull xog[ol ta’ manutenzjoni, servicing jew tiswija.
66. G[andu disinn jitqies b[ala wie[ed ;did jekk ma jkun hemm ebda disinn identiku disponibbli g[all-pubbliku qabel id-data meta ssir il-pre]entata ta’ l-applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni jew, jekk ji;u preti]i prioritajiet, id-data ta’ priorità>
I]da dawk id-disinni li jkollhom fattizzi li jiddifferixxu biss f’ dettalji mhux materjali g[andhom ukoll jitqiesu b[ala identiçi.
67. (1) Disinn jitqies li jkollu xorta individwali jekk l-impressjoni totali li jag[ti lil utent informat tkun tiddifferixxi mill-impressjoni totali li tali utent jie[u minn disinn li jkun intg[amel disponibbli g[all-pubbliku qabel id-data meta ssir il-pre]entata ta’ l-applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni jew, jekk ji;u preti]i prioritajiet, id-data ta’ priorità.
(2) Meta tkun qed ti;i stmata x-xorta individwali, g[andu jitqies kemm kellu libertà d-disinjatur fl-i]vilupp tad- disinn.
68. (1) G[all-fini li ji;u applikati l-artikoli 66 u 67, disinn g[andu jitqies li jkun intg[amel disponibbli g[all- pubbliku jekk dan ikun ;ie ppubblikat wara r-re;istrazzjoni jew xort’o[ra, jew esibit, u]at fil-kummer/ jew xort’o[ra mikxuf, [lief meta dawn il-;rajjiet ma jkunux jistg[u ra;onevolment saru mag[rufin fil-kors normali tal-kummerç lis-setturi speçjalizzati fis-settur inkwistjoni, li jkun qed jopera
;ewwa Malta u mill-1 ta’ Mejju, 2004, fl-Unjoni Ewropea,
qabel id-data meta ssir il-pre]entata ta’ l-applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni jew, jekk ji;u preti]i prioritajiet, id-data ta’
A 725
A 726

Disinni ddettati mill- funzjoni teknika tag[hom u disinni ta’ interkon- nessjonijiet.

Disinni li jmorru kontra l-politika jew il-moralita’ pubblika.

Skop ta’


priorità. Id-disinn m’g[andux, madankollu, jitqies li jkun intg[amel disponibbli g[all-pubbliku min[abba biss g[aliex ikun ;ie mikxuf lil terzi ta[t kondizzjonijiet ta’ kunfidenzjalità espliçiti jew impliçiti.
(2) Ma g[andu jitqies ebda kxif g[all-fini li ji;u applikati l-artikoli 66 u 67 jekk id-disinn li dwaru tkun qed tintalab il-protezzjoni jkun intg[amel disponibbli g[all- pubbliku mid-disinjatur, mis-suççessur tieg[u fit-titolu, jew minn terzi b[ala ri]ultat ta’ informazzjoni pprovduta jew azzjoni me[uda mid-disinjatur, jew mis-suççessur tieg[u fit- titolu u dak il-kxif ikun sar matul il-perjodu ta’ 12-il xahar li ji;i qabel id-data meta ssir il-pre]entata ta’ l-applikazzjoni jew, jekk ji;u preti]i prioritajiet, id-data ta’ priorità.
(3) Is-subartikolu (2) g[andu wkoll japplika jekk id- disinn ikun intg[amel disponibbli g[all-pubbliku min[abba f’xi abbu] f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam mad-disinjatur jew mas- suççessur tieg[u fit-titolu.
69. (1) Dritt f’disinn re;istrat ma g[andux jissussisti fil-fattizzi ta’ apparenza ta’ prodott li jkunu biss iddettati mill- funzjoni teknika tieg[u.
(2) Dritt f’disinn re;istrat ma g[andux jissussisti fil-fattizzi ta’ apparenza ta’ prodott li jkollu tabilfors ji;i riprodott fil-forma e]atta u dimensjonijiet tag[hom sabiex il- prodott li d-disinn ikun inkorporat fih jew li jkun applikat dwaru jkun jista’ ji;i mekkanikament konness ma’ jew imqieg[ed fi, madwar jew f’kuntrast ma’ xi prodott ie[or biex xi prodott il-wie[ed jew l-ie[or ikun jista’ jwettaq il-funzjoni tieg[u.
(3) Minkejja s-subartikolu (2), dritt f’disinn re;istrat g[andu, ta[t il-kondizzjonijiet stabbiliti fl-artikoli
66 u 67, jissussisti f’disinn li jkollu l-g[an li j[alli jsir l- immuntar ta’ diversi biççiet jew il-konnessjoni ta’ prodotti li jinbidlu reçiprokament ma’ xulxin f’sistema modulari.
70. Dritt f’disinn re;istrat ma g[andux jissussisti f’disinn li jmur kontra l-politika pubblika jew il-prinçipji aççettati tal-moralità.
71. (1) L-iskop tal-protezzjoni mog[tija bi dritt f’disinn re;istrat g[andu jinkludi disinn li ma jag[milx impressjoni totali differenti fuq utent informat.

}mien g[al kemm issir protezzjoni.

Ti;did ta’ re;ist- razzjoni.

Ra;unijiet g[al rifjut ta’ re;ist- razzjoni.

(2) Meta jitqies l-iskop ta’ protezzjoni, g[andu jitqies il-grad ta’ libertà tad-disinjatur li jkun qed ji]viluppa d-disinn tieg[u.
72. (1) Mar-re;istrazzjoni tieg[u, disinn li jkun skond il-[ti;iet ta’ l-artikolu 65 (2) g[andu jkun protett bi dritt ta’ disinn g[al ]mien [ames snin mid-data meta ssir il- pre]entata ta’ l-applikazzjoni.
(2) Id-detentur tad-dritt jkollu ]-]mien tieg[u g[al kemm issir protezzjoni m;edded skond l-artikolu 73 g[al xi perjodu wie[ed jew i]jed ta’ [ames snin kull wie[ed, sa ]mien totali ta’ 25 sena mid-data meta ssir il-pre]entata.
73. (1) Ir-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn tista’ ti;;edded fuq talba tal-proprjetarju, sakemm isir il-[las stipulat g[at-ti;did>
I]da dan japplika sakemm issir talba u l-[las isir qabel id-data ta’ skadenza u dik l-azzjoni tittie[ed mhux i]jed minn sitt xhur qabel dik id-data>
I]da tista’ tintg[amel talba u l-[las isir sa sitt xhur wara d-data ta’ skadenza, f’liema ka] kull [las ta’ ti;did addizzjonali li jista’ jkun stipulat jkun t[allas ukoll f’dak i]-
(2) It-ti;did g[andu jibda jse[’minn meta tiskadi r-re;istrazzjoni ta’ qabel.
(3) Jekk ir-re;istrazzjoni ma ti;;eddidx skond id- disposizzjonijiet ta’ hawn qabel, il-Kontrollur g[andu jne[[i d-disinn mir-re;istru.
74. G[andu disinn ji;i rifjutat re;istrazzjoni>
(a) jekk id-disinn ma jinkwadrawx fid- definizzjoni ta’ disinn fl-artikolu 63<
(b) jekk ikun jikkonsisti fi jew ikun b’mod sinifikattiv mag[mul mill-bandiera nazzjonali ta’ Malta<
(/) jekk ikun fih rappre]entazzjoni tal-bandiera nazzjonali ta’ Malta u jkun jidher lill-Kontrollur b[ala wie[ed li ji]gwida jew li hu offensiv<
(d) jekk ikun jikkonsisti fi jew ikun fih>
A 727
A 728

Drittijiet esklu]ivi mog[tija bid-dritt ta’ disinn.

(i) l-armi eraldiçi, jew x’u[ud mill-istemmi prinçipali ta’ l-armi eraldiçi li jappartjenu lill- President jew lill-Arçisqof Kattoliku Ruman ta’ Malta, jew xi insinji jew distintiv li jkun hekk jixbah lil dawk l-armi eraldiçi jew xi stemma eraldika li x’aktarx jiftiehmu li huma dawk l-armi l-o[ra jew dik l-arma l-o[ra,
(ii) rappre]entazzjoni tal-bnadar Presiden- zjali jew Episkopali,
(iii) rappre]entazzjoni tal-President jew l- Arçisqof, jew xi imitazzjoni bid-dieher tag[hom, jew
(iv) kliem, ittri jew mezzi li x’aktarx iwasslu persuni ja[sbu li l-applikant jew g[andu jew reçentement kellu xi patroçinju jew awtorizzazzjoni Presidenzjali jew Episkopali.
kemm-il darba ma jkunx jidher lill-Kontrollur li jkun ing[ata kunsens minn jew f’isem il-President jew l- Arçisqof<
(e) jekk ikun imur kontra l-politika pubblika jew prinçipji ta’ moralità a/çettati< jew
(f) jekk l-applikant g[ad-dritt f’disinn re;istrat ma jkunx intitolat g[alih ta[t il-li;i ta’ Malta.
75. (1) Ir-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn g[andha tag[ti lid- detentur tieg[u id-dritt esklu]iv li ju]ah biex jipprevjeni lil terzi li ma jkollhomx il-kunsens tieg[u milli ju]awh. L-u]u hawn qabel imsemmi g[andu jkopri, partikolarment, l-g[emil, l-offerta, t-tqeg[id fis-suq, l-importazzjoni, l-esportazzjoni jew l-u]u ta’ prodott li fih ikun hemm inkorporat id-disinn jew li jkun applikat dwaru, jew il-[]in ta’ dak il-prodott g[al dawk il-finijiet.
(2) Kull referenza f’dan l-Att g[all-ksur ta’ disinn re;istrat g[andu jitqies b[ala referenza g[al kull ksur bhal dak tad-drittijiet tal-proprjetarju.
(3) Id-drittijiet tal-proprjetarju jkollhom effett mid-data ta’ re;istrazzjoni li jitqies skond l-artikolu 95(3)>

Limitazzjoni tad-drittijiet

I]da –
(a) ma jistg[u jinbdew ebda proçedimenti dwar xi ksur qabel ma d-disinn ikun fil-fatt ;ie re;istrat, u
(b) ma g[andu jsir ebda reat ta[t l-artikolu 117 u xi [a;a mag[mula qabel id-data tal-pubblikazzjoni tar- re;istrazzjoni.
76. (1) Id-drittijiet mog[tija bid-dritt ta’ disinn mar-
A 729

mog[tija bid- re;istrazzjoni ma g[andux ji;i re;istrat g[ar-rigward ta’>

dritt ta’


(a) attijiet li jsiru privatament u g[al ra;unijet
mhux kummerçjali, jew
(b) attijiet mag[mulin g[al ra;unijiet sperimentali, jew
(/) attijiet ta’ riproduzzjoni g[all-finijiet li jsiru çitazzjonijiet jew ta’ tag[lim, sakemm dawk l-attijiet ikunu kompatibbli mal-prattika kummerçjali u ma jkunux jippre;udikaw indebitament l-esplojtazzjoni tad-disinn normali, u li tissemma l-ori;ni.
(2) B’]ieda ma’ dan, id-drittijiet mog[tija bi dritt ta’ disinn mar-re;istrazzjoni ma g[andhomx ji;u e]erçitati g[ar-rigward ta’>
(a) it-tag[mir abbord ta’ bastimenti u ajruplan re;istrat f’pajji] ie[or meta dawn jid[lu temporanjament jew aççidentalment fit-territorju ta’ Malta, jew
(b) l-importazzjoni ;ewwa Malta ta’ spare parts
u aççessorji g[all-fini tat-tiswija ta’ dawk l-in;enji, jew

E]awriment ta’ drittijiet.

(ç) l-e]ekuzzjoni ta’ tiswijiet fuq dawk l-in;enji.
77. (1) Disinn re;istrat ma g[andux jintitola lill- proprjetarju li jipprojbixxi l-u]u ta’ prodott li fih ikun hemm id-disinn inkorporat jew li d-disinn ji;i applikat g[alih meta l-prodott jkun tqieg[ed fis-suq minn proprjetarju jew bil- kunsens tieg[u>
(2) Ghall-finijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu>
A 730

Relazzjoni ma’ forom o[ra ta’ protezzjoni .

Kap. 415

Xorta ta’ disinn re;istrat.

Ko-proprjeta’ ta’ disinn re;istrat.

“is-suq” tfisser is-suq f’Malta u mill-1 ta’ Mejju
2004, is-Suq fi Stat Membru ie[or< u
“u]u” inklu]a l-offerta, il-bejg[, ix-xiri jew l- esportazzjoni tal-prodott.
78. (1) Id-disposizzjonijiet tat-Taqsima XVIII sa XIV ta’ dan l-Att g[andhom ikunu ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[al kull disposizzjoni o[ra tal-li;i ta’ Malta li jkollha x’taqsam ma’ drittijiet ta’ disinn mhux re;istrat, trademarks jew sinjali distinttiv o[ra, privattivi u mudelli utilitarji, karattri tipografiçi, responsabbiltà çivilii jew kompetizzjoni mhux
(2) Disinn protett bi dritt ta’ disinn re;istrat skond dan l-Att g[andhom ukoll ikunu eli;ibbli g[al protezzjoni ta[t l-Att dwar id-Drittijiet ta’ l-Awtur, mid-data meta jkun in[oloq id-disinn jew ;ie stabbilit f’xi forma.
79. Disinn re;istrat hu l-proprjetà personali ta’ sidu.
80. (1) Meta jing[ata disinn re;istrat lil xi ]ew; persuni jew aktar kon;untement, kull wie[ed minnhom ikun intitolat, bla [sara g[al kull ftehim kuntrarju, g[al sehem ugwali indivi] fid-disinn re;istrat.
(2) Id-disposizzjonijiet li ;ejjin japplikaw meta xi ]ew; persuni jew aktar ikunu ko-proprjetarji ta’ disinn re;istrat, bis-sa[[a tas-subartikolu (1) jew xort’o[ra.
(3) Bla [sara g[al xi ftehim kuntrarju, kull ko- proprjetarju jkun intitolat, personalment jew permezz ta’ l- a;enti tieg[u, li jag[mel g[all-benefiççju tieg[u nnifsu u ming[ajr il-kunsens ta’ jew il-[tie;a li jag[ti kont lil xi ko- proprjetarju ie[or, xi att li kieku xort’o[ra jammonta g[al ksur tad-disinn re;istrat.
(4) Minkejja d-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (3) ko-proprjetarju jista’ mhux ming[ajr il-kunsens ta’ l-ie[or jew ta’ l-o[rajn -
(a) jag[ti liçenza biex jintu]a d-disinn re;istrat,
(b) jassenja jew içedi l-kontroll ta’ sehmu fid- disinn re;istrat.

Trasmissjoni ta’ disinn re;istrat.

Re;istraz- zjonijiet ta’ transazzjo- nijiet li

jolqtu disinn re;istrat.

(5) Proçedimenti dwar xi ksur jistg[u jin;iebu minn ko-proprjetarju, imma ko-proprjetarju ma jistax, ming[ajr ma jit[alla jag[mel hekk mill-Qorti, jag[mel l- azzjoni kemm-il darba ma jid[olx il-ko-proprjetarju l-ie[or jew kull wie[ed mill-ko-proprjetarji l-o[ra, fil-kaw]a.
Ko-proprjetarju li hekk jing[aqad fil-kaw]a m’g[andu j[allas xejn fil-kaw]a.
Ebda [a;a f’dan is-subartikolu ma g[andha tolqot l-g[emil ta’ xi mandat kawtelatorju fuq rikors li jsir minn ko- proprjetarju wie[ed.
(6) Ebda [a;a f’dan l-artikolu ma g[andha tolqot id-drittijiet u l-obbligazzjonijiet ta’ trustees jew rappre]entanti personali, jew id-drittijiet u l-obbligazzjonijiet tag[hom b[ala tali.
81. (1) Disinn re;istrat jista’ jing[adda b’assenjazzjoni, disposizzjoni testamentarja jew operazzjoni ta’ li;i bl-istess mod b[al proprjetà personali jew mobbli o[ra.
Dan jista’ hekk jing[adda jew f’konnessjoni mat-twillija tan-negozju jew indipendentement.
(2) Assenjazzjoni jew trasmissjoni o[ra ta’ disinn re;istrat tista’ tkun parzjali u limitata biex hekk tapplika dwar l-u]u tad-disinn b’mod partikolari jew f’xi lokalità partikolari.
(3) Assenjazzjoni ta’ disinn re;istrat mhux effettiva kemm-il darba ma tkunx bil-miktub iffirmata minn jew f’isem min jassenja jew, skond ma jista’ jkun il-ka], ir- rappre]entant personali tieg[u.
(4) Ebda [a;a f’dan l-Att m’g[andha tiftiehem li tolqot l-assenjazzjoni jew xi trasmissjoni o[ra ta’ disinn mhux re;istrat b[ala parti mit-twillija ta’ negozju.
82. (1) Meta ssir applikazzjoni lill-Kontrollur minn persuna li tippretendi li tkun intitolata g[al xi interess fi jew ta[t disinn re;istrat bis-sa[[a ta’ transazzjoni re;istrabbli, jew kull persuna o[ra li tippretendi li tkun milquta b’tali transazzjoni, id-dettalji rilevanti tat-transazzjoni g[andhom jidda[[lu fir-re;istru.
(2) Dawn li ;ejjin huma transazzjonijiet re;istrabbli>
A 731
A 732
(a) l-assenjazzjoni ta’ disinn re;istrat jew xi dritt
(b) l-g[oti ta’ liçenza ta[t disinn re;istrat<
(/) it-trasferiment ta’ disinn re;istrat b’testment< (d) ordni ta’ Qorti jew xi awtorità kompetenti o[ra
li tittrasferixxi disinn re;istrat jew xi dritt fih jew ta[tu.
(3) Sakemm tkun saret applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni ta’ transazzjoni re;istrabbli>
(a) it-transazzjoni ma tkunx effettiva fir-rigward ta’ persuna li bonafidi takkwista xi interess konfli;;enti fid-disinn re;istrat, u
(b) l-artikoli 86 jew 87 ma g[andhomx japplikaw dwar persuna li tippretendi li tkun detentur ta’ liçenza bis-sa[[a tat-transazzjoni.
(4) Meta persuna ssir il-proprjetarju jew detentur ta’ liçenza ta’ disinn re;istrat bis-sa[[a ta’ transazzjoni re;istrabbli, hija ma g[andhiex tkun intitolata g[al danni jew li tag[ti rendikont tal-profitti tag[ha dwar xi ksur tad-disinn re;istrat li ji;ri wara d-data tat-transazzjoni re;istrabbli u qabel ma ti;i re;istrata t-transazzjoni, kemm-il darba>
(a) ma ssirx applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni tat- transazzjoni qabel tmiem ]mien sitt xhur li jibdew g[addejin mid-data tat-transazzjoni, jew

Applikazzjoni g[al

(b) il-Qorti ma tkunx sodisfatta li ma kienx prattikabbli li applikazzjoni b[al dik issir qabel tmiem dak i]-]mien u li tkun saret applikazzjoni kemm jista’ jkun prattikabbilment malajr wara dan.
83. Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikoli 79 sa 82 japplikaw

re;istrazzjoni mutatis mutandis f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ applikazzjoni

ta’ disinn b[ala o;;ett ta’ proprjetà.

Liçenzjar ta’ disinn re;istrat.

g[ar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn bl-istess mod b[alma japplikaw f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ disinn re;istrat.
84. (1) Liçenza biex jintu]a disinn re;istrat tista’ tkun
;enerali jew limitata. Liçenza limitata tista’, partikolarment, tapplika f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ l-u]u tad-disinn b’mod partikolari jew f’xi lokalità partikolari.

Liçenzi esklu]ivi.

Dispos- izzjonijiet

(2) Kemm-il darba l-liçenza ma tipprovdix xort’o[ra, din tkun tobbliga wkoll lis-suççessur fit-titolu skond l-interessi tal-konçedent, u referenzi f’dan l-Att g[al xi g[emil li jsir bil-kunsens, jew ming[ajr il-kunsens, tal-proprjetarju ta’ disinn re;istrat, g[andhom jiftehmu skond dan.
(3) Meta l-liçenza tkun hekk tipprovdi, tista’ ting[ata sotto-liçenza mid-detentur ta’ liçenza< u referenzi f’dan l-Att g[al liçenza jew detentur ta’ liçenza jinkludu sotto- liçenza jew sotto-detentur ta’ liçenza.
85. (1) Fit-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XVIV ta’ dan l-Att “liçenza esklu]iva” tfisser liçenza (kemm ;enerali kemm limitata) li tkun tawtorizza lid-detentur ta’ liçenza b’ esklu]joni ta’ kull persuna o[ra, inklu]a l-persuna li tkun qed tag[ti l-liçenza, biex ju]a disinn re;istrat bil-mod awtorizzat bil-liçenza.
(2) Detentur ta’ liçenza esklu]iva g[andu l-istess drittijiet fir-rigward ta’ suççessur fit-titolu li jkun obbligat b’liçenza b[alma g[andu fir-rigward tal-persuna li tkun qed tag[ti l-liçenza.
86. (1) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu
A 733

;enerali dwar g[andhom japplikaw g[ar-rigward tad-drittijiet ta’ detentur

id-drittijiet ta’ detenturi ta’ liçenza

fil-ka] ta’


ta’ liçenza f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam mal-ksur ta’ disinn
I]da ma g[andhomx japplikaw meta jew sakemm, skond l-artikolu 87(1) detentur ta’ liçenza esklu]iva jkollu dritt jibda proçedimenti f’ismu stess.
(2) Detentur ta’ liçenza jkollu jedd, kemm-il darba l-liçenza li jkollu ma tkunx tipprovdi xort’o[ra, jinterpella lill-proprjetarju tad-disinn re;istrat biex jibda proçedimenti fuq xi ksur dwar xi [a;a li tkun tolqot l-interessi tieg[u.
(3) Jekk il-proprjetarju jirrofta milli jag[mel dan, jew jonqos milli jag[mel dan fi ]mien xahrejn minn meta jkun ;ie interpellat, id-detentur ta’ liçenza jista’ jibda proçedimenti f’ismu stess daqslikieku kien il-proprjetarju.
(4) Meta jinbdew minn detentur ta’ liçenza bis- sa[[a ta’ dan l-artikolu proçedimenti dwar xi ksur, il- proprjetarju g[andu wkoll jid[ol fil-kaw]a.
A 734

Detentur ta’ liçenza li jkollu dritt u rimedji ta’ prokuratur.

(5) Fi proçedimenti dwar xi ksur li jinbdew minn proprjetarju ta’ disinn re;istrat, kull telf im;arrab jew li x’aktarx ikun im;arrab mid-detenturi ta’ liçenza g[andu jitqies mill-Qorti li g[andha tag[ti dawk l-ordnijiet li tqis xierqa dwar x’ikollu jsir minn u kif g[andu jitqassam kull ammont ta’ flus mog[ti b[ala rimedju g[all-ksur.
87. (1) Liçenza esklu]iva tista’ tkun tipprovdi li d- detentur ta’ liçenza jkollu, sa dak il-limitu li jista’ ji;i pprovdut minn liçenza, l-istess drittijiet u rimedji dwar [wejje; li ji;ru wara l-g[oti ta’ l-liçenza daqslikieku l-liçenza kienet assenjazzjoni.
Meta jew sal-limitu li fih isir dak il-provvediment, id- detentur ta’ liçenza ikun intitolat, bla [sara g[ad- disposizzjonijiet tal-liçenza u g[al dawn id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu li ;ejjin, jibda proçedimenti dwar xi ksur f’ismu stess kontra kull persuna li ma tkunx il-proprjetarju.
(2) Id-drittijiet u r-rimedji ta’ detentur ta’ liçenza esklu]iva jimxu flimkien ma’ dawk tal-proprjetarju tad-disinn re;istrat< u referenzi f’dan l-Att g[all-proprjetarju ta’ disinn re;istrat li g[andhom x’jaqsmu ma’ ksur g[andhom ikunu jiftehmu skond dan.
(3) F’azzjoni mibdija minn detentur ta’ liçenza esklu]iva ta[t dan l-artikolu, konvenut jkun jista’ jutilizza kull difi]a li kieku kienet tkun disponibbli g[alih li kieku l- azzjoni tkun inbdiet minn proprjetarju tad-disinn re;istrat.
(4) Meta proçedimenti dwar ksur ta’ disinn re;istrat jinbdew minn proprjetarju jew mid-detentur ta’ liçenza li g[andhom x’jaqsmu mal-ksur li dwaru huma jkollhom dritt ta’ azzjoni konkorrenti, il-proprjetarju jew, skond il-ka], id- detentur ta’ liçenza li ma jkunux atturi jistg[u jing[aqdu fil- kaw]a.
(5) (a) Meta tinbeda azzjoni dwar ksur ta’ disinn re;istrat li g[andha x’taqsam ma’ xi ksur li dwaru l- proprjetarju u d-detentur ta’ liçenza esklu]iva jkollhom dritt ta’ azzjoni konkorrenti -
(i) il-Qorti g[andha meta ti;i biex tag[mel stima tad-danni tqis il-pattijiet tal-liçenza, u kull rimedju ta’ flus li jkun ing[ata minn qabel jew sar disponibbli lil xi wie[ed minnhom dwar dak il-ksur<

Applikazzjoni g[al

(ii) ma g[andu ji;i ordnat li jsir ebda kont ta’ profitti jekk ikunu ng[ataw qabel id-danni, jew ikun ;ie ordnat kont ta’ profitti, favur xi wie[ed minnhom dwar dak il-ksur< u
(iii) il-Qorti g[andha tqassam, jekk ikun ;ie ordnat kont ta’ profitti u bla [sara g[al kull ftehim bejn il-proprjetarju u d-detentur ta’ liçenza esklu]iva, il- profitti bejnithom hekk kif il-Qorti tqis li jkun ;ust.
(b) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan is-subartikolu japplikaw kemm jekk azzjoni tin;ieb minn proprjetarju wa[du, kemm jekk din tin;ieb minn proprjetarju u d-detentur ta’ liçenza< u jekk dawn ma jkunux partijiet it-tnejn li huma, il-Qorti tista’ tag[ti dawk l-ordnijiet li tista’ tqis li jkunu xierqa dwar it-tne[[ija u t-tqassim ta’ kull ammont mog[ti b[ala rimedju g[all-ksur.
(6) Il-proprjetarju ta’ disinn re;istrat g[andu jav]a lil detentur ta’ liçenza li jkollu dritt ta’ azzjoni konkorrenti qabel ma japplika g[al ordni ta[t l-artikolu 115< u l-Qorti tista’ wara li d-detentur ta’ liçenza jag[mel rikors, tordna li jsir skond dak l-artikolu b[al ma tqis li jkun xieraq fil-qies tal-pattijiet tad-detentur ta’ liçenza.
(7) Id-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikoli (4) sa (6) g[andhom ikunu ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[al kull ftehim kuntrarju bejn id-detentur ta’ liçenza u l-proprjetarju.
Taqsima III Applikazzjonijiet
88. Applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn
A 735

re;istrazzjoni. g[andha ti;i ppre]entata g[and il-Kontrollur fl-ilsien Malti

jew Ingli] u g[andu jkun fiha dan li ;ej>
(a) talba g[al re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn< (b) l-isem u l-indirizz ta’ l-applikant<
(/) id-disinn li jkun is-su;;ett ta’ l-applikazzjoni<
(d) l-isem u l-indiriz ta’ l-a;ent jew rappre]entant, fil-ka]ijiet meta xi wie[ed ikun ;ie ma[tur< u
A 736

Data meta ssir il-pre]entata.

Klassifikaz- zjoni ta’ disinni.

Pretensjoni dwar priorità

(e) dikjarazzjoni li tkun qed ti;i preti]a priorità fil-ka]ijiet meta l-applikant ikun jixtieq jie[u vanta;; ta’ applikazzjoni aktar bikrija.
L-applikazzjoni g[andha tkun bla [sara g[all-[las ta’
dritt skond ma jista’ jkun stipulat.
89. (1) Id-data meta ssir il-pre]entata ta’ applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn tkun id-data meta jing[ataw l-elementi stipulati fl-artikolu 88 lill-Kontrollur mill-applikant>
I]da meta l-elementi jing[ataw fi ;ranet differenti, id- data meta ssir il-pre]entata tkun id-data meta jing[ata l-a[[ar element.
(2) Referenzi f’Taqsima XVIII sa XXIV g[ad-data ta’ applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni g[andu jiftiehem b[ala referenza g[ad-data meta ssir il-pre]entata ta’ l-applikazzjoni.
90. (1) Id-disinni g[andhom ji;u klassifikati g[all- finijiet tar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinni b[alma hemm fil- Klassifikazzjoni skond Locarno.
(2) Kull kwistjoni li tqum dwar il-klassi li fiha jkun jinkwadra xi disinn g[andha ti;i deçi]a mill-Kontrollur, li d-deçi]joni tieg[u tkun wa[da finali.
91. (1) Persuna li tkun ippre]entat applikazzjoni

applikazzjoni kif imiss g[all-protezzjoni ta’ disinn fi stat li jkun membru

tal- konvenzjoni.

ta’ l-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tal-Kummerç (WTO) jew parti
fil-Konvenzjoni ta’ Pari;i, hawn i]jed ’il quddiem f’dan l- Att imsejj[a b[ala “applikazzjoni skond il-Konvenzjoni”, jew is-suççessur fit-titolu tag[ha, ikollhom dritt ta’ priorità, g[all- finijiet tar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ l-istess disinn ta[t dan l-Att li dwaru tkun ;iet ippre]entata dik l-applikazzjoni, g[al ]mien sitt xhur mid-data meta ssir il-pre]entata ta’ l-ewwel applikazzjoni b[al dik.
(2) Jekk l-applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni ta[t dan l-Att issir matul dak i]-]mien ta’ sitt xhur>
(a) id-data rilevanti g[all-finijiet li ji;u stabbiliti liema drittijiet ikollhom preçedenza g[andha tkun id-data meta ssir il-pre]entata ta’ l-ewwel applikazzjoni skond il-Konvenzjoni, u
(b) ma g[andux jintlaqat il-fatt dwar kemm jista’ ji;i re;istrat id-disinn bl-u]u tieg[u f’Malta fil- perjodu bejn dik id-data u d-data ta’ l-applikazzjoni ta[t dan l-Att.
(3) (a) Kull pre]entata fi stat membru ta’ l- Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tal-Kummerç jew parti fil- Konvenzjoni ta’ Pari;i li tkun ekwivalenti g[al pre]entata nazzjonali regolari ta[t il-legislazzjoni domestika tieg[u, g[andha ti;i ttrattata b[ala li din tag[ti lok g[ad-dritt ta’ priorità.
(b) Ghall-finijiet ta’ dan is-subartikolu “pre]entata nazzjonali regolari” tfisser pre]entata li tkun adegwata sabiex ti;i stabbilita d-data meta l-applikazzjoni tkun ;iet ippre]entata fil-pajji], tkun xi tkun l-applikazzjoni sussegwenti.
(4) Applikazzjoni sussegwenti li tirrigwarda l- istess disinn b[ala l-ewwel applikazzjoni skond il- Konvenzjoni, ippre]entata fl-istess pajji] tal-Konvenzjoni, titqies b[ala l-ewwel applikazzjoni skond il-Konvenzjoni (li d-data tal-pre]entata tkun id-data tal-bidu ta]-]mien ta’ priorità), jekk fil-waqt ta’ l-applikazzjoni sussegwenti>
(a) l-applikazzjoni ta’ qabel tkun ;iet irtirata, abbandunata jew rifjutata, ming[ajr ma tkun infet[et g[all-ispezzjoni pubblika u ming[ajr ma tkun [alliet xi drittijiet pendenti, u
(b) ma tkunx g[adha serviet b[ala ba]i g[al pretensjoni ta’ dritt ta’ priorità, u l-applikazzjoni ta’ qabel tista’ wara dan ma sservix b[ala ba]i g[al dritt ta’ priorità preti].
(5) Jista’ jsir provvediment b’regolamenti dwar kif issir pretensjoni ta’ dritt ta’ priorità abba]i ta’ applikazzjoni skond il-Konvenzjoni.
(6) Dritt ta’ priorità li jori;ina b[ala ri]ultat ta’ applikazzjoni skond il-Konvenzjoni jista’ ji;i assenjat jew xort’o[ra trasmess, jew ma’ l-applikazzjoni jew b’mod indipendenti.
A 737
A 738

Pretensjoni dwar priorità minn

92. (1) Il-Ministru jista’ jag[mel regolamenti li jag[tu lil persuna li tkun debitament ippre]entat applikazzjoni

applikazzjonijiet g[all-protezzjoni ta’ disinn f’pajji] jew territorju li dwaru l-

;ejjin minn

Gvern ta’ Malta jkun parti fi trattat, konvenzjoni, arran;ament

barra l-pajji]. jew qbil g[all- protezzjoni reçiproka ta’ disinni, dritt g[all- priorità, g[all-fini ta’ re;istrazzjoni ta’ l-istess disinni ta[t

dan l-Att g[al xi o;;ett jew servizz jew g[all-istess o;;etti jew servizzi, g[al dak il-perjodu li jista’ ji;i speçifikat fir-
regolamenti mid-data meta ssir il-pre]entata ta’ dik l- applikazzjoni.

E]ami ta’

(2) Dawk ir-regolamenti jistg[u jag[mlu disposizzjonijiet b[al dawk li hemm fl-artikolu 91 f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ applikazzjoni skond il-Konvenzjonijiet jew xi disposizzjoni o[ra b[alma jkun jidher lill-Ministru li tkun adatta g[all-fini li tag[ti se[[ lit-trattat, konvenzjoni, arran;ament jew qbil.
93. (1) Il-Kontrollur g[andu je]amina jekk

applikazzjoni. applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn tkunx tissodisfa l-[ti;iet ta’ dan l-Att.

(2) Jekk il-Kontrollur ikun jidhirlu li l-[ti;iet g[al re;istrazzjoni ma jkunux intla[qu, huwa g[andu jg[arraf lill-applikant u jag[tih opportunità li jag[mel dawk l-ilmenti jew li jemenda l-applikazzjoni matul dak il-perjodu li l- Kontrollur jista’ jispeçifika.
(3) Jekk l-applikant jonqos milli jissodisfa lill- Kontrollur li dawk il-[ti;iet ikunu ntla[qu, jew li jemenda l- applikazzjoni biex ikun jista’ jil[aqhom, jew jonqos milli jirrispondi qabel tmiem il-perjodu speçifikat, il-Kontrollur g[andu jiç[ad l-applikazzjoni.
(4) Jekk il-Kontrollur ikun jidhirlu li jkunu intla[qu l-[ti;iet g[ar-re;istrazzjoni, huwa g[andu jaççetta l-applikazzjoni b[ala li tkun eli;ibbli g[ar-re;istrazzjoni.

Irtirar, jew emenda ta’ applikazzjoni.

94. (1) L-applikant jista’ f’kull waqt jirtira l- applikazzjoni tieg[u.
(2) Applikazzjoni tista’ ti;i emendata, fuq talba ta’ l-applikant, biss billi jissewwa>
(a) l-isem jew l-indirizz ta’ l-applikant,


Bdil ta’ disinn re;istrat.

?essjoni ta’ disinn re;istrat.

(b) l-i]balji fil-kliem jew fl-ikkupjar, jew
(/) ]balji ovvji,
u mbag[ad biss fil-ka] li t-tiswija ma tkunx sostanzjalment tolqot l-identità tad-disinn.
95. (1) Meta applikazzjoni tkun ;iet aççettata b[ala wa[da eli;ibbli g[ar-re;istrazzjoni, il-Kontrollur g[andu jirre;istra d-disinn, kemm-il darba ma jkunx jidhirlu fil-qies ta’ dak kollu li ji;i fil-konjizzjoni tieg[u wara li jaççetta l- applikazzjoni li din tkun ;iet aççettata bi ]ball.
(2) Disinn ma g[andux ikun re;istrat u l- applikazzjoni g[andha titqies b[ala li tkun ;iet irtirata kemm- il darba ma jit[allasx xi dritt stipulat matul it-30 ;urnata tax- xog[ol mid-data meta ssir il-pre]entata.
(3) Meta disinn ikun re;istrat dan g[andu ji;i re;istrat sa mid-data tal-pre]entata ta’ l-applikazzjoni g[ar- re;istrazzjoni, u dik id-data g[andha titqies g[all-finijiet ta’ dan l-Att b[ala d-data ta’ re;istrazzjoni.
(4) Mar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn il-Kontrollur g[andu jo[ro; lill-applikant çertifikat ta’ re;istrazzjoni, u g[andu jippubblika fil-Gazzetta l-fatt li d-disinn ikun ;ie re;istrat u li jkun disponibbli g[all-wiri mill-pubbliku fl- Uffiççju.
96. (1) Disinn re;istrat ma g[andux jinbidel fir- re;istru, matul i]-]mien tar-re;istrazzjoni jew tat-ti;did tieg[u.
(2) Minkejja d-disposizzjonijiet tas- subartikolu (1), il-Kontrollur jista’, fuq talba tal-proprjetarju, jippermetti l-bdil ta’ disinn re;istrat meta d-disinn ikun jinkludi l-isem jew l-indirizz tal-proprjetarju u l-bdil ikun limitat g[all-bdil ta’ dak l-isem jew indirizz u ma jkunx sostanzjalment jolqot l-identità tad-disinn.
(3) G[andhom isiru disposizzjonijiet b’regolamenti li jkunu jippreskrivu l-mod ta’ pubblikazzjoni ta’ bdil b[al dak u l-g[emil ta’ o;;ezzjonijiet minn xi persuna li tippretendi li tkun milquta b’dan.
97. (1) Disinn re;istrat jista’ jkun /edut minn proprjetarju billi jibg[at avvi] lill-Kontrollur fejn ji;i inklu]
A 739
A 740

Ra;unijiet g[all- invalidità ta’ re;istraz- zjoni.

l-isem u l-indirizz ta’ kull min ikollu xi interess kontrattwali fid-disinn, jew xi interess ie[or ta[t l-Att. Il-proprjetarju g[andu wkoll jiççertifika li kull tali persuna>
(a) tkun ing[atat avvi] ta’ mhux anqas minn 90
;urnata dwar l-intenzjoni li l-proprjetarju jkollu li jçedi d-disinn, jew
(b) ma tkunx milquta, jew jekk milquta tkun taqbel ma’ dan.
98. (1) Ir-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn tista’ ti;i dikjarata valida g[al dawn ir-ra;unijiet li ;ejjin>
(a) jekk ma jkunux t[arsu d-disposizzjonijiet ta’
l-artikolu 74<
(b) jekk ma tkunx twettaq il-[ti;iet ta’ l-artikoli
65 sa 70<
(/) jekk id-disinn ikun l-istess b[al jew wie[ed li jixbah disinn prijuri li jkun sar disponibbli g[all-pubbliku wara d-data meta ssir il-pre]entata ta’ l-applikazzjoni jew, jekk ji;u preti]i prioritajiet, wara d-data ta’ priorità, u dak id-disinn prijuri jkun protett minn data prijuri g[al dik id-data b’disinn re;istrat jew applikazzjoni g[al disinn re;istrat f’territorju kopert bi ftehim internazzjonali li Malta tkun parti fih<
(d) jekk ji;i u]at sinjal distintiv f’disinn sussegwenti u d-detentur tad-dritt tas-sinjal ikollu d-dritt jipprojbixxi dak l-u]u<
(e) jekk id-disinn ikun jikkostitwixxi u]u mhux awtorizzat ta’ xog[ol protett bid-drittijiet ta’ l-awtur<
(f) jekk id-disinn jinvolvi l-u]u ta’>
(i) l-armi eraldi/i, bnadar jew emblemi o[ra, u
(ii) l-abbrevjazzjonijiet u l-ismijiet, ta’ organizzazzjonijiet internazzjonali u intergover- nattivi li tag[hom xi pajji] wie[ed jew aktar tal- Konvenzjoni ta’ Pari;i jkunu membri<

Attijiet ta’ a;ent jew rappre]entant.

(2) Ir-ra;unijiet approvati ta[t l-artikolu 74 (f) jistg[u biss ji;u invokati minn persuna intitolata g[ad-dritt ta[t il-li;i ta’ Malta.
(3) Ir-ra;unijiet fis-subartikoli (1)(ç), (1)(d) u (1)(e) hawn qabel jistg[u jkunu invokati unikament minn applikant g[al, jew id-detentur ta’ dritt konfli;;enti.
(4) Ir-ra;unijiet fis-subartikolu (1)(f) hawn qabel jistg[u ji;u unikament invokati mill-enti assoçjata ma’ dan kollu.
(5) Meta disinn ikun ;ie rifjutat re;istrazzjoni skond ma hemm fl-artikolu 74, jew dritt ta’ disinn ikun ;ie dikjarat invalidu skond ma hemm fis-subartikolu (1) hawn qabel, id-disinn jista’ ji;i re;istrat jew id-dritt ta’ disinn mi]mum f’g[amla emendata, jekk f’dik l-g[amla jkun jikkonforma mal-[ti;iet g[all-protezzjoni u tin]amm l-identità tad-disinn. Tista’ re;istrazzjoni jew manutenzjoni f’g[amla emendata tinkludi re;istrazzjoni li jkollha mag[ha rifjut parzjali mid-detentur tad-dritt fid-disinn re;istrat jew tni]]il fir-Re;istru tad-disinn, ta’ deçi]joni tal-qorti li tiddikjara l- invalidità parzjali tad-dritt tad-disinn.
99. (1) Dawn id-disposizzjonijiet li ;ejjin japplikaw meta applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn issir minn persuna li tkun a;ent jew rappre]entant ta’ persuna li tkun il- proprjetarju tad-disinn f’pajji] tal-Konvenzjoni.
(2) Il-proprjetarju jista’ b’çitazzjoni quddiem il- Prim’Awla tal-Qorti ?ivili>
(a) jitlob dikjarazzjoni ta’ invalidità tar- re;istrazzjoni, jew
(b) jitlob ir-rettifika tar-re;istru sabiex jissostitwixxi l-isem tieg[u b[ala l-proprjetarju tad- disinn re;istrat.
(3) Il-proprjetarju jista’ jirrestrin;i kull u]u tad- disinn f’Malta li ma jkunx awtorizzat minnu.
(4) Is-subartikoli (2) u (3) ma g[andhomx japplikaw jekk, jew sal-limitu li, a;ent jew ir-rappre]entant juri li l-azzjonijiet tieg[u kienu awtorizzati minn proprjetarju.
A 741
A 742

X’ji;ri meta jin]amm is- skiet.

(5) Applikazzjoni ta[t subartikolu (2) g[andha ssir matul it-tliet snin minn meta l-proprjetarju jsir jaf bir- re;istrazzjoni< u ebda ordni ma tista’ ssir ta[t is-subartikolu (3) dwar xi u]u li fih il-proprjetarju ma jkunx [a azzjoni g[al
]mien kontinwu ta’ tliet snin jew aktar.
100. (1) Tista’ ma tinbediex azzjoni g[all-invalidità meta l-persuna li tkun qed tag[mel l-azzjoni g[alkemm tkun taf bl-u]u ta’ disinn re;istrat f’Malta tkun ]ammet is-skiet g[al ]mien kontinwu ta’ [ames snin dwar dak l-u]u.
(2) Fil-ka] imsemmi fis-subartikolu (1), meta l- azzjoni tin;ieb abba]i ta’ disinn re;istrat preçedenti jew ta’ dritt akkwi]it preçedentement, il-proprjetarju tad-disinn re;istrat ma jkunx intitolat jopponi l-u]u tad-disinn preçedenti jew, skond il-ka], l-esplojtazzjoni tad-dritt preçedenti, minkejja li d-disinn jew dritt preçedenti jista’ ma ji;ix aktar invokat dwar id-disinn re;istrat tieg[u.
Taqsima XXI
Dispo]izzjonijiet amministrattivi u o[rajn supplimentari

Kif jin]amm u x’ikun fih ir-re;istru.

101. (1) (a) Il-Kontrollur g[andu j]omm re;istru ta’ disinni.
(b) Referenzi Fit-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l- Att g[al “ir-re;istru” huma g[al dak ir-re;istru< u referenzi g[al re;istrazzjoni, partikolarment, fil-fra]i “disinn re;istrat”, huma, sakemm ir-rabta tal-kliem ma tkunx te[tie; xort’o[ra, g[al re;istrazzjoni f’dak ir-re;istru.
(2) G[andhom jitni]]lu fir-re;istru skond dan l-Att> (a) disinni re;istrati<
(b) partikolaritajiet rilevanti ta’ transazzjonijiet re;istrabbli li jolqtu disinn re;istrat, inklu]i>
(i) id-data ta’ re;istrazzjoni kif stabbilita skond l-artikoli 89 u 95,
(ii) id-data ta’ priorità (jekk ikun hemm) kif konsentita konformi ma’ pretensjoni dwar dritt ta’ priorità mag[mul ta[t l-artikolu 91 jew 92,
(iii) l-isem u l-indirizz tal-proprjetarju, u
(ç) fil-ka] ta’ assenjazzjoni ta’ disinn re;istrat> (i) l-isem u l-indirizz tal-prokuratur, u
(ii) d-data ta’ l-assenjazzjoni<
(d) fil-ka] ta’ l-g[oti ta’ liçenza ta[t disinn re;istrat>
(i) l-isem u l-indirizz tad-detentur ta’ liçenza, (ii) meta l-liçenza tkun wa[da limitata,
deskrizzjoni tal-limitazzjoni,
(iii) meta l-liçenza tkun liçenza esklu]iva, dak il-fatt,
(iv) g[al kemm ]mien iddum il-liçenza jekk dan ikun jew ji;i aççertat b[ala perjodu definittiv, u
(v) d-data meta titni]]el ir-re;istrazzjoni< (e) fil-ka] ta’ qorti jew ta’ xi awtorità kompetenti
o[ra li tittrasferixxi disinn re;istrat>
(i) l-isem u l-indirizz ta’ min isirlu t- trasferiment,
(ii) id-data ta’ l-ordni, u
(iii) id-data meta ssir ir-re;istrazzjoni<
(f) fil-ka] ta’ trasferiment ta’ disinn re;istrat b’testment, jew xort’o[ra b’wirt>
(i) l-isem u l-indirizz tal-persuna jew persuni li ssir favur tag[hom id-disposizzjoni testamentarja, jew jg[addi l-wirt jekk ikun hemm, u
A 743
A 744

Spezzjoni pubblika tar- re;istru.

Rettifika jew korrezzjoni tar-re;istru.

(ii) id-data tad-disposizzjoni testamentarja jekk ikun hemm, u tal-mewt tad- detentur ta’ qabel,
(;) fil-ka] ta’ amalgamazzjoni, il-[ti;iet speçifikati g[ar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ assenjazzjoni< u
([) kull [a;’o[ra li g[andha x’taqsam ma’ disinni re;istrati hekk kif il-Kontrollur jista’ jqis li jkun me[tie;.
102. (1) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[ad-disposizzjoni ta’ l-artikolu 105, ir-re;istru g[andu jkun miftu[ g[all-ispezzjoni pubblika fl-Uffiççju matul dak il-[in li jistg[u ji;u stabbiliti mill-Uffiççju.
(2) Tista’ ssir riçerka fir-re;istru dwar disinn jew disinni b’xi wie[ed minn dawn il-modi li ;ejjin>
(a) persuna li jkollha interess tista’ wara li t[allas l-ammont stipulat tmur l-Uffiççju u tag[mel riçerka g[al xi disinn jew disinni. Jekk il-persuna jew persuni li jkunu qed jag[mlu r-riçerka jitolbu kopji ta’ xi re;istrazzjoni relatata, estratti mir-re;istru jew kopji tad-disinn, kemm awtentikati jew mhux awtentikati, dawn g[andhom ji;u pprovduti wara li jit[allas l-ammont stipulat<
(b) persuna li jkollha interess tista’ wara li t[allas l-ammont preskritt titlob bil-miktub lill-Uffiççju biex issir riçerka dwar xi disinn jew disinni. Jekk il-persuna jew persuni li jkunu qed jitolbu r-riçerka jkunu je[tie;u kopji ta’ xi re;istrazzjoni relatata, estratti mir-re;istru jew kopji tad-disinn, kemm awtentikati jew mhux awtentikati, dawn g[andhom ji;u pprovduti wara li jit[allas id-dritt preskritt.
103. (1) Persuna li jkollha interess bi]-]ejjed tista’
tapplika g[ar-rettifika ta’ xi ]ball jew omissjoni fir-re;istru>
I]da applikazzjoni g[al rettifika tista’ ma ssirx dwar xi [a;a li tkun tolqot il-validità tar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn.
(2) I]da applikazzjoni g[al rettifika tista’ ssir sew lill-Kontrollur jew b’çitazzjoni kontra l-Kontrollur u kull persuna o[ra li jkollha interess quddiem il-Qorti ?ivili, Prim’Awla>

Setg[a li jintalab l-u]u ta’ formoli.

Informazzjoni dwar applikazzjonijiet u disinni re;istrati.

I]da jekk ikun hemm proçedimenti li jirrigwardaw ir-re;istrazzjoni inkwistjoni pendenti quddiem il-Qorti>-
(a) l-applikazzjoni g[andha ssir permezz ta’ rikors quddiem il-Qorti fl-attijiet tal-proçedimenti< u
(b) jekk l-applikazzjoni issir lill-Kontrollur, huwa jista’ f’kull stadju tal-proçedimenti jordna lill-applikant jirreferixxi l-kwistjoni lill-Qorti skond is-subartikolu (2).
(3) {lief meta l-Kontrollur jew il-Qorti jordnaw xort’o[ra, l-effett tar-rettifika tar-re;istru g[andu jkun li l- i]ball jew l-ommissjoni in kwistjoni g[andhom jitqiesu b[ala li qatt ma saru.
(4) Il-Kontrollur jista’, meta ji;i hekk mitlub mill- proprjetarju ta’ disinn re;istrat, jew detentur ta’ liçenza, jag[mel kull tibdil fl-isem jew l-indirizz tieg[u kif ikun re;istrat fir-re;istru.
(5) Il-Kontrollur jista’ jne[[i mir-re;istru kull ma jidhirlu li jkun temm milli jkollu xi siwi.
104. Il-Kontrollur jista’ je[tie; l-u]u ta’ dawk il- formoli li huwa jista’ jordna g[al kull skop li g[andu x’jaqsam mar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn jew ta’ xi proçedura o[ra fis- setg[a tieg[u ta[t dan l-Att.
105. (1) Wara l-pubblikazzjoni tar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn, il-Kontrollur g[andu, meta ji;i hekk mitlub, jipprovdi lil persuna b’dik l-informazzjoni u jippermettilha tispezzjona kull dokument ippre]entat jew mi]mum fl-Uffiççju li jkollu x’jaqsam mad-disinn re;istrat, skond ma jista’ ji;i speçifikat fit-talba.
Kull talba b[al dik g[andu jkollha mag[ha dak il-[las li jista’ jkun stipulat.
(2) Qabel il-pubblikazzjoni tar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn, dawk id-dokumenti jew informazzjoni li jikkostitwixxu jew li g[andhom x’jaqsmu ma’ l-applikazzjoni, ma g[andhomx ji;u ppubblikati mill-Kontrollur jew ikunu disponibbli g[all-pubbliku [lief bil-kunsens ta’ l-applikant.
A 745
A 746

Esklu]joni ta’ responsabbiltà dwar attijiet uffiçjali.

(3) Il-Kontrollur ma g[andux ikun obbligat jippermetti l-ispezzjon ta’ xi dokument b[al dak imsemmi fis-subartikolu (1) hawn qabel kemm-il darba huwa ma jkunx temm xi proçedura jew l-istadju fil-proçedura li jkun rilevanti g[ad-dokument in kwistjoni, li huwa jkun me[tie; jew permess li jwettaq ta[t l-Att
(4) Id-dritt ta’ spezzjon ta[t is-subartikolu (1)
hawn qabel ma japplika g[al>
(a) ebda dokument sa ]mien erbatax-il ;urnata wara li jkun ;ie ppre]entat fl-Uffiççju<
(b) ebda dokument im[ejji fl-Uffiççju unikament bil-g[an li jintu]a hemmhekk<
(/) ebda dokument mibg[ut lill-Uffiççju, kemm fuq talba ta’ l-istess uffiççju jew xort’o[ra, g[all- ispezzjon u tre;;ig[ lura sussegwenti lill-mittent<
(d) ebda talba g[al informazzjoni ta[t dan l- artikolu<
(e) ebda dokument ma[ru; jew riçevut mill- Uffiççju li l-Kontrollur iqis li g[andu ji;i ttrattat b[ala wie[ed kunfidenzjali<
(f) ebda dokument jew parti minn dokument li fl-opinjoni tal-Kontrollur imaqdar lil xi persuna hekk li x’aktarx jag[mlilha [sara< jew
(;) ebda dokument ippre]entat flimkien ma’ jew mibg[ut lill-Uffiççju qabel ma dan l-Att ikun sar li;i.
106. (1) Ir-re;istrazzjoni mill-Kontrollur ma g[andhiex titqies b[ala garanzija minnu tal-validità tar- re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn ta[t dan l-Att jew ta[t xi trattat, konvenzjoni, arran;ament jew qbil li Malta tkun parti fih.
(2) Il-Kontrollur ma j;orr fuqu ebda responsabbiltà min[abba jew f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ xi e]ami me[tie; jew awtorizzat b’dan l-Att, jew xi trattat, konvenzjoni, arran;ament jew qbil, jew rapport jew proçediment ie[or li jo[ro; minn dak l-e]ami.

Ir-re;istraz- zjoni tkun prova ta’ validità prima facie.

?ertifikaz- zjoni ta’ validità ta’

(3) Ma g[andha ssir ebda azzjoni kontra uffiçjal tal-Kontrollur dwar xi [a;a li, bis-sa[[a ta’ dan l-artikolu, il- Kontrollur ma jkunx responsabbli g[aliha.
107. Fil-proçedimenti legali kollha li g[andhom x’jaqsmu ma’ disinn re;istrat (inklu]i proçedimenti g[ar- rettifika tar-re;istru) ir-re;istrazzjoni ta’ persuna b[ala proprjetarju ta’ disinn g[andha tkun prova prima facie tal- validità tar-re;istrazzjoni ori;inali u ta’ kull assenjazzjoni sussegwenti jew trasmissjoni o[ra tag[hom.
108. Jekk fi proçedimenti quddiem il-Qorti l-validità tar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn ti;i kkontestata u l-Qorti
A 747

re;istrazzjoni jirri]ultalha li d-disinn ikun re;istrat validament, il-Qorti


Dritt tal- Kontrollur li jidher fi proçedimenti li jinvolvu r- re;istru.

g[andha tiddeçiedi skond dan.
109. (1) Fi proçedimenti quddiem il-Qorti li jinvolvu talba>
(a) g[ar-revoka tar-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn,
(b) g[al dikjarazzjoni ta’ l-invalidità tar- re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn, jew
(/) g[ar-rettifika tar-re;istru,
il-Kontrollur g[andu ji;i av]at bil-proçedimenti u g[andu jkun intitolat jidher u li jinstama’ jekk ikun hekk ordnat jag[mel mill-Qorti.
(2) Kemm-il darba ma ji;ix xort’o[ra ordnat mill- Qorti, il-Kontrollur jista’, minflok ma jidher, jippre]enta fl- inkartament tal-kaw]a dikjarazzjoni bil-miktub minnu ffirmata, fejn jing[ata kull partikular dwar>
(a) il-proçedimenti li jkun qed jittratta f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam mal-punt in kwistjoni,
(b) ir-ra;unijiet ta’ kull deçi]joni relattiva minnu mog[tija,
(/) il-prattika ta’ l-Uffiççju f’ka]ijiet simili, jew
(d) kull [a;a o[ra rilevanti g[all-punti in kwistjoni u li hu jkun jaf bihom b[ala Kontrollur hekk kif huwa jista’ jqis li jkun adatt,
A 748

Appelli mid- deçi]joni tal- Kontrollur.

{inijiet tax- xog[ol u

;ranet tax- xog[ol.

G[arfien ta’


u d-dikjarazzjoni g[andha titqies b[ala li tifforma parti mill- provi fil-proçedimenti.
110. (1) Jista’ jsir appell minn kull deçi]joni tal- Kontrollur ta[t it-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l-Att quddiem il-Qorti ta’ l-Appell kompost bil-mod provdut fis- subartikolu (6) ta’ l-artikolu 41 tal-Kodiçi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proçedura ?ivili b’rikors li jsir fi ]mien [mistax-il ;urnata min-notifika tad-deçi]joni tal-Kontrollur.
(2) Ghall-finijiet tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l- artikolu “deçi]joni” tfisser att, li ma jkunx xi wie[ed minn dawk l-attijiet li jista’ jkun stipulat b’regolamenti, mag[mul mill-Kontrollur fl-e]erçizzju tad-diskrezzjoni vestita fih b’dan l-Att jew ta[tu.
(3) Il-Ministru bi ftehim mal-Ministru responsabbli g[all-;ustizzja jista’ jag[mel regoli li jkunu jirregolaw l-appelli quddiem il-Qorti ta’ l-Appell ta[t it- Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l-Att, u li jkunu jag[tu skala ta’ spejje] u [lasijiet f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ dawk l- appelli.
111. (1) Il-Kontrollur jista’ jag[ti ordnijiet li jkunu jispeçifikaw il-[inijiet tax-xog[ol ta’ l-Uffiççju g[all-fini tat- transazzjoni mill-pubbliku ta’ kull xog[ol ta[t dan l-Att, u l-
;ranet li jkunu ;ranet tax-xog[ol g[al dak l-g[an.
(2) Ix-xog[ol li jsir f’;urnata tax-xog[ol wara l-[inijiet tax-xog[ol speçifikati, jew f’xi ;urnata li ma tkunx
;urnata tax-xog[ol, g[andu jitqies li jkun sar fil-;urnata tax- xog[ol li jmiss< u meta ]-]mien biex issir xi [a;a ta[t dan l- Att jiskadi f’;urnata li ma tkunx ;urnata tax-xog[ol, dak i]-
]mien g[andu ji;i esti] g[all-;urnata tax-xog[ol li tmiss.
(3) Ordnijiet ta[t dan l-artikolu jistg[u jag[mlu provvedimenti differenti g[al klassijiet ta’ xog[ol differenti u dawn g[andhom ji;u ppubblikati bil-mod stipulat.
112. (1) Meta bis-sa[[a tat-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l-Att xi att ikollu jsir minn jew lil xi persuna f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ xi proçedimenti jew xi [a;a ta[t dan l-Att, l-att ikun jista’ jsir, ta[t u skond ir-regolamenti, minn jew lil a;ent ta’ dik il-persuna debitament awtorizzata bil-miktub>

Azzjoni dwar ksur.

Ordni g[all- konsenja ta’ makkinarju, prodotti jew materjal

I]da l-Kontrollur jista’ f’xi ka] partikolari je[tie; il-firma personali jew il-pre]enza ta’ l-a;ent jew tal-persuna li tkun qed tawtorizzah jag[milha ta’ a;ent.
(2) Jekk l-applikant ma jkollux ir-residenza ordinarja jew il-post tax-xog[ol prinçipali tieg[u f’Malta, huwa g[andu jawtorizza lil a;ent li jkollu ir-residenza ordinarja jew jew il-post tax-xog[ol prinçipali tieg[u f’Malta sabiex jirrappre]entah bil-mod stipulat fis-subartikolu (1) hawn qabel>
I]da dan is-subartikolu ma g[andux japplika mill-
1 ta’ Mejju, 2004 minn applikant li jkollu r-residenza ordinarja jew il-post tax-xog[ol prinçipali tieg[u f’xi Stat Membru.
Taqsima XXII Ksur
113. (1) Persuna li bi ksur ta’ l-artikolu 75 tesplojta disinn re;istrat g[andha tkun responsabbli g[ad-danni li j;arrab il-proprjetarju tad-dritt tad-disinn jew id-detentur ta’ liçenza.
(2) Il-proçedimenti dwar ksur g[andhom jin;iebu quddiem il-Qorti ?ivili, Prim’Awla, u dawn ma jistg[ux jinbdew wara [ames snin mid-data meta l-parti aggravata tkun saret taf bil-ksur u l-identità tal-kontravenjent allegat.
(3) F’azzjoni dwar ksur g[andhom ikunu disponibbli g[all-attur dawk ir-rimedji kollha b[alma je]istu dwar il-ksur ta’ xi dritt ta’ proprjetà ie[or.
114. (1) Il-Qorti tista’, iktar minn hekk, fuq talba ta’ l-attur, tordna li l-makkinarju jew mezzi industrijali o[ra jew apparat ie[or u]at bi ksur tad-disinn, il-prodotti kontravenjenti,
A 749

kontravenjenti. u l-apparat ma[sub g[all-produzzjoni tag[hom, g[andhom

ji;u kkonfiskati, g[al kollox jew parzjalment, u kkunsinnati
lill-proprjetarju tad-disinn jew tali persuna o[ra li l-Qorti tista’
tordna, ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[al kull rimedju ie[or.
(2) Ma tistax issir azzjoni g[al ordni ta[t is- subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artkolu wara tmiem i]-]mien [ames
A 750

Ordni dwar it- tne[[ija ta’ makkinarju, prodotti jew materjal

snin mid-data meta jkun sar il-prodott kontravenjenti [lief kif ipprovdut f’dan is-subartikolu li ;ej.
(3) Meta matul dak i]-]mien kollu jew parti minnu l-proprjetarju tad-disinn re;istrat ma jkunx jista’ min[abba fi frodi jew [abi jiskopri l-fatti li jintitolawh biex jie[u azzjoni dwar xi ordni, l-applikazzjoni tista’ ssir f’kull waqt qabel tmiem ]mien [ames snin mid-data meta huwa seta’ b’dili;enza ra;onevoli skopra dawk il-fatti.
115. (1) Meta o;;etti, materjal jew prodotti kontravenjenti jkunu ;ew /eduti konformement ma’ ordni ta[t l-artikolu 144, tista’ tib;ieb quddiem il-Qorti azzjoni permezz

kontravenjenti. ta’çitazzjoni kontra kull persuna li jkollha interess fil-prodotti

minn xi parti interessata biex>
(a) jikseb ordni li dawn ji;u meqruda jew ikkonfiskati favur dik il-persuna li l-Qorti tista’ tqis adatta, jew
(b) ting[ata deçi]joni li ma g[andu jsir ebda ordni b[al dak.
(2) Fil-konsiderazzjoni tad-deçi]joni tag[ha, il- Qorti g[andha tqis jekk rimedji o[ra disponibbli f’azzjoni dwar ksur tad-disinn re;istrat ikunux adegwati biex jikkompensaw lill-proprjetarju u lid-detentur ta’ liçenza bil- g[an li jipprote;i l-interessi tag[hom.
(3) Persuna li jkollha interess g[andha tkun intitolata li>
(a) tidher fi proçedimenti dwar ordni ta[t dan l- artikolu, kemm jekk tkun kemm jekk ma tkunx, ;iet notifikata b’avvi], u
(b) tappella kontra kull ordni mag[mula, kemm jekk tkun kemm jekk ma tkunx, dehret quddiem l-ewwel qorti, u kull ordni b[al dak ma g[andux ikollu se[[ sakemm tmiem l-perjodu li fih jista’ ji;i ppre]entat appell jew, jekk qabel tmiem dak i]-]mien ikun ;ie hekk ippre]entat appell, sakemm il-proçedimenti ta’ l-appell jkunu ;ew finalment deçi]i jew abbandunati.

Rimedju g[al theddid bla ba]i ta’ proçedimenti dwar xi ksur.

U]u mhux awtorizzat ta’ disinn re;istrat.

(4) Meta jkun hemm aktar minn persuna wa[da interessata fil-prodotti, il-Qorti g[andha tag[mel dak l-ordni li tqis adatt.
(5) Jekk il-Qorti tiddeçiedi li ma g[andu jsir ebda ordni ta[t dan l-artikolu, il-persuna li l-prodotti kienu fil- pussess, kustodja jew kontroll tag[ha qabel ma jkunu
;ew /eduti g[andha tkun intitolata g[at-tre;;ig[ lura
116. (1) Meta persuna thedded lil persuna o[ra bi proçedimenti dwar ksur ta’ disinn re;istrat li ma jkunux dawk li hemm provdut dwarhom f’dan l-Att, kull persuna aggravata tista’ tibda proçedimenti g[all-[elsien ta[t dan l-artikolu b’çitazzjoni quddiem il-Qorti ?ivili, Prim’Awla.
(2) Il-[elsien li jistg[u isiru l-proçedimenti dwaru hu dan kollu jew x’u[ud minn dawn li ;ejjin>
(a) dikjarazzjoni li t-theddid ma jkunx ;ustifikat, (b) inibizzjoni kontra t-tkomplija tat-theddid,
(/) danni dwar kull telf li l-attur jista’ jkun ;arrab bit-theddid,
u l-attur ikun intitolat g[al dak il-[elsien kemm-il darba l- konvenut ma j;ibx prova li l-attijiet li dwarhom il- proçedimenti kienu mhedda ma jikkostitwux, jew dawn isiru ma jkunux kieku jikkostitwixxu, ksur tad-disinn re;istrat in kwistjoni.
(3) Meta l-konvenut i;ib prova li l-attijiet li dwarhom il-proçedimenti kienu mhedda jikkostitwixxu jew ikunu kieku jikkostitwixxu ksur tad-disinn re;istrat, l-attur g[andu madankollu jkun intitolat g[all-[elsien jekk huwa j;ib prova li r-re;istrazzjoni tad-disinn tkun wa[da invalida jew li din tista’ ti;i revokata.
(4) In-notifika sempliçi li disinn ikun re;istrat, jew li tkun saret applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni, ma jikkostitwix theddida ta’ proçedimenti g[all-finijiet ta’ dan l- artikolu.
117. (1) Persuna li bil-g[an li tag[mel qlig[
g[aliha nnifisha jew g[al xi persuna o[ra, jew li bil-[sieb li
A 751
A 752

Falsifikazzjoni ta’ re;istru.

Turija b’qerq ta’ disinn b[ala wie[ed re;istrat.

tikka;una xi telf lil persuna o[ra, u ming[ajr il-kunsens tal- proprjetarju, bi ksur ta’ l-artikolu 75 tesplojta disinn re;istrat tkun [atja ta’ reat kontra dan l-artikolu u tista’, meta tinsab [atja, pri;unerija g[al ]mien mhux i]jed minn tliet snin jew multa ta’ mhux i]jed minn g[axart elef lira jew dik il-multa u pri;unerija flimkien.
(2) Persuna akku]ata b’reat kontra dan l- artikolu tista’ ;;ib prova b’difi]a li kienet ra;onevolment ta[seb li l-u]u tad-disinn bil-mod kif dan ikun ;ie u]at, jew kif kellu jintu]a, ma kienx ksur tad-disinn re;istrat.
118. (1) Persuna li g[ax tkun taf jew ikollha tassew g[aliex ta[seb li informazzjoni tkun falza>
(a) tag[mel, jew i;;ieg[el li ssir, iskrizzjoni falza fir-re;istru ta’ disinni< jew
(b) tag[mel, jew i;;ieg[el li ssir, xi [a;a li b’mod falz turi li tkun kopja ta’ iskrizzjoni fir-re;istru, jew
(/) tipprodu/i jew tag[ti jew i;;ieg[el li ti;i prodotta bi prova jew li ting[ata b[ala xiehda xi [a;a b[al dik,
tkun [atja ta’ reat kontra dan l-artikolu.
(2) Persuna li tkun [atja ta’ reat kontra dan l- artikolu tista’, meta tinsab [atja, te[el pri;unerija g[al ]mien ta’ mhux i]jed minn sentejn jew multa ta’ mhux i]jed minn [amest elef lira jew dik il-multa u pri;unerija flimkien.
119. (1) Kull min iqieg[ed f’/irkolazzjoni, jew ibig[ xi prodott, li b’mod falz ikun juri li disinn applikat jew inkorporat f’xi prodott mibjug[ minnu jkun wie[ed re;istrat, ikun [ati ta’ reat kontra dan is-subartikolu u, meta jinsab [ati, jista’ je[el multa ta’ mhux inqas minn mitt lira u mhux i]jed minn [amest elef lira.
G[all-finijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu persuna li tbig’prodott li jkollu ttimbrat, imnaqqax jew mitbug[ fuqu jew xort’o[ra applikat fuqu l-kelma “re;istrat”, jew kull kelma o[ra li tkun tesprimi jew timplika li d-disinn applikat fuq il-prodott ikun wie[ed re;istrat, g[andha titqies g[all- finijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu li tkun qed tfisser li d-disinn applikat fuq il-prodott ikun wie[ed re;istrat.

U]u mhux awtorizzat ta’ xi tag[mir, emblemi, eçç.

Konsenja ta’ makkinarju, o;;etti

(2) Kull persuna, li wara li jiskadi d-dritt f’disinn re;istrat, timmarka prodott li d-disinn ikun ;ie applikat fuqu bil-kelma “re;istrat”, jew b’xi kelma jew kliem li jimplikaw li jkun hemm dritt sussistenti fid-disinn ta[t dan l-Att, jew tikka;una prodott b[al dak li ji;i hekk immarkat, tkun [atja ta’ reat kontra dan is-subartikolu u tista’, meta tinsab [atja, te[el multa ta’ mhux anqas minn mitt lira u mhux i]jed minn [amest elef lira.
120. (1) Persuna ma g[andhiex, ming[ajr l-awtorità tal-President, tu]a f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ xi negozju ebda tag[mir, emblema jew titolu b’tali mod li jista’ jitqies li jwassal lil wie[ed ja[seb li l-persuna tkun impjegata mill- President jew li tfornih b’o;;etti jew servizzi.
(2) Persuna li tikser id-disposizzjonijiet tas- subartikolu (1) ta’ dan l-artikolu tkun [atja ta’ reat kontra dan l-artikolu u tista’, meta tinsab [atja, te[el multa ta’ mhux i]jed minn tliet elef lira.
121. Il-Qorti tista’, iktar minn hekk, fil-ka]ijiet imsemmija fl-artikolu 117, fuq talba tal-prosekuzzjoni, tordna
A 753

kontravenjenti, li l-makkinarju jew kull mezz jew tag[mir ie[or industrijali


Setg[at tal- Ma;istrati.

Meta sid l-o;;etti ma jkunx mag[ruf.

u]at bi ksur tad-drittijiet tal-proprjetarji tad-disinni, il-prodotti
kontravenjenti, u l-apparat ma[sub g[all-produzzjoni tag[hom, ji;i kkonfiskat, g[al kollox jew f’parti minnu, u kkunsinnat lid-detentur tad-disinn, ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[al kull dritt ie[or g[all-[elsien ta[t dan l-Att.
122. Filwaqt li jkunu qed isiru proçedimenti dwar xi wie[ed mir-reati msemmija f’din it-Taqsima, jekk Ma;istrat ikun sodisfatt bl-informazzjoni ;uramentata li jkun hemm tassew ra;uni li ji;i suspettat li xi merkanzija jew o;;etti li permezz tag[hom, jew f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam mag[hom, ikun sar ir-reat, ikunu jinsabu f’xi dar jew fond ta’ l-akku]at, jew ikunu fil-pussess tieg[u jew ta[t il-kontroll tieg[u f’xi post ie[or, huwa jista’, b’ordni li tkun i;;ib il-firma tieg[u, jordna lil uffiççjal tal-Pulizija li jissemma fl-ordni, jid[ol f’xi dar, fond jew post, li wkoll g[andhom jissemmew f’dak il- mandat, u biex hemm ifittxu, jelevaw u jne[[u dik il- merkanzija jew dawk l-o;;etti.
123. Jekk sid ta’ xi merkanzija jew o;;etti, li kieku kellu jinsab [ati ta’ xi wie[ed mir-reati msemmija f’din it- Taqsima, kien jista’ je[el il-konfiska, ma jkunx mag[ruf jew
A 754

Konfiska ta’ o;;etti elevati.

Proçedura meta s-sid ma jkunx mag[ruf.

G[oti ta’ kumpens lil partijiet li jkunu bonafidi.


ma jkunx jista’ jinsab, kull Ma;istrat jista’ bl-istess mod u fiç-çirkostanzi me[tie;a fl-artikolu 122, jo[ro; dik l-ordni.
124. Il-merkanzija u l-o;;etti hekk elevati g[andhom jin;iebu quddiem is-seduta tal-Qorti tal-Ma;istrati b[ala qorti ta’ ;udikatura kriminali, u dik il-Qorti g[andha tistabbilixxi kemm dawn ikunu jistg[u ji;u kkonfiskati ta[t dan l-Att.
125. (1) Fil-ka] imsemmi fl-artikolu 123, il-Qorti g[andha tordna li jin[ar;u l-bandi li g[andhom ji;u ppubblikati darbtejn, b’intervall ta’ mill-inqas tmenin ;urnata, fil-Gazzetta, u li ji;u mwa[[lin fid-da[la ta’ l-edifiççju tal- bini tal-Qorti, u f’kull post ie[or li l-Qorti tista’ tqis xieraq, fejn ji;i ddikjarat li l-merkanzija jew l-o;;etti elevati g[andhom ji;u kkonfiskati, kemm-il darba fil-[in u l-post imsemmija fil-bandi s-sid ta’ dik il-merkanzija jew o;;etti jew xi persuna o[ra interessata f’dik il-merkanzija jew o;;etti ma tattendix quddiem il-Qorti fil-[in u l-post indikati fil-bandi u tg[id g[aliex ma g[andux isir il-kuntrarju. Il-persuna li mill-pussess tag[ha jkunu ;ew elevati l-merkanzija jew l- o;;etti, g[andha wkoll, meta jkun mag[ruf fejn hija tinsab, ti;i notifikata bil-bandi.
(2) Jekk is-sid jew xi persuna f’ismu, jew xi persuna o[ra interessata f’dik il-merkanzija jew dawk l- o;;etti, tonqos milli tattendi fil-[in u l-post imsemmija fil- bandi biex tg[id g[aliex m’g[andux isir il-kuntrarju, il-Qorti tkun tista’ tordna li dik il-merkanzija jew dawk l-o;;etti jew xi parti minnhom g[andhom ji;u kkonfiskati.
126. Il-Qorti tista’ tordna li l-merkanzija jew l-o;;etti hekk konfiskati g[andhom jinqerdu jew li jsir minnhom, u tista’ wkoll tordna li, mir-rikavat nett li jista’ ji;i realizzat mit-tne[[ija ta’ dik il-merkanzija jew dawk l-o;;etti u sa l- ammont tag[hom, kull persuna li, g[ax kienet bonafidi, sofriet danni mill-konfiska, g[andha ting[ata kumpens dwar kull telf li hija tkun ;arrbet.
127. Azzjonijiet kriminali ta[t dan l-Att g[andhom ji;u

ta’ azzjonijiet preskritti bl-iskadenza ta’ tliet snin mill-;urnata meta jkun

sar l-att li jikkostitwixxu r-reat, jekk il-persuna li l-att ikun sar bi pre;udizzju tag[ha, ma kenitx taf bih minn qabel< fil- ka]ijiet l-o[ra kollha dik l-azzjoni g[andha ti;i preskritta bl- iskadenza ta’ sena mill-;urnata minn meta dik il-persuna saret taf b’dak l-att.

Drittijiet g[al danni mhux milquta.

Prinçipal u impjegat.

Fuq min taqa’

l-prova dwar l-u]u ta’ disinn.

Preskrizzjoni ta’ azzjonijiet


Setg[a tal- Ministru li jag[mel regolamenti.

128. Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ din it-Taqsima g[andhom japplikaw ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[ad-dritt ta’ kull persuna li tfittex g[ad-danni b’konsegwenza ta’ kull att li jikkostitwixxi reat.
129. Ma g[andu jinbeda ebda proçediment kontra xi persuna fis-servizz ta’ xi persuna o[ra, jekk, huwa juri li b’mod bonafidi, huwa a;ixxa b’mod ubbidjenti g[all-istruzzjonijiet tal-prinçipal tieg[u, u, fl-interrogazzjonijiet mill-Pulizija, jag[ti informazzjoni s[i[a li jkollha x’taqsam mal-prinçipal tieg[u u mal-fatti tal-ka] skond ma huwa jkun jafhom.
Taqsima XXIII Disposizzjonijiet :enerali
130. Fi proçedimenti /ivili ta[t dan l-Att jekk tqum kwistjoni dwar l-u]u li jkun sar minn disinn re;istrat, il-pi] tal-prova li dak l-u]u partikolari jkun sar jaqa’ fuq il- proprjetarju.
131. Azzjonijiet /ivili ta[t it-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l-Att g[andhom ji;u preskritti meta jiskadu [ames snin fil-ka]ijiet kollha li fihom ma jkun stabbilit ebda perjodu ie[or f’dan l-Att li fih jistg[u jin;iebu dawk l-azzjonijiet.
Taqsima XXIV Regolamenti
132. (1) Il-Ministru responsabbli g[all-protezzjoni tal-proprjetà industrijali jista’ jag[mel regolamenti sabiex it- Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l-Att ikunu jistg[u ji;u amministrati a[jar, billi jag[mel dawk ir-regoli li jkunu me[tie;a bid-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-imsemmija partijiet ta’ dan l-Att, billi jordna kull [a;a awtorizzata jew me[tie;a b’xi disposizzjoni ta’ dan l-Att li tkun preskritta, u ;eneralment biex ti;i regolata l-prattika u l-proçedura ta[t l-imsemmija partijiet, u partikolarment jistg[u isiru provvedimenti>
A 755
A 756
(a) dwar it-tifsir ta’ kliem u fra]ijiet u]ati f’dan l-
(b) dwar l-g[oti, rifjut jew /essjoni ta’ disinn re;istrat<
(/) dwar il-pattijiet ta’ ti;did ta’ disinn re;istrat< (d) dwar il-mod kif ji;u ppre]entati
applikazzjonijiet u dokumenti o[ra kif ukoll il-[lasijiet
ta’ drittijiet rispettivi kollha u drittijiet o[ra ta[t it- Taqsimiet imsemmija ta’ dan l-Att<
(e) li jkunu je[tie;u u jirregolaw it-traduzzjoni ta’ dokumenti u l-pre]entata u l-awtentikazzjoni ta’ kull traduzzjoni<
(f) dwar in-notifika ta’ dokumenti<
(;) dwar affarijiet li g[andhom x’jaqsmu mar- re;istru ta’ disinni, partikolarment dwar>
(i) l-emenda ta’ partikolaritajiet re;istrati li g[andhom x’jaqsmu ma’ liçenza biex hekk jirriflettu kull bdil fil-pattijiet tal-liçenza, u
(ii) it-tne[[ija ta’ dawk il-partikolaritajiet mir-re;istru<
([) dwar il-klassifikazzjoni ta’ disinni re;istrati< (i) li jawtorizzaw ir-rettifika ta’ irregolaritajiet fil-
(j) dwar proçeduri, sanzjonijiet u kull [a;a o[ra li g[andha x’taqsam mal-ksur tad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-imsemmija Partijiet ta’ dan l-Att<
(k) li jkunu jippreskrivu t-termini ta’ ]mien dwar kull [a;a me[tie;a li ssir f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ xi proçediment ta[t l-imsemmija Partijiet ta’ dan l-Att<
(l) li jkunu jipprovdu dwar l-estensjoni ta’ kull terminu ta’ ]mien hekk stipulat, jew spe/ifikat mill-

T[assir ta’ l- Ordinanza dwar il- Protezzjoni tal-Proprjetà Industrijali u disposizzjoni transitorja.

Kontrollur kemm jekk dak it-terminu ta’ ]mien ikun di;à skada jew ma jkunx< u
(m) li tirregola d-disposizzjonijiet amministrattivi u o[rajn supplimentari.
(2) Il- Ministru jista’ wkoll minn ]mien g[al
]mien jag[mel regolamenti li ma jkunux inkonsistenti ma’ l- imsemmija Taqsimiet ta’ dan l-Att u li jkunu jordnaw kull [a;a li b’dan l-Att tkun me[tie;a jew permessa li ti;i stipulata jew li tkun me[tie;a jew mixtieqa li ti;i stipulata g[at-twettiq jew l-g[oti ta’ se[[ lil dan l-Att, jew biex isir kull xog[ol li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ l-Uffiççju tal-Kontrollur.
(3) Il-Ministru jista’ wkoll jag[mel regolamenti li jag[tu se[[ f’Malta lid-disposizzjonijiet ta’ xi istrument ta’ re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn internazzjonali jew re;jonali jew ta’ kull ftehim relatat li Malta ssir parti fih.
133. (1) Bla [sara g[ad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ din it- Taqsima l-Ordinanza dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Proprjetà Industrjali qeg[da b’dan ti;i m[assra.
(2) F’dan l-artikolu>
“disinn re;istrat e]istenti” tfisser disinn, re;istrat ta[t l-Ordinanza dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Proprjetà Industrjali minnufih qabel il-bidu fis-se[[ tat-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l-Att<
“il-Li;i l-Qadima” tfisser l-Ordinanza dwar il- Protezzjoni tal-Proprjetà Industrjali u kull li;i jew regola o[ra tal-li;i li tapplika g[al disinni re;istrati e]istenti minnufih qabel il-bidu fis-se[[ tat-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l-Att<
“re;istru l-;did” tfisser ir-re;istru mi]mum ta[t it-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l-Att<
“re;istru preçedenti” tfisser ir-re;istru mi]mum ta[t il-Li;i l-Qadima.
(3) G[all-finijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu>
(a) applikazzjoni g[andha ti;i ttrattata b[ala pendenti fil-bidu fis-se[[ tat-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV
A 757
A 758

Disinni re;istrati e]istenti.

Proçedimenti ta[t

il-Li;i l- Qadima.

Effetti ta’

ksur dwar

ir-re;istraz- zjoni.

O;;etti, materjal jew prodotti

ta’ dan l-Att jekk din tkun saret imma mhux finalment de/i]a qabel dak il-bidu fis-se[[< u
(b) id-data meta din tkun saret g[andha titqies b[ala d-data meta tkun saret il-pre]entata ta[t il-Li;i l- Qadima.
(4) Disinni re;istrati e]istenti g[andhom, fil-bidu fis- se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu, ji;u trasferiti fir-re;istru l-;did u bla [sara g[ad-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu, g[andu jkollhom se[[ daqslikieku dawn kienu re;istrati ta[t it- Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l-Att.
(5) Proçedimenti ta[t il-Li;i l-Qadima li jkunu g[adhom pendenti fil-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu g[andhom ji;u ttrattati ta[t il-Li;i l-Qadima u fir-re;istru l-
;did g[andu jsir kull bdil me[tie; konformi ma’ dawk il-
(6) (a) Mal-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu, l-artikoli
75 u 76 ta’ dan l-Att g[andhom japplikaw f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ disinn re;istrat e]istenti u bla [sara g[all- paragrafu (b) ta’ dan is-subartikolu, l-artikolu 113 ta’ dan l- Att g[andu jkun japplika f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam mal-ksur ta’ disinn re;istrat e]istenti li jsir wara l-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu.
(b) Wara l-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu, ma g[andux jitqies b[ala ksur>
(i) ta’ disinn re;istrat e]istenti, jew
(ii) ta’ disinn re;istrat li l-elementi distintivi tieg[u jkunu l-istess jew sostanzjalment l-istess b[al dawk ta’ disinn re;istrat e]istenti,
li jitkompla jsir xi u]u b[al dak li ma kienx jammonta g[al ksur tad-disinn re;istrat e]istenti ta[t il-Li;i l-Qadima.
(7) L-artikolu 114 ta’ dan l-Att g[andu japplika g[al o;;etti, materjal jew prodotti kontravenjenti kemm

kontravenjenti. mag[mulin qabel kemm wara l-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu.

Drittijiet u rimedji ta’ detentur ta’ liçenza.

(8) L-artikolu 86 ta’ dan l-Att g[andu jkun japplika g[al liçenzi mog[tija qabel il-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-Att, imma

Ko-proprjetà ta’ disinn re;istrat.

Assenjazzjoni, eçç., ta’

disinn re;istrat.

Liçenzjar ta’ disinn re;istrat.

Applikazzjo- nijiet

biss f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ kull ksur mag[mul wara l- bidu fis-se[[ tieg[u.
(9) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 80 ta’ dan l-Att g[andhom japplikaw sa mill-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu g[al disinni re;istrati e]istenti li ]ew; persuni jew aktar kienu minnufih qabel il-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu re;istrati dwaru b[ala proprjetarji kon;unti.
(10) (a) L-artikolu 81 ta’ dan l-Att g[andu japplika g[al transazzjonijiet u ;rajjiet li ji;ru wara l-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ disinni re;istrati e]istenti< u g[andha tkompli tapplika l-Li;i l-Qadima f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ transazzjonijiet u ;rajjiet li ji;ru qabel il-bidu fis-se[[ tag[ha.
(b) Meta, qabel il-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-Att, persuna tkun saret intitolata bl-assenjazzjoni jew it- trasmissjoni g[al disinn re;istrat e]istenti imma ma tkunx irre;istrat it-titolu tag[ha, kull applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni ta’ assenjazzjoni wara l-bidu fis-se[[ tieg[u g[andu jsir ta[t l-artikolu 83 ta’ dan l-Att.
(11) L-artikoli 84 u 85 ta’ dan l-Att g[andhom japplikaw biss f’dak li g[andu x’jaqsam ma’ liçenzi mog[tija wara l-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu.
(12) Applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn ta[t
A 759

pendenti g[al il-Li;i l-Qadima li tkun pendenti mal-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-

re;istrazzjoni. artikolu g[andha ti;i ttrattata ta[t il-Li;i l-Qadima, u, meta

re;istrat, id-disinn g[andu ji;i ttrattat g[all-finijiet ta’ dan l- artikolu b[ala disinn re;istrat e]istenti.

Konver]joni ta’ applikaz- zjoni pendenti.

(13) (a) Fil-ka] ta’ applikazzjoni pendenti g[al re;istrazzjoni ppre]entata qabel il-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l- artikolu, l-applikant jista’ jav]a lill-Kontrollur fejn jitolbu li ji;i stabbilit dwar kemm il-marka tista’ ti;i re;istrata skond id-disposizzjonijiet tat-Taqsimiet XVIII sa XXIV ta’ dan l- Att.
(b) Flimkien ma’ l-avvi] g[andu jkun hemm il-[las adatt u dan g[andu jing[ata mhux i]jed tard minn sitt xhur wara l-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu.
(ç) :aladarba jing[ata l-avvi] dan g[andu jkun irrevokabbli u g[andu jkollu l-effett li l-applikazzjoni g[andha
A 760

Disinni re;istrati skond il- klassifikaz- zjoni l- qadima.

Pretensjoni dwar priorità minn applikazzjo- nijiet ;ejjin minn barra l- pajji].

G[al kemm iddum re;istrazzjoni u ti;did tag[ha.

ti;i ttrattata daqslikieku tkun ;iet mag[mula minnufih wara l-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu.
(14) Il-Kontrollur jista’ je]erçita s-setg[at mog[tija b’dan l-Att biex ji]gura li d-disinni re;istrati e]istenti li ma jkunux jikkonformaw mas-sistema ta’ klassifikazzjoni stipulata ta[t l-artikolu 90 ta’ dan l-Att isiru konformi bis- sa[[a ta’ dik is-sistema.
(15) L-artikolu 91 ta’ dan l-Att g[andu japplika g[al applikazzjoni g[al re;istrazzjoni ta[t dan l-Att li ssir wara l- bidu fis-se[[ ta’ din it-Taqsima minkejja li l-applikazzjoni skond il-Konvenzjoni tkun saret qabel il-bidu fis-se[[.
(16) L-artikoli 72 u 73 ta’ dan l-Att g[andhom japplikaw dwar ir-re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn wara applikazzjoni mag[mula wara l-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu>
I]da fil-ka] ta’ re;istrazzjoni ta’ disinn ta[t il-Li;i l- Qadima, li ]-]mien tal-protezzjoni tieg[u jkun g[adu ma skadix mal-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dan l-artikolu, ir-re;istrazzjoni tista’ ti;;edded kif provdut fl-artikoli 72 u 73 ta’ dan l-Att.”.
Taqsima XXI

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni u l-Privatezza tad- Data, Kap. 440.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 37 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

117. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni u l-Privatezza tad-Data, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it-Taqsima imsejja[ “l-Att prinçipali”.
(2) Din it-Taqsima ta’ dan l-Att g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l-Ministru responsabbli g[all-protezzjoni tad-data jista’ jistabbilixxi b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta.
118. L-artikolu 37 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu ji;i enumerat mill-
;did b[ala s-subartikolu (1) tieg[u u minnufih wara dak is-subartikolu
(1) kif enumerat mill-;did g[andu ji]died dan is-subartikolu ;did li

“Il-Kummis- sarju ma jistax ikollu karigi o[ra mnejn jikseb profitt. Eççezzjo- nijiet.

(2) Il-Kummissarju ma jkun jista’ ji;;estixxi ebda professjoni, kummerç jew negozju jew ikollu xi kariga o[ra mnejn jikseb profitt, tkun xi tkun, ukoll jekk din tkun ta’ xorta temporanja, bl-eççezzjoni ta’ kariga temporanja f’xi qorti jew tribunal internazzjonali jew xi korp a;;udikanti internazzjonali, u l-kariga ta’ e]aminatur f’xi Università.”.
Taqsima XXII
119. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att li jirregola Fondi Speçjali, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it-Taqsima msejja[ “l-Att prinçipali”.
(2) Din it-Taqsima g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l- Ministru responsabbli g[all-finanzi u affarijiet ekonomiçi jista’ jistabbilixxi b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta u dati differenti jistg[u ji;u hekk stabbiliti g[al disposizzjonijiet differenti u g[al g[anijiet differenti ta’ din it-Taqsima.
120. Minnufih wara s-subartikolu (4) ta’ l-artikolu 4 ta’ l-Att prinçipali, g[andu jid[ol dan is-subartikolu li ;ej>
A 761

Emendi ta’ l-Att li jirregola Fondi Speçjali, Kap. 450.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 4 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Kap. 370.

“(5) Ma jkun hemm ebda [tie;a ta’ liçenzi ta[t l-Att dwar Servizzi ta’ Investiment g[al Skema jew Fond g[al min Jirtira li jkunu re;istrati ta[t dan l-Att.”.
121. Is-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 50 ta’ l-Att prinçipali g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>
(a) fil-paragrafu (a) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “jidhirlu xieraq<” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “jidhirlu xieraq< u jemenda l- Iskedi li jinsabu ma’ dan l-Att<”< u
(b) fil-paragrafu (b) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “relatati g[alihom, fejn jipprovdi”, g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “relatati g[alihom< jistabbilixxi l-kwalifiki u kriterji o[ra ta’ eli;ibilità me[tie;a biex wie[ed ja;ixxi ta’ Kustodju ta’ Fond g[al min Jirtira, jipprovdi dwar il-[las ta’ dawk id-drittijiet u [lasijiet o[ra kif jista’ ji;i preskritt, jipprovdi dwar is-setg[at ta’ l-Awtorità fir-rigward tag[hom, inklu]a l-impo]izzjoni ta’ penali amministrattivi jew mi]uri o[ra u l-appelli minnhom lit-Tribunal g[al Servizzi Finanzjarji, u jipprovdi dwar il-[ru; ta’ Direttivi li jistabbilixxu [ti;ijiet o[ra fir-rigward ta’ l-im;ieba jew l-attivitajiet tag[hom< u jipprovdi”.
Taqsima XXIII
122. (1) Din it-Taqsima temenda u g[andha tinqara u tiftiehem [a;a wa[da ma’ l-Att dwar l-Impiegi u r-Relazzjonijiet Industrijali, hawnhekk i]jed ’il quddiem f’din it-Taqsima msejja[ “l-Att prinçipali”.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 50 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ta’ l-Att dwar l-Impiegi u r- Relazzjonijiet Industrijali, Kap.


A 762

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 30 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 38 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 48 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ta’ l- artikolu 84 ta’ l-Att prinçipali.

Emenda ta’ l-Att ta’ l-2002 li jemenda l- Kodiçi Kriminali, Att III ta’ l-2002.

(2) Din it-Taqsima ta’ dan l-Att g[andha tibda sse[[ f’dik id-data li l-Ministru g[all-Politika Soçjali jista’ jistabbilixxi b’avvi] fil-Gazzetta.
123. Fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 30 minflok il-kliem “tliet xhur” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “erba’ xhur”.
124. (1) Fis-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 38 fil-ver]joni bl- Ingli], minflok il-kelma “or” g[andha tid[ol il-kelma “and”.
(2) Fis-subartikolu (4) ta’ l-artikolu 38 minflok il-kliem “Dan l-artikolu” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “Is-subartikoli (1) u (3) ta’ dan l-artikolu”.
125. Fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 48 wara l-kliem “Titolu I”
g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “u tat-Titolu II”.
126. Fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 84 wara l-kliem “impjegat tal-Gvern” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “[lief kif jista’ jkun provdut bis- sa[[a tas-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 48 ta’ dan l-Att”.
Taqsima XXIV
127. L-Att ta’ 1-2002 li jemenda l-Kodi/i Kriminali, aktar tard f’dan l-artikolu msejja[ “il-li;i prin/ipali” g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>
(a) minflok il-paragrafu (/) tas-subartikolu (1) li hemm fl- artikolu 91 tieg[u, g[andu jid[ol dan li ;ej>
“(/) fil-ka]ijiet l-o[ra kollha, mill-Avukat :enerali.”< (b) fl-artikolu 649 li hemm fl-artikolu 152 tieg[u>
(i) fis-subartikoli (1) u (2) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “;udizzjarja jew prosekutri/i” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “;udizzjarja, prosekutri/i jew amministrattiva”<
(ii) fis-subartikolu (5) tieg[u, minnufih wara l-kliem “il-ma;istrat” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “g[andu jikkonforma mal-formalitajiet u l-pro/eduri indikati mill-awtorità estera rikjedenti sakemm ma jkunux kontra l-prin/ipji fondamentali tal-li;i Maltija u”< u
(iii) minnufih wara s-subartikolu (5) tieg[u g[andhom jid[lu s-subartikoli ;odda li ;ejjin>
“(6) Meta t-talba ta’ l-awtorità estera tkun biex jinstema’ xhud jew espert bil-mezz ta’ video-konferenza d-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikoli (7) sa (12), it-tnejn inklu]i, g[andhom japplikaw.
(7) Il-ma;istrat g[andu j[arrek lill-persuna li jkollha tinstema’ biex tidher fil-[in u l-post li jkun mg[ammar b’fa/ilitajiet ta’ video-konferenza kif appuntat g[al dak il-g[an mill-ma;istrat. Il-ma;istrat g[andu jag[ti se[[ g[al kull mizuri g[all-protezzjoni tal-persuna li jkollha tinstema’ li l-Avukat :enerali jista’ jiddikjara li dwarhom ikun sar qbil ma’ l-awtorità rikjedenti estera.
(8) Il-ma;istrat g[andu jmexxi l-udjenza u fejn ikun me[tie; il-ma;istrat g[andu jappunta interpretu biex jassisti matul l-udjenza. Il-ma;istrat pre]enti g[andu ji]gura li l-persuna li jkollha tinstema’ ti;i identifikata u l-pro/edimenti jsiru u jkomplu f’kull [in skond il- prinçipji fondamentali tal-li;i ta’ Malta.
(9) Il-persuna li jkollha tinstema’ tista’ tinvoka d-dritt li ma tixhidx li kien ikollha ta[t il-li;i ta’ Malta jew ta[t il-li;i tal-pajji] ta’ l-awtorità rikjedenti estera.
(10) Salvi l-mi]uri g[all-protezzjoni tal-persuna li jkollha tinstema’ li g[alihom hemm riferenza fis- subartikolu (7), il-ma;istrat g[andu fi tmiem l-udjenza j]omm minuti li juru d-data u l-post ta’ l-udjenza, l- identità tal-persuna li nstemg[at, l-identitajiet u l- funzjonijiet tal-persuni l-o[ra kollha li [adu sehem fl- udjenza, kull ;urament li jkun ittie[ed u l-kondizzjonijiet tekniçi li fihom tkun saret l-udjenza. Id-dokument li fih ikunu ;ew re;istrati l-minuti g[andu jintbag[at lill- Avukat :enerali sabiex ji;i mibg[ut lill-awtorità estera rikjedenti.
(11) Id-disposizzjonijiet li ;ejjin g[andhom japplikaw mutatis mutandis g[all-persuna li jkollha tinstema’ skond id-dispo]izzjonijiet tas-subartikolu (6)>
(a) id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 522,
A 763
A 764

Emenda tal-Kodi/i

Kriminali, Kap. 9.

meta l-persuna li jkollha tinstema’ tonqos milli tixhed meta hekk me[tie;a tag[mel mill-ma;istrat<
(b) id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikoli 104,
105, 107, 108 u 109, skond ma jkun il-ka], meta l- persuna li jkollha tinstema’ ma tixhidx il-verità, g[al dan il-g[an il-proçedimenti quddiem l-awtorità estera g[andhom jitqiesu li jkunu proçedimenti li jkunu qeg[din isiru f’Malta u l-persuna li jkollha tinstema’ g[andha titqies li tkun persuna li tkun qed tixhed f’dawk il-proçedimenti. G[all-g[an li ti;i determinata l-piena li tkun tg[odd skond kif jista’ jkun me[tie; fi proçedimenti g[al sper;ur ta[t dan is-subartikolu, il-fatt kriminali indagat jew li jkun se ji;i ;udikat mill-awtorità rikjedenti estera g[andu jitqies li jkun su;;ett g[all-piena li g[aliha kien ikun su;;ett kieku l-istess fatt ;ara Malta jew fil-
;urisdizzjoni tal-qrati kriminali ta’ Malta.
(12) Id-disposizzjonijiet tas-subartikoli (6) sa (11), it-tnejn inklu]i, g[andhom japplikaw meta l- persuna li jkollha tinstema’ tkun persuna akku]ata fil- pajji] ta’ l-awtorità estera rikjedenti b’dan li l-udjenza g[andha ssir biss bil-kunsens tal-persuna li jkollha tinstema’ u li r-regoli ta’ evidenza u proçedura li kienu jg[oddu g[ad-depo]izzjoni ta’ persuna akku]ata fi proçedimenti kriminali f’Malta jkunu wkoll jg[oddu g[ad-depo]izzjoni tal-persuna akku]ata li jkollha tinstema’ ta[t dan l-artikolu.
(13) Id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu g[andhom jg[oddu wkoll mutatis mutandis meta t-talba ta’ l-awtorità estera tkun biex jinstema’ xhud jew espert bil-mezz ta’ konferenza bit-telefon, sakemm ix-xhud jew l-espert jag[ti l-kunsens tieg[u g[as-smig[.”.
Taqsima XXV
128. Il-Kodiçi Kriminali, aktar tard f’dan l-artikolu msejja[ “il- li;i prin/ipali”, g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>
(a) fil-paragrafu (a) tas-subartikolu (4) ta’ l-artikolu 370 tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “skond is-subartikolu (1) (/)” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “skond is-subartikolu (1) (b)”<
(b) l-artikolu 392A tieg[u g[andu ji;i emendat kif ;ej>
(i) fis-subartikolu (2) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “kif provdut fis-subartikolu (3) ta’ 1-artikolu 401” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “fi ]mien sitt ijiem tax-xog[ol”< u
(ii) fit-test Ingli] biss tas-subartikolu (5) tieg[u, minflok il-kliem “in paragraph (b) of article 392” g[andhom jid[lu l-kliem “in paragraph (b) of subarticle (1) of article
(/) minnufih wara l-artikolu 435D tieg[u g[andu jid[ol l- artikolu ;did li ;ej>
A 765

“Konsenji kontrollati u investigaz- zjonijiet flimkien ma’ awtoritajiet kompetenti ta’ pajji]i o[ra.

435E (1) Minkejja kull [a;a o[ra li tinsab f’kull li;i o[ra l-Avukat :enerali jkollu s-setg[a li jawtorizza lill- Pulizija E]ekuttiva u, fejn ikun xieraq, lill-awtoritajiet tad- Dwana sabiex i[allu li ssir konsenja kontrollata bil-g[an li ji;u identifikati l-persuni involuti fl-g[emil ta’ xi reat kriminali ta[t il-li;ijiet ta’ Malta jew ta[t il-li;ijiet ta’ pajji] ie[or.
G[all-g[anijiet ta’ dan is-subartikolu “konsenja kontrollata” g[andu jkollha l-istess tifsira mutatis mutandis li ng[atat lilha bis-subartikolu (2) ta’ l-artikolu 30B ta’ l- Ordinanza dwar il-Medi/ini Perikolu]i b’dan illi l-konsenja ille/ita jew suspettata li g[aliha hemm riferenza f’dak is- subartikolu tista’ g[all-g[anijiet ta’ dan is-subartikolu tkun tikkonsisti minn [a;a ta’ kull xorta tkun li tkun u li l-konsenja tista’ ti;i inter/ettata u m[ollija tkompli ssir bil-kontenut ori;inali tag[ha bla mittiefes jew imne[[i jew mibdul g[al kollox jew in parti.
(2) Bl-istess g[an li ji;u identifikati l-persuni involuti fl-g[emil ta’ reat kriminali ta[t il-li;ijiet ta’ Malta jew ta[t il-li;ijiet ta’ pajji] ie[or, l-Avukat :enerali jkollu wkoll is- setg[a li jawtorizza lill-Pulizija E]ekuttiva jew lil xi persuna ta[t is-sorveljanza jew direzzjoni tal-Pulizija E]ekuttiva biex takkwista jew tipprokura konsenja ille/ita jew sospettata ta’ kull [a;a tkun li tkun ming[and kull persuna jew post ikun li jkun.
(3) Skond dak li jipprovdi xi arran;ament, inklu] kull trattat, konvenzjoni, ftehim jew qbil, li tieg[u Malta tkun parti jew li jkun xort’o[ra applikabbli g[al Malta, l-Avukat
:enerali jista’ jawtorizza lill-awtoritajiet kompetenti ta’ pajji]
ie[or sabiex f’Malta, flimkien ma’ jew ta[t is-sorveljanza jew
A 766
direzzjoni tal-Pulizija E]ekuttiva, jag[mlu investigazzjonijiet dwar reati kriminali bil-mezz ta’ uffi/jali li ja;ixxu b’identità mo[bija jew falza, b’dan li l-Avukat :enerali jkun sodisfatt mill-identità vera u mill-kariga uffi/jali ta’ l-uffi/jali li jkunu u jkun informat g[al kollox dwar in-natura ta’ kull dokumenti li jidhru li jiggarantixxu, ji//ertifikaw jew jawtentikaw l- identità falza li jkunu [adu dawk l-uffi/jali. Minkejja d- dispozizzjonijiet ta’ kull li;i o[ra l-g[emil jew u]u ta’ dokumenti b[al dawk mill-awtoritajiet kompetenti jew minn dawk l-uffi/jali g[all-g[an ta’ jew matul dawk l- investigazzjonijiet awtorizzati kif ing[ad g[andu jitqies li jkun skond il-li;i u ma g[andux i;ib mieg[u xi responsabilità çivili, kriminali jew xort’o[ra, ta’ dawk l-awtoritajiet jew uffiçjali.
(4) Kull uffi/jal minn pajji] ie[or li jkun jie[u sehem f’xi wa[da mill-operazzjonijiet li g[alihom hemm riferenza fis-subartikoli (1) sa (3), it-tnejn inklu]i, g[andu, g[all-g[an ta’ kull responsabilità kriminali ta[t dan il-Kodi/i jew ta[t kull li;i o[ra ta’ dak l-uffi/jal jew ta’ [addie[or g[al g[emil kontra dak l-uffi/jal, jitqies li jkun uffi/jal pubbliku.”< u
(d) minnufih wara l-artikolu 628 tieg[u g[andhom jid[lu t- titolu ;did u artikoli ;odda li ;ejjin>
“Titolu VIII
Dwar Assistenza Re/iproka f’Materja Kriminali.
628A. (1) Il-Ministru responsabbli g[all-;ustizzja jista’ jag[mel regolamenti sabiex jag[ti se[[ lil xi arran;ament, inklu] xi trattat, konvenzjoni, ftehim jew qbil li fih Malta tkun parti jew li jkun xort’o[ra applikabbli g[al Malta u li jipprovdi g[al assistenza re/iproka f’materja kriminali.
(2) Ir-regolamenti mag[mula ta[t dan l-artikolu jista’ jkun fihom dawk id-disposizzjonijiet li l-Ministru jista’ jidhirlu xierqa fiç-çirkostanzi, inklu]a l-applikazzjoni, b’kull modifika xierqa, ta’ kull wa[da mid-disposizzjonijiet ta’ dan il-Kodi/i jew ta’ xi li;i o[ra.
628B. (1) Ming[ajr pre;udizzju g[all-;eneralità tas- setg[a mog[tija lill-Ministru bl-artikolu 628A, il-Ministru jista’ b’mod partikolari, jag[mel regolamenti li bihom jindika l-persuna, korp, sew jekk ikun persuna ;uridika jew le, awtorità jew a;enzija kompetenti g[all-g[an li ting[ata l-
assistenza li tista’ tintalab ta[t xi arran;ament b[al dak imsemmi fis-subartikolu (1) ta’ l-artikolu 628A u li jippreskrivu l-kondizzjonijiet u l-pro/eduri g[all-e]ekuzzjoni ta’ kull talba g[al assistenza b[al dik g[al kull g[an jew g[anijiet minn dawn li ;ejjin –
(a) l-interrogazzjoni ta’ persuni li jkunu qeg[din ji;u investigati jew pro/essati g[al xi reat kriminali<
(b) il-;bir ta’ provi jew l-g[oti ta’ xiehda< (/) in-notifika ta’ kull dokument jew att<
(d) l-inter/ettazzjoni ta’ komunikazzjonijiet<
(e) it-trasferiment temporanju g[al g[anijiet ta’ identifikazzjoni jew sabiex tinkiseb xiehda jew assistenza o[ra<
(f) id-d[ul u t-tfittxija f’kull fond u l-qbid ta’ kull o;;ett<
(g) it-te[id ta’ marki tas-swaba jew kampjuni intimi jew mhux intimi<
(h) l-e]umazzjoni ta’ xi katavru<
(i) l-g[oti ta’ records u dokumenti<
(j) l-investigazzjoni dwar ir-rikavat ta’ xi reat< (k) il-monitora;;, l-iffri]ar jew il-qbid ta’ xi assi
ta’ kull xorta inklu]i ta’ kontijiet bankarji< u
(l) il-verifika ta’ xi prova jew materjal ie[or.
(2) Kull regolament mag[mul ta[t id-disposizzjonijiet ta’ l-artikolu 628A u ta’ dan l-artikolu g[andu jkun fih riferenza g[all-arran;ament li dawk ir-regolamenti jkunu ma[suba biex i;ibu fis-se[[.”.
A 767
A 768
Mg[oddi mill-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Nru. 28 tal-21 ta’ Lulju, 2003.



Skrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati

A 769
I assent.
2nd September, 2003
ACT No. IX of 2003

AN ACT to amend various laws

BE IT ENACTED by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-

Part I

1. (1) The short title of this Act is the Various Laws Short title and

(Amendment) Act, 2003.
(2) The provisions of the various Parts of this Act, other than this Part, shall come into force on such dates as therein provided.

Part II


2. (1) This Part of this Act amends, and shall be read and Amendment of the

construed as one with, the Commercial Code hereinafter in this Part Commerical Code,
referred to as “the Code”.
(2) This Part of this Act shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for commerce may by notice in the Gazette establish.

3. For Sub-title IV of Title IV of Part I of the Code, there shall substituted the following:

“Sub-title IV


Substitution of Sub- Title IV of Title IV of Part I of the


Application of this Part.

70. (1) The relations between commercial agents and their principals and the activities of commercial agents in Malta are governed by the provisions of this sub-title.
A 770

Definition of commercial agent etc.

(2) This sub-title shall not apply to:
(a) commercial agents whose activities are unpaid;
(b) commercial agents when they operate on commodity exchanges or in the commodity market; and
(c) persons whose activities as commercial agents are secondary.
(3) The provisions of Part I of the Schedule to this Code shall apply in order to determine the persons whose activities as commercial agents are to be deemed secondary for the purposes of paragraph (c) of subarticle (2).
70A. In this sub-title:
“commercial agent” means a person not being a person in the employment of the principal, who has continuing authority to negotiate the sale or purchase of goods or services on behalf of another person (the principal), or to negotiate and conclude such transactions on behalf and in the name of that principal, but does not include:
(i) a person who in his capacity as an officer of a company or association is empowered to enter into commitments binding the company or association;
(ii) a partner who is lawfully authorised to enter into commitments binding on his partners;
(iii) a person acting as an insolvency practitioner in Malta or in an equivalent position in any other jurisdiction;
“commission” means any part of the remuneration of a commercial agent which varies with the number or value of business transactions;
“Minister” means the Minister responsible for commerce;
“regulatory authority” means the Council of the
Chamber of Commerce;

Licence to act

as commercial agent.

“restraint of trade clause” means an agreement or a clause in an agreement restricting the business activities of a commercial agent following the termination of the agency contract.
71. (1) No person shall act as a commercial agent, whether alone or in partnership with any other person, without a licence from the regulatory authority.
(2) Such licence shall not be granted unless –
(a) an application in writing is made to the regulatory authority in such form as the regulatory authority shall prescribe, containing the full name and surname, age, private and business addresses of the applicant and such other particulars concerning his business or occupation as the regulatory authority shall require. In the case of a person applying for licence to carry on the business of a commercial agent in partnership, a reference shall be made in the application to the statement published in the Gazette in terms of the Companies Act showing the date of registration of the partnership and the date on which the relative certificate of registration was issued;
(b) the applicant satisfies the regulatory authority, by bankers’, trade, or other references, that he is a fit and proper person to act as a commercial agent and that he has an adequate knowledge of the commercial laws and customs relating to the functions, rights and duties of commercial agents;
(c) the applicant produces to the said regulatory authority a certificate of good conduct from the Police authorities of his jurisdiction.
(3) A licence under this article shall not be granted to any person who is in the employment of the Government of Malta or of any financial institution, or to any person holding a warrant to practise a profession in Malta and actually practising such profession, or to stockbrokers or to any person who whether in Malta or abroad has been found guilty of fraudulent bankruptcy.
A 771
A 772

Power of the Minister to prescribe

fee for licence.


(4) An appeal, by means of an application, shall lie to the Court of Appeal in its Inferior Jurisdiction against any refusal to grant a licence under this article.
(5) Notice of any licence granted under this article shall be published in the Gazette. In the month of January of each year, a complete list of licences then in force shall likewise be published in the Gazette.
(6) Any licence issued under this article may be withdrawn or suspended by the Court of Appeal in its Inferior Jurisdiction on the application of the Attorney General, if the holder of the licence –
(a) is convicted of any crime against property; (b) is adjudged bankrupt;
(c) accepts employment under the Government of Malta, or with any financial institution, or becomes the holder of a warrant to practise a profession and actually practises such profession or becomes a stockbroker;
(d) is proved, to the satisfaction of the court, not to be a fit and proper person to act as a commercial agent.
(7) Such withdrawal or suspension shall be published in the Gazette.
(8) Any proceedings under this article may be conducted in camera, if the court shall so direct.
72. The Minister after consulting the regulatory authority may, by regulation, prescribe the fee to be charged by the regulatory authority in respect of the grant of a licence to act as a commercial agent under the provisions of the last preceding article. Any such regulation may prescribe the payment of an annual fee in addition to the fee payable on the issue of the licence and may provide that in default of payment of any such annual fee, the licence shall cease to be in force.
73. Any person who, without a licence in force at the time, represents himself to be, or acts or undertakes to act as a commercial agent, shall be liable:-

No grant or non- renewal of licence pending settlement of fine.

Duties of commercial agent to his principal.

Duties of a principal

to his commercial agent.

(a) on a first conviction to a fine (multa) not exceeding one thousand liri;
(b) on a second or subsequent conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to a fine (multa) not exceeding two thousand liri or to both such imprisonment and fine.
73A. Where any court has imposed a fine under this sub-title, and such fine has not been paid, the regulatory authority shall not grant or renew licence on the expiry thereof until such time as the payment of the fine is effected.
74. (1) In performing his activities a commercial agent shall look after the interests of his principal and act dutifully and in good faith.
(2) In particular, a commercial agent shall –
(a) make proper efforts to negotiate and, where appropriate, conclude the transactions he is instructed to take care of;
(b) communicate to his principal all the necessary information available to him;
(c) comply with reasonable instructions given by his principal.
75. (1) In his relations with his commercial agent a principal shall act dutifully and in good faith.
(2) In particular, a principal shall –
(a) provide his commercial agent with the necessary documentation relating to the goods concerned;
(b) obtain for his commercial agent the information necessary for the performance of the agency contract, and in particular notify his commercial agent within a reasonable period where he anticipates that the volume of commercial transactions will be significantly lower than that which the commercial agent could normally have expected.
A 773
A 774

Prohibition on derogation from articles 74 and 75

and consequence of breach.

Form and amount

of remumeration in absence

of agreement.

Entitlement to commission on transactions concluded during agency contract.

(3) A principal shall, in addition, inform his commercial agent within a reasonable period of his acceptance or refusal of, and of any non-execution by him of, a commercial transaction which the commercial agent has procured for him.
76. (1) The parties may not derogate from articles
74 and 75.
(2) The law applicable to the contract shall govern the consequence of breach of the rights and obligations under articles 74 and 75 above.
77. (1) Without prejudice to the application of any enactment or rule of law concerning the level of remuneration of commercial agents, in the absence of any agreement as to remuneration between the parties, a commercial agent shall be entitled to the remuneration that commercial agents appointed for the goods forming the subject of his agency contract are customarily allowed in the place where he carries on his activities and, in the absence of such customary practice, a commercial agent shall be entitled to such reasonable remuneration taking into account all the aspects of the transaction to be agreed to between the parties or in default by the court.
(2) Where the remuneration of a commission agent is not fixed in whole or in part as a commission the provisions of articles 77A to 77F shall not apply.
77A. (1) A commercial agent shall be entitled to commission on commercial transactions concluded during the period covered by the agency contract –
(a) where the transaction has been concluded as a result of his direct or indirect intervention; or
(b) where the transaction is concluded with a third party whom he has previously acquired as a customer for transactions of the same kind.
(2) A commercial agent shall also be entitled to commission on transactions concluded during the period covered by the agency contract where he has an exclusive right to a specific geographical area or to a specific group of

Entitlement to commission on transactions concluded after agency contract

has terminated.

Apportionment of commission between

new and previous commercial agents.

When commission due and date for


customers and where the transaction has been entered into with a customer in that area or group.
77B. Subject to article 77C, a commercial agent shall be entitled to commission on commercial transactions concluded after the agency contract has terminated if –
(a) the transaction is mainly attributable to his efforts during the period covered by the agency contract and if the transaction was entered into within a reasonable period after that contract terminated; or
(b) in accordance with the conditions mentioned in article 77A above, the order of the third party reached the principal or the commercial agent before the agency contract terminated.
77C. (1) A commercial agent shall not be entitled to the commission referred to in article 77A if that commission is payable, by virtue of article 77B, to the previous commercial agent, unless it is equitable because of the circumstances for the commission to be shared between the commercial agents.
(2) The principal shall be liable for any sum due under subarticle (1) above to the person entitled to it in accordance therewith, and any sum which the other commercial agent receives to which he is not entitled shall be refunded to the principal.
77D. (1) Commission shall become due as soon as, and to the extent that, one of the following circumstances occurs:
(a) the principal has executed the transaction; or
(b) the principal should, according to his agreement with the third party, have executed the transaction; or
(c) the third party has executed the transaction. (2) Commission shall become due at the latest
when the third party has executed his part of the transaction
or should have done so if the principal had executed his part of the transaction, as he should have.
A 775
A 776

Extinction of right to commission.

Periodic supply of information as to commission due and right of

inspection of principal’s books.

(3) The commission shall be paid not later than on the last day of the month following the quarter in which it became due, and, for the purposes of this sub-title, unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the first quarter period shall run from the date the agency contract takes effect, and subsequent periods shall run from that date in the third month thereafter.
(4) Any agreement to derogate from paragraphs (2) and (3) above to the detriment of the commercial agent shall be void.
77E. (1) The right to commission can be extinguished only if and to the extent that it is established that the contract between the third party and the principal will not be executed for a reason not attributable to the fault of the principal.
(2) Any commission which the commercial agent has already received shall be refunded if the right to it is extinguished.
(3) Any agreement to derogate from the provisions of subarticle (1) to the detriment of the commercial agent shall be void.
77F. (1) The principal shall supply his commercial agent with a statement of the commission due, not later than the last day of the month following the quarter in which the commission has become due, and such statement shall set out the basis used in calculating the amount of the commission.
(2) A commercial agent shall be entitled to demand that he be provided with all the information (and in particular an extract from the books) which is available to his principal and which he requires in order to check the amount of the commission due to him.
(3) Any agreement to derogate from subarticles
(1) and (2) shall be void.
(4) Nothing in this article shall remove or restrict the effect of, derogate from the provisions of any enactment or rule of law which grants to an agent the right to inspect the books of a principal.

Right to signed written statement of terms of agency contract.

Conversion of agency contract after expiry of fixed period.

Minimum periods

of notice for termination of

agency contract.

78. (1) The commercial agent and principal shall each be entitled to receive from the other, on request, a signed written document setting out the terms of the agency contract including any terms subsequently agreed.
(2) Any purported waiver of the right referred to in paragraph (1) above shall be void.
78A. An agency contract for a fixed period which continues to be performed by both parties after that period has expired shall be deemed to be converted into an agency contract for an indefinite period.
78B. (1) Where an agency contract is concluded for an indefinite period either party may terminate it by notice.
(2) The period of notice shall be –
(a) 1 month for in first year of the contract;
(b) 2 months after the commencement of the second year but before the commencement of the third year;
(c) 3 months after the commencement of the third year;
and the parties may not agree on any shorter periods of notice. (3) The parties may agree on longer periods than
those laid down in subarticle (2), provided that the period of
notice to be given by the principal may not be shorter than that to be given by the commercial agent.
(4) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the end of the period of notice must coincide with the end of a calendar month.
(5) The provisions of this article shall also apply to an agency contract for a fixed period which in virtue of article 78A is converted into an agency contract for an indefinite period and for the purposes of calculating the period of notice the term of the fixed period contract shall be deemed to be part of the agency contract for an indefinite period.
A 777
A 778

Savings with regard

to immediate termination.

Entitlement of commercial agent to indemnity or compensation on termination of agency contract.

78C. This sub-title shall not affect the application of any enactment or rule of law which provides for the immediate termination of the agency contract –
(a) because of the failure of one party to carry out all or part of his obligations under that contract; or
(b) where exceptional circumstances arise.
78D. (1) Subject to subarticle (7) and to article 78E, the commercial agent shall be entitled to an indemnity if and to the extent that –
(a) he has brought the principal new customers or has significantly increased the volume of business with existing customers and the principal continues to derive substantial benefits from the business with such customers; and
(b) the payment of this indemnity is equitable having regard to all the circumstances and, in particular, the commission lost by the commercial agent on the business transacted with such customers.
(2) The amount of the indemnity shall not exceed a figure equivalent to indemnity for one year calculated from the commercial agent’s average annual remuneration over the preceding five years and if the contract goes back less than five years the indemnity shall be calculated on the average for the period in question.
(3) The grant of an indemnity as mentioned above shall not prevent the commercial agent from seeking damages.
(4) Subject to subarticle (7) and to article 78E, the commercial agent shall be entitled to compensation for damage he suffers as a result of the termination of his relations with his principal.
(5) For the purpose of this sub-title such damage shall be deemed to occur particularly when the termination takes place in either or both of the following circumstances, namely circumstances which –
(a) deprive the commercial agent of the commission which proper performance of the agency

Grounds for excluding payment of indemnity

or compensation under

article 78D.

contract would have procured for him whilst providing his principal with substantial benefits linked to the activities of the commercial agent; or
(b) have not enable the commercial agent to amortize the costs and expenses that he had incurred on the advice of his principal in the performance of the agency contract.
(6) Entitlement to the indemnity or compensation for damage as provided for under subarticles (1) to (5) shall also arise where the agency contract is terminated as a result of the death of the commercial agent.
(7) The commercial agent shall lose his entitlement to the indemnity or compensation for damage in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing subarticles above if within one year following termination of his agency contract he does not make a claim to his principal therefor.
78E. The indemnity or compensation referred to in article 78D shall not be payable to the commercial agent where –
(a) the principal has terminated the agency contract because of default attributable to the commercial agent which would justify immediate termination of the agency contract in accordance with article 78C; or
(b) the commercial agent has himself terminated the agency contract, unless such termination is justified –
(i) by circumstances attributable to fault of the principal, or
(ii) on grounds of the age, infirmity or illness of the commercial agent in consequence of which he cannot reasonably be required to continue his activities; or
(c) the commercial agent, with the agreement of his principal, assigns his rights and duties under the agency contract to another person.
A 779
A 780

Prohibition on derogation from

articles 78D

and 78E.

Restraint of trade clauses.

Disclosure of information.

Service of notice etc.

78F. The parties may before the expiration of the agency contract, not derogate from articles 78D and 78E to the detriment of the commercial agent.
78G. (1) A restraint of trade clause shall be valid only if and to the extent that –
(a) it is concluded in writing; and
(b) it relates to the geographical area or the group of customers and the geographical area entrusted to the commercial agent and to the kind of goods covered by his agency under the contract.
(2) A restraint of trade clause shall be valid for not more than two years after termination of the agency contract.
(3) Nothing in this article shall affect any enactment or rule of law which imposes other restrictions on the validity or enforceability of restraint of trade clauses or which enables a court to reduce the obligations on the parties resulting from such clauses.
78H. Nothing in this sub-title shall require information to be given where such disclosure would be contrary to public policy.
78I. (1) Any notice, statement or other document to be given or supplied to a commercial agent or to be given or supplied to the principal under this sub-title may be so given or supplied:
(a) by delivering it to him;
(b) by leaving it at his proper address addressed to him by name;
(c) by sending it by post to him addressed either to his registered address or to the address of his registered or principal office; or by any other means provided for in the agency contract.
may –
(2) Any such notice, statement or document

Contracts entered

into before coming

into force of this


(a) in the case of a body corporate, be given or served on the secretary or clerk of that body;
(b) in the case of a partnership, be given to or served on any partner or on any person having the control or management of the partnership business.
78J. The provisions of this subtitle shall also apply to agency contracts concluded before the date of coming into force of this sub-title:
Provided that noting therein shall effect any right or liability accrued before such date.”.
A 781

4. (1) Parts I, II and III of the Schedule to the Code shall be renumbered as Parts II, III and IV respectively.

(2) Immediately before Part II of the Schedule as renumbered there shall be inserted the following new Part I:–

“PART I (Article 70(3))


1. The activities of a person as a commercial agent are secondary where it may reasonably be taken that the primary purpose of the arrangement with his principal is other than as set out in paragraph 2 below.
2. An arrangement falls within this paragraph if –
(a) the business of the principal is the sale, or as the case may be purchase, of goods or services of a particular kind; and
(b) the goods or services concerned are such that –
(i) transactions are normally individually negotiated and concluded on a commercial basis, and
(ii) procuring a transaction on one occasion is likely to lead to further transactions in those goods

Amendment to Schedule to the Code.

A 782
or services with that customer on future occasions, or to transactions in those goods or services with other customers in the same geographical area or among the same group of customers, and that accordingly it is in the commercial interests of the principal in developing the market in those goods or services to appoint a representative to such customers with a view to the representative devoting effort, skill and expenditure from his own resources to that end.
3. The following are indications that an arrangement falls within paragraph 2 above, and the absence of any of them is indication to the contrary –
(a) the principal is the manufacturer, importer or distributor of the goods;
(b) the goods are specifically identified with the principal in the market in question rather than, or to a greater extent than, with any other person;
(c) the agent devotes substantially the whole of his time to representative activities (whether for one principal or for a number of principals whose interests are not conflicting);
(d) the goods are not normally available in the market in question other than by means of the agent;
(e) the arrangement is described as one of commercial agency.
4. The following are indications that an arrangement does not fall within paragraph 2 above –
(a) promotional material is supplied direct to potential customers;
(b) persons are granted agencies without reference to existing agents in a particular area or in relation to a particular group;
(c) customers normally select the goods for themselves and merely place their orders through the agent.
5. The activities of the following categories of persons are presumed, unless the contrary is established, not to fall within paragraph 2 above –
• Mail order catalogue agents for consumer goods;
• Consumer credit agents.”.

Part III

5. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Ordinance, hereinafter in this Part referred to as “the Ordinance”.

(2) The provisions of this Part shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for finance may by notice in the Gazette establish, and different dates may be so established for different provisions or purposes thereof.

6. For the long title to the Ordinance there shall be substituted the following: “An Act to regulate Goldsmiths and Silversmiths”; and for the short title to the Ordinance, there shall be substituted the following: “Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Act”.

7. For the words “Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Ordinance” in article 1 of the Ordinance, there shall be substituted the words “Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Act”.

8. For articles 2 to 20 of the Ordinance, there shall be substituted the following new articles 2 to 18:

A 783

Amendment of the Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Ordinance,

Cap. 46.

Substitutes long and short

titles to the


Amendment of article

1 of the Ordinance.

Substitution of articles

2 to 20 of the



2. In this Act, and in any regulations made thereunder –
“an alloy of a precious metal” is a solid solution of a precious metal and one or more other metals;
“authorized” unless otherwise specified, means empowered by the Minister or his equivalent in a Member State or by an appropriate European Union Agency or by any person designated by the aforementioned in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
“authorized hallmarking bodyis a person independent of the manufacturer or sponsor of a precious metal article, authorized to imprint an office mark on the said article;
A 784
“Consul” means the Consul for Goldsmiths and Silversmiths and includes any public officer whom the Minister may from time to time authorize to carry out the duties of Consul;
“dealer” means any person who deals in precious metal articles or precious stones;
“European Union” means the European Union referred to in the Treaty;
“fineness mark” is a mark in arabic numerals imprinted on a precious metal article representing the standard of fineness of the precious metal article and indicating the type of precious metal used in the alloy of this article;
“Malta” has the same meaning as assigned to it by article 124 of the Constitution of Malta;
“manufacturer” is a person who makes precious metal articles;
“manufacturer’s hallmark” is an imprint which a manufacturer is authorized to apply on a precious metal article comprising the manufacturer ’s mark and a standard mark;
“manufacturer’s mark” is the identifying mark on a precious metal article which a manufacturer is authorized to imprint on the precious metal article he manufactures;
“Member State” means a state which is a member of the European Union;
“Minister” means the Minister responsible for finance;
“office hallmark” is an imprint on a precious metal article applied by an authorized hallmarking body comprising at least a standard mark;
“placed on the market” shall mean the first time that a precious metal article is in any way made available on the market for distribution in the territory of Malta or such other territory as may be prescribed;

Nominal standards.

Stamping of precious metal articles.

“precious metal” means gold, platinum, palladium and silver in the pure state and their alloys;
“precious metal article” is any fully manufactured item of jewellery, goldsmith’s or silversmith’s ware or watchmaker’s ware and any other complete object made entirely or in part from a precious metal;
“prescribed” means as prescribed by regulations under the Act;
“sponsor” means a person who undertakes the same responsibilities as the manufacturer;
“sponsor’s hallmark ” is an imprint which a sponsor is authorized to apply on a precious metal article comprising the sponsor’s mark and a standard mark;
“sponsor’s mark ” is the identifying mark which a sponsor is authorized to imprint on a precious metal article;
“standard” is the fractional content by weight of pure precious metal in a precious metal alloy;
“standard of fineness” shall be the number representing the number of parts by weight of pure precious metal in one thousand parts by weight of a precious metal alloy (millesims);
“standard mark” is a mark imprinted on the precious metal alloy of a precious metal article representing the standard of the alloy and the type of precious metal therein;
“the Treaty” has the same meaning assigned to it in the European Union Act, 2003.
3. The nominal standards for precious metal articles shall be as may be such as prescribed.
4. No precious metal article shall be placed on the market if -
A 785
A 786
(i) save as may be prescribed, the said article is imprinted with a standard mark which is superior to the actual standard of the precious metal;
(ii) the said article bears two or more differing standard marks except in cases where it consists of components made of various precious metals;
(iii) the said article does not bear either (a) an office hallmark or (b) a manufacturer’s or sponsor’s hallmark;
(iv) the marks referred to in subarticle (iii) hereof do not bear such other further characteristics as may be prescribed;
(v) in case the article is made up of various precious metals it is not marked in accordance with subarticles (iii) and (iv) hereof for the various precious metal parts.


5. The provisions of Article 4 of this Act shall not apply
(a) any precious metal article which cannot bear the pressure of the stamp without being broken or losing the necessary solidity or on which it is technically difficult to imprint the required marks;
(b) any precious metal article having an antiquarian value;
(c) objects of precious metal for scientific, technical, musical or medical use;
(d) legal tender made of precious metal and collectors’ coins and medals issued by or on the authority of a State;
(e) ingots or granules of precious metal for banking use;
(f) small articles weighing less than one gram in the case of gold and platinum and three grams in the case of silver and palladium or such other weight as may be prescribed;

Standards of solder.

Labelling of precious metal articles.



Sponsor’s responsibility.

Consul’s Office mark.

(g) semi-manufacutured precious metal articles; (h) articles which are not made of precious metal
but are plated with precious metal or are otherwise laminated or coated with thin precious metal foil.
6. The standards of solder that shall be used for joining component parts of precious metal articles shall be such as may be prescribed.
7. No precious metal articles shall be placed on the market unless: -
(i) it carries a label indicating the type of precious metal used in its manufacture and the standard of fineness thereof;
(ii) where an article contains a non-precious metal part which is not clearly recognizable, such article does not carry a label or is not accompanied by a document clearly identifying the said part;
(iii) the said article falling under provisions of article 5 of this Act is not accompanied by a document or certificate as may be prescribed.
8. (1) Manufacturers may not make use of any other manufacturers’ or sponsors’ marks or hallmarks and they may only imprint their manufacturer ’s mark or hallmark on precious metal articles they themselves manufacture.
(2) The manufacturer shall be responsible for the accuracy of the standard mark in the manufacturer’s hallmark.
9. (1) Sponsors may not make use of other sponsors’ or manufacturers’ marks or hallmarks and they may only imprint their sponsor’s mark or hallmark on precious metal articles of which they are sponsors.
(2) The sponsor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the standard mark in the sponsor’s hallmark.
10. (1) The Consul shall be an authorized independent hallmarking body.
(2) The Consul may imprint the Office hallmark in accordance with the regulations which shall, from time to time, be made by the Minister.
A 787
A 788

Declaration of

(3) The Office hallmark imprinted by the Consul shall be as prescribed.
(4) The imprinting of an Office hallmark shall be subject to the fees as may be prescribed.
11. (1) Any person who incorrectly declares that any

homogeneity. precious article or part thereof presented to the Consul for

imprinting with the Consul’s Office hallmark or for
certification is of a homogeneous substance or does not conceal extraneous substances, shall be liable to the punishments established in the Criminal Code for contraventions.
(2) Any person who fraudulently declares that a precious metal article or part thereof presented to the Consul for imprinting with the Consul’s Office hallmark or for certification is of a homogenous substance or does not conceal extraneous substances, shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding eighteen months.
(3) If by means of any such fraudulent declaration any person procures the imprinting or certification of a precious metal article which conceals any extraneous substances, or is not of a homogeneous substance, or if any person alters one or more parts of an imprinted precious metal article, or conceals therein any extraneous substances, such person shall on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
(4) No proceedings shall be taken against any person who has made an incorrect or fraudulent declaration that a precious metal article or part thereof presented to the Consul for the imprinting with the Consul’s Office hallmark or for certification if is of a homogenous substance, before the lapse of eight days from the day on which a notice to that effect is given to him by the Consul; within which time such person may require that the precious metal article or part thereof so presented be melted down and that of the substance so obtained the Consul shall make a second assay.

Authorization of manufacturers’ and sponsors’ marks.

12. (1) The Consul shall authorize manufacturers’ and sponsors’ marks and hallmarks in accordance with regulations which shall, from time to time be made by the Minister.

Inspections by

the Consul.


Trade records.

(2) Authorization of a sponsor’s mark or hallmark shall be granted without prejudice to the sponsor’s obligation to fulfil any requirements in order to align himself with any local or international patent law.
(3) Such authorization shall be subject to a fee as may be prescribed.
13. (1) The Consul shall at any time, inspect any premises or location where trading or manufacturing of precious metal articles is carried out or where such articles are imprinted in order to ascertain that the provisions of this Act, or of any regulations made thereunder are being observed and to collect any samples or articles for the said purpose.
(2) The procedure to be followed in the collection of samples or articles in terms of subarticle (1) hereof shall be as prescribed.
(3) Any articles or samples collected in accordance with subarticles (1) and (2) hereof, are not subject to compensation.
(4) Any articles or samples collected in accordance with subarticles (1) and (2) hereof and found by the Consul not to be in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall be delivered to the Commissioner of Police.
14. (1) The Minister shall fix by notice published in the Government Gazette the official prices of precious metals based on the prices prevailing on the international market as prescribed.
(2) The Consul shall be the official valuer for precious metal articles and shall base his valuation on the official price of precious metals which valuation shall be subject to the fees as may be prescribed.
15. (1) It shall not be lawful for any manufacturer, sponsor, dealer or any trader to purchase any precious metal articles or precious stones, from any person unknown to them without first showing such articles or precious stones to the Consul.
A 789
A 790

Return of stocks.

Punishments for


Power to make regulations.

(2) The Consul to whom any such articles or precious stones are presented shall make an entry thereof for that purpose, specifying the weight, quality and value thereof, the day on which the same were presented to him, and the particulars of the person by whom they were so presented.
(3) The provisions of subarticle (1) of this article shall not apply where the purchase is made at a judicial sale or at a sale of pledges of Il-Monti.
16. (1) The Consul may, at any time by notice in writing, require from any person who deals in precious metal articles or precious stones a return showing the details set out in the notice regarding the stocks of any such articles or precious stones held by such a person on any date specified in the notice before the opening for business, being either the date of the receipt of the notice or a subsequent date.
(2) The notice referred to in subarticle (1) of this article shall prescribe the time limit, which shall in no case be less than six days from the receipt of such notice, within which the return is to be submitted to the said Consul.
17. Saving the provisions of article 11 of the Act and articles 19 and 543 of the Criminal Code, it shall be lawful for any Court of Magistrates, sitting as a court of criminal judicature, to award for any offence against this Act, or against any of the regulations made thereunder, any of the punishments established in the said Code for contraventions or two or more of such punishments cumulatively according to circumstances.
18. The Minister may make regulations generally for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Act and may in particular by such regulations make rules regulating the recognition of authorizations of authorized hallmarking bodies and prescribe anything that is or may be prescribed in accordance with this Act.”.

Transitory provisions.

9. Any article regulation stamped with a mark or marks in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance as in force before the coming into force of this Part shall be deemed to have been duly stamped in compliance with the Ordinance as amended by this Part.

Part IV

10. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Supplies and Services Act, hereinafter referred to as “the principal Act”.

(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the
Minister responsible for trade may by notice in the Gazette establish.

11. Article 2 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows: (a) subarticle (2) thereof shall be deleted and the present

subarticle (1) shall be renumbered as the whole provision;
(b) in subarticle (1) now renumbered as the whole article:- (i) the definitions “essential goods”, “requisition”
and “sale” shall be deleted;
(ii) immediately before the definition “ “prescribed” or “specified” ” there shall be inserted the following definitions”:
“ “Director” has the same meaning assigned to in the Competition Act;
“goods”, “services” and “traders” have the same meaning assigned to them by the Consumer Affairs Act;
“Minister” means the Minister responsible for commerce;”;
(iii) for the definition “ “prescribed” or “specified” ” there shall be substituted the following definitions:
“prescribed” means prescribed by regulations under this Act;
“price” means the final cash purchase price inclusive of all charge;
(iv) for the definition “undertaking” there shall be substituted the following:
A 791

Amendment of the Supplies and Services Act, Cap. 117.

Amendment of article 2 of the principal Act.

Cap. 379.

Cap. 378.

A 792

Substitution of articles 3

to 11 of the principal Act.

“ “undertaking” means any commercial undertaking, enterprise or business concern, whether of a private or public nature, which is engaged in the manufacture, sale or distribution of any goods or services within the meaning of this Act.”.

12. For articles 3 to 11 (inclusive) of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following articles 3 to 8:

“Rights of consumers

Temporary price orders.

3. (1) Consumers have the right to be placed in a position to purchase adequate and reasonable quantities of any goods or services that are made available on the market in order to satisfy their normal requirements.
(2) The provisions of subarticle (1) shall not be directly enforceable in any court or tribunal, but shall be adhered to in the interpretation and implementation of this Act and any regulations made thereunder.
4. (1) Where the Minister is satisfied that due to extraneous factors an abnormal or exceptional situation has arisen in any particular sector of economic activity having a relevant social impact, or is satisfied that competition cannot function or is not functioning in a reasonably effective manner in such a sector, he may after consulting the Director by regulation issue a temporary price order in accordance with the provisions of this article to control the price of any good or service falling within that sector.
(2) An order made in accordance with subarticle (1) may specify that particular goods or services, or a particular class or category thereof, shall be subject to a maximum price, or a maximum price mark-up or a maximum percentage of profit as may be specified in the said order.
(3) Any such order may be issued for period not exceeding six months, and shall specify the date when it shall enter into force. An order may be extended for an additional period or periods not exceeding six months each.
(4) An order may not have retrospective effect. (5) The provisions of this article are without
prejudice to the provisions of the Competition Act.

Power to make regulations.

Requesitioning of goods


(6) A breach of an order issued under this article shall constitute an offence under this Act.
(7) A temporary price order and any extension thereof shall be published in the Government Gazette.
5. (1) The Minister may make regulations for the better implementation of this Act and may by such regulations prescribe anything that is or may be prescribed.
(2) Regulations made under the immediately preceding subsection may impose obligations on traders and may establish controls and other requirements in relation to:
(a) the prices at which any goods or services deemed by the Minister to be essential for the life and well-being of the community may be supplied or sold, and the regulation of the provision, production, storage, distribution, purchase and sale of such goods or services, as may be necessary to ensure the availability of supplies of such goods on the market;
(b) the invoices and other evidence of the calculation of prices of such goods and services offered to consumers and other purchasers.
(3) In pursuance of and for the purposes of the immediately preceding subarticles, the Minister shall, from time to time, by notice in the Gazette, designate the categories of goods and services deemed by him to be essential for the life or well-being of the community.
(4) The Minister may make also regulations requiring traders generally or any class or category thereof to keep such books, accounts and other documents and to make such returns as may be prescribed.
(5) Regulations made under any of the foregoing provisions of this article may assign such functions and responsibilities to the Director as the Minister may consider appropriate for the better implementation of the provisions and objectives of this Act and regulations made thereunder.
6. (1) The Minister may by order in writing provide for the requisitioning and taking possession and control of
A 793

undertakings. goods in relation to which a price order is in force in

A 794


accordance with article 4 of this Act, on such conditions as may be prescribed. Where any goods are requisitioned as aforesaid, any officer authorized for this purpose by the Minister may use or deal with such goods for such purposes and in such manner as such officer may consider necessary or expedient and may retain, store or with the specific written authorization of the Minister sell or otherwise dispose of the goods as if he were the owner thereof.
(2) In circumstances of an exceptional nature where he deems it necessary for the protection of consumers and the general public interest so to do, the Minister may in writing authorize the Director to take over the running and management of the whole or part of any undertaking which produces or provides goods or services in relation to which a price order is in force in accordance with article 4 of this Act.
(3) In the course and for the purpose of exercising any of the functions and powers assigned to him by this Act, the Minister may request the assistance of the Police for the purpose of entering and searching premises and for gaining access to and assuming control over premises and goods.
(4) In the exercise of any of the functions assigned or delegated to him under this Act, the Director may exercise all or any of the powers assigned to him under article 12 of the Competition Act.
7. (1) Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Act, (including those of subarticle (5) hereof) or of any regulation made thereunder, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.
(2) Proceedings in respect of an offence against this Act or regulations made thereunder may be commenced within one year from the commission of the offence.
(3) Any person guilty of an offence against this
Act shall on conviction be liable to:
imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to a fine (multa) not exceeding Lm2,000 or both such fine and imprisonment; or

Responsibility of traders.

with or without an additional fine (multa) of not more than five times the profit made as a result of the offence;
The court may moreover order:
the suspension or cancellation of any licence or other authorization issued by the Director or any licence issued in terms of the Trading Licences Act in the name of the person so found guilty and may moreover order the publication of any sentence, or a statement thereof, passed on the offender.
(4) The provisions of the Probation Act shall not be applicable to an offence against this Act.
(5) The provisions of article 23 of the Criminal Code shall apply with regard to the goods to which the offence relates.
8. (1) Every trader shall take steps to ensure full compliance with all the provisions of this Act and of regulations made thereunder, and shall exercise due diligence to ensure that the provisions of this Act are not contravened by any person under his authority, control or charge.
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of the immediately preceding sub-article, where an offence against these regulations is committed by, or an act or omission amounting to an offence may be attributed to, any individual acting in the name, or on behalf or in the interest of a company or other form of partnership or an association or other body or group of persons or where action is taken against an individual by virtue of his liability as a director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of such body, association or group and it results that an act or omission amounting to an offence against regulations has occurred, the provisions of article 8 relating to the suspension or cancellation of any licence held by the offender or other person as aforesaid shall apply also to any licence held by or in the name, or on behalf or in the interest of the company, partnership, association or other body or group of persons of which the offender or other person as aforesaid is a director, manager, secretary or other officer or in whose name or interest or on whose behalf such person was acting, and such licence shall equally be suspended or cancelled accordingly.”.
A 795

Cap. 441.

Cap. 446.

A 796

Transitory provision.

Amendment of the


Tax Act, Cap. 123.

Amendment of article

9B of the principal


13. (1) Regulations made under the provisions of the principal Act as in force before the coming into force of this part shall be deemed to have been made under the corresponding provisions of the principal Act as amended by this part and may be amended, revoked or substituted accordingly.

(2) Nothwithstanding the provisions of subarticle (1) hereof any price order made under the principal Act before the coming into force of this part are hereby reprealed.

Part V

14. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Income Tax Act, hereinafter in this Part referred to as “the principal Act”.

(2) The provisions of this Part of this Act shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for finance may by notice in the Gazette establish.

15. Article 9B of the principal Act shall be amended as follows: (a) in subarticle (1) thereof:

(i) immediately before the definition “relevant laws”
there shall be inserted the following definitions:
“ “foreign eligible asset” means such foreign asset as may be prescribed under the External Transactions Act;
“local eligible asset” means such local asset as may be prescribed under the External Transactions Act;”; and
(ii) in the definition “qualifying asset” for the words “article 39 of the Exchange Control Act”, there shall be substituted the words “the External Transactions Act”;
(b) in subarticle (2) thereof:
(i) in paragraph (a) thereof for the words “qualifying asset” wherever they appear there shall be substituted the words “qualifying asset not being a local eligible asset”;
(ii) for paragraph (b) thereof, there shall be substituted the following:
“(b) any income, including capital gains, to the extent that a qualifying asset represents such income or an undeclared part of such income or an accumulation thereof:
(i) with respect to a foreign eligible asset, being income derived by any person during the year immediately preceding any year of assessment in respect of which that person has furnished a return of his income to the Commissioner before the 1st September, 2001, or during the year immediately preceding any year of assessment commencing on or before the 1st January, 2001, in respect of which that person was not required to furnish a return of his income;
(ii) with respect to a local eligible asset, being income derived by any person during the year immediately preceding the year of assessment 2002 or any previous year of assessment in respect of which that person has furnished a return of his income to the Commissioner before the 31st March,
2003, or during the year immediately preceding any year of assessment commencing on or before the
1st January, 2002 in respect of which that person was not required to furnish a return of his income;”; and
(c) in subarticle (3) thereof, for the words “before the 1st
September, 2001” there shall be substituted the words “before the
1st September, 2001 in respect of a foreign eligible asset and 31st March, 2003 in respect of a local eligible asset”, and for the words “before the said date” there shall be substituted the words “before the 1st September, 2001 (in respect of a foreign eligible asset) and the 31st March, 2003, (in respect of a local eligible asset)”.

16. Nothing in article 15 of this Act shall be deemed to prejudice any exemption granted under article 9B of the principal Act as in force before the coming into force of the said article 15.

A 797


A 798

Amendment of the

Cargo Clearance and Transport

Act, Cap. 203.

Amendment of article 2

of the principal Act.

General amendment of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 3 of the principal Act.

Part VI

17. This Part amends and shall be read as one with the Cargo Clearance and Transport Act, hereinafter in this part referred to as the “the principal Act”.

18. Article 2 of the principal Act shall be renumbered as follows: (a) in the definition of “cargo clearance and forwarding

(i) the words from “ “cargo clearance” to the end of paragraph (a) thereof there shall be substituted the following:
“ “cargo clearance and forwarding agent” means any person who is the holder of a customs permit and whose business is the following:
(a) the making of customs declarations and the clearing through the Customs Department of documents relating to cargo; and”; and
(ii) in paragraph (b) thereof for the words “of consignment;” there shall be substituted the words “of consignment; and”;
(b) the definition of “licensee” shall be deleted; and
(c) immediately after the definition of “Comptroller”, there shall be inserted the following new definition:
“ “holder of a customs permit” means a person duly authorised under this Act to act as a cargo clearance and forwarding agent;”.

19. In the principal Act, for the words “licence”, “licenced” and “licensee” wherever they appear including in any marginal note to any article, there shall be substituted respectively the words “customs permit”, “authorised” and “holder of a customs permit”.

20. Immediately after subarticle (3) of article 3 of the principal

Act, there shall be added the following subarticle:–
“(4) The holder of a customs permit must at all times be in possession of an operator’s permit issued by the Malta Transport Authority.”.

21. Article 9 of the principal Act shall be deleted and articles 10 and 11 of the principal Act shall be renumbered as articles 9 and 10 thereof.

22. In article 9 of the principal Act as renumbered, for the words “presenting customs document” there shall be substituted the words “making customs declarations”.

23. Subarticle 10 (1) of the principal Act as renumbered, shall be amended as follows:

(a) for the numbers “3,7,9 or 10” there shall be substituted the numbers “3,7 or 9”; and
(b) for the words “two hundred liri” there shall be substituted the words “one thousand liri”.

24. Immediately after article 10, as renumbered, of the principal

Act there shall be added the following new article 11:
A 799

Repeal of article 9 of the

principal Act and subsequent renumbering

of other provisions.

Amendment of article 9 (formerly


of the principal Act.

Amendment of article

10 (formerly 11) of the

principal Act.

Addition of new article

11 to the principal


“Relation with

Import Duties

Act, Cap.


11. Nothing in this Act shall derogate from any of the provisions of the Import Duties Act.”.

Part VII

25. (1) This Part amends the Civil Aviation Act and it shall be read and construed as one with the Civil Aviation Act hereinafter in this Part referred to as “the principal Act”.

(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for civil aviation may by notice in the Gazette establish and different dates may be so established for different provisions and different purposes thereof.

26. Article 2 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows:- (a) The present provision shall be renumbered as subarticle

(1) thereof;
(b) in subarticle (1) thereof as renumbered:

Amendment of the Civil Aviation Act, Cap. 232

Amendment of article 2 of the principal Act.

Cap. 218.

(i) immediately before the definition of “air service licence” there shall be inserted the following new definition:
A 800
“ “air operator’s certificate” means a certificate granted under article 4 of the Civil Aviation (Air Operators’ Certificates) Act;
(ii) immediately after the definition of “air transport service” there shall be inserted the following new definitions:
“ “air transport undertaking” means an undertaking whose business includes the carriage by air of passengers or cargo for hire or reward;
“Director” means the Director of Civil
“effective control” means a relationship constituted by rights, contracts or any other means which, either separately or jointly and having regard to the considerations of fact or law involved, confer the possibility of directly or indirectly exercising a decisive influence on an undertaking, in particular by:
(a) the right to use all or part of the assets of an undertaking;
(b) rights or contracts which confer a decisive influence on the composition, voting or decisions of the bodies of an undertaking or otherwise confer a decisive influence on the running of the business of the undertaking;
“European Union” means the European Union referred to in the Treaty;”;
(iii) immediately after the definition “Malta” there shall be inserted the following new definition:
“ “Member State” means a state which is a member of the European Union;”; and
(iv) immediately after the definition “tariff” there shall be added the following new definition:
“ “the Treaty” has the same meaning assigned to it by the European Union Act, 2003;”; and
(c) immediately after subarticle (1) thereof, as renumbered, there shall be added the following subarticle (2):
“(2) The Minister may by order from time to time extend the meaning of Member State to a State associated with the European Union within the European Economic Area or any similar association with the European Union and may by subsequent order amend, revoke or substitute any such order.”.

27. Articles 7 and 8 of the principal Act shall be substituted by the following:

“Air service

A 801

Substitution of articles

7 and 8 of the principal



7. (1) The power to grant an air service licence, that
is to say a licence for any air transport service or other purpose specified in the licence shall be vested in the Director who shall grant to an air transport undertaking such a licence upon his being satisfied that the air transport undertaking meets the requirements of this Act and such other requirements as may be prescribed.
(2) An air service licence may be granted under such conditions including rights of access to specific routes or markets as may be specified in the licence.
(3) An application to the Director for the grant of an air service licence shall contain such particulars and shall be accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed.
(4) An air transport undertaking providing an air transport service shall not be granted an air service licence unless it shows to the satisfaction of the Director, whenever it is required by him so to do, that:-
(a) its principal place of business and, if any, its registered office are located in Malta, and
(b) its main occupation is air transport in isolation or combined with any other commercial operation of aircraft or repair and maintenance of aircraft, and
(c) it is owned and continues to be owned directly or through majority ownership by Member States or nationals of Member States, who shall at all times have effective control of the air transport undertaking.
A 802

Revocation, suspension and variation of licences.

Amendment of article

9 of the principal


Amendment of the Exchange Control Act, Cap. 233.

(5) The Director shall only grant an air service licence to an applicant if such applicant is in possession of a valid Air Operator’s Certificate specifying the activities to be covered in the air service licence.
(6) The air service licence shall remain valid for as long as the air transport undertaking continues to meet the requirements for the issue thereof. The holder of the licence shall whenever requested by the Director furnish him with all pertinent information that the Director may require to be in a position to ascertain the continued validity of the licence.
(7) As soon as may be practicable after the grant of any licence under this section, the Director shall cause notice thereof to be given in the Gazette.
8. (1) If, in the case of any person who is the holder of an air service licence, the Director is at any time no longer satisfied that such person:
(a) meets the conditions in and under this Act for the issue and holding of an air service licence; or
(b) is competent and a fit and proper person to operate aircraft for the purposes authorised by the licence;
the Director shall, as may appear to him appropriate in the circumstances, revoke, suspend or vary that licence.
(2) If, as a result of insolvency or similar proceedings against the holder of an air service licence, the Director is satisfied that there is no realistic prospect of a satisfactory financial reconstruction of the holder within a reasonable time, he shall revoke the licence.”.

28. In article 9 of the principal Act, immediately after the words “to which such permission may be subject” there shall be added the following words “unless that aircraft is being used in the exercise of traffic rights regarding access of European Union air transport undertakings on air routes in the territory of the European Union”.


29. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Exchange Control Act, hereinafter in this Part referred to as “the principal Act”.

(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for finance may by notice in the Gazette establish, and different dates may be so established for different provisions or different purposes thereof.

30. (1) For the long title to the principal Act there shall be substituted the following:

“An Act to establish a framework for the liberalisation of external transactions and to provide for the collection of related information.”.
(2) For the short title to the principal Act there shall be substituted the following:
“External Transactions Act”.

31. The Arrangement of Act appearing before the principal Act, shall be deleted.

32. In article 1 of the principal Act for the words “Exchange Control Act” there shall be substituted the words “External Transactions Act”.

33. For articles 2 to 38 and articles 40 to 45 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following articles “2 to 10”:

A 803

Substitutes long and short title to principal Act.

Deletion of Arrangement of Act.

Amendment of article 1 of the principal Act.

Substitution of articles

2 to 38 and 40 to 45 of

the principal Act.


2. (1) In this Act unless the context otherwise
requires –
“capital transactions” means external transactions arising from the transfer or movement of capital and includes:
(a) transfers of immovable property; (b) direct investments;
(c) the issue, sale or purchase of securities including shares and stock in the capital of a company, debentures, certificates of deposit and any other similar instrument acknowledging indebtedness;
(d) the issue, sale or purchase of units in a collective investment scheme, life and annuity long- term insurance policies whether index-linked or not;
A 804

Cap. 204.

(e) lending, borrowing and payment or receipt of amortisation on loans;
(f) granting of guarantees or any other form of security for payment;
(g) warrants, options, futures and other derivatives as well as any other financial instrument entered into for investment purposes;
(h) deposits with credit institutions; (i) gifts and endowments; and
(j) any other type of transaction which the Minister may, after consultation with the Central Bank, determine by notice in the Gazette;
“Central Bank” means the Central Bank of Malta established under the Central Bank of Malta Act;
“current transactions” means external transactions arising from current flows and include:
(a) foreign trade in goods and services including interest payments, dividend, royalties, reinvested earnings and distributed profits;
(b) other current business payments arising from services, short-term banking and credit facilities; and
(c) remittance for family living expenses;
“eligible asset” means deposits as defined in the Banking Act, securities including shares and stock in the capital of a company, debentures, certificates of deposit, bonds, notes and any other instrument acknowledging indebtedness, units in a collective investment scheme, life and annuity long term insurance policies, whether index-linked or not, precious metal, bullion, warrants, options, futures and other derivatives as well as any other financial instruments entered into for investment purposes, and also includes any other asset as may be determined from time to time by the Minister by notice in the Gazette;

Cap. 422.

“European Union” means the European Union referred to in the Treaty;
“external transactions” includes both capital and current transactions involving operations between resident and non-resident persons or other entities, whether in or outside Malta, and may also include operations involving foreign exchange by a resident or between residents;
“foreign exchange” means any note, coin, cheque, draft, travellers’ cheque, letter of credit, promissory note, bill of exchange, voucher, credit or debit card or other card or means in which value is inputted through electronic or magnetic methods and which any unspecified person is able to use for payment in lieu of currency, or other means of payment expressed in the currency of any country which is not legal tender in Malta and references in this Act to foreign exchange include references to any right to receive on demand foreign exchange in respect of any credit or balance at any credit institution anywhere;
“Member State” means a state which is a member of the European Union;
“Minister” means the Minister responsible for finance;
“National Statistics Office” means the National Statistics Office established under the Malta Statistics Authority Act;
“non-resident” means any person, body corporate or other entity which is not a resident;
“payment” means –
(a) any event which, wholly or in part, extinguishes a debt of a sum of money between a resident and a non-resident in connection with an external transaction;
(b) any transfer of funds, on account or in cash, between Malta and a foreign country carried out by a resident who transfers funds to or repatriates funds from his account held by him abroad;
A 805
A 806
(c) any transfer of funds on an account or in cash between Malta and a foreign country for which the principal and the beneficiary are both residents;
(d) any transfer of funds in foreign exchange carried out in Malta between residents;
“resident” means:
(a) any natural person regardless of nationality, whose place of residence is ordinarily in Malta or who has resided in or has the intention to reside in Malta for a continuous period of one year;
(b) any body corporate incorporated in or under the laws of Malta or of a Member State, or any entity which operates from or is otherwise registered in Malta;
(c) any natural person regardless of nationality, whose place of residence is ordinarily in a Memeber State or who has resided in or has the intention to reside in a Member State for a continuous period of one year;
(d) any body corporate incorporated in or under the laws of a Member State, or any entity which operates from or is otherwise registered in a Member State;
“the Treaty” has the same meaning assigned to it by the European Union Act, 2003.
(2) The Minister may appoint the Central Bank to act as agent for the said Minister for any one or more of the purposes of this Act, but any such appointment shall be without prejudice to the exercise of any such power by the Minister.
(3) For such time as the Central Bank is appointed as agent for the Minister under subarticle (2), the references in this Act to the Minister shall, to the extent and subject to the terms and conditions of such appointment, be deemed to include references to the Central Bank. Notice of any such appointment, and of any revocation of, or change in the terms and conditions of such appointment, shall be published in the Gazette.


Restrictions in exceptional



3. Unless otherwise specified by means of regulations or orders issued by the Minister under articles 4 and 5 all external transactions and related payments may be carried out without restriction.
4. (1) Where exceptional circumstances arise, the
Minister may, on the recommendation of the Central Bank,
A 807

circumstances. make regulations imposing such restrictions on capital

transactions and related payments, whether of a specific or a generic nature, as may be deemed necessary:
Provided that such restrictions shall not be imposed in relation to a Member State.
(2) For the purposes of subarticle (1), exceptional circumstances shall be deemed to exist, where the Minister acting upon the recommendation of the Central Bank, declares that:
(a) there is a sudden crisis in Malta’s balance of payments; or
(b) movements of capital to or from Malta cause or threaten to cause serious difficulties for the stability of the financial system.
(3) Regulations made under subarticle (1) shall be revoked by the Minister without delay as soon as the grounds which gave rise to such restrictions cease to exist and, in any case, shall not remain in effect for a period exceeding six months.

Sanctions. Cap. 365.

5. The provisions of articles 4 and 5 are without prejudice to the powers granted by the National Interest (Enabling Powers) Act to impose controls or restrictions on capital or other transactions or related payments in respect of any state, person or group of persons whether arising from Malta’s international obligations under the United Nations Charter, the Treaty or otherwise unilaterally to defend Malta’s national interests.
A 808

Request for information.

Declaration of

import and export

of currency.

Statistical information.

Non- dissemination of information.



6. Without prejudice to any other provision of this Act, the Minister may require any person in Malta to provide such information and, or clarification as the Minister may consider necessary for the purpose of ensuring compliance with any regulations made under Part II of this Act.
7. The Minister may by regulations require any person to declare to the Comptroller of Customs the import or export by such person of banknotes and coins denominated in Maltese Liri and, or in foreign exchange, and, or precious metals into or from Malta in such amounts as may be specified in such regulation and to disclose such other information as may be prescribed in such regulations regarding such import or export.
8. Without prejudice to the previous provisions of this Act, the Minister may after consultation with the Central Bank and the National Statistics Office by regulations require any person within such time and in such manner as may be prescribed to furnish the Minister such information, return or other detail relating to external transactions as may be required to collect, compile and disseminate statistical information on external transactions.
9. (1) Except for the purpose of any prosecution for an offence against the Act with the written consent of the individual or his representative, no information which can be related to an identifiable person and which is obtained under this Act shall be disseminated, shown or communicated to any person or body.
(2) Notwithstanding the provision of subarticle (1), the Minister may disclose any information provided or obtained under this Act, even where this relates to an identifiable person to any body or authority in Malta responsible for the collection of any tax, and may likewise, on the basis of any agreement with other states which provide for the reciprocal exchange of such information disclose information to similar bodies or authorities in the states:

Offences and penalties.

Provided that:
(a) the bodies or authorities to whom the information is disclosed are subject to obligations of secrecy which are equivalent to those applying under the law of Malta; and
(b) an undertaking is obtained from such bodies or authorities that the information provided will only be used for the purposes for which it was requested and will be kept confidential and will not be communicated to anyone who is not employed by the authorities and who is not subject to a similar duty of secrecy in respect of the said information.
10. (1) Regulations under this Act imposing restrictions on any transactions, or any obligation to report, provide statistics or other information may also provide that any person who contravenes any provision thereof shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to such penalty being not more than a fine (multa) of not more than twenty thousand liri, and such regulations may moreover provide for administrative penalties in lieu of criminal proceedings, the procedures therefor as well as for appeals from decisions in connection therewith to the Financial Services Tribunal established under article 21 of the Malta Financial Services Authority Act or such other body as may be prescribed.
(2) No criminal proceedings for any offence under such regulations may be commenced without the consent of the Attorney General.”.
A 809

34. Article 39 of the principal Act shall be renumbered as article

11 and shall be further amended as follows:-
(a) subarticles (2),(3) and (4) thereof shall be renumbered as subarticles (1),(2) and (3) respectively;
(b) in subarticle (1) as renumbered, for the words “under subarticle (1), shall be deemed not to have committed an offence under this article” there shall be substituted the words “under subarticle (1) of article 39 of the Exchange Control Act as in force on the 1st July, 2003, or such other law as the Minister may prescribe, shall be deemed not to have committed an offence under the said article 39 or other law as prescribed”;

Amendment of article 39 of the principal Act.

A 810

Transitory provision.

Amendment of the Immovable Property (Acquisition by Non-Residents) Act, Cap. 246.

Amendment of article 2 of the principal Act.

(c) in subarticle (2) as renumbered -
(i) the words “subarticle (2)” shall be substituted by the words “subarticle (1)”; and
(ii) for the words “without the need to obtain a permit under this Act” there shall be substituted the words “without the need to obtain such permits ot to comply with such requirements under this or any other law as may be prescribed”; and
(d) in subarticle (3) as renumbered, for the words “subarticle
(3)” there shall be substituted the words “subarticle (2)”.

35. The Minister responsible for finance may in the notice made under subarticle 29(2) provide that any restriction or obligation existing under the principal Act as in force before the issue of such notice remains in force in respect of any matter indefinitely or for such time as may be stated in the notice and the provisions of the principal Act as in force before the issue of such notice shall continue to apply with respect to such restriction or obligation.

Part IX

36. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Immovable Property (Acquisition by Non-Residents) Act, hereinafter in this part referred to as “the principal Act”.

(2) The provisions of this Part shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for finance may by notice in the Gazette establish and different dates may be so established for different provisions and different purposes of this Part.

37. Article 2 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows:– (a) before the definition “government” there shall be inserted

the following new definitions:
“ “building” includes a plot of land and for the purposes of article 6 the projected cost of its development;
“continuous period” shall be calculated by ignoring any periods totalling less than ninety days in any calendar year during which an individual is not in Malta provided that such periods do not exceed ninety days in any given calendar year;
“European Union” means the European Union referred to in the Treaty;”;
(b) after the definition “Malta” there shall be inserted the following definition:
“ “Member State” means a state which is a member of the European Union;”; and
(c) for the definition “Minister” and “non-resident person”
there shall be substituted the following definitions:
“ “Minister” means the Minister responsible for finance, and except for the purposes of an order made in terms of article 6 (1) or regulations made in virtue of article 8, includes where delegated in writing by the Minister, and public officer in the Ministry of Finance so delegated by the Minister;
“non-resident person” means and includes:
(a) any individual who is not a citizen of Malta or of another Member State; or
(b) a citizen of Malta or of another Member State, even in either case, if in possession of a valid residence permit, who has not been resident in Malta for a minimum continuous period of five years at any time preceding the date of acquisition; or
(c) any body or other association of persons, and any authority, institution, organisation, fund, trust, firm and any other entity whatsoever, whether corporate or not, if:
A 811
(i) it is constituted, formed, established, incorporated or registered in, or under the laws of, a state other than Malta or another Member State; or
(ii) it has its registered address, principal place of residence or of business in a state other than Malta or another Member State; or
(iii) twenty-five per cent or more of its share or other capital is owned by a non-resident person or is registered in the name of a company licensed to act as a nominee company; or
A 812

Renumbering of articles 3 to 7

of the principal Act.

Addition of new article 3 to the principal Act.

(iv) it is in any manner and whether directly or indirectly controlled by one or more non-resident persons;
“primary residence” means the dwelling house in which an individual habitually resides in, or intends to habitually reside in, as his principal place of abode, whether in Malta or elsewhere;
“resident of Malta” means an individual who is:
(a) a citizen of Malta or another Member State who has been resident in Malta for a minimum continuous period of five years preceding the date of acquisition;
(b) the spouse, of whatever nationality and wherever resident, of a citizen of Malta or another Member State where such spouses are acquiring together on the same deed;
“residence permit” means a residence permit issued in terms of the Immigration Act;
“secondary residence purposes” means purposes other than for primary residence or for any of the purposes listed in article 3(2) (b) or (3);
“special designated area” means a zone described in the First Schedule and such other zone as the Minister may from time to time by order in the Gazette add to such schedule;
“the Treaty” has the same meaning as is asigned to it in article 2 of the European Union Act, 2003.”.

38. Articles 3 to 7 of the principal Act shall be renumbered as articles 4 to 8 respectively.

39. Immediately after article 2 of the principal Act there shall be inserted the following new article 3:–

“Persons who may acquire immovable property without a permit.

3. (1) Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Act:
(a) a resident of Malta may acquire by an act inter vivos immovable property in Malta by or under any title
without the necessity of obtaining a permit under this
(b) a citizen of Malta and a citizen of a Member State who in either case is not a resident of Malta may not, without the necessity of obtaining a permit under this Act, acquire imovable property for secondary residence purposes by an act inter vivos in Malta.
(2) For the purposes of this Act “immovable porperty for secondary residence purposes” shall exclude:
(a) any immovable property which is to serve as the primary residence for the person acquiring the immovable property; or
(b) such immovable property the acquisition of which is required for the carrying out of such person’s business activities or the supply of services by such person.
(3) A person, other than a physical or a non- resident person, may acquire by an act inter vivos immovable property in Malta without the necessity of obtaining a permit under this Act where such immovable property is required for the purpose of carrying out the activity for which it has been set up.”.

40. For articles 5 and 7 as renumbered of the principal Act, there shall be substituted the following articles 5 and 7:

A 813

Substitution of articles 5 and 7

of the principal Act.

“Exception in certain cases.

5. (1) The provisions of article 4 shall not apply in respect of:
(a) any immovable property devolving cause mortis on any person, wherever resident, provided that the person from whom the property devolves had acquired such immovable property, where applicable, in accordance with the provisions of this Act; or
(b) the acquisition of immovable property by any person, wherever resident, in a special designated area; or
A 814


(c) the acquisition of any further divided or undivided share in immovable property by any person, wherever resident, where such person had previously acquired a share in such immovable property in accordance with the provisions of this Act; or
(d) the transfer of immovable property in an inheritance between co-heirs; or
(e) the partition of immovable property between co-owners; or
(f) the acquisition of immovable property by a company or other commercial partnership, not being a non-president person, from one or more of its members holding over fifty per cent interest in, or of its share capital; or
(g) the donation of immovable property to a spouse, descendant or an ascendant in the direct line and their relative spouses, or in the absecne of descendents to a brother or sister and their descendenst, provided such immovable property had been acquired in accordance with the provisions of this Act, where applicable.
(2) The party acquiring the property or on whom the property is assigned in a paritition or devolves in accordance with any one or more of the exceptions listed under subarticle (1) shall declare on the deed that such transfer is so covered, and the notary publishing the deed shall warn the said person of the importance of the truthfulness of such declaration and include such declaration in the said deed.
(3) Any notary who receives any deed which does not contain a declaration as is required under the provisions of this article, or who fails to warn the parties particularly as to the importance of the truthfulness of such declaration or to record in the deed he has compiled with such requirement, shall be guilty of an offence under this Act, and shall on conviction be liable to a fine (multa) of not less than one thousand liri and not more than ten thousand liri.
7. (1) It shall not be lawful for any person, without

property to be the consent in writing of the Minister, to make use, or to permit

the purpose indicated.

the use, of any immovable property acquired by virute of a permit granted under article 6, in any manner or for any
purpose other than that indicated in the application for such permit.
(2) Any person authorised to acquire immovable property in Malta in accordance with the provisions of article
3 shall, on the deed transferring title, declare that he qualifies to acquire such property and shall further state the reasons for such qualification as well as, where required to do so by this Act, the purpose of such acquisition, and the notary publishing the deed shall warn the said person fo the importance of the truthfulness of such declaration and include such declaration in the said deed.
(3) Any notary who receives any deed which does not contain a declaration as is required under the provisions of this article, or who fails to warn the parties particularly as to the important of the truthfulness of such declaration or to record in the deed that he has complied with such requirement, shall be guilty of an offence under this act, and shall on conviction be liable to a fine (multa) of not less than one thousand liri and not more than ten thousand liri.
(4) If any act is committed or omitted in contravention of any of the provisions of subarticles (1) or (2) or of any condition, restriction, limitations or qualification contained in any prmit or consent given under this Act, the person to whom the permit or consent was last granted and any other person committing or omitting or permitting the commission or omission of any such act as aforesaid, shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine (multa) not exceeding ten thousad liri (LM10,000) or double the market value of the immovable property so acquired, whichever is the higher amount, and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine (multa) of not less than one hundred liri and not exceeding one thousand liri (LM1,000) for each day, excluding the first one hundred and eighty days, during which the offence continues:
Provided that no proceedings shall be instituted against such person within one hundred and eighty days from the date of acquisition, and no proceedings shall be taken if, within such period of one hundred and eighty days, such person has remedied the contravention and has conformed with the provisions of this Act or has otherwise lawfully transferred the property:
A 815
A 816

Amendment of article 6 of the principal Act.

Provided further that should any permit or consent be required to conform with the law and such permit or consent is refused, no proceedings shall be instituted against such person, and those already commenced shall be withdrawn, if such person transfers the immovable property within one hundred and eighty days from the date of such refusal.
(5) Saving the provisions of the provisos to subarticle (4), nothin in the said subarticle shall be construed as validating anything does not in conformity with any condition, restriction, limitation ro qualfication contained in a permit or consent given under this Act.”.

41. Article 6 of the principal Act as renumbered shall be amended as follows:

(a) in subarticle (1) thereof:
(i) for the words “grant permission” there shall be substituted the words “grant a permit”;
(ii) for the words “in the permission” there shall be substituted the words “in the permit”;
(iii) for the words “such permission” there shall be substituted the words “such permit”;
(iv) for the words “by a non-resident” there shall be substituted the words “by a non-resident person”;
(v) for the words “in such form and in such manner, if any, as may be prescribed and such information as may be prescribed or as the Minister may require has been given,” there shall be substituted the words “in line with such policies, such form and in such manner, if any, as may be established by regulations made under this Act, and such information as may be prescribed by regulations has been given”;
(vi) in paragraph (a) of the proviso thereto the words “in the case of any person mentioned in paragraph (b) of the definition of a non-resident person in section 2 of this Act” shall be deleted;
(vii) in paragraph (b) of the proviso thereto for the words “(or such other sum as the Minister may from time to time by order in the Government Gazette establish)” there
shall be substituted the words “(which sum shall be adjusted in line with an immovable property price index that shall be published annually in the Gazette by the National Statistics Office)”;
(viii) for the words “other immovable property in Malta” in paragraph (b) of the proviso therto, there shall be substituted the words “other immovable property in Malta other than immovable property the acquisition of which is exempted under article 4(2) or 5”;
(ix) immediatly after paragraph (b) of the proviso thereto, there shall be added the following new paragraph (c);
“(c) the immovable property is either:
(i) a garage situated within five hundred metres from the applicant’s previously acquired residence; or
(ii) an adjoining parcel of land or building intended to serve as an extension to and be integrated with, the applicant’s previously acquired residence;”;
(x) for the words “the Minister may withhold his permission” in the further proviso thereto, there shall be substituted the words “the Minister may withhold the granting of a permit”;
(b) in subarticle (2) thereof for the word “will” wherever it occurs, there shall be substituted the word “succession” and for the word “permission” there shall be substituted the word “permit”;
(c) for subarticle (3) thereof there shall be substituted the following:
“(3) The conditions, restrictions, limitations and qualifications under which the permit referred to in this article is granted shall be those listed in the Second Schedule.”; and
(d) for the words “permission” and “permissions” wherever they occur in subarticles (4) and (5) thereof, there shall be
A 817
A 818

Amendment of article 8 of the principal Act.

Addition of new article 9 to the principal Act.

substituted respectively the words “permit” and “permits” and for the words “article 3” wherever they occur in subarticle (4) there shall be substituted the words “article 4”.

42. Article 8, as renumbered, of the principal Act shall be amended as follows:

(a) subarticles (2) and (3) thereof shall be deleted, and subarticle (1) shall be renumbered as the whole article 8;
(b) for the word “permission” wherever it occurs, there shall be substituted the word “permit”;
(c) paragraphs (b) to (d) shall be renumbered as paragraphs (c) to (e) respectively, and immediately after paragraph (a) there shall be inserted the following new paragraph (b):
“(b) amend, cancel or substitute any of the Schedules to this Act;”;
(d) for the word “5” in paragraph (c) there shall be substituted the word “6”;
(e) in paragraph (d) for the words “one thousand liri and not exceeding fifty liri”, there shall be substituted the words “ten thousand liri or double the market value of the immovable acquired and not exceeding one thousand liri”;
(f) in paragrpah (e) the word “non-resident” shall be deleted.

43. Immediately after article 8 as renumbered of the principal

Act, there shall be added the following new article:–

“Colourable transactions.

9. The provisions of this Act shall also apply where a person acquires shares or other equitable interest in a commercial partnership in order to circumvent and evade the requirement of a permit under this Act, and where any person so acquires such shares or equitable interest for such purpose without first obtaining a permit, the provisions of this Act, including, without prejudice to the generality hereof, the provisions of articles 4 and 7 thereof, shall apply to the acquisition of such shares or equitable interest as if such acquisition were of the immovable property held by such partnership.”.

44. Immediately after article 8 of the principal Act as renumbered, there shall be added the following schedules:


List of scheduled zones in terms of article 2
Fort Chambray in the limits of Ghajnsielem in the Island of Gozo, shown outlined in red in a plan marked as Document X enrolled in the records of Notary Public in the Lands Department Dr. Vincent Miceli by Deed No. 121 dated 13th April, 1993.
Portomaso Development situated on a plot of land at Spinola, St. Julians, Malta, shown outlined in blue in a plan marked as Document B annexed to a deed in the records of the Assistant Notary to Government, Doctor Anthony Attard, by Deed No. 83 dated 19th May, 1964.
Cottonera Development consists of the immovable property, as per Plans LD 23/99, LD 23A/99; LD 23B/99; LD 24/99; LD 24A/99; LD 24B/99 and LD 24C/99 marked as Documents “X”, “Y”, “F”, W”, “P”, “O” and “K” respectively annexed to a deed in the records of Notary Doctor of Laws Vincent Miceli by Deed No. 100 of the 2nd June,
Manoel Island/Tignè Point in the limits of Gzira and Sliema in the Island of Malta, as per plans Property Drawing number fifty four stroke two thousand (PD 54/2000) and Property Drawing number fifty five stroke two thousand (PD
55/2000) in respect of lands at Manoel Island/Tignè Point
respectively marked “X” and “Y” respectively enrolled in the records of NotaryPublic in the Lands Department Vincent Miceli of the 3rd March, of the year two thousand (2000).
A 819


of Schedules to the principal Act.

A 820


Conditions, restrictions, limitations and qualifications for the grant of a permit under article 6.
1. Any non-resident person wishing to acquire immovable property in terms of article 6 of the Act shall submit a form as shown on Annex A or B hereto duly completed and containing such particulars and accompanied by such documents, as are prescribed in the said form.
2. The Minister may refuse to issue a permit to a person who is not of good conduct.
3. In issuing a permit in terms of article 6 of the Act, the
Minister shall impose the following conditions: A. In the case of a dwelling house:
(i) that the immovable property is solely used as a residence by the applicant and his family and for no other purpose;
(ii) that the acquisition is to be effected within six months from the date of issue of the permit, saving the granting of any extension as may be applied for;
(iii) that within three months from publication of the deed of acquisition, a certified copy of such deed must reach the office of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue (Capital Transfer Duty Department); and
(iv) that the immovable property may not be sold in part, or otherwise converted into more than one dwelling house.
B. In the case of a garage or other adjoining property: (i) that the immovable property is used solely as a
garage by the applicant and his family or as an extension
to be integrated with the applicant’s existing dwelling;
(ii) that the acquisition is to be effected within six months from the date of issue of the permit, saving the granting of any extension as may be applied for;
(iii) that within three months from publication of the deed of acquisition, a certified copy of such deed must reach the office of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue (Capital Transfer Duty Department); and
(iv) that the immovable property covered by this permit may not be sold or otherwise disposed of separately but only together with the applicant’s original dwelling house.
C. In the case of a plot of land:
(i) that the applicant is to develop the plot into one complete single residence ready for occupation within a period of two years from the date of issue of this permit;
(ii) that the immovable property is eventually to be used solely as a residence by the applicant and his family and for no other purpose;
(iii) that the acquisition is to be effected within six months from the date of issue of the permit, saving the granting of any extension as may be applied for; and
(iv) that within three months from publication of the deed of acquisition, a certified copy of such deed must reach the office of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue (Capital Transfer Duty Department).
4. The fees payable shall be Lm 100 for each permit, or such fees as may, from time to time, be prescribed by Order of the Minister.
A 821
A. Particulars of applicant falling under paragraph (c) of the definition of “non-resident person” in article 2 of the Immovable Property (Acquisition by Non-Residents) Act, Cap. 246, (hereinafter referred to as the Act).
A 822
1. Name of body, association, authority etc. or other entity which is making the application: ...........................................
2. Whether corporate or not: ..............................................
3. Where or under the laws of which country is it constituted, formed, established, incorporated or registered: (a certified copy of any relevant deed of constitution or incorporation is to be attached) ..................................................
4. Whether it has its principal place of residence or of business outside Malta: ..........................................................
5. (a) A list of all shareholders showing the number of shares held by each, the citizenship of each shareholder and the place of residence; and .........................................................
(b) Where the shareholder is a body, association, authority etc., all the particulars relating to it as at (a) above:
(A separate list may be attached to the application duly signed and dated by applicant, and a note to this effect made in the above space).
6. Whether it is in any manner directly or indirectly controlled by one or more non-resident persons as defined by the Act:
............................................................................................. (Full particulars are to be given as necessary)
B. Particulars of immovable property to be acquired by non-residents.
1. Detailed description of immovable property including the type of property, the locality and other particulars necessary to identify it and the area of the property in square metres:
2. Price or other consideration being paid:
3. If for development, details of cost of works and estimated period for completion of same:
4. Under what title is the immovable property to be acquired: .....................................................................................
(Applicant is to submit a copy of the preliminary agreement and other related documents in connection with the acquisition of the property).
5. Purpose for which the immovable property is to be acquired: .................................................................................
6. Source of funds for acquisition of immovable property:
7. Any other particulars:
C. Particulars of person from whom immovable property is being acquired.
1. Name: .............................................................................
2. Address: .........................................................................
D. Details of any immovable property in Malta already held or owned by applicant under any title whatsoever:
I hereby declare that the above particulars are true and correct and that the immovable property is intended to be used for the purpose above mentioned.
Date .................................
A 823
A 824
Signature of Applicant ...................................
NOTE: Applicant is warned that any information given in the application material to the granting of a permit by the Minister which is incorrect or misleading would amongst other things as contemplated in the Act render any pertinent deed or act null and void.
PART II For official use only.
PART I A. Particulars of applicant:
1. Name and surname: .......................................................
2. Place and Date of Birth: .................................................
3. Parents’ names including mother’s maiden surname:
4. Profession or trade: ........................................................
5. Citizenship: ....................................................................
6. Place of residence: (full address) ...................................
7. Mailing address of residence if different from above:
Two passport size photos of the applicant and a photocopy of the applicant’s passport showing the personal details is to be attached to this application.
B. Particulars of immovable property to be acquired by non-resident
1. Detailed description of immovable property (i) type of property, the locality, boundaries (where necessary) and other particulars needed to identify it and (ii) size of the property giving overall area of land in square metres, details of buildings, and all other appurtenances, (iii) whether or not property is of historical importance or situated in a historical area:
2. Price or other consideration being paid: .....................
3. If for development, details of cost of works and estimated period for completion of same: .................................
4. Under what title is the immovable property to be acquired: .................................................................................
(Applicant is to submit a copy of the preliminary agreement and of any documents in connection with the acquisition of the property).
5. Purpose for which the immovable property is to be acquired:
6. Source of funds for acquisition of immovable property:
7. Any other particulars: ................................................... C. Particulars of person or body of persons from whom
immovable property is being acquired:
1. Name: .............................................................................
2. Address: .........................................................................
A 825
A 826

Transitory provision.

3. Citizenship or in case of body of persons, whether
“resident” in terms of the Act …………...................................
D. Particulars of immovable property already owned or held:
1. Details of any immovable property in Malta already owned or held under any title whatsoever by applicant:
2. Details of any immovable property in Malta already owned or held under any title whatsoever by applicant’s family:
3. Details of any immovable property in Malta disposed of by applicant or any member of his family during the last
10 years:
I hereby declare that the particulars are true and correct. Date .................................
Signature of Applicant/Attorney .......................................
NOTE: Applicant is warned that any information given in the application material to the granting of a permit by the Minister which is incorrect or misleading would amongst other things as contemplated in the Act render any pertinent deed, will or act null and void.
PART II For official use only.

45. Until such time as the National Statistics Office publishes the adjustments in accordance with article 6 of the principal Act, the amounts established in Legal Notice 98 of 1999 shall continue to apply.

Part X

46. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Interpretation Act, hereinafter referred to as “the principal Act.”

(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the Prime
Minister may by notice in the Gazette establish.

47. Immediately after article 15 of the principal act there shall be added the following new article:

A 827

Amendment of the


Act, Cap. 249.

Addition of new article

16 to the principal Act.

“Electronic publication.

16. Where any act or document is required to be published in the Gazette, it shall be sufficient that such act or document is published in electronic format on CD Rom or is made available at a publicly accessible website on the internet and notice of such publication in electronic format on CD Rom or the availability of the document on the website is published in the Gazette:
Provided that where an act or document is so published in electronic format on CD Rom or is so made available on a publicly accessible website on the internet, a hard copy thereof is made available for public inspection during normal office hours at a government department or office and notice of such availability is also published in the Gazette.”.

Part XI

48. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Extradition Act, hereinafter in this Part referred to as “the principal Act”.

(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the
Minister responsible for Justice may by notice in the Gazette establish.

49. Article 7 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows: (a) in subarticle (1) thereof, immediately after the words

“any country with which an arrangement” there shall be inserted
the words “(including any arrangement, decision, direction or other act of the European Union made under or pursuant to the Treaty)”; and

Amendment of the Extradition Act, Cap 276.

Amendment of article 7 of the principal Act.

A 828

Amendment of the Tobacco (Smoking Control) Act,

Cap. 315.

Amendment of article 2 of the principal Act.

(b) immediately after subarticle (4) thereof there shall be added the following subarticle:
“(5) For the purposes of this article “the Treaty” has the same meaning as is assigned to it by the European Union Act, 2003.”.

Part XII

50. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Tobacco (Smoking Control) Act, hereinafter referred to as “the principal Act”.

(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the
Minister responsible for health may by notice in the Gazette establish.

51. Subarticle (2) of article 2 of the principal Act shall be deleted and subarticle (1) thereof shall be renumbered as the whole provision thereof, and the article as renumbered shall be amended as follows:

(a) immediately before the definition of “cigarette” there shall be inserted the following new definitions:
“ “advertising” means any form of commercial communication with the aim of directly or indirectly promoting tobacco products;
“authorised officer” includes any person attached to the Department of Health and duly authorised by the Superintendent to exercise any power of the Superintendent under this Act and includes police officers;”;
(b) immediately after the definition of “cigarette” there shall be inserted the following new definition:
“ “information society services” means services within the meaning of Article 1(2) of Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on Information Society Services as amended by Directive 98/
48 EC (published in the Official Journal of the European
Union under reference OJ L 204, 21.7.1998 1937 and OJ L
217, 5.8.1998, respectively;”;
(c) immediately after the definition of “smoking requisites”
there shall be inserted the following new definition:
“ “sponsorship” means any form of public or private contribution to any event, activity or individual with the aim or direct or indirect effect of promoting a tobacco product;”;
(d) in the definition of “tobacco” for the words “for tobacco” there shall be substituted the words “for tobacco, and includes any tobacco product”; and
(e) immediately after the definition of “tobacco” there shall be inserted the following new definition:
“ “tobacco product” means products for the purposes of smoking wholly or partly of tobacco.”.

52. Article 4 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows:- (a) the whole article 4 as presently appearing shall be

renumbered as subarticle (1) of article 4; and
(b) immediately after subarticle (1) as renumbered, there shall be added the following new subarticles (2),(3) and (4):-
“(2) Radio, television and other programmes broadcast by other mediums shall not be sponsored by undertakings whose principal activity is the manufacture or sale of tobacco products.
(3) No tobacco product shall bear the brand name, trade mark, emblem or other distinctive feature of any other product or service, unless the tobacco product has been traded under that brand name, trade mark, emblem or other distinctive feature previously to such other project.
(4) The brand name, trade mark, emblem and any other distinguishing feature of the product or service shall be presented in a manner clearly distinct from that used for the tobacco product.”.

53. Article 5 of the principal Act shall be renumbered as article

7 thereof.

54. For article 6 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following new articles 6 and 6A:

A 829

Amendment of article 4 of the principal Act.

Renumbering of article 5 of the principal Act.

Substitution of article 6 of the principal Act.

A 830

“Prohibition of free distribution or other method of promotion.


6. (1) Advertising in the press and other printed publications shall be limited to publications intended exclusively for professionals in the tobacco trade and to publications which are printed and published in third countries, where those publications are not principally intended for the local market.
(2) Other advertising in the press and other printed publications shall be prohibited.
(3) Advertising that is not permitted in the press and other printed publications shall not be permitted in information society services.
6A. (1) The sponsorship of events or activities involving or taking place in more than one Member State of the European Union or otherwise having cross-border effect shall be prohibited.

Renumbering of article 7 of the principal Act.

Substitution of articles 8 and 9 of the principal Act.

(2) Any free distribution of tobacco products in the context of sponsorship of events as are referred to in subarticle (1), having the purpose or the direct or indirect effect of promoting such products shall be prohibited.”.

55. Article 7 of the principal Act shall be renumbered as article

5 thereof.

56. For articles 8 and 9 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following:

“Health warnings.


8. (1) Each packet of cigarettes and any other tobacco product imported, sold, distributed or supplied, by way of compensation or otherwise, shall contain such information including information as to the ingredients and quantities thereof.
(2) For the purpose of subarticle (1) and for any other purpose of this Act, the Superintendent may request manufacturers and importers of cigarettes and tobacco products to submit a list of all ingredients and the quantities thereof as are used in the manufacture of such cigarette or tobacco products.
9. The Minister may make regulations for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Act and for reducing harm resulting from the consumption of tobacco or tobacco products, and in particular and without prejudice to the
generality of that power, may make regulations for all or any other following purposes:
(a) to prescribe that health warnings as are referred to in article 10 shall be affixed in prominent positions in any public place and inside any vehicle licensed or used for public transport, and that it shall be the duty of the licensee and the driver, as the case may be, to comply with such regulation;
(b) to prescribe the maximum permissible tar, nicotine and other content which cigarettes or other forms of tobacco or tobacco products may contain, and the maximum yield of any such substances which may be obtained therefrom;
(c) to prescribe the conditions under which the sale or distribution of cigarettes, cigars or other tobacco products shall be prohibited or restricted;
(d) to prohibit or control any advertisement directly or indirectly connected with tobacco or with tobacco smoking;
(e) to control the number of cigarettes which may be offered for sale as any one retail packet and to prohibit the sale of single cigarettes:
Provided that the Minister shall not make regulations prohibiting the sale of cigarette packets containing such number of cigarettes as the cigarette packets as are on sale on the day of the coming into force of this paragraph;
(f) to control the presentation of cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco products;
(g) to prohibit or control smoking in any place or part thereof; and
(h) to prescribe any other matter which may be or is required to be prescribed by this Act.”.

57. In article 10 of the principal Act, the words “language,” shall be deleted.

A 831

Amendment of article 10 of the principal Act.

A 832

Amendment of article 11 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 12 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 13 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 14 of the principal Act.

58. In subarticle (1) of article 11 of the principal Act, for the words “a correct declaration of the content of tar and nicotine in each cigarette” there shall be substituted the words “such information as the Superintendent may from time to time by regulations require”.

59. Article 12 of the principal Act shall be renumbered as subarticle (1) thereof, and immediately after subarticle (1) as renumbered there shall be added the following new subarticle:

“(2) No person may sell or authorise the sale of tobacco products in or from -
(a) hospital grounds, clinics, pharmacies or any other health care establishments;
(b) school grounds, colleges, or any other educational institution;
(c) sports or athletic facilities.”.

60. Article 13 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows: (a) in subarticle (1) thereof, for the words “age of sixteen

years” there shall be substituted the words “age of eighteen years”;
(b) in subarticle (2) thereof, for the words from “in restaurants” to “which sales from” there shall be substituted the words “where”; and
(c) in subarticle (3) thereof, for the words “under sixteen years” there shall be substituted the words “under eighteen years”.

61. Article 14 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows:

(a) in subarticle (1) thereof, immediately after the words “or pre-recorded;” there shall be added the words “or in any other place or establishment or part thereof as the Minister may from time to time prescribe;”, and for the words “under sixteen years” there shall be substituted the words “under eighteen years”;
(b) subarticle (2) thereof shall be deleted; and
(c) subarticle (3) thereof shall be renumbered as subarticle
(2) thereof.

62. For subarticle (2) of article 18 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following:

“(2) Any person guilty of an offence against this Act or against any regulations made under this Act, shall, without prejudice to his liability under any other law, be liable, on a first conviction, to a fine (multa) of not less than one hundred liri and not exceeding five hundred liri, and where the act or omission constituting the offence subsists for more than a day, the Court shall in addition impose a fine (multa) of not less than ten liri and not more than fifty liri for each day in which such act or omission subsists, and on a second or subsequently conviction, in addition to such fines, and, at the request of the prosecution, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, and to suspension of the licence of the premises or public transport means where the offence took place, for a period of not less than one week and not exceeding one month.”.

63. Subarticle (1) of article 19 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows:

(a) in paragraph (a) thereof, for the words “as Chairman” there shall be substituted the words “or his representative, as Chairman”;
(b) for paragraph (d) thereof, there shall be substituted the following:
“(d) the Director of Health Promotion, or his representative;”; and
(c) for subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph (e) there shall be substituted the following:
“(i) a health promotion officer from the Department of Health;
(ii) one member of a Consumer Association;”.


64. This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Eurocontrol Act hereinafter in this Part referred to as “the principal Act”.

A 833

Amendment of article 18 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 19 of the principal Act.

Amendment of the Eurocontrol Act, Cap. 333.

A 834

Amendment of article 2 of the principal Act.

65. Article 2 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows: (a) the present provision shall be renumbered as subarticle

(1) thereof;
(b) in subarticle (1) thereof, as renumbered:
(i) in the definition of “Agency” the words “Air Traffic
Services” shall be deleted;
(ii) for the definition of “Air Navigation Order” and the words “L.N. 10 of 1963” in the marginal note there shall be substituted the following:

“L.N. 176 of 1990.

“Air Navigation Order” means the Air Navigation
Order, 1990, or any Order substituting the same;”;
(iii) the definitions of “Commission”, “Contracting State”, “Multilateral Agreement”, “State addressed” and “State of origin” shall be deleted;
(iv) immediately after the definition of “Air Navigation
Order” there shall be inserted the following definitions:
“ “Contracting Party” means a State which is or becomes a party to the Convention;
“Contracting Party addressed” in relation to a decision means the Contracting Party in which the decision is sought to be enforced;
“Contracting Party of Origin” in relation to a decision means the Contracting Party in which the decision was given;”;
(v) for the definition of “Convention” there shall be substituted the following:
“ “Convention” means the Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) signed in Brussels on the 13th December,
1960, as amended by the Additional Protocol thereto
signed at Brussels on the 6th July 1970, in its turn amended by the amendment to the Additional Protocol signed at Brussels on the 21st November, 1978, and as amended by the Protocols amending the Convention
signed in Brussels on the 12th February, 1981 and the
27th June 1997, which Convention and Protocols are deposited in the Archives of the Kingdom of Belgium; a consolidated text of the Convention and Protocols is reproduced in the Schedule to this Act;”;
(vi) in the definition of “Eurocontrol” for the words from “the Permanent Commission” to the words “in that Organisation”, there shall be substituted the words “the General Assembly, the Council and the Agency comprised in that Organisation”;
(vii) in the definition of “manager” for the words from “article 61” to the words “Aviation Act;”, there shall be substituted the words “article 69 of the Air Navigation Order, or the corresponding provision of any order substituting the same;”; and
(viii) in the definition of “relevant authority” for the words “contracting state” there shall be substituted the words “Contracting Party”; and
(c) immediately after subarticle (1) thereof as renumbered, there shall be added the following subarticle (2):
“(2) In the case of inconsistency between the text of the Convention as reproduced in the Schedule to this Act and the text of the Convention deposited in the Archives of the Kingdom of Belgium, the latter shall prevail.”.

66. In article 3 of the principal Act, the words “or in the

Multilateral Agreement” shall be deleted.

67. The marginal note “L.N. 10 of 1963” to article 6(5) of the principal Act shall be deleted.

68. In article 7 of the principal Act, the words “or the Multilateral

Agreement” shall be deleted.

69. In subarticle (3) of article 10 of the principal Act, for the words “Article 22” wherever they appear, there shall be substituted the words “Article 25”.

70. For the words “Article 13 of the Multilateral Agreement” in subarticle (1) of article 11 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the words “Article 8 of Annex IV to the Convention”, and the words

A 835

Amendment of article 3 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 6 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 7 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 10 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 11 of the principal Act.

A 836

Amendment of article 12 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 14 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 15 to the principal Act.

Substitution of Schedules to the principal Act.

“or the Multilateral Agreement” in subarticle (3) of the said article 11 of the principal Act shall be deleted.

71. Article 12 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows: (a) in subarticle (1) thereof, for the words “Contracting

State” there shall be substituted the words “Contracting Party”;
(b) in subarticle (3) thereof, for the words “Article 15 of the Multilateral Agreement” and for the words “Article 16 of the said Multilateral Agreement” there shall be substituted respectively the words “Article 11 of the Annex IV to the Convention” and the words “Article 12 of Annex IV to the Convention”;
(c) in subarticle (4) thereof, for the words “Article 13 of the Multilateral Agreement” and for the words “Article 18 of the Multilateral Agreement” there shall be substituted respectively the words “Article 8 of Annex IV to the Convention” and the words “Article 14 of Annex IV to the Convention”; and
(d) in subarticle (8) thereof, after the words “Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure” there shall be inserted the words “or in any other law relating to the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements”.

72. In article 14 of the principal Act, and in the marginal note thereto, the words “and to the Multilateral Agreement”, wherever they appear, shall be deleted.

73. In subarticle (1) of article 15 of the principal Act, for the word “Schedules” there shall be substituted the word “Schedule”.

74. For the Schedules to the principal Act, there shall be substituted the following Schedule:


(Articles 2 and 14)
A 837
OF 27 JUNE 1997
Article 1
1. In order to achieve harmonisation and integration with the aim of establishing a uniform European air traffic management system, the Contracting Parties agree to strengthen their co-operation and to develop their joint activities in the field of air navigation, making due allowance for defence needs and providing maximum freedom for all airspace users consistent with the required level of safety in the provision of cost-effective air traffic services, and taking into account the need to minimise, where this is feasible, inter alia, in operational, technical and economic terms, any adverse environmental impact.
The pursuit of these objectives shall not prejudice the principle that every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory nor the capacity of every State to exercise its prerogatives with regard to security and defence in its national airspace.
To this end, they agree:
(a) to determine a European policy in the air traffic management field, involving the definition of strategies and programmes whose objective is to develop the capacity needed to meet the requirements of all civil and military users in a cost-effective manner while maintaining the required level of safety;
(b) to commit themselves to the establishment of specific targets regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of air traffic management operations in the Flight Information Regions listed in Annex II to this Convention in which States, pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, have agreed to provide air traffic services without prejudice to the principles of free movement in airspace not subject to the sovereignty of the States which result from conventions, international agreements, and the rules or principles of customary public international law;
(c) to introduce an air traffic management performance review and target setting system;
A 838
(d) to implement a common convergence and implementation plan for air
navigation services and facilities in Europe;
(e) to adopt and apply common standards and specifications; (f) to harmonise air traffic services regulations;
(g) to develop the available capacity to meet the air traffic demand and to ensure its most effective utilisation through the joint establishment, operation and development of a common European air traffic flow management system, in the framework of the introduction of a uniform European air traffic management system;
(h) to encourage common procurement of air traffic systems and facilities; (i) to implement a common policy for the establishment and calculation of
charges levied on users of en route air navigation facilities and services, hereinafter
called “route charges”;
(j) to implement a mechanism, separate from service provision, for the multilateral development and harmonisation of a safety regulatory regime in the field of air traffic management within a total aviation safety system approach;
(k) to participate in the design, the implementation and the monitoring of a global navigation satellite system;
(l) to identify new possibilities for common actions in the field of design, implementation, monitoring or operation of systems and services in air navigation;
(m) in the context of a “gate-to-gate” concept, to develop an overall policy and an appropriate, efficient and effective process for the strategic design and planning of routes and airspace.
2. For this purpose they hereby establish a “European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL)”, hereinafter called “the Organisation”, which shall act in co-operation with the national civil and military authorities and the user organisations. The Organisation shall comprise three organs:
(a) a General Assembly, which shall constitute the organ responsible for the formulation and approval of the Organisation’s general policy, including:
(i) the common policy for route charges and the Organisation’s other charges activities;
(ii) the performance review and assessment functions of the
A 839
(iii) the setting of objectives for the Organisation, including those of standardisation, planning, performance and safety regulation;
(iv) the technical and financial selection of major framework programmes for co-operation;
(v) external relations with States and organisations and applications for accession to this Convention;
(b) a Council, which shall constitute the organ tasked with implementing the General Assembly’s decisions and, subject to the powers conferred upon the latter, ruling on all measures which are addressed to and binding on the Contracting Parties, and supervising the Agency’s work;
(c) an Agency, whose Statute is contained in Annex I to this Convention, which shall be the organ entrusted to undertake the Organisation’s tasks, in accordance with the provisions of the following articles of this Convention and the tasks assigned to it by the General Assembly or the Council, to initiate relevant proposals and to deploy the technical, financial and staff resources to achieve the objectives laid down.
3. The headquarters of the Organisation shall be in Brussels.
Article 2
1. The Organisation shall undertake the following tasks:
(a) to develop and endorse detailed plans for the harmonisation and integration of the air traffic services and systems of the Contracting Parties, in particular the ground and airborne air navigation systems, with a view to the establishment of a uniform European air traffic management system;
(b) to coordinate the implementation plans of the Contracting Parties so as to secure convergence towards a uniform European air traffic management system;
(c) to examine and coordinate on behalf of the Contracting Parties matters in the field of air navigation studied by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and other international organisations concerned with civil aviation and to coordinate and submit amendments or proposals to these bodies;
(d) to define, design, develop, validate and organise the implementation of a uniform European air traffic management system;
A 840
(e) to develop and operate a common European air traffic flow management
system at a common international centre in the framework of (d) above;
(f) to develop, adopt, and keep under review common standards, specifications and practices for air traffic management systems and services;
(g) to develop and endorse procedures towards a strategy for the common procurement of air traffic systems and facilities;
(h) to coordinate the Contracting Parties’ research and development programmes relating to new techniques in the field of air navigation, to collect and distribute their results and to promote and conduct common studies, tests and applied research as well as technical developments in this field;
(i) establish an independent performance review system that will address all aspects of air traffic management, including policy and planning, safety management at and around airports and in the airspace, as well as financial and economic aspects of services rendered, and set targets that will address all these aspects;
(j) to study and promote measures for improving cost-effectiveness and efficiency in the field of air navigation;
(k) to develop and endorse common criteria, procedures and methods to ensure the highest efficiency and quality of air traffic management systems and air traffic services;
(l) to develop proposals for the harmonisation of European air traffic services regulations;
(m) to support the improvement of efficiency and flexibility in the use of airspace between civil and military users;
(n) to develop and endorse coordinated or common policies to improve air traffic management at and around airports;
(o) to develop and endorse common criteria for the selection, and common policies for the training, licensing, and proficiency checking of air traffic services staff;
(p) to develop, establish and operate the future common European system elements entrusted to it by the Contracting Parties;
(q) to establish, bill and collect the route charges on behalf of the Contracting Parties participating in the common route charges system as provided for in Annex IV;
A 841
(r) to establish and implement a mechanism for the multilateral development and harmonisation of safety regulation in the air traffic management field;
(s) to perform any other task relating to the principles and objectives of this Convention.
2. At the request of one or more Contracting Parties and on the basis of a special agreement or agreements between the Organisation and the Contracting Parties concerned, the Organisation may:
(a) assist such Contracting Parties in the planning, specification and setting up of air traffic systems and services;
(b) provide and operate, wholly or in part, air traffic facilities and services on behalf of such Contracting Parties;
(c) assist such Contracting Parties in the establishment, billing and collection of charges which are levied by them on users of air navigation services and which are not covered by Annex IV to this Convention.
3. The Organisation may:
(a) conclude special agreements with non-Contracting Parties interested in participating in the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1;
(b) at the request of non-Contracting Parties or other international organisations, perform on their behalf any other tasks pursuant to this Article, on the basis of special agreements between the Organisation and the Parties concerned.
4. The Organisation shall, as far as is practicable, ensure that its service provision functions, in particular those provided for in Articles 2.1 (e), 2.1 (g), 2.1 (p), 2.1 (q), 2.2 and 2.3 (b), are exercised independently of its regulatory functions.
5. In order to facilitate the execution of its tasks, the Organisation may, by decision of the General Assembly, create undertakings governed by specific articles of association governed either by public international law or by the national law of a Contracting Party, or acquire majority shareholdings in such undertakings.
Article 3
1. This Convention shall apply to en route air navigation services and related approach and aerodrome services for air traffic in the Flight Information Regions listed in Annex II.
2. (a) Any amendment which a Contracting Party wishes to make to the list of its Flight Information Regions in Annex II shall be decided upon by the General
A 842
Assembly by unanimity of the votes cast if it would result in a change in the overall limits of the airspace covered by this Convention.
(b) Any amendment which does not result in such a change shall nevertheless be notified to the Organisation by the Contracting Party concerned.
3. For the purposes of this Convention the expression “air traffic” shall comprise civil aircraft and those military, customs and police aircraft which conform to the procedures of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
On the basis of a special agreement, as provided for in Article 2.2(b), a Contracting Party may request that the expression “air traffic” shall apply to other air traffic operating within its territory.
Article 4
The Organisation shall have legal personality. In the territory of the Contracting Parties it shall have the fullest legal capacity to which corporate bodies are entitled under national law; it shall inter alia have the right to acquire or transfer movable or immovable property and to go to law. Except as otherwise provided in this Convention or the Statute at Annex I, it shall be represented by the Agency, which shall act in its name. The Agency shall administer the property of the Organisation.
Article 5
1. The General Assembly shall be composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties at Ministerial level. Each Contracting Party may appoint several delegates in order, in particular, to allow the interests of both civil aviation and national defence to be represented, but shall have only a single voting right.
2. The Council shall be composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties at the level of the Directors General for Civil Aviation. Each Contracting Party may appoint several delegates in order, in particular, to allow the interests of both civil aviation and national defence to be represented, but shall have only a single voting right.
3. On matters relating to the common route charges system, the General Assembly and the Council shall be made up of representatives of the Contracting Parties participating in the common route charges system under the conditions stipulated in Annex IV.
4. The representatives of international organisations which can contribute to the work of the Organisation shall, where appropriate, be invited by the General Assembly, or the Council, to participate as observers, in bodies of the Organisation.
Article 6
A 843
1. The General Assembly shall take decisions with regard to the Contracting
Parties, the Council and the Agency, in particular in the cases referred to in Article
In addition, the General Assembly shall:
(a) appoint the Director General of the Agency, on the Council’s recommendation;
(b) authorise recourse on behalf of the Organisation to the Permanent Court of Arbitration of The Hague in the cases referred to in Article 34;
(c) establish the principles applied for the operation of the common
European air traffic flow management system provided for in Article 2.1(e);
(d) approve amendments to Annex I in conformity with the voting conditions provided for in Article 8.1;
(e) approve amendments to Annexes II and IV in conformity with the voting conditions provided for in Article 8.3;
(f) periodically review the tasks of the Organisation.
2. To formulate the common policy for route charges, the General Assembly shall, inter alia:
(a) establish the principles governing the assessment of the costs chargeable by the Contracting Parties and the Organisation to the users in respect of the en- route air navigation facilities and services provided to them;
(b) determine the formula to be applied in calculating route charges;
(c) determine the principles governing exemption from the route charges and may further decide that for certain categories of flights thus exempted from the payment of route charges governed by Annex IV, the costs incurred in respect of en-route air navigation facilities and services may be recovered directly by the Contracting Parties;
(d) approve reports by the Council relating to route charges.
3. The General Assembly may:
(a) refer to the Council for examination any matter falling within its competence;
A 844
(b) delegate to the Council, where necessary, the power to take decisions
in the matters falling within its general competence, referred to in Article 1.2(a); (c) establish other subsidiary bodies as it may consider to be necessary.
Article 7
1. The Council, pursuant to the powers conferred on it by this Convention, may take decisions with regard to the Contracting Parties, in the tasks referred to in Article
2. The Council, pursuant to its supervisory powers as conferred on it in regard to the Agency by this Convention:
(a) shall approve, after having consulted representative organisations of airspace users recognised by the Council, the Agency’s five-year and annual work programmes submitted to it by the Agency for the accomplishment of the tasks referred to in Article 2, together with the five-year financial plan and the budget, including the financial obligations, the Agency’s activity report and the reports submitted pursuant to Articles 2.2 (c), 10.3 and 11.1 of the Statute of the Agency;
(b) shall approve the principles governing the general structure of the
(c) shall supervise the activities of the Agency in the field of air navigation charges;
(d) shall determine, after having consulted the representative organisations of airspace users and airports recognised by the Council, the general conditions for the operation of the common European air traffic flow management system provided for in Article 2.1 (e), taking due account of the prerogatives exercised by the States in regard to management of their airspace. These general conditions shall specify, inter alia, the rules applicable as well as the procedures for recording non-compliance with these rules;
(e) shall issue directives to the Agency on the basis of regular reports from the latter or whenever it deems it to be necessary for the accomplishment of the tasks assigned to the Agency, and shall approve arrangements for co-operation between the Agency and national organisations concerned to enable the Agency to initiate the appropriate proposals;
(f) shall appoint, on a proposal by the Director General, the firm of consultant auditors to assist the Audit Board in the examination of the accounts of all receipts and expenditure;
A 845
(g) may require that the Agency’s services be the subject of administrative and technical inspections;
(h) shall give the Director General discharge in respect of his/her administration of the budget;
(i) shall approve the appointment by the Director General of the Directors of the Agency;
(j) shall approve the Statute of the Director General, the Staff Regulations, the Financial Regulations and the Contract Regulations;
(k) may authorise the opening by the Agency of negotiations related to the special agreements referred to in Article 2, adopt the agreements negotiated before submitting them for approval by the General Assembly or conclude such agreements where the Council has been delegated powers pursuant to the provisions of Article 13.3;
(l) shall approve a Regulation on data protection;
(m) in the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(f), shall determine the rules and procedures applicable to standards, specifications and practices for air traffic management systems and services.
3. The Council shall establish a Performance Review Commission and a Safety Regulation Commission. These Commissions will initiate relevant proposals to the Council and receive administrative support and assistance from the Agency services which have the necessary degree of independence to exercise their functions.
4. The Council shall establish a Civil/Military Interface Standing Committee.
5. The Council shall establish an Audit Board to which it may delegate duties and, under specific terms of reference, delegate powers.
6. The Council may be assisted by other committees in other fields of activity of the Organisation.
7. The Council may delegate duties and, under specific terms of reference, delegate powers to the Civil/Military Interface Standing Committee and any Committee created after the entry into force of this Convention. Such delegations of duties or powers shall not prevent the Council from being able to raise matters at any time as part of its task of general supervision.
A 846
Article 11
1. The weighting referred to in Article 8 shall be determined according to the following table:
The weighting referred to in Article 8 shall be determined according to the following table:
Annual Contribution of a Contracting Party as a percentage of the total annual contributions of all the Contracting Parties
Number of votes
Less than 1% .............................................................................. 1
From 1 to less than 2% ............................................................... 2
From 2 to less than 3% ............................................................... 3
From 3 to less than 41/ % ............................................................ 4
From 41/
to less than 6% ............................................................ 5
From 6 to less than 71/ % ............................................................ 6
From 71/
to less than 9% ............................................................ 7
From 9 to less than 11% ............................................................. 8
From 11 to less than 13% ........................................................... 9
From 13 to less than 15% ........................................................... 10
From 15 to less than 18% ........................................................... 11
From 18 to less than 21% ........................................................... 12
From 21 to less than 24% ........................................................... 13
From 24 to less than 27% ........................................................... 14
From 27 to less than 30% ........................................................... 15
30% ............................................................................................ 16
A 847
2. The number of votes shall be initially established with effect from the date of entry into force of the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997 by reference to the above table and in accordance with the rule in Article 10 above for determining the annual contributions of the Contracting Parties to the Organisation’s budget.
3. In the event of the accession of a State, the numbers of votes of the Contracting
Parties shall be re-established in accordance with the same procedure.
4. The numbers of votes shall be re-established each year in accordance with the foregoing provisions.
Article 12
The General Assembly and the Council shall establish their rules of procedure, including rules governing the election of a President and Vice-President, and the rules of application of the voting procedures and the quorum.
Article 13
1. The Organisation shall maintain with the appropriate States and other international organisations the necessary relations for the realisation of its aims.
2. The General Assembly shall, without prejudice to the provisions of Article
7.2(k), of paragraph 3 of this article and of Article 15, be alone empowered to conclude on behalf of the Organisation the special agreements which are necessary for the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.
3. The General Assembly may, on a proposal from the Council, delegate to the latter the decision to conclude the special agreements which are necessary for the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.
Article 14
The special agreements referred to in Article 2 shall stipulate the respective tasks, rights and obligations of the Parties to the agreements, together with the financial arrangements, and shall establish the measures to be taken. Such agreements may be negotiated by the Agency in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.2(k).
Article 15
Within the scope of the directives given by the Council, those relations which are essential for the co-ordination of air traffic and for the operation of the services of the Agency may be established by the Agency with the appropriate technical services, public or private, of the Contracting Parties, of non-Contracting Parties or of international organisations. For that purpose, contracts of a purely administrative, technical or
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commercial nature, in so far as they are required for the operation of the Agency, may be entered into by the Agency, in the name of the Organisation, on condition that the Agency so informs the Council.
Article 16
1. The character of public interest shall, where necessary, be recognised, in accordance with national law and with the consequences which result from the provisions of that law relating to expropriation in the public interest, as regards the acquisition of immovable property necessary for the siting of the Organisation’s installations, subject to the agreement of the Government concerned. The procedure of expropriation for reasons of public interest may be set in motion by the competent authorities of the State concerned, in accordance with its national law, for the purpose of acquiring such property failing amicable agreement.
2. In the territory of the Contracting Parties where the procedure referred to in the preceding paragraph is not in existence, the Organisation may have the benefit of those procedures for compulsory purchase which can be used for the benefit of civil aviation and telecommunications.
3. The Contracting Parties recognise the right of the Organisation to benefit, in respect of any installations and services established on its behalf in their respective territories, from the application of national law as to those restrictions on the rights of owners of immovable property which may exist in the public interest for the benefit of national services for the same purpose and in particular as to easements in the public interest.
4. The Organisation shall bear the expenses consequent upon the application of the provisions of this Article, including the compensation payable in accordance with the law of the State in the territory of which the property is situated.
Article 17
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.2(b), the Agency shall apply the regulations in force in the territories of the Contracting Parties and in the airspace in respect of which the provision of air traffic services is entrusted to them under international agreements to which they are Parties.
Article 18
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.2(b), the Agency shall, within the limits of the powers conferred on the air traffic services, give all the necessary instructions to aircraft commanders. The aircraft commanders shall be bound to comply with those instructions, except in the cases of force majeure provided for in the regulations referred to in the preceding article.
Article 19
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1. In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e), the Organisation shall determine, in accordance with the general conditions provided for in Article 7.2(d), the necessary regulatory measures, and shall communicate them to aircraft operators and to the appropriate air traffic services. The Contracting Parties shall ensure that aircraft operators, aircraft commanders and the appropriate air traffic services comply therewith, unless prevented by compelling reasons of safety.
2. Compliance by a Contracting Party’s air traffic services with the general conditions and the regulatory measures referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be the sole responsibility of the said Contracting Party.
3. In the event of non-compliance by an aircraft operator or an aircraft commander with the general conditions or the regulatory measures referred to in paragraph 1 above, proceedings may be instituted against the offender at the Organisation’s request:
(a) by the Contracting Party where non-compliance was recorded, in its own territory;
(b) by the Organisation in accordance with the grounds of jurisdiction set out in Article 35, if the Contracting Party, where the proceedings are to be instituted, agrees.
4. The Contracting Parties shall incorporate into their national legislation provisions which ensure the observance of the general conditions provided for in Article
Article 20
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e) and, where appropriate, Article 2.2(b), infringements of the air navigation regulations committed in the airspace in which the Agency performs these tasks shall be recorded in reports by officers specifically authorised by the Agency for that purpose, without prejudice to the right under national law of officers of the Contracting Parties to report infringements of the same nature. The reports referred to above shall have the same effect in national courts as those drawn up by national officers qualified to report infringements of the same nature.
Article 21
1. The circulation of publications and other information material sent by or to the Organisation in connection with its official activities shall not be restricted in any way.
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2. For its official communications and the transfer of all its documents, the Organisation shall enjoy treatment no less favourable than that accorded by each Contracting Party to comparable international organisations.
Article 22
1. The Organisation shall be exonerated in the territories of the Contracting Parties from all duties, taxes and charges in respect of its creation, dissolution or liquidation.
2. It shall be exonerated from any duties, taxes and charges entailed by the acquisition of the immovable property required for the accomplishment of its task.
3. It shall be exonerated from all direct taxes applicable to it, as well as its property, assets and income.
4. It shall be exonerated from any indirect fiscal charges consequential on the issue of loans and incident upon the Organisation.
5. It shall be exonerated from any taxation of an exceptional or discriminating nature.
6. The exonerations provided for in this article shall not apply to taxes and charges collected as payment for general utilities.
Article 23
1. The Organisation shall be exonerated from all customs duties and taxes or charges of equivalent effect, other than charges in respect of services rendered, and shall be exempt from any import or export prohibition or restriction in respect of materials, equipment, supplies and other articles imported for the official use of the Organisation and destined for the buildings and installations of the Organisation or for its functioning.
2. The goods so imported may not be sold, loaned or transferred, either without payment or against payment, in the territory of the Contracting Party into which they have been introduced, except under the conditions fixed by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned.
3. Any control measures deemed to be expedient may be taken to ensure that the materials, equipment, supplies and other articles referred to in paragraph 1 and imported for consignment to the Organisation have been effectively delivered to that Organisation and are effectively used for its official buildings and installations or for its functioning.
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4. The Organisation shall be exonerated from all customs duties and exempt from any import or export prohibition or restriction in respect of the publications falling within the scope of Article 13 of the Statute annexed hereto.
Article 24
1. The Organisation may hold any currency and have accounts in any currency in so far as is necessary for the execution of the transactions required for its purpose.
2. The Contracting Parties undertake to give the Organisation the necessary authorisations for all the transfers of funds, in accordance with the conditions prescribed under national regulations and international agreements as applicable, entailed by the establishment and activity of the Organisation, including the issue and service of loans when the issue of those loans has been authorised by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned.
Article 25
1. The Agency may call upon the services of qualified persons who are nationals of the Contracting Parties.
2. The staff of the Organisation and members of their families forming part of their households, shall enjoy the exemption from measures restricting immigration and governing aliens’ registration generally accorded to staff members of comparable international organisations.
3. (a) The Contracting Parties, in time of international crisis, shall accord to the staff of the Organisation, and the members of their families forming part of their households, the same repatriation facilities as the staff of other international organisations.
(b) The provisions of (a) above shall not affect the staff’s obligations to the Organisation.
4. No exception may be made to the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article except for reasons of public policy, public safety or public health.
5. The staff of the Organisation:
(a) shall be granted exemption from customs duties and charges, other than those in respect of services rendered, in the case of the importation of their personal effects, movable property and other household effects which are not new, which they bring from abroad on first taking up residence in the territory in question, and in the case of the re-exportation of those same effects and movable property, when they relinquish their duties;
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(b) may, on taking up their duties in the territory of any one of the
Contracting Parties, import their personal motor car temporarily with exemption from duty, and subsequently, but not later than on termination of their period of service, re-export that vehicle with exemption from duty, subject, however, in either event, to any conditions deemed to be necessary in each individual case by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned;
(c) shall enjoy inviolability for all their official papers and documents.
6. The Contracting Parties shall not be obliged to grant to their own nationals the facilities provided for in paragraph 5 (a) and (b) above.
7. In addition to the privileges, exemptions and facilities granted to the staff of the Organisation, the Director General of the Agency shall enjoy immunity from jurisdiction in respect of acts, including words spoken and written, done by him/her in the exercise of his/her functions; this immunity shall not apply in the case of a motor traffic offence or in the case of damage caused by a motor vehicle belonging to or driven by him/her.
8. The Governments concerned shall take all the necessary measures to ensure the unrestricted transfer of net salaries.
Article 26
Representatives of the Contracting Parties shall, while exercising their functions and in the course of their journeys to and from the place of meeting, enjoy inviolability for all their official papers and documents.
Article 27
By reason of its own social security scheme, the Organisation, the Director General and personnel of the Organisation, shall be exempt from all compulsory contributions to national social security bodies, without prejudice to arrangements between the Organisation and Contracting Parties existing at the entry into force of the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997.
Article 28
1. The contractual liability of the Organisation shall be governed by the law applicable to the contract concerned.
2. With regard to non-contractual liability, the Organisation shall make reparation for damage caused by the negligence of its organs, or of its servants in the scope of their employment, in so far as that damage can be attributed to them. The foregoing provision shall not preclude the right to other compensation under the national law of the Contracting Parties.
Article 29
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1. (a) The installations of the Organisation shall be inviolable. The property and assets of the Organisation shall be exempt from any measure of requisition, expropriation or confiscation.
(b) The archives of the Organisation and all official papers and documents belonging to it shall be inviolable, wherever located.
2. The property and assets of the Organisation may not be seized, nor may execution be levied upon them, except by a judicial decision. Such judicial decision shall not be made unless the Organisation has been given reasonable notice of the proceedings in question and has had an adequate opportunity to oppose the making of the decision. The installations of the Organisation shall not, however, be seized nor shall execution be levied upon them.
3. Nevertheless, in order to enable judicial inquiries to be carried out and to ensure the execution of judicial decisions in their respective territories, the competent authorities of the State in which the Organisation has its headquarters and of other States in which installations and archives of the Organisation are located shall, after having informed the Director General of the Agency, have access to such installations and archives.
Article 30
1. The Organisation shall collaborate at all times with the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties in order to facilitate the good administration of justice, to ensure the observance of police regulations and to prevent any abuse to which the privileges, immunities, exemptions or facilities specified in this Convention could give rise.
2. The Organisation shall facilitate, as far as possible, the execution of public works inside or in the vicinity of any immovable property allocated for its use in the territories of the Contracting Parties.
Article 31
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e) and, where appropriate, Article 2.2(b), international agreements and national regulations relating to the admission to, flight over and security of, the territory of the Contracting Parties concerned shall be binding on the Agency, which shall take all necessary measures to ensure the application of such agreements and regulations.
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Article 32
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e) and, where appropriate, Article 2.2(b), the Agency shall give to those Contracting Parties which so request all necessary information relating to the aircraft of which it has cognisance in the exercise of its functions related to the airspace of the Contracting Party concerned, in order that the Contracting Parties concerned may be able to verify that international agreements and national regulations are being applied.
Article 33
The Contracting Parties recognise that it is necessary for the Agency to achieve financial equilibrium and undertake to make available to it the appropriate financial resources, within the limits and conditions defined in the present Convention and the Statute of the Agency at Annex I.
Article 34
1. Any dispute arising between two or more Contracting Parties or between one or more Contracting Parties and the Organisation relating to the interpretation, application or performance of this Convention, including its existence, validity or termination, which cannot be settled within a period of six months by direct negotiation or by any other means, shall be referred to arbitration of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague in accordance with the Optional Rules for Arbitration of the said Court.
2. The number of arbitrators shall be three.
3. The place of arbitration shall be The Hague. The International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration shall serve as Registrar, and shall provide such administrative services as the Permanent Court of Arbitration shall direct.
4. The decisions of the Permanent Court of Arbitration shall be binding on the
Parties to the dispute.
Article 35
1. Without prejudice to the application of the provisions of Annex IV for the enforced recovery of route charges, the courts of the Contracting Parties shall have sole jurisdiction to hear disputes arising between the Organisation, represented by the Director General, and any natural person or corporate body, in connection with the application of acts of the Organisation.
2. Without prejudice to the application of the provisions of Annex IV for the enforced recovery of route charges, proceedings shall be instituted in the Contracting Party:
A 855 (a) where the defendant has his/her residence or registered office;
(b) where the defendant has a place of business, if neither his/her residence nor his/her registered office is situated in the territory of a Contracting Party;
(c) in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub-paragraphs
(a) and (b) above, where the defendant has assets;
(d) in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub-paragraphs
(a) to (c) above, where EUROCONTROL has its headquarters.
Article 36
1. The amendments made in conformity with the conditions prescribed in this Convention, to the Statute of the Agency set out in Annex I, and to Articles 16 et seq. of the provisions relating to the common route charges system set out in Annex IV, shall be valid and have effect in the territory of the Contracting Parties.
2. The tax provisions set out in Annex III and Articles 1 to 15 of the provisions relating to the common route charges system set out in Annex IV shall not be subject to amendment by the General Assembly.
3. Each Contracting Party shall be bound by Annex IV for a period of five years from the date on which this Convention enters into force. The five-year period shall be extended automatically for further five-year periods. A Contracting Party which has notified the General Assembly in writing, not less than two years before the expiry of the five-year period, that it does not consent to the extension of the period, shall cease to be bound by Annex IV at the expiry of this five-year period.
4. The rights and obligations of the withdrawing Contracting Party may be determined if necessary in a special agreement concluded between it and the Organisation.
This agreement will require to be approved by unanimity of the votes cast by the
General Assembly, with the withdrawing Contracting Party taking no part in the vote.
5. The Contracting Party which is no longer bound by Annex IV may at any time request the General Assembly in writing to be bound once more by Annex IV. The Contracting Party in question shall again be bound by Annex IV six months after the day on which the General Assembly accepts the said request by unanimity of the votes cast by the Contracting Parties participating in the common system. The Contracting Party concerned shall be bound by Annex IV for a period of five years from the day on which it became bound. This period shall be extended automatically subject to the same conditions as those set out in paragraph 3 above.
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Article 37
The Contracting Parties undertake to ensure to the Agency the application of current statutory provisions designed to safeguard the continuity of those general utilities required for the proper running of operational services.
Article 38
1. The Convention, as amended by the Protocol of 12 February 1981 and subsequently by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997, shall be extended for an indefinite period.
2. Once the Convention as thus extended has been in force for twenty years, any Contracting Party may terminate application, as far as it is concerned, of the Convention by giving written notification to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, which shall inform the Governments of the other Contracting States of such notification.
The decision to withdraw shall take effect at the end of the year following the year in which notification of withdrawal is given, provided that the special agreement provided for in paragraph 3 below has been concluded by that date. Failing this, the decision to withdraw shall take effect on the date laid down in the said special agreement.
3. The rights and obligations, in particular of a financial nature, of the withdrawing Contracting Party shall be determined in a special agreement concluded between it and the Organisation.
This agreement shall require to be approved by unanimity of the votes cast by the
General Assembly with the withdrawing Contracting Party taking no part in the vote.
4. The Organisation may be dissolved if the number of Contracting Parties is reduced to less than 50% of the Parties signatories to the aforesaid 1997 Protocol, subject to a decision of the General Assembly carried by unanimity of the votes cast.
5. If, in application of the above, the Organisation is dissolved, its legal personality and capacity, within the meaning of Article 4, shall continue to exist for the purposes of winding up the Organisation.
Article 39
1. The accession to the Convention, as amended by the Protocol of 12 February
1981 and by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997, of any State not signatory to the latter Protocol shall be subject to the agreement of the General Assembly expressed by unanimity of the votes cast.
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2. The President of the General Assembly shall notify the non-signatory State of the decision to accept the accession.
3. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium which shall notify the Governments of the other signatory and acceding States.
4. Accession shall take effect from the first day of the second month following the deposit of the instrument of accession.
Article 40
1. The accession to the Convention, as amended by the Protocol of 12 February
1981 and by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997, shall be open to regional economic integration organisations on terms and conditions to be agreed between the Contracting Parties and those organisations, of which one or more signatory States are members, these terms and conditions to be contained in an additional Protocol to the Convention.
2. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Government of the
Kingdom of Belgium which shall notify the other Parties.
3. Accession of a regional economic integration organisation shall take effect from the first day of the second month following the deposit of the instrument of accession, provided that the additional Protocol referred to in paragraph 1 above has entered into force.
The present consolidated text of the enacting terms of the Convention and its Annexes are drawn up in the German, English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Spanish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Czech and Turkish languages. In accordance with the final provision of the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, the final provision of the Protocol of 12 February 1981 amending the aforesaid Convention as well as the final provision of the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997 consolidating the aforesaid Convention, as variously amended, the text in the French language shall prevail, in the event of any inconsistency between the texts.
1. The Agency shall be the organ responsible for achieving the objectives and performing the tasks laid down in the Convention or set by the General Assembly or
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by the Council and their subsidiary bodies. It shall initiate and submit proposals to the relevant bodies related to the exercise of the various functions and the performance of the various tasks of these bodies as well as to other tasks delegated to the Organisation. It shall also provide support to the General Assembly and the Council and their subsidiary bodies in the execution of their supervisory functions.
2. In the performance of its tasks, the Agency may be assisted, where necessary, by civil and military experts appointed by States or by the service providers’ organisations concerned.
3. The Agency shall act as the focal point for intergovernmental co-operation and coordination in the field of air navigation. It shall submit proposals and provide the necessary support with a view to convergence towards, and implementation of, a uniform European air traffic management system.
4. In particular, it shall provide regulatory, information, support and advisory services to the Contracting Parties, and, on the basis of agreements pursuant to Article
2 of the Convention, to recognised international organisations and to non Contracting
5. In particular, the Agency shall:
(a) coordinate the implementation plans of the Contracting Parties to ensure convergence towards a uniform European air traffic management system;
(b) examine matters in the field of air navigation under study by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and other international organisations concerned with civil aviation and coordinate and submit amendments to ICAO documents;
(c) develop proposals for detailed planning for the harmonisation and integration of the air traffic services and systems, in particular the ground and airborne components of air navigation systems of the Contracting Parties, with a view to the establishment of a uniform European air traffic management system;
(d) develop proposals concerning the arrangements for the strategic planning and design of routes and supporting airspace structures, in coordination with civil and military experts appointed by States;
(e) develop proposals for the harmonisation of air traffic services regulations, develop coordinated or common policies to improve air traffic management at and around airports and support the improvement of efficiency and flexibility in the use of airspace between civil and military users;
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(f) make proposals or play an advisory role in all aspects of policy and planning. Its scope is not limited to en-route air traffic management but enlarged to cater for an integrated “gate-to-gate” approach to air traffic management. It is assisted by national experts in preparing these proposals;
(g) study and promote measures for improving cost-effectiveness and efficiency in the field of air navigation;
(h) develop common criteria, procedures and methods to ensure the highest efficiency and quality of air traffic management systems and air traffic services;
(i) coordinate Research, Development, Trials and Evaluation (RDTE) programmes of national air traffic management organisations, including the collection and dissemination of results;
(j) conduct common studies, tests and applied research as well as other technical developments;
(k) define, design, develop, validate and organise the implementation of a uniform system for European air traffic management under the aegis of the Council.
6. When the Agency provides air navigation services, its aim shall be: (a) to prevent collisions between aircraft;
(b) to ensure the orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic;
(c) to provide advice and information conducive to the safe and efficient conduct of flights;
(d) to notify appropriate organisations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organisations as required.
7. The Agency shall work in close collaboration with the users’ organisations in order to meet as efficiently and economically as possible the requirements of civil aviation. It shall work in close collaboration with the military authorities to meet, under the same conditions, the special requirements of military aviation.
8. For the accomplishment of its task, the Agency may, among other things, construct and operate the buildings and installations it requires. However, it shall call upon national technical services and make use of existing national installations whenever this is technically and economically justified, in order to avoid any duplication.
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Article 2
1. Subject to the powers conferred upon the General Assembly and the Council, the Agency shall be managed by a Director General who shall enjoy wide management independence with regard to the implementation, utilisation and efficient operation of the technical, financial and personnel resources placed at his disposal. To this end, he/ she shall take the measures which he/she deems necessary in order to fulfil his/her obligations.
2. Nevertheless, the Director General shall, with a view to submission for approval by the Council in accordance with the provisions of the Convention:
(a) elaborate annual and five-year work programmes stating the impact on the trends in the costs and unit rates;
(b) draw up the five-year financial plan and the budget including the financial obligations, and, as provided for in Annex IV, the unit rates and tariffs;
(c) present an annual report to the Council on the activities and financial position of the Organisation;
(d) present the principles governing the general structure of the Agency, the details of this structure being the sole responsibility of the Director General.
3. Furthermore, the Director General shall:
(a) submit reports at regular intervals and seek instructions from the Council whenever there is a risk of the objectives not being achieved, of the deadlines or financial ceilings being exceeded, or in the event of major changes to programmes;
(b) negotiate the agreements referred to in Article 2 of the Convention, within the framework of the directives issued by the Council.
Article 3
The Director General shall draw up and submit for the Council’s approval, the
Contract Regulations relating to:
(a) the letting of contracts for the supply of goods and services to the
(b) the supply of goods and services by the Organisation; (c) the sale or disposal of surplus assets.
Article 4
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The Director General shall draw up, and submit for the Council’s approval, the Financial Regulations, which shall determine, in particular, the conditions governing payment of national contributions, as well as the terms on which loans may be raised by the Agency, and will ensure proper financial management, including internal audit.
Article 5
1. Without prejudice to the right of the Contracting Parties to submit proposals, the Director General shall draw up and submit for the Council’s approval, the Agency’s Staff Regulations:
(a) they shall include, in particular, provisions relating to the nationality of personnel, selection and recruitment procedures and principles, salary scales, pensions, internal tax, disqualification for office, professional secrecy and continuity of the service;
(b) the Agency’s staff shall be recruited from among nationals of the Contracting Parties. Personnel from non-Contracting States may be employed pursuant to the agreements provided for in Article 2.3 of the Convention, or in exceptional cases by duly substantiated decision of the Director General.
2. The Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation shall have sole jurisdiction in disputes between the Organisation and the personnel of the Agency, to the exclusion of the jurisdiction of all other courts and tribunals, national or international.
Article 6
1. The Director General shall be appointed for a term of office of five years by the General Assembly by a majority of the votes cast, on condition that the said majority attains three-quarters of the weighted votes cast according to the weighting provided for in Article 11 of the Convention and at least three-quarters of the Contracting Parties casting a vote. His/her term of office may be renewed once in the same manner. The Statute of the Director General shall be approved by the Council.
2. The Director General shall represent the Organisation in legal proceedings and for all civil purposes.
3. Furthermore, in conformity with the policies adopted by the General Assembly and the Council, the Director General:
(a) may appoint the staff and may terminate their services in accordance with the Staff Regulations; appointments to Grade A1 and A2 functions for a term
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of office of five years normally, renewable once, shall be subject to approval by the Council;
(b) may borrow money in accordance with the Financial Regulations and within the limits determined for that purpose by the Council;
(c) may enter into contracts in accordance with the Contract Regulations referred to in Article 3 and within the limits determined for that purpose by the Council;
(d) shall draw up and submit for the Council’s approval the Regulation on data protection provided for in Article 7.2(l) of the Convention;
(e) shall draw up and submit for the Council’s approval the rules and procedures applicable to standards, specifications and practices for air traffic management systems and services.
4. The Director General may discharge the aforesaid functions without prior reference to the Council, but he/she shall keep the Council informed of all measures taken in the exercise of the aforesaid powers.
5. The Council shall determine the conditions under which a substitute for the
Director General may be appointed should he/she be unable to perform his/her duties.
Article 7
1. The Budget shall be balanced as between receipts and expenditure. Estimates of all receipts and expenditure of the Agency shall be prepared for
each financial year.
2. The financial year shall begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.
3. The draft budget and draft five-year financial plan shall be submitted by the Director General for the approval of the Council not later than 31 October of the preceding year.
Article 8
1. The Organisation may borrow on the international financial markets in order to obtain the necessary resources for the accomplishment of its tasks.
2. The Organisation may issue loans on the financial markets of a Contracting Party in accordance with national law relating to internal loans, or, in the absence of such law, with the agreement of the Contracting Party.
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3. The Financial Regulations shall determine the procedures by which the
Organisation raises and repays loans.
4. Each budget and each five-year financial plan shall specify the maximum amount which the Organisation may borrow during the years covered by that budget and the five-year financial plan.
5. In matters falling within the scope of this article, the Organisation shall act in agreement with the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties or with their banks of issue.
Article 9
The budget and the five-year financial plan may be revised during the financial year, if circumstances so require, in accordance with the requirements prescribed for their preparation and approval.
Article 10
1. The accounts of all the Agency budgetary receipts and expenditure, and the
Agency’s financial management, shall be audited annually by an Audit Board.
2. The Audit Board shall be assisted in its work by external consultant auditors. The outside firm of consultant auditors shall be appointed by the Council for a three- year term in accordance with Article 7.2(f) of the Convention.
3. The purpose of the audit carried out by the Audit Board, with the assistance of external consultant auditors, shall be to establish the regular nature of receipts and expenditure and to ensure sound financial management. The Audit Board shall submit to the Council at the close of each financial year a report incorporating the Agency’s comments. The Council may direct the Agency to take any appropriate measures recommended in the audit report, in pursuance of Article 7.2(a) of the Convention.
4. The Audit Board shall ensure that an appropriate internal control mechanism is put in place within the Agency, which is in line with sound corporate practice and management.
5. The Audit Board may review other financial issues relating to the Agency in line with its Terms of Reference.
Article 11
1. Administrative or technical inspections of the services of the Agency may be carried out, if so required by the Council, acting either on its own initiative or at the request of the Director General.
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2. Such inspections shall be made by officers of the administrations of the Contracting Parties, with external assistance if required. Each inspection committee shall consist of at least two persons of different nationalities and should include as far as possible a person who has taken part in a previous inspection.
Article 12
The Council shall determine the working languages of the Agency.
Article 13
The Agency shall issue the publications necessary for its operation.
Article 14
All draft amendments of the Statute shall be submitted for the approval of the
General Assembly pursuant to the provisions of Article 6.1(d) of the Convention.
FLIGHT INFORMATION REGIONS Federal Republic of Germany
Berlin Upper Flight Information Region Hannover Upper Flight Information Region Rhein Upper Flight Information Region Bremen Flight Information Region Düsseldorf Flight Information Region Frankfurt Flight Information Region München Flight Information Region
Berlin Flight Information Region

Republic of Austria

Wien Flight Information Region

Kingdom of Belgium - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Bruxelles Upper Flight Information Region
Bruxelles Flight Information Region
A 865

Republic of Bulgaria

Sofia Flight Information Region
Varna Flight Information Region

Republic of Cyprus

Nicosia Flight Information Region

Republic of Croatia

Zagreb Flight Information Region

Kingdom of Denmark

København Flight Information Region

Kingdom of Spain

Madrid Upper Flight Information Region Madrid Flight Information Region Barcelona Upper Flight Information Region Barcelona Flight Information Region
Islas Canarias Upper Flight Information Region
Islas Canarias Flight Information Region
A 866

French Republic - Principality of Monaco (*) France Upper Flight Information Region Paris Flight Information Region

Brest Flight Information Region Bordeaux Flight Information Region Marseille Flight Information Region (*) Reims Flight Information Region

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Scottish Upper Flight Information Region Scottish Flight Information Region London Upper Flight Information Region
London Flight Information Region

Hellenic Republic

Athinai Upper Flight Information Region
Athinai Flight Information Region

Republic of Hungary

Budapest Flight Information Region


Shannon Upper Flight Information Region
Shannon Flight Information Region
Shannon Oceanic Transition Area enclosed by the following co ordinates: 51° North 15° West, 51° North 8° West, 48° 30' North 8° West, 49° North 15° West, 51° North 15° West at and above FL55

Italian Republic

Milano Upper Flight Information Region Roma Upper Flight Information Region Brindisi Upper Flight Information Region Milano Flight Information Region
Roma Flight Information Region
Brindisi Flight Information Region
A 867

Republic of Malta

Malta Flight Information Region

Kingdom of Norway

Oslo Upper Flight Information Region Stavanger Upper Flight Information Region Trondheim Upper Flight Information Region Bodø Upper Flight Information Region
Oslo Flight Information Region Stavanger Flight Information Region Trondheim Flight Information Region Bodø Flight Information Region
Bodø Oceanic Flight Information Region

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Amsterdam Flight Information Region
A 868

Portuguese Republic

Lisboa Upper Flight Information Region
Lisboa Flight Information Region
Santa Maria Flight Information Region


Bucuresti Flight Information Region

Slovak Republic

Bratislava Flight Information Region

Republic of Slovenia

Ljubljana Flight Information Region

Kingdom of Sweden

Malmö Upper Flight Information Region Stockholm Upper Flight Information Region Sundsvall Upper Flight Information Region Malmö Flight Information Region
Stockholm Flight Information Region
Sundsvall Flight Information Region

Swiss Confederation

Switzerland Upper Flight Information Region
Switzerland Flight Information Region

Czech Republic

Praha Flight Information Region
A 869

Republic of Turkey

Ankara Flight Information Region
Istanbul Flight Information Region
1. Without prejudice to the exonerations provided for in Articles 22 and 23 of the Convention, when the Organisation in the exercise of its official activities makes substantial acquisitions of property or employs services of substantial value in respect of which indirect duties, taxes or charges (including such duties, taxes or charges levied on importation other than those referred to in Article 23.1 of the Convention) have been paid or are payable, the Governments of the Member States shall, whenever possible, take appropriate action to offset the effect on the Organisation of such duties, taxes or charges by means of an adjustment of the financial contributions to the Organisation or by means of remission or of reimbursement to the Organisation of the amount of the duties, taxes or charges.
2. With regard to payments by the Organisation to Member States in respect of capital investments made by those States, in so far as the cost thereof is to be refunded by the Organisation, the said States shall ensure that their statements of the amounts in question submitted to the Organisation do not include duties, taxes or charges from which the Organisation would have been exempt or which would be refunded to it or which would be the subject of an adjustment of the financial contributions to the Organisation if the Organisation had made those investments itself.
3. The provisions of this Article shall not apply in respect of duties, taxes or charges collected as payment for public utility services.
Article 2
Property acquired by the Organisation to which Article 1.1 applies may not be sold or otherwise disposed of except in accordance with conditions laid down by the Governments of the States concerned.
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Article 3
1. The Director General of the Agency and the Staff members of the Organisation shall be subject to a tax for the benefit of the Organisation on salaries and emoluments paid by the Organisation in accordance with the rules and conditions determined by the General Assembly. Such salaries and emoluments shall be exempt from national income tax.
The Member States may, however, take into account salaries and emoluments exempted from national income tax when assessing the amount of the tax payable on other income of those in receipt of the said salaries and emoluments.
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to pensions and annuities paid by the Organisation.
3. The names, titles, addresses as well as remunerations and where appropriate pensions of employees and former employees to whom the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of the present article are applicable shall be communicated periodically to the Member States.
Article 4
For the purpose of this Annex, the Organisation shall act in concert with the relevant authorities of the Member States concerned.
Article 5
1. This Annex shall replace the Additional Protocol to the Convention signed at
Brussels on 6 July 1970, as amended by the Protocol signed at Brussels on 21 November
1978, both in turn amended by Article XXXVIII of the Protocol signed at Brussels on
12 February 1981 amending the Convention.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 above, obligations under Article 3 of the Additional Protocol of 6 July 1970 shall remain binding until the relevant claims and commitments have been fully discharged.
Article 1
The Contracting Parties agree to continue to administer a joint system for the establishment, billing and collection of route charges as a single charge per flight and to use for this purpose the services of EUROCONTROL.
Article 2
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The Organisation shall establish, bill and collect the route charges levied on users of en route air navigation services on a proposal from the Contracting Parties participating in the common route charges system.
Article 3
In matters relating to route charges, the Council shall be the body responsible for determining the arrangements for giving effect to the General Assembly’s decisions in route charge matters and supervising the Agency’s tasks in this field.
The Council shall inter alia:
(a) prepare decisions for the General Assembly in route charge policy matters;
(b) determine the unit of account in which route charges are expressed; (c) determine, in accordance with decisions taken on the basis of Article
6.2 of the Convention, the conditions of application of the system, including the
conditions of payment, as well as the unit rates and tariffs and the period during which they are to apply;
(d) approve reports relating to EUROCONTROL route charges activities; (e) adopt the Financial Regulations applicable to the Route Charges System;
(f) approve the budgetary annexes relating to EUROCONTROL route charges activities.
Article 4
The route charges indicated on the bill issued by the Organisation shall constitute a single charge due in respect of each flight, which shall constitute a single claim by EUROCONTROL, payable at its Headquarters.
Article 5
1. The charge shall be payable by the person who was the operator of the aircraft at the time when the flight was performed. The charge shall attach as a lien to the aircraft which incurred the charge, irrespective of in whose hands it may be, if the law of the Contracting Party concerned so permits.
2. Where an ICAO designator or any other recognised designator is used in identification of the flight, EUROCONTROL may deem the operator to be the aircraft
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operating agency to whom the ICAO designator was allocated or was in the process of allocation at the time of the flight or identified in the filed flight plan or identified by use of that ICAO or other recognised designator in communication with air traffic control or by any other means.
3. If the identity of the operator is not known, the owner of the aircraft shall be regarded as the operator unless he/she proves which other person was the operator.
4. The operator and the owner of the aircraft shall be jointly and severally liable to pay the charge, if the law of the Contracting Party concerned so permits.
Article 6
1. Where the amount due has not been paid, measures may be taken to enforce recovery, including detention and sale of aircraft, if the law of the Contracting Party where the aircraft has landed so permits.
2. Measures may also include, at EUROCONTROL’s request, the review by a Contracting Party or any competent body of the administrative authorisation connected with air transport or air traffic management issued to a person liable to pay the charge, if the relevant legislation so provides.
Article 7
1. Proceedings for recovery of the amount due shall be instituted either by EUROCONTROL or, at EUROCONTROL’s request, by a Contracting Party, or by any body authorised for that purpose by a Contracting Party.
2. Recovery shall be effected by judicial or administrative procedure.
3. Each Contracting Party shall inform EUROCONTROL of the procedures applied in that State and of the competent courts, tribunals or administrative authorities.
Article 8
Recovery proceedings shall be instituted in the territory of the Contracting Party: (a) where the debtor has his/her residence or registered office;
(b) where the debtor has a place of business, if neither his/her residence nor his/her registered office is situated in the territory of a Contracting Party;
(c) where, in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub- paragraphs (a) and (b) above, the debtor has assets;
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(d) where EUROCONTROL has its headquarters, in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) above.
Article 9
1. The provisions of Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall not prevent any Contracting Party, or any body authorised by a Contracting Party, acting at the request of EUROCONTROL, from proceeding with the recovery of the amount due by the detention and sale of aircraft in accordance with the administrative or judicial procedure of the relevant Contracting Party.
2. The power so to detain and sell shall extend to the equipment, spare parts, fuel, stores and documents of the aircraft detained or sold.
3. The validity and effect of detention and sale shall be determined by the law of the Contracting Party where the detention has been effected.
Article 10
EUROCONTROL shall have the capacity to institute proceedings before the competent courts, tribunals and administrative authorities of States not parties to the Convention.
Article 11
The following decisions taken in a Contracting Party shall be recognised and enforced in the other Contracting Parties:
(a) final decisions of a court or tribunal;
(b) decisions of an administrative authority which have been subject to review by a court or tribunal, but are no longer so, either because the court or tribunal has dismissed the appeal by a final decision, or because the appeal has been withdrawn, or because the time for lodging the appeal has expired.
Article 12
The decisions referred to in Article 11 shall not be recognised or enforced in the following cases:
(a) if the court, tribunal or administrative authority of the Contracting Party of origin was not competent in accordance with Article 8;
(b) if the decision is contrary to public policy of the Contracting Party addressed;
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(c) if the debtor did not receive notice of the decision of the administrative
authority or of the institution of the proceedings in sufficient time to enable him/
her to defend the case or to appeal to a court or a tribunal;
(d) if proceedings relating to the same route charges have been previously instituted and are still pending before a court, tribunal or an administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed;
(e) if the decision is incompatible with a decision relating to the same route charges given in the Contracting Party addressed;
(f) if the court, tribunal or administrative authority of the Contracting Party of origin, in order to arrive at its decision, has decided a preliminary question concerning the status or legal capacity of natural persons, rights in property arising out of a matrimonial relationship, wills or succession in a way that conflicts with a rule of the private international law of the Contracting Party addressed, unless the same result would have been obtained by the application of the rules of private international law of that Contracting Party.
Article 13
The decisions referred to in Article 11, if enforceable in the Contracting Party of origin, shall be enforced in accordance with the law of the Contracting Party addressed. If necessary, an order of enforcement shall on request be issued by a court, tribunal or an administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed.
Article 14
1. The request shall be accompanied by: (a) a certified copy of the decision;
(b) in the case of a decision of a court or tribunal rendered by default, the original or a certified copy of a document establishing that notice of the institution of the proceedings was duly served on the debtor;
(c) in the case of an administrative decision, a document establishing that the requirements of Article 11 have been met;
(d) a document establishing that the decision is enforceable in the Contracting Party of origin and that the debtor has received notice of the decision in due time.
2. A duly certified translation of the documents shall be supplied if the court, tribunal or administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed so requires. No legalisation or similar formality shall be required.
Article 15
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1. The request can be rejected only for one of the reasons set forth in Article 12. In no case may the decision be reviewed on its merits in the Contracting Party addressed.
2. The procedure for the recognition and enforcement of the decision shall be governed by the law of the Contracting Party addressed insofar as the Convention does not otherwise provide.
Article 16
The amount collected by EUROCONTROL shall be paid to the Contracting Parties in accordance with the decisions of the Council.
Article 17
Where the claim is recovered by a Contracting Party, the amount collected shall be paid without delay to EUROCONTROL, which shall proceed in accordance with Article 16. The recovery costs incurred by that Contracting Party shall be charged to EUROCONTROL.
Article 18
The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall co-operate with
EUROCONTROL in the establishment and collection of route charges.
Article 19
If the Council decides unanimously to abandon recovery of a charge, the Contracting Parties concerned may take whatever action they deem fit. In such a case, the provisions of the Convention relating to recovery and to recognition and enforcement of decisions shall cease to apply.”.
A 876

Amendment of the

Banking Act, Cap.


Amendment of article 2 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 7A of the principal Act.

Amendment of Excise Duty Act, Cap. 382.

Part XIV

75. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Banking Act, hereinafter in this Part referred to as “the principal Act”.

(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for finance may by notice in the Gazette establish and different dates may be so established for different provisions and different purposes thereof.

76. In article 2 of the principal Act for the definition of “electronic money” there shall be substituted the following:

“ “electronic money” means the monetary value as represented by a claim on the issuer issuing such money which is:
(i) stored on an electronic device; and
(ii) issued on receipt of funds of an amount not less in value than the monetary value issued; and
(iii) accepted as means of payment by undertakings other than the issuer;”.

77. Article 7A of the principal Act shall be amended as follows: (a) in subarticle (1) thereof, for the words “issuing electronic

money institution”, there shall be substituted the words “issuer”;
(b) in subarticle (2) thereof, for the words “issuing electronic money institution shall clearly indicate” there shall be substituted the words “issuer shall state”, and for the words “redemption, and” there shall be substituted the words “redemption in the contract between the issue and the holder, and”.

Part XV

78. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Excise Duty Act, hereinafter in this Part referred to as “the principal Act”.

(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the
Minister responsible for finance may by notice in the Gazette establish.

79. Article 2 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows: (a) immediately after the definition of “excise goods” there

shall be added the following new definition:
“ “excise officer” means any officer charged by lawful authority with the performance of any duty or function under this Act;”; and
(b) the definition of “proper officer” shall be deleted.

80. In the principal Act and in any regulations made thereunder, for the words “officer”, “officer of Customs” or “proper officer” there shall be substituted in each case the words “excise officer” and for the words “officers”, “officers of Customs” or “proper officers” there shall be substituted in each case the words “excise officers”.

81. Articles 19 to 21 of the principal Act shall be renumbered as articles 36 to 38 respectively, and any reference to any of the said articles

19 to 21 or to any subarticle thereof in the principal Act or in any other law shall be substituted by a reference to the same article or subarticle as renumbered by this article.

82. For article 18 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following new articles 18 to 35:

“Powers to 18. (1) It shall be lawful for any excise officer to carry

A 877

Amendment of article 2 of the principal Act.

General amendment of principal Act.

Renumbering of articles 19 to 21 of the principal Act.

Substitution of article 18 of the principal Act by new articles 18 to




out inspections, at reasonable time, at any tax warehouse or place where excise goods are kept or suspected to be kept.
(2) The person in whose name the tax warehouse is registered, shall provide such excise officers with the necessary assistance for the execution of their duties.
(3) A person other than the person in whose name a tax warehouse is registered, who is in possession of any books, documents including machine readable material or other records shall likewise be under a duty to produce the same to the Comptroller or an excise officer.
(4) Any person who wilfully or maliciously refrains from giving his assistance, or wilfully obstructs, impedes or delays any excise officer in the execution of his duties or powers under this Act or under regulations made thereunder, shall be guilty of an offence under this article and shall be
A 878

Issue of a search warrant.

Power to stop vehicles.

liable, on conviction, to a fine (multa) not exceeding five thousand liri.
19. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of the foregoing article, the Attorney General or a magistrate may, if satisfied on the sworn information by an excise officer that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that -
(a) anything liable to forfeiture under this or any other law relating to excise, or
(b) any records relating to transactions in contravention of this or any other law relating to excise,
are kept or concealed on or at any premises, place or vehicle issue a search warrant.
(2) A search warrant issued under this article shall be sufficient authority for the excise officer named therein, alone or accompanied by such other excise officers or such other persons as the excise officer considers necessary, at any time or times within one month of the date of issue of the warrant, to enter (if need be by force) the premises or other place or vehicle named or specified in the warrant, to search such premises, place or vehicle, to examine anything found therein or thereat, to inspect any record found therein or thereat and, if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that anything found therein or thereat is liable to forfeiture under this Act or any other law relating to excise, or that a record found there may be required as evidence in proceedings under this Act or such other law, to detain or seize the thing as liable to forfeiture or, in the case of a record, to detain it for so long as it is reasonably required for such purpose.
20. (1) An excise officer in uniform may stop any vehicle in order -
(a) that such excise officer, or any excise officer accompanying such excise officer, may exercise any power conferred on them by article 19 in relation to excise products or any other products chargeable with excise duty under any other law, where there are reasonable grounds to believe that such products are being transported in or on such vehicle, or

Power to examine and search vehicles and to take samples.

(b) to examine and take samples of mineral oil under article 21(1)(c).
(2) Any person in charge of a moving vehicle shall, at the request of an excise officer in uniform or a Police officer, stop such vehicle.
(3) Any person in charge of a vehicle shall, whether such vehicle has been stopped by an excise officer under this article or article 20(1), or is already stationary, at the request of an excise officer -
(a) keep such vehicle stationary for such period as is reasonably required to enable an excise officer to exercise any power conferred on such excise officer by article 19 or by article 20(1), or
(b) where such vehicle is, in the opinion of such excise officer, situated in a place unsuitable for the exercise of any power conferred on such officer by the said articles, take such vehicle or cause it to be taken to such place as such excise officer may consider suitable for the exercise of such power.
21. (1) An excise officer, on production of his authorisation if so requested by any person affected, or any excise officer accompanying such officer, may -
(a) examine a vehicle,
(b) carry out such searches of a vehicle as may appear to the excise officer to be necessary to establish whether -
A 879
(i) anything on or in the vehicle or in any manner attached to the vehicle is liable to forfeiture under this Act or any other law relating to excise, or
(ii) any excisable products being transported in or on, or in any manner attached to, the vehicle correspond in every material respect with the description of any such products in a document referred to in paragraph (d) (iii),
(c) take samples, without payment, of any product subject to excise duty in or on, or in any manner attached to the vehicle, and
A 880
(d) question the person in charge of the vehicle in relation to the vehicle or anything on or in any manner attached to the vehicle, and require such person -
(i) to give, within such time and in such form and manner as may be specified by the excise officer, all such information in relation to the vehicle as may reasonably be required by such excise officer and is in the possession or procurement of such person,
(ii) within such time and in such manner as may be specified by the excise officer, to produce and permit the inspection of, and the taking of copies of, or of extracts from, all such records relating to the vehicle and any products being so transported, as are reasonably required by such excise officer and are in the possession or procurement of the person, and
(iii) to produce to the excise officer any accompanying document, duty document or exemption certificate accompanying any products subject to excise duty being transported in or on, or in any manner attached to, the vehicle.
(2) An excise officer, on production of his authorisation, if so requested by any person affected, may -
(a) examine and take samples of any mineral oil in any fuel tank or otherwise present on or in any vehicle, or anything attached to any vehicle, for use or capable of being used for combustion in the engine of the vehicle, whether or not the vehicle is attended,
(b) examine or inspect any vehicle or anything attached to any vehicle for the purposes of paragraph (a),
(c) question -
(i) the owner of any vehicle,
(ii) any person who for the time being stands registered as the owner of any vehicle,

Entry and search of premises.

(iii) any director, manager or principal officer of such owner where the registered owner is not one or more individuals, or
(iv) the person in charge of any vehicle,
in relation to such mineral oil, and require such owner, person, director, manager or principal officer to give to such excise officer any information in relation to such mineral oil as may reasonably be required and which is in the possession or procurement of such owner, person, director, manager or principal officer, as the case may be.
22. (1) An excise officer may, at all reasonable times, on production of his authorisation, if so requested by any person affected, enter any premises or other place (other than a dwelling) in which -
(a) the production, processing, holding, storage, keeping, importation, purchase, packaging, offering for sale, sale or disposal of any excise goods is being or is reasonably believed by the excise officer to be carried on,
(b) the manufacture, distribution, storage, repair, modification, importation, dealing, delivery or disposal of mechanically propelled vehicles is being, or is reasonably believed by the excise officer to be carried on, or
(c) any records relating to, or reasonably believed by the excise officer to relate to, the products or activities referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) are being kept or are reasonably believed by the excise officer to be kept.
(2) An excise officer, on production of his authorisation, if so requested by any person affected, may -
(a) enter and inspect any premises or other place (other than a dwelling) for the purposes of this article and bring onto those premises any vehicle being used in the course of his or her duties,
(b) make such search and investigation of such premises or place as such excise officer may consider to be proper.
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A 882
(3) An excise officer in or on any premises or place pursuant to subarticle (1) hereof may there -
(a) carry out such search and investigation as such excise officer may consider to be proper,
(b) take account of, and without payment, take samples of any product subject to excise duty and of any materials, ingredients and substances used or likely to be used in the manufacture of such product,
(c) in relation to any records referred to in subarticle (1)(c) hereof –
(i) search for, inspect and take copies of or extracts from any such records (including, in the case of any information in a non-legible form, a copy of, or an extract from, such information in a permanent legible form),
(ii) remove and retain such records for such period as may reasonably be required for their further examination, and
(iii) require any person to produce any such records which are in that person’s possession, custody or procurement and in the case of information in a non-legible form, to produce it in a legible form or to reproduce it in a permanent legible form,
to -
(d) question any person present in relation
(i) any product referred to in subarticle (1)(a) hereof or any materials, ingredients or other substances used or intended to be used in the manufacture of such product,
(ii) any vehicle,
(iii) any records referred to in subarticle (1)(c) hereof, produced or found in or on such premises or place, and such person shall give to such excise officer all information required of such person which is in such person’s possession, custody or procurement.

Obligation to give information.

Power to detain.

Detention of goods and vehicles.

(4) An excise officer in or on any premises or place pursuant to artice 21, or any person accompanying an excise officer pursuant to article 20, may require any person present to give to such excise officer or such other person his or her name and address.
23. An excise officer may require any person whom such officer has reasonable cause to believe to be guilty of an offence under subarticle 16(1) or article 17 of the Act, to furnish to such officer -
(a) his or her name, address and date of birth,
(b) all such information in relation to the goods subject to excise duty as may be reasonably required by such excise officer or member and which is in the possession or procurement of such person.
24. Where an excise officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that a person is committing an offence under subarticle
16(1) or article 17 of the Act, then such officer may detain such person without warrant and as soon as immediately practicable thereafter and in any case not later than two hours after such detention, place such officer in the custody of an officer of the Police force whereupon such officer of the Police force shall either release such person or proceed to present such person before a court and the provisions of the Criminal Code relating to arrest shall mutatis mutandis apply to the excise officer and the officer of the Police force.
25. (1) Where an excise officer or a Police officer reasonably suspects that any products, subject to excise duty or any other goods, are liable to forfeiture under this Act then -
(a) all such excisable products or other goods, (b) any other thing being made use of in the
conveyance of such products or goods, and
(c) any vehicle in or on which or attached to which any such products or goods are found,
may be detained by such excise officer or Police officer until such examination, enquiries or investigations as may reasonably be deemed necessary by such excise officer or
A 883
A 884

Seizure of goods or vehicles.

Notice of seizure.

another excise officer, or Police officer have been made for the purposes of determining whether or not such products, goods, thing or vehicle are liable to forfeiture.
(2) When a determination referred to in subarticle (1) of this article has been made in respect of any such products, other goods, thing or vehicle or on the expiry of a period of thirty days from the date on which such products, goods, thing or vehicle were detained under that subarticle, whichever is the earlier, such products, goods, thing or vehicle are to be either seized as liable to forfeiture under the Act, or released.
26. (1) Any goods or vehicles that are liable to forfeiture under the Act may be seized by an excise officer.
(2) Any Police officer who has detained any goods or vehicles that are liable to forfeiture under the Act shall deliver the same to an excise officer as soon as is practically possible and in no case later than forty eight hours after such detention.
27. (1) Subject to subarticle (2) of this article, an excise officer shall give notice of any seizure and of the grounds therefor to any person who to the officer’s knowledge was at the time of the seizure the owner or one of the owners of the thing seized.
(2) Notice under subarticle (1) hereof need not be given under this article to a person if the articles were detained in the presence of the person, of the person suspected to have committed the offence that occasioned the seizure or in the case of an article seized on any ship or aircraft, in the presence of the master or commander of such ship or aircraft.
(3) Notice under subarticle (1) hereof shall be given in writing and the notice shall include a copy of article
28 and shall be deemed to have been duly given to the person concerned -
(a) if it is delivered to the person personally, or
(b) if it is addressed to the person and left or forwarded by registered post to the person at the usual or last known place of abode or business of the person or, in the case of a body corporate, at its registered or principal office, or

Notice of claim.

Power to deal with articles seized.

(c) if the person has no known address in Malta or Gozo, by publication of notice of the seizure concerned in the Gazette.
28. (1) A person who claims that anything seized is not liable to seizure (such person hereinafter in this article and in article 29 referred to as “the claimant”) shall, within thirty days of the date of the notice of seizure or, where no such notice has been given to the claimant, within thirty five days of the date when the article was first detained, give notice in writing of such claim to the Comptroller.
(2) The claimant shall, within thirty days from the date upon which such notice was given, institute proceedings to declare such articles as not being subject to seizure in the competent civil court, in default of which the claim shall be deemed to have been abandoned.
(3) A notice under subarticle (1) hereof shall specify the name and address of the claimant and, in the case of a claimant who is outside Malta, the name and address of a person in Malta who is authorised by him to act as his attorney and to accept service of any document required to be served on the claimant and to act on behalf of the claimant.
29. (1) The Comptroller may, in his discretion, and if so ordered on writing by the Minister responsible for finance restore anything seized under the Act.
(2) Without prejudice to subarticle (1) of this article, where a notice of claim relating to the thing seized has been duly given under article 28, the Comptroller may as he thinks fit and notwithstanding the pendency of the proceedings wherein the seizure is contested -
(a) deliver it up to the claimant on payment to the Comptroller of such sum as the Comptroller thinks proper, being a sum not exceeding that which in the opinion of the Comptroller represents the value of the thing, including any duty or tax chargeable on it which has not been paid, or
(b) if the thing seized is in the opinion of the
Comptroller of a perishable nature, sell or destroy it.
A 885
A 886

Appeals to


(3) If, where anything is delivered up, sold or destroyed under this article, it is held by the court in proceedings under article 28 that the thing was not liable to forfeiture at the time of its seizure, the Comptroller shall, on demand tender to such claimant -
(a) an amount equal to any sum paid by the claimant under subarticle (2) hereof,
(b) if he has sold the thing, an amount equal to the proceeds of sale, or
(c) if he has destroyed the thing, an amount equal to the market value of the thing at the time of its seizure, together with the reasonable costs of any court proceedings to challenge the seizure where the Comptroller is of the opinion that the claim was justified.
(4) If the claimant accepts the amount tendered under subarticle (3), such claimant shall not be entitled to maintain proceedings in any court on account of the seizure, detention, sale or destruction of the thing concerned.
(5) All goods seized by an excise officer or by a Police officer as liable to forfeiture shall, after such seizure has become final either by the lapse of time allowed for contestation or after such contestation has been unsuccessful, be either destroyed, sold or otherwise disposed of in accordance with the provisions of article 38.
(6) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act relating to goods seized as liable to forfeiture, an excise officer who seizes as liable to forfeiture any spirits or any stills, vessels, utensils, wort or other material for manufacturing, distilling or preparing spirits may at his discretion spill, break up or destroy any of those goods.
30. (1) Any person who, in the opinion of the Comptroller, is liable to pay excise duty and is called on by the Comptroller to pay such duty may appeal against the decision of the Comptroller.
(2) Any person who believes that he is entitled to a refund of any excise duty paid by him may appeal from any decision of the Comptroller denying him such refund.
(3) Any person who -
(a) has not been approved by the Comptroller as an authorised warehouse keeper under regulation 4 of the Excise Goods Regulations or has been refused approval in respect of any premises as a tax warehouse under article 9, or
(b) has had any such approval revoked under article 11,
may appeal to the Comptroller.
(4) An appeal under subarticles (1), (2) or (3) shall be in writing and shall set forth in detail the grounds of appeal.
(5) An appeal shall be lodged by the person concerned with the Comptroller within the period of two months from the date of -
(a) the payment of the excise duty,
(b) the notification by the Comptroller to pay an amount of excise duty,
(c) any partial refund of the excise duty,
(d) the notification by the Comptroller of a refusal of a refund of excise duty, or
(e) the notification by the Comptroller of any decision referred to in subarticle (3),
or within such longer period as the Comptroller may, in exceptional cases, allow.
(6) An appeal shall, subject to subarticle (12), be determined by the Comptroller within a period of 30 days from its lodgement with him.
(7) The Comptroller may appoint one or more excise officers for the purposes of carrying out his functions under this article but no such officer shall be so appointed to determine an appeal in respect of any matter which such excise officer may have himself determined.
A 887
A 888

Appeal to Excise Duty Appeals Board.

(8) The Comptroller shall in writing notify the appellant of the determination of the appeal and the reasons for such determination.
(9) Where the Comptroller on appeal determines that a refund is due, he shall repay the amount overpaid to the appellant.
(10) Where the Comptroller on appeal determines that any excise duty is due, the appellant concerned shall pay the amount so due.
(11) For the purpose of determination of an appeal any goods or vehicles to which the appeal relates are to be produced to the comptroller for inspection, if so required.
(12) Where an appeal has not been determined by the Comptroller within the time referred to in subarticle (6) the Comptroller shall be deemed to have refused the appeal.
31. (1) Save as provided for in article 32 an appeal from the decision of the Comptroller under article 30 shall lie to the Excise Duty Appeals Board.
(2) A person who intends to appeal under this article against a determination of the Comptroller shall -
(a) within 30 days of the notification of such determination, or
(b) within 30 days of the expiry of the time limit for such determination,
whichever is the earlier, give notice in writing to him of such intention.
(3) (a) Subject to paragraph (c), where a notice or other document which is required or authorised to be served by this article falls to be served on a body corporate, such notice is to be served on the secretary or other officer of the body corporate.
(b) Any notice or other document which is required or authorised by this article -

Excise Duty Appeals Board.

(i) to be served by the Comptroller or by an appellant may be served by post, and
(ii) in the case of a notice or other document addressed to the Comptroller, it shall be addressed and sent to the Comptroller of Customs, Custom House, Valletta CMR 02, or such other address as may be determined from time to time by the Minister by notice in the Gazette.
(c) Any notice or other document which is required or authorised to be served by the Comptroller on an appellant under this article may be sent to the advocate, accountant or other agent of the appellant and a notice so served is deemed to have been served on the appellant unless the appellant proves to the satisfaction of the Board, that he or she had, before the notice or other document was served, withdrawn the authority of such advocate, accountant or other agent to act on his or her behalf.
(4) Prima facie evidence of any notice given under this article by the Comptroller or by an officer of the Comptroller may be given in any proceedings by production by an officer of the Comptroller of a document purporting to be a copy of the notice and it shall not be necessary to prove the official position of the person by whom the notice purports to be given or, if it is signed, the signature, or that the person signing and giving it was authorised so to do.
32. (1) There shall be a Board to be designated “the Excise Duty Appeals Board”, hereinafter referred to as the Board, which shall be composed of three members. The chairman shall be a person with experience in the legal field, appointed by the Minister, and of the two other members of the Board one shall be a person who, in the opinion of the Minister, can represent the interests of the Government and the other a person who in the opinion of the Minister can represent the interests of importers, appointed by the Minister after consultation with representatives of the trade.
(2) Should any of the members of the Board have a direct personal interest in any dispute he shall declare such interest and shall abstain from taking cognizance of that dispute, and such members may be challenged accordingly.
A 889
A 890

Security for duty in dispute.

(3) The Minister may also appoint substitute members of the Board.
(4) The Board shall give due prompt consideration to any matter relating to excise referred to it by the Comptroller in accordance with the provisions of subarticle (12) of article
(5) The Board shall regulate its own procedure. (6) No appeal shall lie to Board where the duty
in dispute does not exceed one hundred and fifty liri.
(7) After considering the matter referred to it, and any submissions which may have been made to it by the Comptroller and the appellant, the Board shall determine whether the principles set out in article 30 have been followed by the Comptroller in the assessment made by him.
(8) Where the Board decides that the principles referred to in subarticle (7) hereof have been followed, the determination made by the Comptroller in accordance with the provisions of subarticle (6) of article 30, shall be confirmed; where the Board decides that the said principles have not been followed, the Board shall recommend to the Minister to direct the Comptroller to make a fresh determination, which recommendation shall contain the principles which in the opinion of the Board had been overlooked by the Comptroller. The Minister shall thereupon refer the matter to the Comptroller for a fresh determination, which shall then be final.
(9) Notice of the decision on appeal and the reasons therefor shall be given in writing to the appellant who shall also be informed of his rights of any further appeal.
(10) Nothing in this article contained shall be deemed to affect any right of the appellant to contest a decision by the Board before any competent court.
33. Unless the Board determines otherwise because the provision of such deposit or the giving of such guarantee could impinge the claimant’s right of appeal, where an appeal has

No appeal pending criminal prosecution.

Excise officers may be given powers of Executive Police.

been made under article 30 or 32 in respect of an amount of duty which a person is called on by the Comptroller to pay, such appeal shall not be determined by the Comptroller or the Board, as the case may be, unless such amount of duty has been deposited with the Comptroller or adequate security therefor in the form of a banker guarantee has been given.
34. Where criminal prosecution is pending against any person in respect of any offence under this Act in connection with which any seizure has been made under this Act, or where a person has been informed that such proceedings are being contemplated then no appeal under articles 30 to 32 may be entered until the criminal prosecution has been finally concluded or the said person has been informed that no prosecution will be initiated and the terms referred in the said articles for appeal shall be suspended accordingly.
35. (1) It shall be lawful for the President of Malta, by a notice published in the Gazette, to authorise any Excise officer or any officer of customs to exercise, within such limits as shall by a notice published as aforesaid be prescribed by the President of Malta, such functions as by any law or regulations made thereunder, are vested in the officers of the Executive Police.
(2) Before any such officer or person shall exercise any of the functions referred to in subarticle (1) of this article, he shall take the oaths here following:
“I ………………………. do swear/solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the people and the Republic of Malta and its Constitution. (So help me God).
“I ……………………… do swear/solemnly affirm that while holding the office of (insert description of office) I will do the best of my knowledge and ability discharge the functions of an officer the Executive Police faithfully and according to law. (So help me God).”.”.

Part XVI

A 891

83. (1) This part amends the Companies Act, hereinafter in this

Part referred to as “the principal Act”.

Amendment of the Companies Act, Cap. 386

A 892

Amendment of article 84 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 194 of the principal Act.

(2) This Part shall be read and construed as one with the principal Act, and shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for finance and economic affairs may by notice in the Gazette appoint, and different dates may be so appointed for different provisions and different purposes thereof.

84. Article 84 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows:- (a) for paragraph (b) of subarticle (2) thereof there shall be

substituted the following:
“(b) furthermore, the memorandum of the company shall limit the object of the company to either one of the following -
(i) the collective investment of its funds in securities and in other movable and immovable property, or in any of them, with the aim of spreading investment risk; and giving shareholders of the company the benefit of the results of the management of its funds, and in the fulfilment of that object, it shall be entitled to perform any act which is connected with or ancillary thereto; or
(ii) to act and operate as a Retirement Fund within the meaning of articles 2 and 4 of the Special Funds (Regulation) Act; and”; and
(b) immediately after subarticle (10) thereof, there shall be inserted the following new subarticle:
“ (11) The Minister, in consultation with the Minister responsible under the Special Funds (Regulation) Act, acting on the advice of the Malta Financial Services Authority, may make regulations to apply and extend mutatis mutandis the provisions of this article to investment companies with variable share capital established for the purpose of acting and operating as a Retirement Fund within the meaning of articles 2 and 4 of the Special Funds (Regulation) Act; and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing may, by such regulations, provide for any matter referred to in the immediatley preceding subarticle.”.

85. For paragraph (a) of subarticle (6) of article 194 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following:

“(a) the business of the company consists either of -
(i) investing in funds mainly in securities with the aim of spreading investment risk and giving members of the company the benefit of the results of the management of its funds; or
(ii) acting and operating as a Retirement Fund within the meaning of articles 2 and 4 of the Special Funds (Regulation) Act;”.

86. In the proviso to subarticle (1) of article 218 of the principal Act for the words “an application in terms of paragraph (a)” there shall be substituted the words “an application in terms of paragraphs (b) or (c)”.


87. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Telecommunications (Regulation) Act, hereinafter in this Part referred as “the principal Act”.

(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for telecommunication may by notice in the Gazette establish.

88. The title of Part 5 of the principal act shall be substituted by the following:

“5. Protection of Conditional Access Services and Further
Functions of the Authority”.

89. Immediately following article 32 of the principal Act there shall be added the following new article 32A:

A 893

Amendment of article 218 of the principal Act.

Amendments to the Telecommuncations (Regulation) Act, Cap. 399.

Re-naming of Part

5 of the principal


Addition of new article 32A to the principal Act.

“Legal protection of services based on or consisting of conditional access.

32A. (1) In this article:
“broadcaster” means the natural or legal person who has editorial responsibility for the composition of television programme services for reception by the general public and transmits them, or has them transmitted, complete and unchanged, by a third party;
“conditional access” means any technical measure or arrangement permitting access in an intelligible form, and subject to prior individual authorisation, to one of the services constituting a protected service;
A 894

Infringing acts constituting a criminal offence.

“conditional access device” means any equipment, software, or arrangement designed or adapted to give access in an intelligible form to one of the services constituting a protected service;
“illicit device” means any equipment, software, or arrangement designed or adapted to give access in an intelligible form to one of the services constituting a protected service without the authorisation of the service provider;
“programme service” means all the items within a single service provided by a given broadcaster;
“protected service” means any of the following services when provided against remuneration and on the basis of conditional access:
(i) Television programme services;
(ii) Radio broadcasting services including radio programmes intended for reception by the public, transmitted by wire or over the air, including by satellite;
(iii) Information society services offered by electronic means, at a distance and at the individual request of the recipient of the services
or the provision of conditional access to the above services considered as a service in its own right.

(2) Any person who -

(a) manufactures or produces illicit devices for commercial purposes; or
(b) imports illicit devices into Malta for commercial purposes; or
(c) distributes illicit devices in or from Malta for commercial purposes; or

Destruction of illicit devices.

Civil proceedings.

(d) sells or rents out illicit devices for commercial purposes; or
(e) is in possession of illicit devices for commercial purposes; or
(f) installs, maintains or replaces illicit devices for commercial purposes; or
(g) commercially promotes, markets or advertises illicit devices,
shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to a fine (multa) of ten thousand liri or to both such fine and imprisonment.

(3) In proceedings taken under subarticle (2) the Court shall order the Commissioner of Police to destroy goods established to be illicit devices without compensation of any sort to any person and, where a person is found guilty of infringing the provisions of subarticle (2) in respect of the said goods, at the cost of that person.

(4) A provider of a protected service whose interests are affected by any act mentioned in subarticle (2)(a) to (g) shall have against the perpetrator of any such act and in respect of such act:

(a) a civil action for damages, and
(b) a right to demand a warrant of prohibitory injunction to obtain provisional protection of his interests, and
(c) a right to demand an order from the competent Court for the destruction or, if appropriate, the disposal outside commercial channels of illicit devices.”.
A 895

90. In subarticle (1) of article 40 of the principal Act, for the words “under article 39(1)(d)” there shall be substituted the words “under articles 32A and 39(1)(d)”.

Amendment of article 40 of the principal Act.

A 896

Amendment of the Copyright Act, Cap. 415.

Amendment of article 2 of the principal



91. (1) This Part of this Act amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Copyright Act, hereinafter in this Part referred to as “the principal Act”.

(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for the protection of intellectual property may by notice in the Gazette establish, and different dates may be so established for different provisions and different purposes thereof.

92. Article 2 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows:- (a) immediately before the definition of “artistic work” there

shall be added the following definition:–
“ “European Union” means the European Union referred to in the Treaty;”;
(b) immediately after the definition “Malta” there shall be added the following definition:–
“ “Member State” means a state which is a member of the European Union;”;
(c) immediately after the definition of “reproduction” there shall be added the following definition:–
“ “rights-management information” means any information provided by rightholders which identifies the work or other subject-matter referred to in this Act, the author or any other rightholder, or information about the terms and conditions of use of the work or other subject-matter, and any numbers or codes that represent such information;”; and
(d) immediately after the definition of “sound recording”
there shall be added the following definitions:–
“ “technological measures” means any technology, device or component that, in the normal course of its operation, is designed to prevent or restrict acts, in respect of works or other subject-matter, which are not authorised by the rightholder of any copyright or neighbouring right or the sui generis rights as provided for by this Act. Technological measures shall be deemed “effective” where the use of a protected work or other subject-matter is controlled by the rightholders through application of an access control or
protection process, such as encryption, scrambling or other transformation of the work or other subject-matter or a copy control mechanism, which achieves the protection objective;
“the Treaty” has the same meaning assigned to it by the
European Union Act, 2003.”.

93. For article 7 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following:–

A 897

Substitution of article 7 of the principal Act.

“Nature of copyright in an audiovisual work, database, literary, musical and artistic


7. (1) Copyright in an audiovisual work, a database, a literary, musical or artistic work shall be the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit the doing in Malta in respect of the protected material in its totality or substantial part thereof, either in its original form or in any form recognisably derived from the original of any of the following:
(a) the direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction by any means and in any form, in whole or in part;
(b) the rental and lending; (c) the distribution;
(d) the translation in other languages inclduing different computer languages;
(e) the adaptation, the arrangement and any other alteration and the reproduction, distribution, communication, display or performance to the public of the results thereof;
(f) the broadcasting or rebroadcasting or the communication to the public or cable retransmission;
(g) display or performance to the public: Provided that the right to authorise or prohibit the
cable retransmission of a television broadcase shall be
exercisable only through a collecting society.
(2) The right to authorise or prohibit cable retransmission shall not apply when the transmission is made in Malta:
A 898

Cap. 350.

(a) if the retransmission is in pursuance of a “must carry” requirement as per article 40 of the Broadcasting Act; and
(b) if and to the extent that the transmission is made for reception in the area in which the cable retransmission may be received.
(3) The right to authorise or prohibit the cable retransmission of a television broadcast shall be exercisable only through a collecting society.
(4) In the case provided for in subarticle (2) where a rightholder has not transferred the management of his rights to a collecting society, the collecting society which manages rights of the same category shall be deemed to be mandated to manage his rights. Such rightholder shall have the same rights and obligations resulting from the agreement between the cable operator and the collecting society which is so deemed to be mandated to manage his rights as the rightholders who have mandated that collecting society and he may claim such rights within a period of three years from the date of the cable retransmission which includes his work or other protected subject-matter.
(5) Where no agreement is concluded regarding authorization of the cable retransmission of a broadcast, either party may call upon the assistance of one or more mediators appointed by the chairman of the Malta Arbitration Centre, unless otherwise agreed to by all the parties. The tasks of the mediators shall be to provide assistance with negotiation. They may also submit proposals to the parties. It shall be assumed that all the parties accept a proposal as referred to in this subarticle if none of them expresses its opposition within a period of three months. Notice of the proposal and of any opposition thereto shall be served on the parties concerned by judicial act, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. The mediators shall be so selected that their independence and impartiality are beyond reasonable doubt.".

Substitution of article 8

of the principal Act.

94. For article 8 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following:

“Exhaustion of the distribution rights.

“8. (1) The first sale or other transfer of ownership in the market of the original work enjoying copyright or copies thereof, when such sale is effected by or with the consent of the copyright owner himself, shall exhaust the exclusive distribution right in respect of that work or its copy.
(2) For the purposes of this article “market” means the market in Malta and as from the 1st May 2004 the European Union.”.
A 899

95. For article 9 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following:

Substitution of article 9

of the principal Act.

“Restriction with

regard to certain works.

9. (1) Copyright in an audiovisual work, a database, a literary work other than in the case of a computer programme, a muscial or artistic work shall not include the right to authorise or prohibit-
(a) temporary acts of reproduction, which are transient or incidental and an integral and essentail part of a technological process and whose sole purpose is to enable:
(i) a transmission in a network between third parties by an intermediary, or
(ii) another lawful use
of a work or other subject-matter to be made, and which have no independent economic significance;
(b) reproductions on paper or any similar medium, effected by the use of any kind of photographic technique or by some other process having similar effects, with the exception of sheet music, provided that the rightholders received fair compensation;
(c) reproductions on any medium made by a natural person for private use and for ends that are neither directly nore indirectly commerical, on condition that the rightholders receive fair compensation which takes account of the application or non-application or technological measures referred to in subarticles 42 (3) and (4) to the work or subject-matter concerned;
A 900
(d) specific acts of reproduction made by publicly accessible libraries, educational establishments or museums, or by archives, which are not for direct or indirect economic or commercial advantage;
(e) ephemeral recordings or works made by broadcasting organisations by means of their own facilities and for their own broadcasts:
Provided that any reproduction of a work made under this paragraph may, if it is of exceptional documentary character be preserved in official archives;
(f) reproduction of broadcasts made by social institutions pursuing non-commercial purposes, such as hospitals or prisons, on condition that the rightholders receive fair compensation;
(g) the performing, playing or showing of a work in a place where no admission fee is charged in respect of such an act by any club whose aim is not profit-making;
(h) the reproduction, translation, distribution or communication to the public of a work for the sole purpose of illustration for teaching or scientific research only to the extent justified by the non- commercial purpose to be achieved, and as long as the source, including the author’s name, is, unless this is impossible, indicated;
(i) the reproduction, translation, distribution or communication to the public of a work for the benefit of people with a disability, which are directly related to the disability and on a non-commercial nature, to the extent required by the specific disability;
(j) the reproduction by the press, translation, distribution or communication to the public of published articles on current economic, political or religious topics or of broadcast works or other subject-matter of the same character, in cases where such use is not expressly reserved, and as long as the source, including the author’s name, is indicated, or use of works or other subject-matter in
connection with the reporting of current events, to the extent justified by the informatory purpose and as long as the source, including the author’s name, is, unless this is impossible, indicated;
(k) the reproduction, translation, distribution or communication to the public of quotations for purposes such as criticism or review, provided that they relate to a work or other subject-matter which has already been lawfully made available to the public, as long as, unless this is impossible, the source, including the author’s name, is indicated, and that their use is in accordance with fair practice, and to the extent required by the specific purposes;
(l) the reproduction, translation, distribution or communication to the public of a work for the purposes of public security or to ensure the proper performance or reporting of administrative, parliamentary or judicial proceedings;
(m) the reproduction, translation, distribution or communication to the public of political speeches as well as extracts of public lectures or similar works or subject-matter to the extent justified by informatory purposes and provided that the source, including the author’s name, is, except where this is impossible, indicated;
(n) the reproduction, translation, distribution or communication to the public of a work for use during religious celebrations or official celebrations organized by a public authority;
(o) the reading or recitation in public by a person of any reasonable extract from a published literary work if accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement;
(p) the inclusion in a communication to the public, the making of a graphic representation and the making of a photograph or film, of a work of architecture or sculpture or similar works made to be located permanently in public places;
(q) the incidental inclusion of a work or other subject matter in other material;
A 901
A 902
(r) the reproduction, distribution or communication to the public of a work for the purpose of advertising the public exhibition or sale of artistic works, to the extent necessary to promote the event, excluding any other commercial use;
(s) the reproduction or communication to the public of a work by way of caricature, pastiche or parody;
(t) the reproduction, translation, distribution or communication to the public of a work in connection with the demonstration or repair of equipment;
(u) the reproduction, distribution or communication to the public of an artistic work in the form of a builidng or a drawing or plan of a building for the purposes of reconstructing the building;
(v) the communication to the public, for the purpose of research or private study, to individual members of the public by dedicated terminals on the premises of establishments referred to in subparagraph (d) above of works and other subject- matter, not subject to purchase or licensing terms, which are contained in their collections;
(w) in the case of a database, the performance of those acts which are normally necessary in order that the licensed user obtains access to the contents of the database and normal use thereof, in respect of the whole or part of the database which the user is licensed to use; and any contractual provisions running counter to what is prescribed in this paragraph shall be null and void.
(2) Copyright in a computer programme shall not include the right to authorize or prohibit:
(a) the observation, the study or testing of the functioning of the program by the licensed user in order to determine the ideas and principles which underlie any element of the program if this is done whilst performing any of the acts of loading,
displaying, running, transmitting or storing the program which he is entitled to do;
(b) the reproduction by the licensed user of the code and translation of its form where this is indispensable to obtain the information necessary to achieve the interoperability of an independently created computer program with other programs, provided that these acts are confined to the parts of the original program which are necessary to achieve interoperability and the information necessary to achieve interoperability has not previously been readily available to the licensed user:
Provided that any information obtained from the reproduction of the code and the translation of the form of a computer program made under this paragraph shall not:
(i) be used for purposes other than to achieve the interoperability of the independently created computer program;
(ii) be given to other persons, except when necessary for the interoperability of the independently created computer program;
(iii) be used for the development, production or marketing of a computer program substantially similar in its expression to the original program or for any other act which infringes copyright;
(c) the making of a copy or a back-up copy, the translation, adaptation, arrangement and any other alteration of a computer program and the reproduction of the results thereof, in so far as this is necessary for the licensed user to make proper use of the program in accordance with its intended purpose, including the correction of errors; and the right of the licensed user to make a back-up copy of a computer program may not be restricted or excluded by contract in so far as it is necessary for the use of that computer program.
A 903
A 904

Substitution of article 20 of the principal Act.

(3) The exceptions and limitations provided for in this article shall only be applied in such particular cases which do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work or other subject-matter and do not unreasonably rejudice the legitimate interests of the rightholder.”.

96. For article 20 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following:


of distribution rights.

Substitution of article 21 of the principal Act.

“Exceptions to neighbouring rights.

Substitution of article 42 of the principal Act.

“Infringing acts.

A 905
A 906
(i) is associated with a copy of a copyright work under the terms of this Act, or
(ii) appears in connection with the communication to the public of a copyright work under the terms of this Act, or
A 907

Repeal of articles 53 to 58 of the

principal Act.

Substitution of article 59 of the principal Act.

“Power to make regulations.

A 908

Amendment of the Trademarks Act, Cap. 416

Amendment of article 2

of the principal Act.

(a) immediately after the definition “Comptroller” there shall be inserted the following definition:
“ “European Union” means the European Union referred to in the Treaty;”;
(b) immediately after the definition “infringement proceedings” there shall be inserted the following definition:
“ “Member State” means a state which is a member of the European Union;”; and
(c) immediately after the definition “trademark” there shall be inserted the following definition:
“ “the Treaty” has the same meaning assigned to it by the European Union Act, 2003;”.

Amendment of article 12 of the principal Act.

“Proprietor may not prohibit use.

A 909

Amendment of the

Patents Act, Cap.


(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for the protection of intellectual property may by notice in the Gazette establish and different dates may be so established for different provisions and purposes thereof.

Substitution of titles of the principal


Amendment of article 1 of the principal Act.

(2) Any reference in the Patents Act to “this Act” shall be deemed to be a reference to Parts II to XVII of the Act now entitled the Patents and Designs Act.

Substitution of article 2 of the principal Act.


A 910
A 911
- defined by the expression of the characteristics that results from a given genotype or combination of genotypes,
(a) for subarticle (1) thereof there shall be substituted the following:- “(1) Inventions which are new, involve an inventive step
and are susceptible of industrial applications, shall be patentable:
Provided that such inventions shall also be patentable even if they concern a product consisting of or containing biological material or a process by means of which biological material is produced, processed or used:
(b) in subarticle (5) thereof:

Amendment of article 4

of the principal Act.

A 912
(i) for paragraph (b) thereof there shall be substituted the following:
“(b) the human body, at the various stages of its formation and development, and the simple discovery of one of its elements, including the sequence or partial sequence of a gene:
Provided that an element isolated from the human body or otherwise produced by means of a technical process, including the sequence or partial sequence of a gene, may constitute a patentable invention, even if the structure of that element is identical to that of a natural element;”; and
(ii) for paragraph (e) thereof there shall be substituted the following paragraphs:
“(e) plant and animal varieties:
Provided that patents shall not be granted for plant varieties only after a new form of plant variety protection is introduced in such form as may be prescribed:
Provided further that a patent may still be granted for a plant variety in respect of which a patent application is still pending on the date that a new form of plant variety protection is prescribed;
(f) essentially biological process of the production of plants or animals:
Provided that this is without prejudice to the patentability of inventions which concern a microbiological or other technical process or a product obtained by means of such a process;
(g) DNA sequence not containing any technical information and in particular any indication of its function.”; and
(c) subarticle (6) thereof shall be renumbered as subarticle (7), and immediately after subarticle (5) thereof there shall be inserted the following new subarticle:
“(6) Inventions which concern plants or animals shall be patentable if the technical feasibility of the invention is not confined to a particular plant or animal variety.”.

109. In subarticle (1) of article 13 of the principal Act the words

“in duplicate” shall be deleted.

110. For subarticle (2) of article 15 of the principal Act there shall be substituted the following subarticles (2) to (9):-

“(2) (a) Where an application refers to an element isolated from the human body or otherwise produced by means of a technical process including the sequence or partial sequence of a gene, the industrial application of a sequence or a partial sequence of a gene must be disclosed in the patent application.
(b) When the application concerns a sequence or a partial sequence of a gene used to produce a protein or part of a protein, it is necessary to specify which protein or part of protein is produced or function or sequence it performs.
(3) Where an invention involves the use of or concerns biological material which is not available to the public and which cannot be described in a patent application in such a manner as to enable the invention to be reproduced by a person skilled in the art, the description shall be considered inadequate for the purpose of this Act unless:
(a) it is supplemented by a deposit of such material with a depository institution as maay be prescribed; and
(b) the application as filed contains such relevant information as is available to the applicant on the characteristics of the biological material deposited.
(4) Access to the deposited biological material shall be provided through the supply of a sample:
(a) up to the first publication of the patent application, only to those persons who are authorised under this Act;
(b) between the first publication of the application and the granting of the patent, to anyone requesting it or, if the applicant so requests, only to an independent expert;
(c) after the patent has been granted, and notwithstanding revocation or cancellation of the patent, to anyone requesting it.
A 913

Amendment of article 13

of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 15

of the principal Act.

A 914
(5) The sample shall be supplied only if the person requesting it undertakes, for the term during which the patent is in force:
(a) not to make it or any material derived from it available to third parties; and
(b) not to use it or any material derived from it except for experimental purposes, unless the applicant for or proprietor of the patent, as applicable, expressly waives such an undertaking.
(6) Where an application is refused or is withdrawn, then at the applicant’s request, access to the deposited materrial shall be limited to an independent expert for twenty years from the date on which the patent application was filed, and in such case the provisions of subarticle (5) shall apply.
(7) The applicant’s requests referred to in paragraph (b) of subarticle (4) and in subarticle (6) may only be made up to the date on which the technical preparations for publishing the patent application are deemed to have been completed.
(8) If the biological material deposited in accordance with this article ceases to be available from the recognised depositary institution, a new deposit of the material shall be permitted on the same terms as those laid down in the Budapest Treaty.
(9) Any new deposit shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the depositor certifying that the new deposited biological material is the same as that originally deposited.”.

Amendment of article 26 of the principal Act.

“(2) The maintenance of a patent shall be subject to the payment of the prescribed fee hereinafter referred to as the maintenance fee. Such maintenance fee shall be due in respect of the fifth year and each subsequent year thereafter calculated from the filing date of the application and shall be paid on or before the prescribed due date.”.

Amendment of article 27 of the principal Act.

“(3) The protection conferred by a patent on biological material possessing specific characteristics as a result of the invention shall extend to any biological material derived from that biological material through propagation or multiplication in an identical or divergent form and possessing those same characteristics.
(4) The protection conferred by a patent on a process that enables a biological material to be produced possessing specific charactersitics as a result of the invention shall extend to biological material directly obtained through the process and to any other biological material derived from the directly obtained biological material through propagation or multiplication in an identical or divergent form and possessing those same characteristics.
(5) Save as provided in article 4 (5) (b), the protection conferred by a patent on a product containing or consisting of genetic information shall extend to all material, in which the product is incorporated and in which the genetic information is contained and performs its function.
(6) Notwithstanding subarticles (1) and (2) hereof, the proprietor of a patent shall have no right to prevent third parties from performing the acts referred to in subarticles (1) and (2) (b) in the following circumstances:
(a) where the act is done privately and for non- commercial purposes, provided that such act does not significantly prejudice the economic interests of the proprietor of the patent;
(b) where the act consists of making or using such product for purely experimental purposes or for scientific research;
(c) where the act consists of the extemporaneous preparation for individual cases, in a pharmacy or by a medical or veterinary doctor, of a medicine in accordance with a medical prescription or of acts concerning the medicine so prepared;
(d) when an act is done for purposes which can reasonably be related to the development and presentation of information required by the law of Malta or any other country that regulates the production, use or sale of medicinal or phytopharmaceutical products;
(e) when the use of the patented invention is on board vessels of the countries of the Union of Paris for the protection
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A 916
of Industrial Property in the body of the vessel, in the machinery tackle, gear and other accessories, when such vessels temporarily or accidentally enter the waters of Malta, provided that the invention is used exclusively for the needs of the vessel;
(f) when the use of that patented invention is in the construction or operation of aircraft or land vehicles of countries of the Union of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property or of accessories to such aircraft or land vehicles when such aircraft or vehicles temporarily or accidentally enter the territory of Malta.
(a) the sale or other form of commercialization of plant propagation material to a farmer by the holder of the patent or with his consent for agricultural use implies authorization for the farmer to use the product of his harvest for propagation or multiplication by him on his own farm;
(b) the sale of any other form of commercializaion of breeding stock or other animal reproductive material to a farmer by the holder of the patent or with his consent implies authorization for the farmer to use the protected livestock for an agricultural purpose. Such use includes making the animal or other animal reproductive material available for the purposes of pursuing his agricultural activity. Such use does not include the sale within the framework of or for the purpose of a commerical reproduction activity.
A 917

Amendment of article 39 of the principal Act.

“(8) The Civil Court, First Hall, may on a writ of summons filed by the owner of a patent (the second patent) which cannot be exploited without infringing an earlier patent (the first patent), direct the Comptroller to grant a non-exclusive, non-voluntary licence provided that:
(i) the invention claimed in the second patent shall involved an important technical advance of considerable economic significance in relation to the invention claimed in the first patent;
(ii) the owner of the first patent shall be entitled to a cross-licence on reasonable terms to sue the invention claimed in the second patent; and
A 918
(iii) the use authorised in respect of the first patent shall be non-assignable except with the assignment of the second patent.
(9) Where a breeder cannot acquire plant variety protection or exploit a plant variety without infringing a prior patent, he may apply to the Civil Court, First Hall, for a compulsory licence for non-exclusive use of the invention protected by the patent in so far as the licence is necessary for the exploitation of the plant variety to be protected, subject to payment of an appropriate royalty. Where such a licence is granted, the holder of the patent will be entitled to a cross-licence on reasonable terms to use the protected variety:
Provided that an applicant for a licence referred to in above shall demonstrate that:
(a) he had applied unsuccessfully to the holder of the prior patent to obtain a contractual licence;
(b) the plant variety constitutes significant technical progress of considerable economic interest compared with the invention cliamed in the prior patent.
(10) Where the holder of a patent concerning a biotechnological invention cannot exploit it without infringing a prior plant variety right, he may apply for a compulsory licence for non-exclusive use of the plant variety protected by that right, subject to payment of an appropriate royalty. Where such a licence is granted, the holder of the variety right will be entitled to a cross- licence on reasonable terms to use the protected invention:
Provided that an applicant for a licence referred to in above shall demonstrate that:
(a) he had applied unsuccessfully to the holder of the prior plant variety right to obtain a contractual licence;
(b) the invention constitutes significant technical progress of considerable economic interest compared with the plant variety protected by the prior plant variety right.
(11) With regard to plant variety protection subarticles (9) and (10) hereof shall only come into force when the relevant form of plant variety protection comes into force as provided in article
4 (5) (e).”.
A 919

Amendment of article 61 of the principal Act.

“(2) Where an applicant does not have his ordinary residence or principal place of busiess in Malta, he shall authorise in the prescribed manner an agent who has his ordinary residence or principal place of business in Malta, to represent him:
Provided that this sub-article shall not apply as from the 1st May 2003 in respect of an applicant who has his ordinary residence or principal place of business in any Member State.”.

Amendment of article 62

of the principal Act.

“Provided further that in the case of a patent which has lapsed and which was granted under the Industrial Property (Protection Ordinance):
(i) that patent if restored shall, subject to the payment of the maintenance fees, enjoy the term of protection stipulated in this Act from the filing date of the patent application; and
(ii) the provisions contained in article 46 of this Act shall apply when a request for a restoration is made.”.

Addition of

new Parts XVIII to XXIV to the principal Act.


63. (1) In Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act, unless the context otherwise requires –
“complex product” means a product which is composed of multiple replaceable components permitting disassembly and reassembly of the product;
“Comptroller” means the Comptroller of Industrial Property and includes any other person appointed or assigned by the Comptroller to exercise all or any of the powers and perform all or any of the duties of the Comptroller;
A 920
“European Union” means the European Union refered to in the Treaty;
“designs” means the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture and, or materials of the product itself and, or its ornamentaion;
“Office” means the office responsible for the registration of designs in Malta under the provisions of this Act;
“infringement proceedings” in relation to a registered design, includes proceedings under article 115;
“Locarno Classification” means the Classification contained in the Locarno Agreement establishing an International Classificatation for Industrial Designs, as revised or amended from time to time;
“made available to public” means made available to the public by the owner of the design or by any other party;
“Member State” means a state which is a member of the European Union;
“Minister” means the Minister responsible for the protection of industrial property;
“Paris Convention” means the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 20 March 1883, as revised or amended from time to time;
“prescribed” means prescribed by this Act or by any regulations made thereunder;
“product” means any industrial or handicraft item, other than a computer program, including inter alia intended to be assembled into a complex product, packaging, get-up, graphic symbols and typographic typefaces;
“publish” means make avialable to the public, and references to publication in relation to registration, are to publication under article 95(4);

Cap. 29.

Property right.

Requirements for protection.


“register” means the register of designs kept under this Act and includes the register of designs kept under the Industrial Property (Protection) Ordinance;
“The Treaty” has the same meaning assigned to it by the European Union Act, 2003.
(2) The provisions of Parts II to XVII of this Act do not apply to designs which are regulated by Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act exclusively.
64. A registered design is a property right obtained by the registraion of the design uder this Act. The proprietor of a registered design has the rights and remedies provided by this Act.
65. (1) Designs shall be protected by registration, and exclusive rights shall be conferred upon their holders in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
(2) A design shall be protected by a design right to the extent that it is new and has individual character.
(3) A design applied to or incorporated in a product which constitutes a component part of a complex product shall only be considered to be new and to have individual character:
(a) if the component part, once it has been incorporated into the complex product, remains visible during normal use of the latter, and
(b) to the extent that those visible features of the component part fulfil in themselves the requirements as to novelty and individual character.
(4) The expression “normal use” within the meaning of subarticle (3) (a) means use by the end user, excluding maintenance, servicing or repair work.
66. A design shall be considered new if no identical design has been made available to the public before the date
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A 922

Individual character


of filing of the application for registration or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority:
Provided that designs whose features differ only in immaterial details shall also be deemed to be identical.
67. (1) A design shall be considered to have individual character if the overall impression it produces on the informed user differs from the overall impression produced on such a user by any design which has been made available to the public before the date of filing of the application for registration or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority.
(2) In assessing individual character, the degree of freedom of the designer in developing the design shall be taken into consideration.
68. (1) For the purpose of applying articles 66 and
67, a design shall be deemed to have been made available to the public if it has been published following registration or otherwise, or exhibited, used in trade or otherwise disclosed, except where these events could not reasonably have become known in the normal course of business to the circles specialised in the sector concerned, and as from the 1st May,
2004, within the European Union before the date of filing of the application for registration or, if priority is cliamed, the date of priority. The design shall not, however, be deemed to
have been made available to the public becuase of the sole reason that it has been disclosed to a third party under explicit conditions of confidentiality.
(2) A disclosure shall not be taken into consideration for the purpose of applying articles 66 and 67 if a design for which protection is claimed has been made available to the public by the designer, his successor in title, or a third party as a result of information provided or action taken by the designer, or his successor in title and such disclosure took place during the 12-month period preceding the date of filing of the application or, if priority is claimed, the date of priority.
(3) Subarticle (2) shall also apply if the design had been made available to the public as a consequence of an abuse in relation to the designer or his successor in title.

Designs dictated by their technical

function and designs of inter- connections.

Designs contrary to public policy or morality.

Scope of protection.

Term of protection.

Renewal of registration.

69. (1) A right in a registered design shall not subsist in features of appearance of a product which are solely dictated by its technical function.
(2) A right in a registered design shall not subsist in features of appearance of a product which must necessarily be reproduced in their exact form and dimensions in order to permit the product in which the design is incorporated or to which it is aplied to be mechanically connected to or placed in, around or against another product so that either product may perform its function.
(3) Notwithstanding subarticle (2), a right in a registered design shall, under the conditions set out in articles
66 and 67, subsist in a design serving the purpose of allowing multiple assembly or connection of mutually interchangeable products within a modular system.
70. A right in a registered design shall not subsist in a design which is contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality.
71. (1) The scope of the protection conferred by a right in a registered design shall include any design which does not produce on the informed user a different overall impression.
(2) In assessing the scope of protection, the degree of freedom of the designer in developing his design shall be taken into consideration.
72. (1) Upon registration, a design which meets the requirements of article 65 (2) shall be protected by a design right for a period of five years from the date of filing of the application.
(2) The right holder may have the term of protection renewed in accordance with article 73 for one or more periods of five years each, up to a total term of 25 years form the date of filing.
73 (1) The registration of a design may by renewed at the request of the proprietor, subject to the payment of the prescribed renewal fee:
A 923
A 924

Grounds for refusal

of a registration.

Provided that the request is made and the fee is paid before the date of expiry and such action be taken not more than 6 months before such date:
Provided that the request may be made and the fee paid up to 6 months after the date of expiry, in which case any additional renewal fee as may be prescribed is also paid within that period.
(2) Renewal shall take effect from the expiry of the previous registration.
(3) If the regisration is not renewede in accordance with the above provisions, the Comptroller shall remove the design from the register.
74. A design shall be refused registration:
(a) if the design does not fall within the defintion of a design in article 63;
(b) if it consists of or is significantly made up of the national flag or Malta;
(c) if it containes a representation of the national flag of Malta and it appears to the Comptroller to be misleading or offensive;
(d) if it consists of or contains:
(i) the arms, or any of the principal armorial bearings of the arms appertaining to the President or to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Malta, or any insignia or device so nearly resembling such arms or any such armorial bearing as to be likely to be mistaken for them or it,
(ii) a representation of the Presidentail or
Episcopal flags,
(iii) a representation of the President or the
Archbishop, or any colourable imitation thereof, or
(iv) words, letters or devices likely to lead persons to think that the applicant either has or recently has had Presidential or Episcopal patronage or authorisation,

Exclusive rights conferred by the design right.

Limitation of the rights conferred by the design right.

unless it appears to the Comptroller that consent has been given by or on behalf of the President or the Archbishop;
(e) if it is contrary to public policy or accepted principles of morality; or
(f) if the applicant for the right in a registered design is not entitled to it under Maltese law.
75. (1) The registration of a design shall confer on its holder the exclusvie right to use it and to prevent any third party not having his consent from using it. The aforementioned use shall cover, in particular, the making, offering, putting on the market, importation, export or use of a product in which the design is incorporated or to which it is applied, or stocking such a product for such purposes.
(2) Any reference in this Act to the infringement of a registered design shall be deemed to be a reference to any such infringement of the rights of the proprietor.
(3) The rights of the proprietor have effect from the date of registration reckoned in accordance with article
95 (3):
Provided that –
(a) no infringement proceedings may be begun before the date on which the design is in fact registered, and
(b) no offence under article 117 shall be committed by anything done before the date of publication of the registration.
76. (1) The rights conferred by the design right upon registration shall not be exercised in respect of:
(a) acts done privately and for non-commercial purposes, or
(b) acts done for experimental purposes, or
A 925
A 926

Exhaustion of rights.

Relationship to

other forms

(c) acts of reproduction for the purposes of making citations or of teaching, provided that such acts are compatible with fair trade practice and do not unduly prejudice the normal exploitation of the design, and that mention is made of the source.
(2) In addition, the right conferred by a design right upon registration shall not be exercised in respect of:
(a) the equipment on ships and aircraft registered in another coutnry when these temporarily or accidentally enter the territory of Malta, or
(b) the importation into Malta of spare parts and accessories for the purpose of repairing such craft, or
(c) the execution of repairs on such craft.
77. (1) A registered design shall not entitle the proprietor to prohibit the use of a product in which the design is incorporated or to which the design is applied when the product has been put on the market by the proprietor or with his consent:
(2) For the purposes of this article:
“the market” means the market in Malta and as from
1st May 2003, the market in another member state.
“use” includes the offering, selling, buying or export of the proudct; and
78. (1) The provisions of Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act shall be without prejudice to any other provisions of

of protection. Maltese law relating to unregistered design rights, trade marks

or other distinctive signs, patents and utility models, typefaces, civil liability or unfair competition.

Cap. 415.

Nature of registered design.

(2) A design protected by a design right registered in accordance with this Act shall also be eligible for protection under the Copyright Act, as from the date on which the design was created or fixed in any form.
79. A registered design is the personal property of its owner.

Co- ownership of a Registered design.

Transmission of a

registered design.

80. (1) Where a registered design is granted to two or more persons jointly, each of them is entitled, subject to any agreement to the contrary, to an equal undivided share in the registered design.
(2) The following provisions apply where two or more persons are co-proprietors of a registered design, by virtue of subarticle (1) or otherwise.
(3) Subject to any agreement to the contrary, each co-proprietor is entitled, personally or through his agents, to do for his own benefit and without the consent of or the need to account to any other co-proprietor, any act which would otherwise amount to an infringement of the registered design.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subarticle (3) a co-proprietor may not without the consent of the other or others-
(a) grant a licence to use the registered design, or
(b) assign or cede control of his share in the registered design.
(5) Infringement proceedings may be brought by any co-proprietor, but a co-proprietor may not, with the leave of the Court, proceed with the action unless the other, or each of the other co-proprietors, is joined in the suit.
A co-proprietor who is thus joined in the suit shall not be liable for any costs in the action.
Nothing in this subarticle affects the making of any precautionary warrant on the application of a single co- proprietor.
(6) Nothing in this article affects the rights and obligations of trustees or personal representatives, or their rights and obligations as such.
81. (1) A registered design is tranmissible by assignment, testmentary disposition or peration of law in the same way as other personal or moveable property.
It is so transmissible either in connection with the goodwill of a business or independently.
A 927
A 928

Registrations of transactions affecting

a registered design.

(2) An assignment or other transmission of a registered design may be partial and limited so as to apply in relation to the use of the design in a particular manner or a particular locality.
(3) An assignment of a registered design is not effective unless it is in writing signed by or on behalf of the assignor or, as the case may be, his personal representative.
(4) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting the assignment or other transmission of an unregistered design as part of the goodwill of a busines.
82. (1) On application being made to the Comptroller by a person cliaming to be entitled to an interest in or under a registered design by virtue of a registrable transaction, or any other person claiming to be affected by such a transaction, the relevant details of the transaction shall be entered in the register.
(2) The following are registrable transactions: (a) an assignment of a registered design or any
right therein;
(b) the grant of a licence under a registered design; (c) the transfer of a registered design by
testamentary disposition;
(d) an order of a Court or other competent authority transferring a registered design or any right in or under it.
(3) Until an application has been made for registration of a registrable transaction:
(a) the transaction is ineffective as against a person acquiring in good faith a conflicting interest in the registered design, and
(b) articles 86 or 87 shall not apply in respect of a person claiming to be a licensee by virtue of the transaction.

Application for Registration of design

as object of property.

Licensing of a registered design.

Exclusive licences.

(4) Where a person becomes the proprietor or a licensee of a registered design by virtue of a registrable transaction, he shall not be entitled to damages or an account of profits in respect of any infringement of the registered design occurring after the date of the registrable transaction and before the transaction is registered, unless:
(a) an application for registration of the transaction is made before the end of the period of six months beginning with the date of the transaction, or
(b) the Court is satisfied that it was not practicable for such an application to be made before the end of that period and that an application was made as soon as possible thereafter.
83. The provisions of articles 79 to 82 apply mutats mutandis in relation to an application for the registration of a design in the same manner as they apply in relation to a registered design.
84. (1) A licence to use a registered design may be general or limited. A limited licence may, in particular, apply in relation to use of the design in a particular manner or a particular locality.
(2) Unless the licence provides otherwise, it is binding on a successor in title to the grantor’s interest, and references in this Act to doing anything with, or without, the consent of the proprietor of a registered design shall be constured accordingly.
(3) Where the licence so provides, a sub-licence may be granted by the licensee; and references in this Act to a licence or licensee inlcude a sub-licence or sub-licensee.
85. (1) In Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act an “exclusive licence” means a licence (whether general or limited) authorising the licensee to the exclusions of all other persons, including the person granting the licence, to use a registered design in the manner authorised by the licence.
(2) An exclusive licensee has the same rights agaisnt a successor in title who is bound by the licence as he has against the person granting the licence.
A 929
A 930

General provisions as to the rights of licensees in case of


Exclusive licensee having right and

remedies of assignee.

86. (1) The provisions of this article shall apply with respect to the rights of a licensee in relation to infringement of a registered design:
Provided that they shall not apply where or to the extent that, in accordance with article 87 (1) an exclusive licensee has a right to bring proceedings in his own name.
(2) A licensee is entitled, unless his licence provides otherwise, to call ont he proprietor of the registered design to take infringement proceedings in respect of any matter which affects his interests.
(3) If the proprietor refuses to do so, or fails to do so within two months after being called upon the licensee may bring proceedings in his own name as if he were the proprietor.
(4) Where infringement proceedigns are brought by a licensee by virtue of this article, the proprietor shall be joined in the suit.
(5) In infringement proceedings brought by the proprietor of a registered desing any loss suffered or likely to be suffered by licenses shall be taken into account by the Court which shall give such directions as it thinks fit with regard to the disposal and distribution of any sum awarded as a remedy for the infringement.
87. (1) An exclusive licence may provide that the licensee shall have, to such extent as may be provided by the licence, the same rights and remedies in respect or matters occurring after the grant of the licence as it the licence had been an assignment.
Where or to the extent that such provision is made, the licensee shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of the licence and to the following provisions of this article, to bring infringement proccedings in his own name against any person other than the proprietor.
(2) The rights and remedies of an exclusive licensee are concurrent with those of the proprietor of the registred design; and references in this Act to the proprietor of a registered design relating to infringement shall be construed accordingly.
(3) In an action brought by an exclusive licensee under this article a defendant may avail himself of any defence which would have been available to him if the action had been brought by the proprietor of the registered design.
(4) Where proceedings for infringement of registered design are brought by the proprietor or by the exclusive licensee relating to an infringement in respect of which they have concurrent right of action, the proprietor or, as the case may be, the exclusive licensee who are not the plaintiff shall be jointed in the suit.
(5) (a) Where an action for infringement of a registered design relaitng to an infringement in respect of which the proprietor and an exclusive licensee have concurrent right of action is brought-
(i) the Court shall in assessing damages take into account the terms of the licence, and any pecuniary remedy already awarded or available to either of them in respect of the infringment;
(ii) no account of profits shall be ordered to be made if an award of damages has been made, or an account of profits has been ordered, in favour or either of them in respect of the infringement; and
(iii) the Court shall, if an account of profits has been ordered, apportion subject to any agreement between the proprietor and the exclusive licensee, the profits between them as the Court considers just.
(b) The provisions of this subarticle apply whether action is brought by the proprietor alone, or it is brought by the proprietor and the exclusive licensee; and if they are not both parties the Court may give such directions as it deems fit with regard to the disposal and distribution of any sum awarded as remedy for the infringement.
(6) The proprietor of a registered design shall notify any exclusive licensee who has a concurrent right of action before applying for an order under article 115; and the Court may on the application of the licensee make such order under that artricle as ti thinks fit having regard to the terms of the licensee.
A 931
A 932

Application for registration.

Date of filing

Classification of designs

(7) The provisions of subarticles (4) to (6) shall be without prejudice to any agreement to the contrary between the exclusive licensee and the proprietor.
88. An application for registration of a design shall be filed with the Comptroller in the Maltese or English language and shall contain the following:
(a) a request for registration of a design; (b) the name and address of the applicant;
(c) the design which is the subject of the application;
(d) the name and address of the agent or representative, in cases where one has been appointed; and
(e) a declaration cliaming priority in cases where the applicant wishes to take advantage of an earlier application.
The application shall be subject to the payment of a fee as may be prescribed.
89. (1) The date of filing of an application for registration of a design is the date on which the elements prescribed in article 88 are furnished to the Comptroller by the applicant:
Provided that where the elements are furnished on different days, the date of filing shall be the date on which the last element is so furnished.
(2) References in Parts XVIII to XXIV to the date of application for registration shall be construed as a reference to the date of filing of the application.
90. (1) Designs shall be classified for the purpose of the registration of designs according to the Locarno Classification.

Claim to priority of Convention application.

(2) Any question arising as to the class within which any design falls shall be determined by the Comptroller, whose decision shall be final.
91. (1) A person who has duly filed an application for protection of a design in a state which is a member of the World Trade Organisation or a party to the Paris Convention, hereinafter in this Act referred to as a “Convention application”, or his successor in title, has a right to priority, for the purposes of registering the same design under this Act for which such an application has been filed, for a period of six months from the date of filing of the first such application.
(2) If the application for registration under this
Act is made within such six-month period:
(a) the relevant date for the purposes of establishing which rights take precedence shall be the date of filing of the first Convention application, and
(b) the registrability of the design shall not be affected by any use of the same in Malta in the period between that date and the date of the application under this Act.
(3) (a) Any filing in a state member of the World Trade Organisation or party to the Paris Convention which is equivalent to a regular national filing under its domestic legislation, shall be treated as giving rise to the right of priority.
(b) For the purposes of this subarticle “regular national filing” means a filing which is adequate to establish the date on which the application was filed in that country, whatever may be the subsequent application.
(4) A subsequent application concerning the same design as the first Convention application, filed in the same Convention country, shall be considered the first Convention application (the filing date of which is the starting date of the period of priority), if at the time of the subsequent application:
(a) the previous application has been withdrawn, abandoned or refused, without having been laid open to public inspection and without leaving any rights outstanding, and
A 933
A 934

Claim to priority from other relevant overseas


Examination of application.

(b) it has not yet served as a basis for claiming right of priority, and the previous application may not thereafter serve as a basis for claiming a right of priority.
(5) Provisions may be made by regulations as to the manner of claiming a right to priority on the basis of a Convention application.
(6) A right to priority arising as a result of a Convention application may be assigned or otherwise transmitted, either with the application or independently.
92. (1) The Minister may make regulations conferring on a person who has duly filed an application for protection of a design in a country or territory in relation to which the Government of Malta is a party to a treaty, convention, arrangement or engagement for the reciprocal protection of designs, a right to priority, for the purpose of registering the same designs under this Act for any or all of the same goods or services, for a such period as may be specified in the regulations from the date of filing of that application.
(2) Such regulations may make provisions similar to those contained in article 91 in relation to Convention applications or such other provision as appears to the Minister to be appropriate for the purpose of giving effect to the treaty, convention arrangement or engagement.
93. (1) The Comptroller shall examine whether an application for registration of a design satisfies the requirements of this Act.
(2) If it appears to the Comptroller that the requirements for registration are not met, he shall inform the applicant and give him an opportunity to make representations or to amend the application within such period as the Comptroller may specify.
(3) If the applicant fails to satisfy the Comptroller that those requirements are met, or to amend the application so as to meet them, or fails to respond before the end of the specified period, the Comptroller shall refuse the application.

Withdrawal, or amendment of application.


Alteration of registered design.

(4) If it appears to the Comptroller that the requirements for registration are met, he shall accept the application as eligible for registration.
94. (1) The applicant may at any time withdraw his applicaton.
(2) An application may be amended, at the request of the applicant, only by correcting:
(a) the name or addres of the applicant, (b) errors of wording or of copying, or (c) obvious mistakes,
and then only where the correction does not substantially affect the identity of the design.
95. (1) Where an application has been accepted as eligible for registration, the Comptroller shall register the design, unless it appears to him having regard to matters coming to his notice after he accepts the application that it was accepted in error.
(2) A design shall not be registered and the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn unless any fee prescribed is paid within 30 working days from the date of filing.
(3) A design when registered shall be registered as of the date of filing of the application for registraion, and that date shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be the date of registration.
(4) On the registraton of a design the Comptroller shall issue to the applicant a certificate of registration, and he shall publish in the Gazette the fact that the design has been registered and is available to be viewed by the public at the Office.
96. (1) A registered design shall not be altered in the register, during the period of registration or on renewal.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subarticle
(1), the Comptroller may, at the request of the proprietor, allow
A 935
A 936

Surrender of a registered Design.

Grounds for invalidity

of registration.

the alteration of a registered design where the design includes the proprietor’s name or address and the alteration is limited to the alteration of that name or address and does not substantially affect the identity of the design.
(3) Provision shall be made by regulations prescribing the manner of publication of any such alteration and the making of objections by any person claiming to be affected thereby.
97. (1) A registered design may be surrendered by the proprietor by sending notice to the Comptroller including the name and address of any person having a contractual interest in the design, or any other interest under the Act. The proprietor shall also certify that any such person:
(a) has been sent not less than 90 days’ notice of the proprietor’s intention to surrender the design, or
(b) is not affected, or if affected consents thereto.
98. (1) The registration of design may be declared invalid on the following grounds:
(a) if the provisions of article 74 have not been complied with;
(b) if it does not fulfill the requirements of articles
65 to 70;
(c) if the design is the same or similar to a prior design which has been made vailable to the public after the date of filing of the application or, if priority is cliamed, after the date of priority, and which prior design is protected from adate prior to the said date by a registered design or an applciation for a registered design in a territory covered by an international agreement to which Malta is a party;
(d) if a distinctive sign is used in a subsequent design and the rightholder of the sign has the right ot prohibit such use;
(e) if the design constitutes an unauthorised use of work protected under copyright;

Acts of agent or

(f) if the design involved the use of:
(i) the armorial bearings, flags or other emblems, and
(ii) the abbreviations and names, of international intergovernmental organisations of which one or more Paris Convention countries are members.
(2) The grounds provided under article 74 (f) may be invoked only by the person entitled to the right under Maltese law.
(3) The grounds in subarticles (1) (c), (1) (d) and (1) (e) above may be invoked solely by the applicant for or the holder of the conflicting right.
(4) The grounds in subarticle (1) (f) above may be invoked solely by the entity associated therewith.
(5) When a design has been refused registration pursuant to article 74, or a design right has been declared invalid pursuant to subarticle (1) above, the design may be registered or the design right maintained in an amended form, if in that form it complies with the requirements for protection and the identity of the design is retained. Registration or maintenance in an amended form may include registration accompanied by a partial disclaimer by the holder of the right in the registered design or entry in the design register of a court decision declaring the partial invalidity of the design right.
99. (1) The following provisions apply where an
A 937

Representative. application for registration of a design is made by a person

who is an agent or representative of a person who is the proprietor of the design in a Convention country.
(2) The proprietor may by writ of summons before the First Hall of the Civil Court:
(a) demand a declaration of invalidity of the registration, or
A 938

Effect of acquiescence.

Maintenance and content of


(b) demand the rectification of the register in order ot substitute his name as the prorietor of the register design.
(3) The proprietor may restrain any use of the design in Malta which is not authorised by him.
(4) Subarticles (2) and (3) shall not apply if, or to the extent that, the agent or representative shows that his actions were authorised by the proprietor.
(5) An application under subarticle (2) must be made within three years of the proprietor becoming aware of the registration; and no order may be made under subarticle (3) in respect of a use in which the proprietor has not taken action for a continuous period of three years or more.
100. (1) An action for invalidity may not be initiated when the person bringing the action being aware of the use of a registered design in Malta has acquiesced for a continuous perid of five years to such use.
(2) In the case referred to in subarticle (1), where the action is brought on the basis of an earlier registered design or an earier acquired right the proprietor of the registered design is not entitled to oppose the use of the earlier design or, as the case may be, the exploitation of the earlier right, notwithstanding that the earlier design or right may no longer be invoked against his registered design.
Part XXI
Administrative and Supplementary Provisions
101. (1) (a) The Comptroller shall maintain a register of designs.
(b) Reference in Parts XVIII to XXIV this Act to “ the register” are to that register; and references to registration, in particular, in the expression “registered design”, are, unless the context otherwise requires, to registration in that register.
(2) There shall be entered in the register in accordance with this Act:
(a) registerd designs;
(b) the relevant particulars of registable transactions affecting a registered design, including:
(i) the date of registration as determined in accordance subarticles 89 and 95,
(ii) the priority date (if any) to be accorded pursuant to a claim to a right to priority made under article 91 or 92,
A 939
(iii) the name and address of the proprietor,
(c) in the case of an assignment of a registered design:
(i) the name and address of the assignee, and
(ii) the date of the assignment;
(d) in the case of the grant of a licence under a registered design:
(i) the name and address of the licensee,
(ii) where the licence is limited, a description of the limitation,
(iii) where the licence is an exclusive licence, that fact,
(iv) the duration of the licence if the same is or is ascertainable as a definite period, and
(v) the date on which the entry is made;
(e) in the case of a court or other competent authority transferring a registered design:
(i) the name and address of the transferee, (ii) the date of the order, and
(iii) the date on which the entry is made;
A 940

Public inspection of register.

Rectification or correction of the register.

(f) in the case of a transfer of a registered design by testamentary disposition, or otherwise by inheritance:
(i) the name and address of the person in whose favour the testamentary disposition is made, or the inheritance devolves if any, and
(ii) the date of the testamenary disposition if any, and of the death of the previous holder,
(g) in the case of merger, the requirements specified for the registration of an assignement; and
(h) such other matters relating to registered designs as the Comptroller may deem necessary.
102. (1) Without prejudice to the provision of article
105, the register shall be open for public inspection at the
Office during such hours as may be determined by the Office.
(2) A search in the register may be conducted in respect of a design or designs in one of the following manners:
(a) an interested person may on payment of the prescribed fee call at the Office and conduct a search for a design or designs. If the person or persons conducting the search request copies of any related record, extracts from the register or copies of the design, whether certified or uncertified, these shall be provided on payment of the prescribed fee;
(b) an interested person may on payment of the prescribed fee submit a request in writing to the Office for a search to be conducted in respect of a design or designs. If the person or persons requesting the search require copies of any related record, extracts from the register or copies of the design, whether certified or uncertified, these shall be provided on payment of the prescribed fee.
103. (1) Any person having a sufficient interest may apply for the recitification of an error or omission in the register:

Power to require

the use of forms.

Information about applications and registered designs.

Provided that an application for rectification may not be made in respect of a matter affecting the validity of the registration of a design.
(2) Provided that an application for rectification may not be made either to the Comptroller or by writ of summons agaisnt the Comptroller and any person interested before the Civil Court, First Hall:
Provided that if proceedings concerning the registration in question are pending before a Court:-
(a) the application must be made by application before Court in the acts of the proceedings; and
(b) if the application is made to the Comptroller, he may at any stage of the proceedings direct the applicant to refer the matter to the Court in accordance with subarticle (2).
(3) Except where the Comptroller or the Court directs otherwise, the effect rectification of the register is that the error or omission inquestion shall be deemed never to have been made.
(4) The Comptroller may, on request by the proprietor of a registered design, or a licensee, enter any change in his name or address as recorded in the register.
(5) The Comptroller may remove from the register any matter appearing to him to have ceased to have effect.
104. The Comptroller may require the use of such forms as he may direct for any purpose relating to the registration of a design or anyother proceeding before him under this Act.
105. (1) After publication of the registration of a design, the Comptroller shall on request provide a person with such information and permit him to inspect all documents filed or kept at the Office relating to the registered design, as maybe specified in the request.
Any such request must be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed.
A 941
A 942

Exclusion or liability

in respect of official acts.

(2) Before publication of registration of a design, documents or information constituting or relating to the application shall not be published by the Comptroller or made available to the pubic except with the consent of the applicant.
(3) The Comptroller shall not be obliged to permit the inspection of any such document as is mentioned in subarticle (1) above until he has completed any procedure or the stage in the procedure which is relevant to the document in question, which he is required or permitted to carry out under the Act.
(4) The right of inspection under subartilce (1)
above does not apply to:
(a) any document until fourteen days after it has been filed at the Office;
(b) any document prepared in the Office solely for use therein;
(c) any document sent to the Office, whether at its request or otherwise, for inspection and subsequent return to the sender;
(d) any request for information under this article; (e) any document issued or received by the Office
which Comptroller considers should be treated as
(f) any document or part of a document which in the opinion of the Comptroller dispargaes any person in a way likely to damage him; or
(g) any document filed with or sent to the Office before the enactment of the Act.
106. (1) Registration by the Comptroller shall not be deemed to be a warrantly by him of the validity of the registration of a design under this Act or under any treaty, convention, arrangement or engagement to which Malta is a party.
(2) The Comptroller shall not be liable by reason of, or in connection with, any examination required or

Registration to be

prima facie evidence of validity.

Certification of validity

of contested registration.

Comptroller’s Appearance in Proceedings involving

the register.

authorised by this Act, or any such treaty, convention, arrangement or engagement, or any report or other proceedings consequent to such examination.
(3) No action shall lie against an officer of the Comptroller in respect of any matter for which, by virtue of this article, the Comptroller is not liable.
107. In all legal proceedings relating to a registered design (including proceedings for rectification of the register) the registration of a person as proprietor of a design shall be prima facie evidence of the validity of the original registration and of any subsequent assignment or other transmission thereof.
108. If in proceedings before the Court the validity of the registration of a design is contested and it is found by the Court that the design is validly registered, the Court shall give judgement accordingly.
109. (1) In proceedings before the Court involving a demand for:
(a) the revocation of the registration of a design, (b) a declaration of the invalidity of the
registration of a design, or
(c) the rectification of the register,
the Comptroller shall be notified with the proccedings and shall be entitled to intervene in statu et terminis.
(2) Unless otherwise directed by the Court, the Comptroller may, instead of intervening, file in the record of the case a statement in writing signed by him, giving particulars of:
(a) any proceedings before him in relation to the matter in issue,
(b) the grounds of any decision given by him affecting it,
(c) the practice of the Office in like cases, or
A 943
A 944

Appeals from the

(d) such matters relevant to the issues and within his knowledge as he thinks fit,
and the statement shall be deemed to form part of the evidence in the proceedings.
110. (1) Any decision of the Comptroller under Parts

Comptroller’s XVIII to XXIV of this Act, may be appealed from, before the


Business hours.

Recognition of agents.

Court of Appeal composed in the manner provided in subarticle (6) of article 41 of the Code of Organization and Civil Procedure by application within fifteen days of service of the Comptroller’s decision.
(2) For the purposes of subarticle (1) of this article “decision” means any act, other than such acts as may by regulations be prescribed, done by the Comptroller in exercise of a discretion vestred in him by or under this Act.
(3) The Minister with the concurrence of the Minister responsible for Justice may make rules governing appeals to the Court of Appeal under Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act, and presenting a scale of costs and fees in realtion to such appeals.
111. (1) The Comptroller may give directions specifying the hours of business of the Office for the purpose of the transaction by the public of business under this Act, and the days which are business days for that purpose.
(2) Business done on any business day after the specified hours of business, or on a day which is not a business day, shall be deemed to have been done on the next business day; and where the time for doing anything under this Act expires on a day which not a business day, that time shall be extended to the next business day.
(3) Directions under this article may make different provision for different classes of business and shall be published in the prescribed manner.
112. (1) Where by Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act any act has to be done by or to any person in connection with any proceeding or matter under the said parts of this Act, the act may under and in accordance with the regulations be done by or to an agent of that person duly authorised in writing:

Action for infringement

Order for delivery up of infringing

machinery, products or material.

Provided that the Comptroller may in any particular case require the personal signature or presence of the agent or the person authorising him to act as an agent.
(2) If an applicant does not have his ordinary residence or principal place or business in Malta, he shall authorise an agent who has his ordinary residence or principal place of business in Malta to represent him in the manner as prescribed in subarticle (1) above:
Provided that this subarticle shall as from the 1st May
2004 with regard to an applicant who has his ordinary residence or principal place of business in a Member State.
113. (1) Any person who in contravention to article
75 exploits a registered design shall be liable in damages towards the proprietor of the design right or the licensee.
(2) Infringement proceedings shall be brought before the Civil Court, First Hall, and may not be instituted after five years from the date when the injured party has obtained knowledge of the infringement and of the identity of the alleged infringer.
(3) In an action for infringement all such remedies as are in respect of the infringement of any other property right shall be available to the plaintiff.
114. (1) The Court may, moreover, on the demand of the plaintiff, order that the machinery or other industrial means or contrivances used in contravention of the design, the infringing products, and the apparatus destined for their production, be forfeited, wholly or partially, and delivered up to the proprietor of the design or such other person as the Court may direct, without prejudice to any other remedy.
(2) An action for an order under subarticle (1) hereof may not be made after the end of the period of five years from the date on which the infringing products were made except as provided in the following subarticle.
A 945
A 946

Order as to disposal of infringing machinery, products or material.

(3) While during the whole or part of that period the proprietor of the registered design is prevented by fraud or concealment from discoverning the facts entitling him to take action for an order, an application may be made at any time before the end of the period of five years from the date on which he could with reasonable diligence have discovered those facts.
115. (1) Where infringing goods, material or products have been delivered up in pursuance of an order under article 114, an action by writ of summons against any person having an interest in the products may be brought before the Court by any party interested:
(a) for an order that they be destroyed or forfeited to such person as the Court may deem fit, or
(b) for a decision that no such order should be
(2) In considering its decision, the Court shall consider whether other remedies available in an action for infringement of the registered design would be adequate to compensate the proprietor and any licensee to protect their interests.
(3) Any person having an interest shall be
(a) to appear in proceedings for an order under this article, whether or not he was served with a notice, and
(b) to appeal against any order made, whether or not he appeared at first instance, and any such order shall not take effect until the end of the period within which an appeal may be filed or, if before the end of that period an appeal is so filed, until the final determination or abandonment of the proceedings on the appeal.
(4) Where there is more than one person interested in the products, the Court shall make such order as it thinks fit.
(5) If the Court decides that no order should be made under this article, the perosn in whose possession, custody or

Remedy for groundless threats

of infringement proceedings.

Unauthorised use

of registered design.

control the products were before being delivered up shall be entitled to their return.
116. (1) Where a person threatens another with proceedings for infringement of a registered design other than those provided for in this Act, any person aggrieved may bring proceedings for relief under this article by writ of summons before the Civil Court, First Hall.
(2) The relief which may be applied for is all or any of the following:
(a) a declaration that the threats are unjustified, (b) an injunction against the continuance of the
(c) damages in respect of any loss the plaintiff may have sustained by the threats,
and the plaintiff shall be entitled to such relief unless the defendant shows that the acts in respect of which proceedings were threatened constitute, or if done would constitute, an infringement of the registered design concerned.
(3) Where the defendant shows that the acts in respect of which proceedings were threatened constitute or would constitute an infringement of the registered design, the plaintiff shall nevertheless be entitled to relief if he shows that the registration of the design is invalid or liable to be revoked.
(4) The mere notification that a design is registered, or that an application for registration has been made, does not constitute a threat of proceedings for the purposes of this article.
117. (1) Any person who with a view to gain for himself or another, or with intent to cause loss to another, and without the consent of the proprietor, in contravention of article 75 exploits a registered design shall be guilty of an offence against this article and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to a fine (multa) of not more than ten thousand liri or to both such fine and imprisonment.
A 947
A 948

Falsification of


Falsely representing a design as registered.

(2) It shall be a defence for aperson charged with an offence against this article to show that he believed on reasonable grounds that the use of the design in the manner in which it was used, or was to be used, was not an infringement of the registered design.
118. (1) Any person who knowing or having reason to believe that it is false:
(a) makes, or cuases to be made, a false entry in the register of designs; or
(b) makes, or causes to be made, anything falsely purporting to be a copy of an entry in the register, or
(c) produces or tenders or causes to be produced or tendered in evidence any such thing,
shall be guilty of an offence against this article.
(2) A person guilty of an offence against this article shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or a fine (multa) of not more tha five thousand liri or to both such fine and imprisonment.
119. (1) Whoever puts into circulation, or sells any product, falsely representing that a design applied to, or incorporated in any product sold by him is registered, shall be guilty of an offence against this sub-article and, on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa) of not less than one hundred liri and not more than five thousand liri.
For the purposes of this article a person who sells a product having stamped, engraved or impressed thereon or otherwise applied thereto the word “registered”, or any other word expressing or implying that the design applied to the products is registered, shall be deemed for the purposes of this article to represent that the design applied to the product is registered.
(2) Any person, who after the right in a registered design is expired, marks any product to which the design has been applied with the word “registered”, or any word or words implying that there is subsisting right in the design under this Act, or causes any such product to be so marked, shall be guilty of an offence against this subarticle and shall on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa)

Unauthorised use of

certain devices, emblems, etc.

Delivery up of

infringing machinery, goods,


Powers of


Where owner of goods

is unknown.

Forfeiture of things


not less than one hundred liri and not more than five thousand liri.
120. (1) A person shall not without the authority of the President use in connection with any business any device, emblem or title in such a manner as to be calculated to lead to the belief that he is employed by, or supplies goods or services to, the President.
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of subarticle (1) of this article shall be guilty of an offence against this article and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine (multa) of not more than three thousand liri.
121. The Court may, moreover, in the cases referred to in article 117, on the demand of the prosecution, order that the machinery or other industrial means or contrivances used in contravention of the rights of the proprietors of the designs, the infringing products, and the apparatus destined for their production, be forfeited, wholly or in part, and delivered to the holder of the design, without prejudice to any other right to relief under this Act.
122. Pending any proceedings for any one of the offences referred to in this Part, any Magistrate, if he is satisfied by information on oath that there is reasonable cause to suspect that any goods or things by means of, or in relation to which the offence has been committed, are in any house or premises of the accused, or are in his possession or under his control in any other place, may, by a warrant under his hand, direct any officer of the Police to be named in the warrant, to enter any house, premises or place, also to be named therein, and there to search for, seize and remove such goods or things.
123. If the owner of any goods or things, which, if he were convicted of any of the offences referred to in this Part, would be liable to forfeiture, is unknown or cannot be found, any Magistrate may in the like manner and in the circumstances required in article 122 issue the said warrant.
124. The goods and things so seized shall be produced before the Court of Magistrates sitting as a court of criminal judicature, and such Court shall determine whether they are liable to forfeiture under this Act.
A 949
A 950

Procedure where owner

is unknown.

Award of compensation to

parties in good faith.

Limitations of criminal actions.

Rights to damages not affected.

Employment and employee.

125. (1) In the case referred to in article 123, the Court shall order the issue of banns which shall be published twice, with an interval of at least eight days, in the Gazette, and posted up at the entrance of the building wherein the Court sits, and in any other place which the court may deem fit, stating that the goods or things seized shall be forfeited, unless at the time and place named in the banns the owner of such goods or things or other persons interested in such goods or things attends before the Court at the time and place indicated in the banns and shows cause to the contrary. The person from whose possession the goods or things were seized, shall also, where his whereabouts are known, be notified with the banns.
(2) If the owner or any person on his behalf, or other person interested in the said goods or things, fails to attend at the time and place named in the banns to show cause to the contrary, it shall be lawful for the Court to direct that such goods or things or any of them be forfeited.
126. The Court may direct that the goods or things so forfeited be destroyed or disposed of, and may also direct that, out of the net proceeds which may be realized by the disposal of such goods or things and up to the amount thereof, any persons who, being in good faith, were injured by the forfeiture, be awarded compensation for any loss caused to them.
127. Criminal actions under this Act shall be barred by the lapse of three years from the day on which the act constituting the offence was committed, if the person to whose prejudice the act was committed, had no previous knowledge thereof; in all other cases such action shall be barred by the lapse of one year from the day on which such person became aware of that act.
128. The provisions of this Part shall apply without prejudice to the right of any person to claim damages in consequence of any act constituting an offence.
129. No proceedings shall be instituted against any person in the service of another person, if, he shows that in good faith, he acted in obedience to the instructions of his employer, and, on being questioned by the Police, gives full information relating to his employer and of the facts of the case as known to him.
A 951

Burden of proving use of design.

Limitations of

Civil actions

Power of Minister to make regulations.

130. In any civil proceedings under this Act if a question arises as to the use to which a registered design has been put, the burden of proof that a particular use has been made shall lie on the proprietor.
131. Civil actions under Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act shall be barred by the lapse of five years in all cases in which no other period within which such actions may be brought is fixed in this Act.
132. (1) The Minister may make regulations for the better administration of Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act, making such rules as are required byh any provisions of the said parts of this Act, prescribing anything authorised or required by any provision to be prescribed, and generally for regulating practice and procedure under the said Parts, and in particular provision may be made:
(a) with regard to the interpretation of terms used in the said Parts of this Act;
(b) with regard to the grant, refusal or surrender of a registered design;
(c) with regard to the terms of renewal of a registered design;
(d) with regard to the manner of filing of applications and other documents as well as all respective and other fees under the said Parts of this Act;
(e) requiring and regulating the translation of documents and the filing and authentication of any translation;
(f) with regard to the service of documents;
A 952
(g) with regard to matters relating to the register of designs, in particular as to:
(i) amendment of registered particulars relating to a licence so as to reflect any alteration of the terms of the licence, and
(ii) the removal of such particulars from the register;
(h) with regard to the classification of registered designs;
(i) authorising the rectification of irregularities of procedure;
(j) with regard to procedures, sanctions and anything else relating to the infringement of the provisions of the said Parts of this Act;
(k) prescribing time limits for anything required to be done in connection with any proceeding under the said Parts of this Act;
(l) providing for the extension of any time limit so prescribed, or specified by the Comptroller whether or not the time limit has already expired; and
(m) regulating administrative and other supplementary provisions.
(2) The Minister may also from time to time make regulations not inconsistent with the said Parts of this Act prescribing all matters which byt his Act are required or permitted to be prescribed or which are necessary or desirable to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act, or for the conduct of any business relating to the Office of the Comptroller.
(3) The Minister may also make regulations giving effect in Malta to the provisions of any international or regional design registration instrument or any related agreements to which Malta becomes a party.

Repeal of Industrial Property (Protection) Ordinance, and transitory provision.

Existing registered designs.

Proceedings under Old Law.

Effects of registration infringement

133. (1) Subject to the provisions of this article, the
Industrial Property (Protection) Ordinance is hereby repealed. (2) In this article:
“existing registered design” means a design, registered under the Industrial Property (Protection) Ordinance immediately before the commencement of Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act.
“former register” means the register kept under the
Old Law;
“new register” means the register kept under Parts
XVIII to XXIV of this Act;
“Old Law” means the Industrial Property (Protection) Ordinance and any other enactment or rule of law applying to existing registered designs immediately before the commencement of Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act.
(3) For the purposes of this article –
(a) an application shall be treated as pending on the coming into force of Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act, if it was made but not finally determined before such coming into force; and
(b) the date on which it was made shall be taken to be the date of filing under the Old Law.
(4) Existing registered designs shall, on the commencement of this article be transferred to the new register and subject to the provisions of this article, shall have effect as if they were registered under Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act.
(5) Proceedings under the Old Law which are pending on the commencement of this article shall be dealt with under the Old Law and any necessary alteration pursuant to such proceedings shall be made to the new register.
(6) (a) Upon the coming into force of this article, articles 75 and 76 of this Act shall apply in relation to, an existing registered design and subject to paragraph (b) hereof, article 113 of this Act, shall apply in relation to any
A 953
A 954

Infringing goods, material or products.

Rights and remedies of licensee.

Co- ownership of a registered design.

Assignment, etc of a registered design.

Licensing of a registered design.

infringement of an existing registered design committed after the commencement of this article.
(b) After the coming into force of this article, it shall not be an infringement of:
(i) an existing registered design, or
(ii) a registered design of which the distinctive elements are the same or substantially the same as those of an existing registered design,
to continue with any use which did not amount to infringement of the existing registered design under the Old Law.
(7) Article 114 of this Act shall apply to infringing goods, material or products whehter made before or after the commencement of this article.
(8) Article 86 of this Act shall apply to licences granted before the commencement of this article, but only in relation to infringement committed after its commencement.
(9) The provisions of article 80 of this Act shall apply as from the commencement of this article to an existing registered design of which two or more persons were immediately before the commencement of this article registered as joint proprietors.
(10) (a) Article 81 of this Act shall apply to transactions and events occurring after the commencement of this article in relation to an existing registered design; and the Old Law shall continue to apply in relation to transaction and events occurring before its commencement.
(b) Where, before the commencement of this article a person become entitled by assignment or transmission to an existing registered design but has not registrered his title, any application for registration of an assignment after its commencement shall be made under article 83 of this Act.
(11) Articles 84 and 85 of this Act shall apply only in relation to licences granted after the commencement of this article.

Pending applications for registration.

Conversion of pending application.

Design registered according to old classification.

Claim to priority from overseas


Duration and renewal of registration.

(12) An application for registration of a design under the Old Law which is pending on the commecnement of this article shall be dealt with under the Old Law, and, when registered, the design shall be treated for the purposes of this article as an existing registered design.
(13) (a) In the case of a pending applciation for registration filed before the commencemnet of this article the applicant may give notice to the Comptroller demanding to have the registrability of the mark determined in accordance with the provisions of Parts XVIII to XXIV of this Act.
(b) The notice must be accompanied by the appropriate fee and be given no later than six months after the commencement of this article.
(c) Notice duly given shall be irrevocabale and shall have the effect that the aplication shall be treated as if made immediately after the commencement of this article.
(14) The Comptroller may exercise the powers conferred by this Act to ensure that any existing registered designs which do not conform to the system of classification prescribed under article 90 of this Act are brought in conformity with such system.
(15) Article 91 of this Act shall apply to an application for registration under this Act made after the commencement of this Part notwithstanding that the Convention application was made before commencement.
(16) Articles 72 and 73 of this Act shall apply in relation to the registration of a design in pursuance of an application made after the commencement of this article:
Provided that in the case of a design registration under the Old Law, whose term of protection has not yet expired at the coming into force of this article registration may be renewed as provided for in articles 72 and 73 of this Act.”.
A 955

117. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Data Protection Act hereinafter in this Part referred to as “the principal Act”.

Amendment of Data Protection Act, Cap 440.

A 956

Amendment of article 37

of the principal Act.

“Commissioner may not hold other offices

of profit. Exceptions.

(2) It shall not be lawful for the Commissioner to carry out any other profession, business or trade or to hold any other office of profit whatsoever, even though of a temporary nature, with the exception of any temporary judicial office on any international court or tribunal or any international adjudicating body, and the office of examiner at a University.”.

Amendment of the Special Funds (Regulation) Act, Cap. 450.

(2) This Part shall come into force on such date as the Minister responsible for finance and economic affairs may, by notice in the Gazette, appoint, and different dates may be so established for different provisions or different purposes of this Act.

Amendment of article 4 of the principal Act.

120. Immediately after subarticle (4) of article 4 of the principal

Act, there shall be inserted the following new subarticle:

Cap. 370.

“(5) A Scheme or Retirement Fund registered under this Act shall not be subject to any licensing requirements under the Investment Services Act.”.

Amendment of article 50 of the principal Act.

121. Subarticle (1) of article 50 of the principal Act shall be amended as follows:–

(a) in paragraph (a) thereof, for the words “deems fit;” there shall be substituted the words “deems fit; and amend the Schedules to this Act;”; and
(b) in paragraph (b) thereof, for the words “in relation thereto, providing” there shall be substituted the words “in relation thereto; establish the qualifications and other eligibility criteria necessary to act as Retirement Fund Custodian, provide for the payment of such fees and other charges as may be prescribed,
provide for the powers of the Authority in their regard including the imposition of administrative penalties and other measures as well as appeals thereform to the Financial Services Tribunal, and provide for the issue of Directives establishing other requirements regarding their conduct and activities; and provide”.

122. (1) This Part amends and shall be read and construed as one with the Employment and Industrial Relations Act, hereinafter in this Part referred to as “the principal Act”.

(2) This Part of this Act shall come into force on such date as the Minister for Social Policy may by notice in the Gazette establish.

123. In subarticle (1) of article 30, for the words “three months”

there shall be substituted the words “four months”.

124. (1) In subarticle (2) of article 38 in the English version, for the word “or” there shall be substituted the word “and”.

(2) In subarticle (4) of article 38 for the words “This article”
there shall be substituted the words “Subarticles (1) and (3) of this article”.

125. In subarticle (1) of article 48, after the words “Title I” there shall be inserted the words “and of Title II”.

126. In subarticle (1) of article 84, after the words “government employees” there shall be inserted the words “unless specifically provided for in terms of subarticle (1) of article 48 of this Act”.

(a) for paragraph (c) of subarticle (1) which is in article 91 thereof, there shall be substituted the following:
“(c) in all other cases, by the Attorney General.”; (b) in article 649 which is in article 152 thereof:
(i) in subarticles (1) and (2) thereof, for the words “judicial or prosecuting” wherever they occur there shall be substituted the words “judicial, prosecuting or administrative”;
A 957

Amendment of the Employment and Industrial Relations Act, Cap. 452.

Amendment of article 30 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 38 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 48 of the principal Act.

Amendment of article 84 of the principal Act.

Amendment of the Criminal Code (Amendment) Act,

2002, Act III of


A 958
(ii) in subarticle (5) thereof, immediately after the words “the magistrate” there shall be inserted the words “shall comply with the formalities and procedures indicated by the requesting foreign authority unless they are contrary to the fundamental principles of Maltese law and”; and
(iii) immediately after subarticle (5) thereof there shall be added the following new subarticles:
“(6) Where the request of the foreign authority is for the hearing of a witness or expert by videoconference, the provisions of subarticles (7) to (12), both inclusive, shall apply.
(7) The magistrate shall summon the person to be heard to appear at the time and place equipped with videoconference facilities appointed for the purpose by the magistrate. The magistrate shall give effect to any measures for the protection of the person to be heard which the Attorney General may declare to have been agreed upon with the requesting foreign authority.
(8) The magistrate shall conduct the hearing and where necessary the magistrate shall appoint an itnerpreter to assit during the hearing. The magistrate present shall ensure that the person to be heard is identified and that the proceedings take place and continue at all times in conformity with the fundamental principles of the law of Malta.
(9) The person to be heard may claim the right not to testify which would accrue to him or her under the law of Malta or under the law of the country of the requesting foreign authority.
(10) Subject to any measures for the protection of the person to be heard referred to in subarticle (7), the magistrate shall on the conclusion of the hearing draw up minutes indicating the date and place of the hearing, the identity of the person heard, the identities and functions of all other persons participating in the hearing, any oaths taken and the technical conditions under which the hearing took place. The document containing the record of the minutes shall be transmitted to the Attorney General to be forwarded to the requesting foreign authority.
(11) The following shall mutatis mutandis apply to the person to be heard under the provisions of subarticle (6):
(a) the provisions of article 522, where the person to be heard refuses to testify when required to do so by the magistrate;
(b) the provisions of articles 104, 105, 107,
108 and 109, as the case may be, where the person to be heard does not testify to the truth, for this purpose the proceedings before the foreign authority shall be deemed to be proceedings taking place in Malta and the person to be heard shall be deemed to be a person testifying in those proceedings. For the purpose of determining the applicable punishment as may be necessary in proceedings for perjury under this subarticle the criminal fact being inquired into or adjudicated by the requesting foreign authority shall be deemed to be liable to the punishment to which it would have been liable had the same fact taken place in Malta or within the jurisdiction of the same Maltese criminal courts.
(12) The provisions of subarticles (6) to (11), both inclusive, shall apply where the person to be heard is a person accused in the country of the requesting foreign authority provided that the hearing shall only take place with the consent of the person to be heard and that all the rules of evidence and procedure which would apply to the testimony of a person accused in criminal proceedings in Malta would also apply to the testimony of the person accused to be heard under this article.
(13) The provisions of this article shall also apply mutatis mutandis where the request of the foreign authority is for the hearing of a witness or expert by telephone conference. provided that the witness or expert consents to the hearing.”.

128. The Criminal Code, hereinafter in this article referred to as

“the principal law” shall be amended as follows:
A 959

Amendment of the Criminal Code,

Cap. 9.

A 960

“Controlled deliveries and joint

(a) in paragraph (a) of subarticle (4) of article 370 thereof, for the words “under sub-article (1) (c)” there shall be substituted the words “under sub-article (1) (b)”;
(b) article 392A thereof shall be amended as follows:
(i) in subarticle (2) thereof, for the words “as provided in subarticle (3) of article 401” there shall be substituted the words “within six working days”; and
(ii) in the English text only of subarticle (5)
thereof, for the words “in paragraph (b) of article
392” there shall be substituted the words “in paragraph (b) of subarticle (1) of article 392”;
(c) immediately after article 435D thereof there shall be added the following new article:
435E. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law it shall be lawful for the Attorney General to

investigations authorise the Executive Police and, where appropriate, the

with the

competent authorities of other countries.

Customs authorities to allow a controlled delivery to take place
with a view to identifying persons involved in the commission of any criminal offence under the laws of Malta or under the laws of another country.
For the purposes of this subarticle a "controlled delivery" shall mutatis mutandis have the same meaning assigned to it by subarticle (2) of article 30B of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance sohowever that the illicit or suspect consignment referred to in that subarticle may for the purposes of this subarticle consist of anything whatsoever and that the consignment may be intercepted and allowed to continue with the original contents intact or removed or replaced in whole or in part.
(2) With the same objective of identifying persons involved in the commissions of a criminal offence under the laws of Malta or under the laws of another country, it shall also be lawful for the Attorney General to authorise the Executive Police or a person under the supervision or direction of the Executive Police, to acquire or procure an illicit or suspect consignment of anything from any person or place.
(3) Pursuant to any arrangement, including any treaty, convention, agreement or understanding, to which Malta is a party or which is otherwise applicable to Malta, the Attorney General may authorise the competent authorities of another country to conduct in Malta, jointly with or under the supervision or direction of the Executive Police, investigations into criminal investigations by officers acting under covert or false identity, provided that the Attorney General is satisfied of the true identity and official capacity of the officers in question and is fully informed of the nature of any documents which purport to guarantee, certify or authenticate the false identity assumed by any such officers. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law the making or use of such documents by the said competent authorities or by such officers for the purpose or in the course of such investigations authorised as aforesaid shall be deemed to be lawful and shall not entail any liability, civil, criminal or otherwise, on the part of such authorities or officers.
(4) Any official from another country taking part in any of the operations referred to in subarticles (1) to (3), both inclusive, shall, for the purpose of any criminal liability incurred under this Code or any other law by that official or by others for conduct against that official, be deemed to be a public officer.”; and
(d) immediately after article 628 thereof, there shall be inserted the following new title and articles:
“Title VIII
Of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.
628A. (1) The Minister responsible for justice may make regulations to give effect to any arrangement, including any treaty, convention, agreement or understanding, to which Malta is a party or is otherwise applicable to Malta and which makes provision for mutual assistance in criminal matters.
(2) Regulations made under this article may make provision as the Minister may deem appropriate in the circumstances, including the application, with any appropriate modifications, of any of the provisions of this Code or of any other law.
A 961
A 962
628B. (1) Without prejudice to the generality of the power conferred on the Minister by article 628A the Minister may, in particular, make regulations designating the competent person, body corporate or unincorporated, authority or agency for the purpose of providing the assistance that may be requested under any arrangement referred to in subarticle (1) of article 628A and prescribing the conditions and procedures for the execution of any request for such assistance for all or any of the following purposes –
(a) the questioning of persons being investigated or prosecuted for a criminal offence;
(b) the taking or production of evidence; (c) the service of any document or act; (d) the interception of communications;
(e) the temporary transfer of a prisoner for the purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other assistance;
(f) the entry into and search of any premises and the seizure of any item;
(g) the taking of fingerprints or of intimate or non- intimate samples;
(h) the exhumation of any body;
(i) the provision of records and documents;
(j) the investigation of proceeds of criminal offences;
(k) the monitoring, freezing or seizing of assets of any kind including bank accounts;
(1) the verification of any evidence or other material.
(2) Any regulations made under this article and article 628A shall contain a reference to the arrangement which those regulations are meant to implement.”.
A 963
Passed by the House of Representatives at Sitting No. 28 of the 21st July,



Clerk to the House of Representatives

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